SSH Honeypot
Run a SSH server and collect passwords and fingerprints of public keys. The server itself is completely stripped down to only log connection parameters and always reject any connection attempt
Config options
HONEYPOT_ADDR what address to bind to, default is
HONEYPOT_PORT what port to bind on, default is 22
HONEYPOT_LOGTYPE log to file or standard out, values "stdout" or "file", default is "stdout"
HONEYPOT_LOGDEST log file path, if LOGTYPE is "file", default is "honeypot.log"
HONEYPOT_LOGFORMAT how to log data, formated sring or json, values "string" or "json", default is string
HONEYPOT_SERVERKEY path to ssh server key, key must be unencrypted, default is "honeypot_rsa"
Sample Logs
Formatted string
2020/03/23 22:34:15 ssh-honeypot: user: root pubkey: SHA256:is4gTi9Lzdi4zRaW8MdKnLSGAETWb8cfwc8oht2usMo ipaddr: type: ssh-rsa
2020/03/23 22:34:15 ssh-honeypot: user: root password: foobar ipaddr:
2020/03/23 22:38:52 ssh-honeypot: {"user":"root","pubkey":"SHA256:is4gTi9Lzdi4zRaW8MdKnLSGAETWb8cfwc8oht2usMo","ipaddr":"","keytype":"ssh-rsa"}
2020/03/23 22:38:52 ssh-honeypot: {"user":"root","password":"foobar","ipaddr":""}