Micro Bot
The micro bot is a bot that sits inside your microservices platform which you can interact with via Slack, HipChat, XMPP, etc.
It mimics the functions of the CLI via messaging.
Getting Started
Install Micro
go get github.com/micro/micro
Run with Slack
$ micro bot --inputs=slack --slack_token=SLACK_TOKEN

Run with HipChat
$ micro bot --inputs=hipchat --hipchat_username=XMPP_USER --hipchat_password=XMPP_PASSWORD

Use multiple inputs by specifying a comma separated list
$ micro bot --inputs=hipchat,slack --slack_token=SLACK_TOKEN --hipchat_username=XMPP_USER --hipchat_password=XMPP_PASSWORD
In slack
$ micro help
deregister service [definition] - Deregisters a service
echo [text] - Returns the [text]
get service [name] - Returns a registered service
health [service] - Returns health of a service
hello - Returns a greeting
list services - Returns a list of registered services
ping - Returns pong
query [service] [method] [request] - Returns the response for a service query
register service [definition] - Registers a service
the three laws - Returns the three laws of robotics
time - Returns the server time
Adding new Commands
Commands are functions executed by the bot based on text based pattern matching.
Write a Command
import "github.com/micro/micro/bot/command"
func Ping() command.Command {
usage := "ping"
description := "Returns pong"
return command.NewCommand("ping", usage, desc, func(args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("pong"), nil
Register the command
Add the command to the Commands map with a pattern key that can be matched by golang/regexp.Match
import "github.com/micro/micro/bot/command"
func init() {
command.Commands["^ping$"] = Ping()
Link the Command
Drop a link to your command into the top level dir
import _ "path/to/import"
Inputs are plugins for communication e.g Slack, HipChat, XMPP, IRC, SMTP, etc, etc.
New inputs can be added in the following way.
Write an input that satisfies the Input interface.
type Input interface {
// Provide cli flags
Flags() []cli.Flag
// Initialise input using cli context
Init(*cli.Context) error
// Stream events from the input
Stream() (Conn, error)
// Start the input
Start() error
// Stop the input
Stop() error
// name of the input
String() string
Add the input to the Inputs map.
import "github.com/micro/micro/bot/input"
func init() {
input.Inputs["name"] = MyInput
Drop a link to your input into the top level dir
import _ "path/to/import"