SG Restful is a restful interface for the Shotgun Api.
What works currently
Get by id
Get all
Returning fields
SG Restful using basic auth for getting script and user credentials. This may change in the future.
Script Authorization header:
Basic <base64 script_name:script_key>
User Authorization header:
( I don't suggest using this unless you have an internal Shotgun sever. )
Basic-user <base64 user_name:user_password>
Query String
page (int): Page of results to return.
limit (int): Number of results per page to return
fields (comma separated listed of string): The fields/columns to return.
q (string): The query to execute. Syntax below.
Query Syntax
There are 3 formats for the query but they all have the same basic structures for the filters themselves. Each filter is defined by an array of 3 values.
[<name>, <relation>, <values>]
Name and relation are both string.
Values can be either a value (string, int, bool, etc) or an array of values.
This format the logical_operator is always assumed to be "and".
q=[[<name>, <relation>, <values>],...]
In order to facilitate testing, sg-restful makes use of a mocks from the testify package. Because of this, tests should be run using go test -tags test.
Writing Out a Log File
Optionally, you can write out a log for a test run by setting SG-RESTFUL_LOG_TO_FILE="yes" or SG-RESTFUL_LOG_TO_FILE=true. This will result in a log file getting generated with with the following name:
You can either persist this value in your shell or prefix your go test command like so:
env SG-RESTFUL_LOG_TO_FILE="yes" go test -tag test