
Code Generator in Go
Package uses the ast standard library to generate Go code from templates. The package API may change.
The package can do the following things:
- Load a file
- Create a new file
- Copy a struct (with field comments and tags) to another package
- Change the package name
- Add imports
- Create a new imports section
- Print all comments in a package
Below is sample code to generate the code for a hello world application.
var err error
var arrImports []string
arrImports = append(arrImports, "fmt")
// Create the package
gt := tree.New("main")
// Write to a file
err = gt.WriteFile("output/hello/hello.go", true, 0644, 0644)
if err != nil {
Here is the output:
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("hello world")
When copying structs, the comments above structs do not copy. I believe this is related to the way ast was first written because it was a very early package. Links to the comment issues: 11880 and 14629