Index ¶
- Variables
- func GetGenericRepoSchema(repoType string) map[string]*schema.Schema
- func GetJavaRepoSchema(repoType string, suppressPom bool) map[string]*schema.Schema
- func GetPackageType(repoType string) string
- func GetTerraformLocalSchema(registryType string) map[string]*schema.Schema
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalAlpineRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalCargoRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalDebianRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalDockerV1Repository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalDockerV2Repository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalGenericRepository(repoType string) *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalJavaRepository(repoType string, suppressPom bool) *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalNugetRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalRpmRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryLocalTerraformRepository(registryType string) *schema.Resource
- type AlpineLocalRepoParams
- type CargoLocalRepoParams
- type DebianLocalRepositoryParams
- type DockerLocalRepositoryParams
- type JavaLocalRepositoryParams
- type NugetLocalRepositoryParams
- type RepositoryBaseParams
- type RpmLocalRepositoryParams
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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var AlpineLocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "primary_keypair_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Used to sign index files in Alpine Linux repositories. " + "See:", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema("local", "alpine"), repository.CompressionFormats, )
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var BaseLocalRepoSchema = map[string]*schema.Schema{ "key": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: repository.RepoKeyValidator, Description: "A mandatory identifier for the repository that must be unique. Must be 3 - 10 lowercase alphanumeric and hyphen characters. It cannot begin with a number or contain spaces or special characters.", }, "project_key": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateDiagFunc: validator.ProjectKey, Description: "Project key for assigning this repository to. Must be 2 - 20 lowercase alphanumeric and hyphen characters. When assigning repository to a project, repository key must be prefixed with project key, separated by a dash.", }, "project_environments": { Type: schema.TypeSet, Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, MinItems: 1, MaxItems: 2, Set: schema.HashString, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "Project environment for assigning this repository to. Allow values: \"DEV\" or \"PROD\". " + "The attribute should only be used if the repository is already assigned to the existing project. If not, " + "the attribute will be ignored by Artifactory, but will remain in the Terraform state, which will create " + "state drift during the update.", }, "package_type": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: false, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "description": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "notes": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "includes_pattern": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "List of artifact patterns to include when evaluating artifact requests in the form of x/y/**/z/*. When used, only artifacts matching one of the include patterns are served. By default, all artifacts are included (**/*).", }, "excludes_pattern": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "List of artifact patterns to exclude when evaluating artifact requests, in the form of x/y/**/z/*. By default no artifacts are excluded.", }, "repo_layout_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateDiagFunc: repository.ValidateRepoLayoutRefSchemaOverride, Description: "Sets the layout that the repository should use for storing and identifying modules. A recommended layout that corresponds to the package type defined is suggested, and index packages uploaded and calculate metadata accordingly.", }, "blacked_out": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, the repository does not participate in artifact resolution and new artifacts cannot be deployed.", }, "xray_index": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Enable Indexing In Xray. Repository will be indexed with the default retention period. You will be able to change it via Xray settings.", }, "priority_resolution": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Setting repositories with priority will cause metadata to be merged only from repositories set with this field", }, "property_sets": { Type: schema.TypeSet, Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, Set: schema.HashString, Optional: true, Description: "List of property set name", }, "archive_browsing_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Description: "When set, you may view content such as HTML or Javadoc files directly from Artifactory.\nThis may not be safe and therefore requires strict content moderation to prevent malicious users from uploading content that may compromise security (e.g., cross-site scripting attacks).", }, "download_direct": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Description: "When set, download requests to this repository will redirect the client to download the artifact directly from the cloud storage provider. Available in Enterprise+ and Edge licenses only.", }, "cdn_redirect": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, download requests to this repository will redirect the client to download the artifact directly from AWS CloudFront. Available in Enterprise+ and Edge licenses only. Default value is 'false'", }, }
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var CargoLocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "anonymous_access": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Cargo client does not send credentials when performing download and search for crates. Enable this to allow anonymous access to these resources (only), note that this will override the security anonymous access option. Default value is 'false'.", }, "enable_sparse_index": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Enable internal index support based on Cargo sparse index specifications, instead of the default git index. Default value is 'false'.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema("local", "cargo"), repository.CompressionFormats, )
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var DebianLocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "primary_keypair_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Used to sign index files in Debian artifacts. ", }, "secondary_keypair_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Used to sign index files in Debian artifacts. ", }, "trivial_layout": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, the repository will use the deprecated trivial layout.", Deprecated: "You shouldn't be using this", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema("local", "debian"), repository.CompressionFormats, )
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var DockerV1LocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "max_unique_tags": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, "tag_retention": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Computed: true, }, "block_pushing_schema1": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Computed: true, }, "api_version": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema("local", "docker"), )
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var DockerV2LocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "max_unique_tags": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 0, Description: "The maximum number of unique tags of a single Docker image to store in this repository.\n" + "Once the number tags for an image exceeds this setting, older tags are removed. A value of 0 (default) indicates there is no limit.\n" + "This only applies to manifest v2", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.IntAtLeast(0)), }, "tag_retention": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Computed: false, Description: "If greater than 1, overwritten tags will be saved by their digest, up to the set up number. This only applies to manifest V2", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.IntAtLeast(1)), }, "block_pushing_schema1": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "When set, Artifactory will block the pushing of Docker images with manifest v2 schema 1 to this repository.", }, "api_version": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, Description: "The Docker API version to use. This cannot be set", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema("local", "docker"), )
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var NugetLocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "max_unique_snapshots": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 0, Description: "The maximum number of unique snapshots of a single artifact to store.\nOnce the number of " + "snapshots exceeds this setting, older versions are removed.\nA value of 0 (default) indicates there is no limit, and unique snapshots are not cleaned up.", }, "force_nuget_authentication": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Force basic authentication credentials in order to use this repository.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema("local", "nuget"), )
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var PackageTypesLikeGeneric = []string{
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var RpmLocalSchema = util.MergeMaps( BaseLocalRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "yum_root_depth": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 0, ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.IntAtLeast(0)), Description: "The depth, relative to the repository's root folder, where RPM metadata is created. " + "This is useful when your repository contains multiple RPM repositories under parallel hierarchies. " + "For example, if your RPMs are stored under 'fedora/linux/$releasever/$basearch', specify a depth of 4.", }, "calculate_yum_metadata": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, "enable_file_lists_indexing": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, "yum_group_file_names": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateDiagFunc: validator.CommaSeperatedList, Description: "A comma separated list of XML file names containing RPM group component definitions. Artifactory includes " + "the group definitions as part of the calculated RPM metadata, as well as automatically generating a " + "gzipped version of the group files, if required.", }, "primary_keypair_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringIsNotEmpty), Description: "Primary keypair used to sign artifacts.", }, "secondary_keypair_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringIsNotEmpty), Description: "Secondary keypair used to sign artifacts.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, "rpm"), )
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var UnpackLocalJavaRepository = func(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string, repoType string) JavaLocalRepositoryParams { d := &util.ResourceData{ResourceData: data} return JavaLocalRepositoryParams{ RepositoryBaseParams: UnpackBaseRepo(rclass, data, repoType), ChecksumPolicyType: d.GetString("checksum_policy_type", false), SnapshotVersionBehavior: d.GetString("snapshot_version_behavior", false), MaxUniqueSnapshots: d.GetInt("max_unique_snapshots", false), HandleReleases: d.GetBool("handle_releases", false), HandleSnapshots: d.GetBool("handle_snapshots", false), SuppressPomConsistencyChecks: d.GetBool("suppress_pom_consistency_checks", false), } }
Functions ¶
func GetGenericRepoSchema ¶ added in v6.21.4
func GetJavaRepoSchema ¶ added in v6.21.4
func GetPackageType ¶ added in v6.9.0
GetPackageType `packageType` in the API call payload for Terraform repositories must be "terraform", but we use `terraform_module` and `terraform_provider` as a package types in the Provider. GetPackageType function corrects this discrepancy.
func GetTerraformLocalSchema ¶ added in v6.21.4
func ResourceArtifactoryLocalTerraformRepository ¶ added in v6.9.0
Types ¶
type AlpineLocalRepoParams ¶ added in v6.21.4
type AlpineLocalRepoParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams PrimaryKeyPairRef string `hcl:"primary_keypair_ref" json:"primaryKeyPairRef"` }
func UnpackLocalAlpineRepository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalAlpineRepository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) AlpineLocalRepoParams
type CargoLocalRepoParams ¶ added in v6.21.4
type CargoLocalRepoParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams AnonymousAccess bool `json:"cargoAnonymousAccess"` EnableSparseIndex bool `json:"cargoInternalIndex"` }
func UnpackLocalCargoRepository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalCargoRepository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) CargoLocalRepoParams
type DebianLocalRepositoryParams ¶ added in v6.21.4
type DebianLocalRepositoryParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams TrivialLayout bool `hcl:"trivial_layout" json:"debianTrivialLayout"` IndexCompressionFormats []string `hcl:"index_compression_formats" json:"optionalIndexCompressionFormats,omitempty"` PrimaryKeyPairRef string `hcl:"primary_keypair_ref" json:"primaryKeyPairRef,omitempty"` SecondaryKeyPairRef string `hcl:"secondary_keypair_ref" json:"secondaryKeyPairRef,omitempty"` }
func UnpackLocalDebianRepository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalDebianRepository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) DebianLocalRepositoryParams
type DockerLocalRepositoryParams ¶
type DockerLocalRepositoryParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams MaxUniqueTags int `hcl:"max_unique_tags" json:"maxUniqueTags"` DockerApiVersion string `hcl:"api_version" json:"dockerApiVersion"` TagRetention int `hcl:"tag_retention" json:"dockerTagRetention"` BlockPushingSchema1 bool `hcl:"block_pushing_schema1" json:"blockPushingSchema1"` }
func UnpackLocalDockerV1Repository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalDockerV1Repository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) DockerLocalRepositoryParams
func UnpackLocalDockerV2Repository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalDockerV2Repository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) DockerLocalRepositoryParams
type JavaLocalRepositoryParams ¶ added in v6.21.4
type JavaLocalRepositoryParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams ChecksumPolicyType string `hcl:"checksum_policy_type" json:"checksumPolicyType"` SnapshotVersionBehavior string `hcl:"snapshot_version_behavior" json:"snapshotVersionBehavior"` MaxUniqueSnapshots int `hcl:"max_unique_snapshots" json:"maxUniqueSnapshots"` HandleReleases bool `hcl:"handle_releases" json:"handleReleases"` HandleSnapshots bool `hcl:"handle_snapshots" json:"handleSnapshots"` SuppressPomConsistencyChecks bool `hcl:"suppress_pom_consistency_checks" json:"suppressPomConsistencyChecks"` }
type NugetLocalRepositoryParams ¶ added in v6.21.4
type NugetLocalRepositoryParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams MaxUniqueSnapshots int `hcl:"max_unique_snapshots" json:"maxUniqueSnapshots"` ForceNugetAuthentication bool `hcl:"force_nuget_authentication" json:"forceNugetAuthentication"` }
func UnpackLocalNugetRepository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalNugetRepository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) NugetLocalRepositoryParams
type RepositoryBaseParams ¶ added in v6.10.0
type RepositoryBaseParams struct { Key string `hcl:"key" json:"key,omitempty"` ProjectKey string `json:"projectKey"` ProjectEnvironments []string `json:"environments"` Rclass string `json:"rclass"` PackageType string `hcl:"package_type" json:"packageType,omitempty"` Description string `hcl:"description" json:"description,omitempty"` Notes string `hcl:"notes" json:"notes,omitempty"` IncludesPattern string `hcl:"includes_pattern" json:"includesPattern,omitempty"` ExcludesPattern string `hcl:"excludes_pattern" json:"excludesPattern,omitempty"` RepoLayoutRef string `hcl:"repo_layout_ref" json:"repoLayoutRef,omitempty"` BlackedOut *bool `hcl:"blacked_out" json:"blackedOut,omitempty"` XrayIndex bool `json:"xrayIndex"` PropertySets []string `hcl:"property_sets" json:"propertySets,omitempty"` ArchiveBrowsingEnabled *bool `hcl:"archive_browsing_enabled" json:"archiveBrowsingEnabled,omitempty"` DownloadRedirect *bool `hcl:"download_direct" json:"downloadRedirect,omitempty"` CdnRedirect *bool `json:"cdnRedirect"` PriorityResolution bool `hcl:"priority_resolution" json:"priorityResolution"` TerraformType string `json:"terraformType"` }
func UnpackBaseRepo ¶
func UnpackBaseRepo(rclassType string, s *schema.ResourceData, packageType string) RepositoryBaseParams
func UnpackLocalTerraformRepository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalTerraformRepository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string, registryType string) RepositoryBaseParams
func (RepositoryBaseParams) Id ¶ added in v6.10.0
func (bp RepositoryBaseParams) Id() string
type RpmLocalRepositoryParams ¶ added in v6.21.4
type RpmLocalRepositoryParams struct { RepositoryBaseParams RootDepth int `hcl:"yum_root_depth" json:"yumRootDepth"` CalculateYumMetadata bool `hcl:"calculate_yum_metadata" json:"calculateYumMetadata"` EnableFileListsIndexing bool `hcl:"enable_file_lists_indexing" json:"enableFileListsIndexing"` GroupFileNames string `hcl:"yum_group_file_names" json:"yumGroupFileNames"` PrimaryKeyPairRef string `hcl:"primary_keypair_ref" json:"primaryKeyPairRef"` SecondaryKeyPairRef string `hcl:"secondary_keypair_ref" json:"secondaryKeyPairRef"` }
func UnpackLocalRpmRepository ¶ added in v6.21.4
func UnpackLocalRpmRepository(data *schema.ResourceData, rclass string) RpmLocalRepositoryParams
Source Files
- local.go
- resource_artifactory_local_alpine_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_cargo_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_debian_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_docker_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_generic_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_java_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_nuget_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_rpm_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_local_terraform_repository.go
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