= Spectura
Spectura is a microservice for taking screenshots of websites in an Open Graph
compatible format usable for link previews on sites such as Facebook and
Spectura takes a `url` and an optional signature `s` as query parameters. The
signature ensures that we only visit pre-approved URLs.
== Setup
You either need to run a Decap instance manually, or run everything inside
Docker as described xref:run_docker[below].
To run Spectura in Docker, you need Docker version 20.10 or higher.
== Running
=== Basic usage
Assuming that Decap is listening on `localhost:4531`:
go build
USE_SIGNATURES=false ./spectura
Then make a GET request on the same host:
curl "http://localhost:19165/api/spectura/v0/screenshot/?url=https://www.jobindex.dk/?pictura=1" --output screenshot.png
=== Inside Docker [[run_docker]]
To run Spectura
Always run with `--build`
docker compose up --build
To test Spectura with `curl`
curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/spectura/v0/screenshot?url=https://pyjam.as&expire=1661810399&'
If you use kitty terminal you can print the image directly in your terminal
curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/spectura/v0/screenshot?&url=https://pyjam.as&expire=1661810399&' | kitty +kitten icat
== Configuration
* `DECAP_URL`, optional, default: `http://localhost:4531`
* `USE_SIGNATURES`, optional, default: `true`
* `SIGNING_UNIQUE_NAME`, optional, default: `jix_spectura`
* `CACHE_TTL`, optional, default: `48h`
* `MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_MIB`, optional, default: `20`