Generates arbitrary amount of fake companies JSON information, useful for tests where big datasets are required (e.x: 1GB+ fake data). I developed this project when I wanted to have large amount of data (hundreds of thounsands of data) for indexing it and testing a real time search at scale using a TypeSense search index component.
TypeSense is an easy tool to create real time search indexes that can be selfhosted or hosted in the cloud, its pricing model tends to scale better than Algolia's, it's relatively lightweight on resources and for simple solutions it may help develop real-time search indexes without using more complex, robust, expensive technology like ElasticSearch.
Known limitations:
Because this program is not optimized for low memory footprint using advanced techniques like batch processing it can use a lot of RAM depending on the amount of generated inputs.
Nonetheless it is perfectly viable to generate up to 10 millions of entries (1.6GB) in about 10 seconds using a 32GB RAM machine. Time may vary depending on the used SSD, processor and other computer specs.
FYI: In a 16GB of RAM machine I used some time ago, generating 1 million of different inputs took about 10 seconds.
Example usage:
Running the program locally
- Git
- Golang 1.22 installed and available in the path
- Get the source code using the following command
git clone
cd companies-json-generator
- Execute the following command from a shell (replace the output path with an appropriate path)
go run src/main.go /output/path/goes/here/companies.json
After that you'll be prompted for the num of companies to generate, enter that number and you'll have the companies generated in the output path you specified before
Running the program using a container (Docker)
- Git (if you're going to build the container from source code and run it)
- Docker installed and available in the path
- (For Docker Desktop Users): Verify that Docker Desktop is running if you're using it
Instructions for running it easily
For convenience a DockerHub image has been published so you don't need to build it, just run it like so
Linux and MacOS
docker run jigth/companies-generator -v ./:/app companies.json 30 # This will create 30 JSON elements in a file called companies-sample.json in your current folder
The only difference is the backslash because Windows uses them for creating folders hierarchies (paths)
docker run jigth/companies-generator -v .\:/app companies.json 30 # This will create 30 JSON elements in a file called companies-sample.json in your current folder
Instructions for building the container and running it.
Because this program is used to generate data and then its lifecycle ends a volume will be needed to be able to get the output.
- First build the image
docker build -t companies-generator .
- Run it with the same instructions as the section above (Instructions for running it easily), just change "jigth/companies-generator" to "companies-generator".
Daniel Ochoa Montes