
Golang Github Template Helper
Usage of ./ggth:
-description string
Description of repo you wish to create
-githubOwner string
Github owner
-githubRepo string
Github repo to source, owned by githubOwner
-templateName string
Name of template, if you wish to create a new repo
-templateOwner string
Owner of template, if you wish to create a new repo
If -templateName, and -templateOwner are defined, it will attempt to create the repo on Github from this template.
-githubOwner and -githubRepo must be defined for it to know where to put it.
-description should be defined if you want the repo to have a description
Env Variables
export ghToken=ghp_FAKETOKEN
export ghUsername=Jmainguy
You should export these variables for it to be able to auth to github.
PreBuilt Binaries
Grab Binaries from The Releases Page
brew install Jmainguy/tap/ggth
export GO111MODULE=on
go build