Convert environment variables to configuration files. Great for containerizing existing projects that rely on config files.
Some projects just don't support environment variables out of the box. env2config
can easily be copied in and inserted into the container's ENTRYPOINT
for simple conversion of environment variables to various config file formats.
Getting Started
To get started, just add these lines to your Dockerfile:
COPY --from=johnstarich/env2config:latest /env2config /
ENTRYPOINT ["/env2config"]
If you already have an entrypoint, inject env2config just before the first arg: ENTRYPOINT ["/env2config", "/myentrypoint.sh"]
Then add your configs, for example:
# Comma separated config names
ENV E2C_CONFIGS=myconf,other
# <name>_OPTS_<setting> are generation settings for this config.
# The FILE and FORMAT opts are required, TEMPLATE is optional.
# Supported formats: yaml, json, toml, ini
ENV MYCONF_OPTS_FILE=/output/my-config.yaml
# <name>_<key> are mappings from config file keys to environment variables.
ENV MYCONF_bind_url=http://example.com
ENV MYCONF_db.address=db.example.com
ENV OTHER_OPTS_FILE=/output/other.yaml
ENV OTHER_addresses.0=http://replica0.example.com
ENV OTHER_addresses.1=http://replica1.example.com
At runtime, env2config
will generate the above configuration with 2 new yaml files from environment variables and output it to /output/my-config.yaml
and /output/other.yaml
bind_url: http://example.com
address: db.example.com
- http://replica0.example.com
- http://replica1.example.com
To require an environment variable with a custom source, use the pattern <name>_OPTS_IN_<key>=<env>
For example, MYCONF_OPTS_IN_url=BIND_URL
will require the $BIND_URL
variable, then set it in the myconf config as url
Projects using env2config