type DiffChunk struct {
FirstLine, LastLine uint Lines []string}
DiffChunk is a chunk of lines parsed from a Covet report.
Includes the associated beginning and end line numbers of the chunk and the diff-like lines of text from the file.
NOTE: This struct is in package 'coverfile' to expose in the main 'covet' package while breaking import cycles.
Avoid exporting any methods or unnecessary data fields.
type File struct {
Name string Covered uint Uncovered uint Lines []Line}
File represents a file parsed in a Covet report. Includes the file name and which lines are covered.
NOTE: This struct is in package 'coverfile' to expose in the main 'covet' package while breaking import cycles.
Avoid exporting any methods or unnecessary data fields.
Line represents a line in a file parsed in a Covet report
NOTE: This struct is in package 'coverfile' to expose in the main 'covet' package while breaking import cycles.
Avoid exporting any methods or unnecessary data fields.