Index ¶
- Variables
- func Bool(v bool) *bool
- func CheckResponse(r *http.Response) error
- func Int(v int) *int
- func Int64(v int64) *int64
- func String(v string) *string
- func Stringify(message interface{}) string
- type APIKey
- type AccessClientSettings
- func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetAdminToken() string
- func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetServerUrl() string
- func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetTokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds() int
- func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetTokenVerifyResultCacheSize() int
- func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetUserTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes() int
- type Actions
- type AddonsConfig
- type Agent
- type ArtifactMessage
- type Artifacts
- type ArtifactsService
- func (s *ArtifactsService) Copy(sourceRepo, sourcePath, targetRepo, targetPath string) (*Artifacts, *Response, error)
- func (s *ArtifactsService) Delete(repo, path string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *ArtifactsService) Download(repo, path string) (*[]byte, *Response, error)
- func (s *ArtifactsService) Move(sourceRepo, sourcePath, targetRepo, targetPath string) (*Artifacts, *Response, error)
- func (s *ArtifactsService) Upload(repo, path, source string, properties map[string][]string) (*string, *Response, error)
- type AuthenticationService
- type Backup
- func (b *Backup) GetCreateArchive() bool
- func (b *Backup) GetCronExp() string
- func (b *Backup) GetEnabled() bool
- func (b *Backup) GetExcludeBuilds() bool
- func (b *Backup) GetExcludeNewRepositories() bool
- func (b *Backup) GetExcludedRepositories() []string
- func (b *Backup) GetKey() string
- func (b *Backup) GetPrecalculate() bool
- func (b *Backup) GetRetentionPeriodHours() int
- func (b *Backup) GetSendMailOnError() bool
- type BinariesSummary
- func (b *BinariesSummary) GetArtifactsCount() string
- func (b *BinariesSummary) GetArtifactsSize() string
- func (b *BinariesSummary) GetBinariesCount() string
- func (b *BinariesSummary) GetBinariesSize() string
- func (b *BinariesSummary) GetItemsCount() string
- func (b *BinariesSummary) GetOptimization() string
- type BintrayApplication
- type BintrayConfig
- type Build
- type BuildArtifacts
- type BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed
- type BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous
- type BuildInfo
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetAgent() *Agent
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetArtifactoryPrincipal() string
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetBuildAgent() *Agent
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetDurationMillis() int
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetModules() []Modules
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetName() string
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetNumber() string
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetProperties() map[string]string
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetStarted() string
- func (b *BuildInfo) GetVersion() string
- type BuildService
- type Checksums
- type Child
- type CleanupConfig
- type Client
- type ContentSynchronisation
- type CrowdSettings
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetApplicationName() string
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetEnableIntegration() bool
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation() bool
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetPassword() string
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetReset() bool
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetServerUrl() string
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetSessionValidationInterval() int
- func (c *CrowdSettings) GetUseDefaultProxy() bool
- func (c CrowdSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- type DeleteAPIKey
- type DockerService
- type DownloadRedirectConfig
- type EffectiveItemPermissions
- type ExpirationPolicy
- type File
- func (f *File) GetChecksums() *Checksums
- func (f *File) GetCreated() Timestamp
- func (f *File) GetCreatedBy() string
- func (f *File) GetDownloadURI() string
- func (f *File) GetLastModified() Timestamp
- func (f *File) GetLastUpdated() Timestamp
- func (f *File) GetMimeType() string
- func (f *File) GetModifiedBy() string
- func (f *File) GetOriginalChecksums() *Checksums
- func (f *File) GetPath() string
- func (f *File) GetRemoteURL() string
- func (f *File) GetRepo() string
- func (f *File) GetSize() string
- func (f *File) GetURI() string
- func (f File) String() string
- type FileList
- type FileListItem
- type FileStatistics
- type FileStoreSummary
- type Folder
- func (f *Folder) GetChildren() []Child
- func (f *Folder) GetCreated() Timestamp
- func (f *Folder) GetCreatedBy() string
- func (f *Folder) GetLastModified() Timestamp
- func (f *Folder) GetLastUpdated() Timestamp
- func (f *Folder) GetModifiedBy() string
- func (f *Folder) GetPath() string
- func (f *Folder) GetRepo() string
- func (f *Folder) GetURI() string
- func (f Folder) String() string
- type FolderDownloadConfig
- func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetEnabled() bool
- func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetEnabledForAnonymous() bool
- func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxConcurrentRequests() int
- func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxDownloadSizeMb() int
- func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxFiles() int
- func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetReset() bool
- func (f FolderDownloadConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- type GAVCRequest
- type GAVCResponse
- type GcConfig
- type GenericRepository
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetBlackedOut() bool
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetDescription() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetExcludesPattern() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetForceNugetAuthentication() bool
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetHandleReleases() bool
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetHandleSnapshots() bool
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetIncludesPattern() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetKey() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetLayoutRef() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetMaxUniqueSnapshots() int
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetNotes() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetPackageType() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetPropertySets() []string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetRClass() string
- func (g *GenericRepository) GetSuppressPomConsistencyChecks() bool
- func (g GenericRepository) String() string
- type GlobalConfigCommon
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetAddonsConfig() *AddonsConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetBintrayConfig() *BintrayConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetCleanupConfig() *CleanupConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetDateFormat() string
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetFileUploadMaxSizeMb() int
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetFolderDownloadConfig() *FolderDownloadConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetFooter() string
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetGcConfig() *GcConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetHelpLinksEnabled() bool
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetIndexer() *Indexer
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetLogo() string
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetMailServer() *MailServer
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetOfflineMode() bool
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetQuotaConfig() *QuotaConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetReleaseBundlesConfig() *ReleaseBundlesConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetReplicationsConfig() *ReplicationsConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetServerName() string
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetSignedUrlConfig() *SignedUrlConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetSumoLogicConfig() *SumoLogicConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetSystemMessageConfig() *SystemMessageConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetTrashcanConfig() *TrashcanConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetUrlBase() string
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetVirtualCacheCleanupConfig() *VirtualCacheCleanupConfig
- func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetXrayConfig() *XrayConfig
- type GlobalConfigRequest
- type GlobalConfigResponse
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetBackups() []Backup
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetBintrayApplications() []BintrayApplication
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetLocalReplications() []Replication
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetLocalRepositories() []LocalRepository
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetPropertySets() []PropertySetResponse
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetProxies() []Proxy
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRemoteReplications() []Replication
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRemoteRepositories() []RemoteRepository
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRepoLayouts() []RepoLayout
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetReverseProxies() []ReverseProxy
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRevision() int
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetSecurity() *SecurityResponse
- func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetVirtualRepositories() []VirtualRepository
- func (g GlobalConfigResponse) String() string
- type Group
- type GroupsService
- func (s *GroupsService) Create(group *Group) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) Delete(group string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) Get(group string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) GetAll() (*[]Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) Update(group *Group) (*string, *Response, error)
- type HALicense
- func (h *HALicense) GetExpired() bool
- func (h *HALicense) GetLicenseHash() string
- func (h *HALicense) GetLicensedTo() string
- func (h *HALicense) GetNodeID() string
- func (h *HALicense) GetNodeURL() string
- func (h *HALicense) GetType() string
- func (h *HALicense) GetValidThrough() string
- func (h HALicense) String() string
- type HALicenseResponse
- type HALicenses
- type HttpSsoSettings
- func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
- func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetHttpSsoProxied() bool
- func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation() bool
- func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetRemoteUserRequestVariable() string
- func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetReset() bool
- func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetSyncLdapGroups() bool
- func (h HttpSsoSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- type ImagePromotion
- type Indexer
- type ItemLastModified
- type ItemProperties
- type LdapGroupSetting
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetDescriptionAttribute() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetEnabledLdap() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetFilter() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupBaseDn() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupMemberAttribute() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupNameAttribute() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetName() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetStrategy() string
- func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetSubTree() bool
- type LdapSetting
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetAutoCreateUser() bool
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetEmailAttribute() string
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetEnabled() bool
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetKey() string
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetLdapPoisoningProtection() bool
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetLdapUrl() string
- func (l *LdapSetting) GetUserDnPattern() string
- type License
- type LicenseRemoval
- type LicenseRequest
- type LicenseResponse
- type LicensesService
- func (s *LicensesService) DeleteHA(hashes *LicenseRemoval) (*HALicenseResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *LicensesService) Get() (*License, *Response, error)
- func (s *LicensesService) GetHA() (*HALicenses, *Response, error)
- func (s *LicensesService) Install(license *LicenseRequest) (*LicenseResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *LicensesService) InstallHA(licenses *[]LicenseRequest) (*HALicenseResponse, *Response, error)
- type LocalRepository
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetArchiveBrowsingEnabled() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetBlockPushingSchema1() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetCalculateYumMetadata() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetChecksumPolicyType() string
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetDebianTrivialLayout() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetDockerAPIVersion() string
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetDownloadRedirect() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetEnableFileListsIndexing() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetMaxUniqueTags() int
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetOptionalIndexCompressionFormats() []string
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetSnapshotVersionBehavior() string
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetXrayIndex() bool
- func (l *LocalRepository) GetYumRootDepth() int
- func (l LocalRepository) String() string
- type MailServer
- func (m *MailServer) GetArtifactoryUrl() string
- func (m *MailServer) GetEnabled() bool
- func (m *MailServer) GetFrom() string
- func (m *MailServer) GetHost() string
- func (m *MailServer) GetPassword() string
- func (m *MailServer) GetPort() int
- func (m *MailServer) GetReset() bool
- func (m *MailServer) GetSsl() bool
- func (m *MailServer) GetSubjectPrefix() string
- func (m *MailServer) GetTls() bool
- func (m *MailServer) GetUsername() string
- func (m MailServer) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- type Modules
- type MultiPushReplication
- type OauthProviderSetting
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetApiUrl() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetAuthUrl() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetBasicUrl() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetEnabled() bool
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetId() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetName() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetProviderType() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetSecret() string
- func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetTokenUrl() string
- type OauthSettingsRequest
- type OauthSettingsResponse
- type PasswordSettings
- type PermissionDetails
- type PermissionTarget
- func (p *PermissionTarget) GetExcludesPattern() string
- func (p *PermissionTarget) GetIncludesPattern() string
- func (p *PermissionTarget) GetName() string
- func (p *PermissionTarget) GetPrincipals() *Principals
- func (p *PermissionTarget) GetRepositories() []string
- func (p *PermissionTarget) GetURI() string
- func (p PermissionTarget) String() string
- type PermissionTargetV2
- type PermissionsService
- func (s *PermissionsService) Create(target *PermissionTarget) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionsService) Delete(target string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionsService) Get(target string) (*PermissionTarget, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionsService) GetAll() (*[]PermissionTarget, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionsService) Update(target *PermissionTarget) (*string, *Response, error)
- type PermissionsServiceV2
- type Principals
- type PropertySetRequest
- type PropertySetResponse
- type Proxy
- func (p *Proxy) GetDefaultProxy() bool
- func (p *Proxy) GetDomain() string
- func (p *Proxy) GetHost() string
- func (p *Proxy) GetKey() string
- func (p *Proxy) GetNtHost() string
- func (p *Proxy) GetPassword() string
- func (p *Proxy) GetPort() int
- func (p *Proxy) GetRedirectToHosts() string
- func (p *Proxy) GetUsername() string
- type QuotaConfig
- type Registry
- type ReleaseBundlesConfig
- type RemoteRepository
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetAllowAnyHostAuth() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetAssumedOfflinePeriodSecs() int
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBlockMismatchingMimeTypes() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBlockPushingSchema1() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBowerRegistryURL() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBypassHeadRequests() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetClientTLSCertificate() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetComposerRegistryURL() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetContentSynchronisation() *ContentSynchronisation
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetDownloadContextPath() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetDownloadRedirect() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetEnableCookieManagement() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetEnableTokenAuthentication() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetExternalDependenciesEnabled() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetExternalDependenciesPatterns() []string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFailedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFeedContextPath() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFetchJarsEagerly() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFetchSourcesEagerly() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetHardFail() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetListRemoteFolderItems() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetLocalAddress() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetMissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetOffline() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPassword() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPropagateQueryParams() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetProxy() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPyPIRegistryURL() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPyPIRepositorySuffix() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetQueryParams() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetRemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetShareConfiguration() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetSocketTimeoutMillis() int
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetStoreArtifactsLocally() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetSynchronizeProperties() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetURL() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled() bool
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours() int
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetUsername() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetV3FeedUrl() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetVcsGitDownloadUrl() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetVcsGitProvider() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetVcsType() string
- func (r *RemoteRepository) GetXrayIndex() bool
- func (r RemoteRepository) String() string
- type Replication
- func (r *Replication) GetCheckBinaryExistenceInFilestore() bool
- func (r *Replication) GetCronExp() string
- func (r *Replication) GetEnableEventReplication() bool
- func (r *Replication) GetEnabled() bool
- func (r *Replication) GetPassword() string
- func (r *Replication) GetPathPrefix() string
- func (r *Replication) GetRepoKey() string
- func (r *Replication) GetSocketTimeoutMillis() int
- func (r *Replication) GetSyncDeletes() bool
- func (r *Replication) GetSyncProperties() bool
- func (r *Replication) GetSyncStatistics() bool
- func (r *Replication) GetUrl() string
- func (r *Replication) GetUsername() string
- func (r Replication) String() string
- type Replications
- type ReplicationsConfig
- type ReplicationsService
- func (r *ReplicationsService) Create(repo string, replication *Replication) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) CreateMultiPush(repo string, replications *MultiPushReplication) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) Delete(repo string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) DeleteMultiPush(repo string, url string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) Get(repo string) (*[]Replication, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) GetAll() (*[]Replications, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) Update(repo string, replication *Replication) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (r *ReplicationsService) UpdateMultiPush(repo string, replications *MultiPushReplication) (*string, *Response, error)
- type RepoLayout
- func (r *RepoLayout) GetArtifactPathPattern() string
- func (r *RepoLayout) GetDescriptorPathPattern() string
- func (r *RepoLayout) GetDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern() bool
- func (r *RepoLayout) GetFileIntegrationRevisionRegExp() string
- func (r *RepoLayout) GetFolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp() string
- func (r *RepoLayout) GetName() string
- type RepositoriesService
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Create(repo string, body interface{}) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Delete(repo string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Get(repo string) (interface{}, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) GetAll() (*[]Repository, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Update(repo string, body interface{}) (*string, *Response, error)
- type RepositoriesSummary
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetFilesCount() int
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetFoldersCount() int
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetItemsCount() int
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetPackageType() string
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetPercentage() string
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetRepoKey() string
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetRepoType() string
- func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetUsedSpace() string
- type Repository
- type ResetPolicy
- type Response
- type ReverseProxy
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryAppContext() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryPort() int
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryServerName() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetDockerReverseProxyMethod() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetHttpPort() int
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetKey() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetPublicAppContext() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetServerName() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetServerNameExpression() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetSslCertificate() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetSslKey() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetSslPort() int
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetUpStreamName() string
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetUseHttp() bool
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetUseHttps() bool
- func (r *ReverseProxy) GetWebServerType() string
- type SamlSettings
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetAutoRedirect() bool
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetCertificate() string
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetEmailAttribute() string
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetEnableIntegration() bool
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetGroupAttribute() string
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetLoginUrl() string
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetLogoutUrl() string
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation() bool
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetReset() bool
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetServiceProviderName() string
- func (s *SamlSettings) GetSyncGroups() bool
- func (s SamlSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- type SearchService
- type SecurityRequest
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetAccessClientSettings() *AccessClientSettings
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetAnonAccessEnabled() bool
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed() *BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous() *BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetCrowdSettings() *CrowdSettings
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetHttpSsoSettings() *HttpSsoSettings
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetOauthSettings() *OauthSettingsRequest
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetPasswordSettings() *PasswordSettings
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetSamlSettings() *SamlSettings
- func (s *SecurityRequest) GetUserLockPolicy() *UserLockPolicy
- type SecurityResponse
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetAccessClientSettings() *AccessClientSettings
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetAnonAccessEnabled() bool
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed() bool
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous() bool
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetCrowdSettings() *CrowdSettings
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetHideUnauthorizedResources() bool
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetHttpSsoSettings() *HttpSsoSettings
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetLdapGroupSettings() []LdapGroupSetting
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetLdapSettings() []LdapSetting
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetOauthSettings() *OauthSettingsResponse
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetPasswordSettings() *PasswordSettings
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetSamlSettings() *SamlSettings
- func (s *SecurityResponse) GetUserLockPolicy() *UserLockPolicy
- type SecurityUser
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetAdmin() bool
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetDisableUIAccess() bool
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetEmail() string
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetGroups() []string
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetInternalPasswordDisabled() bool
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetLastLoggedIn() string
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetName() string
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetPassword() string
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetProfileUpdatable() bool
- func (s *SecurityUser) GetRealm() string
- func (u SecurityUser) String() string
- type SignedUrlConfig
- type SigningKeysSettings
- type StorageService
- func (s *StorageService) DeleteItemProperties(repo, path string, properties []string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetEffectiveItemPermissions(repo, path string) (*EffectiveItemPermissions, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetFile(repo, path string) (*File, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetFileList(repo, path string) (*FileList, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetFileStatistics(repo, path string) (*FileStatistics, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetFolder(repo, path string) (*Folder, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetItemLastModified(repo, path string) (*ItemLastModified, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetItemProperties(repo, path string) (*ItemProperties, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) GetStorageSummary() (*StorageSummary, *Response, error)
- func (s *StorageService) SetItemProperties(repo, path string, properties map[string][]string) (*Response, error)
- type StorageSummary
- type SumoLogicConfig
- type SystemMessageConfig
- func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetEnabled() bool
- func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetMessage() string
- func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetReset() bool
- func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetShowOnAllPages() bool
- func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetTitle() string
- func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetTitleColor() string
- func (s SystemMessageConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- type SystemService
- func (s *SystemService) Get() (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *SystemService) GetConfiguration() (*GlobalConfigResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *SystemService) GetVersionAndAddOns() (*Versions, *Response, error)
- func (s *SystemService) Ping() (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *SystemService) UpdateConfiguration(config GlobalConfigRequest) (*string, *Response, error)
- type Tags
- type Timestamp
- type TrashcanConfig
- type User
- func (u *User) GetAdmin() bool
- func (u *User) GetCredentialsExpired() bool
- func (u *User) GetDisableUIAccess() bool
- func (u *User) GetEmail() string
- func (u *User) GetExistsInDB() bool
- func (u *User) GetExternalRealmLink() string
- func (u *User) GetGroupAdmin() bool
- func (u *User) GetGroups() []string
- func (u *User) GetHideUploads() bool
- func (u *User) GetInternalPasswordDisabled() bool
- func (u *User) GetLastLoggedIn() string
- func (u *User) GetLastLoggedInMillis() int64
- func (u *User) GetLocked() bool
- func (u *User) GetName() string
- func (u *User) GetNumberOfGroups() int
- func (u *User) GetNumberOfPermissions() int
- func (u *User) GetOfflineMode() bool
- func (u *User) GetProWithoutLicense() bool
- func (u *User) GetProfileUpdatable() bool
- func (u *User) GetRealm() string
- func (u *User) GetRequireProfilePassword() bool
- func (u *User) GetRequireProfileUnlock() bool
- func (u User) String() string
- type UserLockPolicy
- type UsersService
- func (s *UsersService) CreateAPIKey() (*APIKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) CreateSecurity(user *SecurityUser) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteAPIKey() (*DeleteAPIKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteAllAPIKeys() (*DeleteAPIKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteSecurity(user string) (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteUserAPIKey(user string) (*DeleteAPIKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetAPIKey() (*APIKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetAll() (*[]User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetAllSecurity() (*[]SecurityUser, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetEncryptedPassword() (*string, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetSecurity(user string) (*SecurityUser, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) RegenerateAPIKey() (*APIKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) UpdateSecurity(user *SecurityUser) (*string, *Response, error)
- type Versions
- type VirtualCacheCleanupConfig
- type VirtualRepository
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts() bool
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetDebianDefaultArchitectures() string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetDebianTrivialLayout() bool
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetDefaultDeploymentRepo() string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesEnabled() bool
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesPatterns() []string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesRemoteRepo() string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetForceMavenAuthentication() bool
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetKeyPair() string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetPomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy() string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetRepositories() []string
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetResolveDockerTagsByTimestamp() bool
- func (v *VirtualRepository) GetVirtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
- func (v VirtualRepository) String() string
- type XrayConfig
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetAllowBlockedArtifactsDownload() bool
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetAllowDownloadsXrayUnavailable() bool
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetArtifactoryId() string
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetBaseUrl() string
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetBypassDefaultProxy() bool
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetEnabled() bool
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetPassword() string
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetProxy() string
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetUser() string
- func (x *XrayConfig) GetXrayId() string
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // VersionMajor is for an API incompatible changes VersionMajor int64 = 6 // VersionMinor is for functionality in a backwards-compatible manner VersionMinor int64 = 1 // VersionPatch is for backwards-compatible bug fixes VersionPatch int64 )
var Version = semver.Version{ Major: VersionMajor, Minor: VersionMinor, Patch: VersionPatch, }
Version represents the minimum version of the Artifactory API this library supports
Functions ¶
func Bool ¶
Bool is a helper routine that allocates a new bool value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func CheckResponse ¶
CheckResponse checks the API response for errors, and returns them if present. A response is considered an error if it has a status code outside the 200 range.
func Int ¶
Int is a helper routine that allocates a new int value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func Int64 ¶
Int64 is a helper routine that allocates a new int64 value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
Types ¶
type APIKey ¶
type APIKey struct {
APIKey *string `json:"apiKey,omitempty"`
APIKey represents an api key in Artifactory.
type AccessClientSettings ¶
type AccessClientSettings struct { ServerUrl *string `yaml:"serverUrl,omitempty" xml:"serverUrl,omitempty"` AdminToken *string `yaml:"adminToken,omitempty" xml:"adminToken,omitempty"` UserTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes *int `yaml:"userTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes,omitempty" xml:"userTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes,omitempty"` TokenVerifyResultCacheSize *int `yaml:"tokenVerifyResultCacheSize,omitempty" xml:"tokenVerifyResultCacheSize,omitempty"` TokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds *int `yaml:"tokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds,omitempty" xml:"tokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds,omitempty"` }
AccessClientSettings represents the Access Client settings in Artifactory Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*AccessClientSettings) GetAdminToken ¶
func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetAdminToken() string
GetAdminToken returns the AdminToken field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessClientSettings) GetServerUrl ¶
func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetServerUrl() string
GetServerUrl returns the ServerUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessClientSettings) GetTokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds ¶
func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetTokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds() int
GetTokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds returns the TokenVerifyResultCacheExpirySeconds field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessClientSettings) GetTokenVerifyResultCacheSize ¶
func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetTokenVerifyResultCacheSize() int
GetTokenVerifyResultCacheSize returns the TokenVerifyResultCacheSize field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessClientSettings) GetUserTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes ¶
func (a *AccessClientSettings) GetUserTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes() int
GetUserTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes returns the UserTokenMaxExpiresInMinutes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Actions ¶
type Actions struct { Users *map[string][]string `json:"users,omitempty"` Groups *map[string][]string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
Actions represents user and group permissions.
type AddonsConfig ¶
type AddonsConfig struct { ShowAddonsInfo *bool `yaml:"showAddonsInfo,omitempty" xml:"showAddonsInfo,omitempty"` ShowAddonsInfoCookie *string `yaml:"showAddonsInfoCookie,omitempty" xml:"showAddonsInfoCookie,omitempty"` }
AddonsConfig represents Addons-related configuration. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*AddonsConfig) GetShowAddonsInfo ¶
func (a *AddonsConfig) GetShowAddonsInfo() bool
GetShowAddonsInfo returns the ShowAddonsInfo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*AddonsConfig) GetShowAddonsInfoCookie ¶
func (a *AddonsConfig) GetShowAddonsInfoCookie() string
GetShowAddonsInfoCookie returns the ShowAddonsInfoCookie field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Agent ¶
type Agent struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Agent represents the agent in the build
func (*Agent) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the Version field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type ArtifactMessage ¶
type ArtifactMessage struct { Level *string `json:"level,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
ArtifactMessage represents an artifact message in Artifactory.
func (*ArtifactMessage) GetLevel ¶
func (a *ArtifactMessage) GetLevel() string
GetLevel returns the Level field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ArtifactMessage) GetMessage ¶
func (a *ArtifactMessage) GetMessage() string
GetMessage returns the Message field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ArtifactMessage) String ¶
func (a ArtifactMessage) String() string
type Artifacts ¶
type Artifacts struct {
Messages *[]ArtifactMessage `json:"messages,omitempty"`
Artifacts represents artifacts in Artifactory.
func (*Artifacts) GetMessages ¶
func (a *Artifacts) GetMessages() []ArtifactMessage
GetMessages returns the Messages field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type ArtifactsService ¶
type ArtifactsService service
ArtifactsService handles communication with the artifact related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*ArtifactsService) Copy ¶
func (s *ArtifactsService) Copy(sourceRepo, sourcePath, targetRepo, targetPath string) (*Artifacts, *Response, error)
Copy duplicates the provided artifact to the provided destination.
func (*ArtifactsService) Delete ¶
func (s *ArtifactsService) Delete(repo, path string) (*string, *Response, error)
Delete removes the provided artifact.
func (*ArtifactsService) Download ¶
func (s *ArtifactsService) Download(repo, path string) (*[]byte, *Response, error)
Download retrieves the provided artifact.
func (*ArtifactsService) Move ¶
func (s *ArtifactsService) Move(sourceRepo, sourcePath, targetRepo, targetPath string) (*Artifacts, *Response, error)
Move migrates the provided artifact to the provided destination.
func (*ArtifactsService) Upload ¶
func (s *ArtifactsService) Upload(repo, path, source string, properties map[string][]string) (*string, *Response, error)
Upload deploys the provided artifact to the provided repository.
type AuthenticationService ¶
type AuthenticationService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuthenticationService contains authentication related functions.
func (*AuthenticationService) HasAuth ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) HasAuth() bool
HasAuth checks if the auth type is set.
func (*AuthenticationService) HasBasicAuth ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) HasBasicAuth() bool
HasBasicAuth checks if the auth type is HTTP Basic auth.
func (*AuthenticationService) HasTokenAuth ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) HasTokenAuth() bool
HasTokenAuth checks if the auth type is Token auth.
func (*AuthenticationService) SetBasicAuth ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) SetBasicAuth(username, password string)
SetBasicAuth sets the auth type as HTTP Basic auth.
func (*AuthenticationService) SetTokenAuth ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) SetTokenAuth(token string)
SetTokenAuth sets the auth type as Token auth.
type Backup ¶
type Backup struct { Key *string `yaml:"-" xml:"key,omitempty"` CronExp *string `yaml:"cronExp,omitempty" xml:"cronExp,omitempty"` ExcludedRepositories *[]string `yaml:"excludedRepositories,omitempty" xml:"excludedRepositories>repositoryRef,omitempty"` RetentionPeriodHours *int `yaml:"retentionPeriodHours,omitempty" xml:"retentionPeriodHours,omitempty"` CreateArchive *bool `yaml:"createArchive,omitempty" xml:"createArchive,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` ExcludeBuilds *bool `yaml:"excludeBuilds,omitempty" xml:"excludeBuilds,omitempty"` ExcludeNewRepositories *bool `yaml:"excludeNewRepositories,omitempty" xml:"excludeNewRepositories,omitempty"` SendMailOnError *bool `yaml:"sendMailOnError,omitempty" xml:"sendMailOnError,omitempty"` Precalculate *bool `yaml:"precalculate,omitempty" xml:"precalculate,omitempty"` }
Backup represents the Backup settings in Artifactory Services Configuration.
func (*Backup) GetCreateArchive ¶
GetCreateArchive returns the CreateArchive field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetCronExp ¶
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetEnabled ¶
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetExcludeBuilds ¶
GetExcludeBuilds returns the ExcludeBuilds field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetExcludeNewRepositories ¶
GetExcludeNewRepositories returns the ExcludeNewRepositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetExcludedRepositories ¶
GetExcludedRepositories returns the ExcludedRepositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetPrecalculate ¶
GetPrecalculate returns the Precalculate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetRetentionPeriodHours ¶
GetRetentionPeriodHours returns the RetentionPeriodHours field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetSendMailOnError ¶
GetSendMailOnError returns the SendMailOnError field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BinariesSummary ¶
type BinariesSummary struct { BinariesCount *string `json:"binariesCount,omitempty"` BinariesSize *string `json:"binariesSize,omitempty"` ArtifactsSize *string `json:"artifactsSize,omitempty"` Optimization *string `json:"optimization,omitempty"` ItemsCount *string `json:"itemsCount,omitempty"` ArtifactsCount *string `json:"artifactsCount,omitempty"` }
BinariesSummary represents the summary of binaries in Artifactory.
func (*BinariesSummary) GetArtifactsCount ¶
func (b *BinariesSummary) GetArtifactsCount() string
GetArtifactsCount returns the ArtifactsCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BinariesSummary) GetArtifactsSize ¶
func (b *BinariesSummary) GetArtifactsSize() string
GetArtifactsSize returns the ArtifactsSize field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BinariesSummary) GetBinariesCount ¶
func (b *BinariesSummary) GetBinariesCount() string
GetBinariesCount returns the BinariesCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BinariesSummary) GetBinariesSize ¶
func (b *BinariesSummary) GetBinariesSize() string
GetBinariesSize returns the BinariesSize field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BinariesSummary) GetItemsCount ¶
func (b *BinariesSummary) GetItemsCount() string
GetItemsCount returns the ItemsCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BinariesSummary) GetOptimization ¶
func (b *BinariesSummary) GetOptimization() string
GetOptimization returns the Optimization field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BintrayApplication ¶
type BintrayApplication struct { Key *string `yaml:"-" xml:"key,omitempty"` ClientId *string `yaml:"clientId" xml:"clientId,omitempty"` Secret *string `yaml:"secret" xml:"secret,omitempty"` Org *string `yaml:"org" xml:"org,omitempty"` Scope *string `yaml:"scope" xml:"scope,omitempty"` RefreshToken *string `yaml:"refreshToken" xml:"refreshToken,omitempty"` }
BintrayApplication represents Bintray Oauth applications configuration. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*BintrayApplication) GetClientId ¶
func (b *BintrayApplication) GetClientId() string
GetClientId returns the ClientId field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayApplication) GetKey ¶
func (b *BintrayApplication) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayApplication) GetOrg ¶
func (b *BintrayApplication) GetOrg() string
GetOrg returns the Org field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayApplication) GetRefreshToken ¶
func (b *BintrayApplication) GetRefreshToken() string
GetRefreshToken returns the RefreshToken field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayApplication) GetScope ¶
func (b *BintrayApplication) GetScope() string
GetScope returns the Scope field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayApplication) GetSecret ¶
func (b *BintrayApplication) GetSecret() string
GetSecret returns the Secret field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BintrayConfig ¶
type BintrayConfig struct { UserName *string `yaml:"userName,omitempty" xml:"userName,omitempty"` ApiKey *string `yaml:"apiKey,omitempty" xml:"apiKey,omitempty"` FileUploadLimit *int `yaml:"fileUploadLimit,omitempty" xml:"fileUploadLimit,omitempty"` }
BintrayConfig represents Bintray settings in Artifactory's Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*BintrayConfig) GetApiKey ¶
func (b *BintrayConfig) GetApiKey() string
GetApiKey returns the ApiKey field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayConfig) GetFileUploadLimit ¶
func (b *BintrayConfig) GetFileUploadLimit() int
GetFileUploadLimit returns the FileUploadLimit field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BintrayConfig) GetUserName ¶
func (b *BintrayConfig) GetUserName() string
GetUserName returns the UserName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Build ¶
type Build struct { BuildInfo *BuildInfo `json:"buildInfo,omitempty"` URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` }
Build represents a build in Artifactory.
func (*Build) GetBuildInfo ¶
GetBuildInfo returns the BuildInfo field.
type BuildArtifacts ¶
type BuildArtifacts struct { Sha1 *string `json:"sha1,omitempty"` Sha256 *string `json:"sha256,omitempty"` Md5 *string `json:"md5,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
BuildArtifacts contains information about build artifacts
func (*BuildArtifacts) GetMd5 ¶
func (b *BuildArtifacts) GetMd5() string
GetMd5 returns the Md5 field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildArtifacts) GetName ¶
func (b *BuildArtifacts) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildArtifacts) GetSha1 ¶
func (b *BuildArtifacts) GetSha1() string
GetSha1 returns the Sha1 field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildArtifacts) GetSha256 ¶
func (b *BuildArtifacts) GetSha256() string
GetSha256 returns the Sha256 field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed ¶
type BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed represents the Build Global Basic Read Information permission settings in Artifactory Security Configuration. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed) GetEnabled ¶
func (b *BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed) GetReset ¶
func (b *BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed) MarshalYAML ¶
func (b BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous ¶
type BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous represents the Build Global Anonymous Read Information permission settings in Artifactory Security Configuration. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous) GetEnabled ¶
func (b *BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous) GetReset ¶
func (b *BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous) MarshalYAML ¶
func (b BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type BuildInfo ¶
type BuildInfo struct { Properties *map[string]string `json:"properties,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Number *string `json:"number,omitempty"` BuildAgent *Agent `json:"buildAgent,omitempty"` Agent *Agent `json:"agent,omitempty"` Started *string `json:"started,omitempty"` DurationMillis *int `json:"durationMillis,omitempty"` ArtifactoryPrincipal *string `json:"artifactoryPrincipal,omitempty"` Modules *[]Modules `json:"modules,omitempty"` }
BuildInfo represent the build payload in Artifactory
func (*BuildInfo) GetArtifactoryPrincipal ¶
GetArtifactoryPrincipal returns the ArtifactoryPrincipal field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildInfo) GetBuildAgent ¶
GetBuildAgent returns the BuildAgent field.
func (*BuildInfo) GetDurationMillis ¶
GetDurationMillis returns the DurationMillis field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildInfo) GetModules ¶
GetModules returns the Modules field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildInfo) GetNumber ¶
GetNumber returns the Number field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildInfo) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties returns the Properties field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildInfo) GetStarted ¶
GetStarted returns the Started field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BuildInfo) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the Version field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BuildService ¶
type BuildService service
BuildService handles communication with the builds related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*BuildService) GetInfo ¶
func (s *BuildService) GetInfo(name, number string) (*Build, *Response, error)
GetInfo retrieves the provided build.
type Checksums ¶
type Checksums struct { MD5 *string `json:"md5,omitempty"` SHA1 *string `json:"sha1,omitempty"` SHA256 *string `json:"sha256,omitempty"` }
Checksums represents the checksums for a file in Artifactory.
type Child ¶
Child represents a child under a folder in Artifactory.
type CleanupConfig ¶
type CleanupConfig struct { CronExp *string `yaml:"cronExp,omitempty" xml:"cronExp,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
CleanupConfig represents the Cleanup Unused Cached Artifacts setting in Artifactory Maintenance Configuration.
func (*CleanupConfig) GetCronExp ¶
func (c *CleanupConfig) GetCronExp() string
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CleanupConfig) GetReset ¶
func (c *CleanupConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (CleanupConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (c CleanupConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // User agent used when communicating with the Artifactory API. UserAgent string // Artifactory service for authentication. Authentication *AuthenticationService Artifacts *ArtifactsService Build *BuildService Docker *DockerService Groups *GroupsService Licenses *LicensesService Permissions *PermissionsService PermissionsV2 *PermissionsServiceV2 Replications *ReplicationsService Repositories *RepositoriesService Search *SearchService Storage *StorageService System *SystemService Users *UsersService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client is a client that manages communication with the Artifactory API.
func NewClient ¶
NewClient returns a new Artifactory API client. baseUrl has to be the HTTP endpoint of the Artifactory API. If no httpClient is provided, then the http.DefaultClient will be used.
func (*Client) Call ¶
Call is a combine function for Client.NewRequest and Client.Do.
Most API methods are quite the same. Get the URL, apply options, make a request, and get the response. Without adding special headers or something. To avoid a big amount of code duplication you can Client.Call.
method is the HTTP method you want to call. u is the URL you want to call. body is the HTTP body. v is the HTTP response.
For more information read
func (*Client) Do ¶
Do sends an API request and returns the API response. The API response is JSON decoded and stored in the value pointed to by v, or returned as an error if an API error has occurred. If v implements the io.Writer interface, the raw response body will be written to v, without attempting to first decode it.
func (*Client) NewRequest ¶
NewRequest creates an API request. A relative URL can be provided in urlStr, in which case it is resolved relative to the baseURL of the Client. Relative URLs should always be specified without a preceding slash. If specified, the value pointed to by body is JSON encoded and included as the request body.
type ContentSynchronisation ¶
type ContentSynchronisation struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` Properties *struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` } `json:"properties,omitempty" xml:"properties,omitempty"` Statistics *struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` } `json:"statistics,omitempty" xml:"statistics,omitempty"` Source *struct { OriginAbsenceDetection *bool `json:"originAbsenceDetection,omitempty" xml:"originAbsenceDetection,omitempty"` } `json:"source,omitempty" xml:"source,omitempty"` }
ContentSynchronisation represents smart remote repository configuration
func (*ContentSynchronisation) GetEnabled ¶
func (c *ContentSynchronisation) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type CrowdSettings ¶
type CrowdSettings struct { ApplicationName *string `yaml:"applicationName,omitempty" xml:"applicationName,omitempty"` Password *string `yaml:"password,omitempty" xml:"password,omitempty"` ServerUrl *string `yaml:"serverUrl,omitempty" xml:"serverUrl,omitempty"` SessionValidationInterval *int `yaml:"sessionValidationInterval,omitempty" xml:"sessionValidationInterval,omitempty"` EnableIntegration *bool `yaml:"enableIntegration,omitempty" xml:"enableIntegration,omitempty"` NoAutoUserCreation *bool `yaml:"noAutoUserCreation,omitempty" xml:"noAutoUserCreation,omitempty"` UseDefaultProxy *bool `yaml:"useDefaultProxy,omitempty" xml:"useDefaultProxy,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
CrowdSettings represents the Crowd settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetApplicationName ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetApplicationName() string
GetApplicationName returns the ApplicationName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetEnableIntegration ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetEnableIntegration() bool
GetEnableIntegration returns the EnableIntegration field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation() bool
GetNoAutoUserCreation returns the NoAutoUserCreation field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetPassword ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetReset ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetServerUrl ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetServerUrl() string
GetServerUrl returns the ServerUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetSessionValidationInterval ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetSessionValidationInterval() int
GetSessionValidationInterval returns the SessionValidationInterval field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CrowdSettings) GetUseDefaultProxy ¶
func (c *CrowdSettings) GetUseDefaultProxy() bool
GetUseDefaultProxy returns the UseDefaultProxy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (CrowdSettings) MarshalYAML ¶
func (c CrowdSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type DeleteAPIKey ¶
type DeleteAPIKey struct {
Info *string `json:"info,omitempty"`
DeleteAPIKey represents a response from deleting an API key in Artifactory
func (*DeleteAPIKey) GetInfo ¶
func (d *DeleteAPIKey) GetInfo() string
GetInfo returns the Info field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (DeleteAPIKey) String ¶
func (d DeleteAPIKey) String() string
type DockerService ¶
type DockerService service
DockerService handles communication with the Docker related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*DockerService) GetRepositories ¶
func (s *DockerService) GetRepositories(registry string) (*Registry, *Response, error)
GetRepositories returns a list of all Docker repositories for the provided registry.
func (*DockerService) GetTags ¶
func (s *DockerService) GetTags(registry, repository string) (*Tags, *Response, error)
GetTags returns a list of all tags for the provided Docker repository.
func (*DockerService) PromoteImage ¶
func (s *DockerService) PromoteImage(registry string, promotion *ImagePromotion) (*string, *Response, error)
PromoteImage promotes the provided Docker image(s) from the provided source repository to the provided destination repository.
type DownloadRedirectConfig ¶
type DownloadRedirectConfig struct { FileMinimumSize *int `yaml:"fileMinimumSize,omitempty" xml:"fileMinimumSize,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
DownloadRedirectConfig represents Download Redirect settings in Artifactory's Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*DownloadRedirectConfig) GetFileMinimumSize ¶
func (d *DownloadRedirectConfig) GetFileMinimumSize() int
GetFileMinimumSize returns the FileMinimumSize field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DownloadRedirectConfig) GetReset ¶
func (d *DownloadRedirectConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (DownloadRedirectConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (d DownloadRedirectConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type EffectiveItemPermissions ¶
type EffectiveItemPermissions struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Principals *Principals `json:"principals,omitempty"` }
EffectiveItemPermissions represents a list of permissions for a file or folder in Artifactory.
func (*EffectiveItemPermissions) GetPrincipals ¶
func (e *EffectiveItemPermissions) GetPrincipals() *Principals
GetPrincipals returns the Principals field.
func (*EffectiveItemPermissions) GetURI ¶
func (e *EffectiveItemPermissions) GetURI() string
GetURI returns the URI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (EffectiveItemPermissions) String ¶
func (e EffectiveItemPermissions) String() string
type ExpirationPolicy ¶
type ExpirationPolicy struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` PasswordMaxAge *int `yaml:"passwordMaxAge,omitempty" xml:"passwordMaxAge,omitempty"` NotifyByEmail *bool `yaml:"notifyByEmail,omitempty" xml:"notifyByEmail,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
ExpirationPolicy represents the Password Expiration Policy settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*ExpirationPolicy) GetEnabled ¶
func (e *ExpirationPolicy) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ExpirationPolicy) GetNotifyByEmail ¶
func (e *ExpirationPolicy) GetNotifyByEmail() bool
GetNotifyByEmail returns the NotifyByEmail field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ExpirationPolicy) GetPasswordMaxAge ¶
func (e *ExpirationPolicy) GetPasswordMaxAge() int
GetPasswordMaxAge returns the PasswordMaxAge field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ExpirationPolicy) GetReset ¶
func (e *ExpirationPolicy) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ExpirationPolicy) MarshalYAML ¶
func (e ExpirationPolicy) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type File ¶
type File struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` DownloadURI *string `json:"downloadUri,omitempty"` Repo *string `json:"repo,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` RemoteURL *string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` Created *Timestamp `json:"created,omitempty"` CreatedBy *string `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` LastModified *Timestamp `json:"lastModified,omitempty"` ModifiedBy *string `json:"modifiedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdated *Timestamp `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` Size *string `json:"size,omitempty"` MimeType *string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"` Checksums *Checksums `json:"checksums,omitempty"` OriginalChecksums *Checksums `json:"originalChecksums,omitempty"` }
File represents a file in Artifactory.
func (*File) GetChecksums ¶
GetChecksums returns the Checksums field.
func (*File) GetCreated ¶
GetCreated returns the Created field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetCreatedBy ¶
GetCreatedBy returns the CreatedBy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetDownloadURI ¶
GetDownloadURI returns the DownloadURI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetLastModified ¶
GetLastModified returns the LastModified field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetLastUpdated ¶
GetLastUpdated returns the LastUpdated field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetMimeType ¶
GetMimeType returns the MimeType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetModifiedBy ¶
GetModifiedBy returns the ModifiedBy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*File) GetOriginalChecksums ¶
GetOriginalChecksums returns the OriginalChecksums field.
func (*File) GetRemoteURL ¶
GetRemoteURL returns the RemoteURL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type FileList ¶
type FileList struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Created *Timestamp `json:"created,omitempty"` Files *[]FileListItem `json:"files,omitempty"` }
FileList represents a list of files in Artifactory.
func (*FileList) GetCreated ¶
GetCreated returns the Created field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileList) GetFiles ¶
func (f *FileList) GetFiles() []FileListItem
GetFiles returns the Files field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type FileListItem ¶
type FileListItem struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` LastModified *Timestamp `json:"lastModified,omitempty"` Folder *bool `json:"folder,omitempty"` SHA1 *string `json:"sha1,omitempty"` }
FileListItem represents an item in a list of files in Artifactory.
func (*FileListItem) GetFolder ¶
func (f *FileListItem) GetFolder() bool
GetFolder returns the Folder field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileListItem) GetLastModified ¶
func (f *FileListItem) GetLastModified() Timestamp
GetLastModified returns the LastModified field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileListItem) GetSHA1 ¶
func (f *FileListItem) GetSHA1() string
GetSHA1 returns the SHA1 field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileListItem) GetSize ¶
func (f *FileListItem) GetSize() int
GetSize returns the Size field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileListItem) GetURI ¶
func (f *FileListItem) GetURI() string
GetURI returns the URI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type FileStatistics ¶
type FileStatistics struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` LastDownloaded *Timestamp `json:"lastDownloaded,omitempty"` DownloadCount *int `json:"downloadCount,omitempty"` LastDownloadedBy *string `json:"lastDownloadedBy,omitempty"` }
FileStatistics represents statistics for a file in Artifactory.
func (*FileStatistics) GetDownloadCount ¶
func (f *FileStatistics) GetDownloadCount() int
GetDownloadCount returns the DownloadCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStatistics) GetLastDownloaded ¶
func (f *FileStatistics) GetLastDownloaded() Timestamp
GetLastDownloaded returns the LastDownloaded field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStatistics) GetLastDownloadedBy ¶
func (f *FileStatistics) GetLastDownloadedBy() string
GetLastDownloadedBy returns the LastDownloadedBy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStatistics) GetURI ¶
func (f *FileStatistics) GetURI() string
GetURI returns the URI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (FileStatistics) String ¶
func (f FileStatistics) String() string
type FileStoreSummary ¶
type FileStoreSummary struct { StorageType *string `json:"storageType,omitempty"` StorageDirectory *string `json:"storageDirectory,omitempty"` TotalSpace *string `json:"totalSpace,omitempty"` UsedSpace *string `json:"usedSpace,omitempty"` FreeSpace *string `json:"freeSpace,omitempty"` }
FileStoreSummary represents the summary of file storage in Artifactory.
func (*FileStoreSummary) GetFreeSpace ¶
func (f *FileStoreSummary) GetFreeSpace() string
GetFreeSpace returns the FreeSpace field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStoreSummary) GetStorageDirectory ¶
func (f *FileStoreSummary) GetStorageDirectory() string
GetStorageDirectory returns the StorageDirectory field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStoreSummary) GetStorageType ¶
func (f *FileStoreSummary) GetStorageType() string
GetStorageType returns the StorageType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStoreSummary) GetTotalSpace ¶
func (f *FileStoreSummary) GetTotalSpace() string
GetTotalSpace returns the TotalSpace field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FileStoreSummary) GetUsedSpace ¶
func (f *FileStoreSummary) GetUsedSpace() string
GetUsedSpace returns the UsedSpace field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Folder ¶
type Folder struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Repo *string `json:"repo,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Created *Timestamp `json:"created,omitempty"` CreatedBy *string `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` LastModified *Timestamp `json:"lastModified,omitempty"` ModifiedBy *string `json:"modifiedBy,omitempty"` LastUpdated *Timestamp `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` Children *[]Child `json:"children,omitempty"` }
Folder represents a folder in Artifactory.
func (*Folder) GetChildren ¶
GetChildren returns the Children field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Folder) GetCreated ¶
GetCreated returns the Created field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Folder) GetCreatedBy ¶
GetCreatedBy returns the CreatedBy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Folder) GetLastModified ¶
GetLastModified returns the LastModified field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Folder) GetLastUpdated ¶
GetLastUpdated returns the LastUpdated field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Folder) GetModifiedBy ¶
GetModifiedBy returns the ModifiedBy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type FolderDownloadConfig ¶
type FolderDownloadConfig struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` MaxConcurrentRequests *int `yaml:"maxConcurrentRequests,omitempty" xml:"maxConcurrentRequests,omitempty"` MaxDownloadSizeMb *int `yaml:"maxDownloadSizeMb,omitempty" xml:"maxDownloadSizeMb,omitempty"` MaxFiles *int `yaml:"maxFiles,omitempty" xml:"maxFiles,omitempty"` EnabledForAnonymous *bool `yaml:"enabledForAnonymous,omitempty" xml:"enabledForAnonymous,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
FolderDownloadConfig represents Folder Download settings in Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*FolderDownloadConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FolderDownloadConfig) GetEnabledForAnonymous ¶
func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetEnabledForAnonymous() bool
GetEnabledForAnonymous returns the EnabledForAnonymous field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxConcurrentRequests ¶
func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxConcurrentRequests() int
GetMaxConcurrentRequests returns the MaxConcurrentRequests field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxDownloadSizeMb ¶
func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxDownloadSizeMb() int
GetMaxDownloadSizeMb returns the MaxDownloadSizeMb field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxFiles ¶
func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetMaxFiles() int
GetMaxFiles returns the MaxFiles field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*FolderDownloadConfig) GetReset ¶
func (f *FolderDownloadConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (FolderDownloadConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (f FolderDownloadConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type GAVCRequest ¶
type GAVCRequest struct { GroupID *string `url:"g,omitempty"` ArtifactID *string `url:"a,omitempty"` Version *string `url:"v,omitempty"` Classifier *string `url:"c,omitempty"` Repos *[]string `url:"repos,omitempty"` }
GAVCRequest represents the GAVC request for searches in Artifactory.
func (*GAVCRequest) GetArtifactID ¶
func (g *GAVCRequest) GetArtifactID() string
GetArtifactID returns the ArtifactID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GAVCRequest) GetClassifier ¶
func (g *GAVCRequest) GetClassifier() string
GetClassifier returns the Classifier field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GAVCRequest) GetGroupID ¶
func (g *GAVCRequest) GetGroupID() string
GetGroupID returns the GroupID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GAVCRequest) GetRepos ¶
func (g *GAVCRequest) GetRepos() []string
GetRepos returns the Repos field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GAVCRequest) GetVersion ¶
func (g *GAVCRequest) GetVersion() string
GetVersion returns the Version field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type GAVCResponse ¶
type GAVCResponse struct {
Results *[]File `json:"results,omitempty"`
GAVCResponse represents the GAVC response for searches in Artifactory.
func (*GAVCResponse) GetResults ¶
func (g *GAVCResponse) GetResults() []File
GetResults returns the Results field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (GAVCResponse) String ¶
func (g GAVCResponse) String() string
type GcConfig ¶
type GcConfig struct { CronExp *string `yaml:"cronExp,omitempty" xml:"cronExp,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
GcConfig represents the Garbage Collection settings in Artifactory Maintenance Configuration.
func (*GcConfig) GetCronExp ¶
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (GcConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type GenericRepository ¶
type GenericRepository struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty" xml:"key,omitempty"` RClass *string `json:"rclass,omitempty" xml:"-"` PackageType *string `json:"packageType,omitempty" xml:"type,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" xml:"description,omitempty"` Notes *string `json:"notes,omitempty" xml:"notes,omitempty"` IncludesPattern *string `json:"includesPattern,omitempty" xml:"includesPattern,omitempty"` ExcludesPattern *string `json:"excludesPattern,omitempty" xml:"excludesPattern,omitempty"` LayoutRef *string `json:"repoLayoutRef,omitempty" xml:"repoLayoutRef,omitempty"` HandleReleases *bool `json:"handleReleases,omitempty" xml:"handleReleases,omitempty"` HandleSnapshots *bool `json:"handleSnapshots,omitempty" xml:"handleSnapshots,omitempty"` MaxUniqueSnapshots *int `json:"maxUniqueSnapshots,omitempty" xml:"maxUniqueSnapshots,omitempty"` SuppressPomConsistencyChecks *bool `json:"suppressPomConsistencyChecks,omitempty" xml:"suppressPomConsistencyChecks,omitempty"` BlackedOut *bool `json:"blackedOut,omitempty" xml:"blackedOut,omitempty"` PropertySets *[]string `json:"propertySets,omitempty" xml:"propertySets>propertySetRef,omitempty"` ForceNugetAuthentication *bool `json:"forceNugetAuthentication,omitempty" xml:"forceNugetAuthentication,omitempty"` }
GenericRepository represents the common json across all repository types from Artifactory.
func (*GenericRepository) GetBlackedOut ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetBlackedOut() bool
GetBlackedOut returns the BlackedOut field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetDescription ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetExcludesPattern ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetExcludesPattern() string
GetExcludesPattern returns the ExcludesPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetForceNugetAuthentication ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetForceNugetAuthentication() bool
GetForceNugetAuthentication returns the ForceNugetAuthentication field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetHandleReleases ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetHandleReleases() bool
GetHandleReleases returns the HandleReleases field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetHandleSnapshots ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetHandleSnapshots() bool
GetHandleSnapshots returns the HandleSnapshots field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetIncludesPattern ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetIncludesPattern() string
GetIncludesPattern returns the IncludesPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetKey ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetLayoutRef ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetLayoutRef() string
GetLayoutRef returns the LayoutRef field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetMaxUniqueSnapshots ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetMaxUniqueSnapshots() int
GetMaxUniqueSnapshots returns the MaxUniqueSnapshots field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetNotes ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetNotes() string
GetNotes returns the Notes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetPackageType ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetPackageType() string
GetPackageType returns the PackageType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetPropertySets ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetPropertySets() []string
GetPropertySets returns the PropertySets field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetRClass ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetRClass() string
GetRClass returns the RClass field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GenericRepository) GetSuppressPomConsistencyChecks ¶
func (g *GenericRepository) GetSuppressPomConsistencyChecks() bool
GetSuppressPomConsistencyChecks returns the SuppressPomConsistencyChecks field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (GenericRepository) String ¶
func (g GenericRepository) String() string
type GlobalConfigCommon ¶
type GlobalConfigCommon struct { ServerName *string `yaml:"serverName,omitempty" xml:"serverName,omitempty"` OfflineMode *bool `yaml:"offlineMode,omitempty" xml:"offlineMode,omitempty"` HelpLinksEnabled *bool `yaml:"helpLinksEnabled,omitempty" xml:"helpLinksEnabled,omitempty"` FileUploadMaxSizeMb *int `yaml:"fileUploadMaxSizeMb,omitempty" xml:"fileUploadMaxSizeMb,omitempty"` DateFormat *string `yaml:"dateFormat,omitempty" xml:"dateFormat,omitempty"` AddonsConfig *AddonsConfig `yaml:"addons,omitempty" xml:"addons,omitempty"` MailServer *MailServer `yaml:"mailServer,omitempty" xml:"mailServer,omitempty"` XrayConfig *XrayConfig `yaml:"xrayConfig,omitempty" xml:"xrayConfig,omitempty"` BintrayConfig *BintrayConfig `yaml:"bintrayConfig,omitempty" xml:"bintrayConfig,omitempty"` Indexer *Indexer `yaml:"indexer,omitempty" xml:"indexer,omitempty"` UrlBase *string `yaml:"urlBase,omitempty" xml:"urlBase,omitempty"` Logo *string `yaml:"logo,omitempty" xml:"logo,omitempty"` GcConfig *GcConfig `yaml:"gcConfig,omitempty" xml:"gcConfig,omitempty"` CleanupConfig *CleanupConfig `yaml:"cleanupConfig,omitempty" xml:"cleanupConfig,omitempty"` VirtualCacheCleanupConfig *VirtualCacheCleanupConfig `yaml:"virtualCacheCleanupConfig,omitempty" xml:"virtualCacheCleanupConfig,omitempty"` QuotaConfig *QuotaConfig `yaml:"quotaConfig,omitempty" xml:"quotaConfig,omitempty"` SystemMessageConfig *SystemMessageConfig `yaml:"systemMessageConfig,omitempty" xml:"systemMessageConfig,omitempty"` FolderDownloadConfig *FolderDownloadConfig `yaml:"folderDownloadConfig,omitempty" xml:"folderDownloadConfig,omitempty"` TrashcanConfig *TrashcanConfig `yaml:"trashcanConfig,omitempty" xml:"trashcanConfig,omitempty"` ReplicationsConfig *ReplicationsConfig `yaml:"replicationsConfig,omitempty" xml:"replicationsConfig,omitempty"` SumoLogicConfig *SumoLogicConfig `yaml:"sumoLogicConfig,omitempty" xml:"sumoLogicConfig,omitempty"` ReleaseBundlesConfig *ReleaseBundlesConfig `yaml:"releaseBundlesConfig,omitempty" xml:"releaseBundlesConfig,omitempty"` SignedUrlConfig *SignedUrlConfig `yaml:"signedUrlConfig,omitempty" xml:"signedUrlConfig,omitempty"` }
GlobalConfigCommon represents elements of the Global Configuration Descriptor that are common between a GlobalConfigRequest and GlobalConfigResponse. Lots of elements aren't documented but have been mapped from the XML schema at
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetAddonsConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetAddonsConfig() *AddonsConfig
GetAddonsConfig returns the AddonsConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetBintrayConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetBintrayConfig() *BintrayConfig
GetBintrayConfig returns the BintrayConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetCleanupConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetCleanupConfig() *CleanupConfig
GetCleanupConfig returns the CleanupConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetDateFormat ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetDateFormat() string
GetDateFormat returns the DateFormat field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetFileUploadMaxSizeMb ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetFileUploadMaxSizeMb() int
GetFileUploadMaxSizeMb returns the FileUploadMaxSizeMb field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetFolderDownloadConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetFolderDownloadConfig() *FolderDownloadConfig
GetFolderDownloadConfig returns the FolderDownloadConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetFooter ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetFooter() string
GetFooter returns the Footer field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetGcConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetGcConfig() *GcConfig
GetGcConfig returns the GcConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetHelpLinksEnabled ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetHelpLinksEnabled() bool
GetHelpLinksEnabled returns the HelpLinksEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetIndexer ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetIndexer() *Indexer
GetIndexer returns the Indexer field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetLogo ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetLogo() string
GetLogo returns the Logo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetMailServer ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetMailServer() *MailServer
GetMailServer returns the MailServer field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetOfflineMode ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetOfflineMode() bool
GetOfflineMode returns the OfflineMode field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetQuotaConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetQuotaConfig() *QuotaConfig
GetQuotaConfig returns the QuotaConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetReleaseBundlesConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetReleaseBundlesConfig() *ReleaseBundlesConfig
GetReleaseBundlesConfig returns the ReleaseBundlesConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetReplicationsConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetReplicationsConfig() *ReplicationsConfig
GetReplicationsConfig returns the ReplicationsConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetServerName ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetServerName() string
GetServerName returns the ServerName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetSignedUrlConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetSignedUrlConfig() *SignedUrlConfig
GetSignedUrlConfig returns the SignedUrlConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetSumoLogicConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetSumoLogicConfig() *SumoLogicConfig
GetSumoLogicConfig returns the SumoLogicConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetSystemMessageConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetSystemMessageConfig() *SystemMessageConfig
GetSystemMessageConfig returns the SystemMessageConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetTrashcanConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetTrashcanConfig() *TrashcanConfig
GetTrashcanConfig returns the TrashcanConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetUrlBase ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetUrlBase() string
GetUrlBase returns the UrlBase field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetVirtualCacheCleanupConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetVirtualCacheCleanupConfig() *VirtualCacheCleanupConfig
GetVirtualCacheCleanupConfig returns the VirtualCacheCleanupConfig field.
func (*GlobalConfigCommon) GetXrayConfig ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigCommon) GetXrayConfig() *XrayConfig
GetXrayConfig returns the XrayConfig field.
type GlobalConfigRequest ¶
type GlobalConfigRequest struct { GlobalConfigCommon `yaml:",inline"` Security *SecurityRequest `yaml:"security,omitempty"` Backups *map[string]*Backup `yaml:"backups,omitempty"` Proxies *map[string]*Proxy `yaml:"proxies,omitempty"` ReverseProxies *map[string]*ReverseProxy `yaml:"reverseProxies,omitempty"` PropertySets *map[string]*PropertySetRequest `yaml:"propertySets,omitempty"` RepoLayouts *map[string]*RepoLayout `yaml:"repoLayouts,omitempty"` BintrayApplications *map[string]*BintrayApplication `yaml:"bintrayApplications,omitempty"` }
GlobalConfigRequest represents elements of the Global Configuration Descriptor that can be updated in a PATCH request. Notes:
- Fields whose types implement the MarshalYAML() method have an additional Reset (bool) field which when set to true will YAML encode their value to null, thus resetting their values to Artifactory's defaults.
- Repository and repository replication configuration is omitted as the Repositories service methods should be used instead.
func (*GlobalConfigRequest) GetSecurity ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigRequest) GetSecurity() *SecurityRequest
GetSecurity returns the Security field.
func (GlobalConfigRequest) String ¶
func (g GlobalConfigRequest) String() string
type GlobalConfigResponse ¶
type GlobalConfigResponse struct { *GlobalConfigCommon Revision *int `xml:"revision,omitempty"` Security *SecurityResponse `xml:"security,omitempty"` Backups *[]Backup `xml:"backups>backup,omitempty"` LocalRepositories *[]LocalRepository `xml:"localRepositories>localRepository,omitempty"` RemoteRepositories *[]RemoteRepository `xml:"remoteRepositories>remoteRepository,omitempty"` VirtualRepositories *[]VirtualRepository `xml:"virtualRepositories>virtualRepository,omitempty"` LocalReplications *[]Replication `xml:"localReplications>localReplication,omitempty"` RemoteReplications *[]Replication `xml:"remoteReplications>remoteReplication,omitempty"` Proxies *[]Proxy `xml:"proxies>proxy,omitempty"` ReverseProxies *[]ReverseProxy `xml:"reverseProxies>reverseProxy,omitempty"` PropertySets *[]PropertySetResponse `xml:"propertySets>propertySet,omitempty"` RepoLayouts *[]RepoLayout `xml:"repoLayouts>repoLayout,omitempty"` BintrayApplications *[]BintrayApplication `xml:"bintrayApplications>bintrayApplication,omitempty"` }
GlobalConfigResponse represents the response to a GET request for the Global Configuration Descriptor.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetBackups ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetBackups() []Backup
GetBackups returns the Backups field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetBintrayApplications ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetBintrayApplications() []BintrayApplication
GetBintrayApplications returns the BintrayApplications field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetLocalReplications ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetLocalReplications() []Replication
GetLocalReplications returns the LocalReplications field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetLocalRepositories ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetLocalRepositories() []LocalRepository
GetLocalRepositories returns the LocalRepositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetPropertySets ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetPropertySets() []PropertySetResponse
GetPropertySets returns the PropertySets field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetProxies ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetProxies() []Proxy
GetProxies returns the Proxies field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetRemoteReplications ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRemoteReplications() []Replication
GetRemoteReplications returns the RemoteReplications field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetRemoteRepositories ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRemoteRepositories() []RemoteRepository
GetRemoteRepositories returns the RemoteRepositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetRepoLayouts ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRepoLayouts() []RepoLayout
GetRepoLayouts returns the RepoLayouts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetReverseProxies ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetReverseProxies() []ReverseProxy
GetReverseProxies returns the ReverseProxies field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetRevision ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetRevision() int
GetRevision returns the Revision field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetSecurity ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetSecurity() *SecurityResponse
GetSecurity returns the Security field.
func (*GlobalConfigResponse) GetVirtualRepositories ¶
func (g *GlobalConfigResponse) GetVirtualRepositories() []VirtualRepository
GetVirtualRepositories returns the VirtualRepositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (GlobalConfigResponse) String ¶
func (g GlobalConfigResponse) String() string
type Group ¶
type Group struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` AutoJoin *bool `json:"autoJoin,omitempty"` AdminPrivileges *bool `json:"adminPrivileges,omitempty"` Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"` RealmAttributes *string `json:"realmAttributes,omitempty"` }
Group represents a group in Artifactory.
func (*Group) GetAdminPrivileges ¶
GetAdminPrivileges returns the AdminPrivileges field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Group) GetAutoJoin ¶
GetAutoJoin returns the AutoJoin field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Group) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Group) GetRealmAttributes ¶
GetRealmAttributes returns the RealmAttributes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type GroupsService ¶
type GroupsService service
GroupsService handles communication with the group related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*GroupsService) Create ¶
func (s *GroupsService) Create(group *Group) (*string, *Response, error)
Create constructs a group with the provided details.
func (*GroupsService) Delete ¶
func (s *GroupsService) Delete(group string) (*string, *Response, error)
Delete removes the provided group.
func (*GroupsService) Get ¶
func (s *GroupsService) Get(group string) (*Group, *Response, error)
Get returns the provided group.
func (*GroupsService) GetAll ¶
func (s *GroupsService) GetAll() (*[]Group, *Response, error)
GetAll returns a list of all groups.
func (*GroupsService) Update ¶
func (s *GroupsService) Update(group *Group) (*string, *Response, error)
Update modifies a group with the provided details.
type HALicense ¶
type HALicense struct { Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` ValidThrough *string `json:"validThrough,omitempty"` LicensedTo *string `json:"licensedTo,omitempty"` LicenseHash *string `json:"licenseHash,omitempty"` NodeID *string `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` NodeURL *string `json:"nodeUrl,omitempty"` Expired *bool `json:"expired,omitempty"` }
HALicense represents a HA license in Artifactory.
func (*HALicense) GetExpired ¶
GetExpired returns the Expired field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HALicense) GetLicenseHash ¶
GetLicenseHash returns the LicenseHash field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HALicense) GetLicensedTo ¶
GetLicensedTo returns the LicensedTo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HALicense) GetNodeID ¶
GetNodeID returns the NodeID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HALicense) GetNodeURL ¶
GetNodeURL returns the NodeURL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HALicense) GetValidThrough ¶
GetValidThrough returns the ValidThrough field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type HALicenseResponse ¶
type HALicenseResponse struct { Status *int `json:"status,omitempty"` Messages *map[string]string `json:"messages,omitempty"` }
HALicenseResponse represents the response from installing a HA license(s) in Artifactory.
func (*HALicenseResponse) GetMessages ¶
func (h *HALicenseResponse) GetMessages() map[string]string
GetMessages returns the Messages field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HALicenseResponse) GetStatus ¶
func (h *HALicenseResponse) GetStatus() int
GetStatus returns the Status field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (HALicenseResponse) String ¶
func (h HALicenseResponse) String() string
type HALicenses ¶
type HALicenses struct {
Licenses *[]HALicense `json:"licenses,omitempty"`
HALicenses represents an array of HA licenses in Artifactory.
func (*HALicenses) GetLicenses ¶
func (h *HALicenses) GetLicenses() []HALicense
GetLicenses returns the Licenses field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (HALicenses) String ¶
func (h HALicenses) String() string
type HttpSsoSettings ¶
type HttpSsoSettings struct { HttpSsoProxied *bool `yaml:"httpSsoProxied,omitempty" xml:"httpSsoProxied,omitempty"` RemoteUserRequestVariable *string `yaml:"remoteUserRequestVariable,omitempty" xml:"remoteUserRequestVariable,omitempty"` AllowUserToAccessProfile *bool `yaml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty" xml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty"` NoAutoUserCreation *bool `yaml:"noAutoUserCreation,omitempty" xml:"noAutoUserCreation,omitempty"` SyncLdapGroups *bool `yaml:"syncLdapGroups,omitempty" xml:"syncLdapGroups,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
HttpSsoSettings represents the HTTP SSO settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*HttpSsoSettings) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile ¶
func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
GetAllowUserToAccessProfile returns the AllowUserToAccessProfile field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HttpSsoSettings) GetHttpSsoProxied ¶
func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetHttpSsoProxied() bool
GetHttpSsoProxied returns the HttpSsoProxied field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HttpSsoSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation ¶
func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation() bool
GetNoAutoUserCreation returns the NoAutoUserCreation field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HttpSsoSettings) GetRemoteUserRequestVariable ¶
func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetRemoteUserRequestVariable() string
GetRemoteUserRequestVariable returns the RemoteUserRequestVariable field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HttpSsoSettings) GetReset ¶
func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HttpSsoSettings) GetSyncLdapGroups ¶
func (h *HttpSsoSettings) GetSyncLdapGroups() bool
GetSyncLdapGroups returns the SyncLdapGroups field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (HttpSsoSettings) MarshalYAML ¶
func (h HttpSsoSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type ImagePromotion ¶
type ImagePromotion struct { TargetRepo *string `json:"targetRepo,omitempty"` // The target repository for the move or copy DockerRepository *string `json:"dockerRepository,omitempty"` // The docker repository name to promote TargetDockerRepository *string `json:"targetDockerRepository,omitempty"` // An optional Docker repository name, if null, will use the same name as 'dockerRepository' Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // An optional tag name to promote, if null - the entire docker repository will be promoted. Available from v4.10. TargetTag *string `json:"targetTag,omitempty"` // An optional target tag to assign the image after promotion, if null - will use the same tag Copy *bool `json:"copy,omitempty"` // An optional value to set whether to copy instead of move. Default: false }
ImagePromotion represents the Docker image promotion request in Artifactory.
func (*ImagePromotion) GetCopy ¶
func (i *ImagePromotion) GetCopy() bool
GetCopy returns the Copy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImagePromotion) GetDockerRepository ¶
func (i *ImagePromotion) GetDockerRepository() string
GetDockerRepository returns the DockerRepository field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImagePromotion) GetTag ¶
func (i *ImagePromotion) GetTag() string
GetTag returns the Tag field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImagePromotion) GetTargetDockerRepository ¶
func (i *ImagePromotion) GetTargetDockerRepository() string
GetTargetDockerRepository returns the TargetDockerRepository field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImagePromotion) GetTargetRepo ¶
func (i *ImagePromotion) GetTargetRepo() string
GetTargetRepo returns the TargetRepo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImagePromotion) GetTargetTag ¶
func (i *ImagePromotion) GetTargetTag() string
GetTargetTag returns the TargetTag field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Indexer ¶
type Indexer struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` CronExp *string `yaml:"cronExp,omitempty" xml:"cronExp,omitempty"` IncludedRepositories *[]string `yaml:"includedRepositories,omitempty" xml:"includedRepositories,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
Indexer represents the Maven Indexer settings in Artifactory Services Configuration.
func (*Indexer) GetCronExp ¶
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Indexer) GetEnabled ¶
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Indexer) GetIncludedRepositories ¶
GetIncludedRepositories returns the IncludedRepositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (Indexer) MarshalYAML ¶
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type ItemLastModified ¶
type ItemLastModified struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` LastModified *Timestamp `json:"lastModified,omitempty"` }
ItemLastModified represents the last modified date for a file in Artifactory.
func (*ItemLastModified) GetLastModified ¶
func (i *ItemLastModified) GetLastModified() Timestamp
GetLastModified returns the LastModified field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ItemLastModified) GetURI ¶
func (i *ItemLastModified) GetURI() string
GetURI returns the URI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ItemLastModified) String ¶
func (i ItemLastModified) String() string
type ItemProperties ¶
type ItemProperties struct { URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Properties *map[string][]string `json:"properties,omitempty"` }
ItemProperties represents a set of properties for an item in Artifactory.
func (*ItemProperties) GetURI ¶
func (i *ItemProperties) GetURI() string
GetURI returns the URI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ItemProperties) String ¶
func (i ItemProperties) String() string
type LdapGroupSetting ¶
type LdapGroupSetting struct { Name *string `yaml:"-" xml:"name,omitempty"` DescriptionAttribute *string `yaml:"descriptionAttribute,omitempty" xml:"descriptionAttribute,omitempty"` EnabledLdap *string `yaml:"enabledLdap,omitempty" xml:"enabledLdap,omitempty"` Filter *string `yaml:"filter,omitempty" xml:"filter,omitempty"` GroupBaseDn *string `yaml:"groupBaseDn,omitempty" xml:"groupBaseDn,omitempty"` GroupMemberAttribute *string `yaml:"groupMemberAttribute,omitempty" xml:"groupMemberAttribute,omitempty"` GroupNameAttribute *string `yaml:"groupNameAttribute,omitempty" xml:"groupNameAttribute,omitempty"` Strategy *string `yaml:"strategy,omitempty" xml:"strategy,omitempty"` SubTree *bool `yaml:"subtree,omitempty" xml:"subTree,omitempty"` }
LdapGroupSetting represents the LDAP Group settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetDescriptionAttribute ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetDescriptionAttribute() string
GetDescriptionAttribute returns the DescriptionAttribute field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetEnabledLdap ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetEnabledLdap() string
GetEnabledLdap returns the EnabledLdap field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetFilter ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetFilter() string
GetFilter returns the Filter field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupBaseDn ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupBaseDn() string
GetGroupBaseDn returns the GroupBaseDn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupMemberAttribute ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupMemberAttribute() string
GetGroupMemberAttribute returns the GroupMemberAttribute field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupNameAttribute ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetGroupNameAttribute() string
GetGroupNameAttribute returns the GroupNameAttribute field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetName ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetStrategy ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetStrategy() string
GetStrategy returns the Strategy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapGroupSetting) GetSubTree ¶
func (l *LdapGroupSetting) GetSubTree() bool
GetSubTree returns the SubTree field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type LdapSetting ¶
type LdapSetting struct { Key *string `yaml:"-" xml:"key,omitempty"` EmailAttribute *string `yaml:"emailAttribute,omitempty" xml:"emailAttribute,omitempty"` LdapPoisoningProtection *bool `yaml:"ldapPoisoningProtection,omitempty" xml:"ldapPoisoningProtection,omitempty"` LdapUrl *string `yaml:"ldapUrl,omitempty" xml:"ldapUrl,omitempty"` Search *struct { ManagerDn *string `yaml:"managerDn,omitempty" xml:"managerDn,omitempty"` ManagerPassword *string `yaml:"managerPassword,omitempty" xml:"managerPassword,omitempty"` SearchBase *string `yaml:"searchBase,omitempty" xml:"searchBase,omitempty"` SearchFilter *string `yaml:"searchFilter,omitempty" xml:"searchFilter,omitempty"` SearchSubTree *bool `yaml:"searchSubTree,omitempty" xml:"searchSubTree,omitempty"` } `yaml:"search,omitempty" xml:"search,omitempty"` UserDnPattern *string `yaml:"userDnPattern,omitempty" xml:"userDnPattern,omitempty"` AllowUserToAccessProfile *bool `yaml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty" xml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty"` AutoCreateUser *bool `yaml:"autoCreateUser,omitempty" xml:"autoCreateUser,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` }
LdapSetting represents the LDAP settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*LdapSetting) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
GetAllowUserToAccessProfile returns the AllowUserToAccessProfile field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetAutoCreateUser ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetAutoCreateUser() bool
GetAutoCreateUser returns the AutoCreateUser field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetEmailAttribute ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetEmailAttribute() string
GetEmailAttribute returns the EmailAttribute field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetEnabled ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetKey ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetLdapPoisoningProtection ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetLdapPoisoningProtection() bool
GetLdapPoisoningProtection returns the LdapPoisoningProtection field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetLdapUrl ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetLdapUrl() string
GetLdapUrl returns the LdapUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LdapSetting) GetUserDnPattern ¶
func (l *LdapSetting) GetUserDnPattern() string
GetUserDnPattern returns the UserDnPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type License ¶
type License struct { Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` ValidThrough *string `json:"validThrough,omitempty"` LicensedTo *string `json:"licensedTo,omitempty"` }
License represents a license in Artifactory.
func (*License) GetLicensedTo ¶
GetLicensedTo returns the LicensedTo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*License) GetValidThrough ¶
GetValidThrough returns the ValidThrough field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type LicenseRemoval ¶
type LicenseRemoval struct {
LicenseHashes *[]string `url:"licenseHash,omitempty"`
LicenseRemoval is a list of license hashes for when removing licenses in Artifactory.
func (*LicenseRemoval) GetLicenseHashes ¶
func (l *LicenseRemoval) GetLicenseHashes() []string
GetLicenseHashes returns the LicenseHashes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type LicenseRequest ¶
type LicenseRequest struct {
LicenseKey *string `json:"licenseKey,omitempty"`
LicenseRequest represents the license request in Artifactory.
func (*LicenseRequest) GetLicenseKey ¶
func (l *LicenseRequest) GetLicenseKey() string
GetLicenseKey returns the LicenseKey field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type LicenseResponse ¶
type LicenseResponse struct { Status *int `json:"status,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
LicenseResponse represents the response from installing a license in Artifactory.
func (*LicenseResponse) GetMessage ¶
func (l *LicenseResponse) GetMessage() string
GetMessage returns the Message field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LicenseResponse) GetStatus ¶
func (l *LicenseResponse) GetStatus() int
GetStatus returns the Status field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (LicenseResponse) String ¶
func (l LicenseResponse) String() string
type LicensesService ¶
type LicensesService service
LicensesService handles communication with the license related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*LicensesService) DeleteHA ¶
func (s *LicensesService) DeleteHA(hashes *LicenseRemoval) (*HALicenseResponse, *Response, error)
DeleteHA removes the provided license key(s) from an HA cluster.
func (*LicensesService) Get ¶
func (s *LicensesService) Get() (*License, *Response, error)
Get returns a single license.
func (*LicensesService) GetHA ¶
func (s *LicensesService) GetHA() (*HALicenses, *Response, error)
GetHA returns a list of licenses for an HA cluster.
func (*LicensesService) Install ¶
func (s *LicensesService) Install(license *LicenseRequest) (*LicenseResponse, *Response, error)
Install deploys the provided license to the instance.
func (*LicensesService) InstallHA ¶
func (s *LicensesService) InstallHA(licenses *[]LicenseRequest) (*HALicenseResponse, *Response, error)
InstallHA deploys the provided license(s) to an HA cluster.
type LocalRepository ¶
type LocalRepository struct { *GenericRepository DebianTrivialLayout *bool `json:"debianTrivialLayout,omitempty" xml:"debianTrivialLayout,omitempty"` ChecksumPolicyType *string `json:"checksumPolicyType,omitempty" xml:"localRepoChecksumPolicyType,omitempty"` MaxUniqueTags *int `json:"maxUniqueTags,omitempty" xml:"maxUniqueTags,omitempty"` SnapshotVersionBehavior *string `json:"snapshotVersionBehavior,omitempty" xml:"snapshotVersionBehavior,omitempty"` ArchiveBrowsingEnabled *bool `json:"archiveBrowsingEnabled,omitempty" xml:"archiveBrowsingEnabled,omitempty"` CalculateYumMetadata *bool `json:"calculateYumMetadata,omitempty" xml:"calculateYumMetadata,omitempty"` YumRootDepth *int `json:"yumRootDepth,omitempty" xml:"yumRootDepth,omitempty"` DockerAPIVersion *string `json:"dockerApiVersion,omitempty" xml:"dockerApiVersion,omitempty"` BlockPushingSchema1 *bool `json:"blockPushingSchema1,omitempty" xml:"blockPushingSchema1,omitempty"` EnableFileListsIndexing *bool `json:"enableFileListsIndexing,omitempty" xml:"enableFileListsIndexing,omitempty"` OptionalIndexCompressionFormats *[]string `json:"optionalIndexCompressionFormats,omitempty" xml:"optionalIndexCompressionFormats>debianFormat,omitempty"` XrayIndex *bool `json:"xrayIndex,omitempty" xml:"xray>enabled,omitempty"` DownloadRedirect *bool `json:"downloadRedirect,omitempty" xml:"downloadRedirect,omitempty"` }
LocalRepository represents a local repository in Artifactory.
func (*LocalRepository) GetArchiveBrowsingEnabled ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetArchiveBrowsingEnabled() bool
GetArchiveBrowsingEnabled returns the ArchiveBrowsingEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetBlockPushingSchema1 ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetBlockPushingSchema1() bool
GetBlockPushingSchema1 returns the BlockPushingSchema1 field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetCalculateYumMetadata ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetCalculateYumMetadata() bool
GetCalculateYumMetadata returns the CalculateYumMetadata field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetChecksumPolicyType ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetChecksumPolicyType() string
GetChecksumPolicyType returns the ChecksumPolicyType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetDebianTrivialLayout ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetDebianTrivialLayout() bool
GetDebianTrivialLayout returns the DebianTrivialLayout field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetDockerAPIVersion ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetDockerAPIVersion() string
GetDockerAPIVersion returns the DockerAPIVersion field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetDownloadRedirect ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetDownloadRedirect() bool
GetDownloadRedirect returns the DownloadRedirect field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetEnableFileListsIndexing ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetEnableFileListsIndexing() bool
GetEnableFileListsIndexing returns the EnableFileListsIndexing field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetMaxUniqueTags ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetMaxUniqueTags() int
GetMaxUniqueTags returns the MaxUniqueTags field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetOptionalIndexCompressionFormats ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetOptionalIndexCompressionFormats() []string
GetOptionalIndexCompressionFormats returns the OptionalIndexCompressionFormats field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetSnapshotVersionBehavior ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetSnapshotVersionBehavior() string
GetSnapshotVersionBehavior returns the SnapshotVersionBehavior field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetXrayIndex ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetXrayIndex() bool
GetXrayIndex returns the XrayIndex field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*LocalRepository) GetYumRootDepth ¶
func (l *LocalRepository) GetYumRootDepth() int
GetYumRootDepth returns the YumRootDepth field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (LocalRepository) String ¶
func (l LocalRepository) String() string
type MailServer ¶
type MailServer struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` ArtifactoryUrl *string `yaml:"artifactoryUrl,omitempty" xml:"artifactoryUrl,omitempty"` From *string `yaml:"from,omitempty" xml:"from,omitempty"` Host *string `yaml:"host,omitempty" xml:"host,omitempty"` Username *string `yaml:"username,omitempty" xml:"username,omitempty"` Password *string `yaml:"password,omitempty" xml:"password,omitempty"` Port *int `yaml:"port,omitempty" xml:"port,omitempty"` SubjectPrefix *string `yaml:"subjectPrefix,omitempty" xml:"subjectPrefix,omitempty"` Ssl *bool `yaml:"ssl,omitempty" xml:"ssl,omitempty"` Tls *bool `yaml:"tls,omitempty" xml:"tls,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
MailServer represents a Mail Server setting in Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*MailServer) GetArtifactoryUrl ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetArtifactoryUrl() string
GetArtifactoryUrl returns the ArtifactoryUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetEnabled ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetFrom ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetFrom() string
GetFrom returns the From field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetHost ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetHost() string
GetHost returns the Host field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetPassword ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetPort ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetPort() int
GetPort returns the Port field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetReset ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetSsl ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetSsl() bool
GetSsl returns the Ssl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetSubjectPrefix ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetSubjectPrefix() string
GetSubjectPrefix returns the SubjectPrefix field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetTls ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetTls() bool
GetTls returns the Tls field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MailServer) GetUsername ¶
func (m *MailServer) GetUsername() string
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (MailServer) MarshalYAML ¶
func (m MailServer) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type Modules ¶
type Modules struct { Properties *map[string]string `json:"properties,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Artifacts *[]BuildArtifacts `json:"artifacts,omitempty"` }
Modules contains information about modules within a build
func (*Modules) GetArtifacts ¶
func (m *Modules) GetArtifacts() []BuildArtifacts
GetArtifacts returns the Artifacts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Modules) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties returns the Properties field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type MultiPushReplication ¶
type MultiPushReplication struct { CronExp *string `json:"cronExp,omitempty"` EnableEventReplication *bool `json:"enableEventReplication,omitempty"` Replications *[]Replication `json:"replications,omitempty"` }
MultiPushReplication represents a Local Multi-push replication in Artifactory
func (*MultiPushReplication) GetCronExp ¶
func (m *MultiPushReplication) GetCronExp() string
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MultiPushReplication) GetEnableEventReplication ¶
func (m *MultiPushReplication) GetEnableEventReplication() bool
GetEnableEventReplication returns the EnableEventReplication field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*MultiPushReplication) GetReplications ¶
func (m *MultiPushReplication) GetReplications() []Replication
GetReplications returns the Replications field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (MultiPushReplication) String ¶
func (r MultiPushReplication) String() string
type OauthProviderSetting ¶
type OauthProviderSetting struct { Name *string `yaml:"-" xml:"name,omitempty"` Id *string `yaml:"-" xml:"id,omitempty"` ApiUrl *string `yaml:"apiUrl,omitempty" xml:"apiUrl,omitempty"` AuthUrl *string `yaml:"authUrl,omitempty" xml:"authUrl,omitempty"` BasicUrl *string `yaml:"basicUrl,omitempty" xml:"basicUrl,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` ProviderType *string `yaml:"providerType,omitempty" xml:"providerType,omitempty"` Secret *string `yaml:"secret,omitempty" xml:"secret,omitempty"` TokenUrl *string `yaml:"tokenUrl,omitempty" xml:"tokenUrl,omitempty"` }
OauthProviderSetting represents the Oauth Provider settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetApiUrl ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetApiUrl() string
GetApiUrl returns the ApiUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetAuthUrl ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetAuthUrl() string
GetAuthUrl returns the AuthUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetBasicUrl ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetBasicUrl() string
GetBasicUrl returns the BasicUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetId ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetName ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetProviderType ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetProviderType() string
GetProviderType returns the ProviderType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetSecret ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetSecret() string
GetSecret returns the Secret field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthProviderSetting) GetTokenUrl ¶
func (o *OauthProviderSetting) GetTokenUrl() string
GetTokenUrl returns the TokenUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type OauthSettingsRequest ¶
type OauthSettingsRequest struct { AllowUserToAccessProfile *bool `yaml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty"` EnableIntegration *bool `yaml:"enableIntegration,omitempty"` PersistUsers *bool `yaml:"persistUsers,omitempty"` OauthProvidersSettings *map[string]*OauthProviderSetting `yaml:"oauthProvidersSettings,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-"` }
OauthSettingsRequest represents the OAuth settings in a PATCH request to update Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*OauthSettingsRequest) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsRequest) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
GetAllowUserToAccessProfile returns the AllowUserToAccessProfile field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthSettingsRequest) GetEnableIntegration ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsRequest) GetEnableIntegration() bool
GetEnableIntegration returns the EnableIntegration field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthSettingsRequest) GetPersistUsers ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsRequest) GetPersistUsers() bool
GetPersistUsers returns the PersistUsers field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthSettingsRequest) GetReset ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsRequest) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (OauthSettingsRequest) MarshalYAML ¶
func (o OauthSettingsRequest) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type OauthSettingsResponse ¶
type OauthSettingsResponse struct { AllowUserToAccessProfile *bool `xml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty"` EnableIntegration *bool `xml:"enableIntegration,omitempty"` PersistUsers *bool `xml:"persistUsers,omitempty"` OauthProvidersSettings *[]OauthProviderSetting `xml:"oauthProvidersSettings>oauthProvidersSettings,omitempty"` }
OauthSettingsResponse represents the OAuth settings in a response to a GET request for Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*OauthSettingsResponse) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsResponse) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
GetAllowUserToAccessProfile returns the AllowUserToAccessProfile field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthSettingsResponse) GetEnableIntegration ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsResponse) GetEnableIntegration() bool
GetEnableIntegration returns the EnableIntegration field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthSettingsResponse) GetOauthProvidersSettings ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsResponse) GetOauthProvidersSettings() []OauthProviderSetting
GetOauthProvidersSettings returns the OauthProvidersSettings field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*OauthSettingsResponse) GetPersistUsers ¶
func (o *OauthSettingsResponse) GetPersistUsers() bool
GetPersistUsers returns the PersistUsers field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PasswordSettings ¶
type PasswordSettings struct { EncryptionPolicy *string `yaml:"encryptionPolicy,omitempty" xml:"encryptionPolicy,omitempty"` ExpirationPolicy *ExpirationPolicy `yaml:"expirationPolicy,omitempty" xml:"expirationPolicy,omitempty"` ResetPolicy *ResetPolicy `yaml:"resetPolicy,omitempty" xml:"resetPolicy,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
PasswordSettings represents the Password settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*PasswordSettings) GetEncryptionPolicy ¶
func (p *PasswordSettings) GetEncryptionPolicy() string
GetEncryptionPolicy returns the EncryptionPolicy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PasswordSettings) GetExpirationPolicy ¶
func (p *PasswordSettings) GetExpirationPolicy() *ExpirationPolicy
GetExpirationPolicy returns the ExpirationPolicy field.
func (*PasswordSettings) GetReset ¶
func (p *PasswordSettings) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PasswordSettings) GetResetPolicy ¶
func (p *PasswordSettings) GetResetPolicy() *ResetPolicy
GetResetPolicy returns the ResetPolicy field.
func (PasswordSettings) MarshalYAML ¶
func (p PasswordSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type PermissionDetails ¶
type PermissionDetails struct { IncludePatterns *[]string `json:"include-patterns,omitempty"` ExcludePatterns *[]string `json:"exclude-patterns,omitempty"` Repositories *[]string `json:"repositories,omitempty"` Actions *Actions `json:"actions,omitempty"` }
PermissionDetails represents the information about the repo, build, or releasebundle within the permission target.
func (*PermissionDetails) GetActions ¶
func (p *PermissionDetails) GetActions() *Actions
GetActions returns the Actions field.
func (*PermissionDetails) GetExcludePatterns ¶
func (p *PermissionDetails) GetExcludePatterns() []string
GetExcludePatterns returns the ExcludePatterns field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionDetails) GetIncludePatterns ¶
func (p *PermissionDetails) GetIncludePatterns() []string
GetIncludePatterns returns the IncludePatterns field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionDetails) GetRepositories ¶
func (p *PermissionDetails) GetRepositories() []string
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PermissionTarget ¶
type PermissionTarget struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` IncludesPattern *string `json:"includesPattern,omitempty"` ExcludesPattern *string `json:"excludesPattern,omitempty"` Repositories *[]string `json:"repositories,omitempty"` Principals *Principals `json:"principals,omitempty"` }
PermissionTarget represents a permission target in Artifactory.
func (*PermissionTarget) GetExcludesPattern ¶
func (p *PermissionTarget) GetExcludesPattern() string
GetExcludesPattern returns the ExcludesPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionTarget) GetIncludesPattern ¶
func (p *PermissionTarget) GetIncludesPattern() string
GetIncludesPattern returns the IncludesPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionTarget) GetName ¶
func (p *PermissionTarget) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionTarget) GetPrincipals ¶
func (p *PermissionTarget) GetPrincipals() *Principals
GetPrincipals returns the Principals field.
func (*PermissionTarget) GetRepositories ¶
func (p *PermissionTarget) GetRepositories() []string
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionTarget) GetURI ¶
func (p *PermissionTarget) GetURI() string
GetURI returns the URI field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (PermissionTarget) String ¶
func (p PermissionTarget) String() string
type PermissionTargetV2 ¶
type PermissionTargetV2 struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Repo *PermissionDetails `json:"repo,omitempty"` Build *PermissionDetails `json:"build,omitempty"` ReleaseBundle *PermissionDetails `json:"releaseBundle,omitempty"` }
PermissionTargetV2 represents a v2 permission target.
func (*PermissionTargetV2) GetBuild ¶
func (p *PermissionTargetV2) GetBuild() *PermissionDetails
GetBuild returns the Build field.
func (*PermissionTargetV2) GetName ¶
func (p *PermissionTargetV2) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PermissionTargetV2) GetReleaseBundle ¶
func (p *PermissionTargetV2) GetReleaseBundle() *PermissionDetails
GetReleaseBundle returns the ReleaseBundle field.
func (*PermissionTargetV2) GetRepo ¶
func (p *PermissionTargetV2) GetRepo() *PermissionDetails
GetRepo returns the Repo field.
func (PermissionTargetV2) String ¶
func (p PermissionTargetV2) String() string
type PermissionsService ¶
type PermissionsService service
PermissionsService handles communication with the permissions related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*PermissionsService) Create ¶
func (s *PermissionsService) Create(target *PermissionTarget) (*string, *Response, error)
Create constructs a permission target with the provided details.
func (*PermissionsService) Delete ¶
func (s *PermissionsService) Delete(target string) (*string, *Response, error)
Delete removes the provided permission target.
func (*PermissionsService) Get ¶
func (s *PermissionsService) Get(target string) (*PermissionTarget, *Response, error)
Get returns the provided permission target.
func (*PermissionsService) GetAll ¶
func (s *PermissionsService) GetAll() (*[]PermissionTarget, *Response, error)
GetAll returns a list of all permission targets.
func (*PermissionsService) Update ¶
func (s *PermissionsService) Update(target *PermissionTarget) (*string, *Response, error)
Update modifies a permission target with the provided details.
type PermissionsServiceV2 ¶
type PermissionsServiceV2 service
PermissionsServiceV2 handles communication with the permissions related methods of the Artifactory API v2.
func (*PermissionsServiceV2) Exists ¶
func (s *PermissionsServiceV2) Exists(target string) (bool, error)
Exists validates if the specific permission target exists.
func (*PermissionsServiceV2) Get ¶
func (s *PermissionsServiceV2) Get(target string) (*PermissionTargetV2, *Response, error)
Get returns the provided permission target.
func (*PermissionsServiceV2) Update ¶
func (s *PermissionsServiceV2) Update(target *PermissionTargetV2) (*string, *Response, error)
Update creates a new permission target or replaces an existing permission target.
type Principals ¶
type Principals struct { Users *map[string][]string `json:"users,omitempty"` Groups *map[string][]string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
Principals represents user and group permissions in Artifactory.
type PropertySetRequest ¶
type PropertySetRequest struct { Properties *[]struct { Name *string `yaml:"name,omitempty"` PredefinedValues *map[string]struct { DefaultValue *bool `yaml:"defaultValue,omitempty"` } `yaml:"predefinedValues,omitempty"` ClosedPredefinedValues *bool `yaml:"closedPredefinedValues,omitempty"` MultipleChoice *bool `yaml:"multipleChoice,omitempty"` } `yaml:"properties,omitempty"` Visible *bool `yaml:"visible,omitempty"` }
PropertySetRequest represents a Property Set in a PATCH request to update Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*PropertySetRequest) GetVisible ¶
func (p *PropertySetRequest) GetVisible() bool
GetVisible returns the Visible field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PropertySetResponse ¶
type PropertySetResponse struct { Name *string `xml:"name,omitempty"` Properties *[]struct { Name *string `xml:"name,omitempty"` PredefinedValues *[]struct { Value *string `xml:"value,omitempty"` DefaultValue *bool `xml:"defaultValue,omitempty"` } `xml:"predefinedValues>predefinedValue,omitempty"` ClosedPredefinedValues *bool `xml:"closedPredefinedValues,omitempty"` MultipleChoice *bool `xml:"multipleChoice,omitempty"` } `xml:"properties>property,omitempty"` Visible *bool `xml:"visible,omitempty"` }
PropertySetResponse represents a Property Set in a response to a GET request for Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*PropertySetResponse) GetName ¶
func (p *PropertySetResponse) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PropertySetResponse) GetVisible ¶
func (p *PropertySetResponse) GetVisible() bool
GetVisible returns the Visible field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Proxy ¶
type Proxy struct { Key *string `yaml:"-" xml:"key,omitempty"` Domain *string `yaml:"domain,omitempty" xml:"domain,omitempty"` Host *string `yaml:"host,omitempty" xml:"host,omitempty"` NtHost *string `yaml:"ntHost,omitempty" xml:"ntHost,omitempty"` Password *string `yaml:"password,omitempty" xml:"password,omitempty"` Port *int `yaml:"port,omitempty" xml:"port,omitempty"` RedirectToHosts *string `yaml:"redirectToHosts,omitempty" xml:"redirectedToHosts,omitempty"` Username *string `yaml:"username,omitempty" xml:"username,omitempty"` DefaultProxy *bool `yaml:"defaultProxy,omitempty" xml:"defaultProxy,omitempty"` }
Proxy represents a Proxy setting in Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*Proxy) GetDefaultProxy ¶
GetDefaultProxy returns the DefaultProxy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Proxy) GetPassword ¶
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Proxy) GetRedirectToHosts ¶
GetRedirectToHosts returns the RedirectToHosts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Proxy) GetUsername ¶
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type QuotaConfig ¶
type QuotaConfig struct { DiskSpaceLimitPercentage *int `yaml:"diskSpaceLimitPercentage,omitempty" xml:"diskSpaceLimitPercentage,omitempty"` DiskSpaceWarningPercentage *int `yaml:"diskSpaceWarningPercentage,omitempty" xml:"diskSpaceWarningPercentage,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
QuotaConfig represents the Storage Quota settings in Artifactory Maintenance Configuration.
func (*QuotaConfig) GetDiskSpaceLimitPercentage ¶
func (q *QuotaConfig) GetDiskSpaceLimitPercentage() int
GetDiskSpaceLimitPercentage returns the DiskSpaceLimitPercentage field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*QuotaConfig) GetDiskSpaceWarningPercentage ¶
func (q *QuotaConfig) GetDiskSpaceWarningPercentage() int
GetDiskSpaceWarningPercentage returns the DiskSpaceWarningPercentage field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*QuotaConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (q *QuotaConfig) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*QuotaConfig) GetReset ¶
func (q *QuotaConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (QuotaConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (q QuotaConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type Registry ¶
type Registry struct {
Repositories *[]string `json:"repositories,omitempty"`
Registry represents the list of Docker repositories in a registry in Artifactory.
func (*Registry) GetRepositories ¶
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type ReleaseBundlesConfig ¶
type ReleaseBundlesConfig struct { IncompleteCleanupPeriodHours *int `yaml:"incompleteCleanupPeriodHours,omitempty" xml:"incompleteCleanupPeriodHours,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
ReleaseBundlesConfig represents Release Bundle settings in Artifactory's Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*ReleaseBundlesConfig) GetIncompleteCleanupPeriodHours ¶
func (r *ReleaseBundlesConfig) GetIncompleteCleanupPeriodHours() int
GetIncompleteCleanupPeriodHours returns the IncompleteCleanupPeriodHours field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReleaseBundlesConfig) GetReset ¶
func (r *ReleaseBundlesConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ReleaseBundlesConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (r ReleaseBundlesConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type RemoteRepository ¶
type RemoteRepository struct { *GenericRepository URL *string `json:"url,omitempty" xml:"url,omitempty"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty" xml:"username,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty" xml:"password,omitempty"` Proxy *string `json:"proxy,omitempty" xml:"proxyRef,omitempty"` RemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType *string `json:"remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType,omitempty" xml:"remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType,omitempty"` HardFail *bool `json:"hardFail,omitempty" xml:"hardFail,omitempty"` Offline *bool `json:"offline,omitempty" xml:"offline,omitempty"` StoreArtifactsLocally *bool `json:"storeArtifactsLocally,omitempty" xml:"storeArtifactsLocally,omitempty"` SocketTimeoutMillis *int `json:"socketTimeoutMillis,omitempty" xml:"socketTimeoutMillis,omitempty"` LocalAddress *string `json:"localAddress,omitempty" xml:"localAddress,omitempty"` RetrievalCachePeriodSecs *int `json:"retrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty" xml:"retrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty"` FailedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs *int `json:"failedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty" xml:"failedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty"` MissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs *int `json:"missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty" xml:"missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty"` UnusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled *bool `json:"unusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled,omitempty" xml:"unusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled,omitempty"` UnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours *int `json:"unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours,omitempty" xml:"unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours,omitempty"` AssumedOfflinePeriodSecs *int `json:"assumedOfflinePeriodSecs,omitempty" xml:"assumedOfflinePeriodSecs,omitempty"` FetchJarsEagerly *bool `json:"fetchJarsEagerly,omitempty" xml:"fetchJarsEagerly,omitempty"` FetchSourcesEagerly *bool `json:"fetchSourcesEagerly,omitempty" xml:"fetchSourcesEagerly,omitempty"` SynchronizeProperties *bool `json:"synchronizeProperties,omitempty" xml:"synchronizeProperties,omitempty"` BlockMismatchingMimeTypes *bool `json:"blockMismatchingMimeTypes,omitempty" xml:"blockMismatchingMimeTypes,omitempty"` AllowAnyHostAuth *bool `json:"allowAnyHostAuth,omitempty" xml:"allowAnyHostAuth,omitempty"` EnableCookieManagement *bool `json:"enableCookieManagement,omitempty" xml:"enableCookieManagement,omitempty"` BowerRegistryURL *string `json:"bowerRegistryUrl,omitempty" xml:"bowerRegistryUrl,omitempty"` ComposerRegistryURL *string `json:"composerRegistryUrl,omitempty" xml:"composerRegistryUrl,omitempty"` PyPIRegistryURL *string `json:"pyPIRegistryUrl,omitempty" xml:"pypi>pyPIRegistryUrl,omitempty"` PyPIRepositorySuffix *string `json:"pyPIRepositorySuffix,omitempty" xml:"pyPIRepositorySuffix,omitempty"` VcsType *string `json:"vcsType,omitempty" xml:"vcs>type,omitempty"` VcsGitProvider *string `json:"vcsGitProvider,omitempty" xml:"vcs>git>provider,omitempty"` VcsGitDownloadUrl *string `json:"vcsGitDownloadUrl,omitempty" xml:"vcs>git>downloadUrl,omitempty"` BypassHeadRequests *bool `json:"bypassHeadRequests,omitempty" xml:"bypassHeadRequests,omitempty"` ClientTLSCertificate *string `json:"clientTlsCertificate,omitempty" xml:"clientTlsCertificate,omitempty"` ExternalDependenciesEnabled *bool `json:"externalDependenciesEnabled,omitempty" xml:"externalDependencies>enabled,omitempty"` ExternalDependenciesPatterns *[]string `json:"externalDependenciesPatterns,omitempty" xml:"externalDependencies>patterns>pattern,omitempty"` DownloadRedirect *bool `json:"downloadRedirect,omitempty" xml:"downloadRedirect,omitempty"` FeedContextPath *string `json:"feedContextPath,omitempty" xml:"nuget>feedContextPath,omitempty"` DownloadContextPath *string `json:"downloadContextPath,omitempty" xml:"nuget>downloadContextPath,omitempty"` V3FeedUrl *string `json:"v3FeedUrl,omitempty" xml:"nuget>v3FeedUrl,omitempty"` XrayIndex *bool `json:"xrayIndex,omitempty" xml:"xray>enabled,omitempty"` ListRemoteFolderItems *bool `json:"listRemoteFolderItems,omitempty" xml:"listRemoteFolderItems,omitempty"` EnableTokenAuthentication *bool `json:"enableTokenAuthentication,omitempty" xml:"enableTokenAuthentication,omitempty"` ContentSynchronisation *ContentSynchronisation `json:"contentSynchronisation,omitempty" xml:"contentSynchronisation,omitempty"` BlockPushingSchema1 *bool `json:"blockPushingSchema1,omitempty" xml:"blockPushingSchema1,omitempty"` QueryParams *string `json:"queryParams,omitempty" xml:"queryParams,omitempty"` PropagateQueryParams *bool `json:"propagateQueryParams,omitempty" xml:"propagateQueryParams,omitempty"` }
RemoteRepository represents a remote repository in Artifactory.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetAllowAnyHostAuth ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetAllowAnyHostAuth() bool
GetAllowAnyHostAuth returns the AllowAnyHostAuth field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetAssumedOfflinePeriodSecs ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetAssumedOfflinePeriodSecs() int
GetAssumedOfflinePeriodSecs returns the AssumedOfflinePeriodSecs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetBlockMismatchingMimeTypes ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBlockMismatchingMimeTypes() bool
GetBlockMismatchingMimeTypes returns the BlockMismatchingMimeTypes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetBlockPushingSchema1 ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBlockPushingSchema1() bool
GetBlockPushingSchema1 returns the BlockPushingSchema1 field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetBowerRegistryURL ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBowerRegistryURL() string
GetBowerRegistryURL returns the BowerRegistryURL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetBypassHeadRequests ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetBypassHeadRequests() bool
GetBypassHeadRequests returns the BypassHeadRequests field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetClientTLSCertificate ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetClientTLSCertificate() string
GetClientTLSCertificate returns the ClientTLSCertificate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetComposerRegistryURL ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetComposerRegistryURL() string
GetComposerRegistryURL returns the ComposerRegistryURL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetContentSynchronisation ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetContentSynchronisation() *ContentSynchronisation
GetContentSynchronisation returns the ContentSynchronisation field.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetDownloadContextPath ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetDownloadContextPath() string
GetDownloadContextPath returns the DownloadContextPath field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetDownloadRedirect ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetDownloadRedirect() bool
GetDownloadRedirect returns the DownloadRedirect field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetEnableCookieManagement ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetEnableCookieManagement() bool
GetEnableCookieManagement returns the EnableCookieManagement field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetEnableTokenAuthentication ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetEnableTokenAuthentication() bool
GetEnableTokenAuthentication returns the EnableTokenAuthentication field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetExternalDependenciesEnabled ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetExternalDependenciesEnabled() bool
GetExternalDependenciesEnabled returns the ExternalDependenciesEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetExternalDependenciesPatterns ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetExternalDependenciesPatterns() []string
GetExternalDependenciesPatterns returns the ExternalDependenciesPatterns field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetFailedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFailedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
GetFailedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs returns the FailedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetFeedContextPath ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFeedContextPath() string
GetFeedContextPath returns the FeedContextPath field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetFetchJarsEagerly ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFetchJarsEagerly() bool
GetFetchJarsEagerly returns the FetchJarsEagerly field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetFetchSourcesEagerly ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetFetchSourcesEagerly() bool
GetFetchSourcesEagerly returns the FetchSourcesEagerly field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetHardFail ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetHardFail() bool
GetHardFail returns the HardFail field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetListRemoteFolderItems ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetListRemoteFolderItems() bool
GetListRemoteFolderItems returns the ListRemoteFolderItems field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetLocalAddress ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetLocalAddress() string
GetLocalAddress returns the LocalAddress field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetMissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetMissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
GetMissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs returns the MissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetOffline ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetOffline() bool
GetOffline returns the Offline field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetPassword ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetPropagateQueryParams ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPropagateQueryParams() bool
GetPropagateQueryParams returns the PropagateQueryParams field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetProxy ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetProxy() string
GetProxy returns the Proxy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetPyPIRegistryURL ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPyPIRegistryURL() string
GetPyPIRegistryURL returns the PyPIRegistryURL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetPyPIRepositorySuffix ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetPyPIRepositorySuffix() string
GetPyPIRepositorySuffix returns the PyPIRepositorySuffix field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetQueryParams ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetQueryParams() string
GetQueryParams returns the QueryParams field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetRemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetRemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType() string
GetRemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType returns the RemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetRetrievalCachePeriodSecs ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
GetRetrievalCachePeriodSecs returns the RetrievalCachePeriodSecs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetShareConfiguration ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetShareConfiguration() bool
GetShareConfiguration returns the ShareConfiguration field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetSocketTimeoutMillis ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetSocketTimeoutMillis() int
GetSocketTimeoutMillis returns the SocketTimeoutMillis field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetStoreArtifactsLocally ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetStoreArtifactsLocally() bool
GetStoreArtifactsLocally returns the StoreArtifactsLocally field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetSynchronizeProperties ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetSynchronizeProperties() bool
GetSynchronizeProperties returns the SynchronizeProperties field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetURL ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetURL() string
GetURL returns the URL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled() bool
GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled returns the UnusedArtifactsCleanupEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours() int
GetUnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours returns the UnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetUsername ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetUsername() string
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetV3FeedUrl ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetV3FeedUrl() string
GetV3FeedUrl returns the V3FeedUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetVcsGitDownloadUrl ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetVcsGitDownloadUrl() string
GetVcsGitDownloadUrl returns the VcsGitDownloadUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetVcsGitProvider ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetVcsGitProvider() string
GetVcsGitProvider returns the VcsGitProvider field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetVcsType ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetVcsType() string
GetVcsType returns the VcsType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RemoteRepository) GetXrayIndex ¶
func (r *RemoteRepository) GetXrayIndex() bool
GetXrayIndex returns the XrayIndex field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (RemoteRepository) String ¶
func (r RemoteRepository) String() string
type Replication ¶
type Replication struct { Username *string `json:"username,omitempty" xml:"username,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty" xml:"password,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty" xml:"url,omitempty"` SocketTimeoutMillis *int `json:"socketTimeoutMillis,omitempty" xml:"socketTimeoutMillis,omitempty"` CronExp *string `json:"cronExp,omitempty" xml:"cronExp,omitempty"` RepoKey *string `json:"repoKey,omitempty" xml:"repoKey,omitempty"` EnableEventReplication *bool `json:"enableEventReplication,omitempty" xml:"enableEventReplication,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` SyncDeletes *bool `json:"syncDeletes,omitempty" xml:"syncDeletes,omitempty"` SyncProperties *bool `json:"syncProperties,omitempty" xml:"syncProperties,omitempty"` SyncStatistics *bool `json:"syncStatistics,omitempty" xml:"syncStatistics,omitempty"` PathPrefix *string `json:"pathPrefix,omitempty" xml:"pathPrefix,omitempty"` CheckBinaryExistenceInFilestore *bool `json:"checkBinaryExistenceInFilestore,omitempty" xml:"checkBinaryExistenceInFilestore,omitempty"` }
Replication represents possible fields across all replication types in Artifactory.
func (*Replication) GetCheckBinaryExistenceInFilestore ¶
func (r *Replication) GetCheckBinaryExistenceInFilestore() bool
GetCheckBinaryExistenceInFilestore returns the CheckBinaryExistenceInFilestore field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetCronExp ¶
func (r *Replication) GetCronExp() string
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetEnableEventReplication ¶
func (r *Replication) GetEnableEventReplication() bool
GetEnableEventReplication returns the EnableEventReplication field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetEnabled ¶
func (r *Replication) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetPassword ¶
func (r *Replication) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetPathPrefix ¶
func (r *Replication) GetPathPrefix() string
GetPathPrefix returns the PathPrefix field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetRepoKey ¶
func (r *Replication) GetRepoKey() string
GetRepoKey returns the RepoKey field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetSocketTimeoutMillis ¶
func (r *Replication) GetSocketTimeoutMillis() int
GetSocketTimeoutMillis returns the SocketTimeoutMillis field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetSyncDeletes ¶
func (r *Replication) GetSyncDeletes() bool
GetSyncDeletes returns the SyncDeletes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetSyncProperties ¶
func (r *Replication) GetSyncProperties() bool
GetSyncProperties returns the SyncProperties field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetSyncStatistics ¶
func (r *Replication) GetSyncStatistics() bool
GetSyncStatistics returns the SyncStatistics field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetUrl ¶
func (r *Replication) GetUrl() string
GetUrl returns the Url field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Replication) GetUsername ¶
func (r *Replication) GetUsername() string
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (Replication) String ¶
func (r Replication) String() string
type Replications ¶
type Replications struct { *Replication ReplicationType *string `json:"replicationType,omitempty"` }
Replications represents a replication returned by the undocumented replications endpoint.
Docs: This struct is currently undocumented by JFrog
func (*Replications) GetReplicationType ¶
func (r *Replications) GetReplicationType() string
GetReplicationType returns the ReplicationType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (Replications) String ¶
func (r Replications) String() string
type ReplicationsConfig ¶
type ReplicationsConfig struct { BlockPullReplications *bool `yaml:"blockPullReplications,omitempty" xml:"blockPullReplications,omitempty"` BlockPushReplications *bool `yaml:"blockPushReplications,omitempty" xml:"blockPushReplications,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
ReplicationsConfig represents Global Replication Blocking settings in Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*ReplicationsConfig) GetBlockPullReplications ¶
func (r *ReplicationsConfig) GetBlockPullReplications() bool
GetBlockPullReplications returns the BlockPullReplications field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReplicationsConfig) GetBlockPushReplications ¶
func (r *ReplicationsConfig) GetBlockPushReplications() bool
GetBlockPushReplications returns the BlockPushReplications field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReplicationsConfig) GetReset ¶
func (r *ReplicationsConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ReplicationsConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (r ReplicationsConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type ReplicationsService ¶
type ReplicationsService service
ReplicationsService handles communication with the replications related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*ReplicationsService) Create ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) Create(repo string, replication *Replication) (*string, *Response, error)
Create constructs a single replication for the provided repository. If multiple push replications are required CreateMultiPush needs to be used Docs:
func (*ReplicationsService) CreateMultiPush ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) CreateMultiPush(repo string, replications *MultiPushReplication) (*string, *Response, error)
CreateMultiPush constructs a Local Multi-push replication for the provided repository.
func (*ReplicationsService) Delete ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) Delete(repo string) (*string, *Response, error)
Delete deletes the existing replication configuration for the provided repository.
func (*ReplicationsService) DeleteMultiPush ¶
DeleteMultiPush deletes replication configuration at the provided URL for the provided repository.
func (*ReplicationsService) Get ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) Get(repo string) (*[]Replication, *Response, error)
Get returns replications for the provided repository. Artifactory returns a JSON array for a local replication or a JSON object for a remote replication. This method returns a slice to maintain consistency. Docs:
func (*ReplicationsService) GetAll ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) GetAll() (*[]Replications, *Response, error)
GetAll returns a list of all replications.
Docs: This endpoint is currently undocumented by JFrog
func (*ReplicationsService) Update ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) Update(repo string, replication *Replication) (*string, *Response, error)
Update updates a single replication for the provided repository. If updates are required for a local repository with multiple push replications UpdateMultiPush needs to be used Docs:
func (*ReplicationsService) UpdateMultiPush ¶
func (r *ReplicationsService) UpdateMultiPush(repo string, replications *MultiPushReplication) (*string, *Response, error)
UpdateMultiPush updates a Local Multi-push replication for the provided repository
type RepoLayout ¶
type RepoLayout struct { Name *string `yaml:"-" xml:"name,omitempty"` ArtifactPathPattern *string `yaml:"artifactPathPattern,omitempty" xml:"artifactPathPattern,omitempty"` DistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern *bool `yaml:"distinctiveDescriptorPathPattern,omitempty" xml:"distinctiveDescriptorPathPattern,omitempty"` DescriptorPathPattern *string `yaml:"descriptorPathPattern,omitempty" xml:"descriptorPathPattern,omitempty"` FolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp *string `yaml:"folderIntegrationRevisionRegExp,omitempty" xml:"folderIntegrationRevisionRegExp,omitempty"` FileIntegrationRevisionRegExp *string `yaml:"fileIntegrationRevisionRegExp,omitempty" xml:"fileIntegrationRevisionRegExp,omitempty"` }
RepoLayout represents a Repository Layout setting in Artifactory. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*RepoLayout) GetArtifactPathPattern ¶
func (r *RepoLayout) GetArtifactPathPattern() string
GetArtifactPathPattern returns the ArtifactPathPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepoLayout) GetDescriptorPathPattern ¶
func (r *RepoLayout) GetDescriptorPathPattern() string
GetDescriptorPathPattern returns the DescriptorPathPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepoLayout) GetDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern ¶
func (r *RepoLayout) GetDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern() bool
GetDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern returns the DistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepoLayout) GetFileIntegrationRevisionRegExp ¶
func (r *RepoLayout) GetFileIntegrationRevisionRegExp() string
GetFileIntegrationRevisionRegExp returns the FileIntegrationRevisionRegExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepoLayout) GetFolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp ¶
func (r *RepoLayout) GetFolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp() string
GetFolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp returns the FolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepoLayout) GetName ¶
func (r *RepoLayout) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type RepositoriesService ¶
type RepositoriesService service
RepositoriesService handles communication with the repository related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*RepositoriesService) Create ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) Create(repo string, body interface{}) (*string, *Response, error)
Create constructs a repository with the provided details.
func (*RepositoriesService) Delete ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) Delete(repo string) (*string, *Response, error)
Delete removes the provided repository.
func (*RepositoriesService) Get ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) Get(repo string) (interface{}, *Response, error)
Get returns the provided repository.
func (*RepositoriesService) GetAll ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) GetAll() (*[]Repository, *Response, error)
GetAll returns a list of all repositories.
type RepositoriesSummary ¶
type RepositoriesSummary struct { RepoKey *string `json:"repoKey,omitempty"` RepoType *string `json:"repoType,omitempty"` FoldersCount *int `json:"foldersCount,omitempty"` FilesCount *int `json:"filesCount,omitempty"` UsedSpace *string `json:"usedSpace,omitempty"` ItemsCount *int `json:"itemsCount,omitempty"` PackageType *string `json:"packageType,omitempty"` Percentage *string `json:"percentage,omitempty"` }
RepositoriesSummary represents the summary of repositories in Artifactory.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetFilesCount ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetFilesCount() int
GetFilesCount returns the FilesCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetFoldersCount ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetFoldersCount() int
GetFoldersCount returns the FoldersCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetItemsCount ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetItemsCount() int
GetItemsCount returns the ItemsCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetPackageType ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetPackageType() string
GetPackageType returns the PackageType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetPercentage ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetPercentage() string
GetPercentage returns the Percentage field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetRepoKey ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetRepoKey() string
GetRepoKey returns the RepoKey field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetRepoType ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetRepoType() string
GetRepoType returns the RepoType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoriesSummary) GetUsedSpace ¶
func (r *RepositoriesSummary) GetUsedSpace() string
GetUsedSpace returns the UsedSpace field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` PackageType *string `json:"packageType,omitempty"` }
Repository represents a repository in Artifactory.
func (*Repository) GetDescription ¶
func (r *Repository) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetKey ¶
func (r *Repository) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetPackageType ¶
func (r *Repository) GetPackageType() string
GetPackageType returns the PackageType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetType ¶
func (r *Repository) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetURL ¶
func (r *Repository) GetURL() string
GetURL returns the URL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (Repository) String ¶
func (r Repository) String() string
type ResetPolicy ¶
type ResetPolicy struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` MaxAttemptsPerAddress *int `yaml:"maxAttemptsPerAddress,omitempty" xml:"maxAttemptsPerAddress,omitempty"` TimeToBlockInMinutes *int `yaml:"timeToBlockInMinutes,omitempty" xml:"timeToBlockInMinutes,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
ResetPolicy represents the Password Reset Protection policy settings in Artifactory Security Configuration. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*ResetPolicy) GetEnabled ¶
func (r *ResetPolicy) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ResetPolicy) GetMaxAttemptsPerAddress ¶
func (r *ResetPolicy) GetMaxAttemptsPerAddress() int
GetMaxAttemptsPerAddress returns the MaxAttemptsPerAddress field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ResetPolicy) GetReset ¶
func (r *ResetPolicy) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ResetPolicy) GetTimeToBlockInMinutes ¶
func (r *ResetPolicy) GetTimeToBlockInMinutes() int
GetTimeToBlockInMinutes returns the TimeToBlockInMinutes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (ResetPolicy) MarshalYAML ¶
func (r ResetPolicy) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
type Response ¶
Response represents an Artifactory API response. This wraps the standard http.Response returned from Artifactory.
type ReverseProxy ¶
type ReverseProxy struct { Key *string `yaml:"-" xml:"key,omitempty"` WebServerType *string `yaml:"webServerType,omitempty" xml:"webServerType,omitempty"` ArtifactoryAppContext *string `yaml:"artifactoryAppContext,omitempty" xml:"artifactoryAppContext,omitempty"` PublicAppContext *string `yaml:"publicAppContext,omitempty" xml:"publicAppContext,omitempty"` ServerName *string `yaml:"serverName,omitempty" xml:"serverName,omitempty"` ServerNameExpression *string `yaml:"serverNameExpression,omitempty" xml:"serverNameExpression,omitempty"` SslCertificate *string `yaml:"sslCertificate,omitempty" xml:"sslCertificate,omitempty"` SslKey *string `yaml:"sslKey,omitempty" xml:"sslKey,omitempty"` DockerReverseProxyMethod *string `yaml:"dockerReverseProxyMethod,omitempty" xml:"dockerReverseProxyMethod,omitempty"` UseHttps *bool `yaml:"useHttps,omitempty" xml:"useHttps,omitempty"` UseHttp *bool `yaml:"useHttp,omitempty" xml:"useHttp,omitempty"` SslPort *int `yaml:"sslPort,omitempty" xml:"sslPort,omitempty"` HttpPort *int `yaml:"httpPort,omitempty" xml:"httpPort,omitempty"` ArtifactoryServerName *string `yaml:"artifactoryServerName,omitempty" xml:"artifactoryServerName,omitempty"` UpStreamName *string `yaml:"upStreamName,omitempty" xml:"upStreamName,omitempty"` ArtifactoryPort *int `yaml:"artifactoryPort,omitempty" xml:"artifactoryPort,omitempty"` }
ReverseProxy represents a Reverse Proxy configuration in Artifactory HTTP Settings.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryAppContext ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryAppContext() string
GetArtifactoryAppContext returns the ArtifactoryAppContext field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryPort ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryPort() int
GetArtifactoryPort returns the ArtifactoryPort field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryServerName ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetArtifactoryServerName() string
GetArtifactoryServerName returns the ArtifactoryServerName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetDockerReverseProxyMethod ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetDockerReverseProxyMethod() string
GetDockerReverseProxyMethod returns the DockerReverseProxyMethod field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetHttpPort ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetHttpPort() int
GetHttpPort returns the HttpPort field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetKey ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetPublicAppContext ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetPublicAppContext() string
GetPublicAppContext returns the PublicAppContext field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetServerName ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetServerName() string
GetServerName returns the ServerName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetServerNameExpression ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetServerNameExpression() string
GetServerNameExpression returns the ServerNameExpression field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetSslCertificate ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetSslCertificate() string
GetSslCertificate returns the SslCertificate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetSslKey ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetSslKey() string
GetSslKey returns the SslKey field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetSslPort ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetSslPort() int
GetSslPort returns the SslPort field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetUpStreamName ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetUpStreamName() string
GetUpStreamName returns the UpStreamName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetUseHttp ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetUseHttp() bool
GetUseHttp returns the UseHttp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetUseHttps ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetUseHttps() bool
GetUseHttps returns the UseHttps field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ReverseProxy) GetWebServerType ¶
func (r *ReverseProxy) GetWebServerType() string
GetWebServerType returns the WebServerType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type SamlSettings ¶
type SamlSettings struct { EnableIntegration *bool `yaml:"enableIntegration,omitempty" xml:"enableIntegration,omitempty"` Certificate *string `yaml:"certificate,omitempty" xml:"certificate,omitempty"` EmailAttribute *string `yaml:"emailAttribute,omitempty" xml:"emailAttribute,omitempty"` GroupAttribute *string `yaml:"groupAttribute,omitempty" xml:"groupAttribute,omitempty"` LoginUrl *string `yaml:"loginUrl,omitempty" xml:"loginUrl,omitempty"` LogoutUrl *string `yaml:"logoutUrl,omitempty" xml:"logoutUrl,omitempty"` NoAutoUserCreation *bool `yaml:"noAutoUserCreation,omitempty" xml:"noAutoUserCreation,omitempty"` ServiceProviderName *string `yaml:"serviceProviderName,omitempty" xml:"serviceProviderName,omitempty"` AllowUserToAccessProfile *bool `yaml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty" xml:"allowUserToAccessProfile,omitempty"` AutoRedirect *bool `yaml:"autoRedirect,omitempty" xml:"autoRedirect,omitempty"` SyncGroups *bool `yaml:"syncGroups,omitempty" xml:"syncGroups,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
SamlSettings represents the SAML settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*SamlSettings) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetAllowUserToAccessProfile() bool
GetAllowUserToAccessProfile returns the AllowUserToAccessProfile field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetAutoRedirect ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetAutoRedirect() bool
GetAutoRedirect returns the AutoRedirect field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetCertificate ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetCertificate() string
GetCertificate returns the Certificate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetEmailAttribute ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetEmailAttribute() string
GetEmailAttribute returns the EmailAttribute field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetEnableIntegration ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetEnableIntegration() bool
GetEnableIntegration returns the EnableIntegration field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetGroupAttribute ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetGroupAttribute() string
GetGroupAttribute returns the GroupAttribute field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetLoginUrl ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetLoginUrl() string
GetLoginUrl returns the LoginUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetLogoutUrl ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetLogoutUrl() string
GetLogoutUrl returns the LogoutUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetNoAutoUserCreation() bool
GetNoAutoUserCreation returns the NoAutoUserCreation field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetReset ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetServiceProviderName ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetServiceProviderName() string
GetServiceProviderName returns the ServiceProviderName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SamlSettings) GetSyncGroups ¶
func (s *SamlSettings) GetSyncGroups() bool
GetSyncGroups returns the SyncGroups field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (SamlSettings) MarshalYAML ¶
func (s SamlSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type SearchService ¶
type SearchService service
SearchService handles communication with the search related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*SearchService) GAVC ¶
func (s *SearchService) GAVC(coords *GAVCRequest) (*GAVCResponse, *Response, error)
GAVC returns the list of artifacts from the Maven search.
type SecurityRequest ¶
type SecurityRequest struct { AnonAccessEnabled *bool `yaml:"anonAccessEnabled,omitempty"` UserLockPolicy *UserLockPolicy `yaml:"userLockPolicy,omitempty"` PasswordSettings *PasswordSettings `yaml:"passwordSettings,omitempty"` LdapSettings *map[string]*LdapSetting `yaml:"ldapSettings,omitempty"` LdapGroupSettings *map[string]*LdapGroupSetting `yaml:"ldapGroupSettings,omitempty"` HttpSsoSettings *HttpSsoSettings `yaml:"httpSsoSettings,omitempty"` CrowdSettings *CrowdSettings `yaml:"crowdSettings,omitempty"` SamlSettings *SamlSettings `yaml:"samlSettings,omitempty"` OauthSettings *OauthSettingsRequest `yaml:"oauthSettings,omitempty"` AccessClientSettings *AccessClientSettings `yaml:"accessClientSettings,omitempty"` BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed *BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed `yaml:"buildGlobalBasicReadAllowed,omitempty"` BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous *BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous `yaml:"buildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous,omitempty"` }
SecurityRequest represents Security settings in a PATCH request to update Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetAccessClientSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetAccessClientSettings() *AccessClientSettings
GetAccessClientSettings returns the AccessClientSettings field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetAnonAccessEnabled ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetAnonAccessEnabled() bool
GetAnonAccessEnabled returns the AnonAccessEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed() *BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed
GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed returns the BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous() *BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous
GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous returns the BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetCrowdSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetCrowdSettings() *CrowdSettings
GetCrowdSettings returns the CrowdSettings field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetHttpSsoSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetHttpSsoSettings() *HttpSsoSettings
GetHttpSsoSettings returns the HttpSsoSettings field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetOauthSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetOauthSettings() *OauthSettingsRequest
GetOauthSettings returns the OauthSettings field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetPasswordSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetPasswordSettings() *PasswordSettings
GetPasswordSettings returns the PasswordSettings field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetSamlSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetSamlSettings() *SamlSettings
GetSamlSettings returns the SamlSettings field.
func (*SecurityRequest) GetUserLockPolicy ¶
func (s *SecurityRequest) GetUserLockPolicy() *UserLockPolicy
GetUserLockPolicy returns the UserLockPolicy field.
type SecurityResponse ¶
type SecurityResponse struct { AnonAccessEnabled *bool `xml:"anonAccessEnabled,omitempty"` UserLockPolicy *UserLockPolicy `xml:"userLockPolicy,omitempty"` PasswordSettings *PasswordSettings `xml:"passwordSettings,omitempty"` LdapSettings *[]LdapSetting `xml:"ldapSettings>ldapSetting,omitempty"` LdapGroupSettings *[]LdapGroupSetting `xml:"ldapGroupSettings>ldapGroupSetting,omitempty"` HttpSsoSettings *HttpSsoSettings `xml:"httpSsoSettings,omitempty"` CrowdSettings *CrowdSettings `xml:"crowdSettings,omitempty"` SamlSettings *SamlSettings `xml:"samlSettings,omitempty"` OauthSettings *OauthSettingsResponse `xml:"oauthSettings,omitempty"` AccessClientSettings *AccessClientSettings `xml:"accessClientSettings,omitempty"` BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed *bool `xml:"buildGlobalBasicReadAllowed,omitempty"` BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous *bool `xml:"buildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous,omitempty"` }
SecurityResponse represents Security settings in a response to a GET request for Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetAccessClientSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetAccessClientSettings() *AccessClientSettings
GetAccessClientSettings returns the AccessClientSettings field.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetAnonAccessEnabled ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetAnonAccessEnabled() bool
GetAnonAccessEnabled returns the AnonAccessEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed() bool
GetBuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed returns the BuildGlobalBasicReadAllowed field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous() bool
GetBuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous returns the BuildGlobalBasicReadForAnonymous field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetCrowdSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetCrowdSettings() *CrowdSettings
GetCrowdSettings returns the CrowdSettings field.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetHideUnauthorizedResources ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetHideUnauthorizedResources() bool
GetHideUnauthorizedResources returns the HideUnauthorizedResources field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetHttpSsoSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetHttpSsoSettings() *HttpSsoSettings
GetHttpSsoSettings returns the HttpSsoSettings field.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetLdapGroupSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetLdapGroupSettings() []LdapGroupSetting
GetLdapGroupSettings returns the LdapGroupSettings field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetLdapSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetLdapSettings() []LdapSetting
GetLdapSettings returns the LdapSettings field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetOauthSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetOauthSettings() *OauthSettingsResponse
GetOauthSettings returns the OauthSettings field.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetPasswordSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetPasswordSettings() *PasswordSettings
GetPasswordSettings returns the PasswordSettings field.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetSamlSettings ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetSamlSettings() *SamlSettings
GetSamlSettings returns the SamlSettings field.
func (*SecurityResponse) GetUserLockPolicy ¶
func (s *SecurityResponse) GetUserLockPolicy() *UserLockPolicy
GetUserLockPolicy returns the UserLockPolicy field.
type SecurityUser ¶
type SecurityUser struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` Admin *bool `json:"admin,omitempty"` ProfileUpdatable *bool `json:"profileUpdatable,omitempty"` DisableUIAccess *bool `json:"disableUIAccess,omitempty"` InternalPasswordDisabled *bool `json:"internalPasswordDisabled,omitempty"` LastLoggedIn *string `json:"lastLoggedIn,omitempty"` Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"` Groups *[]string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
SecurityUser represents a security user in Artifactory.
func (*SecurityUser) GetAdmin ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetAdmin() bool
GetAdmin returns the Admin field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetDisableUIAccess ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetDisableUIAccess() bool
GetDisableUIAccess returns the DisableUIAccess field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetEmail ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetEmail() string
GetEmail returns the Email field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetGroups ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetGroups() []string
GetGroups returns the Groups field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetInternalPasswordDisabled ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetInternalPasswordDisabled() bool
GetInternalPasswordDisabled returns the InternalPasswordDisabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetLastLoggedIn ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetLastLoggedIn() string
GetLastLoggedIn returns the LastLoggedIn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetName ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetPassword ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetProfileUpdatable ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetProfileUpdatable() bool
GetProfileUpdatable returns the ProfileUpdatable field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SecurityUser) GetRealm ¶
func (s *SecurityUser) GetRealm() string
GetRealm returns the Realm field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (SecurityUser) String ¶
func (u SecurityUser) String() string
type SignedUrlConfig ¶
type SignedUrlConfig struct { MaxValidForSeconds *int `yaml:"maxValidForSeconds,omitempty" xml:"maxValidForSeconds,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
SignedUrlConfig represents Signed URL settings in Artifactory's Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*SignedUrlConfig) GetMaxValidForSeconds ¶
func (s *SignedUrlConfig) GetMaxValidForSeconds() int
GetMaxValidForSeconds returns the MaxValidForSeconds field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SignedUrlConfig) GetReset ¶
func (s *SignedUrlConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (SignedUrlConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (s SignedUrlConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type SigningKeysSettings ¶
type SigningKeysSettings struct { Passphrase *string `yaml:"passphrase,omitempty" xml:"passphrase,omitempty"` KeyStorePassword *string `yaml:"keyStorePassword,omitempty" xml:"keyStorePassword,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
SigningKeysSetting represents the GPG Signing settings in Artifactory Security Configuration. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*SigningKeysSettings) GetKeyStorePassword ¶
func (s *SigningKeysSettings) GetKeyStorePassword() string
GetKeyStorePassword returns the KeyStorePassword field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SigningKeysSettings) GetPassphrase ¶
func (s *SigningKeysSettings) GetPassphrase() string
GetPassphrase returns the Passphrase field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SigningKeysSettings) GetReset ¶
func (s *SigningKeysSettings) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (SigningKeysSettings) MarshalYAML ¶
func (s SigningKeysSettings) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type StorageService ¶
type StorageService service
StorageService handles communication with the storage related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*StorageService) DeleteItemProperties ¶
func (s *StorageService) DeleteItemProperties(repo, path string, properties []string) (*Response, error)
DeleteItemProperties removes the provided properties from the provided item.
func (*StorageService) GetEffectiveItemPermissions ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetEffectiveItemPermissions(repo, path string) (*EffectiveItemPermissions, *Response, error)
GetEffectiveItemPermissions returns the effective item permissions for a file or folder.
func (*StorageService) GetFile ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetFile(repo, path string) (*File, *Response, error)
GetFile returns the provided file.
func (*StorageService) GetFileList ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetFileList(repo, path string) (*FileList, *Response, error)
GetFileList lists all files in the provided repo.
func (*StorageService) GetFileStatistics ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetFileStatistics(repo, path string) (*FileStatistics, *Response, error)
GetFileStatistics returns download statistics for the provided file.
func (*StorageService) GetFolder ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetFolder(repo, path string) (*Folder, *Response, error)
GetFolder returns the provided folder.
func (*StorageService) GetItemLastModified ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetItemLastModified(repo, path string) (*ItemLastModified, *Response, error)
GetItemLastModified returns the ISO8601 timestamp of the provided item's last modified date.
func (*StorageService) GetItemProperties ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetItemProperties(repo, path string) (*ItemProperties, *Response, error)
GetItemProperties returns properties on the provided item.
func (*StorageService) GetStorageSummary ¶
func (s *StorageService) GetStorageSummary() (*StorageSummary, *Response, error)
GetStorageSummary returns the storage summary information.
func (*StorageService) SetItemProperties ¶
func (s *StorageService) SetItemProperties(repo, path string, properties map[string][]string) (*Response, error)
SetItemProperties attaches the provided properties to the provided item.
type StorageSummary ¶
type StorageSummary struct { BinariesSummary *BinariesSummary `json:"binariesSummary,omitempty"` FileStoreSummary *FileStoreSummary `json:"fileStoreSummary,omitempty"` RepositoriesSummaryList *[]RepositoriesSummary `json:"repositoriesSummaryList,omitempty"` }
StorageSummary represents the summary of storage in Artifactory.
func (*StorageSummary) GetBinariesSummary ¶
func (s *StorageSummary) GetBinariesSummary() *BinariesSummary
GetBinariesSummary returns the BinariesSummary field.
func (*StorageSummary) GetFileStoreSummary ¶
func (s *StorageSummary) GetFileStoreSummary() *FileStoreSummary
GetFileStoreSummary returns the FileStoreSummary field.
func (*StorageSummary) GetRepositoriesSummaryList ¶
func (s *StorageSummary) GetRepositoriesSummaryList() []RepositoriesSummary
GetRepositoriesSummaryList returns the RepositoriesSummaryList field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (StorageSummary) String ¶
func (s StorageSummary) String() string
type SumoLogicConfig ¶
type SumoLogicConfig struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` Proxy *string `yaml:"proxy,omitempty" xml:"proxyRef,omitempty"` ClientId *string `yaml:"clientId,omitempty" xml:"clientId,omitempty"` Secret *string `yaml:"secret,omitempty" xml:"secret,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
SumoLogicConfig represents Sumo Logic settings in Artifactory's Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*SumoLogicConfig) GetClientId ¶
func (s *SumoLogicConfig) GetClientId() string
GetClientId returns the ClientId field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SumoLogicConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (s *SumoLogicConfig) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SumoLogicConfig) GetProxy ¶
func (s *SumoLogicConfig) GetProxy() string
GetProxy returns the Proxy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SumoLogicConfig) GetReset ¶
func (s *SumoLogicConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SumoLogicConfig) GetSecret ¶
func (s *SumoLogicConfig) GetSecret() string
GetSecret returns the Secret field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (SumoLogicConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (s SumoLogicConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type SystemMessageConfig ¶
type SystemMessageConfig struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` Message *string `yaml:"message,omitempty" xml:"message,omitempty"` Title *string `yaml:"title,omitempty" xml:"title,omitempty"` TitleColor *string `yaml:"titleColor,omitempty" xml:"titleColor,omitempty"` ShowOnAllPages *bool `yaml:"showOnAllPages,omitempty" xml:"showOnAllPages,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
SystemMessageConfig represents Custom Message settings in Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*SystemMessageConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SystemMessageConfig) GetMessage ¶
func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetMessage() string
GetMessage returns the Message field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SystemMessageConfig) GetReset ¶
func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SystemMessageConfig) GetShowOnAllPages ¶
func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetShowOnAllPages() bool
GetShowOnAllPages returns the ShowOnAllPages field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SystemMessageConfig) GetTitle ¶
func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetTitle() string
GetTitle returns the Title field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SystemMessageConfig) GetTitleColor ¶
func (s *SystemMessageConfig) GetTitleColor() string
GetTitleColor returns the TitleColor field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (SystemMessageConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (s SystemMessageConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type SystemService ¶
type SystemService service
SystemService handles communication with the system related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*SystemService) Get ¶
func (s *SystemService) Get() (*string, *Response, error)
Get returns the general system information.
func (*SystemService) GetConfiguration ¶
func (s *SystemService) GetConfiguration() (*GlobalConfigResponse, *Response, error)
GetConfiguration returns the Global Artifactory Configuration Descriptor (artifactory.config.xml).
func (*SystemService) GetVersionAndAddOns ¶
func (s *SystemService) GetVersionAndAddOns() (*Versions, *Response, error)
GetVersionAndAddOns returns information about the current version, revision, and installed add-ons.
func (*SystemService) Ping ¶
func (s *SystemService) Ping() (*string, *Response, error)
Ping returns a simple status response.
func (*SystemService) UpdateConfiguration ¶
func (s *SystemService) UpdateConfiguration(config GlobalConfigRequest) (*string, *Response, error)
UpdateConfiguration applies the provided Global system configuration to Artifactory.
type Tags ¶
Tags represents the list of tags for a Docker repository in Artifactory.
type Timestamp ¶
Timestamp represents a time that can be unmarshalled from a JSON string formatted as either an RFC3339 or ISO 8601 or Unix timestamp. This is necessary for some fields since the Artifactory API is inconsistent in how it represents times. All exported methods of time.Time can be called on Timestamp.
func (*Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface. Time is expected in RFC3339 or ISO 8601 or Unix format.
type TrashcanConfig ¶
type TrashcanConfig struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` RetentionPeriodDays *int `yaml:"retentionPeriodDays,omitempty" xml:"retentionPeriodDays,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
TrashcanConfig represents Trash Can settings in Artifactory General Configuration.
func (*TrashcanConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (t *TrashcanConfig) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TrashcanConfig) GetReset ¶
func (t *TrashcanConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TrashcanConfig) GetRetentionPeriodDays ¶
func (t *TrashcanConfig) GetRetentionPeriodDays() int
GetRetentionPeriodDays returns the RetentionPeriodDays field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (TrashcanConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (t TrashcanConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type User ¶
type User struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Admin *bool `json:"admin,omitempty"` GroupAdmin *bool `json:"groupAdmin,omitempty"` ProfileUpdatable *bool `json:"profileUpdatable,omitempty"` InternalPasswordDisabled *bool `json:"internalPasswordDisabled,omitempty"` Groups *[]string `json:"groups,omitempty"` LastLoggedIn *string `json:"lastLoggedIn,omitempty"` LastLoggedInMillis *int64 `json:"lastLoggedInMillis,omitempty"` Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"` OfflineMode *bool `json:"offlineMode,omitempty"` DisableUIAccess *bool `json:"disableUIAccess,omitempty"` ProWithoutLicense *bool `json:"proWithoutLicense,omitempty"` ExternalRealmLink *string `json:"externalRealmLink,omitempty"` ExistsInDB *bool `json:"existsInDB,omitempty"` HideUploads *bool `json:"hideUploads,omitempty"` RequireProfileUnlock *bool `json:"requireProfileUnlock,omitempty"` RequireProfilePassword *bool `json:"requireProfilePassword,omitempty"` Locked *bool `json:"locked,omitempty"` CredentialsExpired *bool `json:"credentialsExpired,omitempty"` NumberOfGroups *int `json:"numberOfGroups,omitempty"` NumberOfPermissions *int `json:"numberOfPermissions,omitempty"` }
User represents a user in Artifactory.
Docs: This struct is currently undocumented by JFrog
func (*User) GetCredentialsExpired ¶
GetCredentialsExpired returns the CredentialsExpired field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetDisableUIAccess ¶
GetDisableUIAccess returns the DisableUIAccess field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetExistsInDB ¶
GetExistsInDB returns the ExistsInDB field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetExternalRealmLink ¶
GetExternalRealmLink returns the ExternalRealmLink field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetGroupAdmin ¶
GetGroupAdmin returns the GroupAdmin field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetHideUploads ¶
GetHideUploads returns the HideUploads field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetInternalPasswordDisabled ¶
GetInternalPasswordDisabled returns the InternalPasswordDisabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetLastLoggedIn ¶
GetLastLoggedIn returns the LastLoggedIn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetLastLoggedInMillis ¶
GetLastLoggedInMillis returns the LastLoggedInMillis field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetNumberOfGroups ¶
GetNumberOfGroups returns the NumberOfGroups field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetNumberOfPermissions ¶
GetNumberOfPermissions returns the NumberOfPermissions field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetOfflineMode ¶
GetOfflineMode returns the OfflineMode field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetProWithoutLicense ¶
GetProWithoutLicense returns the ProWithoutLicense field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetProfileUpdatable ¶
GetProfileUpdatable returns the ProfileUpdatable field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetRequireProfilePassword ¶
GetRequireProfilePassword returns the RequireProfilePassword field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetRequireProfileUnlock ¶
GetRequireProfileUnlock returns the RequireProfileUnlock field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type UserLockPolicy ¶
type UserLockPolicy struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` LoginAttempts *int `yaml:"loginAttempts,omitempty" xml:"loginAttempts,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
UserLockPolicy represents the User Lock Policy settings in Artifactory Security Configuration.
func (*UserLockPolicy) GetEnabled ¶
func (u *UserLockPolicy) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserLockPolicy) GetLoginAttempts ¶
func (u *UserLockPolicy) GetLoginAttempts() int
GetLoginAttempts returns the LoginAttempts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserLockPolicy) GetReset ¶
func (u *UserLockPolicy) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (UserLockPolicy) MarshalYAML ¶
func (u UserLockPolicy) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type UsersService ¶
type UsersService service
UsersService handles communication with the user related methods of the Artifactory API.
func (*UsersService) CreateAPIKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) CreateAPIKey() (*APIKey, *Response, error)
CreateAPIKey constructs an api key for the authenticated user.
func (*UsersService) CreateSecurity ¶
func (s *UsersService) CreateSecurity(user *SecurityUser) (*string, *Response, error)
CreateSecurity constructs a user with the provided details.
func (*UsersService) DeleteAPIKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteAPIKey() (*DeleteAPIKey, *Response, error)
DeleteAPIKey removes an api key for the authenticated user.
func (*UsersService) DeleteAllAPIKeys ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteAllAPIKeys() (*DeleteAPIKey, *Response, error)
DeleteAllAPIKeys removes all api keys.
func (*UsersService) DeleteSecurity ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteSecurity(user string) (*string, *Response, error)
DeleteSecurity removes the provided user.
func (*UsersService) DeleteUserAPIKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteUserAPIKey(user string) (*DeleteAPIKey, *Response, error)
DeleteUserAPIKey removes an api key for the provided user.
func (*UsersService) GetAPIKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetAPIKey() (*APIKey, *Response, error)
GetAPIKey returns the api key of the authenticated user.
func (*UsersService) GetAll ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetAll() (*[]User, *Response, error)
GetAll returns a list of all users.
Docs: This endpoint is currently undocumented by JFrog
func (*UsersService) GetAllSecurity ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetAllSecurity() (*[]SecurityUser, *Response, error)
GetAllSecurity returns a list of all users.
func (*UsersService) GetEncryptedPassword ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetEncryptedPassword() (*string, *Response, error)
GetEncryptedPassword returns the encrypted password of the authenticated user.
func (*UsersService) GetSecurity ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetSecurity(user string) (*SecurityUser, *Response, error)
GetSecurity returns the provided user.
func (*UsersService) RegenerateAPIKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) RegenerateAPIKey() (*APIKey, *Response, error)
RegenerateAPIKey recreates an api key for the authenticated user.
func (*UsersService) UpdateSecurity ¶
func (s *UsersService) UpdateSecurity(user *SecurityUser) (*string, *Response, error)
UpdateSecurity modifies a user with the provided details.
type Versions ¶
type Versions struct { Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` Addons *[]string `json:"addons,omitempty"` }
Versions represents the version information about Artifactory.
func (*Versions) GetAddons ¶
GetAddons returns the Addons field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Versions) GetRevision ¶
GetRevision returns the Revision field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Versions) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the Version field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type VirtualCacheCleanupConfig ¶
type VirtualCacheCleanupConfig struct { CronExp *string `yaml:"cronExp,omitempty" xml:"cronExp,omitempty"` Reset *bool `yaml:"-" xml:"-"` }
VirtualCacheCleanupConfig represents the Cleanup Virtual Repositories setting in Artifactory Maintenance Configuration.
func (*VirtualCacheCleanupConfig) GetCronExp ¶
func (v *VirtualCacheCleanupConfig) GetCronExp() string
GetCronExp returns the CronExp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualCacheCleanupConfig) GetReset ¶
func (v *VirtualCacheCleanupConfig) GetReset() bool
GetReset returns the Reset field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (VirtualCacheCleanupConfig) MarshalYAML ¶
func (v VirtualCacheCleanupConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
MarshalYAML implements the Marshaller interface.
type VirtualRepository ¶
type VirtualRepository struct { *GenericRepository Repositories *[]string `json:"repositories,omitempty" xml:"repositories>repositoryRef,omitempty"` DebianTrivialLayout *bool `json:"debianTrivialLayout,omitempty" xml:"debianTrivialLayout,omitempty"` ArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts *bool `json:"artifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts,omitempty" xml:"artifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts,omitempty"` KeyPair *string `json:"keyPair,omitempty" xml:"keyPair,omitempty"` PomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy *string `json:"pomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy,omitempty" xml:"pomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy,omitempty"` DefaultDeploymentRepo *string `json:"defaultDeploymentRepo,omitempty" xml:"defaultDeploymentRepo,omitempty"` ForceMavenAuthentication *bool `json:"forceMavenAuthentication,omitempty" xml:"forceMavenAuthentication,omitempty"` ExternalDependenciesEnabled *bool `json:"externalDependenciesEnabled,omitempty" xml:"externalDependencies>enabled,omitempty"` ExternalDependenciesPatterns *[]string `json:"externalDependenciesPatterns,omitempty" xml:"externalDependencies>patterns>pattern,omitempty"` ExternalDependenciesRemoteRepo *string `json:"externalDependenciesRemoteRepo,omitempty" xml:"externalDependencies>remoteRepo,omitempty"` ResolveDockerTagsByTimestamp *bool `json:"resolveDockerTagsByTimestamp,omitempty" xml:"resolveDockerTagsByTimestamp,omitempty"` VirtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs *int `json:"virtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty" xml:"virtualCacheConfig>virtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs,omitempty"` DebianDefaultArchitectures *string `json:"debianDefaultArchitectures,omitempty" xml:"debianDefaultArchitectures,omitempty"` }
VirtualRepository represents a virtual repository in Artifactory.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts() bool
GetArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts returns the ArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetDebianDefaultArchitectures ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetDebianDefaultArchitectures() string
GetDebianDefaultArchitectures returns the DebianDefaultArchitectures field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetDebianTrivialLayout ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetDebianTrivialLayout() bool
GetDebianTrivialLayout returns the DebianTrivialLayout field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetDefaultDeploymentRepo ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetDefaultDeploymentRepo() string
GetDefaultDeploymentRepo returns the DefaultDeploymentRepo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesEnabled ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesEnabled() bool
GetExternalDependenciesEnabled returns the ExternalDependenciesEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesPatterns ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesPatterns() []string
GetExternalDependenciesPatterns returns the ExternalDependenciesPatterns field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesRemoteRepo ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetExternalDependenciesRemoteRepo() string
GetExternalDependenciesRemoteRepo returns the ExternalDependenciesRemoteRepo field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetForceMavenAuthentication ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetForceMavenAuthentication() bool
GetForceMavenAuthentication returns the ForceMavenAuthentication field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetKeyPair ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetKeyPair() string
GetKeyPair returns the KeyPair field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetPomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetPomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy() string
GetPomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy returns the PomRepositoryReferencesCleanupPolicy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetRepositories ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetRepositories() []string
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetResolveDockerTagsByTimestamp ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetResolveDockerTagsByTimestamp() bool
GetResolveDockerTagsByTimestamp returns the ResolveDockerTagsByTimestamp field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*VirtualRepository) GetVirtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs ¶
func (v *VirtualRepository) GetVirtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs() int
GetVirtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs returns the VirtualRetrievalCachePeriodSecs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (VirtualRepository) String ¶
func (v VirtualRepository) String() string
type XrayConfig ¶
type XrayConfig struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty" xml:"enabled,omitempty"` BaseUrl *string `yaml:"baseUrl,omitempty" xml:"baseUrl,omitempty"` User *string `yaml:"user,omitempty" xml:"user,omitempty"` Password *string `yaml:"password,omitempty" xml:"password,omitempty"` ArtifactoryId *string `yaml:"artifactoryId,omitempty" xml:"artifactoryId,omitempty"` XrayId *string `yaml:"xrayId,omitempty" xml:"xrayId,omitempty"` AllowBlockedArtifactsDownload *bool `yaml:"allowBlockedArtifactsDownload,omitempty" xml:"allowBlockedArtifactsDownload,omitempty"` BypassDefaultProxy *bool `yaml:"bypassDefaultProxy,omitempty" xml:"bypassDefaultProxy,omitempty"` Proxy *string `yaml:"proxy,omitempty" xml:"proxy,omitempty"` }
XrayConfig represents Xray related settings in Artifactory's Configuration Descriptor. This is undocumented in YAML Configuration File.
func (*XrayConfig) GetAllowBlockedArtifactsDownload ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetAllowBlockedArtifactsDownload() bool
GetAllowBlockedArtifactsDownload returns the AllowBlockedArtifactsDownload field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetAllowDownloadsXrayUnavailable ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetAllowDownloadsXrayUnavailable() bool
GetAllowDownloadsXrayUnavailable returns the AllowDownloadsXrayUnavailable field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetArtifactoryId ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetArtifactoryId() string
GetArtifactoryId returns the ArtifactoryId field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetBaseUrl ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetBaseUrl() string
GetBaseUrl returns the BaseUrl field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetBypassDefaultProxy ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetBypassDefaultProxy() bool
GetBypassDefaultProxy returns the BypassDefaultProxy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetPassword ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetProxy ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetProxy() string
GetProxy returns the Proxy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetUser ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetUser() string
GetUser returns the User field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*XrayConfig) GetXrayId ¶
func (x *XrayConfig) GetXrayId() string
GetXrayId returns the XrayId field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.