Catan Map Generator (CMG)
App for generating Catan maps which are fair and balanced.

Preview Env
TBD: test3
Live version
The application is running as a free heroku app to try:
Look for the Code to see the API for for more commands (or the shell scripts such as
The UI is available at
Run on Jenkins X
jx import
Run as Google Cloud Function
See the wrapper project for running it as a Cloud Function.
Run on Heroku
- get Heroku CLI:
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
- create app with Heroku:
heroku create
- configure go.mod file (see below)
- publish to Heroku app:
git push heroku master
When using Go 1.11+, just use gomod
for managing deps, don't use the others tools unless you have a good reason.
When using gomod
, you have to add some annotations for Heroku to your go.mod
Docs state it defaults to building .
, it seemed it was ./cmd/.
which was not correct for me.
Probably best to state it explicitly.
// +heroku goVersion go1.11
// +heroku install .
For more info, read Heroku's docs on Go.