Thrift language server
thrift-ls implements language server protocol
- highlight
- code completion
- go to definition
- find references
- hover
- dignostic
- rename
- format
- document symbols
As Thrift Langugae Server
use thriftls as a lsp provider for thrift
You can use mason to install thriftls.
And use nvim-lspconfig to configure thriftls
to set lsp information. default log file location: ~/.local/state/nvim/lsp.log
install thrift-language-server in extension market
supported flags
Usage of ./bin/thriftls:
-align string
Align enables align option for struct/enum/exception/union fields, Options: "field", "assign", "disable", Default is "field" if not set. (default "field")
-d Do not print reformatted sources to standard output. If a file's formatting is different than gofmt's, print diffs to standard output.
-f string
file path to format
use thrift-ls as a format tool
-indent string
Indent to use. Support: num*space, num*tab. example: 4spaces, 1tab, tab (default "4spaces")
-logLevel int
set log level (default -1)
-w Do not print reformatted sources to standard output. If a file's formatting is different from thriftls's, overwrite it with thrfitls's version.
how to use
# format single file
thriftls -format -w -indent 2spaces -f ./tests/galaxy-thrift-api/sds/Table.thrift
# batch format thrift files
find ./tests/galaxy-thrift-api -name "*.thrift" | xargs -n 1 thriftls -format -w -indent 8spaces -f
config file default location:
- windows:
- macos, linux:
[] optimize code completion