Tracking container vulnerabilities, that's should be Hyperclair
Tracking vulnerabilities in your container images, it's easy with CoreOS Clair.
Integrate it inside your CI/CD pipeline is easier with Hyperclair.
Hyperclair is a lightweight api doing the bridge between Registries as Docker Hub, Docker Registry or Quay.io, and the CoreOS vulnerability tracker, Clair.
It's easily integrated< in your CI/CD pipeline, mapping Registry events on its api, and Hyperclair will play as reverse proxy for authentication.
The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. The Registry is open-source, under the permissive Apache license.
From https://docs.docker.com/registry/
Clair is a container vulnerability analysis service. It provides a list of vulnerabilities that threaten a container, and can notify users when new vulnerabilities that affect existing containers become known.
From https://github.com/coreos/clair
hyperclair is tool to make the link between the Docker Registry and the CoreOS Clair tool.
- Api:
hyperclair serve
run a web server to interact with the Registry and Clair. It play as Reverse Proxy for Registry Authentication
- On-Demand: the CLI tool is used to pull image from Registry then push it to Clair
hyperclair get vulnerabilities report from Clair and generate HTML report
hyperclair can be used for Docker Hub and self-hosted Registry
Analyse your docker image with Clair, directly from your registry.
hyperclair [command]
Available Commands:
analyse Analyse Docker image
health Get Health of Hyperclair and underlying services
pull Pull Docker image information
push Push Docker image to Clair
report Generate Docker Image vulnerabilities report
serve Create hyperclair Server
version Get Versions of Hyperclair and underlying services
--config string config file (default is ./.hyperclair.yml)
-h, --help help for hyperclair
Use "hyperclair [command] --help" for more information about a command.
port: 6060
uri: http://clair
priority: Low
path: reports
format: html
user: jgsqware
password: jgsqware
insecureSkipVerify: true
uri: http://hyperclair
port: 9999
- Analyzing Official Docker image is disallowed. You cannot pull layers from image you don't own.
Contribution and Test
Go to /contrib folder