Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateStatementQueryTicket(handle []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func NewFlightServer(srv Server) flight.FlightServer
- func NewFlightServerWithAllocator(srv Server, mem memory.Allocator) flight.FlightServer
- type ActionBeginSavepointRequest
- type ActionBeginSavepointResult
- type ActionBeginTransactionRequest
- type ActionBeginTransactionResult
- type ActionCancelQueryRequest
- type ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest
- type ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest
- type ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult
- type ActionCreatePreparedSubstraitPlanRequest
- type ActionEndSavepointRequest
- type ActionEndTransactionRequest
- type BaseServer
- func (BaseServer) BeginSavepoint(context.Context, ActionBeginSavepointRequest) ([]byte, error)
- func (BaseServer) BeginTransaction(context.Context, ActionBeginTransactionRequest) ([]byte, error)
- func (BaseServer) CancelFlightInfo(context.Context, *flight.CancelFlightInfoRequest) (flight.CancelFlightInfoResult, error)
- func (BaseServer) ClosePreparedStatement(context.Context, ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest) error
- func (BaseServer) CloseSession(context.Context, *flight.CloseSessionRequest) (*flight.CloseSessionResult, error)
- func (BaseServer) CreatePreparedStatement(context.Context, ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest) (res ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, err error)
- func (BaseServer) CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan(context.Context, ActionCreatePreparedSubstraitPlanRequest) (res ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, err error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetCatalogs(context.Context) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetCrossReference(context.Context, CrossTableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetDBSchemas(context.Context, GetDBSchemas) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetExportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetImportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetPrimaryKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (b *BaseServer) DoGetSqlInfo(_ context.Context, cmd GetSqlInfo) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetStatement(context.Context, StatementQueryTicket) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetTableTypes(context.Context) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetTables(context.Context, GetTables) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoGetXdbcTypeInfo(context.Context, GetXdbcTypeInfo) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandStatementIngest(context.Context, StatementIngest, flight.MessageReader) (int64, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandStatementUpdate(context.Context, StatementUpdate) (int64, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan) (int64, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoPutPreparedStatementQuery(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, flight.MessageReader, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func (BaseServer) DoPutPreparedStatementUpdate(context.Context, PreparedStatementUpdate, flight.MessageReader) (int64, error)
- func (BaseServer) EndSavepoint(context.Context, ActionEndSavepointRequest) error
- func (BaseServer) EndTransaction(context.Context, ActionEndTransactionRequest) error
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoCatalogs(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoCrossReference(context.Context, CrossTableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoExportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoImportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoPrimaryKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSchemas(context.Context, GetDBSchemas, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (b *BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSqlInfo(_ context.Context, _ GetSqlInfo, desc *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoTableTypes(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoTables(context.Context, GetTables, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoXdbcTypeInfo(context.Context, GetXdbcTypeInfo, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetSchemaPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetSchemaStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetSchemaSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (BaseServer) GetSessionOptions(context.Context, *flight.GetSessionOptionsRequest) (*flight.GetSessionOptionsResult, error)
- func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfo(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (b *BaseServer) RegisterSqlInfo(id SqlInfo, result interface{}) error
- func (BaseServer) RenewFlightEndpoint(context.Context, *flight.RenewFlightEndpointRequest) (*flight.FlightEndpoint, error)
- func (BaseServer) SetSessionOptions(context.Context, *flight.SetSessionOptionsRequest) (*flight.SetSessionOptionsResult, error)
- type CancelResult
- type Client
- func (c *Client) BeginTransaction(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Txn, error)
- func (c *Client) CancelFlightInfo(ctx context.Context, request *flight.CancelFlightInfoRequest, ...) (*flight.CancelFlightInfoResult, error)
- func (c *Client) CancelQuery(ctx context.Context, info *flight.FlightInfo, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (cancelResult CancelResult, err error)deprecated
- func (c *Client) Close() error
- func (c *Client) CloseSession(ctx context.Context, request *flight.CloseSessionRequest, ...) (*flight.CloseSessionResult, error)
- func (c *Client) DoGet(ctx context.Context, in *flight.Ticket, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.Reader, error)
- func (c *Client) Execute(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) ExecuteIngest(ctx context.Context, rdr array.RecordReader, reqOptions *ExecuteIngestOpts, ...) (int64, error)
- func (c *Client) ExecutePoll(ctx context.Context, query string, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, ...) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) ExecuteSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) ExecuteSubstraitPoll(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, ...) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) ExecuteSubstraitUpdate(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
- func (c *Client) ExecuteUpdate(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetCatalogs(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCatalogsSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCrossReference(ctx context.Context, pkTable, fkTable TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCrossReferenceSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetDBSchemas(ctx context.Context, cmdOpts *GetDBSchemasOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetDBSchemasSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetExecuteSchema(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetExecuteSubstraitSchema(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetExportedKeys(ctx context.Context, ref TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetExportedKeysSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetImportedKeys(ctx context.Context, ref TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetImportedKeysSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPrimaryKeys(ctx context.Context, ref TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPrimaryKeysSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetSessionOptions(ctx context.Context, request *flight.GetSessionOptionsRequest, ...) (*flight.GetSessionOptionsResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetSqlInfo(ctx context.Context, info []SqlInfo, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetSqlInfoSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetTableTypes(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetTableTypesSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetTables(ctx context.Context, reqOptions *GetTablesOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetTablesSchema(ctx context.Context, reqOptions *GetTablesOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) GetXdbcTypeInfo(ctx context.Context, dataType *int32, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetXdbcTypeInfoSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (c *Client) LoadPreparedStatementFromResult(result *CreatePreparedStatementResult) (*PreparedStatement, error)
- func (c *Client) Prepare(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (prep *PreparedStatement, err error)
- func (c *Client) PrepareSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (stmt *PreparedStatement, err error)
- func (c *Client) RenewFlightEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request *flight.RenewFlightEndpointRequest, ...) (*flight.FlightEndpoint, error)
- func (c *Client) SetSessionOptions(ctx context.Context, request *flight.SetSessionOptionsRequest, ...) (*flight.SetSessionOptionsResult, error)
- type ColumnMetadata
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) CatalogName() (string, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsAutoIncrement() (bool, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsCaseSensitive() (bool, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsReadOnly() (bool, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsSearchable() (bool, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) Precision() (int32, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) Scale() (int32, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) SchemaName() (string, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) TableName() (string, bool)
- func (c *ColumnMetadata) TypeName() (string, bool)
- type ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Build() ColumnMetadata
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) CatalogName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Clear()
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsAutoIncrement(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsCaseSensitive(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsReadOnly(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsSearchable(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Metadata() arrow.Metadata
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Precision(prec int32) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Scale(prec int32) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) SchemaName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) TableName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) TypeName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
- type CreatePreparedStatementResult
- type CrossTableRef
- type EndSavepointRequestType
- type EndTransactionRequestType
- type ExecuteIngestOpts
- type GetDBSchemas
- type GetDBSchemasOpts
- type GetSqlInfo
- type GetTables
- type GetTablesOpts
- type GetXdbcTypeInfo
- type PreparedStatement
- func (p *PreparedStatement) Close(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
- func (p *PreparedStatement) DatasetSchema() *arrow.Schema
- func (p *PreparedStatement) Execute(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (p *PreparedStatement) ExecutePoll(ctx context.Context, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, ...) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (p *PreparedStatement) ExecutePut(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
- func (p *PreparedStatement) ExecuteUpdate(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (nrecords int64, err error)
- func (p *PreparedStatement) GetSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (p *PreparedStatement) Handle() []byte
- func (p *PreparedStatement) ParameterSchema() *arrow.Schema
- func (p *PreparedStatement) SetParameters(binding arrow.Record)
- func (p *PreparedStatement) SetRecordReader(binding array.RecordReader)
- type PreparedStatementQuery
- type PreparedStatementUpdate
- type Savepoint
- type Server
- type SqlInfo
- type SqlInfoResultMap
- type SqlNullOrdering
- type SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity
- type SqlSupportedTransaction
- type SqlSupportsConvert
- type StatementIngest
- type StatementQuery
- type StatementQueryTicket
- type StatementSubstraitPlan
- type StatementUpdate
- type SubstraitPlan
- type TableDefinitionOptions
- type TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOption
- type TableDefinitionOptionsTableNotExistOption
- type TableRef
- type Transaction
- type Txn
- func (tx *Txn) BeginSavepoint(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (Savepoint, error)
- func (tx *Txn) Commit(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
- func (tx *Txn) Execute(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (tx *Txn) ExecutePoll(ctx context.Context, query string, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, ...) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (tx *Txn) ExecuteSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
- func (tx *Txn) ExecuteSubstraitPoll(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, ...) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
- func (tx *Txn) ExecuteSubstraitUpdate(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
- func (tx *Txn) ExecuteUpdate(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
- func (tx *Txn) GetExecuteSchema(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (tx *Txn) GetExecuteSubstraitSchema(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
- func (tx *Txn) ID() Transaction
- func (tx *Txn) Prepare(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (prep *PreparedStatement, err error)
- func (tx *Txn) PrepareSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (stmt *PreparedStatement, err error)
- func (tx *Txn) ReleaseSavepoint(ctx context.Context, sp Savepoint, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
- func (tx *Txn) Rollback(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
- func (tx *Txn) RollbackSavepoint(ctx context.Context, sp Savepoint, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
Constants ¶
Metadata Key Constants
const ( CreatePreparedStatementActionType = "CreatePreparedStatement" ClosePreparedStatementActionType = "ClosePreparedStatement" CreatePreparedSubstraitPlanActionType = "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" CancelQueryActionType = "CancelQuery" BeginSavepointActionType = "BeginSavepoint" BeginTransactionActionType = "BeginTransaction" EndTransactionActionType = "EndTransaction" EndSavepointActionType = "EndSavepoint" )
Constants for Action types
const ( // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the name of the Flight SQL Server. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerName = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_NAME) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the native version of the Flight SQL Server. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerVersion = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_VERSION) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the Arrow format version of the Flight SQL Server. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerArrowVersion = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_ARROW_VERSION) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server is read only. // // Returns: // - false: if read-write // - true: if read only SqlInfoFlightSqlServerReadOnly = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_READ_ONLY) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports executing // SQL queries. // // Note that the absence of this info (as opposed to a false value) does not necessarily // mean that SQL is not supported, as this property was not originally defined. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerSql = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_SQL) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports executing // Substrait plans. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerSubstrait = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_SUBSTRAIT) // Retrieves a string value indicating the minimum supported Substrait version, or null // if Substrait is not supported. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerSubstraitMinVersion = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_SUBSTRAIT_MIN_VERSION) // Retrieves a string value indicating the maximum supported Substrait version, or null // if Substrait is not supported. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerSubstraitMaxVersion = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_SUBSTRAIT_MAX_VERSION) // Retrieves an int32 indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports the // BeginTransaction/EndTransaction/BeginSavepoint/EndSavepoint actions. // // Even if this is not supported, the database may still support explicit "BEGIN // TRANSACTION"/"COMMIT" SQL statements (see SQL_TRANSACTIONS_SUPPORTED); this property // is only about whether the server implements the Flight SQL API endpoints. // // The possible values are listed in `SqlSupportedTransaction`. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerTransaction = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_TRANSACTION) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports explicit // query cancellation (the CancelQuery action). SqlInfoFlightSqlServerCancel = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_CANCEL) // Retrieves an int32 indicating the timeout (in milliseconds) for prepared statement handles. // // If 0, there is no timeout. Servers should reset the timeout when the handle is used in a command. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerStatementTimeout = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT) // Retrieves an int32 indicating the timeout (in milliseconds) for transactions, since transactions are not tied to a connection. // // If 0, there is no timeout. Servers should reset the timeout when the handle is used in a command. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerTransactionTimeout = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports executing // bulk ingestion. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerBulkIngestion = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_BULK_INGESTION) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether transactions are supported for bulk ingestion. If not, invoking // the method commit in the context of a bulk ingestion is a noop, and the isolation level is // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlTransactionIsolationLevel.TRANSACTION_NONE`. // // Returns: // - false: if bulk ingestion transactions are unsupported; // - true: if bulk ingestion transactions are supported. SqlInfoFlightSqlServerIngestTransactionsSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_FLIGHT_SQL_SERVER_INGEST_TRANSACTIONS_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports CREATE and DROP of catalogs. // // Returns: // - false: if it doesn't support CREATE and DROP of catalogs. // - true: if it supports CREATE and DROP of catalogs. SqlInfoDDLCatalog = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DDL_CATALOG) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the Flight SQL Server supports CREATE and DROP of schemas. // // Returns: // - false: if it doesn't support CREATE and DROP of schemas. // - true: if it supports CREATE and DROP of schemas. SqlInfoDDLSchema = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DDL_SCHEMA) // Indicates whether the Flight SQL Server supports CREATE and DROP of tables. // // Returns: // - false: if it doesn't support CREATE and DROP of tables. // - true: if it supports CREATE and DROP of tables. SqlInfoDDLTable = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DDL_TABLE) // Retrieves a int32 ordinal representing the case sensitivity of catalog, table, schema and table names. // // The possible values are listed in `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity`. SqlInfoIdentifierCase = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the supported character(s) used to surround a delimited identifier. SqlInfoIdentifierQuoteChar = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR) // Retrieves a int32 describing the case sensitivity of quoted identifiers. // // The possible values are listed in `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity`. SqlInfoQuotedIdentifierCase = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_CASE) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether all tables are selectable. // // Returns: // - false: if not all tables are selectable or if none are; // - true: if all tables are selectable. SqlInfoAllTablesAreASelectable = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_ALL_TABLES_ARE_SELECTABLE) // Retrieves the null ordering. // // Returns a int32 ordinal for the null ordering being used, as described in // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlNullOrdering`. SqlInfoNullOrdering = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_NULL_ORDERING) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string list with values of the supported keywords. SqlInfoKeywords = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_KEYWORDS) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string list with values of the supported numeric functions. SqlInfoNumericFunctions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string list with values of the supported string functions. SqlInfoStringFunctions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_STRING_FUNCTIONS) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string list with values of the supported system functions. SqlInfoSystemFunctions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string list with values of the supported datetime functions. SqlInfoDateTimeFunctions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DATETIME_FUNCTIONS) // Retrieves the UTF-8 string that can be used to escape wildcard characters. // This is the string that can be used to escape '_' or '%' in the catalog search parameters that are a pattern // (and therefore use one of the wildcard characters). // The '_' character represents any single character; the '%' character represents any sequence of zero or more // characters. SqlInfoSearchStringEscape = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SEARCH_STRING_ESCAPE) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with all the "extra" characters that can be used in unquoted identifier names // (those beyond a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _). SqlInfoExtraNameChars = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_EXTRA_NAME_CHARACTERS) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether column aliasing is supported. // If so, the SQL AS clause can be used to provide names for computed columns or to provide alias names for columns // as required. // // Returns: // - false: if column aliasing is unsupported; // - true: if column aliasing is supported. SqlInfoSupportsColumnAliasing = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_COLUMN_ALIASING) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether concatenations between null and non-null values being // null are supported. // // - Returns: // - false: if concatenations between null and non-null values being null are unsupported; // - true: if concatenations between null and non-null values being null are supported. SqlInfoNullPlusNullIsNull = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_NULL_PLUS_NULL_IS_NULL) // Retrieves a map where the key is the type to convert from and the value is a list with the types to convert to, // indicating the supported conversions. Each key and each item on the list value is a value to a predefined type on // SqlSupportsConvert enum. // The returned map will be: map<int32, list<int32>> SqlInfoSupportsConvert = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_CONVERT) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether, when table correlation names are supported, // they are restricted to being different from the names of the tables. // // Returns: // - false: if table correlation names are unsupported; // - true: if table correlation names are supported. SqlInfoSupportsTableCorrelationNames = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_TABLE_CORRELATION_NAMES) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether, when table correlation names are supported, // they are restricted to being different from the names of the tables. // // Returns: // - false: if different table correlation names are unsupported; // - true: if different table correlation names are supported SqlInfoSupportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_DIFFERENT_TABLE_CORRELATION_NAMES) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether expressions in ORDER BY lists are supported. // // Returns: // - false: if expressions in ORDER BY are unsupported; // - true: if expressions in ORDER BY are supported; SqlInfoSupportsExpressionsInOrderBy = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_EXPRESSIONS_IN_ORDER_BY) // clause is supported. // // Returns: // - false: if using a column that is not in the SELECT statement in a GROUP BY clause is unsupported; // - true: if using a column that is not in the SELECT statement in a GROUP BY clause is supported. SqlInfoSupportsOrderByUnrelated = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_ORDER_BY_UNRELATED) // Retrieves the supported GROUP BY commands; // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported commands. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported commands. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (GROUP BY is unsupported); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_GROUP_BY_UNRELATED]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_GROUP_BY_BEYOND_SELECT]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_GROUP_BY_UNRELATED, SQL_GROUP_BY_BEYOND_SELECT]. // Valid GROUP BY types are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedGroupBy`. SqlInfoSupportedGroupBy = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_GROUP_BY) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether specifying a LIKE escape clause is supported. // // Returns: // - false: if specifying a LIKE escape clause is unsupported; // - true: if specifying a LIKE escape clause is supported. SqlInfoSupportsLikeEscapeClause = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether columns may be defined as non-nullable. // // Returns: // - false: if columns cannot be defined as non-nullable; // - true: if columns may be defined as non-nullable. SqlInfoSupportsNonNullableColumns = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS) // Retrieves the supported SQL grammar level as per the ODBC specification. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported SQL grammar level. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported grammar levels. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (SQL grammar is unsupported); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_MINIMUM_GRAMMAR]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_CORE_GRAMMAR]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_MINIMUM_GRAMMAR, SQL_CORE_GRAMMAR]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_EXTENDED_GRAMMAR]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_MINIMUM_GRAMMAR, SQL_EXTENDED_GRAMMAR]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_CORE_GRAMMAR, SQL_EXTENDED_GRAMMAR]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_MINIMUM_GRAMMAR, SQL_CORE_GRAMMAR, SQL_EXTENDED_GRAMMAR]. // Valid SQL grammar levels are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SupportedSqlGrammar`. SqlInfoSupportedGrammar = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_GRAMMAR) // Retrieves the supported ANSI92 SQL grammar level. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported ANSI92 SQL grammar level. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported commands. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (ANSI92 SQL grammar is unsupported); // - return 1 (\b1) => [ANSI92_ENTRY_SQL]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [ANSI92_INTERMEDIATE_SQL]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [ANSI92_ENTRY_SQL, ANSI92_INTERMEDIATE_SQL]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [ANSI92_FULL_SQL]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [ANSI92_ENTRY_SQL, ANSI92_FULL_SQL]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [ANSI92_INTERMEDIATE_SQL, ANSI92_FULL_SQL]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [ANSI92_ENTRY_SQL, ANSI92_INTERMEDIATE_SQL, ANSI92_FULL_SQL]. // Valid ANSI92 SQL grammar levels are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SupportedAnsi92SqlGrammarLevel`. SqlInfoANSI92SupportedLevel = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_ANSI92_SUPPORTED_LEVEL) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility is supported. // // Returns: // - false: if the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility is supported; // - true: if the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility is supported. SqlInfoSupportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTS_INTEGRITY_ENHANCEMENT_FACILITY) // Retrieves the support level for SQL OUTER JOINs. // // Returns a int32 ordinal for the SQL ordering being used, as described in // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlOuterJoinsSupportLevel`. SqlInfoOuterJoinsSupportLevel = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_OUTER_JOINS_SUPPORT_LEVEL) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the preferred term for "schema". SqlInfoSchemaTerm = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SCHEMA_TERM) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the preferred term for "procedure". SqlInfoProcedureTerm = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_PROCEDURE_TERM) // Retrieves a UTF-8 string with the preferred term for "catalog". // If a empty string is returned its assumed that the server does NOT supports catalogs. SqlInfoCatalogTerm = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_CATALOG_TERM) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a catalog appears at the start of a fully qualified table name. // // - false: if a catalog does not appear at the start of a fully qualified table name; // - true: if a catalog appears at the start of a fully qualified table name. SqlInfoCatalogAtStart = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_CATALOG_AT_START) // Retrieves the supported actions for a SQL schema. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported actions for a SQL schema. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported actions for a SQL schema. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported actions for SQL schema); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]. // Valid actions for a SQL schema described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedElementActions`. SqlInfoSchemasSupportedActions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SCHEMAS_SUPPORTED_ACTIONS) // Retrieves the supported actions for a SQL schema. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported actions for a SQL catalog. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported actions for a SQL catalog. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported actions for SQL catalog); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PROCEDURE_CALLS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_INDEX_DEFINITIONS, SQL_ELEMENT_IN_PRIVILEGE_DEFINITIONS]. // Valid actions for a SQL catalog are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedElementActions`. SqlInfoCatalogsSupportedActions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_CATALOGS_SUPPORTED_ACTIONS) // Retrieves the supported SQL positioned commands. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported SQL positioned commands. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported SQL positioned commands. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported SQL positioned commands); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_POSITIONED_DELETE]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_POSITIONED_UPDATE]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_POSITIONED_DELETE, SQL_POSITIONED_UPDATE]. // Valid SQL positioned commands are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedPositionedCommands`. SqlInfoSupportedPositionedCommands = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_POSITIONED_COMMANDS) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether SELECT FOR UPDATE statements are supported. // // Returns: // - false: if SELECT FOR UPDATE statements are unsupported; // - true: if SELECT FOR UPDATE statements are supported. SqlInfoSelectForUpdateSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether stored procedure calls that use the stored procedure escape syntax // are supported. // // Returns: // - false: if stored procedure calls that use the stored procedure escape syntax are unsupported; // - true: if stored procedure calls that use the stored procedure escape syntax are supported. SqlInfoStoredProceduresSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_STORED_PROCEDURES_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves the supported SQL subqueries. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported SQL subqueries. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported SQL subqueries. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported SQL subqueries); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS]; // - return 8 (\b1000) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 9 (\b1001) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 10 (\b1010) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 11 (\b1011) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 12 (\b1100) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 13 (\b1101) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 14 (\b1110) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - return 15 (\b1111) => [SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_COMPARISONS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_EXISTS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_INS, SQL_SUBQUERIES_IN_QUANTIFIEDS]; // - ... // Valid SQL subqueries are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedSubqueries`. SqlInfoSupportedSubqueries = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_SUBQUERIES) // // Returns: // - false: if correlated subqueries are unsupported; // - true: if correlated subqueries are supported. SqlInfoCorrelatedSubqueriesSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves the supported SQL UNIONs. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported SQL UNIONs. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported SQL UNIONs. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported SQL positioned commands); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_UNION]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_UNION_ALL]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_UNION, SQL_UNION_ALL]. // Valid SQL positioned commands are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedUnions`. SqlInfoSupportedUnions = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_UNIONS) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of hex characters allowed in an inline binary literal. SqlInfoMaxBinaryLiteralLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_BINARY_LITERAL_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed for a character literal. SqlInfoMaxCharLiteralLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed for a column name. SqlInfoMaxColumnNameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of columns allowed in a GROUP BY clause. SqlInfoMaxColumnsInGroupBy = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_GROUP_BY) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of columns allowed in an index. SqlInfoMaxColumnsInIndex = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of columns allowed in an ORDER BY clause. SqlInfoMaxColumnsInOrderBy = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ORDER_BY) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of columns allowed in a SELECT list. SqlInfoMaxColumnsInSelect = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of columns allowed in a table. SqlInfoMaxColumnsInTable = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of concurrent connections possible. SqlInfoMaxConnections = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS) // Retrieves a int64 value the maximum number of characters allowed in a cursor name. SqlInfoMaxCursorNameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of bytes allowed for an index, // including all of the parts of the index. SqlInfoMaxIndexLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_INDEX_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed in a schema name. SqlInfoDBSchemaNameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DB_SCHEMA_NAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed in a procedure name. SqlInfoMaxProcedureNameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed in a catalog name. SqlInfoMaxCatalogNameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of bytes allowed in a single row. SqlInfoMaxRowSize = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE) // Retrieves a boolean indicating whether the return value for the JDBC method getMaxRowSize includes the SQL // data types LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY. // // Returns: // - false: if return value for the JDBC method getMaxRowSize does // not include the SQL data types LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY; // - true: if return value for the JDBC method getMaxRowSize includes // the SQL data types LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY. SqlInfoMaxRowSizeIncludesBlobs = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE_INCLUDES_BLOBS) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed for an SQL statement; // a result of 0 (zero) means that there is no limit or the limit is not known. SqlInfoMaxStatementLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_STATEMENT_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of active statements that can be open at the same time. SqlInfoMaxStatements = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_STATEMENTS) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed in a table name. SqlInfoMaxTableNameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of tables allowed in a SELECT statement. SqlInfoMaxTablesInSelect = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT) // Retrieves a int64 value representing the maximum number of characters allowed in a user name. SqlInfoMaxUsernameLen = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) // Retrieves this database's default transaction isolation level as described in // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlTransactionIsolationLevel`. // // Returns a int32 ordinal for the SQL transaction isolation level. SqlInfoDefaultTransactionIsolation = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether transactions are supported. If not, invoking the method commit is a // noop, and the isolation level is `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlTransactionIsolationLevel.TRANSACTION_NONE`. // // Returns: // - false: if transactions are unsupported; // - true: if transactions are supported. SqlInfoTransactionsSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_TRANSACTIONS_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves the supported transactions isolation levels. // // Returns an int32 bitmask value representing the supported transactions isolation levels. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported transactions isolation levels. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported SQL transactions isolation levels); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 8 (\b1000) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 9 (\b1001) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 10 (\b1010) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 11 (\b1011) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 12 (\b1100) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 13 (\b1101) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 14 (\b1110) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 15 (\b1111) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_NONE, SQL_TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, SQL_TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]; // - return 16 (\b10000) => [SQL_TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE]; // - ... // Valid SQL positioned commands are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlTransactionIsolationLevel`. SqlInfoSupportedTransactionsIsolationlevels = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_TRANSACTIONS_ISOLATION_LEVELS) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a data definition statement within a transaction forces // the transaction to commit. // // Returns: // - false: if a data definition statement within a transaction does not force the transaction to commit; // - true: if a data definition statement within a transaction forces the transaction to commit. SqlInfoDataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DATA_DEFINITION_CAUSES_TRANSACTION_COMMIT) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a data definition statement within a transaction is ignored. // // Returns: // - false: if a data definition statement within a transaction is taken into account; // - true: a data definition statement within a transaction is ignored. SqlInfoDataDefinitionsInTransactionsIgnored = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_DATA_DEFINITIONS_IN_TRANSACTIONS_IGNORED) // Retrieves an int32 bitmask value representing the supported result set types. // The returned bitmask should be parsed in order to retrieve the supported result set types. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported result set types); // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED]; // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY]; // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY]; // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE]; // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE]; // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE]; // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE]; // - return 8 (\b1000) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE]; // - ... // Valid result set types are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType`. SqlInfoSupportedResultSetTypes = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_RESULT_SET_TYPES) // Returns an int32 bitmask value concurrency types supported for // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType.SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED`. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported concurrency types for this result set type) // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED] // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // Valid result set types are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetConcurrency`. SqlInfoSupportedConcurrenciesForResultSetUnspecified = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_CONCURRENCIES_FOR_RESULT_SET_UNSPECIFIED) // Returns an int32 bitmask value concurrency types supported for // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType.SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY`. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported concurrency types for this result set type) // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED] // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // Valid result set types are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetConcurrency`. SqlInfoSupportedConcurrenciesForResultSetForwardOnly = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_CONCURRENCIES_FOR_RESULT_SET_FORWARD_ONLY) // Returns an int32 bitmask value concurrency types supported for // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType.SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE`. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported concurrency types for this result set type) // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED] // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // Valid result set types are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetConcurrency`. SqlInfoSupportedConcurrenciesForResultSetScrollSensitive = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_CONCURRENCIES_FOR_RESULT_SET_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) // Returns an int32 bitmask value concurrency types supported for // `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType.SQL_RESULT_SET_TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE`. // // For instance: // - return 0 (\b0) => [] (no supported concurrency types for this result set type) // - return 1 (\b1) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED] // - return 2 (\b10) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 3 (\b11) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY] // - return 4 (\b100) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 5 (\b101) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 6 (\b110) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // - return 7 (\b111) => [SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UNSPECIFIED, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_READ_ONLY, SQL_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY_UPDATABLE] // Valid result set types are described under `arrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetConcurrency`. SqlInfoSupportedConcurrenciesForResultSetScrollInsensitive = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SUPPORTED_CONCURRENCIES_FOR_RESULT_SET_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this database supports batch updates. // // - false: if this database does not support batch updates; // - true: if this database supports batch updates. SqlInfoBatchUpdatesSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_BATCH_UPDATES_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this database supports savepoints. // // Returns: // - false: if this database does not support savepoints; // - true: if this database supports savepoints. SqlInfoSavePointsSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_SAVEPOINTS_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether named parameters are supported in callable statements. // // Returns: // - false: if named parameters in callable statements are unsupported; // - true: if named parameters in callable statements are supported. SqlInfoNamedParametersSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_NAMED_PARAMETERS_SUPPORTED) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether updates made to a LOB are made on a copy or directly to the LOB. // // Returns: // - false: if updates made to a LOB are made directly to the LOB; // - true: if updates made to a LOB are made on a copy. SqlInfoLocatorsUpdateCopy = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_LOCATORS_UPDATE_COPY) // Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether invoking user-defined or vendor functions // using the stored procedure escape syntax is supported. // // Returns: // - false: if invoking user-defined or vendor functions using the stored procedure escape syntax is unsupported; // - true: if invoking user-defined or vendor functions using the stored procedure escape syntax is supported. SqlInfoStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntaxSupported = SqlInfo(pb.SqlInfo_SQL_STORED_FUNCTIONS_USING_CALL_SYNTAX_SUPPORTED) )
SqlInfo enum values
const ( // Unknown/not indicated/no support SqlTransactionNone = pb.SqlSupportedTransaction_SQL_SUPPORTED_TRANSACTION_NONE // Transactions, but not savepoints. // a savepoint is a mark within a transaction that can be individually // rolled back to. Not all databases support savepoints. SqlTransactionTransaction = pb.SqlSupportedTransaction_SQL_SUPPORTED_TRANSACTION_TRANSACTION // Transactions AND Savepoints supported SqlTransactionSavepoint = pb.SqlSupportedTransaction_SQL_SUPPORTED_TRANSACTION_SAVEPOINT )
const ( SqlCaseSensitivityUnknown = pb.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity_SQL_CASE_SENSITIVITY_UNKNOWN SqlCaseSensitivityCaseInsensitive = pb.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity_SQL_CASE_SENSITIVITY_CASE_INSENSITIVE SqlCaseSensitivityUpperCase = pb.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity_SQL_CASE_SENSITIVITY_UPPERCASE SqlCaseSensitivityLowerCase = pb.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity_SQL_CASE_SENSITIVITY_LOWERCASE )
const ( SqlNullOrderingSortHigh = pb.SqlNullOrdering_SQL_NULLS_SORTED_HIGH SqlNullOrderingSortLow = pb.SqlNullOrdering_SQL_NULLS_SORTED_LOW SqlNullOrderingSortAtStart = pb.SqlNullOrdering_SQL_NULLS_SORTED_AT_START SqlNullOrderingSortAtEnd = pb.SqlNullOrdering_SQL_NULLS_SORTED_AT_END )
const ( SqlConvertBigInt = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_BIGINT SqlConvertBinary = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_BINARY SqlConvertBit = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_BIT SqlConvertChar = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_CHAR SqlConvertDate = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_DATE SqlConvertDecimal = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_DECIMAL SqlConvertFloat = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_FLOAT SqlConvertInteger = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_INTEGER SqlConvertIntervalDayTime = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_INTERVAL_DAY_TIME SqlConvertIntervalYearMonth = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH SqlConvertLongVarbinary = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_LONGVARBINARY SqlConvertLongVarchar = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_LONGVARCHAR SqlConvertNumeric = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_NUMERIC SqlConvertReal = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_REAL SqlConvertSmallInt = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_SMALLINT SqlConvertTime = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_TIME SqlConvertTimestamp = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_TIMESTAMP SqlConvertTinyInt = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_TINYINT SqlConvertVarbinary = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_VARBINARY SqlConvertVarchar = pb.SqlSupportsConvert_SQL_CONVERT_VARCHAR )
const ( EndTransactionUnspecified = pb.ActionEndTransactionRequest_END_TRANSACTION_UNSPECIFIED // Commit the transaction EndTransactionCommit = pb.ActionEndTransactionRequest_END_TRANSACTION_COMMIT // Roll back the transaction EndTransactionRollback = pb.ActionEndTransactionRequest_END_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK )
const ( EndSavepointUnspecified = pb.ActionEndSavepointRequest_END_SAVEPOINT_UNSPECIFIED // Release the savepoint EndSavepointRelease = pb.ActionEndSavepointRequest_END_SAVEPOINT_RELEASE // Roll back to a savepoint EndSavepointRollback = pb.ActionEndSavepointRequest_END_SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK )
const ( // The cancellation status is unknown. Servers should avoid using // this value (send a NOT_FOUND error if the requested query is // not known). Clients can retry the request. CancelResultUnspecified = pb.ActionCancelQueryResult_CANCEL_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED // The cancellation request is complete. Subsequent requests with // the same payload may return CANCELLED or a NOT_FOUND error. CancelResultCancelled = pb.ActionCancelQueryResult_CANCEL_RESULT_CANCELLED // The cancellation request is in progress. The client may retry // the cancellation request. CancelResultCancelling = pb.ActionCancelQueryResult_CANCEL_RESULT_CANCELLING // The query is not cancellable. The client should not retry the // cancellation request. CancelResultNotCancellable = pb.ActionCancelQueryResult_CANCEL_RESULT_NOT_CANCELLABLE )
const ( TableDefinitionOptionsTableNotExistOptionUnspecified = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_NOT_EXIST_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED TableDefinitionOptionsTableNotExistOptionCreate = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_NOT_EXIST_OPTION_CREATE TableDefinitionOptionsTableNotExistOptionFail = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_NOT_EXIST_OPTION_FAIL TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOptionUnspecified = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_EXISTS_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOptionFail = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_EXISTS_OPTION_FAIL TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOptionAppend = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_EXISTS_OPTION_APPEND TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOptionReplace = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TABLE_EXISTS_OPTION_REPLACE )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrInvalidTxn = fmt.Errorf("%w: missing a valid transaction", arrow.ErrInvalid) ErrInvalidSavepoint = fmt.Errorf("%w: missing a valid savepoint", arrow.ErrInvalid) ErrBadServerTxn = fmt.Errorf("%w: server returned an empty transaction ID", arrow.ErrInvalid) ErrBadServerSavepoint = fmt.Errorf("%w: server returned an empty savepoint ID", arrow.ErrInvalid) )
Functions ¶
func CreateStatementQueryTicket ¶
CreateStatementQueryTicket is a helper that constructs a properly serialized TicketStatementQuery containing a given opaque binary handle for use with constructing a ticket to return from GetFlightInfoStatement.
func NewFlightServer ¶
func NewFlightServer(srv Server) flight.FlightServer
NewFlightServer constructs a FlightRPC server from the provided FlightSQL Server so that it can be passed to RegisterFlightService.
func NewFlightServerWithAllocator ¶
func NewFlightServerWithAllocator(srv Server, mem memory.Allocator) flight.FlightServer
NewFlightServerWithAllocator constructs a FlightRPC server from the provided FlightSQL Server so that it can be passed to RegisterFlightService, setting the provided allocator into the server for use with any allocations necessary by the routing.
Will default to memory.DefaultAllocator if mem is nil
Types ¶
type ActionBeginSavepointResult ¶
type ActionBeginSavepointResult interface {
GetSavepointId() []byte
type ActionBeginTransactionRequest ¶
type ActionBeginTransactionRequest interface{}
type ActionBeginTransactionResult ¶
type ActionBeginTransactionResult interface {
GetTransactionId() []byte
type ActionCancelQueryRequest ¶
type ActionCancelQueryRequest interface {
GetInfo() *flight.FlightInfo
type ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest ¶
type ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest interface { // GetPreparedStatementHandle returns the server-generated opaque // identifier for the statement GetPreparedStatementHandle() []byte }
ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest represents a request to close a prepared statement
type ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest ¶
ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest represents a request to construct a new prepared statement
type ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult ¶
type ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult struct { Handle []byte DatasetSchema *arrow.Schema ParameterSchema *arrow.Schema }
ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult is the result of creating a new prepared statement, optionally including the dataset and parameter schemas.
type ActionCreatePreparedSubstraitPlanRequest ¶
type ActionCreatePreparedSubstraitPlanRequest interface { GetPlan() SubstraitPlan GetTransactionId() []byte }
type ActionEndSavepointRequest ¶
type ActionEndSavepointRequest interface { GetSavepointId() []byte GetAction() EndSavepointRequestType }
type ActionEndTransactionRequest ¶
type ActionEndTransactionRequest interface { GetTransactionId() []byte GetAction() EndTransactionRequestType }
type BaseServer ¶
type BaseServer struct { // Alloc allows specifying a particular allocator to use for any // allocations done by the base implementation. // Will use memory.DefaultAllocator if nil Alloc memory.Allocator // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BaseServer must be embedded into any FlightSQL Server implementation and provides default implementations of all methods returning an unimplemented error if called. This allows consumers to gradually implement methods as they want instead of requiring all consumers to boilerplate the same "unimplemented" methods.
The base implementation also contains handling for registering sql info and serving it up in response to GetSqlInfo requests.
func (BaseServer) BeginSavepoint ¶
func (BaseServer) BeginSavepoint(context.Context, ActionBeginSavepointRequest) ([]byte, error)
func (BaseServer) BeginTransaction ¶
func (BaseServer) BeginTransaction(context.Context, ActionBeginTransactionRequest) ([]byte, error)
func (BaseServer) CancelFlightInfo ¶
func (BaseServer) CancelFlightInfo(context.Context, *flight.CancelFlightInfoRequest) (flight.CancelFlightInfoResult, error)
func (BaseServer) ClosePreparedStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) ClosePreparedStatement(context.Context, ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest) error
func (BaseServer) CloseSession ¶
func (BaseServer) CloseSession(context.Context, *flight.CloseSessionRequest) (*flight.CloseSessionResult, error)
func (BaseServer) CreatePreparedStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) CreatePreparedStatement(context.Context, ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest) (res ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, err error)
func (BaseServer) CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan ¶
func (BaseServer) CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan(context.Context, ActionCreatePreparedSubstraitPlanRequest) (res ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, err error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetCatalogs ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetCatalogs(context.Context) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetCrossReference ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetCrossReference(context.Context, CrossTableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetDBSchemas ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetDBSchemas(context.Context, GetDBSchemas) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetExportedKeys ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetExportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetImportedKeys ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetImportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetPreparedStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetPrimaryKeys ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetPrimaryKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (*BaseServer) DoGetSqlInfo ¶
func (b *BaseServer) DoGetSqlInfo(_ context.Context, cmd GetSqlInfo) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
DoGetSqlInfo returns a flight stream containing the list of sqlinfo results
func (BaseServer) DoGetStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetStatement(context.Context, StatementQueryTicket) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetTableTypes ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetTableTypes(context.Context) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetTables ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetTables(context.Context, GetTables) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoGetXdbcTypeInfo ¶
func (BaseServer) DoGetXdbcTypeInfo(context.Context, GetXdbcTypeInfo) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error)
func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandStatementIngest ¶
func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandStatementIngest(context.Context, StatementIngest, flight.MessageReader) (int64, error)
func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandStatementUpdate ¶
func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandStatementUpdate(context.Context, StatementUpdate) (int64, error)
func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandSubstraitPlan ¶
func (BaseServer) DoPutCommandSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan) (int64, error)
func (BaseServer) DoPutPreparedStatementQuery ¶
func (BaseServer) DoPutPreparedStatementQuery(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, flight.MessageReader, flight.MetadataWriter) ([]byte, error)
func (BaseServer) DoPutPreparedStatementUpdate ¶
func (BaseServer) DoPutPreparedStatementUpdate(context.Context, PreparedStatementUpdate, flight.MessageReader) (int64, error)
func (BaseServer) EndSavepoint ¶
func (BaseServer) EndSavepoint(context.Context, ActionEndSavepointRequest) error
func (BaseServer) EndTransaction ¶
func (BaseServer) EndTransaction(context.Context, ActionEndTransactionRequest) error
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoCatalogs ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoCatalogs(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoCrossReference ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoCrossReference(context.Context, CrossTableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoExportedKeys ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoExportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoImportedKeys ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoImportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoPreparedStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoPrimaryKeys ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoPrimaryKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSchemas ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSchemas(context.Context, GetDBSchemas, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (*BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSqlInfo ¶
func (b *BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSqlInfo(_ context.Context, _ GetSqlInfo, desc *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetFlightInfoSqlInfo is a base implementation of GetSqlInfo by using any registered sqlinfo (by calling RegisterSqlInfo). Will return an error if there is no sql info registered, otherwise a FlightInfo for retrieving the Sql info.
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSubstraitPlan ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoTableTypes ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoTableTypes(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoTables ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoTables(context.Context, GetTables, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoXdbcTypeInfo ¶
func (BaseServer) GetFlightInfoXdbcTypeInfo(context.Context, GetXdbcTypeInfo, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) GetSchemaPreparedStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) GetSchemaPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
func (BaseServer) GetSchemaStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) GetSchemaStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
func (BaseServer) GetSchemaSubstraitPlan ¶
func (BaseServer) GetSchemaSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
func (BaseServer) GetSessionOptions ¶
func (BaseServer) GetSessionOptions(context.Context, *flight.GetSessionOptionsRequest) (*flight.GetSessionOptionsResult, error)
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfo ¶
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfo(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoPreparedStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoStatement ¶
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoSubstraitPlan ¶
func (BaseServer) PollFlightInfoSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
func (*BaseServer) RegisterSqlInfo ¶
func (b *BaseServer) RegisterSqlInfo(id SqlInfo, result interface{}) error
RegisterSqlInfo registers a specific result to return for a given sqlinfo id. The result must be one of the following types: string, bool, int64, int32, []string, or map[int32][]int32.
Once registered, this value will be returned for any SqlInfo requests.
func (BaseServer) RenewFlightEndpoint ¶
func (BaseServer) RenewFlightEndpoint(context.Context, *flight.RenewFlightEndpointRequest) (*flight.FlightEndpoint, error)
func (BaseServer) SetSessionOptions ¶
func (BaseServer) SetSessionOptions(context.Context, *flight.SetSessionOptionsRequest) (*flight.SetSessionOptionsResult, error)
type CancelResult ¶
type CancelResult = pb.ActionCancelQueryResult_CancelResult
type Client ¶
Client wraps a regular Flight RPC Client to provide the FlightSQL interface functions and methods.
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(addr string, auth flight.ClientAuthHandler, middleware []flight.ClientMiddleware, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (*Client, error)
NewClient is a convenience function to automatically construct a flight.Client and return a flightsql.Client containing it rather than having to manually construct both yourself. It just delegates its arguments to flight.NewClientWithMiddleware to create the underlying Flight Client.
func NewClientCtx ¶
func NewClientCtx(ctx context.Context, addr string, auth flight.ClientAuthHandler, middleware []flight.ClientMiddleware, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (*Client, error)
func (*Client) BeginTransaction ¶
func (*Client) CancelFlightInfo ¶
func (c *Client) CancelFlightInfo(ctx context.Context, request *flight.CancelFlightInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.CancelFlightInfoResult, error)
func (*Client) CancelQuery
func (c *Client) CancelQuery(ctx context.Context, info *flight.FlightInfo, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (cancelResult CancelResult, err error)
Deprecated: In 13.0.0. Use CancelFlightInfo instead if you can assume that server requires 13.0.0 or later. Otherwise, you may need to use CancelQuery and/or CancelFlightInfo.
func (*Client) Close ¶
Close will close the underlying flight Client in use by this flightsql.Client
func (*Client) CloseSession ¶
func (c *Client) CloseSession(ctx context.Context, request *flight.CloseSessionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.CloseSessionResult, error)
func (*Client) DoGet ¶
func (c *Client) DoGet(ctx context.Context, in *flight.Ticket, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.Reader, error)
DoGet uses the provided flight ticket to request the stream of data. It returns a recordbatch reader to stream the results. Release should be called on the reader when done.
func (*Client) Execute ¶
func (c *Client) Execute(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
Execute executes the desired query on the server and returns a FlightInfo object describing where to retrieve the results.
func (*Client) ExecuteIngest ¶
func (c *Client) ExecuteIngest(ctx context.Context, rdr array.RecordReader, reqOptions *ExecuteIngestOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (int64, error)
ExecuteIngest is for executing a bulk ingestion and only returns the number of affected rows. The provided RecordReader will be retained for the duration of the call, but it is the caller's responsibility to release the original reference.
func (*Client) ExecutePoll ¶
func (c *Client) ExecutePoll(ctx context.Context, query string, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
ExecutePoll idempotently starts execution of a query/checks for completion. To check for completion, pass the FlightDescriptor from the previous call to ExecutePoll as the retryDescriptor.
func (*Client) ExecuteSubstrait ¶
func (c *Client) ExecuteSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (*Client) ExecuteSubstraitPoll ¶
func (c *Client) ExecuteSubstraitPoll(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
func (*Client) ExecuteSubstraitUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) ExecuteSubstraitUpdate(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
func (*Client) ExecuteUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) ExecuteUpdate(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
ExecuteUpdate is for executing an update query and only returns the number of affected rows.
func (*Client) GetCatalogs ¶
func (c *Client) GetCatalogs(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetCatalogs requests the list of catalogs from the server and returns a flightInfo object where the response can be retrieved
func (*Client) GetCatalogsSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetCatalogsSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetCatalogsSchema requests the schema of GetCatalogs from the server
func (*Client) GetCrossReference ¶
func (c *Client) GetCrossReference(ctx context.Context, pkTable, fkTable TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetCrossReference retrieves a description of the foreign key columns in the specified ForeignKey table that reference the primary key or columns representing a restraint of the parent table (could be the same or a different table). Returns a FlightInfo object indicating where the response can be retrieved with DoGet.
func (*Client) GetCrossReferenceSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetCrossReferenceSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetCrossReferenceSchema requests the schema of GetCrossReference from the server.
func (*Client) GetDBSchemas ¶
func (c *Client) GetDBSchemas(ctx context.Context, cmdOpts *GetDBSchemasOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetDBSchemas requests the list of schemas from the database and returns a FlightInfo object where the response can be retrieved
func (*Client) GetDBSchemasSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetDBSchemasSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetDBSchemasSchema requests the schema of GetDBSchemas from the server
func (*Client) GetExecuteSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetExecuteSchema(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetExecuteSchema gets the schema of the result set of a query without executing the query itself.
func (*Client) GetExecuteSubstraitSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetExecuteSubstraitSchema(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
func (*Client) GetExportedKeys ¶
func (c *Client) GetExportedKeys(ctx context.Context, ref TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetExportedKeys retrieves a description about the foreign key columns that reference the primary key columns of the specified table. Returns a FlightInfo object where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetExportedKeysSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetExportedKeysSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetExportedKeysSchema requests the schema of GetExportedKeys from the server.
func (*Client) GetImportedKeys ¶
func (c *Client) GetImportedKeys(ctx context.Context, ref TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetImportedKeys returns the foreign key columns for the specified table. Returns a FlightInfo object indicating where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetImportedKeysSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetImportedKeysSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetImportedKeysSchema requests the schema of GetImportedKeys from the server.
func (*Client) GetPrimaryKeys ¶
func (c *Client) GetPrimaryKeys(ctx context.Context, ref TableRef, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetPrimaryKeys requests the primary keys for a specific table from the server, specified using a TableRef. Returns a FlightInfo object where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetPrimaryKeysSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetPrimaryKeysSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetPrimaryKeysSchema requests the schema of GetPrimaryKeys from the server.
func (*Client) GetSessionOptions ¶
func (c *Client) GetSessionOptions(ctx context.Context, request *flight.GetSessionOptionsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.GetSessionOptionsResult, error)
func (*Client) GetSqlInfo ¶
func (c *Client) GetSqlInfo(ctx context.Context, info []SqlInfo, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetSqlInfo returns a list of the requested SQL information corresponding to the values in the info slice. Returns a FlightInfo object indicating where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetSqlInfoSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetSqlInfoSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetSqlInfoSchema requests the schema of GetSqlInfo from the server.
func (*Client) GetTableTypes ¶
func (c *Client) GetTableTypes(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetTableTypes requests a list of the types of tables available on this server. Returns a FlightInfo object indicating where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetTableTypesSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetTableTypesSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetTableTypesSchema requests the schema of GetTableTypes from the server.
func (*Client) GetTables ¶
func (c *Client) GetTables(ctx context.Context, reqOptions *GetTablesOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetTables requests a list of tables from the server, with the provided options describing how to make the request (filter patterns, if the schema should be returned, etc.). Returns a FlightInfo object where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetTablesSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetTablesSchema(ctx context.Context, reqOptions *GetTablesOpts, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetTablesSchema requests the schema of GetTables from the server.
func (*Client) GetXdbcTypeInfo ¶
func (c *Client) GetXdbcTypeInfo(ctx context.Context, dataType *int32, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
GetXdbcTypeInfo requests the information about all the data types supported (dataType == nil) or a specific data type. Returns a FlightInfo object indicating where the response can be retrieved.
func (*Client) GetXdbcTypeInfoSchema ¶
func (c *Client) GetXdbcTypeInfoSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetXdbcTypeInfoSchema requests the schema of GetXdbcTypeInfo from the server.
func (*Client) LoadPreparedStatementFromResult ¶
func (c *Client) LoadPreparedStatementFromResult(result *CreatePreparedStatementResult) (*PreparedStatement, error)
func (*Client) Prepare ¶
func (c *Client) Prepare(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (prep *PreparedStatement, err error)
Prepare creates a PreparedStatement object for the specified query. The resulting PreparedStatement object should be Closed when no longer needed. It will maintain a reference to this Client for use to execute and use the specified allocator for any allocations it needs to perform.
func (*Client) PrepareSubstrait ¶
func (c *Client) PrepareSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (stmt *PreparedStatement, err error)
func (*Client) RenewFlightEndpoint ¶
func (c *Client) RenewFlightEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request *flight.RenewFlightEndpointRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightEndpoint, error)
func (*Client) SetSessionOptions ¶
func (c *Client) SetSessionOptions(ctx context.Context, request *flight.SetSessionOptionsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SetSessionOptionsResult, error)
type ColumnMetadata ¶
ColumnMetadata is a helper object for managing and querying the standard SQL Column metadata using the expected Metadata Keys. It can be created by just Wrapping an existing *arrow.Metadata.
Each of the methods return a value and a boolean indicating if it was set in the metadata or not.
func (*ColumnMetadata) CatalogName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) CatalogName() (string, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) IsAutoIncrement ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsAutoIncrement() (bool, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) IsCaseSensitive ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsCaseSensitive() (bool, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) IsReadOnly ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsReadOnly() (bool, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) IsSearchable ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) IsSearchable() (bool, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) Precision ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) Precision() (int32, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) Scale ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) Scale() (int32, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) SchemaName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) SchemaName() (string, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) TableName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) TableName() (string, bool)
func (*ColumnMetadata) TypeName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadata) TypeName() (string, bool)
type ColumnMetadataBuilder ¶
type ColumnMetadataBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ColumnMetadataBuilder is a convenience builder for constructing sql column metadata using the expected standard metadata keys. All methods return the builder itself so it can be chained to easily construct a final metadata object.
func NewColumnMetadataBuilder ¶
func NewColumnMetadataBuilder() *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) Build ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Build() ColumnMetadata
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) CatalogName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) CatalogName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) Clear ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Clear()
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsAutoIncrement ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsAutoIncrement(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsCaseSensitive ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsCaseSensitive(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsReadOnly ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsReadOnly(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsSearchable ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) IsSearchable(v bool) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) Metadata ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Metadata() arrow.Metadata
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) Precision ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Precision(prec int32) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) Scale ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) Scale(prec int32) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) SchemaName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) SchemaName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) TableName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) TableName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
func (*ColumnMetadataBuilder) TypeName ¶
func (c *ColumnMetadataBuilder) TypeName(name string) *ColumnMetadataBuilder
type CreatePreparedStatementResult ¶
type CreatePreparedStatementResult = pb.ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult
type CrossTableRef ¶
CrossTableRef contains a reference to a Primary Key table and a Foreign Key table.
type EndSavepointRequestType ¶
type EndSavepointRequestType = pb.ActionEndSavepointRequest_EndSavepoint
type EndTransactionRequestType ¶
type EndTransactionRequestType = pb.ActionEndTransactionRequest_EndTransaction
type ExecuteIngestOpts ¶
type ExecuteIngestOpts pb.CommandStatementIngest
ExecuteIngestOpts contains the options for executing a bulk ingestion:
Required: - TableDefinitionOptions: Specifies the behavior for creating or updating table definitions - Table: The destination table to load into
Optional: - Schema: The DB schema containing the destination table - Catalog: The catalog containing the destination table - Temporary: Use a temporary table as the destination - TransactionId: Ingest as part of this transaction - Options: Additional, backend-specific options
type GetDBSchemas ¶
GetDBSchemas represents a request for list of database schemas
type GetDBSchemasOpts ¶
type GetDBSchemasOpts pb.CommandGetDbSchemas
GetDBSchemasOpts contains the options to request Database Schemas: an optional Catalog and a Schema Name filter pattern.
type GetSqlInfo ¶
type GetSqlInfo interface { // GetInfo returns a slice of SqlInfo ids to return information about GetInfo() []uint32 }
GetSqlInfo represents a request for SQL Information
type GetTables ¶
type GetTables interface { GetCatalog() *string GetDBSchemaFilterPattern() *string GetTableNameFilterPattern() *string GetTableTypes() []string GetIncludeSchema() bool }
GetTables represents a request to list the database's tables
type GetTablesOpts ¶
type GetTablesOpts pb.CommandGetTables
GetTablesOpts contains the options for retrieving a list of tables: optional Catalog, Schema filter pattern, Table name filter pattern, a filter of table types, and whether or not to include the schema in the response.
type GetXdbcTypeInfo ¶
type GetXdbcTypeInfo interface { // GetDataType returns either nil (get for all types) // or a specific SQL type ID to fetch information about. GetDataType() *int32 }
GetXdbcTypeInfo represents a request for SQL Data Type information
type PreparedStatement ¶
type PreparedStatement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PreparedStatement represents a constructed PreparedStatement on the server and maintains a reference to the Client that created it along with the prepared statement handle.
If the server returned the Dataset Schema or Parameter Binding schemas at creation, they will also be accessible from this object. Close should be called when no longer needed.
func (*PreparedStatement) Close ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) Close(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
Close calls release on any parameter binding record and sends a ClosePreparedStatement action to the server. After calling Close, the PreparedStatement should not be used again.
func (*PreparedStatement) DatasetSchema ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) DatasetSchema() *arrow.Schema
DatasetSchema may be nil if the server did not return it when creating the Prepared Statement.
func (*PreparedStatement) Execute ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) Execute(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
Execute executes the prepared statement on the server and returns a FlightInfo indicating where to retrieve the response. If SetParameters has been called then the parameter bindings will be sent before execution.
Will error if already closed.
func (*PreparedStatement) ExecutePoll ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) ExecutePoll(ctx context.Context, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
ExecutePoll executes the prepared statement on the server and returns a PollInfo indicating the progress of execution.
Will error if already closed.
func (*PreparedStatement) ExecutePut ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) ExecutePut(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error
ExecutePut calls DoPut for the prepared statement on the server. If SetParameters has been called then the parameter bindings will be sent before execution.
Will error if already closed.
func (*PreparedStatement) ExecuteUpdate ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) ExecuteUpdate(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (nrecords int64, err error)
ExecuteUpdate executes the prepared statement update query on the server and returns the number of rows affected. If SetParameters was called, the parameter bindings will be sent with the request to execute.
func (*PreparedStatement) GetSchema ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) GetSchema(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
GetSchema re-requests the schema of the result set of the prepared statement from the server. It should otherwise be identical to DatasetSchema.
Will error if already closed.
func (*PreparedStatement) Handle ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) Handle() []byte
The handle associated with this PreparedStatement
func (*PreparedStatement) ParameterSchema ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) ParameterSchema() *arrow.Schema
ParameterSchema may be nil if the server did not return it when creating the prepared statement.
func (*PreparedStatement) SetParameters ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) SetParameters(binding arrow.Record)
SetParameters takes a record batch to send as the parameter bindings when executing. It should match the schema from ParameterSchema.
This will call Retain on the record to ensure it doesn't get released out from under the statement. Release will be called on a previous binding record or reader if it existed, and will be called upon calling Close on the PreparedStatement.
func (*PreparedStatement) SetRecordReader ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) SetRecordReader(binding array.RecordReader)
SetRecordReader takes a RecordReader to send as the parameter bindings when executing. It should match the schema from ParameterSchema.
This will call Retain on the reader to ensure it doesn't get released out from under the statement. Release will be called on a previous binding record or reader if it existed, and will be called upon calling Close on the PreparedStatement.
type PreparedStatementQuery ¶
type PreparedStatementQuery interface { // GetPreparedStatementHandle returns the server-generated opaque // identifier for the statement GetPreparedStatementHandle() []byte }
PreparedStatementQuery represents a prepared query statement
type PreparedStatementUpdate ¶
type PreparedStatementUpdate interface { // GetPreparedStatementHandle returns the server-generated opaque // identifier for the statement GetPreparedStatementHandle() []byte }
PreparedStatementUpdate represents a prepared update statement
type Server ¶
type Server interface { // GetFlightInfoStatement returns a FlightInfo for executing the requested sql query GetFlightInfoStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // GetFlightInfoSubstraitPlan returns a FlightInfo for executing the requested substrait plan GetFlightInfoSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // GetSchemaStatement returns the schema of the result set of the requested sql query GetSchemaStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error) // GetSchemaSubstraitPlan returns the schema of the result set for the requested substrait plan GetSchemaSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error) // DoGetStatement returns a stream containing the query results for the // requested statement handle that was populated by GetFlightInfoStatement DoGetStatement(context.Context, StatementQueryTicket) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoPreparedStatement returns a FlightInfo for executing an already // prepared statement with the provided statement handle. GetFlightInfoPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // GetSchemaPreparedStatement returns the schema of the result set of executing an already // prepared statement with the provided statement handle. GetSchemaPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.SchemaResult, error) // DoGetPreparedStatement returns a stream containing the results from executing // a prepared statement query with the provided statement handle. DoGetPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoCatalogs returns a FlightInfo for the listing of all catalogs GetFlightInfoCatalogs(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetCatalogs returns the stream containing the list of catalogs DoGetCatalogs(context.Context) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoXdbcTypeInfo returns a FlightInfo for retrieving data type info GetFlightInfoXdbcTypeInfo(context.Context, GetXdbcTypeInfo, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetXdbcTypeInfo returns a stream containing the information about the // requested supported datatypes DoGetXdbcTypeInfo(context.Context, GetXdbcTypeInfo) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoSqlInfo returns a FlightInfo for retrieving SqlInfo from the server GetFlightInfoSqlInfo(context.Context, GetSqlInfo, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetSqlInfo returns a stream containing the list of SqlInfo results DoGetSqlInfo(context.Context, GetSqlInfo) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoSchemas returns a FlightInfo for requesting a list of schemas GetFlightInfoSchemas(context.Context, GetDBSchemas, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetDBSchemas returns a stream containing the list of schemas DoGetDBSchemas(context.Context, GetDBSchemas) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoTables returns a FlightInfo for listing the tables available GetFlightInfoTables(context.Context, GetTables, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetTables returns a stream containing the list of tables DoGetTables(context.Context, GetTables) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoTableTypes returns a FlightInfo for retrieving a list // of table types supported GetFlightInfoTableTypes(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetTableTypes returns a stream containing the data related to the table types DoGetTableTypes(context.Context) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoPrimaryKeys returns a FlightInfo for extracting information about primary keys GetFlightInfoPrimaryKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetPrimaryKeys returns a stream containing the data related to primary keys DoGetPrimaryKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoExportedKeys returns a FlightInfo for extracting information about foreign keys GetFlightInfoExportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetExportedKeys returns a stream containing the data related to foreign keys DoGetExportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoImportedKeys returns a FlightInfo for extracting information about imported keys GetFlightInfoImportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetImportedKeys returns a stream containing the data related to imported keys DoGetImportedKeys(context.Context, TableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // GetFlightInfoCrossReference returns a FlightInfo for extracting data related // to primary and foreign keys GetFlightInfoCrossReference(context.Context, CrossTableRef, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.FlightInfo, error) // DoGetCrossReference returns a stream of data related to foreign and primary keys DoGetCrossReference(context.Context, CrossTableRef) (*arrow.Schema, <-chan flight.StreamChunk, error) // DoPutCommandStatementUpdate executes a sql update statement and returns // the number of affected rows DoPutCommandStatementUpdate(context.Context, StatementUpdate) (int64, error) // DoPutCommandSubstraitPlan executes a substrait plan and returns the number // of affected rows. DoPutCommandSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan) (int64, error) // CreatePreparedStatement constructs a prepared statement from a sql query // and returns an opaque statement handle for use. CreatePreparedStatement(context.Context, ActionCreatePreparedStatementRequest) (ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, error) // CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan constructs a prepared statement from a substrait // plan, and returns an opaque statement handle for use. CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan(context.Context, ActionCreatePreparedSubstraitPlanRequest) (ActionCreatePreparedStatementResult, error) // ClosePreparedStatement closes the prepared statement identified by the requested // opaque statement handle. ClosePreparedStatement(context.Context, ActionClosePreparedStatementRequest) error // DoPutPreparedStatementQuery binds parameters to a given prepared statement // identified by the provided statement handle. // // The provided MessageReader is a stream of record batches with optional // app metadata and flight descriptors to represent the values to bind // to the parameters. // // Currently anything written to the writer will be ignored. It is in the // interface for potential future enhancements to avoid having to change // the interface in the future. DoPutPreparedStatementQuery(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, flight.MessageReader, flight.MetadataWriter) ([]byte, error) // DoPutPreparedStatementUpdate executes an update SQL Prepared statement // for the specified statement handle. The reader allows providing a sequence // of uploaded record batches to bind the parameters to. Returns the number // of affected records. DoPutPreparedStatementUpdate(context.Context, PreparedStatementUpdate, flight.MessageReader) (int64, error) // BeginTransaction starts a new transaction and returns the id BeginTransaction(context.Context, ActionBeginTransactionRequest) (id []byte, err error) // BeginSavepoint initializes a new savepoint and returns the id BeginSavepoint(context.Context, ActionBeginSavepointRequest) (id []byte, err error) // EndSavepoint releases or rolls back a savepoint EndSavepoint(context.Context, ActionEndSavepointRequest) error // EndTransaction commits or rolls back a transaction EndTransaction(context.Context, ActionEndTransactionRequest) error // CancelFlightInfo attempts to explicitly cancel a FlightInfo CancelFlightInfo(context.Context, *flight.CancelFlightInfoRequest) (flight.CancelFlightInfoResult, error) // RenewFlightEndpoint attempts to extend the expiration of a FlightEndpoint RenewFlightEndpoint(context.Context, *flight.RenewFlightEndpointRequest) (*flight.FlightEndpoint, error) // PollFlightInfo is a generic handler for PollFlightInfo requests. PollFlightInfo(context.Context, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error) // PollFlightInfoStatement handles polling for query execution. PollFlightInfoStatement(context.Context, StatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error) // PollFlightInfoSubstraitPlan handles polling for query execution. PollFlightInfoSubstraitPlan(context.Context, StatementSubstraitPlan, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error) // PollFlightInfoPreparedStatement handles polling for query execution. PollFlightInfoPreparedStatement(context.Context, PreparedStatementQuery, *flight.FlightDescriptor) (*flight.PollInfo, error) // SetSessionOptions sets option(s) for the current server session. SetSessionOptions(context.Context, *flight.SetSessionOptionsRequest) (*flight.SetSessionOptionsResult, error) // GetSessionOptions gets option(s) for the current server session. GetSessionOptions(context.Context, *flight.GetSessionOptionsRequest) (*flight.GetSessionOptionsResult, error) // CloseSession closes/invalidates the current server session. CloseSession(context.Context, *flight.CloseSessionRequest) (*flight.CloseSessionResult, error) // DoPutCommandStatementIngest executes a bulk ingestion and returns // the number of affected rows DoPutCommandStatementIngest(context.Context, StatementIngest, flight.MessageReader) (int64, error) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Server is the required interface for a FlightSQL server. It is implemented by BaseServer which must be embedded in any implementation. The default implementation by BaseServer for each of these (except GetSqlInfo)
GetFlightInfo* methods should return the FlightInfo object representing where to retrieve the results for a given request.
DoGet* methods should return the Schema of the resulting stream along with a channel to retrieve stream chunks (each chunk is a record batch and optionally a descriptor and app metadata). The channel will be read from until it closes, sending each chunk on the stream. Since the channel is returned from the method, it should be populated within a goroutine to ensure there are no deadlocks.
type SqlInfo ¶
type SqlInfo uint32
since we are hiding the Protobuf internals in an internal package, we need to provide enum values for the SqlInfo enum here
type SqlInfoResultMap ¶
type SqlInfoResultMap map[uint32]interface{}
SqlInfoResultMap is a mapping of SqlInfo ids to the desired response. This is part of a Server and used for registering responses to a SqlInfo request.
type SqlNullOrdering ¶
type SqlNullOrdering = pb.SqlNullOrdering
SqlNullOrdering indicates how nulls are sorted
duplicated from protobuf to avoid relying directly on the protobuf generated code, also making them shorter and easier to use
type SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity ¶
type SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity = pb.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity
SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity indicates whether something (e.g. an identifier) is case-sensitive
duplicated from protobuf to avoid relying directly on the protobuf generated code, also making them shorter and easier to use
type SqlSupportedTransaction ¶
type SqlSupportedTransaction = pb.SqlSupportedTransaction
type SqlSupportsConvert ¶
type SqlSupportsConvert = pb.SqlSupportsConvert
SqlSupportsConvert indicates support for converting between different types.
duplicated from protobuf to avoid relying directly on the protobuf generated code, also making them shorter and easier to use
type StatementIngest ¶
type StatementIngest interface { GetTableDefinitionOptions() *TableDefinitionOptions GetTable() string GetSchema() string GetCatalog() string GetTemporary() bool GetTransactionId() []byte GetOptions() map[string]string }
StatementIngest represents a bulk ingestion request
type StatementQuery ¶
StatementQuery represents a Sql Query
type StatementQueryTicket ¶
type StatementQueryTicket interface { // GetStatementHandle returns the server-generated opaque // identifier for the query GetStatementHandle() []byte }
StatementQueryTicket represents a request to execute a query
func GetStatementQueryTicket ¶
func GetStatementQueryTicket(ticket *flight.Ticket) (result StatementQueryTicket, err error)
type StatementSubstraitPlan ¶
type StatementSubstraitPlan interface { GetTransactionId() []byte GetPlan() SubstraitPlan }
type StatementUpdate ¶
StatementUpdate represents a SQL update query
type SubstraitPlan ¶
type SubstraitPlan struct { // the serialized plan Plan []byte // the substrait release, e.g. "0.23.0" Version string }
SubstraitPlan represents a plan to be executed, along with the associated metadata
type TableDefinitionOptions ¶
type TableDefinitionOptions = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions
type TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOption ¶
type TableDefinitionOptionsTableExistsOption = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TableExistsOption
type TableDefinitionOptionsTableNotExistOption ¶
type TableDefinitionOptionsTableNotExistOption = pb.CommandStatementIngest_TableDefinitionOptions_TableNotExistOption
type TableRef ¶
type TableRef struct { // Catalog specifies the catalog this table belongs to. // An empty string refers to tables without a catalog. // If nil, can reference a table in any catalog. Catalog *string // DBSchema specifies the database schema the table belongs to. // An empty string refers to a table which does not belong to // a database schema. // If nil, can reference a table in any database schema. DBSchema *string // Table is the name of the table that is being referenced. Table string }
TableRef is a helpful struct for referencing a specific Table by its catalog, schema, and table name.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction []byte
Transaction is a handle for a server-side transaction
func (Transaction) IsValid ¶
func (tx Transaction) IsValid() bool
type Txn ¶
type Txn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Txn) BeginSavepoint ¶
func (*Txn) Execute ¶
func (tx *Txn) Execute(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (*Txn) ExecutePoll ¶
func (*Txn) ExecuteSubstrait ¶
func (tx *Txn) ExecuteSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.FlightInfo, error)
func (*Txn) ExecuteSubstraitPoll ¶
func (tx *Txn) ExecuteSubstraitPoll(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, retryDescriptor *flight.FlightDescriptor, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.PollInfo, error)
func (*Txn) ExecuteSubstraitUpdate ¶
func (tx *Txn) ExecuteSubstraitUpdate(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (n int64, err error)
func (*Txn) ExecuteUpdate ¶
func (*Txn) GetExecuteSchema ¶
func (tx *Txn) GetExecuteSchema(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
func (*Txn) GetExecuteSubstraitSchema ¶
func (tx *Txn) GetExecuteSubstraitSchema(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*flight.SchemaResult, error)
func (*Txn) ID ¶
func (tx *Txn) ID() Transaction
func (*Txn) Prepare ¶
func (tx *Txn) Prepare(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (prep *PreparedStatement, err error)
func (*Txn) PrepareSubstrait ¶
func (tx *Txn) PrepareSubstrait(ctx context.Context, plan SubstraitPlan, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (stmt *PreparedStatement, err error)
func (*Txn) ReleaseSavepoint ¶
func (*Txn) RollbackSavepoint ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. |
Package example contains a FlightSQL Server implementation using sqlite as the backing engine.
Package example contains a FlightSQL Server implementation using sqlite as the backing engine. |
Package schema_ref contains the expected reference Schemas to be used by FlightSQL servers and clients.
Package schema_ref contains the expected reference Schemas to be used by FlightSQL servers and clients. |