A Telegram bot to remotely control your rqbit instance.
Make sure you've latest version of golang and rqbit installed
and make sure rqbit is always running; rqbit server start downloadDirectory
1.Clone the repo
2. cd into the repo
3. run go mod download
or go mod tidy
or both
4. copy the sample.config.toml to config.toml and fill with deatils
5. run make build
or make build-linux
or build manually go build -o rqbtg ./main.go
6. run the binary ./rqbtg
Available Commands
/start - start the bot with basic information
/add "metalink" - pass magnet link or http .torrent link and bot will add it to client.
If you want to to add .torrent file just send any .torrent file to the bot (no command requires) and bot will add it to the client.
/ids - returns all the id of the torrent from rqbit client
/status "id" - pass id to view the task details of the specific id
/stats - give information about server resources
/pause "id" - pause a specific torrent
/resume "id" - resume a paused job
/remove "id" - remove a job from client doesn't remove files from disk
/delete "id" - remove a job from client also remove files from disk
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first for feature request or
to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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