Imagine you have a bunch of number cards. This program is like a helper that looks at all your cards and tells you which one has the smallest number and which one has the biggest number. You just need to tell the helper what numbers are on your cards, and it will figure out the smallest and biggest for you!
Now, let's go through the thought process of writing this code:
First, we think about what we want to do: find the minimum and maximum numbers from a list of numbers given by the user.
We realize the user will give us these numbers when they run the program, so we need to get those inputs. In Go, we can use os.Args for this.
We should check if the user gave us any numbers at all. If not, we'll tell them we need at least one number.
Now, we need to look at each number the user gave us. We'll use a loop for this.
The numbers come in as strings, so we need to convert them to actual numbers (floats in this case) that we can compare.
We need to keep track of the smallest and largest numbers we've seen. We'll use variables for this.
For the first number we successfully convert, we'll set it as both the minimum and maximum.
For each number after that, we'll compare it to our current minimum and maximum, updating them if we find a new smallest or largest.
After we've looked at all the numbers, we'll tell the user what the smallest and largest numbers were.
We should also think about what to do if the user gives us something that's not a number. In this case, we just skip it and move on to the next input.