Simple alerting daemon designed to work with Tasmota powered smart plugs. Inspired (mainly MQTT part) by tasmota-exporter for Prometheus.
- State of application (already fired alerts) is saved when you need to restart or stop tasmota-alerter, so no alerts should be fired twice.
- Monitoring rules can be reloaded (if changed) by
kill -HUP $(pidof tasmota-alerter)
if tasmota-alerter is already running.
You need to install Go to compile daemon and Mosquitto where Tasmota devices sending updates using MQTT. Also open SMTP service on localhost:25 for e-mail notification.
Installation as a systemd service (Linux)
Default user for installation & run is root. If you wish to change the user, just edit systemd/tasmota-alerter.service after you clone repository.
sudo su -
cd /opt/
git clone https://github.com/jorycz/tasmota-alerter.git
cd tasmota-alerter
- Edit systemd/tasmota-alerter.env and enter mosquitto values like username and password.
MQTT_HOSTNAME: #optional. Default is localhost.
MQTT_PORT: #optional. Default is 1883.
MQTT_USERNAME: #optional. Default is empty.
MQTT_PASSWORD: #optional. Default is empty.
MQTT_CLIENT_ID: #optional. Default is tasmota_alerter.
MQTT_TOPICS: #optional. Default is "tele/+/+, stat/+/+". If you are using deeper topics, you can set as "tele/#, stat/#".
STATUS_UPDATE_SECONDS: #optional. Default is 0 (disabled). This is how often a status update will be requested.
LOG_LEVEL: #optional. Default is info. Severity level for log output. Possible values: debug, info, warn, error.
SMTP_SERVER_HOST: #optional. Default is localhost. Email server hostname / IP.
SMTP_SERVER_PORT: #optional. Default is 25. Email server port.
- Special note about STATUS_UPDATE_SECONDS. This function is not needed by default. You can setup plugs to send log every 30s in Logging section of plug GUI. Default is 300s (5 minutes).
go build -o tasmota-alerter ./main
cp systemd/tasmota-alerter.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable tasmota-alerter.service
systemctl start tasmota-alerter.service
Setup alerting channels
Check notifications/ folder. There are example *.conf files. You can make as many files as you wish or just one. Tasmota-alerter reads all files ending with .conf suffix from this folder.
Setup monitoring rules
Check rules/ folder. There are example *.conf files. You can make as many files as you wish or just one. Tasmota-alerter reads all files ending with .conf suffix from this folder. One file is prepared for "events", like when someone change state of plug (push ON/OFF button). Another file is prepared for "values" monitoring.