A labeler for GitHub issues and pull requests.
labeler [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-o, --owner= GitHub Owner/Org name [$GITHUB_ACTOR]
-r, --repo= GitHub Repo name [$GITHUB_REPO]
-t, --type= The target event type to label (issues or pull_request) [$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME]
--id= The integer id of the issue or pull request
--data= A JSON string of the 'event' type (issue event or pull request event)'
-v, --version Display version information
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Example usage:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=yourtoken
./labeler -o jimschubert -r labeler -type pull_request -id 1
This will evaluate the configuration file for the repository and apply any relevant labels to PR #1.
The configuration file must be located in the target repository at .github/labeler.yml
, and the contents must follow either the simple schema or the full schema.
Feel free to use one of the following schema examples to get started.
Simple Schema
# labeler "simple" schema
# Comment is applied to both issues and pull requests.
# If you need a more robust solution, consider the "full" schema.
comment: |
π Thanks for this!
π· I have applied any labels matching special text in your issue.
Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.
# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are array of string patterns to match against title + body in issues/prs
- '\bbug[s]?\b'
'help wanted':
- '\bhelp( wanted)?\b'
- '\bduplicate\b'
- '\bdupe\b'
- '\benhancement\b'
- '\bquestion\b'
Full Schema
# labeler "full" schema
# enable labeler on issues, prs, or both.
issues: true
prs: true
# comments object allows you to specify a different message for issues and prs
issues: |
Thanks for opening this issue!
I have applied any labels matching special text in your title and description.
Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.
prs: |
Thanks for the contribution!
I have applied any labels matching special text in your title and description.
Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.
# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are objects of { include: [ pattern ], exclude: [ pattern ] }
# - pattern must be a valid regex, and is applied globally to
# title + description of issues and/or prs (see enabled config above)
# - 'include' patterns will associate a label if any of these patterns match
# - 'exclude' patterns will ignore this label if any of these patterns match
- '\bbug[s]?\b'
exclude: []
'help wanted':
- '\bhelp( me)?\b'
- '\b\[test(ing)?\]\b'
- '\bfeat\b'
exclude: []
Build a local distribution for evaluation using goreleaser.
goreleaser release --skip-publish --snapshot --rm-dist
This will create an executable application for your os/architecture under dist
βββ labeler_darwin_amd64
βΒ Β βββ labeler
βββ labeler_linux_386
βΒ Β βββ labeler
βββ labeler_linux_amd64
βΒ Β βββ labeler
βββ labeler_linux_arm64
βΒ Β βββ labeler
βββ labeler_linux_arm_6
βΒ Β βββ labeler
βββ labeler_windows_amd64
βββ labeler.exe
The labeler project is licensed under Apache 2.0
labeler is a rewrite of an earlier GitHub App I wrote (see auto-labeler). I've rewritten that app to replace the license while making the tool reusable across CI tools and operating systems.