README ¶ TCG.MY Server for TCG.MY. API for retrieving Yugioh OCG cards' price by scraping data from bigweb and YUYU-TEI. Design web scraping with go-colly graphql http caching with apq and lru cache graphql response caching with redis structured logging with slog Todo data loading with graphql jwt authentication on APIs Reference Documentation Scraping the Web in Golang with Colly and Goquery Web Scraping in Golang: Complete Guide 2023 web crawl nested HTML elements Automatic persisted queries (APQ) APQ with gqlgen Research project: Which is the best caching strategy with GraphQL for a big relational database? Expand ▾ Collapse ▴ Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis cmd config pkg api api/internal/model api/internal/query api/internal/resolver currency rate redis source Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.