whitegoldblueandblack - tools to explore the great #whiteandgold #blueandblack mystery that erupted on the Internet in late February 2015.
wgbb {option...} < image > image.png
where option is one or more of:
[--color {hex-color}]
[--ref-color {hex-color}]
[--width {pixels}]
[--height {pixels}]
[--randomize [--stride=n]]
[--colorize [--min-percentile=n] [--max-percentile=n] [--colorize-prob=p]]
stdin is a PNG or (--jpeg: JPEG) image. stdout is a PNG image.
The input is a JPEG image, otherwise the input is a PNG image.
The color to be used for colorizing. Defaults to #000000
The color to be used as the reference color for distance calculations during (--sort-by-distance) or colorization (--colorize). Defaults to #000000.
The pixels of the image are sorted in color space distance order - pixels closest to the reference color are sorted top-left, pixels furthest from the reference color are sorted bottom-right.
Columns and rows of {stride} pixel width of the input image are randomly permuted. If two blocks are in the same row or column in the input image, they will be also be in the same row and column of the output image, however the row and colum may be different and the distance between the blocks may also be different.
Randomly swaps blocks of the input image to form the output image. Unlike --randomize, the row and column neighbours of an input block are not preserved in the output image. The size of the moved blocks are specified by --width and --height.
Randomly mixes the pixels within blocks of the size specified by --width and --height.
Pixels within the specified percentiles (--min-percentile, --max-percentile) of distance are replaced with the specified color (--color) with a specified probability (--colorize-prob).
Perform distance calculations in the RGB color space. This is the default option.
Perform distance calculations in the CIE-Lab color space.
Install go,
Here is the original image:

Here is the same image randomized with various stride sizes:
wgbb --jpeg --randomize-blocks --width=1 --height=1 < input/original.jpeg > output/random.png
wgbb --jpeg --randomize-blocks --width=16 --height=16 < input/original.jpeg > output/random-16.png
wgbb --jpeg --randomize-blocks --width=32 --height=32 < input/original.jpeg > output/random-32.png

Here is the image mixed in 16x16 and 3x495 blocks:

Here is the same image sorted by distance in the RGB and Lab color spaces:
wgbb --jpeg --sort-by-distance < input/original.jpeg > output/distance-rgb.png
wgbb --jpeg --sort-by-distance --lab < input/original.jpeg > output/distance-lab.png

Here is a sort by distance analysis and randomization done to a small snippet of the dress:
wgbb --jpeg --sort-by-distance < input/snippet.jpeg > output/snippet-distance.png
wgbb --jpeg --randomize < input/snippet.jpeg > output/snippet-random.png
wgbb --jpeg --randomize-blocks < input/snippet.jpeg > output/snippet-randomize-blocks.png
wgbb --jpeg --mix-blocks --height 3 --width 210 < input/snippet.jpeg > output/snippet-mix.png

Here is the same sort by distance analysis done to a snippet of the gold (or black) region near the neckline:
wgbb --jpeg --sort-by-distance < input/gold-snippet.jpeg > output/gold-snippet.png

Here is the same sort by distance analysis done to a small snippet of the 'white (or blue)' region on the subject's left shoulder:
wgbb --jpeg --sort-by-distance < input/white-snippet.jpeg > output/white-snippet.png

Here is what happens when the darkest 40% of pixels are replaced with black.
wgbb --jpeg --colorize --min-percentile 0 --max-percentile 40 --color "#000000" --colorize-prob 1.0 < input/original.jpg > output/blacken.png

- 0.1.0 - development release