
package module
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Published: May 1, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 43 Imported by: 1


= tplfuncs
:toc: preamble
:toclevels: 3

`tplfuncs` is a collection of **114 useful functions** for link:[Go] link:[templates].



== Who uses it?

* link:[jojomi/io] -- A tool that easily generates documents from a template and data with the powerful functions defined here
* This very documentation is built on the functions provided by `tplfuncs`. After all you _should_ dogfood as a programmer!

== List of Functions

There is a total number of **114 functions** contained in this package.

=== Spacing

Functions related to spacing (spaces, newlines). These functions help controlling the space generated in the target string more precisely than the built-in removal options within the template strings ({{- like this -}}).

_(a total of **5 functions**: <<space>>, <<tab>>, <<newline>>, <<noop>>, and <<blackhole>>)_

==== space

`space` inserts a number of space characters, default is one. Often this function is used in a block that removes whitespace around it.

**Signature**: `space(count string`

===== Example for space

{{- space -}}
second and
{{- space 3 }} third word

The output would be:

first second and    third word

==== tab

`tab` inserts a number of tab characters, default is one. Often this function is used in a block that removes whitespace around it.

**Signature**: `tab(count string`

==== newline

`newline` inserts a number of newline characters, default is one. Often this function is used in a block that removes whitespace around it.

**Signature**: `newline(count string`

===== Example for newline

{{- newline -}}
second and
{{- newline 3 }} third word

The output would be:

second and

 third word

==== noop

`noop` does nothing. This can be useful to control spacing between elements because {{- -}} is not valid in itself.

**Signature**: `noop() string`

===== Example for noop

  {{- noop -}}


The output would be:


==== blackhole

`blackhole` does take any input and discards it.

**Signature**: `blackhole(inputs ...interface{}) string`

=== Default

Functions related to default values.

_(a total of **11 functions**: <<firstNonNilBool>>, <<defaultBool>>, <<firstNonNilInt>>, <<firstSetInt>>, <<defaultInt>>, <<firstNonNilString>>, <<firstSetString>>, <<defaultString>>, <<firstNonNilFloat>>, <<firstSetFloat>>, and <<defaultFloat>>)_

==== firstNonNilBool

`firstNonNilBool` returns the first element in the given list of bool values that is not nil.

**Signature**: `firstNonNilBool(inputs ...any) (bool, error)`

==== defaultBool

`defaultBool` is an alias for `firstNonNilBool`.

**Signature**: `defaultBool(inputs ...any) (bool, error)`

==== firstNonNilInt

`firstNonNilInt` returns the first element in the given list of int values that is not nil.

**Signature**: `firstNonNilInt(inputs ...any) (int, error)`

==== firstSetInt

`firstSetInt` returns the first element in the given list of int values that is not the empty value forInt.

**Signature**: `firstSetInt(inputs ...any) (*int, error)`

==== defaultInt

`defaultInt` is an alias for `firstSetInt`.

**Signature**: `defaultInt(inputs ...any) (*int, error)`

==== firstNonNilString

`firstNonNilString` returns the first element in the given list of string values that is not nil.

**Signature**: `firstNonNilString(inputs ...any) (string, error)`

==== firstSetString

`firstSetString` returns the first element in the given list of string values that is not the empty value forString.

**Signature**: `firstSetString(inputs ...any) (*string, error)`

==== defaultString

`defaultString` is an alias for `firstSetString`.

**Signature**: `defaultString(inputs ...any) (*string, error)`

==== firstNonNilFloat

`firstNonNilFloat` returns the first element in the given list of float values that is not nil.

**Signature**: `firstNonNilFloat(inputs ...any) (float64, error)`

==== firstSetFloat

`firstSetFloat` returns the first element in the given list of float values that is not the empty value forFloat.

**Signature**: `firstSetFloat(inputs ...any) (*float64, error)`

==== defaultFloat

`defaultFloat` is an alias for `firstSetFloat`.

**Signature**: `defaultFloat(inputs ...any) (*float64, error)`

=== String

Functions related to strings.

_(a total of **20 functions**: <<trim>>, <<eqFold>>, <<eqIgnoreCase>>, <<stringContains>>, <<stringHasPrefix>>, <<stringHasSuffix>>, <<toUpperCase>>, <<toLowerCase>>, <<toCamelCase>>, <<toLowerCamelCase>>, <<toSnakeCase>>, <<toKebabCase>>, <<trimPrefix>>, <<trimSuffix>>, <<stringToFilename>>, <<stringToURL>>, <<diff>>, <<deHTML>>, <<replace>>, and <<regexpReplace>>)_

==== trim

`trim` removes all leading and trailing whitespace from the given string. Returns the string unchanged if neither exists.

**Signature**: `trim(input string) string`

===== Example for trim

a{{ trim " bc " -}}
{{- " fg" | trim }}hi

The output would be:


==== eqFold

`eqFold` compares two strings disregarding their casing.

**Signature**: `eqFold(a string, b string) bool`

===== Example for eqFold

{{ if eqFold "ABC" "abc" -}}
    the first strings are equal
{{- else -}}
    the first strings are not equal
{{- end }}

{{ if eqFold "abcd" "abcf" -}}
    the second strings are equal
{{- else -}}
    the second strings are not equal
{{- end }}

The output would be:

the first strings are equal

the second strings are not equal

==== eqIgnoreCase

`eqIgnoreCase` is an alias for `eqFold`.

**Signature**: `eqIgnoreCase(a string, b string) bool`

==== stringContains

`stringContains` checks if one string is contained in another.

**Signature**: `stringContains(needle string, haystack string) bool`

===== Example for stringContains

{{ if stringContains "ABC" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ" -}}
    first example contained
{{- else -}}
    first example not contained
{{- end }}

{{ if stringContains "BFO" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ" -}}
    second example contained
{{- else -}}
    second example not contained
{{- end }}

The output would be:

first example contained

second example not contained

==== stringHasPrefix

`stringHasPrefix` determines if a string starts with a given other string.

**Signature**: `stringHasPrefix(prefix string, testString string) bool`

==== stringHasSuffix

`stringHasSuffix` determines if a string ends with a given other string.

**Signature**: `stringHasSuffix(suffix string, testString string) bool`

==== toUpperCase

`toUpperCase` returns the given string converted to all uppercase letters.

**Signature**: `toUpperCase(input string) string`

===== Example for toUpperCase

{{ toUpperCase "abc" }} {{ "DEF" | toUpperCase }}

The output would be:


==== toLowerCase

`toLowerCase` returns the given string converted to all lowercase letters.

**Signature**: `toLowerCase(input string) string`

===== Example for toLowerCase

{{ toLowerCase "abc" }} {{ "DEF" | toLowerCase }}

The output would be:

abc def

==== toCamelCase

`toCamelCase` returns the given string converted to camel case (, first letter uppercase.

**Signature**: `toCamelCase(input string) string`

==== toLowerCamelCase

`toLowerCamelCase` returns the given string converted to lower camel case (, first letter lowercase.

**Signature**: `toLowerCamelCase(input string) string`

==== toSnakeCase

`toSnakeCase` returns the given string converted to snake case (

**Signature**: `toSnakeCase(input string) string`

==== toKebabCase

`toKebabCase` returns the given string converted to kebab case (

**Signature**: `toKebabCase(input string) string`

==== trimPrefix

`trimPrefix` returns the given string without the given prefix if there is one, otherwise the string is returned unchanged.

**Signature**: `trimPrefix(prefix string, input string) string`

===== Example for trimPrefix

{{ "" | trimPrefix "www." -}}

The output would be:


==== trimSuffix

`trimSuffix` returns the given string without the given suffix if there is one, otherwise the string is returned unchanged.

**Signature**: `trimSuffix(suffix string, input string) string`

===== Example for trimSuffix

{{ "" | trimSuffix ".com" -}}

The output would be:


==== stringToFilename

'stringToFilename' returns the given string suitable for a filename.

**Signature**: `stringToFilename(input string) string`

==== stringToURL

'stringToURL' returns the given string suitable for a URL.

**Signature**: `stringToURL(input string) string`

==== diff

`diffFunc` returns the diff between two strings with their associated names.

**Signature**: `diff(nameA string, contentA string, nameB string, contentB string, numContextLines int) string`

==== deHTML

`deHTML` returns the raw string contained in a template.HTML.

**Signature**: `deHTML(input htmlTemplate.HTML) string`

==== replace

`replace` returns a given string with all occurrences of the given substring replaced by the replacement string.

**Signature**: `replace(search string, replacement string, input string) string`

==== regexpReplace

`regexpReplace` returns a given string with all occurrences of the given regexp replaced by the replacement string.

**Signature**: `regexpReplace(regexpValue string, replacement string, input string) string`

=== Lines

Functions related to multiline strings.

_(a total of **20 functions**: <<lineOrErr>>, <<line>>, <<sortLines>>, <<head>>, <<skipHead>>, <<tail>>, <<skipTail>>, <<trimLines>>, <<trimAll>>, <<notMatch>>, <<match>>, <<withoutEmptyLines>>, <<withoutLineComments>>, <<wrapLines>>, <<indentSpaceLines>>, <<prefixLines>>, <<indentTabLines>>, <<getLines>>, <<asString>>, and <<regexpReplaceLine>>)_

==== lineOrErr

`lineOrErr` returns a single line from the multiline input. The index is 1-based. Returns an error, if the line does not exist.

**Signature**: `lineOrErr(number int, input string) (string, error)`

==== line

`line` returns a single line from the multiline input. The index is 1-based. Returns an empty string, if the line does not exist.

**Signature**: `line(number int, input string) string`

===== Example for line

An excerpt from Shakespeare's "Spring And Winter":

{{ .poem | line 4 }}

The output would be:

An excerpt from Shakespeare's "Spring And Winter":

Do paint the meadows with delight,

==== sortLines

Return the multiline input sorted alphabetically line by line.

**Signature**: `sortLines(input string) string`

==== head

`head` returns the first n lines of a multiline string as one string, or all of it if there is less than n lines in total.

**Signature**: `head(count int, input string) string`

==== skipHead

`skipHead` returns the multiline string given without the first n lines or an empty string if there is less than n lines in total.

**Signature**: `skipHead(count int, input string) string`

==== tail

`tail` returns the last n lines of a multiline string as one string, or all of it if there is less than n lines in total.

**Signature**: `tail(count int, input string) string`

==== skipTail

`skipTail` returns the multiline string given without the last n lines or an empty string if there is less than n lines in total.

**Signature**: `skipTail(count int, input string) string`

==== trimLines

`trimLines` returns the multiline string given without leading and trailing empty lines.

**Signature**: `trimLines(input string) string`

==== trimAll

`trimAll` returns the multiline string given with leading and trailing space removed for any line individually.

**Signature**: `trimAll(input string) string`

==== notMatch

`notMatch` does return a string with all lines from the given multiline string that do not match the regexp given.

**Signature**: `notMatch(regExp string, input string) string`

==== match

`match` does return a string with all lines from the given multiline string that do match the regexp given.

**Signature**: `match(regExp string, input string) string`

==== withoutEmptyLines

`withoutEmptyLines` returns the multiline string given without empty lines.

**Signature**: `withoutEmptyLines(input string) string`

==== withoutLineComments

`withoutLineComments` returns the multiline string given without line comments (lines starting with optional whitespace and // or #).

**Signature**: `withoutLineComments(input string) string`

==== wrapLines

`wrapLines` returns the multiline string with every single line wrapped with the given leading and trailing string.

**Signature**: `wrapLines(leading string, trailing string, input string) string`

==== indentSpaceLines

`indentSpaceLines` returns the multiline string given with every line indented by additional n spaces.

**Signature**: `indentSpaceLines(spaceCount int, input string) string`

==== prefixLines

`prefixLines` returns the multiline string given with every line prefixed with the string given.

**Signature**: `prefixLines(prefix string, input string) string`

==== indentTabLines

`indentTabLines` returns the multiline string given with every line indented by additional n tab characters.

**Signature**: `indentTabLines(tabCount int, input string) string`

==== getLines

`getLines` returns the individual lines of a multiline string.

**Signature**: `getLines(input string) []string`

==== asString

`asString` returns a string separated by newline characters from a string slice.

**Signature**: `asString(lines []string) string`

==== regexpReplaceLine

`regexpReplaceLine` returns a string from a multiline string where the regexp given is executed on every single line and the replacement executed if there was one or more matches.

**Signature**: `regexpReplaceLine(regExp string, replacement string, input string) string`

=== Math

Mathematical functions.

_(a total of **10 functions**: <<addInt>>, <<subtractInt>>, <<subtractFromInt>>, <<multiplyInt>>, <<divideIntBy>>, <<addFloat>>, <<subtractFloat>>, <<subtractFromFloat>>, <<multiplyFloat>>, and <<divideFloatBy>>)_

==== addInt

`addInt` adds a number of int values and returns the total sum.

**Signature**: `addInt(inputs int`

==== subtractInt

`subtractInt` subtracts a number of int values from the first one and returns the remaining value.

**Signature**: `subtractInt(start int, inputs int`

==== subtractFromInt

`subtractFromInt` subtracts a number of int values from the last one and returns the remaining value.

**Signature**: `subtractFromInt(inputs int`

==== multiplyInt

`multiplyInt` multiplies a number of int values and returns the total value.

**Signature**: `multiplyInt(inputs int`

==== divideIntBy

`divideIntBy` divides a int value by another one. Note the inverted order to make `24 | divideBy 12` nicely expressive.

**Signature**: `divideIntBy(divisor int, value int) int`

==== addFloat

`addFloat` adds a number of float64 values and returns the total sum.

**Signature**: `addFloat(inputs ...float64) float64`

==== subtractFloat

`subtractFloat` subtracts a number of float64 values from the first one and returns the remaining value.

**Signature**: `subtractFloat(start float64, inputs ...float64) float64`

==== subtractFromFloat

`subtractFromFloat` subtracts a number of float64 values from the last one and returns the remaining value.

**Signature**: `subtractFromFloat(inputs ...float64) float64`

==== multiplyFloat

`multiplyFloat` multiplies a number of float64 values and returns the total value.

**Signature**: `multiplyFloat(inputs ...float64) float64`

==== divideFloatBy

`divideFloatBy` divides a float64 value by another one. Note the inverted order to make `24 | divideBy 12` nicely expressive.

**Signature**: `divideFloatBy(divisor float64, value float64) float64`

=== Exec

Execute system commands. This is relying on

_(a total of **4 functions**: <<run>>, <<runSSH>>, <<runner>>, and <<localCommandFrom>>)_

==== run

`run` executes a command locally.

**Signature**: `run(command string) (string, error)`

==== runSSH

`runSSH` executes a command via SSH.

**Signature**: `runSSH(sshAlias string, command string) (string, error)`

==== runner

`runner` returns a pre-configured *gorun.Runner.

**Signature**: `runner() *gorun.Runner`

==== localCommandFrom

`localCommandFrom` makes a *gorun.LocalCommand from a string.

**Signature**: `localCommandFrom(command string) *gorun.LocalCommand`

=== IO

Functions related to I/O operations.

_(a total of **4 functions**: <<include>>, <<readFile>>, <<writeFile>>, and <<writeFileWithPerms>>)_

==== include

`include` is an alias for `readFile`.

**Signature**: `include(filename string) (string, error)`

==== readFile

`readFile` does return the content of a file as a string.

**Signature**: `readFile(filename string) (string, error)`

==== writeFile

`writeFile` writes as string to a file.

**Signature**: `writeFile(filename string, content string) error`

==== writeFileWithPerms

`writeFileWithPerms` writes as string to a file with given (unix) permissions.

**Signature**: `writeFileWithPerms(filename string, permissions os.FileMode, content string) error`

=== Filesystem

Functions related to filesystem operations.

_(a total of **4 functions**: <<glob>>, <<fileAt>>, <<dirAt>>, and <<basename>>)_

==== glob

`glob` returns a list of files and/or directories matching the patter given.

**Signature**: `glob(pattern string) ([]string, error)`

==== fileAt

`fileAt` returns a gofs.File at the given path.

**Signature**: `fileAt(filePath string) gofs.File`

==== dirAt

`dirAt` returns a gofs.Dir at the given path.

**Signature**: `dirAt(dirPath string) gofs.Dir`

==== basename

`basename` returns the basename component of a path.

**Signature**: `basename(filename string) string`

=== Env

Functions related to interacting with the system ENV.

_(a total of **3 functions**: <<env>>, <<envIsSet>>, and <<envEq>>)_

==== env

`env` returns the value of an ENV variable by name.

**Signature**: `env(key string) string`

==== envIsSet

`envIsSet` checks if an ENV variable is set by its name.

**Signature**: `envIsSet(key string) bool`

==== envEq

`envEq` checks if an ENV variable of a given name has the given value.

**Signature**: `envEq(key string, value string) bool`

=== Network

Functions related to network operations.

_(a total of **1 function**: <<download>>)_

==== download

`download` executes an HTTP GET request to a given URL and stores the result to a file.

**Signature**: `download(srcURL string, filename string) error`

=== Random

Functions related to generating random numbers.

_(a total of **2 functions**: <<seededRandom>> and <<random>>)_

==== seededRandom

`seededRandom` returns a rand.Source that is seeded with the given int value.

**Signature**: `seededRandom(seed int) *rand.Rand`

==== random

`random` returns a rand.Source that is seeded with the current time.

**Signature**: `random() *rand.Rand`

=== Semantic Versioning

Functions related to semantic versioning.

_(a total of **3 functions**: <<parseSemver>>, <<semverToMajor>>, and <<semverToMinor>>)_

==== parseSemver

`parseSemver` converts a string to a *semver.Version.

**Signature**: `parseSemver(semverString string) (*semver.Version, error)`

==== semverToMajor

`semverToMajor` converts a string to the major version part of a *semver.Version.

**Signature**: `semverToMajor(semverString string) (string, error)`

==== semverToMinor

`semverToMinor` converts a string to the major.minor version part of a *semver.Version.

**Signature**: `semverToMinor(semverString string) (string, error)`

=== Date

Functions related to date and time.

_(a total of **2 functions**: <<now>> and <<parseDate>>)_

==== now

`now` returns the current time (time.Time).

**Signature**: `now() time.Time`

==== parseDate

`parseDate` returns the time.Time associated to the give string when interpreted using the given layout.

**Signature**: `parseDate(layout string, value string) (time.Time, error)`

=== JSON

Functions related to JSON encoding and decoding.

_(a total of **4 functions**: <<toJSON>>, <<parseJSON>>, <<jsonPath>>, and <<jsonPathWithDefault>>)_

==== toJSON

`toJSON` returns the given data JSON encoded.

**Signature**: `toJSON(input interface{}) (string, error)`

==== parseJSON

`parseJSON` decodes the give JSON string.

**Signature**: `parseJSON(jsonString string) (interface{}, error)`

==== jsonPath

`jsonPath` extracts data from a JSON struct using a JSON path expression.

**Signature**: `jsonPath(expression string, jsonData interface{}) (interface{}, error)`

==== jsonPathWithDefault

`jsonPathWithDefault` extracts data from a JSON struct using a JSON path expression and a default value in case the expression does not match.

**Signature**: `jsonPathWithDefault(expression string, defaultValue interface{}, jsonData interface{}) (interface{}, error)`

=== Hashing

Functions related to hashing.

_(a total of **2 functions**: <<sha1>> and <<sha256>>)_

==== sha1

`sha1` returns the SHA1 hash of the string given.

**Signature**: `sha1(input string) string`

==== sha256

`sha256` returns the SHA256 hash of the string given.

**Signature**: `sha256(input string) string`

=== Golang

Functions related to go code.

_(a total of **1 function**: <<asGoCode>>)_

==== asGoCode

`asGoCode` returns the give variable as Go code.

**Signature**: `asGoCode(input interface{}) string`

=== Print

Printing helpers.

_(a total of **3 functions**: <<printfLocalized>>, <<printInt>>, and <<printInt64>>)_

==== printfLocalized

`printfLocalized` returns the

**Signature**: `printfLocalized(key message.Reference, data ...interface{}) (string, error)`

==== printInt

`printInt` returns the int value as a string.

**Signature**: `printInt(value int) (string, error)`

==== printInt64

`printInt64` returns the int value as a string.

**Signature**: `printInt64(value int64) (string, error)`

=== Natural Language

Functions related to NLP.

_(a total of **7 functions**: <<plural>>, <<pluralInt64>>, <<pluralFloat>>, <<pluralWithNum>>, <<pluralInt64WithNum>>, <<pluralFloatWithNum>>, and <<joinText>>)_

==== plural

`plural` returns the correct string depending on an int value given.

**Signature**: `plural(singular string, plural string, value int) string`

==== pluralInt64

`pluralInt64` returns the correct string depending on an int64 value given.

**Signature**: `pluralInt64(singular string, plural string, value int64) string`

==== pluralFloat

`pluralFloat` returns the correct string depending on a float value given.

**Signature**: `pluralFloat(singular string, plural string, value float64) string`

==== pluralWithNum

`pluralWithNum` returns the number and the correct string depending on an int value given.

**Signature**: `pluralWithNum(singular string, plural string, value int) string`

==== pluralInt64WithNum

`pluralInt64WithNum` returns the number and the correct string depending on an int64 value given.

**Signature**: `pluralInt64WithNum(singular string, plural string, value int64) string`

==== pluralFloatWithNum

`pluralFloatWithNum` returns the number and the correct string depending on a float value given.

**Signature**: `pluralFloatWithNum(singular string, plural string, value float64) string`

==== joinText

`joinText` joins elements suitable for a human-readable text.

**Signature**: `joinText(delim string, twoDelim string, lastDelim string, input []string) string`

===== Example for joinText

{{ (makeStringList "A" "B" "C" "D").All | joinText ", " " and " ", and " }}

The output would be:

A, B, C, and D

=== Casting

Functions related to casting between datatypes. Uses the library.

_(a total of **5 functions**: <<toBool>>, <<toString>>, <<toInt>>, <<toFloat>>, and <<toStringSlice>>)_

==== toBool

`toBool` converts any given input to a bool.

**Signature**: `toBool(input interface{}) bool`

==== toString

`toString` converts any given input to a string.

**Signature**: `toString(input interface{}) string`

==== toInt

`toInt` converts any given input to an int.

**Signature**: `toInt(input interface{}) int`

==== toFloat

`toFloat` converts any given content to a float64.

**Signature**: `toFloat(input interface{}) float64`

==== toStringSlice

`toStringSlice` converts any given input to a string slice.

**Signature**: `toStringSlice(input interface{}) []string`

=== Assert

You can assert the data types of values you are dealing with using these functions.

_(a total of **3 functions**: <<assertString>>, <<assertInt>>, and <<assertFloat>>)_

==== assertString

`assertString` makes sure the given variable is of type string.

**Signature**: `assertString(input interface{}) error`

===== Example for assertString

{{ assertString .Name }} /* will just continue */
{{ assertString .Age }} /* will make the template evaluation fail */

==== assertInt

`assertInt` makes sure the given variable is of type int.

**Signature**: `assertInt(input interface{}) error`

==== assertFloat

`assertFloat` makes sure the given variable is of type float64.

**Signature**: `assertFloat(input interface{}) error`




This section is empty.


Fs is the filesystem abstraction to be used


func AssertHelpers added in v0.8.0

func AssertHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

AssertHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with assert functions

func AssertHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func AssertHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

AssertHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with assert functions

func CastHelpers added in v0.8.0

func CastHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

CastHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with cast functions

func CastHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func CastHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

CastHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with cast functions

func ContainerHelpers added in v0.8.0

func ContainerHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

ContainerHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with functions related to container processing. The idea is to allow more sophisticated processing inside the template when adding custom functions is not possible. Make sure to catch the return value in a (possible unused) variable when you just call these functions for their side effects.

func ContainerHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func ContainerHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

ContainerHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with functions related to container processing

func DateHelpers added in v0.9.1

func DateHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

DateHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with date functions

func DateHelpersHTML added in v0.9.1

func DateHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

DateHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with date functions

func DefaultHelpers added in v0.9.0

func DefaultHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

DefaultHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with default functions

func DefaultHelpersHTML added in v0.9.0

func DefaultHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

DefaultHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with default functions

func EncodeHelpers added in v0.12.0

func EncodeHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

EncodeHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with encode functions

func EncodeHelpersHTML added in v0.12.0

func EncodeHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

EncodeHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with encode functions

func EnvHelpers added in v0.8.0

func EnvHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

EnvHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with env functions

func EnvHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func EnvHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

EnvHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with env functions

func ExecHelpers added in v0.3.0

func ExecHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

ExecHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with functions related to command execution

func ExecHelpersHTML added in v0.3.0

func ExecHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

ExecHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with functions related to command execution

func FilesystemHelpers added in v0.5.0

func FilesystemHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

FilesystemHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with functions related to filesystems

func FilesystemHelpersHTML added in v0.5.0

func FilesystemHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

FilesystemHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with functions related to filesystems

func GolangHelpers added in v0.9.0

func GolangHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

GolangHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with golang functions

func GolangHelpersHTML added in v0.9.0

func GolangHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

GolangHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with golang functions

func HTMLSafeHelpers added in v0.4.0

func HTMLSafeHelpers() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

func HashHelpers added in v0.8.0

func HashHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

HashHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with hash related functions

func HashHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func HashHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

HashHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with hash related functions

func IOHelpers added in v0.8.0

func IOHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

IOHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with io related functions

func IOHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func IOHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

IOHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with io related functions

func JSONHelpers added in v0.8.0

func JSONHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

JSONHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with json related functions

func JSONHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func JSONHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

JSONHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with json related functions

func LanguageHelpers added in v0.8.0

func LanguageHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

LanguageHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with functions related to human language

func LanguageHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func LanguageHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

LanguageHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with functions related to text

func LinesHelpers added in v0.11.0

func LinesHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

LinesHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with functions related to line processing

func LinesHelpersHTML added in v0.11.0

func LinesHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

LinesHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with functions related to line processing

func LoopHelpers added in v0.9.0

func LoopHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

LoopHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with loop functions

func LoopHelpersHTML added in v0.9.0

func LoopHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

LoopHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with loop functions

func MakeFuncMap

func MakeFuncMap(funcMaps ...textTemplate.FuncMap) textTemplate.FuncMap

MakeFuncMap creates a combined text FuncMap from a set of text FuncMaps

func MakeHTMLFuncMap

func MakeHTMLFuncMap(funcMaps ...htmlTemplate.FuncMap) htmlTemplate.FuncMap

MakeHTMLFuncMap creates a combined HTML FuncMap from a set of HTML FuncMaps

func MathHelpers added in v0.8.1

func MathHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

MathHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with math related functions

func MathHelpersHTML added in v0.8.1

func MathHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

MathHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with math related functions

func NetworkHelpers added in v0.7.0

func NetworkHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

NetworkHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with network functions

func NetworkHelpersHTML added in v0.7.0

func NetworkHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

NetworkHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with network functions

func PrintHelpers added in v0.11.0

func PrintHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

PrintHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with output related functions

func PrintHelpersHTML added in v0.11.0

func PrintHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

PrintHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with output related functions

func RandomHelpers added in v0.11.0

func RandomHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

RandomHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with random related functions

func RandomHelpersHTML added in v0.11.0

func RandomHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

RandomHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with random related functions

func SemverHelpers added in v0.8.2

func SemverHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

SemverHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with semver related functions

func SemverHelpersHTML added in v0.8.2

func SemverHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

SemverHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with semver related functions

func SpacingHelpers

func SpacingHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

SpacingHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with spacing related functions

func SpacingHelpersHTML

func SpacingHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

SpacingHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with spacing related functions

func StringHelpers added in v0.8.0

func StringHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

StringHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with math related functions

func StringHelpersHTML added in v0.8.0

func StringHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

StringHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with math related functions

func ToHTMLFuncMap

func ToHTMLFuncMap(funcMap textTemplate.FuncMap) htmlTemplate.FuncMap

ToHTMLFuncMap converts a text FuncMap to an HTML FuncMap

func ToTextFuncMap

func ToTextFuncMap(funcMap htmlTemplate.FuncMap) textTemplate.FuncMap

ToTextFuncMap converts an HTML FuncMap to a text FuncMap

func YAMLHelpers added in v0.11.0

func YAMLHelpers() textTemplate.FuncMap

YAMLHelpers returns a text template FuncMap with yaml related functions

func YAMLHelpersHTML added in v0.11.0

func YAMLHelpersHTML() htmlTemplate.FuncMap

YAMLHelpersHTML returns an HTML template FuncMap with yaml related functions


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