Index ¶
- func CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprintFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprint_PropertiesFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateHostnameFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreatePullZoneCreateFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreatePullZoneFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func ParsePullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters(v string) (any, error)
- func ParsePullZone_RoutingFilters(v string) (any, error)
- func SerializePullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters(values []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters) []string
- func SerializePullZone_RoutingFilters(values []PullZone_RoutingFilters) []string
- type BunnyAiImageBlueprint
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetName() *string
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetProperties() BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetName(value *string)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetProperties(value BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable)
- type BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetCfg() *string
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetNegativePrompt() *string
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetPostPrompt() *string
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetPrePrompt() *string
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetSteps() *string
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetCfg(value *string)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetNegativePrompt(value *string)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetPostPrompt(value *string)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetPrePrompt(value *string)
- func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetSteps(value *string)
- type BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable
- type BunnyAiImageBlueprintable
- type Hostname
- func (m *Hostname) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *Hostname) GetCertificate() *string
- func (m *Hostname) GetCertificateKey() *string
- func (m *Hostname) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Hostname) GetForceSSL() *bool
- func (m *Hostname) GetHasCertificate() *bool
- func (m *Hostname) GetId() *int64
- func (m *Hostname) GetIsSystemHostname() *bool
- func (m *Hostname) GetValue() *string
- func (m *Hostname) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Hostname) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *Hostname) SetCertificate(value *string)
- func (m *Hostname) SetCertificateKey(value *string)
- func (m *Hostname) SetForceSSL(value *bool)
- func (m *Hostname) SetHasCertificate(value *bool)
- func (m *Hostname) SetId(value *int64)
- func (m *Hostname) SetIsSystemHostname(value *bool)
- func (m *Hostname) SetValue(value *string)
- type Hostnameable
- type PullZone
- func (m *PullZone) GetAWSSigningEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetAWSSigningKey() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetAWSSigningRegionName() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetAWSSigningSecret() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetAddCanonicalHeader() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetAddHostHeader() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *PullZone) GetAfricaDiscount() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetAllowedReferrers() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetAsiaOceaniaDiscount() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetBlockNoneReferrer() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetBlockPostRequests() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetBlockRootPathAccess() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetBlockedCountries() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetBlockedIps() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetBlockedReferrers() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetBudgetRedirectedCountries() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints() []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable
- func (m *PullZone) GetBurstSize() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetCacheErrorResponses() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetCacheVersion() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetCnameDomain() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetCookieVaryParameters() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetDisableCookies() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetDisableLetsEncrypt() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetDnsRecordId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetDnsRecordValue() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetDnsZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetEUUSDiscount() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetEdgeScriptId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableAutoSSL() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableAvifVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableBunnyImageAi() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableCacheSlice() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableCookieVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableCountryCodeVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneAF() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneASIA() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneEU() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneSA() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneUS() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableHostnameVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableLogging() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableMobileVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableOriginShield() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableQueryStringOrdering() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableRequestCoalescing() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableSafeHop() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableSmartCache() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableTLS1() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableTLS11() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnableWebPVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetErrorPageCustomCode() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetErrorPageStatuspageCode() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetErrorPageWhitelabel() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *PullZone) GetFollowRedirects() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetHostnames() []Hostnameable
- func (m *PullZone) GetId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetIgnoreQueryStrings() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetLimitRateAfter() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetLimitRatePerSecond() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogAnonymizationType() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogFormat() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogForwardingEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogForwardingFormat() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogForwardingHostname() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogForwardingPort() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogForwardingProtocol() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetLogForwardingToken() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetLoggingSaveToStorage() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetLoggingStorageZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetMagicContainersAppId() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetMagicContainersEndpointId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetMiddlewareScriptId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetMonthlyBandwidthUsed() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetMonthlyCharges() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetName() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerEnableWebP() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerForceClasses() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerImageQuality() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerMinifyCSS() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginConnectTimeout() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginHostHeader() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginLinkValue() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginResponseTimeout() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginRetries() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginRetry5XXResponses() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginRetryDelay() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginShieldZoneCode() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginType() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetOriginUrl() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetPermaCacheType() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenCode() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenDelay() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenTheme() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetPriceOverride() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetQueryStringVaryParameters() []string
- func (m *PullZone) GetRequestCoalescingTimeout() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetRequestLimit() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetRoutingFilters() []PullZone_RoutingFilters
- func (m *PullZone) GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetShieldDDosProtectionType() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetSouthAmericaDiscount() *int32
- func (m *PullZone) GetStorageZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetSuspended() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetTypeEscaped() *float64
- func (m *PullZone) GetUseBackgroundUpdate() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetUseStaleWhileOffline() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetUseStaleWhileUpdating() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetUserId() *string
- func (m *PullZone) GetVerifyOriginSSL() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetVideoLibraryId() *int64
- func (m *PullZone) GetZoneSecurityEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP() *bool
- func (m *PullZone) GetZoneSecurityKey() *string
- func (m *PullZone) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *PullZone) SetAWSSigningEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAWSSigningKey(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAWSSigningRegionName(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAWSSigningSecret(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAddCanonicalHeader(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAddHostHeader(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAfricaDiscount(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAllowedReferrers(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetAsiaOceaniaDiscount(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBlockNoneReferrer(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBlockPostRequests(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBlockRootPathAccess(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBlockedCountries(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBlockedIps(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBlockedReferrers(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints(value []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable)
- func (m *PullZone) SetBurstSize(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetCacheErrorResponses(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetCacheVersion(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetCnameDomain(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetCookieVaryParameters(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetDisableCookies(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetDisableLetsEncrypt(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetDnsRecordId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetDnsRecordValue(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetDnsZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEUUSDiscount(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEdgeScriptId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableAutoSSL(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableAvifVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableBunnyImageAi(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableCacheSlice(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableCookieVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableCountryCodeVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneAF(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneEU(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneSA(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneUS(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableHostnameVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableLogging(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableMobileVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableOriginShield(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableRequestCoalescing(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableSafeHop(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableSmartCache(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableTLS1(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableTLS11(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnableWebPVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetErrorPageCustomCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetErrorPageWhitelabel(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetFollowRedirects(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetHostnames(value []Hostnameable)
- func (m *PullZone) SetId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetIgnoreQueryStrings(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLimitRateAfter(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLimitRatePerSecond(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogAnonymizationType(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogFormat(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogForwardingEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogForwardingFormat(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogForwardingHostname(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogForwardingPort(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogForwardingProtocol(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLogForwardingToken(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLoggingSaveToStorage(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetLoggingStorageZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetMagicContainersAppId(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetMagicContainersEndpointId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetMiddlewareScriptId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetMonthlyBandwidthUsed(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetMonthlyCharges(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetName(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerEnableWebP(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerForceClasses(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerImageQuality(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginConnectTimeout(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginHostHeader(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginLinkValue(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginResponseTimeout(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginRetries(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginRetry5XXResponses(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginRetryDelay(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginShieldZoneCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginType(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetOriginUrl(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPermaCacheType(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenDelay(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenTheme(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetPriceOverride(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetQueryStringVaryParameters(value []string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetRequestCoalescingTimeout(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetRequestLimit(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetRoutingFilters(value []PullZone_RoutingFilters)
- func (m *PullZone) SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetShieldDDosProtectionType(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetSouthAmericaDiscount(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZone) SetStorageZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetSuspended(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetTypeEscaped(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetUseBackgroundUpdate(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetUseStaleWhileOffline(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetUseStaleWhileUpdating(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetUserId(value *string)
- func (m *PullZone) SetVerifyOriginSSL(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetVideoLibraryId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZone) SetZoneSecurityEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZone) SetZoneSecurityKey(value *string)
- type PullZoneCreate
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningKey() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningRegionName() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningSecret() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAddCanonicalHeader() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAddHostHeader() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAllowedReferrers() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockNoneReferrer() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockPostRequests() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockRootPathAccess() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedCountries() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedIps() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedReferrers() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBudgetRedirectedCountries() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints() []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBurstSize() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheErrorResponses() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCookieVaryParameters() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDisableCookies() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDisableLetsEncrypt() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDnsOriginPort() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDnsOriginScheme() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEdgeScriptId() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAutoSSL() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAvifVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableBunnyImageAi() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCacheSlice() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCookieVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCountryCodeVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneAF() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneASIA() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneEU() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneSA() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneUS() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableHostnameVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableLogging() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableMobileVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableOriginShield() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableQueryStringOrdering() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableRequestCoalescing() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableSafeHop() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableSmartCache() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableTLS1() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableTLS11() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableWebPVary() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageCustomCode() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageStatuspageCode() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageWhitelabel() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetFollowRedirects() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetIgnoreQueryStrings() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLimitRateAfter() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLimitRatePerSecond() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogAnonymizationType() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogFormat() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingFormat() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingHostname() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingPort() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingProtocol() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingToken() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingSaveToStorage() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingStorageZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMagicContainersAppId() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMagicContainersEndpointId() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMiddlewareScriptId() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMonthlyCharges() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetName() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnableWebP() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerForceClasses() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerImageQuality() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMinifyCSS() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginConnectTimeout() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginHostHeader() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginResponseTimeout() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetries() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetry5XXResponses() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryDelay() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldZoneCode() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginType() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginUrl() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPermaCacheType() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenCode() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenDelay() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl() *string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenTheme() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetQueryStringVaryParameters() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetRequestCoalescingTimeout() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetRequestLimit() *int32
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetRoutingFilters() []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetShieldDDosProtectionType() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetStorageZoneId() *int64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetTypeEscaped() *float64
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetUseBackgroundUpdate() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetUseStaleWhileOffline() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetUseStaleWhileUpdating() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetVerifyOriginSSL() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFDisabledRuleGroups() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFDisabledRules() []string
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetZoneSecurityEnabled() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP() *bool
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningKey(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningRegionName(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningSecret(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAddCanonicalHeader(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAddHostHeader(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAllowedReferrers(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockNoneReferrer(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockPostRequests(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockRootPathAccess(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedCountries(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedIps(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedReferrers(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints(value []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBurstSize(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheErrorResponses(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCookieVaryParameters(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDisableCookies(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDisableLetsEncrypt(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDnsOriginPort(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDnsOriginScheme(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEdgeScriptId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAutoSSL(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAvifVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableBunnyImageAi(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCacheSlice(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCookieVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCountryCodeVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneAF(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneEU(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneSA(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneUS(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableHostnameVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableLogging(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableMobileVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableOriginShield(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableRequestCoalescing(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableSafeHop(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableSmartCache(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableTLS1(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableTLS11(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableWebPVary(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageCustomCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageWhitelabel(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetFollowRedirects(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetIgnoreQueryStrings(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLimitRateAfter(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLimitRatePerSecond(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogAnonymizationType(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogFormat(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingFormat(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingHostname(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingPort(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingProtocol(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingToken(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingSaveToStorage(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingStorageZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMagicContainersAppId(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMagicContainersEndpointId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMiddlewareScriptId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMonthlyCharges(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetName(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnableWebP(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerForceClasses(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerImageQuality(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginConnectTimeout(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginHostHeader(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginResponseTimeout(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetries(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetry5XXResponses(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryDelay(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldZoneCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginType(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginUrl(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPermaCacheType(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenCode(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenDelay(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl(value *string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenTheme(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetQueryStringVaryParameters(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetRequestCoalescingTimeout(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetRequestLimit(value *int32)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetRoutingFilters(value []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetShieldDDosProtectionType(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetStorageZoneId(value *int64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetTypeEscaped(value *float64)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetUseBackgroundUpdate(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetUseStaleWhileOffline(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetUseStaleWhileUpdating(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetVerifyOriginSSL(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFDisabledRuleGroups(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFDisabledRules(value []string)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetZoneSecurityEnabled(value *bool)
- func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP(value *bool)
- type PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters
- type PullZoneCreateable
- type PullZone_RoutingFilters
- type PullZoneable
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprintFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprintFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprintFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprint_PropertiesFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprint_PropertiesFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateBunnyAiImageBlueprint_PropertiesFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateHostnameFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateHostnameFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateHostnameFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreatePullZoneCreateFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreatePullZoneCreateFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreatePullZoneCreateFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreatePullZoneFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreatePullZoneFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreatePullZoneFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func SerializePullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters ¶
func SerializePullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters(values []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters) []string
func SerializePullZone_RoutingFilters ¶
func SerializePullZone_RoutingFilters(values []PullZone_RoutingFilters) []string
Types ¶
type BunnyAiImageBlueprint ¶
type BunnyAiImageBlueprint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBunnyAiImageBlueprint ¶
func NewBunnyAiImageBlueprint() *BunnyAiImageBlueprint
NewBunnyAiImageBlueprint instantiates a new BunnyAiImageBlueprint and sets the default values.
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetName ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetName() *string
GetName gets the Name property value. The Name property returns a *string when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetProperties ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) GetProperties() BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable
GetProperties gets the Properties property value. The Properties property returns a BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) Serialize ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetName ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetName(value *string)
SetName sets the Name property value. The Name property
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetProperties ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint) SetProperties(value BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable)
SetProperties sets the Properties property value. The Properties property
type BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties ¶
type BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties ¶
func NewBunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties() *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties
NewBunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties instantiates a new BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties and sets the default values.
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetCfg ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetCfg() *string
GetCfg gets the Cfg property value. The Cfg property returns a *string when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetNegativePrompt ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetNegativePrompt() *string
GetNegativePrompt gets the NegativePrompt property value. The NegativePrompt property returns a *string when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetPostPrompt ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetPostPrompt() *string
GetPostPrompt gets the PostPrompt property value. The PostPrompt property returns a *string when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetPrePrompt ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetPrePrompt() *string
GetPrePrompt gets the PrePrompt property value. The PrePrompt property returns a *string when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetSteps ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) GetSteps() *string
GetSteps gets the Steps property value. The Steps property returns a *string when successful
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) Serialize ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetCfg ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetCfg(value *string)
SetCfg sets the Cfg property value. The Cfg property
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetNegativePrompt ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetNegativePrompt(value *string)
SetNegativePrompt sets the NegativePrompt property value. The NegativePrompt property
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetPostPrompt ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetPostPrompt(value *string)
SetPostPrompt sets the PostPrompt property value. The PostPrompt property
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetPrePrompt ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetPrePrompt(value *string)
SetPrePrompt sets the PrePrompt property value. The PrePrompt property
func (*BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetSteps ¶
func (m *BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Properties) SetSteps(value *string)
SetSteps sets the Steps property value. The Steps property
type BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable ¶
type BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCfg() *string GetNegativePrompt() *string GetPostPrompt() *string GetPrePrompt() *string GetSteps() *string SetCfg(value *string) SetNegativePrompt(value *string) SetPostPrompt(value *string) SetPrePrompt(value *string) SetSteps(value *string) }
type BunnyAiImageBlueprintable ¶
type BunnyAiImageBlueprintable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetName() *string GetProperties() BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable SetName(value *string) SetProperties(value BunnyAiImageBlueprint_Propertiesable) }
type Hostname ¶
type Hostname struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHostname ¶
func NewHostname() *Hostname
NewHostname instantiates a new Hostname and sets the default values.
func (*Hostname) GetAdditionalData ¶
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*Hostname) GetCertificate ¶
GetCertificate gets the Certificate property value. Contains the Base64Url encoded certificate for the hostname returns a *string when successful
func (*Hostname) GetCertificateKey ¶
GetCertificateKey gets the CertificateKey property value. Contains the Base64Url encoded certificate key for the hostname returns a *string when successful
func (*Hostname) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Hostname) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Hostname) GetForceSSL ¶
GetForceSSL gets the ForceSSL property value. Determines if the Force SSL feature is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*Hostname) GetHasCertificate ¶
GetHasCertificate gets the HasCertificate property value. Determines if the hostname has an SSL certificate configured returns a *bool when successful
func (*Hostname) GetId ¶
GetId gets the Id property value. The unique ID of the hostname returns a *int64 when successful
func (*Hostname) GetIsSystemHostname ¶
GetIsSystemHostname gets the IsSystemHostname property value. Determines if this is a system hostname controlled by returns a *bool when successful
func (*Hostname) GetValue ¶
GetValue gets the Value property value. The hostname value for the domain name returns a *string when successful
func (*Hostname) Serialize ¶
func (m *Hostname) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Hostname) SetAdditionalData ¶
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*Hostname) SetCertificate ¶
SetCertificate sets the Certificate property value. Contains the Base64Url encoded certificate for the hostname
func (*Hostname) SetCertificateKey ¶
SetCertificateKey sets the CertificateKey property value. Contains the Base64Url encoded certificate key for the hostname
func (*Hostname) SetForceSSL ¶
SetForceSSL sets the ForceSSL property value. Determines if the Force SSL feature is enabled
func (*Hostname) SetHasCertificate ¶
SetHasCertificate sets the HasCertificate property value. Determines if the hostname has an SSL certificate configured
func (*Hostname) SetIsSystemHostname ¶
SetIsSystemHostname sets the IsSystemHostname property value. Determines if this is a system hostname controlled by
type Hostnameable ¶
type Hostnameable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCertificate() *string GetCertificateKey() *string GetForceSSL() *bool GetHasCertificate() *bool GetId() *int64 GetIsSystemHostname() *bool GetValue() *string SetCertificate(value *string) SetCertificateKey(value *string) SetForceSSL(value *bool) SetHasCertificate(value *bool) SetId(value *int64) SetIsSystemHostname(value *bool) SetValue(value *string) }
type PullZone ¶
type PullZone struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPullZone ¶
func NewPullZone() *PullZone
NewPullZone instantiates a new PullZone and sets the default values.
func (*PullZone) GetAWSSigningEnabled ¶
GetAWSSigningEnabled gets the AWSSigningEnabled property value. Determines if the AWS Signing is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAWSSigningKey ¶
GetAWSSigningKey gets the AWSSigningKey property value. The AWS Signing region key returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAWSSigningRegionName ¶
GetAWSSigningRegionName gets the AWSSigningRegionName property value. The AWS Signing region name returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAWSSigningSecret ¶
GetAWSSigningSecret gets the AWSSigningSecret property value. The AWS Signing region secret returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions ¶
GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions gets the AccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions property value. The list of extensions that will return the CORS headers returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAddCanonicalHeader ¶
GetAddCanonicalHeader gets the AddCanonicalHeader property value. Determines if the Add Canonical Header is enabled for this Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAddHostHeader ¶
GetAddHostHeader gets the AddHostHeader property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should forward the current hostname to the origin returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAdditionalData ¶
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAfricaDiscount ¶
GetAfricaDiscount gets the AfricaDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for Africa region. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAllowedReferrers ¶
GetAllowedReferrers gets the AllowedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are allowed to access the pull zone.Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is not on the list will be rejected.If empty, all the referrers are allowed returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetAsiaOceaniaDiscount ¶
GetAsiaOceaniaDiscount gets the AsiaOceaniaDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for Asia & Oceania region. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBlockNoneReferrer ¶
GetBlockNoneReferrer gets the BlockNoneReferrer property value. The BlockNoneReferrer property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBlockPostRequests ¶
GetBlockPostRequests gets the BlockPostRequests property value. If true, POST requests to the zone will be blocked returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBlockRootPathAccess ¶
GetBlockRootPathAccess gets the BlockRootPathAccess property value. If true, access to root path will return a 403 error returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBlockedCountries ¶
GetBlockedCountries gets the BlockedCountries property value. The list of blocked countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBlockedIps ¶
GetBlockedIps gets the BlockedIps property value. The list of IPs that are blocked from accessing the pull zone. Requests coming from the following IPs will be rejected. If empty, all the IPs will be allowed returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBlockedReferrers ¶
GetBlockedReferrers gets the BlockedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are not allowed to access the pull zone. Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is on the list will be rejected. If empty, all the referrers are allowed returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBudgetRedirectedCountries ¶
GetBudgetRedirectedCountries gets the BudgetRedirectedCountries property value. The list of budget redirected countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints ¶
func (m *PullZone) GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints() []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable
GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints gets the BunnyAiImageBlueprints property value. The BunnyAiImageBlueprints property returns a []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable when successful
func (*PullZone) GetBurstSize ¶
GetBurstSize gets the BurstSize property value. Excessive requests are delayed until their number exceeds the maximum burst size. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride ¶
GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride gets the CacheControlMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride ¶
GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride gets the CacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone for the end client returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetCacheErrorResponses ¶
GetCacheErrorResponses gets the CacheErrorResponses property value. Determines if should be caching error responses returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetCacheVersion ¶
GetCacheVersion gets the CacheVersion property value. The CacheVersion property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetCnameDomain ¶
GetCnameDomain gets the CnameDomain property value. The CNAME domain of the pull zone for setting up custom hostnames returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount ¶
GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount gets the ConnectionLimitPerIPCount property value. The number of connections limited per IP for this zone returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetCookieVaryParameters ¶
GetCookieVaryParameters gets the CookieVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by cookie string. If empty, cookie vary will not be used. returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetDisableCookies ¶
GetDisableCookies gets the DisableCookies property value. Determines if the cookies are disabled for the pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetDisableLetsEncrypt ¶
GetDisableLetsEncrypt gets the DisableLetsEncrypt property value. If true, the built-in let's encrypt is disabled and requests are passed to the origin. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetDnsRecordId ¶
GetDnsRecordId gets the DnsRecordId property value. The ID of the DNS record tied to this pull zone returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetDnsRecordValue ¶
GetDnsRecordValue gets the DnsRecordValue property value. The cached version of the DNS record value returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetDnsZoneId ¶
GetDnsZoneId gets the DnsZoneId property value. The ID of the DNS zone tied to this pull zone returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEUUSDiscount ¶
GetEUUSDiscount gets the EUUSDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for EU and US region. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase ¶
GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase gets the EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property value. The EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEdgeScriptId ¶
GetEdgeScriptId gets the EdgeScriptId property value. The ID of the edge script that the pull zone is linked to returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader ¶
GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader gets the EnableAccessControlOriginHeader property value. Determines if the CORS headers should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableAutoSSL ¶
GetEnableAutoSSL gets the EnableAutoSSL property value. If set to true, any hostnames added to this Pull Zone will automatically enable SSL. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableAvifVary ¶
GetEnableAvifVary gets the EnableAvifVary property value. Determines if the AVIF Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableBunnyImageAi ¶
GetEnableBunnyImageAi gets the EnableBunnyImageAi property value. The EnableBunnyImageAi property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableCacheSlice ¶
GetEnableCacheSlice gets the EnableCacheSlice property value. Determines if the cache slice (Optimize for video) feature is enabled for the Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableCookieVary ¶
GetEnableCookieVary gets the EnableCookieVary property value. Determines if the Cookie Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableCountryCodeVary ¶
GetEnableCountryCodeVary gets the EnableCountryCodeVary property value. Determines if the Country Code Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneAF ¶
GetEnableGeoZoneAF gets the EnableGeoZoneAF property value. Determines if the delivery from the Africa region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneASIA ¶
GetEnableGeoZoneASIA gets the EnableGeoZoneASIA property value. Determines if the delivery from the Asian / Oceanian region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneEU ¶
GetEnableGeoZoneEU gets the EnableGeoZoneEU property value. Determines if the delivery from the European region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneSA ¶
GetEnableGeoZoneSA gets the EnableGeoZoneSA property value. Determines if the delivery from the South American region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableGeoZoneUS ¶
GetEnableGeoZoneUS gets the EnableGeoZoneUS property value. Determines if the delivery from the North American region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableHostnameVary ¶
GetEnableHostnameVary gets the EnableHostnameVary property value. Determines if the Hostname Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableLogging ¶
GetEnableLogging gets the EnableLogging property value. Determines if the logging is enabled for this Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableMobileVary ¶
GetEnableMobileVary gets the EnableMobileVary property value. Determines if the Mobile Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableOriginShield ¶
GetEnableOriginShield gets the EnableOriginShield property value. If true the server will use the origin shield feature returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableQueryStringOrdering ¶
GetEnableQueryStringOrdering gets the EnableQueryStringOrdering property value. If set to true the query string ordering property is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableRequestCoalescing ¶
GetEnableRequestCoalescing gets the EnableRequestCoalescing property value. Determines if request coalescing is currently enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableSafeHop ¶
GetEnableSafeHop gets the EnableSafeHop property value. The EnableSafeHop property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableSmartCache ¶
GetEnableSmartCache gets the EnableSmartCache property value. Determines if smart caching is enabled for this zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableTLS1 ¶
GetEnableTLS1 gets the EnableTLS1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1 is enabled on the Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableTLS11 ¶
GetEnableTLS11 gets the EnableTLS1_1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1.1 is enabled on the Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnableWebPVary ¶
GetEnableWebPVary gets the EnableWebPVary property value. Determines if the WebP Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetEnabled ¶
GetEnabled gets the Enabled property value. Determines if the Pull Zone is currently enabled, active and running returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetErrorPageCustomCode ¶
GetErrorPageCustomCode gets the ErrorPageCustomCode property value. Contains the custom error page code that will be returned returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode ¶
GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode gets the ErrorPageEnableCustomCode property value. Determines if custom error page code should be enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget ¶
GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget gets the ErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget property value. Determines if the statuspage widget should be displayed on the error pages returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetErrorPageStatuspageCode ¶
GetErrorPageStatuspageCode gets the ErrorPageStatuspageCode property value. The statuspage code that will be used to build the status widget returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetErrorPageWhitelabel ¶
GetErrorPageWhitelabel gets the ErrorPageWhitelabel property value. Determines if the error pages should be whitelabel or not returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *PullZone) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*PullZone) GetFollowRedirects ¶
GetFollowRedirects gets the FollowRedirects property value. Determines if the zone will follow origin redirects returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetHostnames ¶
func (m *PullZone) GetHostnames() []Hostnameable
GetHostnames gets the Hostnames property value. The list of hostnames linked to this Pull Zone returns a []Hostnameable when successful
func (*PullZone) GetId ¶
GetId gets the Id property value. The unique ID of the pull zone. returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetIgnoreQueryStrings ¶
GetIgnoreQueryStrings gets the IgnoreQueryStrings property value. True if the Pull Zone is ignoring query strings when serving cached objects returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLimitRateAfter ¶
GetLimitRateAfter gets the LimitRateAfter property value. The amount of data after the rate limit will be activated returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLimitRatePerSecond ¶
GetLimitRatePerSecond gets the LimitRatePerSecond property value. The maximum rate at which the zone will transfer data in kb/s. 0 for unlimited returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogAnonymizationType ¶
GetLogAnonymizationType gets the LogAnonymizationType property value. The LogAnonymizationType property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogFormat ¶
GetLogFormat gets the LogFormat property value. The LogFormat property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogForwardingEnabled ¶
GetLogForwardingEnabled gets the LogForwardingEnabled property value. Determines if the log forwarding is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogForwardingFormat ¶
GetLogForwardingFormat gets the LogForwardingFormat property value. The LogForwardingFormat property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogForwardingHostname ¶
GetLogForwardingHostname gets the LogForwardingHostname property value. The log forwarding hostname returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogForwardingPort ¶
GetLogForwardingPort gets the LogForwardingPort property value. The log forwarding port returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogForwardingProtocol ¶
GetLogForwardingProtocol gets the LogForwardingProtocol property value. The LogForwardingProtocol property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLogForwardingToken ¶
GetLogForwardingToken gets the LogForwardingToken property value. The log forwarding token value returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled ¶
GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled gets the LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled property value. Determines if the log anonymization should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLoggingSaveToStorage ¶
GetLoggingSaveToStorage gets the LoggingSaveToStorage property value. Determines if the permanent logging feature is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetLoggingStorageZoneId ¶
GetLoggingStorageZoneId gets the LoggingStorageZoneId property value. The ID of the logging storage zone that is configured for this Pull Zone returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetMagicContainersAppId ¶
GetMagicContainersAppId gets the MagicContainersAppId property value. The MagicContainersAppId property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetMagicContainersEndpointId ¶
GetMagicContainersEndpointId gets the MagicContainersEndpointId property value. The MagicContainersEndpointId property returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetMiddlewareScriptId ¶
GetMiddlewareScriptId gets the MiddlewareScriptId property value. The MiddlewareScriptId property returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit ¶
GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit gets the MonthlyBandwidthLimit property value. The monthly limit of bandwidth in bytes that the pullzone is allowed to use returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetMonthlyBandwidthUsed ¶
GetMonthlyBandwidthUsed gets the MonthlyBandwidthUsed property value. The amount of bandwidth in bytes that the pull zone used this month returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetMonthlyCharges ¶
GetMonthlyCharges gets the MonthlyCharges property value. The total monthly charges for this so zone so far returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetName ¶
GetName gets the Name property value. The name of the pull zone. returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled ¶
GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled gets the OptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled property value. Determines if the automatic image optimization should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth ¶
GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth gets the OptimizerDesktopMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for desktop clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine ¶
GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine gets the OptimizerEnableManipulationEngine property value. Determines the image manipulation should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerEnableWebP ¶
GetOptimizerEnableWebP gets the OptimizerEnableWebP property value. Determines if the WebP optimization should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerEnabled ¶
GetOptimizerEnabled gets the OptimizerEnabled property value. Determines if the optimizer should be enabled for this zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerForceClasses ¶
GetOptimizerForceClasses gets the OptimizerForceClasses property value. Determines if the optimizer class list should be enforced returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerImageQuality ¶
GetOptimizerImageQuality gets the OptimizerImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for desktop clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerMinifyCSS ¶
GetOptimizerMinifyCSS gets the OptimizerMinifyCSS property value. Determines if the CSS minification should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript ¶
GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript gets the OptimizerMinifyJavaScript property value. Determines if the JavaScript minification should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality ¶
GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality gets the OptimizerMobileImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for mobile clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth ¶
GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth gets the OptimizerMobileMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for mobile clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled ¶
GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled gets the OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie ¶
GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie gets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath ¶
GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath gets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled ¶
GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled gets the OptimizerWatermarkEnabled property value. Determines if image watermarking should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize ¶
GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize gets the OptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize property value. Sets the minimum image size to which the watermark will be added returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset ¶
GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset gets the OptimizerWatermarkOffset property value. Sets the offset of the watermark image returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition ¶
GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition gets the OptimizerWatermarkPosition property value. The OptimizerWatermarkPosition property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl ¶
GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl gets the OptimizerWatermarkUrl property value. Sets the URL of the watermark image returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginConnectTimeout ¶
GetOriginConnectTimeout gets the OriginConnectTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when connecting to the origin. Otherwise the request will fail or retry. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginHostHeader ¶
GetOriginHostHeader gets the OriginHostHeader property value. Determines the host header that will be sent to the origin returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginLinkValue ¶
GetOriginLinkValue gets the OriginLinkValue property value. Returns the link short preview value for the pull zone origin connection. returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginResponseTimeout ¶
GetOriginResponseTimeout gets the OriginResponseTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when waiting for the origin reply. Otherwise the request will fail or retry. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginRetries ¶
GetOriginRetries gets the OriginRetries property value. The number of retries to the origin server returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginRetry5XXResponses ¶
GetOriginRetry5XXResponses gets the OriginRetry5XXResponses property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a 5XX response. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout ¶
GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout gets the OriginRetryConnectionTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a connection timeout. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginRetryDelay ¶
GetOriginRetryDelay gets the OriginRetryDelay property value. Determines the amount of time that the CDN should wait before retrying an origin request. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout ¶
GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout gets the OriginRetryResponseTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a response timeout. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit ¶
GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit gets the OriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit property value. Determines if the origin shield concurrency limit is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests ¶
GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests gets the OriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests property value. Determines the number of maximum concurrent requests allowed to the origin. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests ¶
GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests gets the OriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests property value. Determines the max number of origin requests that will remain in the queue returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime ¶
GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime gets the OriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime property value. Determines the max queue wait time returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginShieldZoneCode ¶
GetOriginShieldZoneCode gets the OriginShieldZoneCode property value. The zone code of the origin shield returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginType ¶
GetOriginType gets the OriginType property value. The OriginType property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetOriginUrl ¶
GetOriginUrl gets the OriginUrl property value. The origin URL of the pull zone where the files are fetched from. returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId ¶
GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId gets the PermaCacheStorageZoneId property value. The IP of the storage zone used for Perma-Cache returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPermaCacheType ¶
GetPermaCacheType gets the PermaCacheType property value. The PermaCacheType property returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenCode ¶
GetPreloadingScreenCode gets the PreloadingScreenCode property value. The custom preloading screen code returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled ¶
GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled gets the PreloadingScreenCodeEnabled property value. Determines if the custom preloader screen is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenDelay ¶
GetPreloadingScreenDelay gets the PreloadingScreenDelay property value. The delay in milliseconds after which the preloading screen will be displayed returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenEnabled ¶
GetPreloadingScreenEnabled gets the PreloadingScreenEnabled property value. Determines if the preloading screen is currently enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl ¶
GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl gets the PreloadingScreenLogoUrl property value. The preloading screen logo URL returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit ¶
GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit gets the PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property value. The PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPreloadingScreenTheme ¶
GetPreloadingScreenTheme gets the PreloadingScreenTheme property value. The PreloadingScreenTheme property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetPriceOverride ¶
GetPriceOverride gets the PriceOverride property value. The custom price override for this zone returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetQueryStringVaryParameters ¶
GetQueryStringVaryParameters gets the QueryStringVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by query string. If empty, all parameters will be used to construct the key returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetRequestCoalescingTimeout ¶
GetRequestCoalescingTimeout gets the RequestCoalescingTimeout property value. Determines the lock time for coalesced requests. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetRequestLimit ¶
GetRequestLimit gets the RequestLimit property value. Max number of requests per IP per second returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetRoutingFilters ¶
func (m *PullZone) GetRoutingFilters() []PullZone_RoutingFilters
GetRoutingFilters gets the RoutingFilters property value. The list of routing filters enabled for this zone returns a []PullZone_RoutingFilters when successful
func (*PullZone) GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled ¶
GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled gets the ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetShieldDDosProtectionType ¶
GetShieldDDosProtectionType gets the ShieldDDosProtectionType property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionType property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetSouthAmericaDiscount ¶
GetSouthAmericaDiscount gets the SouthAmericaDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for South America region. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetStorageZoneId ¶
GetStorageZoneId gets the StorageZoneId property value. The ID of the storage zone that the pull zone is linked to returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetSuspended ¶
GetSuspended gets the Suspended property value. The Suspended property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetTypeEscaped ¶
GetTypeEscaped gets the Type property value. The Type property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetUseBackgroundUpdate ¶
GetUseBackgroundUpdate gets the UseBackgroundUpdate property value. Determines if cache update is performed in the background. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetUseStaleWhileOffline ¶
GetUseStaleWhileOffline gets the UseStaleWhileOffline property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while the origin is offline returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetUseStaleWhileUpdating ¶
GetUseStaleWhileUpdating gets the UseStaleWhileUpdating property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while cache is updating returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetUserId ¶
GetUserId gets the UserId property value. The UserId property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) GetVerifyOriginSSL ¶
GetVerifyOriginSSL gets the VerifyOriginSSL property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should verify the origin SSL certificate returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetVideoLibraryId ¶
GetVideoLibraryId gets the VideoLibraryId property value. The ID of the video library that the zone is linked to returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZone) GetZoneSecurityEnabled ¶
GetZoneSecurityEnabled gets the ZoneSecurityEnabled property value. True if the URL secure token authentication security is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP ¶
GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP gets the ZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP property value. True if the zone security hash should include the remote IP returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZone) GetZoneSecurityKey ¶
GetZoneSecurityKey gets the ZoneSecurityKey property value. The security key used for secure URL token authentication returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZone) Serialize ¶
func (m *PullZone) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*PullZone) SetAWSSigningEnabled ¶
SetAWSSigningEnabled sets the AWSSigningEnabled property value. Determines if the AWS Signing is enabled
func (*PullZone) SetAWSSigningKey ¶
SetAWSSigningKey sets the AWSSigningKey property value. The AWS Signing region key
func (*PullZone) SetAWSSigningRegionName ¶
SetAWSSigningRegionName sets the AWSSigningRegionName property value. The AWS Signing region name
func (*PullZone) SetAWSSigningSecret ¶
SetAWSSigningSecret sets the AWSSigningSecret property value. The AWS Signing region secret
func (*PullZone) SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions ¶
SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions sets the AccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions property value. The list of extensions that will return the CORS headers
func (*PullZone) SetAddCanonicalHeader ¶
SetAddCanonicalHeader sets the AddCanonicalHeader property value. Determines if the Add Canonical Header is enabled for this Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetAddHostHeader ¶
SetAddHostHeader sets the AddHostHeader property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should forward the current hostname to the origin
func (*PullZone) SetAdditionalData ¶
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*PullZone) SetAfricaDiscount ¶
SetAfricaDiscount sets the AfricaDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for Africa region.
func (*PullZone) SetAllowedReferrers ¶
SetAllowedReferrers sets the AllowedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are allowed to access the pull zone.Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is not on the list will be rejected.If empty, all the referrers are allowed
func (*PullZone) SetAsiaOceaniaDiscount ¶
SetAsiaOceaniaDiscount sets the AsiaOceaniaDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for Asia & Oceania region.
func (*PullZone) SetBlockNoneReferrer ¶
SetBlockNoneReferrer sets the BlockNoneReferrer property value. The BlockNoneReferrer property
func (*PullZone) SetBlockPostRequests ¶
SetBlockPostRequests sets the BlockPostRequests property value. If true, POST requests to the zone will be blocked
func (*PullZone) SetBlockRootPathAccess ¶
SetBlockRootPathAccess sets the BlockRootPathAccess property value. If true, access to root path will return a 403 error
func (*PullZone) SetBlockedCountries ¶
SetBlockedCountries sets the BlockedCountries property value. The list of blocked countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes
func (*PullZone) SetBlockedIps ¶
SetBlockedIps sets the BlockedIps property value. The list of IPs that are blocked from accessing the pull zone. Requests coming from the following IPs will be rejected. If empty, all the IPs will be allowed
func (*PullZone) SetBlockedReferrers ¶
SetBlockedReferrers sets the BlockedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are not allowed to access the pull zone. Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is on the list will be rejected. If empty, all the referrers are allowed
func (*PullZone) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries ¶
SetBudgetRedirectedCountries sets the BudgetRedirectedCountries property value. The list of budget redirected countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes
func (*PullZone) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints ¶
func (m *PullZone) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints(value []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable)
SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints sets the BunnyAiImageBlueprints property value. The BunnyAiImageBlueprints property
func (*PullZone) SetBurstSize ¶
SetBurstSize sets the BurstSize property value. Excessive requests are delayed until their number exceeds the maximum burst size.
func (*PullZone) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride ¶
SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride sets the CacheControlMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride ¶
SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride sets the CacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone for the end client
func (*PullZone) SetCacheErrorResponses ¶
SetCacheErrorResponses sets the CacheErrorResponses property value. Determines if should be caching error responses
func (*PullZone) SetCacheVersion ¶
SetCacheVersion sets the CacheVersion property value. The CacheVersion property
func (*PullZone) SetCnameDomain ¶
SetCnameDomain sets the CnameDomain property value. The CNAME domain of the pull zone for setting up custom hostnames
func (*PullZone) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount ¶
SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount sets the ConnectionLimitPerIPCount property value. The number of connections limited per IP for this zone
func (*PullZone) SetCookieVaryParameters ¶
SetCookieVaryParameters sets the CookieVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by cookie string. If empty, cookie vary will not be used.
func (*PullZone) SetDisableCookies ¶
SetDisableCookies sets the DisableCookies property value. Determines if the cookies are disabled for the pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetDisableLetsEncrypt ¶
SetDisableLetsEncrypt sets the DisableLetsEncrypt property value. If true, the built-in let's encrypt is disabled and requests are passed to the origin.
func (*PullZone) SetDnsRecordId ¶
SetDnsRecordId sets the DnsRecordId property value. The ID of the DNS record tied to this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetDnsRecordValue ¶
SetDnsRecordValue sets the DnsRecordValue property value. The cached version of the DNS record value
func (*PullZone) SetDnsZoneId ¶
SetDnsZoneId sets the DnsZoneId property value. The ID of the DNS zone tied to this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetEUUSDiscount ¶
SetEUUSDiscount sets the EUUSDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for EU and US region.
func (*PullZone) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase ¶
SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase sets the EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property value. The EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property
func (*PullZone) SetEdgeScriptId ¶
SetEdgeScriptId sets the EdgeScriptId property value. The ID of the edge script that the pull zone is linked to
func (*PullZone) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader ¶
SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader sets the EnableAccessControlOriginHeader property value. Determines if the CORS headers should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetEnableAutoSSL ¶
SetEnableAutoSSL sets the EnableAutoSSL property value. If set to true, any hostnames added to this Pull Zone will automatically enable SSL.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableAvifVary ¶
SetEnableAvifVary sets the EnableAvifVary property value. Determines if the AVIF Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableBunnyImageAi ¶
SetEnableBunnyImageAi sets the EnableBunnyImageAi property value. The EnableBunnyImageAi property
func (*PullZone) SetEnableCacheSlice ¶
SetEnableCacheSlice sets the EnableCacheSlice property value. Determines if the cache slice (Optimize for video) feature is enabled for the Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableCookieVary ¶
SetEnableCookieVary sets the EnableCookieVary property value. Determines if the Cookie Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableCountryCodeVary ¶
SetEnableCountryCodeVary sets the EnableCountryCodeVary property value. Determines if the Country Code Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneAF ¶
SetEnableGeoZoneAF sets the EnableGeoZoneAF property value. Determines if the delivery from the Africa region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA ¶
SetEnableGeoZoneASIA sets the EnableGeoZoneASIA property value. Determines if the delivery from the Asian / Oceanian region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneEU ¶
SetEnableGeoZoneEU sets the EnableGeoZoneEU property value. Determines if the delivery from the European region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneSA ¶
SetEnableGeoZoneSA sets the EnableGeoZoneSA property value. Determines if the delivery from the South American region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableGeoZoneUS ¶
SetEnableGeoZoneUS sets the EnableGeoZoneUS property value. Determines if the delivery from the North American region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableHostnameVary ¶
SetEnableHostnameVary sets the EnableHostnameVary property value. Determines if the Hostname Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableLogging ¶
SetEnableLogging sets the EnableLogging property value. Determines if the logging is enabled for this Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableMobileVary ¶
SetEnableMobileVary sets the EnableMobileVary property value. Determines if the Mobile Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableOriginShield ¶
SetEnableOriginShield sets the EnableOriginShield property value. If true the server will use the origin shield feature
func (*PullZone) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering ¶
SetEnableQueryStringOrdering sets the EnableQueryStringOrdering property value. If set to true the query string ordering property is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableRequestCoalescing ¶
SetEnableRequestCoalescing sets the EnableRequestCoalescing property value. Determines if request coalescing is currently enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnableSafeHop ¶
SetEnableSafeHop sets the EnableSafeHop property value. The EnableSafeHop property
func (*PullZone) SetEnableSmartCache ¶
SetEnableSmartCache sets the EnableSmartCache property value. Determines if smart caching is enabled for this zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableTLS1 ¶
SetEnableTLS1 sets the EnableTLS1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1 is enabled on the Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableTLS11 ¶
SetEnableTLS11 sets the EnableTLS1_1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1.1 is enabled on the Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetEnableWebPVary ¶
SetEnableWebPVary sets the EnableWebPVary property value. Determines if the WebP Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetEnabled ¶
SetEnabled sets the Enabled property value. Determines if the Pull Zone is currently enabled, active and running
func (*PullZone) SetErrorPageCustomCode ¶
SetErrorPageCustomCode sets the ErrorPageCustomCode property value. Contains the custom error page code that will be returned
func (*PullZone) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode ¶
SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode sets the ErrorPageEnableCustomCode property value. Determines if custom error page code should be enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget ¶
SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget sets the ErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget property value. Determines if the statuspage widget should be displayed on the error pages
func (*PullZone) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode ¶
SetErrorPageStatuspageCode sets the ErrorPageStatuspageCode property value. The statuspage code that will be used to build the status widget
func (*PullZone) SetErrorPageWhitelabel ¶
SetErrorPageWhitelabel sets the ErrorPageWhitelabel property value. Determines if the error pages should be whitelabel or not
func (*PullZone) SetFollowRedirects ¶
SetFollowRedirects sets the FollowRedirects property value. Determines if the zone will follow origin redirects
func (*PullZone) SetHostnames ¶
func (m *PullZone) SetHostnames(value []Hostnameable)
SetHostnames sets the Hostnames property value. The list of hostnames linked to this Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetIgnoreQueryStrings ¶
SetIgnoreQueryStrings sets the IgnoreQueryStrings property value. True if the Pull Zone is ignoring query strings when serving cached objects
func (*PullZone) SetLimitRateAfter ¶
SetLimitRateAfter sets the LimitRateAfter property value. The amount of data after the rate limit will be activated
func (*PullZone) SetLimitRatePerSecond ¶
SetLimitRatePerSecond sets the LimitRatePerSecond property value. The maximum rate at which the zone will transfer data in kb/s. 0 for unlimited
func (*PullZone) SetLogAnonymizationType ¶
SetLogAnonymizationType sets the LogAnonymizationType property value. The LogAnonymizationType property
func (*PullZone) SetLogFormat ¶
SetLogFormat sets the LogFormat property value. The LogFormat property
func (*PullZone) SetLogForwardingEnabled ¶
SetLogForwardingEnabled sets the LogForwardingEnabled property value. Determines if the log forwarding is enabled
func (*PullZone) SetLogForwardingFormat ¶
SetLogForwardingFormat sets the LogForwardingFormat property value. The LogForwardingFormat property
func (*PullZone) SetLogForwardingHostname ¶
SetLogForwardingHostname sets the LogForwardingHostname property value. The log forwarding hostname
func (*PullZone) SetLogForwardingPort ¶
SetLogForwardingPort sets the LogForwardingPort property value. The log forwarding port
func (*PullZone) SetLogForwardingProtocol ¶
SetLogForwardingProtocol sets the LogForwardingProtocol property value. The LogForwardingProtocol property
func (*PullZone) SetLogForwardingToken ¶
SetLogForwardingToken sets the LogForwardingToken property value. The log forwarding token value
func (*PullZone) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled ¶
SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled sets the LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled property value. Determines if the log anonymization should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetLoggingSaveToStorage ¶
SetLoggingSaveToStorage sets the LoggingSaveToStorage property value. Determines if the permanent logging feature is enabled
func (*PullZone) SetLoggingStorageZoneId ¶
SetLoggingStorageZoneId sets the LoggingStorageZoneId property value. The ID of the logging storage zone that is configured for this Pull Zone
func (*PullZone) SetMagicContainersAppId ¶
SetMagicContainersAppId sets the MagicContainersAppId property value. The MagicContainersAppId property
func (*PullZone) SetMagicContainersEndpointId ¶
SetMagicContainersEndpointId sets the MagicContainersEndpointId property value. The MagicContainersEndpointId property
func (*PullZone) SetMiddlewareScriptId ¶
SetMiddlewareScriptId sets the MiddlewareScriptId property value. The MiddlewareScriptId property
func (*PullZone) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit ¶
SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit sets the MonthlyBandwidthLimit property value. The monthly limit of bandwidth in bytes that the pullzone is allowed to use
func (*PullZone) SetMonthlyBandwidthUsed ¶
SetMonthlyBandwidthUsed sets the MonthlyBandwidthUsed property value. The amount of bandwidth in bytes that the pull zone used this month
func (*PullZone) SetMonthlyCharges ¶
SetMonthlyCharges sets the MonthlyCharges property value. The total monthly charges for this so zone so far
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled ¶
SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled sets the OptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled property value. Determines if the automatic image optimization should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth ¶
SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth sets the OptimizerDesktopMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for desktop clients
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine ¶
SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine sets the OptimizerEnableManipulationEngine property value. Determines the image manipulation should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerEnableWebP ¶
SetOptimizerEnableWebP sets the OptimizerEnableWebP property value. Determines if the WebP optimization should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerEnabled ¶
SetOptimizerEnabled sets the OptimizerEnabled property value. Determines if the optimizer should be enabled for this zone
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerForceClasses ¶
SetOptimizerForceClasses sets the OptimizerForceClasses property value. Determines if the optimizer class list should be enforced
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerImageQuality ¶
SetOptimizerImageQuality sets the OptimizerImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for desktop clients
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS ¶
SetOptimizerMinifyCSS sets the OptimizerMinifyCSS property value. Determines if the CSS minification should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript ¶
SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript sets the OptimizerMinifyJavaScript property value. Determines if the JavaScript minification should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality ¶
SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality sets the OptimizerMobileImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for mobile clients
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth ¶
SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth sets the OptimizerMobileMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for mobile clients
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled ¶
SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled sets the OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie ¶
SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie sets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath ¶
SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath sets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled ¶
SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled sets the OptimizerWatermarkEnabled property value. Determines if image watermarking should be enabled
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize ¶
SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize sets the OptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize property value. Sets the minimum image size to which the watermark will be added
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset ¶
SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset sets the OptimizerWatermarkOffset property value. Sets the offset of the watermark image
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition ¶
SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition sets the OptimizerWatermarkPosition property value. The OptimizerWatermarkPosition property
func (*PullZone) SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl ¶
SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl sets the OptimizerWatermarkUrl property value. Sets the URL of the watermark image
func (*PullZone) SetOriginConnectTimeout ¶
SetOriginConnectTimeout sets the OriginConnectTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when connecting to the origin. Otherwise the request will fail or retry.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginHostHeader ¶
SetOriginHostHeader sets the OriginHostHeader property value. Determines the host header that will be sent to the origin
func (*PullZone) SetOriginLinkValue ¶
SetOriginLinkValue sets the OriginLinkValue property value. Returns the link short preview value for the pull zone origin connection.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginResponseTimeout ¶
SetOriginResponseTimeout sets the OriginResponseTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when waiting for the origin reply. Otherwise the request will fail or retry.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginRetries ¶
SetOriginRetries sets the OriginRetries property value. The number of retries to the origin server
func (*PullZone) SetOriginRetry5XXResponses ¶
SetOriginRetry5XXResponses sets the OriginRetry5XXResponses property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a 5XX response.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout ¶
SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout sets the OriginRetryConnectionTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a connection timeout.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginRetryDelay ¶
SetOriginRetryDelay sets the OriginRetryDelay property value. Determines the amount of time that the CDN should wait before retrying an origin request.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout ¶
SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout sets the OriginRetryResponseTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a response timeout.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit ¶
SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit sets the OriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit property value. Determines if the origin shield concurrency limit is enabled.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests ¶
SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests sets the OriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests property value. Determines the number of maximum concurrent requests allowed to the origin.
func (*PullZone) SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests ¶
SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests sets the OriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests property value. Determines the max number of origin requests that will remain in the queue
func (*PullZone) SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime ¶
SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime sets the OriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime property value. Determines the max queue wait time
func (*PullZone) SetOriginShieldZoneCode ¶
SetOriginShieldZoneCode sets the OriginShieldZoneCode property value. The zone code of the origin shield
func (*PullZone) SetOriginType ¶
SetOriginType sets the OriginType property value. The OriginType property
func (*PullZone) SetOriginUrl ¶
SetOriginUrl sets the OriginUrl property value. The origin URL of the pull zone where the files are fetched from.
func (*PullZone) SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId ¶
SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId sets the PermaCacheStorageZoneId property value. The IP of the storage zone used for Perma-Cache
func (*PullZone) SetPermaCacheType ¶
SetPermaCacheType sets the PermaCacheType property value. The PermaCacheType property
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenCode ¶
SetPreloadingScreenCode sets the PreloadingScreenCode property value. The custom preloading screen code
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled ¶
SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled sets the PreloadingScreenCodeEnabled property value. Determines if the custom preloader screen is enabled
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenDelay ¶
SetPreloadingScreenDelay sets the PreloadingScreenDelay property value. The delay in milliseconds after which the preloading screen will be displayed
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenEnabled ¶
SetPreloadingScreenEnabled sets the PreloadingScreenEnabled property value. Determines if the preloading screen is currently enabled
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl ¶
SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl sets the PreloadingScreenLogoUrl property value. The preloading screen logo URL
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit ¶
SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit sets the PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property value. The PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property
func (*PullZone) SetPreloadingScreenTheme ¶
SetPreloadingScreenTheme sets the PreloadingScreenTheme property value. The PreloadingScreenTheme property
func (*PullZone) SetPriceOverride ¶
SetPriceOverride sets the PriceOverride property value. The custom price override for this zone
func (*PullZone) SetQueryStringVaryParameters ¶
SetQueryStringVaryParameters sets the QueryStringVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by query string. If empty, all parameters will be used to construct the key
func (*PullZone) SetRequestCoalescingTimeout ¶
SetRequestCoalescingTimeout sets the RequestCoalescingTimeout property value. Determines the lock time for coalesced requests.
func (*PullZone) SetRequestLimit ¶
SetRequestLimit sets the RequestLimit property value. Max number of requests per IP per second
func (*PullZone) SetRoutingFilters ¶
func (m *PullZone) SetRoutingFilters(value []PullZone_RoutingFilters)
SetRoutingFilters sets the RoutingFilters property value. The list of routing filters enabled for this zone
func (*PullZone) SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled ¶
SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled sets the ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property
func (*PullZone) SetShieldDDosProtectionType ¶
SetShieldDDosProtectionType sets the ShieldDDosProtectionType property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionType property
func (*PullZone) SetSouthAmericaDiscount ¶
SetSouthAmericaDiscount sets the SouthAmericaDiscount property value. The Pull Zone specific pricing discount for South America region.
func (*PullZone) SetStorageZoneId ¶
SetStorageZoneId sets the StorageZoneId property value. The ID of the storage zone that the pull zone is linked to
func (*PullZone) SetSuspended ¶
SetSuspended sets the Suspended property value. The Suspended property
func (*PullZone) SetTypeEscaped ¶
SetTypeEscaped sets the Type property value. The Type property
func (*PullZone) SetUseBackgroundUpdate ¶
SetUseBackgroundUpdate sets the UseBackgroundUpdate property value. Determines if cache update is performed in the background.
func (*PullZone) SetUseStaleWhileOffline ¶
SetUseStaleWhileOffline sets the UseStaleWhileOffline property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while the origin is offline
func (*PullZone) SetUseStaleWhileUpdating ¶
SetUseStaleWhileUpdating sets the UseStaleWhileUpdating property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while cache is updating
func (*PullZone) SetVerifyOriginSSL ¶
SetVerifyOriginSSL sets the VerifyOriginSSL property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should verify the origin SSL certificate
func (*PullZone) SetVideoLibraryId ¶
SetVideoLibraryId sets the VideoLibraryId property value. The ID of the video library that the zone is linked to
func (*PullZone) SetZoneSecurityEnabled ¶
SetZoneSecurityEnabled sets the ZoneSecurityEnabled property value. True if the URL secure token authentication security is enabled
func (*PullZone) SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP ¶
SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP sets the ZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP property value. True if the zone security hash should include the remote IP
func (*PullZone) SetZoneSecurityKey ¶
SetZoneSecurityKey sets the ZoneSecurityKey property value. The security key used for secure URL token authentication
type PullZoneCreate ¶
type PullZoneCreate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPullZoneCreate ¶
func NewPullZoneCreate() *PullZoneCreate
NewPullZoneCreate instantiates a new PullZoneCreate and sets the default values.
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningEnabled() *bool
GetAWSSigningEnabled gets the AWSSigningEnabled property value. Determines if the AWS Signing is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningKey ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningKey() *string
GetAWSSigningKey gets the AWSSigningKey property value. The AWS Signing region key returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningRegionName ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningRegionName() *string
GetAWSSigningRegionName gets the AWSSigningRegionName property value. The AWS Signing region name returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningSecret ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAWSSigningSecret() *string
GetAWSSigningSecret gets the AWSSigningSecret property value. The AWS Signing region secret returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions() []string
GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions gets the AccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions property value. The list of extensions that will return the CORS headers returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAddCanonicalHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAddCanonicalHeader() *bool
GetAddCanonicalHeader gets the AddCanonicalHeader property value. Determines if the Add Canonical Header is enabled for this Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAddHostHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAddHostHeader() *bool
GetAddHostHeader gets the AddHostHeader property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should forward the current hostname to the origin returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetAllowedReferrers ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetAllowedReferrers() []string
GetAllowedReferrers gets the AllowedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are allowed to access the pull zone.Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is not on the list will be rejected.If empty, all the referrers are allowed returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBlockNoneReferrer ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockNoneReferrer() *bool
GetBlockNoneReferrer gets the BlockNoneReferrer property value. The BlockNoneReferrer property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBlockPostRequests ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockPostRequests() *bool
GetBlockPostRequests gets the BlockPostRequests property value. If true, POST requests to the zone will be blocked returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBlockRootPathAccess ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockRootPathAccess() *bool
GetBlockRootPathAccess gets the BlockRootPathAccess property value. If true, access to root path will return a 403 error returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedCountries ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedCountries() []string
GetBlockedCountries gets the BlockedCountries property value. The list of blocked countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedIps ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedIps() []string
GetBlockedIps gets the BlockedIps property value. The list of IPs that are blocked from accessing the pull zone. Requests coming from the following IPs will be rejected. If empty, all the IPs will be allowed returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedReferrers ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBlockedReferrers() []string
GetBlockedReferrers gets the BlockedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are not allowed to access the pull zone. Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is on the list will be rejected. If empty, all the referrers are allowed returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBudgetRedirectedCountries ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBudgetRedirectedCountries() []string
GetBudgetRedirectedCountries gets the BudgetRedirectedCountries property value. The list of budget redirected countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints() []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable
GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints gets the BunnyAiImageBlueprints property value. The BunnyAiImageBlueprints property returns a []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetBurstSize ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetBurstSize() *int32
GetBurstSize gets the BurstSize property value. Excessive requests are delayed until their number exceeds the maximum burst size. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride() *int64
GetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride gets the CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride property value. Sets the browser cache control override setting for this zone Deprecated: returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride() *int64
GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride gets the CacheControlMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride() *int64
GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride gets the CacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone for the end client returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetCacheErrorResponses ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCacheErrorResponses() *bool
GetCacheErrorResponses gets the CacheErrorResponses property value. Determines if should be caching error responses returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount() *int32
GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount gets the ConnectionLimitPerIPCount property value. The number of connections limited per IP for this zone returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetCookieVaryParameters ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetCookieVaryParameters() []string
GetCookieVaryParameters gets the CookieVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by cookie string. If empty, cookie vary will not be used. returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetDisableCookies ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDisableCookies() *bool
GetDisableCookies gets the DisableCookies property value. Determines if the cookies are disabled for the pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetDisableLetsEncrypt ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDisableLetsEncrypt() *bool
GetDisableLetsEncrypt gets the DisableLetsEncrypt property value. If true, the built-in let's encrypt is disabled and requests are passed to the origin. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetDnsOriginPort ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDnsOriginPort() *int32
GetDnsOriginPort gets the DnsOriginPort property value. Determines the origin port of the pull zone. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetDnsOriginScheme ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetDnsOriginScheme() *string
GetDnsOriginScheme gets the DnsOriginScheme property value. Determines the origin scheme of the pull zone. returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase() *float64
GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase gets the EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property value. The EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEdgeScriptId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEdgeScriptId() *int64
GetEdgeScriptId gets the EdgeScriptId property value. The ID of the edge script that the pull zone is linked to returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader() *bool
GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader gets the EnableAccessControlOriginHeader property value. Determines if the CORS headers should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAutoSSL ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAutoSSL() *bool
GetEnableAutoSSL gets the EnableAutoSSL property value. If set to true, any hostnames added to this Pull Zone will automatically enable SSL. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAvifVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableAvifVary() *bool
GetEnableAvifVary gets the EnableAvifVary property value. Determines if the AVIF Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableBunnyImageAi ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableBunnyImageAi() *bool
GetEnableBunnyImageAi gets the EnableBunnyImageAi property value. The EnableBunnyImageAi property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCacheSlice ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCacheSlice() *bool
GetEnableCacheSlice gets the EnableCacheSlice property value. Determines if the cache slice (Optimize for video) feature is enabled for the Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCookieVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCookieVary() *bool
GetEnableCookieVary gets the EnableCookieVary property value. Determines if the Cookie Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCountryCodeVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableCountryCodeVary() *bool
GetEnableCountryCodeVary gets the EnableCountryCodeVary property value. Determines if the Country Code Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneAF ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneAF() *bool
GetEnableGeoZoneAF gets the EnableGeoZoneAF property value. Determines if the delivery from the Africa region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneASIA ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneASIA() *bool
GetEnableGeoZoneASIA gets the EnableGeoZoneASIA property value. Determines if the delivery from the Asian / Oceanian region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneEU ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneEU() *bool
GetEnableGeoZoneEU gets the EnableGeoZoneEU property value. Determines if the delivery from the European region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneSA ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneSA() *bool
GetEnableGeoZoneSA gets the EnableGeoZoneSA property value. Determines if the delivery from the South American region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneUS ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableGeoZoneUS() *bool
GetEnableGeoZoneUS gets the EnableGeoZoneUS property value. Determines if the delivery from the North American region is enabled for this pull zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableHostnameVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableHostnameVary() *bool
GetEnableHostnameVary gets the EnableHostnameVary property value. Determines if the Hostname Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableLogging ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableLogging() *bool
GetEnableLogging gets the EnableLogging property value. Determines if the logging is enabled for this Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableMobileVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableMobileVary() *bool
GetEnableMobileVary gets the EnableMobileVary property value. Determines if the Mobile Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableOriginShield ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableOriginShield() *bool
GetEnableOriginShield gets the EnableOriginShield property value. If true the server will use the origin shield feature returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableQueryStringOrdering ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableQueryStringOrdering() *bool
GetEnableQueryStringOrdering gets the EnableQueryStringOrdering property value. If set to true the query string ordering property is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableRequestCoalescing ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableRequestCoalescing() *bool
GetEnableRequestCoalescing gets the EnableRequestCoalescing property value. Determines if request coalescing is currently enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableSafeHop ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableSafeHop() *bool
GetEnableSafeHop gets the EnableSafeHop property value. The EnableSafeHop property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableSmartCache ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableSmartCache() *bool
GetEnableSmartCache gets the EnableSmartCache property value. Determines if smart caching is enabled for this zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableTLS1 ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableTLS1() *bool
GetEnableTLS1 gets the EnableTLS1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1 is enabled on the Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableTLS11 ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableTLS11() *bool
GetEnableTLS11 gets the EnableTLS1_1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1.1 is enabled on the Pull Zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetEnableWebPVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetEnableWebPVary() *bool
GetEnableWebPVary gets the EnableWebPVary property value. Determines if the WebP Vary feature is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageCustomCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageCustomCode() *string
GetErrorPageCustomCode gets the ErrorPageCustomCode property value. Contains the custom error page code that will be returned returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode() *bool
GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode gets the ErrorPageEnableCustomCode property value. Determines if custom error page code should be enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget() *bool
GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget gets the ErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget property value. Determines if the statuspage widget should be displayed on the error pages returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageStatuspageCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageStatuspageCode() *string
GetErrorPageStatuspageCode gets the ErrorPageStatuspageCode property value. The statuspage code that will be used to build the status widget returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageWhitelabel ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetErrorPageWhitelabel() *bool
GetErrorPageWhitelabel gets the ErrorPageWhitelabel property value. Determines if the error pages should be whitelabel or not returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetFollowRedirects ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetFollowRedirects() *bool
GetFollowRedirects gets the FollowRedirects property value. Determines if the zone will follow origin redirects returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetIgnoreQueryStrings ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetIgnoreQueryStrings() *bool
GetIgnoreQueryStrings gets the IgnoreQueryStrings property value. True if the Pull Zone is ignoring query strings when serving cached objects returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLimitRateAfter ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLimitRateAfter() *float64
GetLimitRateAfter gets the LimitRateAfter property value. The amount of data after the rate limit will be activated returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLimitRatePerSecond ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLimitRatePerSecond() *float64
GetLimitRatePerSecond gets the LimitRatePerSecond property value. The maximum rate at which the zone will transfer data in kb/s. 0 for unlimited returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogAnonymizationType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogAnonymizationType() *float64
GetLogAnonymizationType gets the LogAnonymizationType property value. The LogAnonymizationType property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogFormat ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogFormat() *float64
GetLogFormat gets the LogFormat property value. The LogFormat property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingEnabled() *bool
GetLogForwardingEnabled gets the LogForwardingEnabled property value. Determines if the log forwarding is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingFormat ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingFormat() *float64
GetLogForwardingFormat gets the LogForwardingFormat property value. The LogForwardingFormat property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingHostname ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingHostname() *string
GetLogForwardingHostname gets the LogForwardingHostname property value. The log forwarding hostname returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingPort ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingPort() *int32
GetLogForwardingPort gets the LogForwardingPort property value. The log forwarding port returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingProtocol ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingProtocol() *float64
GetLogForwardingProtocol gets the LogForwardingProtocol property value. The LogForwardingProtocol property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingToken ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLogForwardingToken() *string
GetLogForwardingToken gets the LogForwardingToken property value. The log forwarding token value returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled() *bool
GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled gets the LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled property value. Determines if the log anonymization should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingSaveToStorage ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingSaveToStorage() *bool
GetLoggingSaveToStorage gets the LoggingSaveToStorage property value. Determines if the permanent logging feature is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingStorageZoneId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetLoggingStorageZoneId() *int64
GetLoggingStorageZoneId gets the LoggingStorageZoneId property value. The ID of the logging storage zone that is configured for this Pull Zone returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetMagicContainersAppId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMagicContainersAppId() *string
GetMagicContainersAppId gets the MagicContainersAppId property value. The MagicContainersAppId property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetMagicContainersEndpointId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMagicContainersEndpointId() *int64
GetMagicContainersEndpointId gets the MagicContainersEndpointId property value. The MagicContainersEndpointId property returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetMiddlewareScriptId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMiddlewareScriptId() *int64
GetMiddlewareScriptId gets the MiddlewareScriptId property value. The MiddlewareScriptId property returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit() *int64
GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit gets the MonthlyBandwidthLimit property value. The monthly limit of bandwidth in bytes that the pullzone is allowed to use returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetMonthlyCharges ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetMonthlyCharges() *float64
GetMonthlyCharges gets the MonthlyCharges property value. The total monthly charges for this so zone so far returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetName ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetName() *string
GetName gets the Name property value. The name of the pull zone. returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled() *bool
GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled gets the OptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled property value. Determines if the automatic image optimization should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth() *int32
GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth gets the OptimizerDesktopMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for desktop clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine() *bool
GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine gets the OptimizerEnableManipulationEngine property value. Determines the image manipulation should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnableWebP ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnableWebP() *bool
GetOptimizerEnableWebP gets the OptimizerEnableWebP property value. Determines if the WebP optimization should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerEnabled() *bool
GetOptimizerEnabled gets the OptimizerEnabled property value. Determines if the optimizer should be enabled for this zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerForceClasses ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerForceClasses() *bool
GetOptimizerForceClasses gets the OptimizerForceClasses property value. Determines if the optimizer class list should be enforced returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerImageQuality ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerImageQuality() *int32
GetOptimizerImageQuality gets the OptimizerImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for desktop clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMinifyCSS ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMinifyCSS() *bool
GetOptimizerMinifyCSS gets the OptimizerMinifyCSS property value. Determines if the CSS minification should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript() *bool
GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript gets the OptimizerMinifyJavaScript property value. Determines if the JavaScript minification should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality() *int32
GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality gets the OptimizerMobileImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for mobile clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth() *int32
GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth gets the OptimizerMobileMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for mobile clients returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled() *bool
GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled gets the OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie() *string
GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie gets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath() *string
GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath gets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled() *bool
GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled gets the OptimizerWatermarkEnabled property value. Determines if image watermarking should be enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize() *int32
GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize gets the OptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize property value. Sets the minimum image size to which the watermark will be added returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset() *float64
GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset gets the OptimizerWatermarkOffset property value. Sets the offset of the watermark image returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition() *float64
GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition gets the OptimizerWatermarkPosition property value. The OptimizerWatermarkPosition property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl() *string
GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl gets the OptimizerWatermarkUrl property value. Sets the URL of the watermark image returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginConnectTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginConnectTimeout() *int32
GetOriginConnectTimeout gets the OriginConnectTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when connecting to the origin. Otherwise the request will fail or retry. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginHostHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginHostHeader() *string
GetOriginHostHeader gets the OriginHostHeader property value. Determines the host header that will be sent to the origin returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginResponseTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginResponseTimeout() *int32
GetOriginResponseTimeout gets the OriginResponseTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when waiting for the origin reply. Otherwise the request will fail or retry. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetries ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetries() *int32
GetOriginRetries gets the OriginRetries property value. The number of retries to the origin server returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetry5XXResponses ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetry5XXResponses() *bool
GetOriginRetry5XXResponses gets the OriginRetry5XXResponses property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a 5XX response. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout() *bool
GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout gets the OriginRetryConnectionTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a connection timeout. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryDelay ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryDelay() *int32
GetOriginRetryDelay gets the OriginRetryDelay property value. Determines the amount of time that the CDN should wait before retrying an origin request. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout() *bool
GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout gets the OriginRetryResponseTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a response timeout. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit() *bool
GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit gets the OriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit property value. Determines if the origin shield concurrency limit is enabled. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests() *int32
GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests gets the OriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests property value. Determines the number of maximum concurrent requests allowed to the origin. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests() *int32
GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests gets the OriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests property value. Determines the max number of origin requests that will remain in the queue returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime() *int32
GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime gets the OriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime property value. Determines the max queue wait time returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldZoneCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginShieldZoneCode() *string
GetOriginShieldZoneCode gets the OriginShieldZoneCode property value. The zone code of the origin shield returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginType() *float64
GetOriginType gets the OriginType property value. The OriginType property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetOriginUrl ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetOriginUrl() *string
GetOriginUrl gets the OriginUrl property value. The origin URL of the pull zone where the files are fetched from. returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId() *int64
GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId gets the PermaCacheStorageZoneId property value. The IP of the storage zone used for Perma-Cache returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPermaCacheType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPermaCacheType() *int64
GetPermaCacheType gets the PermaCacheType property value. The PermaCacheType property returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenCode() *string
GetPreloadingScreenCode gets the PreloadingScreenCode property value. The custom preloading screen code returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled() *bool
GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled gets the PreloadingScreenCodeEnabled property value. Determines if the custom preloader screen is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenDelay ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenDelay() *int32
GetPreloadingScreenDelay gets the PreloadingScreenDelay property value. The delay in milliseconds after which the preloading screen will be displayed returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenEnabled() *bool
GetPreloadingScreenEnabled gets the PreloadingScreenEnabled property value. Determines if the preloading screen is currently enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl() *string
GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl gets the PreloadingScreenLogoUrl property value. The preloading screen logo URL returns a *string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit() *bool
GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit gets the PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property value. The PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenTheme ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetPreloadingScreenTheme() *float64
GetPreloadingScreenTheme gets the PreloadingScreenTheme property value. The PreloadingScreenTheme property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetQueryStringVaryParameters ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetQueryStringVaryParameters() []string
GetQueryStringVaryParameters gets the QueryStringVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by query string. If empty, all parameters will be used to construct the key returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetRequestCoalescingTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetRequestCoalescingTimeout() *int32
GetRequestCoalescingTimeout gets the RequestCoalescingTimeout property value. Determines the lock time for coalesced requests. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetRequestLimit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetRequestLimit() *int32
GetRequestLimit gets the RequestLimit property value. Max number of requests per IP per second returns a *int32 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetRoutingFilters ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetRoutingFilters() []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters
GetRoutingFilters gets the RoutingFilters property value. The list of routing filters enabled for this zone returns a []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled() *bool
GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled gets the ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetShieldDDosProtectionType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetShieldDDosProtectionType() *float64
GetShieldDDosProtectionType gets the ShieldDDosProtectionType property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionType property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetStorageZoneId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetStorageZoneId() *int64
GetStorageZoneId gets the StorageZoneId property value. The ID of the storage zone that the pull zone is linked to returns a *int64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetTypeEscaped ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetTypeEscaped() *float64
GetTypeEscaped gets the Type property value. The Type property returns a *float64 when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetUseBackgroundUpdate ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetUseBackgroundUpdate() *bool
GetUseBackgroundUpdate gets the UseBackgroundUpdate property value. Determines if cache update is performed in the background. returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetUseStaleWhileOffline ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetUseStaleWhileOffline() *bool
GetUseStaleWhileOffline gets the UseStaleWhileOffline property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while the origin is offline returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetUseStaleWhileUpdating ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetUseStaleWhileUpdating() *bool
GetUseStaleWhileUpdating gets the UseStaleWhileUpdating property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while cache is updating returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetVerifyOriginSSL ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetVerifyOriginSSL() *bool
GetVerifyOriginSSL gets the VerifyOriginSSL property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should verify the origin SSL certificate returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetWAFDisabledRuleGroups ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFDisabledRuleGroups() []string
GetWAFDisabledRuleGroups gets the WAFDisabledRuleGroups property value. Determines the enabled WAF rule groups returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetWAFDisabledRules ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFDisabledRules() []string
GetWAFDisabledRules gets the WAFDisabledRules property value. Determines the disabled WAF rules returns a []string when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging() *bool
GetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging gets the WAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging property value. Determines if WAF should enable request headers logging returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetWAFEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFEnabled() *bool
GetWAFEnabled gets the WAFEnabled property value. Determines if WAF should be enabled on the zone returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores() *bool
GetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores gets the WAFRequestHeaderIgnores property value. Determines the list of headers that will be ignored in the WAF logs returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetZoneSecurityEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetZoneSecurityEnabled() *bool
GetZoneSecurityEnabled gets the ZoneSecurityEnabled property value. True if the URL secure token authentication security is enabled returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP() *bool
GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP gets the ZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP property value. True if the zone security hash should include the remote IP returns a *bool when successful
func (*PullZoneCreate) Serialize ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningEnabled(value *bool)
SetAWSSigningEnabled sets the AWSSigningEnabled property value. Determines if the AWS Signing is enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningKey ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningKey(value *string)
SetAWSSigningKey sets the AWSSigningKey property value. The AWS Signing region key
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningRegionName ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningRegionName(value *string)
SetAWSSigningRegionName sets the AWSSigningRegionName property value. The AWS Signing region name
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningSecret ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAWSSigningSecret(value *string)
SetAWSSigningSecret sets the AWSSigningSecret property value. The AWS Signing region secret
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions(value []string)
SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions sets the AccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions property value. The list of extensions that will return the CORS headers
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAddCanonicalHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAddCanonicalHeader(value *bool)
SetAddCanonicalHeader sets the AddCanonicalHeader property value. Determines if the Add Canonical Header is enabled for this Pull Zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAddHostHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAddHostHeader(value *bool)
SetAddHostHeader sets the AddHostHeader property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should forward the current hostname to the origin
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetAllowedReferrers ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetAllowedReferrers(value []string)
SetAllowedReferrers sets the AllowedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are allowed to access the pull zone.Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is not on the list will be rejected.If empty, all the referrers are allowed
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBlockNoneReferrer ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockNoneReferrer(value *bool)
SetBlockNoneReferrer sets the BlockNoneReferrer property value. The BlockNoneReferrer property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBlockPostRequests ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockPostRequests(value *bool)
SetBlockPostRequests sets the BlockPostRequests property value. If true, POST requests to the zone will be blocked
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBlockRootPathAccess ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockRootPathAccess(value *bool)
SetBlockRootPathAccess sets the BlockRootPathAccess property value. If true, access to root path will return a 403 error
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedCountries ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedCountries(value []string)
SetBlockedCountries sets the BlockedCountries property value. The list of blocked countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedIps ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedIps(value []string)
SetBlockedIps sets the BlockedIps property value. The list of IPs that are blocked from accessing the pull zone. Requests coming from the following IPs will be rejected. If empty, all the IPs will be allowed
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedReferrers ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBlockedReferrers(value []string)
SetBlockedReferrers sets the BlockedReferrers property value. The list of referrer hostnames that are not allowed to access the pull zone. Requests containing the header Referer: hostname that is on the list will be rejected. If empty, all the referrers are allowed
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries(value []string)
SetBudgetRedirectedCountries sets the BudgetRedirectedCountries property value. The list of budget redirected countries with the two-letter Alpha2 ISO codes
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints(value []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable)
SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints sets the BunnyAiImageBlueprints property value. The BunnyAiImageBlueprints property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetBurstSize ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetBurstSize(value *int32)
SetBurstSize sets the BurstSize property value. Excessive requests are delayed until their number exceeds the maximum burst size.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
SetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride sets the CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride property value. Sets the browser cache control override setting for this zone Deprecated:
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride sets the CacheControlMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride(value *int64)
SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride sets the CacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride property value. The override cache time for the pull zone for the end client
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetCacheErrorResponses ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCacheErrorResponses(value *bool)
SetCacheErrorResponses sets the CacheErrorResponses property value. Determines if should be caching error responses
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount(value *int32)
SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount sets the ConnectionLimitPerIPCount property value. The number of connections limited per IP for this zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetCookieVaryParameters ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetCookieVaryParameters(value []string)
SetCookieVaryParameters sets the CookieVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by cookie string. If empty, cookie vary will not be used.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetDisableCookies ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDisableCookies(value *bool)
SetDisableCookies sets the DisableCookies property value. Determines if the cookies are disabled for the pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetDisableLetsEncrypt ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDisableLetsEncrypt(value *bool)
SetDisableLetsEncrypt sets the DisableLetsEncrypt property value. If true, the built-in let's encrypt is disabled and requests are passed to the origin.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetDnsOriginPort ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDnsOriginPort(value *int32)
SetDnsOriginPort sets the DnsOriginPort property value. Determines the origin port of the pull zone.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetDnsOriginScheme ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetDnsOriginScheme(value *string)
SetDnsOriginScheme sets the DnsOriginScheme property value. Determines the origin scheme of the pull zone.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase(value *float64)
SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase sets the EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property value. The EdgeScriptExecutionPhase property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEdgeScriptId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEdgeScriptId(value *int64)
SetEdgeScriptId sets the EdgeScriptId property value. The ID of the edge script that the pull zone is linked to
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader(value *bool)
SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader sets the EnableAccessControlOriginHeader property value. Determines if the CORS headers should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAutoSSL ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAutoSSL(value *bool)
SetEnableAutoSSL sets the EnableAutoSSL property value. If set to true, any hostnames added to this Pull Zone will automatically enable SSL.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAvifVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableAvifVary(value *bool)
SetEnableAvifVary sets the EnableAvifVary property value. Determines if the AVIF Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableBunnyImageAi ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableBunnyImageAi(value *bool)
SetEnableBunnyImageAi sets the EnableBunnyImageAi property value. The EnableBunnyImageAi property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCacheSlice ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCacheSlice(value *bool)
SetEnableCacheSlice sets the EnableCacheSlice property value. Determines if the cache slice (Optimize for video) feature is enabled for the Pull Zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCookieVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCookieVary(value *bool)
SetEnableCookieVary sets the EnableCookieVary property value. Determines if the Cookie Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCountryCodeVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableCountryCodeVary(value *bool)
SetEnableCountryCodeVary sets the EnableCountryCodeVary property value. Determines if the Country Code Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneAF ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneAF(value *bool)
SetEnableGeoZoneAF sets the EnableGeoZoneAF property value. Determines if the delivery from the Africa region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA(value *bool)
SetEnableGeoZoneASIA sets the EnableGeoZoneASIA property value. Determines if the delivery from the Asian / Oceanian region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneEU ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneEU(value *bool)
SetEnableGeoZoneEU sets the EnableGeoZoneEU property value. Determines if the delivery from the European region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneSA ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneSA(value *bool)
SetEnableGeoZoneSA sets the EnableGeoZoneSA property value. Determines if the delivery from the South American region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneUS ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableGeoZoneUS(value *bool)
SetEnableGeoZoneUS sets the EnableGeoZoneUS property value. Determines if the delivery from the North American region is enabled for this pull zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableHostnameVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableHostnameVary(value *bool)
SetEnableHostnameVary sets the EnableHostnameVary property value. Determines if the Hostname Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableLogging ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableLogging(value *bool)
SetEnableLogging sets the EnableLogging property value. Determines if the logging is enabled for this Pull Zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableMobileVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableMobileVary(value *bool)
SetEnableMobileVary sets the EnableMobileVary property value. Determines if the Mobile Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableOriginShield ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableOriginShield(value *bool)
SetEnableOriginShield sets the EnableOriginShield property value. If true the server will use the origin shield feature
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering(value *bool)
SetEnableQueryStringOrdering sets the EnableQueryStringOrdering property value. If set to true the query string ordering property is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableRequestCoalescing ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableRequestCoalescing(value *bool)
SetEnableRequestCoalescing sets the EnableRequestCoalescing property value. Determines if request coalescing is currently enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableSafeHop ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableSafeHop(value *bool)
SetEnableSafeHop sets the EnableSafeHop property value. The EnableSafeHop property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableSmartCache ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableSmartCache(value *bool)
SetEnableSmartCache sets the EnableSmartCache property value. Determines if smart caching is enabled for this zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableTLS1 ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableTLS1(value *bool)
SetEnableTLS1 sets the EnableTLS1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1 is enabled on the Pull Zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableTLS11 ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableTLS11(value *bool)
SetEnableTLS11 sets the EnableTLS1_1 property value. Determines if the TLS 1.1 is enabled on the Pull Zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetEnableWebPVary ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetEnableWebPVary(value *bool)
SetEnableWebPVary sets the EnableWebPVary property value. Determines if the WebP Vary feature is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageCustomCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageCustomCode(value *string)
SetErrorPageCustomCode sets the ErrorPageCustomCode property value. Contains the custom error page code that will be returned
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode(value *bool)
SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode sets the ErrorPageEnableCustomCode property value. Determines if custom error page code should be enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget(value *bool)
SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget sets the ErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget property value. Determines if the statuspage widget should be displayed on the error pages
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode(value *string)
SetErrorPageStatuspageCode sets the ErrorPageStatuspageCode property value. The statuspage code that will be used to build the status widget
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageWhitelabel ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetErrorPageWhitelabel(value *bool)
SetErrorPageWhitelabel sets the ErrorPageWhitelabel property value. Determines if the error pages should be whitelabel or not
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetFollowRedirects ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetFollowRedirects(value *bool)
SetFollowRedirects sets the FollowRedirects property value. Determines if the zone will follow origin redirects
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetIgnoreQueryStrings ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetIgnoreQueryStrings(value *bool)
SetIgnoreQueryStrings sets the IgnoreQueryStrings property value. True if the Pull Zone is ignoring query strings when serving cached objects
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLimitRateAfter ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLimitRateAfter(value *float64)
SetLimitRateAfter sets the LimitRateAfter property value. The amount of data after the rate limit will be activated
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLimitRatePerSecond ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLimitRatePerSecond(value *float64)
SetLimitRatePerSecond sets the LimitRatePerSecond property value. The maximum rate at which the zone will transfer data in kb/s. 0 for unlimited
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogAnonymizationType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogAnonymizationType(value *float64)
SetLogAnonymizationType sets the LogAnonymizationType property value. The LogAnonymizationType property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogFormat ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogFormat(value *float64)
SetLogFormat sets the LogFormat property value. The LogFormat property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingEnabled(value *bool)
SetLogForwardingEnabled sets the LogForwardingEnabled property value. Determines if the log forwarding is enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingFormat ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingFormat(value *float64)
SetLogForwardingFormat sets the LogForwardingFormat property value. The LogForwardingFormat property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingHostname ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingHostname(value *string)
SetLogForwardingHostname sets the LogForwardingHostname property value. The log forwarding hostname
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingPort ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingPort(value *int32)
SetLogForwardingPort sets the LogForwardingPort property value. The log forwarding port
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingProtocol ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingProtocol(value *float64)
SetLogForwardingProtocol sets the LogForwardingProtocol property value. The LogForwardingProtocol property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingToken ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLogForwardingToken(value *string)
SetLogForwardingToken sets the LogForwardingToken property value. The log forwarding token value
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled(value *bool)
SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled sets the LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled property value. Determines if the log anonymization should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingSaveToStorage ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingSaveToStorage(value *bool)
SetLoggingSaveToStorage sets the LoggingSaveToStorage property value. Determines if the permanent logging feature is enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingStorageZoneId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetLoggingStorageZoneId(value *int64)
SetLoggingStorageZoneId sets the LoggingStorageZoneId property value. The ID of the logging storage zone that is configured for this Pull Zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetMagicContainersAppId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMagicContainersAppId(value *string)
SetMagicContainersAppId sets the MagicContainersAppId property value. The MagicContainersAppId property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetMagicContainersEndpointId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMagicContainersEndpointId(value *int64)
SetMagicContainersEndpointId sets the MagicContainersEndpointId property value. The MagicContainersEndpointId property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetMiddlewareScriptId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMiddlewareScriptId(value *int64)
SetMiddlewareScriptId sets the MiddlewareScriptId property value. The MiddlewareScriptId property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit(value *int64)
SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit sets the MonthlyBandwidthLimit property value. The monthly limit of bandwidth in bytes that the pullzone is allowed to use
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetMonthlyCharges ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetMonthlyCharges(value *float64)
SetMonthlyCharges sets the MonthlyCharges property value. The total monthly charges for this so zone so far
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetName ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetName(value *string)
SetName sets the Name property value. The name of the pull zone.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled(value *bool)
SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled sets the OptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled property value. Determines if the automatic image optimization should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth(value *int32)
SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth sets the OptimizerDesktopMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for desktop clients
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine(value *bool)
SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine sets the OptimizerEnableManipulationEngine property value. Determines the image manipulation should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnableWebP ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnableWebP(value *bool)
SetOptimizerEnableWebP sets the OptimizerEnableWebP property value. Determines if the WebP optimization should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerEnabled(value *bool)
SetOptimizerEnabled sets the OptimizerEnabled property value. Determines if the optimizer should be enabled for this zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerForceClasses ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerForceClasses(value *bool)
SetOptimizerForceClasses sets the OptimizerForceClasses property value. Determines if the optimizer class list should be enforced
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerImageQuality ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerImageQuality(value *int32)
SetOptimizerImageQuality sets the OptimizerImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for desktop clients
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS(value *bool)
SetOptimizerMinifyCSS sets the OptimizerMinifyCSS property value. Determines if the CSS minification should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript(value *bool)
SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript sets the OptimizerMinifyJavaScript property value. Determines if the JavaScript minification should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality(value *int32)
SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality sets the OptimizerMobileImageQuality property value. Determines the image quality for mobile clients
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth(value *int32)
SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth sets the OptimizerMobileMaxWidth property value. Determines the maximum automatic image size for mobile clients
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled(value *bool)
SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled sets the OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie(value *string)
SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie sets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath(value *string)
SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath sets the OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property value. The OptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled(value *bool)
SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled sets the OptimizerWatermarkEnabled property value. Determines if image watermarking should be enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize(value *int32)
SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize sets the OptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize property value. Sets the minimum image size to which the watermark will be added
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset(value *float64)
SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset sets the OptimizerWatermarkOffset property value. Sets the offset of the watermark image
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition(value *float64)
SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition sets the OptimizerWatermarkPosition property value. The OptimizerWatermarkPosition property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl(value *string)
SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl sets the OptimizerWatermarkUrl property value. Sets the URL of the watermark image
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginConnectTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginConnectTimeout(value *int32)
SetOriginConnectTimeout sets the OriginConnectTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when connecting to the origin. Otherwise the request will fail or retry.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginHostHeader ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginHostHeader(value *string)
SetOriginHostHeader sets the OriginHostHeader property value. Determines the host header that will be sent to the origin
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginResponseTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginResponseTimeout(value *int32)
SetOriginResponseTimeout sets the OriginResponseTimeout property value. The amount of seconds to wait when waiting for the origin reply. Otherwise the request will fail or retry.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetries ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetries(value *int32)
SetOriginRetries sets the OriginRetries property value. The number of retries to the origin server
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetry5XXResponses ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetry5XXResponses(value *bool)
SetOriginRetry5XXResponses sets the OriginRetry5XXResponses property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a 5XX response.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout(value *bool)
SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout sets the OriginRetryConnectionTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a connection timeout.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryDelay ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryDelay(value *int32)
SetOriginRetryDelay sets the OriginRetryDelay property value. Determines the amount of time that the CDN should wait before retrying an origin request.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout(value *bool)
SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout sets the OriginRetryResponseTimeout property value. Determines if we should retry the request in case of a response timeout.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit(value *bool)
SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit sets the OriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit property value. Determines if the origin shield concurrency limit is enabled.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests(value *int32)
SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests sets the OriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests property value. Determines the number of maximum concurrent requests allowed to the origin.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests(value *int32)
SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests sets the OriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests property value. Determines the max number of origin requests that will remain in the queue
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime(value *int32)
SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime sets the OriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime property value. Determines the max queue wait time
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldZoneCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginShieldZoneCode(value *string)
SetOriginShieldZoneCode sets the OriginShieldZoneCode property value. The zone code of the origin shield
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginType(value *float64)
SetOriginType sets the OriginType property value. The OriginType property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetOriginUrl ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetOriginUrl(value *string)
SetOriginUrl sets the OriginUrl property value. The origin URL of the pull zone where the files are fetched from.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId(value *int64)
SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId sets the PermaCacheStorageZoneId property value. The IP of the storage zone used for Perma-Cache
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPermaCacheType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPermaCacheType(value *int64)
SetPermaCacheType sets the PermaCacheType property value. The PermaCacheType property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenCode ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenCode(value *string)
SetPreloadingScreenCode sets the PreloadingScreenCode property value. The custom preloading screen code
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled(value *bool)
SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled sets the PreloadingScreenCodeEnabled property value. Determines if the custom preloader screen is enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenDelay ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenDelay(value *int32)
SetPreloadingScreenDelay sets the PreloadingScreenDelay property value. The delay in milliseconds after which the preloading screen will be displayed
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenEnabled(value *bool)
SetPreloadingScreenEnabled sets the PreloadingScreenEnabled property value. Determines if the preloading screen is currently enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl(value *string)
SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl sets the PreloadingScreenLogoUrl property value. The preloading screen logo URL
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit(value *bool)
SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit sets the PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property value. The PreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenTheme ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetPreloadingScreenTheme(value *float64)
SetPreloadingScreenTheme sets the PreloadingScreenTheme property value. The PreloadingScreenTheme property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetQueryStringVaryParameters ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetQueryStringVaryParameters(value []string)
SetQueryStringVaryParameters sets the QueryStringVaryParameters property value. Contains the list of vary parameters that will be used for vary cache by query string. If empty, all parameters will be used to construct the key
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetRequestCoalescingTimeout ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetRequestCoalescingTimeout(value *int32)
SetRequestCoalescingTimeout sets the RequestCoalescingTimeout property value. Determines the lock time for coalesced requests.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetRequestLimit ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetRequestLimit(value *int32)
SetRequestLimit sets the RequestLimit property value. Max number of requests per IP per second
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetRoutingFilters ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetRoutingFilters(value []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters)
SetRoutingFilters sets the RoutingFilters property value. The list of routing filters enabled for this zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled(value *bool)
SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled sets the ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetShieldDDosProtectionType ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetShieldDDosProtectionType(value *float64)
SetShieldDDosProtectionType sets the ShieldDDosProtectionType property value. The ShieldDDosProtectionType property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetStorageZoneId ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetStorageZoneId(value *int64)
SetStorageZoneId sets the StorageZoneId property value. The ID of the storage zone that the pull zone is linked to
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetTypeEscaped ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetTypeEscaped(value *float64)
SetTypeEscaped sets the Type property value. The Type property
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetUseBackgroundUpdate ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetUseBackgroundUpdate(value *bool)
SetUseBackgroundUpdate sets the UseBackgroundUpdate property value. Determines if cache update is performed in the background.
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetUseStaleWhileOffline ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetUseStaleWhileOffline(value *bool)
SetUseStaleWhileOffline sets the UseStaleWhileOffline property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while the origin is offline
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetUseStaleWhileUpdating ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetUseStaleWhileUpdating(value *bool)
SetUseStaleWhileUpdating sets the UseStaleWhileUpdating property value. Determines if we should use stale cache while cache is updating
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetVerifyOriginSSL ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetVerifyOriginSSL(value *bool)
SetVerifyOriginSSL sets the VerifyOriginSSL property value. Determines if the Pull Zone should verify the origin SSL certificate
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetWAFDisabledRuleGroups ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFDisabledRuleGroups(value []string)
SetWAFDisabledRuleGroups sets the WAFDisabledRuleGroups property value. Determines the enabled WAF rule groups
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetWAFDisabledRules ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFDisabledRules(value []string)
SetWAFDisabledRules sets the WAFDisabledRules property value. Determines the disabled WAF rules
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging(value *bool)
SetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging sets the WAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging property value. Determines if WAF should enable request headers logging
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetWAFEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFEnabled(value *bool)
SetWAFEnabled sets the WAFEnabled property value. Determines if WAF should be enabled on the zone
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores(value *bool)
SetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores sets the WAFRequestHeaderIgnores property value. Determines the list of headers that will be ignored in the WAF logs
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetZoneSecurityEnabled ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetZoneSecurityEnabled(value *bool)
SetZoneSecurityEnabled sets the ZoneSecurityEnabled property value. True if the URL secure token authentication security is enabled
func (*PullZoneCreate) SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP ¶
func (m *PullZoneCreate) SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP(value *bool)
SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP sets the ZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP property value. True if the zone security hash should include the remote IP
type PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters ¶
type PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters int
func (PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters) String ¶
func (i PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters) String() string
type PullZoneCreateable ¶
type PullZoneCreateable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions() []string GetAddCanonicalHeader() *bool GetAddHostHeader() *bool GetAllowedReferrers() []string GetAWSSigningEnabled() *bool GetAWSSigningKey() *string GetAWSSigningRegionName() *string GetAWSSigningSecret() *string GetBlockedCountries() []string GetBlockedIps() []string GetBlockedReferrers() []string GetBlockNoneReferrer() *bool GetBlockPostRequests() *bool GetBlockRootPathAccess() *bool GetBudgetRedirectedCountries() []string GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints() []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable GetBurstSize() *int32 GetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride() *int64 GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride() *int64 GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride() *int64 GetCacheErrorResponses() *bool GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount() *int32 GetCookieVaryParameters() []string GetDisableCookies() *bool GetDisableLetsEncrypt() *bool GetDnsOriginPort() *int32 GetDnsOriginScheme() *string GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase() *float64 GetEdgeScriptId() *int64 GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader() *bool GetEnableAutoSSL() *bool GetEnableAvifVary() *bool GetEnableBunnyImageAi() *bool GetEnableCacheSlice() *bool GetEnableCookieVary() *bool GetEnableCountryCodeVary() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneAF() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneASIA() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneEU() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneSA() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneUS() *bool GetEnableHostnameVary() *bool GetEnableLogging() *bool GetEnableMobileVary() *bool GetEnableOriginShield() *bool GetEnableQueryStringOrdering() *bool GetEnableRequestCoalescing() *bool GetEnableSafeHop() *bool GetEnableSmartCache() *bool GetEnableTLS1() *bool GetEnableTLS11() *bool GetEnableWebPVary() *bool GetErrorPageCustomCode() *string GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode() *bool GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget() *bool GetErrorPageStatuspageCode() *string GetErrorPageWhitelabel() *bool GetFollowRedirects() *bool GetIgnoreQueryStrings() *bool GetLimitRateAfter() *float64 GetLimitRatePerSecond() *float64 GetLogAnonymizationType() *float64 GetLogFormat() *float64 GetLogForwardingEnabled() *bool GetLogForwardingFormat() *float64 GetLogForwardingHostname() *string GetLogForwardingPort() *int32 GetLogForwardingProtocol() *float64 GetLogForwardingToken() *string GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled() *bool GetLoggingSaveToStorage() *bool GetLoggingStorageZoneId() *int64 GetMagicContainersAppId() *string GetMagicContainersEndpointId() *int64 GetMiddlewareScriptId() *int64 GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit() *int64 GetMonthlyCharges() *float64 GetName() *string GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth() *int32 GetOptimizerEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine() *bool GetOptimizerEnableWebP() *bool GetOptimizerForceClasses() *bool GetOptimizerImageQuality() *int32 GetOptimizerMinifyCSS() *bool GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript() *bool GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality() *int32 GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth() *int32 GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie() *string GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath() *string GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize() *int32 GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset() *float64 GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition() *float64 GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl() *string GetOriginConnectTimeout() *int32 GetOriginHostHeader() *string GetOriginResponseTimeout() *int32 GetOriginRetries() *int32 GetOriginRetry5XXResponses() *bool GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout() *bool GetOriginRetryDelay() *int32 GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout() *bool GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit() *bool GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests() *int32 GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests() *int32 GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime() *int32 GetOriginShieldZoneCode() *string GetOriginType() *float64 GetOriginUrl() *string GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId() *int64 GetPermaCacheType() *int64 GetPreloadingScreenCode() *string GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled() *bool GetPreloadingScreenDelay() *int32 GetPreloadingScreenEnabled() *bool GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl() *string GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit() *bool GetPreloadingScreenTheme() *float64 GetQueryStringVaryParameters() []string GetRequestCoalescingTimeout() *int32 GetRequestLimit() *int32 GetRoutingFilters() []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled() *bool GetShieldDDosProtectionType() *float64 GetStorageZoneId() *int64 GetTypeEscaped() *float64 GetUseBackgroundUpdate() *bool GetUseStaleWhileOffline() *bool GetUseStaleWhileUpdating() *bool GetVerifyOriginSSL() *bool GetWAFDisabledRuleGroups() []string GetWAFDisabledRules() []string GetWAFEnabled() *bool GetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging() *bool GetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores() *bool GetZoneSecurityEnabled() *bool GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP() *bool SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions(value []string) SetAddCanonicalHeader(value *bool) SetAddHostHeader(value *bool) SetAllowedReferrers(value []string) SetAWSSigningEnabled(value *bool) SetAWSSigningKey(value *string) SetAWSSigningRegionName(value *string) SetAWSSigningSecret(value *string) SetBlockedCountries(value []string) SetBlockedIps(value []string) SetBlockedReferrers(value []string) SetBlockNoneReferrer(value *bool) SetBlockPostRequests(value *bool) SetBlockRootPathAccess(value *bool) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries(value []string) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints(value []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable) SetBurstSize(value *int32) SetCacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride(value *int64) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride(value *int64) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride(value *int64) SetCacheErrorResponses(value *bool) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount(value *int32) SetCookieVaryParameters(value []string) SetDisableCookies(value *bool) SetDisableLetsEncrypt(value *bool) SetDnsOriginPort(value *int32) SetDnsOriginScheme(value *string) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase(value *float64) SetEdgeScriptId(value *int64) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader(value *bool) SetEnableAutoSSL(value *bool) SetEnableAvifVary(value *bool) SetEnableBunnyImageAi(value *bool) SetEnableCacheSlice(value *bool) SetEnableCookieVary(value *bool) SetEnableCountryCodeVary(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneAF(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneEU(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneSA(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneUS(value *bool) SetEnableHostnameVary(value *bool) SetEnableLogging(value *bool) SetEnableMobileVary(value *bool) SetEnableOriginShield(value *bool) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering(value *bool) SetEnableRequestCoalescing(value *bool) SetEnableSafeHop(value *bool) SetEnableSmartCache(value *bool) SetEnableTLS1(value *bool) SetEnableTLS11(value *bool) SetEnableWebPVary(value *bool) SetErrorPageCustomCode(value *string) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode(value *bool) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget(value *bool) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode(value *string) SetErrorPageWhitelabel(value *bool) SetFollowRedirects(value *bool) SetIgnoreQueryStrings(value *bool) SetLimitRateAfter(value *float64) SetLimitRatePerSecond(value *float64) SetLogAnonymizationType(value *float64) SetLogFormat(value *float64) SetLogForwardingEnabled(value *bool) SetLogForwardingFormat(value *float64) SetLogForwardingHostname(value *string) SetLogForwardingPort(value *int32) SetLogForwardingProtocol(value *float64) SetLogForwardingToken(value *string) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled(value *bool) SetLoggingSaveToStorage(value *bool) SetLoggingStorageZoneId(value *int64) SetMagicContainersAppId(value *string) SetMagicContainersEndpointId(value *int64) SetMiddlewareScriptId(value *int64) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit(value *int64) SetMonthlyCharges(value *float64) SetName(value *string) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth(value *int32) SetOptimizerEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine(value *bool) SetOptimizerEnableWebP(value *bool) SetOptimizerForceClasses(value *bool) SetOptimizerImageQuality(value *int32) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS(value *bool) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript(value *bool) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality(value *int32) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth(value *int32) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie(value *string) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath(value *string) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize(value *int32) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset(value *float64) SetOptimizerWatermarkPosition(value *float64) SetOptimizerWatermarkUrl(value *string) SetOriginConnectTimeout(value *int32) SetOriginHostHeader(value *string) SetOriginResponseTimeout(value *int32) SetOriginRetries(value *int32) SetOriginRetry5XXResponses(value *bool) SetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout(value *bool) SetOriginRetryDelay(value *int32) SetOriginRetryResponseTimeout(value *bool) SetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit(value *bool) SetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests(value *int32) SetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests(value *int32) SetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime(value *int32) SetOriginShieldZoneCode(value *string) SetOriginType(value *float64) SetOriginUrl(value *string) SetPermaCacheStorageZoneId(value *int64) SetPermaCacheType(value *int64) SetPreloadingScreenCode(value *string) SetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled(value *bool) SetPreloadingScreenDelay(value *int32) SetPreloadingScreenEnabled(value *bool) SetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl(value *string) SetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit(value *bool) SetPreloadingScreenTheme(value *float64) SetQueryStringVaryParameters(value []string) SetRequestCoalescingTimeout(value *int32) SetRequestLimit(value *int32) SetRoutingFilters(value []PullZoneCreate_RoutingFilters) SetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled(value *bool) SetShieldDDosProtectionType(value *float64) SetStorageZoneId(value *int64) SetTypeEscaped(value *float64) SetUseBackgroundUpdate(value *bool) SetUseStaleWhileOffline(value *bool) SetUseStaleWhileUpdating(value *bool) SetVerifyOriginSSL(value *bool) SetWAFDisabledRuleGroups(value []string) SetWAFDisabledRules(value []string) SetWAFEnabled(value *bool) SetWAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging(value *bool) SetWAFRequestHeaderIgnores(value *bool) SetZoneSecurityEnabled(value *bool) SetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP(value *bool) }
type PullZone_RoutingFilters ¶
type PullZone_RoutingFilters int
func (PullZone_RoutingFilters) String ¶
func (i PullZone_RoutingFilters) String() string
type PullZoneable ¶
type PullZoneable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions() []string GetAddCanonicalHeader() *bool GetAddHostHeader() *bool GetAfricaDiscount() *int32 GetAllowedReferrers() []string GetAsiaOceaniaDiscount() *int32 GetAWSSigningEnabled() *bool GetAWSSigningKey() *string GetAWSSigningRegionName() *string GetAWSSigningSecret() *string GetBlockedCountries() []string GetBlockedIps() []string GetBlockedReferrers() []string GetBlockNoneReferrer() *bool GetBlockPostRequests() *bool GetBlockRootPathAccess() *bool GetBudgetRedirectedCountries() []string GetBunnyAiImageBlueprints() []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable GetBurstSize() *int32 GetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride() *int64 GetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride() *int64 GetCacheErrorResponses() *bool GetCacheVersion() *float64 GetCnameDomain() *string GetConnectionLimitPerIPCount() *int32 GetCookieVaryParameters() []string GetDisableCookies() *bool GetDisableLetsEncrypt() *bool GetDnsRecordId() *int64 GetDnsRecordValue() *string GetDnsZoneId() *int64 GetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase() *float64 GetEdgeScriptId() *int64 GetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader() *bool GetEnableAutoSSL() *bool GetEnableAvifVary() *bool GetEnableBunnyImageAi() *bool GetEnableCacheSlice() *bool GetEnableCookieVary() *bool GetEnableCountryCodeVary() *bool GetEnabled() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneAF() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneASIA() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneEU() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneSA() *bool GetEnableGeoZoneUS() *bool GetEnableHostnameVary() *bool GetEnableLogging() *bool GetEnableMobileVary() *bool GetEnableOriginShield() *bool GetEnableQueryStringOrdering() *bool GetEnableRequestCoalescing() *bool GetEnableSafeHop() *bool GetEnableSmartCache() *bool GetEnableTLS1() *bool GetEnableTLS11() *bool GetEnableWebPVary() *bool GetErrorPageCustomCode() *string GetErrorPageEnableCustomCode() *bool GetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget() *bool GetErrorPageStatuspageCode() *string GetErrorPageWhitelabel() *bool GetEUUSDiscount() *int32 GetFollowRedirects() *bool GetHostnames() []Hostnameable GetId() *int64 GetIgnoreQueryStrings() *bool GetLimitRateAfter() *float64 GetLimitRatePerSecond() *float64 GetLogAnonymizationType() *float64 GetLogFormat() *float64 GetLogForwardingEnabled() *bool GetLogForwardingFormat() *float64 GetLogForwardingHostname() *string GetLogForwardingPort() *int32 GetLogForwardingProtocol() *float64 GetLogForwardingToken() *string GetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled() *bool GetLoggingSaveToStorage() *bool GetLoggingStorageZoneId() *int64 GetMagicContainersAppId() *string GetMagicContainersEndpointId() *int64 GetMiddlewareScriptId() *int64 GetMonthlyBandwidthLimit() *int64 GetMonthlyBandwidthUsed() *int64 GetMonthlyCharges() *float64 GetName() *string GetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth() *int32 GetOptimizerEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine() *bool GetOptimizerEnableWebP() *bool GetOptimizerForceClasses() *bool GetOptimizerImageQuality() *int32 GetOptimizerMinifyCSS() *bool GetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript() *bool GetOptimizerMobileImageQuality() *int32 GetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth() *int32 GetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie() *string GetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath() *string GetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled() *bool GetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize() *int32 GetOptimizerWatermarkOffset() *float64 GetOptimizerWatermarkPosition() *float64 GetOptimizerWatermarkUrl() *string GetOriginConnectTimeout() *int32 GetOriginHostHeader() *string GetOriginLinkValue() *string GetOriginResponseTimeout() *int32 GetOriginRetries() *int32 GetOriginRetry5XXResponses() *bool GetOriginRetryConnectionTimeout() *bool GetOriginRetryDelay() *int32 GetOriginRetryResponseTimeout() *bool GetOriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit() *bool GetOriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests() *int32 GetOriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests() *int32 GetOriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime() *int32 GetOriginShieldZoneCode() *string GetOriginType() *float64 GetOriginUrl() *string GetPermaCacheStorageZoneId() *int64 GetPermaCacheType() *int64 GetPreloadingScreenCode() *string GetPreloadingScreenCodeEnabled() *bool GetPreloadingScreenDelay() *int32 GetPreloadingScreenEnabled() *bool GetPreloadingScreenLogoUrl() *string GetPreloadingScreenShowOnFirstVisit() *bool GetPreloadingScreenTheme() *float64 GetPriceOverride() *float64 GetQueryStringVaryParameters() []string GetRequestCoalescingTimeout() *int32 GetRequestLimit() *int32 GetRoutingFilters() []PullZone_RoutingFilters GetShieldDDosProtectionEnabled() *bool GetShieldDDosProtectionType() *float64 GetSouthAmericaDiscount() *int32 GetStorageZoneId() *int64 GetSuspended() *bool GetTypeEscaped() *float64 GetUseBackgroundUpdate() *bool GetUserId() *string GetUseStaleWhileOffline() *bool GetUseStaleWhileUpdating() *bool GetVerifyOriginSSL() *bool GetVideoLibraryId() *int64 GetZoneSecurityEnabled() *bool GetZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP() *bool GetZoneSecurityKey() *string SetAccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions(value []string) SetAddCanonicalHeader(value *bool) SetAddHostHeader(value *bool) SetAfricaDiscount(value *int32) SetAllowedReferrers(value []string) SetAsiaOceaniaDiscount(value *int32) SetAWSSigningEnabled(value *bool) SetAWSSigningKey(value *string) SetAWSSigningRegionName(value *string) SetAWSSigningSecret(value *string) SetBlockedCountries(value []string) SetBlockedIps(value []string) SetBlockedReferrers(value []string) SetBlockNoneReferrer(value *bool) SetBlockPostRequests(value *bool) SetBlockRootPathAccess(value *bool) SetBudgetRedirectedCountries(value []string) SetBunnyAiImageBlueprints(value []BunnyAiImageBlueprintable) SetBurstSize(value *int32) SetCacheControlMaxAgeOverride(value *int64) SetCacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride(value *int64) SetCacheErrorResponses(value *bool) SetCacheVersion(value *float64) SetCnameDomain(value *string) SetConnectionLimitPerIPCount(value *int32) SetCookieVaryParameters(value []string) SetDisableCookies(value *bool) SetDisableLetsEncrypt(value *bool) SetDnsRecordId(value *int64) SetDnsRecordValue(value *string) SetDnsZoneId(value *int64) SetEdgeScriptExecutionPhase(value *float64) SetEdgeScriptId(value *int64) SetEnableAccessControlOriginHeader(value *bool) SetEnableAutoSSL(value *bool) SetEnableAvifVary(value *bool) SetEnableBunnyImageAi(value *bool) SetEnableCacheSlice(value *bool) SetEnableCookieVary(value *bool) SetEnableCountryCodeVary(value *bool) SetEnabled(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneAF(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneASIA(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneEU(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneSA(value *bool) SetEnableGeoZoneUS(value *bool) SetEnableHostnameVary(value *bool) SetEnableLogging(value *bool) SetEnableMobileVary(value *bool) SetEnableOriginShield(value *bool) SetEnableQueryStringOrdering(value *bool) SetEnableRequestCoalescing(value *bool) SetEnableSafeHop(value *bool) SetEnableSmartCache(value *bool) SetEnableTLS1(value *bool) SetEnableTLS11(value *bool) SetEnableWebPVary(value *bool) SetErrorPageCustomCode(value *string) SetErrorPageEnableCustomCode(value *bool) SetErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget(value *bool) SetErrorPageStatuspageCode(value *string) SetErrorPageWhitelabel(value *bool) SetEUUSDiscount(value *int32) SetFollowRedirects(value *bool) SetHostnames(value []Hostnameable) SetId(value *int64) SetIgnoreQueryStrings(value *bool) SetLimitRateAfter(value *float64) SetLimitRatePerSecond(value *float64) SetLogAnonymizationType(value *float64) SetLogFormat(value *float64) SetLogForwardingEnabled(value *bool) SetLogForwardingFormat(value *float64) SetLogForwardingHostname(value *string) SetLogForwardingPort(value *int32) SetLogForwardingProtocol(value *float64) SetLogForwardingToken(value *string) SetLoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled(value *bool) SetLoggingSaveToStorage(value *bool) SetLoggingStorageZoneId(value *int64) SetMagicContainersAppId(value *string) SetMagicContainersEndpointId(value *int64) SetMiddlewareScriptId(value *int64) SetMonthlyBandwidthLimit(value *int64) SetMonthlyBandwidthUsed(value *int64) SetMonthlyCharges(value *float64) SetName(value *string) SetOptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerDesktopMaxWidth(value *int32) SetOptimizerEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerEnableManipulationEngine(value *bool) SetOptimizerEnableWebP(value *bool) SetOptimizerForceClasses(value *bool) SetOptimizerImageQuality(value *int32) SetOptimizerMinifyCSS(value *bool) SetOptimizerMinifyJavaScript(value *bool) SetOptimizerMobileImageQuality(value *int32) SetOptimizerMobileMaxWidth(value *int32) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressBypassCookie(value *string) SetOptimizerStaticHtmlWordPressPath(value *string) SetOptimizerWatermarkEnabled(value *bool) SetOptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize(value *int32) SetOptimizerWatermarkOffset(value *float64) 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