Minify is a CLI implemention of the minify library package.
Make sure you have Go and Git installed.
Run the following command
go get
and the minify
command will be in your $GOPATH/bin
Usage: minify [options] [input]
-a, --all
Minify all files, including hidden files and files in hidden directories
Preserve default attribute values
Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple whitespace into one
-l, --list
List all accepted filetypes
--match string
Filename pattern matching using regular expressions, see
--mime string
Mimetype (text/css, application/javascript, ...), optional for input filenames, has precendence over -type
-o, --output string
Output file or directory, leave blank to use stdout
-r, --recursive
Recursively minify directories
--type string
Filetype (css, html, js, ...), optional for input filenames
--url string
URL of file to enable URL minification
-v, --verbose
-w, --watch
Watch files and minify upon changes
Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple whitespace into one
Files or directories, leave blank to use stdin
css text/css
htm text/html
html text/html
js text/javascript
json application/json
svg image/svg+xml
xml text/xml
The following commands are variations one can use to minify files:
$ minify file.html # file.html → file.min.html
$ minify --type=css -o file_minified.ext file.ext # file.ext → file_minified.ext
$ minify --mime=text/javascript < file.js > file.min.js
$ cat file.html | minify --type=html > file.min.html
It is also possible to overwrite the input file by the output file. Overwriting existing files needs to happen forcefully. However, overwriting won't work with input/output redirection streams. Using the following command the input file will be loaded into memory first before writing to the output file:
$ minify file.html
You can also give directories as input, and these directories can be minified recursively:
$ minify . # minify files in current working directory (no subdirectories)
$ minify -r dir # minify files in dir recursively
$ minify -r --match=\.js dir # minify only javascript files in dir
Additionally, you can watch for file changes and automatically re-minify:
$ minify -r --watch dir -o dir-min