HTTP and SOCKS proxy
A simple HTTP and SOCKS proxy based on combining the following two go libraries:
This application just runs the two proxies in the same process with command line flags to controll them.
$ ./http-socks-proxy -h
Usage of ./http-socks-proxy:
-hhost string
The host/ip on which the HTTP proxy listens for connections (default "")
-hport int
The port on which the HTTP proxy listens for connections (default 2223)
-shost string
The host/ip on which the SOCKS proxy listens for connections (default "")
-sport int
The port on which the SOCKS proxy listens for connections (default 2222)
If verbose logging should be done
Use case
This can be used to access services running behind a firewall through a reverse SSH tunnel. E.g.
Computer A is behind a firewall. Start the proxy on Computer A then ssh from Computer A to Computer B and configure remote tunnels for the two ports:
ssh -R 2222:localhost:2222 -R 2223:localhost:2223 user@computerb
After this the HTTP and SOCKS proxies can be accessed on Computer B on port 2222 and 2223.
Now one can configure a web browser on Computer B to use the SOCKS or HTTP proxy and access resources only accessable from Computer A.
Edit ~/.subversion/servers and set the http-proxy-host and http-proxy-port configuration parameters in the 'global' section:
http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 2223
$ ANT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=2223" ant
Cross-compile for Windows
Cross-compile for windows using the following command:
$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o http-socks-proxy.exe main.go