
v0.0.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 28, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 27 Imported by: 3




View Source
const (
	CANNEDACL_PRIVATE                    = 0
	CANNEDACL_PUBLIC_READ                = 1
	CANNEDACL_AWS_EXEC_READ              = 3
View Source
const (
	XMLNS    = ""
View Source
const (
	ACL_TYPE_GROUP          = "Group"
View Source
const (
	ACL_GROUP_TYPE_ALL_USERS           = ""
View Source
const (
	ACL_PERM_READ         = "READ"
View Source
const (
	MaxObjectList  = 1000 // Limit number of objects in a listObjectsResponse.
	MaxUploadsList = 1000 // Limit number of uploads in a listUploadsResponse.
	MaxPartsList   = 1000 // Limit number of parts in a listPartsResponse.
View Source
const (
	MaxCallbackTimeout     = time.Second * 3
	Iso8601FormatTime      = "20060102T150405Z"
	CallBackUrl            = "X-Uos-Callback-Url"
	CallBackBody           = "X-Uos-Callback-Body"
	CallbackAuth           = "X-Uos-Callback-Auth"
	NeedCallbackAuth       = "1"
	CallBackLocationPrefix = "${x-uos-callback-customize-"
	Authorization          = "Authorization"
	ContentType            = "Content-Type"
	Date                   = "X-Uos-Date"
	CallbackAuthorization  = "UOS-CALLBACK-AUTH"
	MaxBodySize            = 1 << 20 // 1M
View Source
const (
	Iso8601Format           = "20060102T150405Z"
	YYYYMMDD                = "20060102"
	PresignedUrlExpireLimit = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
View Source
const (
	MaxBucketEncryptionRulesCount        = 100
	MaxBucketEncryptionConfigurationSize = 20 * humanize.KiByte
View Source
const (
	MaxBucketWebsiteRulesCount        = 100
	MaxBucketWebsiteConfigurationSize = 20 * humanize.KiByte
View Source
const (
	MAX_CORS_SIZE = 64 << 10 // 64 KB
View Source
const MaxObjectMetaConfigurationSize = 2 * humanize.KiByte


View Source
var (
	// Supported image format
	ImageSupportContentType = []string{
	// Supported image suffix format
	ImageSupportSuffix = []string{
	// Parameters that can be used by magic variables
	CallBackInfo = []string{
	CallBackInfoImg = []string{
View Source
var ErrorInvalidRange = errors.New("Invalid range")

ErrorInvalidRange - returned when given range value is not valid.

View Source
var ValidCannedAcl = []string{


func GetImageInfoFromReader

func GetImageInfoFromReader(reader io.Reader) (height, width int, imageType string, err error)

func IsPermissionMatchedByGroup

func IsPermissionMatchedByGroup(policy AccessControlPolicy, permission string, uri string) bool

func IsPermissionMatchedById

func IsPermissionMatchedById(policy AccessControlPolicy, permission string, userId string) bool

func IsValidCannedAcl

func IsValidCannedAcl(acl Acl) (err error)

func ParseAmzDate

func ParseAmzDate(amzDateStr string) (amzDate time.Time, apiErr error)

parseAmzDate - parses date string into supported amz date formats.

func PostCallbackMessage

func PostCallbackMessage(message CallBackMessage) (result string, err error)


type AccessControlPolicy

type AccessControlPolicy struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name `xml:"AccessControlPolicy"`
	Xmlns             string   `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
	ID                string   `xml:"Owner>ID"`
	DisplayName       string   `xml:"Owner>DisplayName"`
	AccessControlList []Grant  `xml:"AccessControlList>Grant"`

type AccessControlPolicyResponse

type AccessControlPolicyResponse struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name        `xml:"AccessControlPolicy"`
	Xmlns             string          `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
	ID                string          `xml:"Owner>ID"`
	DisplayName       string          `xml:"Owner>DisplayName"`
	AccessControlList []GrantResponse `xml:"AccessControlList>Grant"`

func CreatePolicyFromCanned

func CreatePolicyFromCanned(owner Owner, bucketOwner Owner, acl Acl) (
	policy AccessControlPolicyResponse, err error)

type Acl

type Acl struct {
	CannedAcl string
	Policy    AccessControlPolicy

func GetCannedAclFromPolicy

func GetCannedAclFromPolicy(policy AccessControlPolicy) (acl Acl, err error)

the function will be deleted, because we will use AccessControlPolicy instead canned acl stored in hbase

type AppendObjectResult

type AppendObjectResult struct {
	NextPosition int64

type ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault

type ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault"`
	KMSMasterKeyID string   `xml:"KMSMasterKeyID"`
	SSEAlgorithm   string   `xml:"SSEAlgorithm"`

type Bucket

type Bucket struct {
	Name         string
	CreationDate string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

Bucket container for bucket metadata

type BucketLoggingRule

type BucketLoggingRule struct {
	TargetBucket string `xml:"TargetBucket"`
	TargetPrefix string `xml:"TargetPrefix"`

type BucketLoggingStatus

type BucketLoggingStatus struct {
	LoggingEnabled BucketLoggingRule `xml:"LoggingEnabled"`
	SetTime        string
	SetLog         bool
	DeleteTime     string

type BucketVersioningType

type BucketVersioningType string
const (
	BucketVersioningEnabled   BucketVersioningType = "Enabled"
	BucketVersioningDisabled  BucketVersioningType = "Disabled"
	BucketVersioningSuspended BucketVersioningType = "Suspended"

func (BucketVersioningType) String

func (b BucketVersioningType) String() string

type CallBackMagicInfos

type CallBackMagicInfos struct {
	BucketName string
	FileName   string
	VersionId  string
	Etag       string
	ObjectSize int64
	MimeType   string
	CreateTime uint64
	Height     int
	Width      int
	Format     string

type CallBackMessage

type CallBackMessage struct {
	Url        string
	Auth       bool
	Magic      MagicParam
	Location   Location
	Constant   Constant
	Infos      map[string]string // Record the last parameters to be put into the POST request
	Credential common.Credential

func GetCallbackFromForm

func GetCallbackFromForm(formValues map[string]string) (isCallback bool, message CallBackMessage, err error)

func GetCallbackFromHeader

func GetCallbackFromHeader(header http.Header) (isCallback bool, message CallBackMessage, err error)

func ParseCallbackInfos

func ParseCallbackInfos(magicInfo CallBackMagicInfos, message CallBackMessage) (messageFinished CallBackMessage, err error)

func (*CallBackMessage) IsCallbackImgNeedParse

func (c *CallBackMessage) IsCallbackImgNeedParse(contentType string, objectName string) (bool, error)

type CommonPrefix

type CommonPrefix struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CommonPrefixes"`
	Prefix  string

CommonPrefix container for prefix response in ListObjectsResponse

type CompleteMultipartResult

type CompleteMultipartResult struct {
	ObjectSize              int64
	ContentType             string
	CreateTime              uint64
	ETag                    string
	VersionId               string
	SseType                 string
	SseAwsKmsKeyIdBase64    string
	SseCustomerAlgorithm    string
	SseCustomerKeyMd5Base64 string

type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse

type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" CompleteMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"`

	Location string
	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	ETag     string

CompleteMultipartUploadResponse container for completed multipart upload response

type Condition

type Condition struct {
	XMLName                     xml.Name `xml:"Condition"`
	KeyPrefixEquals             string   `xml:"KeyPrefixEquals,omitempty"`
	HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals string   `xml:"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals,omitempty"`

type Constant

type Constant map[string]string

Used to store user-defined constant parameters

type CopyObjectPartResponse

type CopyObjectPartResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"CopyPartResult"`
	LastModified string
	ETag         string

type CopyObjectResponse

type CopyObjectResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:" CopyObjectResult" json:"-"`
	ETag         string
	LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

CopyObjectResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object

type Cors

type Cors struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name   `xml:"CORSConfiguration" json:"-"`
	CorsRules []CorsRule `xml:"CORSRule"`

func CorsFromXml

func CorsFromXml(corsBuffer []byte) (cors Cors, err error)

type CorsRule

type CorsRule struct {
	Id             string   `xml:"ID"`
	AllowedMethods []string `xml:"AllowedMethod"`
	AllowedOrigins []string `xml:"AllowedOrigin"`
	AllowedHeaders []string `xml:"AllowedHeader"`
	MaxAgeSeconds  int
	ExposedHeaders []string `xml:"ExposeHeader"`

func (CorsRule) OriginMatched

func (rule CorsRule) OriginMatched(origin string) bool

func (CorsRule) SetResponseHeaders

func (rule CorsRule) SetResponseHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

type CreateBucketLocationConfiguration

type CreateBucketLocationConfiguration struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"CreateBucketConfiguration" json:"-"`
	Location string   `xml:"LocationConstraint"`

createBucketConfiguration container for bucket configuration request from client. Used for parsing the location from the request body for MakeBucket.

type DeleteError

type DeleteError struct {
	Code      string
	Message   string
	Key       string
	VersionId string `xml:",omitempty"`

DeleteError structure.

type DeleteObjectResult

type DeleteObjectResult struct {
	DeleteMarker bool
	VersionId    string
	DeltaSize    DeltaSizeInfo

type DeleteObjectsRequest

type DeleteObjectsRequest struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Delete"`
	// Element to enable quiet mode for the request
	Quiet bool
	// List of objects to be deleted
	Objects []ObjectIdentifier `xml:"Object"`

DeleteObjectsRequest - xml carrying the object key names which needs to be deleted.

type DeleteObjectsResult

type DeleteObjectsResult struct {
	DeleteErrors   []DeleteError
	DeletedObjects []ObjectIdentifier
	DeltaResult    []int64
	UnexpiredInfo  []common.UnexpiredTriple

type DeltaSizeInfo

type DeltaSizeInfo struct {
	StorageClass common.StorageClass
	Delta        int64

type EncryptionConfiguration

type EncryptionConfiguration struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration"`
	Rules   []*Rule  `xml:"Rule,omitempty"`

func ParseEncryptionConfig

func ParseEncryptionConfig(reader io.Reader) (*EncryptionConfiguration, error)

func (*EncryptionConfiguration) Validate

func (e *EncryptionConfiguration) Validate() (error error)


type ErrorDocument

type ErrorDocument struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ErrorDocument"`
	Key     string   `xml:"Key"`

type GlacierJobParameters

type GlacierJobParameters struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"GlacierJobParameters"`
	Tier    string   `xml:"Tier"`

type Grant

type Grant struct {
	XMLName    xml.Name `xml:"Grant"`
	Grantee    Grantee  `xml:"Grantee"`
	Permission string   `xml:"Permission"`

type GrantResponse

type GrantResponse struct {
	XMLName    xml.Name        `xml:"Grant"`
	Grantee    GranteeResponse `xml:"Grantee"`
	Permission string          `xml:"Permission"`

type Grantee

type Grantee struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"Grantee"`
	XmlnsXsi     string   `xml:"xmlns xsi,attr,omitempty"`
	XsiType      string   `xml:" type,attr,omitempty"`
	URI          string   `xml:"URI,omitempty"`
	ID           string   `xml:"ID,omitempty"`
	DisplayName  string   `xml:"DisplayName,omitempty"`
	EmailAddress string   `xml:"EmailAddress,omitempty"`

type GranteeResponse

type GranteeResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"Grantee"`
	XmlnsXsi     string   `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
	XsiType      string   `xml:"xsi:type,attr"`
	URI          string   `xml:"URI,omitempty"`
	ID           string   `xml:"ID,omitempty"`
	DisplayName  string   `xml:"DisplayName,omitempty"`
	EmailAddress string   `xml:"EmailAddress,omitempty"`

type Headers

type Headers struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name   `xml:"Headers"`
	MetaData []MetaData `xml:"MetaData,omitempty"`

type HttpRange

type HttpRange struct {
	OffsetBegin  int64
	OffsetEnd    int64
	ResourceSize int64

HttpRange specifies the byte range to be sent to the client.

func ParseRequestRange

func ParseRequestRange(rangeString string, resourceSize int64) (hrange *HttpRange, err error)

func (HttpRange) GetLength

func (hrange HttpRange) GetLength() int64

getlength - get length from the range.

func (HttpRange) String

func (hrange HttpRange) String() string

String populate range stringer interface

type IndexDocument

type IndexDocument struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"IndexDocument"`
	Suffix  string   `xml:"Suffix"`

type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse

type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" InitiateMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"`

	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"`

InitiateMultipartUploadResponse container for InitiateMultiPartUpload response, provides uploadID to start MultiPart upload

type Initiator

type Initiator Owner

Initiator inherit from Owner struct, fields are same

type ListBucketsResponse

type ListBucketsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListAllMyBucketsResult" json:"-"`
	Owner   Owner
	// Container for one or more buckets.
	Buckets struct {
		Buckets []Bucket `xml:"Bucket"`
	} // Buckets are nested

ListBucketsResponse - format for list buckets response

type ListMultipartUploadsResponse

type ListMultipartUploadsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListMultipartUploadsResult" json:"-"`

	Bucket             string
	KeyMarker          string
	UploadIdMarker     string
	NextKeyMarker      string
	NextUploadIdMarker string
	EncodingType       string `xml:"Encoding-Type,omitempty"`
	MaxUploads         int
	IsTruncated        bool
	Uploads            []Upload `xml:"Upload"`
	Prefix             string
	Delimiter          string
	CommonPrefixes     []CommonPrefix

ListMultipartUploadsResponse - format for list multipart uploads response.

type ListObjectsRequest

type ListObjectsRequest struct {
	Versioned    bool // should return versioned objects?
	Version      int  // Currently 1 or 2
	Delimiter    string
	EncodingType string
	MaxKeys      int
	Prefix       string

	// v1 specific
	Marker string

	// v2 specific
	ContinuationToken string
	StartAfter        string
	FetchOwner        bool

	// versioned specific
	KeyMarker       string
	VersionIdMarker string

type ListObjectsResponse

type ListObjectsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListBucketResult"`

	CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix
	Delimiter      string
	EncodingType   string `xml:"Encoding-Type,omitempty"`
	IsTruncated    bool
	MaxKeys        int
	KeyCount       int `xml:",omitempty"`
	Prefix         string
	BucketName     string `xml:"Name"`

	// v1 specific
	Marker     string
	NextMarker string `xml:",omitempty"`

	// v2 specific
	ContinuationToken     string `xml:",omitempty"`
	NextContinuationToken string `xml:",omitempty"`
	StartAfter            string `xml:",omitempty"`

	Contents []Object

type ListPartsRequest

type ListPartsRequest struct {
	EncodingType     string
	UploadId         string
	MaxParts         int
	PartNumberMarker int

type ListPartsResponse

type ListPartsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListPartsResult" json:"-"`

	Bucket       string
	Key          string
	UploadId     string
	EncodingType string `xml:"Encoding-Type,omitempty"`

	Initiator Initiator
	Owner     Owner

	// The class of storage used to store the object.
	StorageClass string

	PartNumberMarker     int
	NextPartNumberMarker int
	MaxParts             int
	IsTruncated          bool

	// List of parts.
	Parts []Part `xml:"Part"`

ListPartsResponse - format for list parts response.

type ListUploadsRequest

type ListUploadsRequest struct {
	Delimiter      string
	EncodingType   string
	MaxUploads     int
	KeyMarker      string
	Prefix         string
	UploadIdMarker string

type Location

type Location map[string]string

Used to store user-defined parameters

type LocationResponse

type LocationResponse struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:" LocationConstraint" json:"-"`
	Location string   `xml:",chardata"`

LocationResponse - format for location response.

type MagicParam

type MagicParam map[string]string

Used to store magic variable parameters

type MetaConfiguration

type MetaConfiguration struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name `xml:"MetaConfiguration"`
	Xmlns     string   `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
	VersionID string   `xml:"VersionID,omitempty"`
	Headers   *Headers `xml:"Headers,omitempty"`

type MetaData

type MetaData struct {
	Key   string `xml:"key"`
	Value string `xml:"value"`

type MetaDataReq

type MetaDataReq struct {
	VersionId string
	Data      map[string]string

func ParseMetaConfig

func ParseMetaConfig(reader io.Reader, brand Brand) (metaDataReq MetaDataReq, err error)

type Object

type Object struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"Contents"`
	Key          string
	LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string
	Size         int64

	Owner Owner

	// The class of storage used to store the object.
	StorageClass string

Object container for object metadata

type ObjectIdentifier

type ObjectIdentifier struct {
	ObjectName            string `xml:"Key"`
	VersionId             string `xml:",omitempty"`
	DeleteMarker          bool   `xml:",omitempty"`
	DeleteMarkerVersionId string `xml:",omitempty"`

ObjectIdentifier carries key name for the object to delete.

type Owner

type Owner struct {
	ID          string
	DisplayName string

Owner - bucket owner/principal

type Part

type Part struct {
	PartNumber   int
	ETag         string
	LastModified string
	Size         int64

Part container for part metadata.

type PostResponse

type PostResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PostResponse" json:"-"`

	Location string
	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	ETag     string

PostResponse container for completed post upload response

type PutObjectPartResult

type PutObjectPartResult struct {
	ETag                    string
	SseType                 string
	SseAwsKmsKeyIdBase64    string
	SseCustomerAlgorithm    string
	SseCustomerKeyMd5Base64 string
	LastModified            time.Time
	DeltaSize               DeltaSizeInfo

type PutObjectResult

type PutObjectResult struct {
	Md5          string
	VersionId    string
	LastModified time.Time
	ObjectSize   int64
	DeltaInfo    map[common.StorageClass]int64

type Redirect

type Redirect struct {
	XMLName              xml.Name `xml:"Redirect"`
	Protocol             string   `xml:"Protocol,omitempty"`
	HostName             string   `xml:"HostName,omitempty"`
	ReplaceKeyPrefixWith string   `xml:"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith,omitempty"`
	ReplaceKeyWith       string   `xml:"ReplaceKeyWith,omitempty"`
	HttpRedirectCode     string   `xml:"HttpRedirectCode,omitempty"`

type RedirectAllRequestsTo

type RedirectAllRequestsTo struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"RedirectAllRequestsTo"`
	HostName string   `xml:"HostName"`
	Protocol string   `xml:"Protocol,omitempty"`

type RenameObjectResponse

type RenameObjectResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:" RenameObjectResult" json:"-"`
	LastModified string   // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

type RenameObjectResult

type RenameObjectResult struct {
	LastModified time.Time

type Restore

type Restore struct {
	XMLName              xml.Name             `xml:"RestoreRequest"`
	Days                 int                  `xml:"Days"`
	GlacierJobParameters GlacierJobParameters `xml:"GlacierJobParameters"`

func GetRestoreInfo

func GetRestoreInfo(r *http.Request) (*Restore, error)

type RoutingRule

type RoutingRule struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name   `xml:"RoutingRule"`
	Condition *Condition `xml:"Condition,omitempty"`
	Redirect  *Redirect  `xml:"Redirect"`

func (RoutingRule) DoRedirect

func (rr RoutingRule) DoRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, objectName string)

func (RoutingRule) Match

func (rr RoutingRule) Match(objectName string, errorCode string) bool

type Rule

type Rule struct {
	XMLName                            xml.Name                            `xml:"Rule"`
	ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault *ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault `xml:"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault,omitempty"`

type SseRequest

type SseRequest struct {
	// type of Server Side Encryption, could be "SSE-KMS", "SSE-S3", "SSE-C"(custom), or ""(none),
	// KMS is not implemented yet
	Type string

	// AWS-managed specific(KMS and S3)
	SseAwsKmsKeyId string
	SseContext     string

	// customer-provided specific(SSE-C)
	SseCustomerAlgorithm string
	SseCustomerKey       []byte

	// keys for copy
	CopySourceSseCustomerAlgorithm string
	CopySourceSseCustomerKey       []byte

type Upload

type Upload struct {
	Key          string
	UploadId     string
	Initiator    Initiator
	Owner        Owner
	StorageClass string
	Initiated    string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

Upload container for in progress multipart upload

type VersionedListObjectsResponse

type VersionedListObjectsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListVersionsResult"`

	Contents            []VersionedObject
	CommonPrefixes      []CommonPrefix
	Delimiter           string
	EncodingType        string `xml:"Encoding-Type,omitempty"`
	IsTruncated         bool
	MaxKeys             int
	KeyCount            int
	Prefix              string
	BucketName          string `xml:"Name"`
	KeyMarker           string
	NextKeyMarker       string
	VersionIdMarker     string
	NextVersionIdMarker string

type VersionedObject

type VersionedObject struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name
	Key       string
	VersionId string

	DeleteMarker bool
	LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string
	Size         int64
	StorageClass string
	Owner        Owner

type Versioning

type Versioning struct {
	XMLName xml.Name             `xml:"VersioningConfiguration"`
	Status  BucketVersioningType `xml:",omitempty"`

func VersioningFromXml

func VersioningFromXml(xmlBytes []byte) (versioning Versioning, err error)

type WebsiteConfiguration

type WebsiteConfiguration struct {
	XMLName               xml.Name               `xml:"WebsiteConfiguration"`
	Xmlns                 string                 `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
	RedirectAllRequestsTo *RedirectAllRequestsTo `xml:"RedirectAllRequestsTo,omitempty"`
	IndexDocument         *IndexDocument         `xml:"IndexDocument,omitempty"`
	ErrorDocument         *ErrorDocument         `xml:"ErrorDocument,omitempty"`
	RoutingRules          []RoutingRule          `xml:"RoutingRules>RoutingRule,omitempty"`

func ParseWebsiteConfig

func ParseWebsiteConfig(reader io.Reader) (*WebsiteConfiguration, error)


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL