Charitable Donation Calculator for Capital Gains Assets
This Golang program reads a portfolio of capital gains assets
(stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and so on)
and current prices as JSON from standard input and,
given a desired charitable donation amount,
calculates the assets you should donate
to maximize capital gains tax savings.
(Optionally, you can make it calculate the donation
that will maximize capital losses.)
This program requires Go 1.18 or later.
Use go install
go install
which will install the choose-donation-assets
Run choose-donation-assets --help
to see a long explanation
of the input and ouptut formats and a list of options.
Suppose you have this input.json
"assetSharePrices": {
"VTI": 100.22,
"BND": 12.35
"lots": [
{"assetName":"VTI", "date":"2019-01-02", "shares":13, "shareCost":50.55},
{"assetName":"VTI", "date":"2019-02-02", "shares":11, "shareCost":55.55},
{"assetName":"VTI", "date":"2019-03-02", "shares":9, "shareCost":120.22},
{"assetName":"BND", "date":"2019-02-03", "shares":50, "shareCost":10.00}
Here are some example program runs (using jq(1) for pretty printing).
For a donation amount of 100
(the currency is the same as the asset costs and prices):
% choose-donation-assets -donation 100 <input.json | jq -S .
"assetSharePrices": {
"BND": 12.35,
"VTI": 100.22
"donation": [
"assetName": "BND",
"date": "2019-02-03",
"shareCost": 10,
"shares": 8
"totalCapitalGains": 18.8,
"totalValue": 98.8
For a donation of 200:
% choose-donation-assets -donation 200 <input.json | jq -S .
"assetSharePrices": {
"BND": 12.35,
"VTI": 100.22
"donation": [
"assetName": "VTI",
"date": "2019-01-02",
"shareCost": 50.55,
"shares": 1
"assetName": "BND",
"date": "2019-02-03",
"shareCost": 10,
"shares": 8
"totalCapitalGains": 68.47,
"totalValue": 199.02
For a donation of 10, which the program cannot satisfy:
% choose-donation-assets -donation 10 <input.json | jq -S .
"assetSharePrices": {
"BND": 12.35,
"VTI": 100.22
"donation": [],
"totalCapitalGains": 0,
"totalValue": 0