
v0.0.0-...-b653866 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 5, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// Magic String
	MagicString = "06c1ae26-8b34-11ed-9866-000c29d9ff59"

	// Version hardcoded version string
	// see https://github.com/googleapis/release-please/blob/f398bdffdae69772c61a82cd7158cca3478c2110/src/updaters/generic.ts#L30
	Version = "v1.38.4" // x-release-please-version

	// RShellBufSize buffer size of reverse shell stream
	RShellBufSize = 128

	// ProxyBufSize buffer size of port fwd
	ProxyBufSize = 1024

	// Unknown
	Unknown = "Unknown"
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const (
	ModGenAgent     = "gen_agent"
	ModCMD_EXEC     = "cmd_exec"
	ModCLEAN_LOG    = "clean_log"
	ModLPE_SUGGEST  = "lpe_suggest"
	ModPERSISTENCE  = "get_persistence"
	ModPROXY        = "run_proxy"
	ModPORT_FWD     = "port_fwd"
	ModSHELL        = "interactive_shell"
	ModVACCINE      = "vaccine"
	ModINJECTOR     = "injector"
	ModGET_ROOT     = "get_root"
	ModBring2CC     = "bring2cc"
	ModGDB          = "gdbserver"
	ModStager       = "stager"
	ModSSHHarvester = "ssh_harvester"

built-in module names

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const (
	C2CmdCleanLog      = "!clean_log"
	C2CmdUpdateAgent   = "!upgrade_agent"
	C2CmdGetRoot       = "!get_root"
	C2CmdPersistence   = "!persistence"
	C2CmdCustomModule  = "!custom_module"
	C2CmdInject        = "!inject"
	C2CmdUtils         = "!utils"
	C2CmdDeletePortFwd = "!delete_portfwd"
	C2CmdPortFwd       = "!port_fwd"
	C2CmdProxy         = "!proxy"
	C2CmdSSHD          = "!sshd"
	C2CmdSSHHarvester  = "!ssh_harvester"
	C2CmdLPE           = "!lpe"
	C2CmdBring2CC      = "!" + ModBring2CC
	C2CmdStat          = "!stat"



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var (
	// OneTimeMagicBytes as separator/password
	OneTimeMagicBytes = []byte("6byKQ3Hcidum0NCdvJGK0w==")

	// Transport what transport is this agent using? (HTTP2 / CDN / TOR)
	Transport = "HTTP2"

	// HTTPClient handles agent's http communication
	HTTPClient *http.Client

	// CCMsgConn the connection to CC, for JSON message-based communication
	CCMsgConn *h2conn.Conn

	// KCPKeep: when disconnected from C2, KCP client should be notified
	KCPKeep = true

	// ProxyServer Socks5 proxy listening on agent
	ProxyServer *socks5.Server

	// HIDE_PIDS all the processes
	HIDE_PIDS = []string{strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())}

	// GuardianShellcode inject into a process to gain persistence
	GuardianShellcode = `[persistence_shellcode]`

	// GuardianAgentPath where the agent binary is stored
	GuardianAgentPath = "[persistence_agent_path]"

	// will be updated by ReadJSONConfig
	// in form https://host:port
	CCAddress    = ""
	DefaultShell = ""

	// AESKey generated from Tag -> md5sum, type: []byte
	AESKey []byte
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var (
	// to be updated by DirSetup
	Stub_Linux          = ""
	Stub_Windows        = ""
	Stub_Windows_DLL    = ""
	Packer_Stub         = ""
	Packer_Stub_Windows = ""


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var InjectorMethods = map[string]string{
	"shellcode":      "Inject shellcode (see wiki), if no shellcode is specified, it will inject guardian.asm (runs emp3r0r as child process)",
	"shared_library": "Inject a shared library, if no library is specified, it will inject loader.so (ELF loader that runs emp3r0r agent)",
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var ModuleComments = map[string]string{
	ModGenAgent:     "Build agent for different OS/arch with customized options",
	ModCMD_EXEC:     "Run a single command on a target",
	ModCLEAN_LOG:    "Delete lines containing keyword from *tmp logs",
	ModLPE_SUGGEST:  "Run linux-smart-enumeration or linux exploit suggester",
	ModPERSISTENCE:  "Get persistence via built-in methods",
	ModPROXY:        "Start a socks proxy on target host, and use it locally on C2 side, so you can access network resources on agent side",
	ModPORT_FWD:     "Port mapping from agent to CC (or vice versa), via HTTP2 (or other) tunnel",
	ModSHELL:        "Run custom bash on target, a perfect reverse shell",
	ModVACCINE:      "Vaccine helps you install additional tools on target system",
	ModINJECTOR:     "Inject shellcode/loader.so into a running process",
	ModGET_ROOT:     "Try some built-in LPE exploits",
	ModBring2CC:     "Bring a target host to CC by connecting to it first (target host must have agent installed)",
	ModGDB:          "Remote gdbserver, debug anything",
	ModStager:       "Generate a stager for staged payload delivering",
	ModSSHHarvester: "Harvest cleartext password automatically from OpenSSH server process",

Module help info, ls_modules shows this

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var ModuleHelp = map[string]map[string]string{
	ModGenAgent: {
		"os":                "Target OS, available OS: linux, windows, dll",
		"arch":              "Target architecture, available arch: amd64, 386, arm, arm64, etc",
		"cc_host":           "CC host (IP/domain name)",
		"cc_indicator":      "CC indicator, eg. https://github.com/xxx/xxx/releases/download/xxx/xx.txt",
		"indicator_text":    "Indicator text, eg. emp3r0r",
		"ncsi":              "Use NCSI (Network Connectivity Status Indicator) to check internet access",
		"cdn_proxy":         "Use CDN as C2 transport, eg. wss://yourcdn.com/yourpath",
		"shadowsocks":       "Use shadowsocks as C2 transport, if you want to use KCP, please select with_kcp",
		"c2transport_proxy": "Use a proxy for C2 transport, eg. socks5://",
		"auto_proxy":        "Use auto proxy server for bring2cc and so on (will enable UDP broadcast)",
		"autoproxy_timeout": "Auto proxy timeout in seconds",
		"doh_server":        "Use DNS over HTTPS (DoH) for DNS, eg. https://dns.google/dns-query",
		"method": fmt.Sprintf("Persistence method: profiles: %s; cron: %s; patcher: %s", PersistMethods["profiles"], PersistMethods["cron"], PersistMethods["patcher"]),
		"cmd_to_exec": "Press TAB for some hints",
		"keyword": "Delete all log entries containing this keyword",
		"lpe_helper": "Which LPE helper to use, available helpers: lpe_les (Linux exploit suggester), lpe_lse (Linux smart enumeration), lpe_linpeas (PEASS-ng, works on Linux), lpe_winpeas (PEASS-ng, works on Windows",
	ModPROXY: {
		"port":   "Port of our local proxy server",
		"status": "Turn proxy on/off",
		"to":          "Address:Port (to forward to) on agent/CC side",
		"listen_port": "Listen port on CC/agent side",
		"switch":      "Turn port mapping on/off, or use `reverse` mapping",
		"protocol":    "Forward to TCP or UDP port on agent side",
	ModSHELL: {
		"shell": "Shell program to run",
		"args":  "Command line args of the shell program",
		"port":  "The (sshd) port that our shell will be using",
		"pid":    "Target process PID, set to 0 to start a new process (sleep)",
		"method": fmt.Sprintf("Injection method, available methods: shellcode: %s; shared_library: %s", InjectorMethods["shellcode"], InjectorMethods["shared_library"]),
	ModBring2CC: {
		"addr": "Target host to proxy, we will connect to it and proxy it out",
	ModStager: {
		"type":       "Stager format, eg. bash script",
		"agent_path": "Path to the agent binary that will be downloaded and executed on target hosts",

Module help for options, does not include every module since not all modules need args help module shows this

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var PersistMethods = map[string]string{
	"profiles": "Add some aliases to shell profiles, will trigger when user logs in",
	"cron":     "Add a cronjob",
	"patcher":  "Patch binaries (ls, ps, pstree, sshd, bash, sh...) so they load loader.so on startup, it also make emp3r0r essentially invisible to those tools",

PersistMethods CC calls one of these methods to get persistence, or all of them at once


func GenAESKey

func GenAESKey(seed string) []byte

GenAESKey generate AES key from any string

func ReadJSONConfig

func ReadJSONConfig(jsonData []byte, config_to_write *Config) (err error)

ReadJSONConfig read runtime variables from JSON, and apply them


type AgentProcess

type AgentProcess struct {
	PID     int    `json:"PID"`     // pid
	PPID    int    `json:"PPID"`    // parent PID
	Cmdline string `json:"Cmdline"` // process name and command line args
	Parent  string `json:"Parent"`  // parent process name and cmd line args

AgentProcess process info of our agent

type AgentSystemInfo

type AgentSystemInfo struct {
	Tag         string           `json:"Tag"`         // identifier of the agent
	Name        string           `json:"Name"`        // short name of the agent
	Version     string           `json:"Version"`     // agent version
	Transport   string           `json:"Transport"`   // transport the agent uses (HTTP2 / CDN / TOR)
	Hostname    string           `json:"Hostname"`    // Hostname and machine ID
	Hardware    string           `json:"Hardware"`    // machine details and hypervisor
	Container   string           `json:"Container"`   // container tech (if any)
	CPU         string           `json:"CPU"`         // CPU info
	GPU         string           `json:"GPU"`         // GPU info
	Mem         string           `json:"Mem"`         // memory size
	OS          string           `json:"OS"`          // OS name and version
	GOOS        string           `json:"GOOS"`        // runtime.GOOS
	Kernel      string           `json:"Kernel"`      // kernel release
	Arch        string           `json:"Arch"`        // kernel architecture
	From        string           `json:"From"`        // where the agent is coming from, usually a public IP, or
	IPs         []string         `json:"IPs"`         // IPs that are found on target's NICs
	ARP         []string         `json:"ARP"`         // ARP table
	User        string           `json:"User"`        // user account info
	HasRoot     bool             `json:"HasRoot"`     // is agent run as root?
	HasTor      bool             `json:"HasTor"`      // is agent from Tor?
	HasInternet bool             `json:"HasInternet"` // has internet access?
	Process     *AgentProcess    `json:"Process"`     // agent's process
	Exes        []string         `json:"Exes"`        // executables found in agent's $PATH
	Product     *ghw.ProductInfo `json:"Product"`     // product info

AgentSystemInfo agent properties

type Config

type Config struct {
	CCPort               string `json:"cc_port"`                // CC service port, TLS enabled
	AutoProxyPort        string `json:"autoproxy_port"`         // Socks proxy port for auto proxy feature
	AutoProxyTimeout     int    `json:"autoproxy_timeout"`      // timeout (in seconds) for agent side Socks5 server
	HTTPListenerPort     string `json:"http_listner_port"`      // For stager HTTP server
	Password             string `json:"password"`               // password of shadowsocks, socks5 and SSH server
	ShadowsocksPort      string `json:"shadowsocks_port"`       // server port of shadowsocks proxy server
	KCPPort              string `json:"kcp_port"`               // server port of kcp server
	UseShadowsocks       bool   `json:"use_shadowsocks"`        // enable shadowsocks proxy server for C2 transport
	UseKCP               bool   `json:"use_kcp"`                // enable KCP for Shadowsocks C2 transport
	DisableNCSI          bool   `json:"disable_ncsi"`           // disable NCSI connectivity checking, useful when C2 is reachable but NCSI is not
	SSHHostKey           []byte `json:"ssh_host_key"`           // SSH host (private) key (PEM string), used by remote forwarding server
	SSHProxyPort         string `json:"ssh_proxy_port"`         // Port of SSH remote forwarding server, used to bring target host to C2, see Bring2CC
	SSHDShellPort        string `json:"sshd_shell_port"`        // interactive shell
	BroadcastPort        string `json:"broadcast_port"`         // UDP port used for broadcasting msg
	BroadcastIntervalMin int    `json:"broadcast_interval_min"` // seconds, set max to 0 to disable
	BroadcastIntervalMax int    `json:"broadcast_interval_max"` // seconds, set max to 0 to disable
	CCHost               string `json:"cc_host"`                // Address of C2 server
	PIDFile              string `json:"pid_file"`               // PID of agent process
	CCIndicator          string `json:"cc_indicator"`           // URL of CC indicator
	IndicatorWaitMin     int    `json:"indicator_wait_min"`     // seconds
	IndicatorWaitMax     int    `json:"indicator_wait_max"`     // seconds, set max to 0 to disable
	CCIndicatorText      string `json:"indicator_text"`         // what to send in response when indicator URL is requested
	CAPEM                string `json:"ca"`                     // CA cert from server side
	CAFingerprint        string `json:"ca_fingerprint"`         // CA cert fingerprint
	C2TransportProxy     string `json:"c2transport_proxy"`      // proxy for C2 transport
	CDNProxy             string `json:"cdn_proxy"`              // websocket proxy, see go-cdn2proxy
	DoHServer            string `json:"doh_server"`             // DNS over HTTPS server, for name resolving
	SocketName           string `json:"socket"`                 // agent socket, use this to check agent status
	AgentRoot            string `json:"agent_root"`             // Where to store agent runtime files, default to /tmp
	UtilsPath            string `json:"utils_path"`             // where to store `vaccine` files
	AgentUUID            string `json:"agent_uuid"`             // UUID of agent, used to verify agent
	AgentUUIDSig         string `json:"agent_uuid_sig"`         // UUID of agent signed by CA
	AgentTag             string `json:"agent_tag"`              // generated from UUID, will be used to identidy agents
	Timeout              int    `json:"timeout"`                // wait until this amount of milliseconds to re-connect to C2

Config build.json config file

type H2Conn

type H2Conn struct {
	Conn   *h2conn.Conn
	Ctx    context.Context
	Cancel context.CancelFunc

H2Conn add context to h2conn.Conn

type MsgTunData

type MsgTunData struct {
	Payload string `json:"payload"` // payload
	Tag     string `json:"tag"`     // tag of the agent
	Time    string `json:"time"`    // timestamp

MsgTunData data to send in the tunnel

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? : This menu
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