Quick start
make build
learning-go - a repository to learn the go programming language.
learning-go command [command options]
learning-go [global options]
problems, p Some HackerRank problem solutions implemented in golang.
add, a add a task to the list
snmp, s Test the SNMP library gosnmp
misc, m Miscelaneous code
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
Go projects are made of modules, and modules are made of packages.
This is a simple project designed to contain a single module and some packages.
the learning-go module uses the urfave/cli go library to provide a CLI allowing
a single executable to test different snippets of code and organize your
own packages.
How to test the code
make test
make verbose_test
Golang provides the "testing" package if you need to speed up the writing of your unit tests.
After you write test functions just call go-test tool and it will find and run yout test code. I have provided a Makefile just to document some usefull go tool commands you can use to test your code.
How to add code to git repo
create or modify file
... write code
... check if it builds
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push
How to add a module
$ mkdir learning-go
$ cd learning-go
$ git init
$ go mod init github.com/joaoepj/learning-go (create the module - go.mod file )
... write code
How to output the executable to build/bin when issuing go build
Set GOBIN environment variable
How to add package
$ mkdir lg_snmp
$ cd lg_snmp
... write code
public functions must start with capital letters
$ go build (test if package builds)
import package in other packages, build module