Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func JavaRemoteSchema(isResource bool, packageType string, suppressPom bool) map[string]*schema.Schema
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteAnsibleRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteBasicRepository(packageType string) *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteBowerRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteCargoRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteCocoapodsRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteComposerRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteConanRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteDockerRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteGenericRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteGoRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteHelmOciRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteHelmRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteHuggingFaceRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteJavaRepository(packageType string, suppressPom bool) *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteMavenRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteNpmRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteNugetRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteOciRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemotePypiRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteTerraformRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteVcsRepository() *schema.Resource
- func ResourceMavenStateUpgradeV1(_ context.Context, rawState map[string]interface{}, _ interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func ResourceStateUpgradeV1(_ context.Context, rawState map[string]interface{}, _ interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func ResourceStateUpgradeV2(_ context.Context, rawState map[string]interface{}, _ interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type AnsibleRepo
- type BowerRemoteRepo
- type CargoRemoteRepo
- type CocoapodsRemoteRepo
- type ComposerRemoteRepo
- type ConanRepo
- type DockerRemoteRepo
- type GenericRemoteRepo
- type GoRemoteRepo
- type HelmOciRemoteRepo
- type HelmRemoteRepo
- type HuggingFaceRepo
- type JavaRemoteRepo
- type MavenRemoteRepo
- type NpmRemoteRepo
- type NugetRemoteRepo
- type OciRemoteRepo
- type PypiRemoteRepo
- type RepositoryCurationParams
- type RepositoryRemoteBaseParams
- type RepositoryVcsParams
- type TerraformRemoteRepo
- type VcsRemoteRepo
Constants ¶
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const AnsiblePackageType = "ansible"
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const BowerPackageType = "bower"
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const CargoPackageType = "cargo"
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const CocoapodsPackageType = "cocoapods"
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const ComposerPackageType = "composer"
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const DockerPackageType = "docker"
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const GenericPackageType = "generic"
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const GoPackageType = "go"
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const HelmOciPackageType = "helmoci"
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const HelmPackageType = "helm"
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const HuggingFacePackageType = "huggingfaceml"
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const MavenPackageType = "maven"
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const NpmPackageType = "npm"
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const NugetPackageType = "nuget"
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const OciPackageType = "oci"
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const PypiPackageType = "pypi"
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const TerraformPackageType = "terraform"
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const VcsPackageType = "vcs"
Variables ¶
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var AnsibleSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", Description: "The remote repo URL. Default to ''", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, AnsiblePackageType), ) }
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var BaseRemoteRepoSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( repository.BaseRepoSchema, repository.ProxySchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: isResource, Optional: !isResource, ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Description: "This is a URL to the remote registry. Consider using HTTPS to ensure a secure connection.", }, "username": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "password": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Sensitive: true, }, "description": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, DiffSuppressFunc: func(_, old, new string, _ *schema.ResourceData) bool { return old == fmt.Sprintf("%s (local file cache)", new) }, Description: "Public description.", }, "remote_repo_layout_ref": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Repository layout key for the remote layout mapping. Repository can be created without this attribute (or set to an empty string). Once it's set, it can't be removed by passing an empty string or removing the attribute, that will be ignored by the Artifactory API. UI shows an error message, if the user tries to remove the value.", }, "hard_fail": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, Artifactory will return an error to the client that causes the build to fail if there " + "is a failure to communicate with this repository.", }, "offline": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "If set, Artifactory does not try to fetch remote artifacts. Only locally-cached artifacts are retrieved.", }, "blacked_out": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "(A.K.A 'Ignore Repository' on the UI) When set, the repository or its local cache do not participate in artifact resolution.", }, "xray_index": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Enable Indexing In Xray. Repository will be indexed with the default retention period. " + "You will be able to change it via Xray settings.", }, "store_artifacts_locally": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: true, Description: "When set, the repository should store cached artifacts locally. When not set, artifacts are not " + "stored locally, and direct repository-to-client streaming is used. This can be useful for multi-server " + "setups over a high-speed LAN, with one Artifactory caching certain data on central storage, and streaming " + "it directly to satellite pass-though Artifactory servers.", }, "socket_timeout_millis": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 15000, ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0), Description: "Network timeout (in ms) to use when establishing a connection and for unanswered requests. " + "Timing out on a network operation is considered a retrieval failure.", }, "local_address": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "The local address to be used when creating connections. " + "Useful for specifying the interface to use on systems with multiple network interfaces.", }, "retrieval_cache_period_seconds": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 7200, ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0), Description: "Metadata Retrieval Cache Period (Sec) in the UI. This value refers to the number of seconds to cache " + "metadata files before checking for newer versions on remote server. A value of 0 indicates no caching.", }, "metadata_retrieval_timeout_secs": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 60, ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0), Description: "Metadata Retrieval Cache Timeout (Sec) in the UI.This value refers to the number of seconds to wait " + "for retrieval from the remote before serving locally cached artifact or fail the request.", }, "missed_cache_period_seconds": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 1800, ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0), Description: "Missed Retrieval Cache Period (Sec) in the UI. The number of seconds to cache artifact retrieval " + "misses (artifact not found). A value of 0 indicates no caching.", }, "unused_artifacts_cleanup_period_hours": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 0, ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0), Description: "Unused Artifacts Cleanup Period (Hr) in the UI. The number of hours to wait before an artifact is " + "deemed 'unused' and eligible for cleanup from the repository. A value of 0 means automatic cleanup of cached artifacts is disabled.", }, "assumed_offline_period_secs": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 300, ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0), Description: "The number of seconds the repository stays in assumed offline state after a connection error. " + "At the end of this time, an online check is attempted in order to reset the offline status. " + "A value of 0 means the repository is never assumed offline.", }, "share_configuration": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, "synchronize_properties": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, remote artifacts are fetched along with their properties.", }, "block_mismatching_mime_types": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: true, Description: "If set, artifacts will fail to download if a mismatch is detected between requested and received " + "mimetype, according to the list specified in the system properties file under blockedMismatchingMimeTypes. " + "You can override by adding mimetypes to the override list 'mismatching_mime_types_override_list'.", }, "property_sets": { Type: schema.TypeSet, Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, Set: schema.HashString, Optional: true, Description: "List of property set names", }, "allow_any_host_auth": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "'Lenient Host Authentication' in the UI. Allow credentials of this repository to be used on requests redirected to any other host.", }, "enable_cookie_management": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Enables cookie management if the remote repository uses cookies to manage client state.", }, "bypass_head_requests": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Before caching an artifact, Artifactory first sends a HEAD request to the remote resource. " + "In some remote resources, HEAD requests are disallowed and therefore rejected, even though downloading the " + "artifact is allowed. When checked, Artifactory will bypass the HEAD request and cache the artifact directly using a GET request.", }, "priority_resolution": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Setting Priority Resolution takes precedence over the resolution order when resolving virtual " + "repositories. Setting repositories with priority will cause metadata to be merged only from repositories " + "set with a priority. If a package is not found in those repositories, Artifactory will merge from repositories marked as non-priority.", }, "client_tls_certificate": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "Client TLS certificate name.", }, "content_synchronisation": { Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Computed: true, MaxItems: 1, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "If set, Remote repository proxies a local or remote repository from another instance of Artifactory. Default value is 'false'.", }, "statistics_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "If set, Artifactory will notify the remote instance whenever an artifact in the Smart Remote Repository is downloaded locally so that it can update its download counter. Note that if this option is not set, there may be a discrepancy between the number of artifacts reported to have been downloaded in the different Artifactory instances of the proxy chain. Default value is 'false'.", }, "properties_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "If set, properties for artifacts that have been cached in this repository will be updated if they are modified in the artifact hosted at the remote Artifactory instance. The trigger to synchronize the properties is download of the artifact from the remote repository cache of the local Artifactory instance. Default value is 'false'.", }, "source_origin_absence_detection": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "If set, Artifactory displays an indication on cached items if they have been deleted from the corresponding repository in the remote Artifactory instance. Default value is 'false'", }, }, }, }, "query_params": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Custom HTTP query parameters that will be automatically included in all remote resource requests. " + "For example: `param1=val1¶m2=val2¶m3=val3`", }, "list_remote_folder_items": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: true, Description: "Lists the items of remote folders in simple and list browsing. The remote content is cached " + "according to the value of the 'Retrieval Cache Period'. Default value is 'true'.", }, "mismatching_mime_types_override_list": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateDiagFunc: validator.CommaSeperatedList, StateFunc: utilsdk.FormatCommaSeparatedString, Description: "The set of mime types that should override the block_mismatching_mime_types setting. " + "Eg: 'application/json,application/xml'. Default value is empty.", }, "download_direct": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, download requests to this repository will redirect the client to download the artifact " + "directly from the cloud storage provider. Available in Enterprise+ and Edge licenses only. Default value is 'false'.", }, "cdn_redirect": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, download requests to this repository will redirect the client to download the artifact directly from AWS CloudFront. Available in Enterprise+ and Edge licenses only. Default value is 'false'", }, "disable_url_normalization": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Whether to disable URL normalization, default is `false`.", }, "archive_browsing_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, you may view content such as HTML or Javadoc files directly from Artifactory.\nThis may not be safe and therefore requires strict content moderation to prevent malicious users from uploading content that may compromise security (e.g., cross-site scripting attacks).", }, }, ) }
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var BasicRepoSchema = func(packageType string, isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps(BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, packageType)) }
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var BowerRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), VcsRemoteRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "bower_registry_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Description: `Proxy remote Bower repository. Default value is "".`, }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, BowerPackageType), ) }
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var CargoRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { cargoSchema := utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "git_registry_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Description: `This is the index url, expected to be a git repository. Default value in UI is ""`, }, "anonymous_access": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Description: "(On the UI: Anonymous download and search) Cargo client does not send credentials when performing download and search for crates. " + "Enable this to allow anonymous access to these resources (only), note that this will override the security anonymous access option.", }, "enable_sparse_index": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Enable internal index support based on Cargo sparse index specifications, instead of the default git index. Default value is 'false'.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, CargoPackageType), ) if isResource { cargoSchema["git_registry_url"].Required = true } else { cargoSchema["git_registry_url"].Optional = true } return cargoSchema }
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var CocoapodsRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps(BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), VcsRemoteRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "pods_specs_repo_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Description: `Proxy remote CocoaPods Specs repositories. Default value is "".`, }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, CocoapodsPackageType)) }
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var ComposerRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), VcsRemoteRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "composer_registry_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Description: `Proxy remote Composer repository. Default value is "".`, }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, ComposerPackageType), ) }
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var ConanSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), repository.ConanBaseSchema, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, repository.ConanPackageType), ) }
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var CurationRemoteRepoSchema = map[string]*schema.Schema{ "curated": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Enable repository to be protected by the Curation service.", }, }
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var DockerRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), CurationRemoteRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "external_dependencies_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Also known as 'Foreign Layers Caching' on the UI, default is `false`.", }, "enable_token_authentication": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "Enable token (Bearer) based authentication.", }, "block_pushing_schema1": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "When set, Artifactory will block the pulling of Docker images with manifest v2 schema 1 from the remote repository (i.e. the upstream). It will be possible to pull images with manifest v2 schema 1 that exist in the cache.", }, "external_dependencies_patterns": { Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, }, RequiredWith: []string{"external_dependencies_enabled"}, Description: "An allow list of Ant-style path patterns that determine which remote VCS roots Artifactory will " + "follow to download remote modules from, when presented with 'go-import' meta tags in the remote repository response. " + "By default, this is set to '**' in the UI, which means that remote modules may be downloaded from any external VCS source." + "Due to SDKv2 limitations, we can't set the default value for the list." + "This value must be assigned to the attribute manually, if user don't specify any other non-default values." + "This attribute must be set together with `external_dependencies_enabled = true`", }, "project_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Use this attribute to enter your GCR, GAR Project Id to limit the scope of this remote repo to a specific project in your third-party registry. When leaving this field blank or unset, remote repositories that support project id will default to their default project as you have set up in your account.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, DockerPackageType), ) }
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var GenericRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { genericSchema := utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "propagate_query_params": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "When set, if query params are included in the request to Artifactory, they will be passed on to the remote repository.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, GenericPackageType), ) return genericSchema }
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var GoRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "vcs_git_provider": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "ARTIFACTORY", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringInSlice([]string{"GITHUB", "ARTIFACTORY"}, false)), Description: `Artifactory supports proxying the following Git providers out-of-the-box: GitHub or a remote Artifactory instance. Default value is "ARTIFACTORY".`, }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, GoPackageType), ) }
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var HelmOciRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "external_dependencies_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Also known as 'Foreign Layers Caching' on the UI, default is `false`.", }, "enable_token_authentication": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "Enable token (Bearer) based authentication.", }, "external_dependencies_patterns": { Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, }, RequiredWith: []string{"external_dependencies_enabled"}, Description: "Optional include patterns to match external URLs. Ant-style path expressions are supported (*, **, ?). " + "For example, specifying `**/**` will only allow downloading foreign layers from host." + "By default, this is set to '**' in the UI, which means that foreign layers may be downloaded from any external host." + "Due to Terraform SDKv2 limitations, we can't set the default value for the list." + "This value must be assigned to the attribute manually, if user don't specify any other non-default values." + "This attribute must be set together with `external_dependencies_enabled = true`", }, "project_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Use this attribute to enter your GCR, GAR Project Id to limit the scope of this remote repo to a specific " + "project in your third-party registry. When leaving this field blank or unset, remote repositories that support project id " + "will default to their default project as you have set up in your account.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, HelmOciPackageType), ) }
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var HelmRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "helm_charts_base_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc( validation.Any( validation.IsURLWithScheme([]string{"http", "https", "oci"}), validation.StringIsEmpty, ), ), Description: "Base URL for the translation of chart source URLs in the index.yaml of virtual repos. " + "Artifactory will only translate URLs matching the index.yamls hostname or URLs starting with this base url. " + "Support http/https/oci protocol scheme.", }, "external_dependencies_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Default: false, Optional: true, Description: "When set, external dependencies are rewritten. External Dependency Rewrite in the UI.", }, "external_dependencies_patterns": { Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, }, RequiredWith: []string{"external_dependencies_enabled"}, Description: "An allow list of Ant-style path patterns that determine which remote VCS roots Artifactory will " + "follow to download remote modules from, when presented with 'go-import' meta tags in the remote repository response." + "Default value in UI is empty. This attribute must be set together with `external_dependencies_enabled = true`", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, HelmPackageType), ) }
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var HuggingFaceSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", Description: "The remote repo URL. Default to ''", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, HuggingFacePackageType), ) }
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var MavenRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( JavaRemoteSchema(isResource, MavenPackageType, false), CurationRemoteRepoSchema, ) }
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var NpmRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), CurationRemoteRepoSchema, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, NpmPackageType), ) }
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var NugetRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "feed_context_path": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "api/v2", Description: `When proxying a remote NuGet repository, customize feed resource location using this attribute. Default value is 'api/v2'.`, }, "download_context_path": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "api/v2/package", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringIsNotEmpty), Description: `The context path prefix through which NuGet downloads are served. Default value is 'api/v2/package'.`, }, "v3_feed_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.Any(validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, validation.StringIsEmpty)), Description: `The URL to the NuGet v3 feed. Default value is ''.`, }, "force_nuget_authentication": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: `Force basic authentication credentials in order to use this repository. Default value is 'false'.`, }, "symbol_server_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.Any(validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, validation.StringIsEmpty)), Description: `NuGet symbol server URL.`, }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, NugetPackageType), ) }
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var OciRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "external_dependencies_enabled": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, Description: "Also known as 'Foreign Layers Caching' on the UI, default is `false`.", }, "enable_token_authentication": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "Enable token (Bearer) based authentication.", }, "external_dependencies_patterns": { Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, }, RequiredWith: []string{"external_dependencies_enabled"}, Description: "Optional include patterns to match external URLs. Ant-style path expressions are supported (*, **, ?). " + "For example, specifying `**/**` will only allow downloading foreign layers from host." + "By default, this is set to '**' in the UI, which means that foreign layers may be downloaded from any external host." + "Due to Terraform SDKv2 limitations, we can't set the default value for the list." + "This value must be assigned to the attribute manually, if user don't specify any other non-default values." + "This attribute must be set together with `external_dependencies_enabled = true`", }, "project_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Use this attribute to enter your GCR, GAR Project Id to limit the scope of this remote repo to a specific " + "project in your third-party registry. When leaving this field blank or unset, remote repositories that support project id " + "will default to their default project as you have set up in your account.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, OciPackageType), ) }
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var PackageTypesLikeBasic = []string{
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var PypiRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), CurationRemoteRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "pypi_registry_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS), Description: "To configure the remote repo to proxy public external PyPI repository, or a PyPI repository hosted on another Artifactory server. See JFrog Pypi documentation for the usage details. Default value is ''.", }, "pypi_repository_suffix": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "simple", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringIsNotEmpty), Description: "Usually should be left as a default for 'simple', unless the remote is a PyPI server that has custom registry suffix, like +simple in DevPI. Default value is 'simple'.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, PypiPackageType), ) }
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var TerraformRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), map[string]*schema.Schema{ "terraform_registry_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Default: "", Description: "The base URL of the registry API. When using Smart Remote Repositories, set the URL to" + " <base_Artifactory_URL>/api/terraform/repokey. Default value in UI is", }, "terraform_providers_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validation.IsURLWithHTTPorHTTPS, Default: "", Description: "The base URL of the Provider's storage API. When using Smart remote repositories, set " + "the URL to <base_Artifactory_URL>/api/terraform/repokey/providers. Default value in UI is", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, TerraformPackageType), ) }
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var VcsRemoteRepoSchema = map[string]*schema.Schema{ "vcs_git_provider": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: "GITHUB", ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringInSlice([]string{"GITHUB", "BITBUCKET", "OLDSTASH", "STASH", "ARTIFACTORY", "CUSTOM"}, false)), Description: `Artifactory supports proxying the following Git providers out-of-the-box: GitHub or a remote Artifactory instance. Default value is "GITHUB".`, }, "vcs_git_download_url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringIsNotEmpty), Description: `This attribute is used when vcs_git_provider is set to 'CUSTOM'. Provided URL will be used as proxy.`, }, }
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var VcsRemoteSchema = func(isResource bool) map[string]*schema.Schema { return utilsdk.MergeMaps( BaseRemoteRepoSchema(isResource), VcsRemoteRepoSchema, map[string]*schema.Schema{ "max_unique_snapshots": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 0, Description: "The maximum number of unique snapshots of a single artifact to store. Once the number of " + "snapshots exceeds this setting, older versions are removed. A value of 0 (default) indicates there is " + "no limit, and unique snapshots are not cleaned up.", }, }, repository.RepoLayoutRefSchema(rclass, VcsPackageType), ) }
Functions ¶
func JavaRemoteSchema ¶
func ResourceArtifactoryRemoteAnsibleRepository ¶ added in v11.3.0
func ResourceStateUpgradeV1 ¶
Types ¶
type AnsibleRepo ¶ added in v11.3.0
type AnsibleRepo struct {
type BowerRemoteRepo ¶
type BowerRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryVcsParams BowerRegistryUrl string `json:"bowerRegistryUrl"` }
type CargoRemoteRepo ¶
type CargoRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RegistryUrl string `hcl:"git_registry_url" json:"gitRegistryUrl"` AnonymousAccess bool `json:"cargoAnonymousAccess"` EnableSparseIndex bool `json:"cargoInternalIndex"` }
type CocoapodsRemoteRepo ¶
type CocoapodsRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryVcsParams PodsSpecsRepoUrl string `json:"podsSpecsRepoUrl"` }
type ComposerRemoteRepo ¶
type ComposerRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryVcsParams ComposerRegistryUrl string `json:"composerRegistryUrl"` }
type ConanRepo ¶
type ConanRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams repository.ConanBaseParams }
type DockerRemoteRepo ¶
type DockerRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryCurationParams ExternalDependenciesEnabled bool `json:"externalDependenciesEnabled"` ExternalDependenciesPatterns []string `json:"externalDependenciesPatterns,omitempty"` EnableTokenAuthentication bool `json:"enableTokenAuthentication"` BlockPushingSchema1 bool `hcl:"block_pushing_schema1" json:"blockPushingSchema1"` ProjectId string `json:"dockerProjectId"` }
type GenericRemoteRepo ¶
type GenericRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams PropagateQueryParams bool `json:"propagateQueryParams"` }
type GoRemoteRepo ¶
type GoRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams VcsGitProvider string `json:"vcsGitProvider"` }
type HelmOciRemoteRepo ¶
type HelmOciRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams ExternalDependenciesEnabled bool `json:"externalDependenciesEnabled"` ExternalDependenciesPatterns []string `json:"externalDependenciesPatterns,omitempty"` EnableTokenAuthentication bool `json:"enableTokenAuthentication"` ProjectId string `json:"dockerProjectId"` }
type HelmRemoteRepo ¶
type HelmRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams HelmChartsBaseURL string `hcl:"helm_charts_base_url" json:"chartsBaseUrl"` ExternalDependenciesEnabled bool `json:"externalDependenciesEnabled"` ExternalDependenciesPatterns []string `json:"externalDependenciesPatterns"` }
type HuggingFaceRepo ¶
type HuggingFaceRepo struct {
type JavaRemoteRepo ¶
type JavaRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams FetchJarsEagerly bool `json:"fetchJarsEagerly"` FetchSourcesEagerly bool `json:"fetchSourcesEagerly"` RemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType string `json:"remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType"` HandleReleases bool `json:"handleReleases"` HandleSnapshots bool `json:"handleSnapshots"` SuppressPomConsistencyChecks bool `json:"suppressPomConsistencyChecks"` RejectInvalidJars bool `json:"rejectInvalidJars"` MaxUniqueSnapshots int `json:"maxUniqueSnapshots"` }
func UnpackJavaRemoteRepo ¶
func UnpackJavaRemoteRepo(s *schema.ResourceData, repoType string) JavaRemoteRepo
type MavenRemoteRepo ¶
type MavenRemoteRepo struct { JavaRemoteRepo RepositoryCurationParams }
type NpmRemoteRepo ¶
type NpmRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryCurationParams }
type NugetRemoteRepo ¶
type NugetRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams FeedContextPath string `json:"feedContextPath"` DownloadContextPath string `json:"downloadContextPath"` V3FeedUrl string `hcl:"v3_feed_url" json:"v3FeedUrl"` // Forced to specify hcl tag because predicate is not parsed by packer.Universal function. ForceNugetAuthentication bool `json:"forceNugetAuthentication"` SymbolServerUrl string `json:"symbolServerUrl"` }
type OciRemoteRepo ¶
type OciRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams ExternalDependenciesEnabled bool `json:"externalDependenciesEnabled"` ExternalDependenciesPatterns []string `json:"externalDependenciesPatterns,omitempty"` EnableTokenAuthentication bool `json:"enableTokenAuthentication"` ProjectId string `json:"dockerProjectId"` }
type PypiRemoteRepo ¶
type PypiRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryCurationParams PypiRegistryUrl string `json:"pyPIRegistryUrl"` PypiRepositorySuffix string `json:"pyPIRepositorySuffix"` }
type RepositoryCurationParams ¶
type RepositoryCurationParams struct {
Curated bool `json:"curated"`
type RepositoryRemoteBaseParams ¶
type RepositoryRemoteBaseParams struct { Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` ProjectKey string `json:"projectKey"` ProjectEnvironments []string `json:"environments"` Rclass string `json:"rclass"` PackageType string `json:"packageType,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url"` Username string `json:"username"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` // must have 'omitempty' to avoid sending an empty string on update, if attribute is ignored by the provider. Proxy string `json:"proxy"` DisableProxy bool `json:"disableProxy"` Description string `json:"description"` Notes string `json:"notes"` IncludesPattern string `json:"includesPattern"` ExcludesPattern string `json:"excludesPattern"` RepoLayoutRef string `json:"repoLayoutRef"` RemoteRepoLayoutRef string `json:"remoteRepoLayoutRef"` HardFail *bool `json:"hardFail,omitempty"` Offline *bool `json:"offline,omitempty"` BlackedOut *bool `json:"blackedOut,omitempty"` XrayIndex bool `json:"xrayIndex"` QueryParams string `json:"queryParams,omitempty"` PriorityResolution bool `json:"priorityResolution"` StoreArtifactsLocally *bool `json:"storeArtifactsLocally,omitempty"` SocketTimeoutMillis int `json:"socketTimeoutMillis"` LocalAddress string `json:"localAddress"` RetrievalCachePeriodSecs int `hcl:"retrieval_cache_period_seconds" json:"retrievalCachePeriodSecs"` MissedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs int `hcl:"missed_cache_period_seconds" json:"missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs"` MetadataRetrievalTimeoutSecs int `json:"metadataRetrievalTimeoutSecs"` UnusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours int `json:"unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours"` AssumedOfflinePeriodSecs int `hcl:"assumed_offline_period_secs" json:"assumedOfflinePeriodSecs"` SynchronizeProperties *bool `hcl:"synchronize_properties" json:"synchronizeProperties"` BlockMismatchingMimeTypes *bool `hcl:"block_mismatching_mime_types" json:"blockMismatchingMimeTypes"` PropertySets []string `hcl:"property_sets" json:"propertySets,omitempty"` AllowAnyHostAuth *bool `hcl:"allow_any_host_auth" json:"allowAnyHostAuth,omitempty"` EnableCookieManagement *bool `hcl:"enable_cookie_management" json:"enableCookieManagement,omitempty"` BypassHeadRequests *bool `hcl:"bypass_head_requests" json:"bypassHeadRequests,omitempty"` ClientTlsCertificate string `hcl:"client_tls_certificate" json:"clientTlsCertificate,omitempty"` ContentSynchronisation *repository.ContentSynchronisation `hcl:"content_synchronisation" json:"contentSynchronisation,omitempty"` MismatchingMimeTypeOverrideList string `hcl:"mismatching_mime_types_override_list" json:"mismatchingMimeTypesOverrideList"` ListRemoteFolderItems bool `json:"listRemoteFolderItems"` DownloadRedirect bool `hcl:"download_direct" json:"downloadRedirect,omitempty"` CdnRedirect bool `json:"cdnRedirect"` DisableURLNormalization bool `hcl:"disable_url_normalization" json:"disableUrlNormalization"` ArchiveBrowsingEnabled *bool `json:"archiveBrowsingEnabled,omitempty"` }
func UnpackBaseRemoteRepo ¶
func UnpackBaseRemoteRepo(s *schema.ResourceData, packageType string) RepositoryRemoteBaseParams
func (RepositoryRemoteBaseParams) GetRclass ¶
func (r RepositoryRemoteBaseParams) GetRclass() string
func (RepositoryRemoteBaseParams) Id ¶
func (bp RepositoryRemoteBaseParams) Id() string
type RepositoryVcsParams ¶
type RepositoryVcsParams struct { VcsGitProvider string `json:"vcsGitProvider"` VcsGitDownloadUrl string `json:"vcsGitDownloadUrl"` }
func UnpackVcsRemoteRepo ¶
func UnpackVcsRemoteRepo(s *schema.ResourceData) RepositoryVcsParams
type TerraformRemoteRepo ¶
type TerraformRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams TerraformRegistryUrl string `json:"terraformRegistryUrl"` TerraformProvidersUrl string `json:"terraformProvidersUrl"` }
type VcsRemoteRepo ¶
type VcsRemoteRepo struct { RepositoryRemoteBaseParams RepositoryVcsParams MaxUniqueSnapshots int `json:"maxUniqueSnapshots"` }
Source Files
- curation.go
- remote.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_ansible_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_bower_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_cargo_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_cocoapods_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_composer_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_conan_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_docker_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_generic_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_go_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_helm_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_helmoci_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_huggingfaceml_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_java_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_maven_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_npm_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_nuget_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_oci_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_pypi_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_terraform_repository.go
- resource_artifactory_remote_vcs_repository.go
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