ZoomDL is a program that will get all your zoom cloud recordings and downloads them putting them in directories based on the title.
If specified it will delete the downloaded recordings after.
On the zoom marketplace create a Server-to-Server-OAuth app to get the user id, client id and client secret.
Make sure to read the Server-to-Server OAuth app docs
The configuration is done in environment and captures the following:
func NewConfig() *Config {
c := &Config{}
c.RecordingTypes = strings.Split(os.Getenv("ZOOMDL_RECORDING_TYPES"), ";")
c.IgnoreTitles = strings.Split(os.Getenv("ZOOMDL_IGNORE_TITLES"), ";")
c.Destinations = strings.Split(os.Getenv("ZOOMDL_DESTINATIONS"), ";")
if dir := os.Getenv("ZOOMDL_DIR"); dir != "" { // backwards compatibility
c.Destinations = append(c.Destinations, fmt.Sprintf("file://%s", dir))
c.UserID = envRequired("ZOOMDL_USER_ID")
c.ClientID = envRequired("ZOOMDL_CLIENT_ID")
c.ClientSecret = envRequired("ZOOMDL_CLIENT_SECRET")
c.APIEndpoint = envURL("ZOOMDL_API_ENDPOINT", "https://api.zoom.us/v2")
c.AuthEndpoint = envURL("ZOOMDL_AUTH_ENDPOINT", "https://zoom.us")
c.StartingFromYear = envInt("ZOOMDL_START_YEAR", 2018)
c.Concurrency = envInt("ZOOMDL_CONCURRENCY", 4)
c.ChunckSizeMB = envInt("ZOOMDL_CHUNKSIZE_MB", 256)
c.Duration = envDuration("ZOOMDL_DURATION", "30m")
c.DeleteAfter = os.Getenv("ZOOMDL_DELETE_AFTER") == "true"
return c
Use with docker:
$ docker run \
-e "ZOOMDL_USER_ID=<your-user-id>" \
-e "ZOOMDL_CLIENT_ID=<your-client-id>" \
-e "ZOOMDL_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-client-secret>" \
set destinations:
# local
# s3