Go Hass Anything

Send anything to Home Assistant, through MQTT, powered by Go.
Go Hass Anything is a framework for writing self-contained apps in Go that can
send data and listen for controls to/from Home Assistant, over MQTT.
This can be useful for adding sensors or controls to Home Assistant that are not
available through an existing Home Assistant integration.
The code is flexible to be imported as a package into your own Go code to
provide this functionality, or it can be run as its own “agent” process that
will manage any apps you write. See the docs for more details on both use-cases.
⬇️ Installation
Head over to the releases
page and download the appropriate package for your operating system and/or
- For Fedora, use the
- For Ubuntu, use the
- For Arch, use the
Any other distributions not listed above, you can try the binary, or build it
yourself from source (see development docs).
A Dockerfile that you can use to build an image can be found here.
To add your own apps to the container, copy them into a directory in the base of
the repo (for example, apps/
) and then specify the build arg APPDIR
to this location:
podman build --file ./Dockerfile --tag go-hass-anything --build-arg APPDIR=apps
🖱️ Usage
To run the agent, you first need to configure the MQTT connection. For a package install, use the command:
go-hass-anything configure
For a container, use the following:
podman run --interactive --tty --rm \
--volume ~/go-hass-anything:/home/gouser:U \
ghcr.io/joshuar/go-hass-anything configure
This will open a user interface in the terminal to enter MQTT connection
details. You can navigate the fields via the keyboard.
Once the agent is configured, you can run it. To do so, for package installs, use the command:
go-hass-anything run
For a container, run:
podman run --name my-go-hass-anything \
--volume ~/go-hass-anything:/home/gouser:U \
This will start the agent and any configured apps. If needed each app will send
initial configuration data to Home Assistant that is needed to register its
entities. After that, the app should start sending
data to Home Assistant and should be visible under the MQTT
By default, the agent only runs a single example
app that will fetch load averages from
the local system, current temperature from an online weather service and add a
button to open the Home Assistant homepage. Add your own apps by following the
development docs.
Other Actions
Reset/Remove app data from Home Assistant
If needed/desired, you can remove the app entities from Home Assistant by
running the command:
# for a package install
go-hass-anything clear
# for a container install
podman exec my-go-hass-anything clear
After this, there should be no devices (from Go Hass Anything) and associated
entities in Home Assistant. If you want to re-add them, execute the run
command again.
🤝 Compatibility
Currently, only Linux is supported. Though the code is designed to be extensible
to other operating systems. See the development docs for
details on how to extend for other operating systems.
Issues, Feature Requests, Contributing