johnusher/ardpifi Summary
Mesh network with Raspis to control Arduino controlled LED strips using GPS and accelerometers.
A webserver on the pi provides a bi-directional UI (currently only via ethernet SSH to the headless pi).
LED code can be updated, compiled and flashed locally via USB from Raspi to Arduino using the duino CLI.
Keyboard inputs on each Raspi will send LED pattern info and sync across all Raspis in the network.
Hardware set-up
See shopping list section for details on components.
MCU for programmable LEDs
ATmega328p- Arduino Nano. MCU and NeoPixelLED strips should be powered separately.
GPS module connect with GPIO serial. It shows up at serial port /dev/ttyS0. In raspi-config settings, you need to disable serial console output, enable Hardware serial, and maybe disable bluetooth.
Tested using the UBLOX NEO-6M (GPS only= less accurate) and NEO M-9N (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo = more accurate).
Note we only use serial Rx from GPS module into the Raspi, as we use Serial Tx for Arduino MCU.
NEO M-9N default 38000 baud UART, but changed to 9600 and poll every 2 seconds. To do this this, use u-center 21.02 (windows only), or use NEO9Settings.txt configuration script with from (untested and won't work without serial Tx from Raspi)
./ /dev/ttyS0 NEO9Settings.txt
Useful GPS:
go run test_GPS2.go
Prints Lat-Long cooridinates and HDOP.
where HDOP:
<1 Ideal Highest possible confidence level to be used for applications demanding the highest possible precision at all times.
1-2 Excellent At this confidence level, positional measurements are considered accurate enough to meet all but the most sensitive applications.
2-5 Good Represents a level that marks the minimum appropriate for making accurate decisions. Positional measurements could be used to make reliable in-route navigation suggestions to the user.
5-10 Moderate Positional measurements could be used for calculations, but the fix quality could still be improved. A more open view of the sky is recommended.
Read raw NMEA format GPS data from serial port
cat -A /dev/ttyUSB0
Write raw NMEA format data to file
cat </dev/ttyUSB0 > gpsdata.txt
Convert NMEA file to Google-maps kml, discard low-HDOP data that is not "excellent quality", dude.
gpsbabel -i nmea -f gpsdata.txt -x discard,hdop=1,sat=9 -o kml -F outfile.kml
Audio: I2S
Raspi Zero does not have audio IO, so output is I2S into a 2 W amp, and then to a loudspeaker.
Install port audio and make I2s default:
sudo apt-get install libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 mpg123
curl -sS | bash
Test audio works:
sudo speaker-test -c2
sudo mpg123 -b 1024
to generate white noise out of the speaker, alternating left and right.
There is no built-in audio out with the Pi-Zero, so we use an I2S audio DAC: UDA1334.
We must run audio playback as sudo! eg go build wavestest.go && sudo ./wavestest
Edit /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf to change pcm.front cards.pcm.front -> pcm.front cards.pcm.default
sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install jackd2
GPIO: Button and LED
An arcade push button attaches to GPIO27= pin 13, and an LED with 330 Ohm series resistor to GPIO22 = pin 15.
GPIO support not intalled for Raspi Lite so run this:
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
gpio readall
on pi 4, try the following:
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
test button LED works:
gpio -g mode 22 out
gpio -g write 22 1
run this command to set pullup:
raspi-gpio set 27 pu
when you run gpio readall you should see following when button not pressed
BCM| wPi | Name | Mode | V
27 | 2 | GPIO. 2 | IN | 1
27 | 2 | GPIO. 2 | IN | 0
when pressed
Display screen
OLED 128*64.
Power with +5 V. OLED connects via I2C bus 1. SDA -> pin 3 SCL -> pin 5).
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
Bosch BNO055: triaxial accelerometer, gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor.
Power with +3.3 V. connect BNO055 SDA to pin 16 and SCLK to pin 18.
I2c configure:
"it seems all versions of Raspberry Pi have an I²C bus hardware problem preventing them from working correctly with Bosch BNO055. The problem has been variously diagnosed as being due to the Pi’s inability to handle clock stretching in arbitrary parts of the I²C transaction and the BNO055 chip’s exquisite sensitivity to I²C bus levels."
Raspbian has a software I2C driver that can be enabled by adding the following line to /boot/config.txt:
dtoverlay=i2c-gpio,bus=3 This will create an I2C bus called /dev/i2c-3. SDA will be on GPIO23 and SCL will be on GPIO24 which are pins 16 and 18 on the GPIO header respectively.
SDA = pin 16, SCL = pin 18.
sudo tee --append /boot/config.txt > /dev/null << 'EOF'
++sudo reboot now
Check your I2c is set up correctly:
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
sudo i2cdetect -l
You will now see that i2c bus 3 also listed. Also run:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
This should show OLED on 3c
sudo i2cdetect -y 3
This should show the BNo055 on 28.
There are "no hardware" options for running the main Go file without these HW modules.
Run the go script, and keyboard numbers will send a command to the mesh network, eg controlling LED sequence on the LED strip.
LED sequences can be programmed on the Raspi, compiled using arduino-cli, and flashed from the Raspi.
WLAN dongle:
Add USB dongle TP-Link TL-WN725N.
This messes up BATMAN as the dongle can go to WLAN0 or WLAN1. To change this and make WLAN0 the built-in: see
- switch off systemd-predictable mechanism stuff (unless done already):
sudo ln -nfs /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/
- setup udev rules that uniquely identify your interfaces based on their USB connector positions:
vi /etc/udev/rules.d/72-wlan-geo-dependent.rules
# +---------------+
# | wlan1 | wlan1 |
# +-------+-------+
# | wlan1 | wlan1 |
# +---------------+ (RPI USB ports with position independent device names for a maximum of 1 optional wifi dongle)
# | wlan0 | (onboard wifi)
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SUBSYSTEMS=="sdio", KERNELS=="mmc1:0001:1", NAME="wlan0"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNELS=="1-1.2", NAME="wlan1"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNELS=="1-1.4", NAME="wlan1"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNELS=="1-1.3", NAME="wlan1"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNELS=="1-1.5", NAME="wlan1"
When running on WLAN1, we must force IP4 to access as it does not support IP6
sudo dhclient -4 -v wlan1
sudo tee --append /etc/sysctl.conf > /dev/null << 'EOF'
echo sudo net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Install driver for tl-wn8725N
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/install-wifi
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/install-wifi
sudo install-wifi
make sure you have added static ip to wlan 1:
sudo tee --append /etc/dhcpcd.conf > /dev/null << 'EOF'
# set static ip
interface wlan1
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
after iwconfig should see wlan0 and wlan connected to same ESSID with AP.
Automatically load BATMAN ad the go script on boot.
To do this, we make a service. This runs on bootup, after the network is up. It runs (or run runBATMAN2, runBATMAN3):
After 20 seconds, the BATMAN mesh network is generated, then the go app is run.
Thus, you need to make sure the app is pre-compiled, ie
cd /home/pi/apl/
go build JU_led_mesh.go
There are many ways to do this, but this one is mine. systemctl is not my best friend. For about an hour, it was my life. I do not care to master it.
cd ~/apl2
chmod 664 delayBoot2.service
sudo cp delayBoot2.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable delayBoot2
sudo systemd-analyze verify delayBoot2.service
To reload systemd with this new service unit file, run: systemctl daemon-reload
To start the script on boot, enable the service with systemd:
- sudo systemctl enable delayBoot2.service
sudo systemctl stop delayBoot2.service
sudo systemctl start delayBoot2.service
systemctl status delayBoot2.service
Hardware shopping list
Rasperry Pi 3 Model B+ tested, Pi Zero WH, and Pi-4 B
GPS: uBlox NEO-6M :
GPS: uBlox NEO-M9N : (
OLED display:
IMU Bosch BNO055:
BROgrammable LED strip WS2812:¤cycode=EUR
WLAN dongle TP-Link TL-WN725N:
Install Raspi lite from onlione or try this:
- Download Raspian Lite:
- Flash
using Etcher - Remove/reinsert flash drive
- Add
files:touch /Volumes/boot/ssh cp bin/bootstrap /Volumes/boot/ chmod a+x /Volumes/boot/bootstrap diskutil umount /Volumes/boot
First Boot
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
# password: raspberry
# change default password
# set quiet boot
sudo sed -i '${s/$/ quiet loglevel=1/}' /boot/cmdline.txt
# install packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git tmux vim dnsmasq hostapd
# set up wifi (note leading space to avoid bash history)
sudo tee --append /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf > /dev/null << 'EOF'
# set static IP address
sudo tee --append /etc/dhcpcd.conf > /dev/null << 'EOF'
# set static ip
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
if we have an additional wlan usb:
sudo tee --append /etc/dhcpcd.conf > /dev/null << 'EOF'
# set static ip
interface wlan1
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
# reboot to connect over wifi
sudo shutdown -r now
# configure git
git config --global push.default simple
git config --global core.editor "vim"
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
# disable services
sudo systemctl disable hciuart
sudo systemctl disable bluetooth
sudo systemctl disable plymouth
# remove unnecessary packages
sudo apt-get -y purge libx11-6 libgtk-3-common xkb-data lxde-icon-theme raspberrypi-artwork penguinspuzzle ntp plymouth*
sudo apt-get -y autoremove
sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B2 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_wait 1
sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial 1
now you are setup! run bootstrap to download packages
Run Bootstrap from ./bootstrap
### Mesh network
NB need to runt his command twice!
On raspi #1 run
On raspi #2 run
## Code
All dependencies managed in `go.mod` now,
just add an import directive for any new depedency in your `*.go` files, and
`go run/build` should just handle it.
All code (and go) is installed via bootstrap.
# Arduino CLI install
follow instructions here:
this additional command was needed:
arduino-cli core install arduino:avr
Note the directory for the Duino project must have the same name as the main file .ino.
Tested with Duino Uno and Duino clone: "Nano V3 | ATMEL ATmega328P AVR Microcontroller | CH340-Chip".
The Uno shows on port ttyACM0 and the clone on ttyUSB.
## add libraries:
arduino-cli lib search Adafruit_NeoPixel
in duino_src:
compile and flash:
arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:avr:uno duino_src
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyACM0 --fqbn arduino:avr:uno duino_src
arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:avr:diecimila:cpu=atmega328 duino_src
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --fqbn arduino:avr:diecimila:cpu=atmega328 duino_src
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyACM0 --fqbn arduino:avr:diecimila:cpu=atmega328 duino_src
## Run
On raspi #1 run
go run JU_led_mesh.go -rasp-id=me --web-addr :8080 -log-level debug
On raspi #2 run
go run JU_led_mesh.go -rasp-id=poo --web-addr :8081 -no-lcd -log-level debug.
Press any key, sent to mesh, and if it is a 0 or 1, we change led pattern.
To exit, press "q" to exit termbox, and then ctrl-c to exit the program.
There are various flags if certain HW modules are not attached to the raspi:
$ go run JU_led_mesh.go -h
-log-level string
log level, must be one of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace (default "info")
run without batman network
run without arduino
run without gps
run without Bosch accelerometer
run without oled display
-rasp-id string
unique raspberry pi ID (default "raspi 1")
-web-addr string
address to serve web on (default ":8080")
Run without hardware
Run with hardware (serial, network) API calls mocked out:
go run JU_led_mesh.go --rasp-id "raspi 1" --web-addr :8080 --no-batman --no-duino --no-gps --no-lcd --log-level debug
Set up port forwarding for web server
First-time ssh config setup
On laptop:
cat << EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
Host pi
HostName $PI_IP
User $USER
Port 22
BatchMode yes
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 5
ForwardAgent yes
ssh $USER@pi
Open a browser window to localhost:8080
Main routines to run:
go build test_record_spell.go && sudo ./test_record_spell -no-sound
test_record_spell records MCU movement when we have a button press.
NB The GPIO channel can not close properly, so you may need to kill the app with
sudo ps aux | grep test_record_spell
kill -9 -1 3290
Other useful scripts
go run test_BNo055_save_data.go
NB not running!! This saves accelerometer and gyroscope data to a txt file.
go build test_GPIO.go && sudo ./test_GPIO
NV this currently fails! This reads the button, debounces, and plays sound when we have button down.
go run OLEDtest.go
This displays a real-time clock on the OLED.
go run test_quats_64_to_py_tf.go
process quat recordings with TF... this tests if you have python and go correctly installed.
go run test_parse_quats_oled.go
MATLAB script to process accelerometer data.