README ¶ Gopher Pacman A Pacman clone written in Go using Ebitengine. Features Keyboard input Arrow up or W: go up Arrow down or S: go down Arrow left or A: go left Arrow right or D: go right Sound effect Play a WAV file when game starts Play two WAV files when Pacman eats a dot Play a WAV file when Pacman eats a power pellet Play a WAv file when Pacman eats a ghost Ghosts Create the four ghosts when the game starts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde The ghosts moves randomly: every time it reaches a tile, the next tile is recalculated randomly Roadmap Implement more IA for ghots Scoreboard showing lives left, current score e current level Expand ▾ Collapse ▴ Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis cmd game internal game game/assets game/direction game/ghost game/ia game/player game/player/death game/player/mouth game/point game/sfx game/tile game/world Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.