Tool to easily list and delete AWS resources
Warning: All delete commands will delete resources with no warning, use the --dry-run flag for any delete command to preview what resources will be deleted
The command supports iterating all regions and only supports the following AWS resources
aws-resource list --help
List AWS resources
aws-resource list ec2
aws-resource list elb
aws-resource list elbv2
aws-resource list images
aws-resource list route53
aws-resource list snapshots
aws-resource list volumes
aws-resource list [flags]
aws-resource list [command]
Available Commands:
all List all AWS resources
ec2 List EC2 instances
elb List ELB instances
elbv2 List ELBv2 instances
images List AMIs
route53 List route53 resources
snapshots List EBS snapshots
volumes List EBS volumes
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-p, --profile string AWS Profile
-r, --region string AWS Region (default "us-east-1")
-a, --role-arn string AWS IAM Role ARN
Global flags
Each command supports the following flags;
list/delete resources in a specific AWS region
use a specific AWS profile configure in your local AWS credential configuration
assume the AWS IAM role before running any operations
Assuming roles
The aws-resource
tool supports assuming IAM roles. You can pass the --role-arn
flag to any command to first assume the role and then run the operation
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
"Account": "123456789101",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789101:user/jaharrin"
$ aws-resource whoami --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::234567891011:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole"
I: AWS Account: 234567891011
General usage
Use the aws-resource tool to list all supported resources in all regions;
$ aws-resource list all
I: Listing all resources
I: Listing ec2 instances
I: Found 1 running instances in ap-northeast-3
I: Found 7 running instances in us-east-1
I: Listing elb instances
I: Found 1 running load balancers in us-east-1
I: Found 1 running load balancers in us-east-2
I: Listing elbv2 instances
I: Found 2 running v2 load balancers in us-east-1
I: Found 2 running v2 load balancers in us-east-2
I: Listing route53 hosted zones
I: Found 6 hosted zones
I: Listing ebs snapshots
I: Found 2 snapshots in us-east-1
I: Listing ebs volumes
I: Found 1 volumes in ap-northeast-3
I: 1 attached volumes in ap-northeast-3
I: 0 unattached volumes in ap-northeast-3
I: Found 12 volumes in us-east-1
I: 12 attached volumes in us-east-1
I: 0 unattached volumes in us-east-1
I: Found 27 volumes in us-east-2
I: 11 attached volumes in us-east-2
I: 16 unattached volumes in us-east-2
You can list specific resources, some commands have additional flags to output extra information like tags and creation date;
aws-resource list ec2 --instance-names --launch-time --instance-type --image-id
I: Listing ec2 instances
I: Found 1 running instances in ap-northeast-3
I: Instance has no tag "Name", 2021-12-07 17:44:09 +0000 UTC, t2.micro, ami-070dd2ec8c4a6df38
I: Found 7 running instances in us-east-1
I: jh-kp6v5-master-2, 2021-09-29 13:01:04 +0000 UTC, m5.2xlarge, ami-093573e55a618974b
I: jh-kp6v5-master-1, 2021-09-29 13:01:01 +0000 UTC, m5.2xlarge, ami-093573e55a618974b
I: jh-kp6v5-master-0, 2021-09-29 13:01:01 +0000 UTC, m5.2xlarge, ami-093573e55a618974b
I: jh-kp6v5-worker-us-east-1a-6jxsz, 2021-09-29 13:10:36 +0000 UTC, m5.xlarge, ami-01ea0772949cb189a
I: jh-kp6v5-worker-us-east-1a-s5xmx, 2021-09-29 13:11:30 +0000 UTC, m5.xlarge, ami-01ea0772949cb189a
I: jh-kp6v5-infra-us-east-1a-xxpdl, 2021-09-29 13:30:32 +0000 UTC, r5.xlarge, ami-093573e55a618974b
I: jh-kp6v5-infra-us-east-1a-7qmqb, 2021-09-29 13:30:29 +0000 UTC, r5.xlarge, ami-093573e55a618974b