
v1.11.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Sep 27, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 43 Imported by: 3




View Source
const (
	JfrogCurationDirName = "curation"


	// #nosec G101 -- Not credentials.
	CurationSupportFlag = "JFROG_CLI_CURATION"
View Source
const (
	BaseDocumentationURL           = "https://docs.jfrog-applications.jfrog.io/jfrog-security-features/"
	CurrentWorkflowNameEnvVar      = "GITHUB_WORKFLOW"
	CurrentWorkflowRunNumberEnvVar = "GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER"
	CurrentWorkflowWorkspaceEnvVar = "GITHUB_WORKSPACE"

	MissingCveScore = "0"
View Source
const (
	PreFormat              HtmlTag = "<pre>%s</pre>"
	ImgTag                 HtmlTag = "<img alt=\"%s\" src=%s>"
	CenterContent          HtmlTag = "<div style=\"display: flex; align-items: center; text-align: center\">%s</div>"
	BoldTxt                HtmlTag = "<b>%s</b>"
	Link                   HtmlTag = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
	NewLine                HtmlTag = "<br>%s"
	DetailsWithSummary     HtmlTag = "<details><summary>%s</summary>%s</details>"
	DetailsOpenWithSummary HtmlTag = "<details open><summary><h3>%s</h3></summary>%s\n</details>"
	TabTag                 HtmlTag = "&Tab;%s"

	ApplicableStatusCount    SeverityDisplayStatus = "%d Applicable"
	NotApplicableStatusCount SeverityDisplayStatus = "%d Not Applicable"
View Source
const (
	TestMsi               = "27e175b8-e525-11ee-842b-7aa2c69b8f1f"
	TestScaScanId         = "3d90ec4b-cf33-4846-6831-4bf9576f2235"
	TestMoreInfoUrl       = "https://www.jfrog.com"
	TestConfigProfileName = "default-profile"
View Source
const (
	NodeModulesPattern     = "**/*node_modules*/**"
	JfMsiEnvVariable       = "JF_MSI"
	EntitlementsMinVersion = "3.66.5"
View Source
const (
	ContextualAnalysisScan       SubScanType        = "contextual_analysis"
	ScaScan                      SubScanType        = "sca"
	IacScan                      SubScanType        = "iac"
	SastScan                     SubScanType        = "sast"
	SecretsScan                  SubScanType        = "secrets"
	SecretTokenValidationScan    SubScanType        = "secrets_token_validation"
	ViolationTypeSecurity        ViolationIssueType = "security"
	ViolationTypeLicense         ViolationIssueType = "license"
	ViolationTypeOperationalRisk ViolationIssueType = "operational_risk"
View Source
const (
	NpmPackageTypeIdentifier = "npm://"


View Source
var (
	// Exclude pattern for files.
	DefaultJasExcludePatterns = []string{"**/.git/**", "**/*test*/**", "**/*venv*/**", NodeModulesPattern, "**/target/**"}
	// Exclude pattern for directories.
	DefaultScaExcludePatterns = []string{"*.git*", "*node_modules*", "*target*", "*venv*", "*test*"}
View Source
var (
	GithubBaseWorkflowDir = filepath.Join(".github", "workflows")


func CheckIfFailBuild

func CheckIfFailBuild(results []services.ScanResponse) bool

func CombineSarifOutputFiles added in v1.8.0

func CombineSarifOutputFiles(dataFilePaths []string) (data []byte, err error)

func ConvertXrayScanToSimpleJson

func ConvertXrayScanToSimpleJson(results *Results, isMultipleRoots, includeLicenses, simplifiedOutput bool, allowedLicenses []string) (formats.SimpleJsonResults, error)

func CreateRestsMockServer added in v1.1.0

func CreateRestsMockServer(testHandler restsTestHandler) *httptest.Server

Create mock server to test REST APIs. testHandler - The HTTP handler of the test

func CreateXrayRestsMockServer added in v1.8.0

func CreateXrayRestsMockServer(testHandler restsTestHandler) (*httptest.Server, *config.ServerDetails)

func CreateXscRestsMockServer added in v1.1.0

func CreateXscRestsMockServer(t *testing.T, testHandler restsTestHandler) (*httptest.Server, *config.ServerDetails, artifactory.ArtifactoryServicesManager)

func DumpContentToFile added in v1.9.0

func DumpContentToFile(fileContent []byte, scanResultsOutputDir string, scanType string) (err error)

func GenerateSarifReportFromResults added in v1.8.0

func GenerateSarifReportFromResults(results *Results, isMultipleRoots, includeLicenses bool, allowedLicenses []string, requestedScans []SubScanType) (report *sarif.Report, err error)

func GenerateSecuritySectionMarkdown added in v1.7.2

func GenerateSecuritySectionMarkdown(curationData []formats.ResultsSummary) (markdown string, err error)

func GetCurationCacheFolder added in v1.0.4

func GetCurationCacheFolder() (string, error)

func GetCurationCacheFolderByTech added in v1.3.0

func GetCurationCacheFolderByTech(tech techutils.Technology) (projectDir string, err error)

func GetCurationNugetCacheFolder added in v1.8.1

func GetCurationNugetCacheFolder() (string, error)

func GetCurationPipCacheFolder added in v1.1.0

func GetCurationPipCacheFolder() (string, error)

func GetDependenciesGraph added in v1.3.0

func GetDependenciesGraph(projectDir string) (map[string][]string, error)

func GetDependenciesList added in v1.3.0

func GetDependenciesList(projectDir string, errorFunc utils.HandleErrorFunc) (map[string]bool, error)

func GetIssueIdentifier

func GetIssueIdentifier(cvesRow []formats.CveRow, issueId string) string

func GetResultPropertyMetadata added in v1.10.0

func GetResultPropertyMetadata(result *sarif.Result) string

func GetResultPropertyTokenValidation added in v1.10.0

func GetResultPropertyTokenValidation(result *sarif.Result) string

func GetRuleUndeterminedReason added in v1.9.0

func GetRuleUndeterminedReason(rule *sarif.ReportingDescriptor) string

func GetScaScanFileName added in v1.6.0

func GetScaScanFileName(r *Results) string

func GetScanSummaryByTargets added in v1.7.2

func GetScanSummaryByTargets(r *Results, includeVulnerabilities, includeViolations bool, targets ...string) (summaries []formats.ScanSummary)

func GetUniqueKey

func GetUniqueKey(vulnerableDependency, vulnerableVersion, xrayID string, fixVersionExist bool) string

GetUniqueKey returns a unique string key of format "vulnerableDependency:vulnerableVersion:xrayID:fixVersionExist"

func GetViolatedLicenses

func GetViolatedLicenses(allowedLicenses []string, licenses []formats.LicenseRow) (violatedLicenses []formats.LicenseRow)

func IsEmptyScanResponse

func IsEmptyScanResponse(results []services.ScanResponse) bool

func JSONMarshalNotEscaped added in v1.8.0

func JSONMarshalNotEscaped(t interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func Md5Hash added in v1.8.0

func Md5Hash(values ...string) (string, error)

func MergeMaps added in v1.5.0

func MergeMaps(maps ...map[string]string) map[string]string

Merge multiple maps into one, the last map will override the previous ones

func NewFailBuildError

func NewFailBuildError() error

func NewSecurityJobSummary added in v1.7.2

func NewSecurityJobSummary() (js *commandsummary.CommandSummary, err error)

Manage the job summary for security commands

func PrepareIacs

func PrepareIacs(iacs []*sarif.Run) []formats.SourceCodeRow

Prepare iacs for all non-table formats (without style or emoji)

func PrepareLicenses

func PrepareLicenses(licenses []services.License) ([]formats.LicenseRow, error)

func PrepareSast

func PrepareSast(sasts []*sarif.Run) []formats.SourceCodeRow

func PrepareSecrets

func PrepareSecrets(secrets []*sarif.Run) []formats.SourceCodeRow

Prepare secrets for all non-table formats (without style or emoji)

func PrepareViolations

func PrepareViolations(violations []services.Violation, results *Results, multipleRoots, simplifiedOutput bool) ([]formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow, []formats.LicenseRow, []formats.OperationalRiskViolationRow, error)

Prepare violations for all non-table formats (without style or emoji)

func PrepareVulnerabilities

func PrepareVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities []services.Vulnerability, results *Results, multipleRoots, simplifiedOutput bool) ([]formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow, error)

Prepare vulnerabilities for all non-table formats (without style or emoji)

func PrintIacTable

func PrintIacTable(iacs []*sarif.Run, entitledForIacScan bool) error

func PrintJson

func PrintJson(output interface{}) error

func PrintLicensesTable

func PrintLicensesTable(licenses []services.License, printExtended bool, scanType CommandType) error

PrintLicensesTable prints the licenses in a table. Set multipleRoots to true in case the given licenses array contains (or may contain) results of several projects or files (like in binary scan). In case multipleRoots is true, the field Component will show the root of each impact path, otherwise it will show the root's child. Set printExtended to true to print fields with 'extended' tag. If the scan argument is set to true, print the scan tables.

func PrintSarif

func PrintSarif(results *Results, isMultipleRoots, includeLicenses bool, subScans []SubScanType) error

func PrintSastTable

func PrintSastTable(sast []*sarif.Run, entitledForSastScan bool) error

func PrintSecretsTable

func PrintSecretsTable(secrets []*sarif.Run, entitledForSecretsScan bool, tokenValidationEnabled bool) error

func PrintViolationsTable

func PrintViolationsTable(violations []services.Violation, results *Results, multipleRoots, printExtended bool) error

PrintViolationsTable prints the violations in 4 tables: security violations, license compliance violations, operational risk violations and ignore rule URLs. Set multipleRoots to true in case the given violations array contains (or may contain) results of several projects or files (like in binary scan). In case multipleRoots is true, the field Component will show the root of each impact path, otherwise it will show the root's child. In case one (or more) of the violations contains the field FailBuild set to true, CliError with exit code 3 will be returned. Set printExtended to true to print fields with 'extended' tag. If the scan argument is set to true, print the scan tables.

func PrintVulnerabilitiesTable

func PrintVulnerabilitiesTable(vulnerabilities []services.Vulnerability, results *Results, multipleRoots, printExtended bool, scanType CommandType) error

PrintVulnerabilitiesTable prints the vulnerabilities in a table. Set multipleRoots to true in case the given vulnerabilities array contains (or may contain) results of several projects or files (like in binary scan). In case multipleRoots is true, the field Component will show the root of each impact path, otherwise it will show the root's child. Set printExtended to true to print fields with 'extended' tag. If the scan argument is set to true, print the scan tables.

func RecordSarifOutput added in v1.8.0

func RecordSarifOutput(cmdResults *Results, supportedScans []SubScanType) (err error)

func RecordSecurityCommandSummary added in v1.7.2

func RecordSecurityCommandSummary(content ScanCommandResultSummary) (err error)

Record the security command outputs

func Sha1Hash added in v1.8.0

func Sha1Hash(values ...string) (string, error)

func SplitComponentId

func SplitComponentId(componentId string) (string, string, string)

SplitComponentId splits a Xray component ID to the component name, version and package type. In case componentId doesn't contain a version, the returned version will be an empty string. In case componentId's format is invalid, it will be returned as the component name and empty strings will be returned instead of the version and the package type. Examples:

  1. componentId: "gav://antparent:ant:1.6.5" Returned values: Component name: "antparent:ant" Component version: "1.6.5" Package type: "Maven"
  2. componentId: "generic://sha256:244fd47e07d1004f0aed9c156aa09083c82bf8944eceb67c946ff7430510a77b/foo.jar" Returned values: Component name: "foo.jar" Component version: "" Package type: "Generic"
  3. componentId: "invalid-comp-id" Returned values: Component name: "invalid-comp-id" Component version: "" Package type: ""

func SplitScanResults

func SplitScanResults(results []*ScaScanResult) ([]services.Violation, []services.Vulnerability, []services.License)

Splits scan responses into aggregated lists of violations, vulnerabilities and licenses.

func ToCommandEnvVars added in v1.5.0

func ToCommandEnvVars(envVarsMap map[string]string) (converted []string)

map[string]string to []string (key=value format)

func ToEnvVarsMap added in v1.5.0

func ToEnvVarsMap(envVars []string) (converted map[string]string)

[]string (key=value format) to map[string]string

func ToSummary added in v1.7.2

func ToSummary(cmdResult *Results, includeVulnerabilities, includeViolations bool) (summary formats.ResultsSummary)

func WriteSarifResultsAsString added in v1.8.0

func WriteSarifResultsAsString(report *sarif.Report, escape bool) (sarifStr string, err error)

func XrayServer added in v1.8.0

func XrayServer(t *testing.T, xrayVersion string) (*httptest.Server, *config.ServerDetails)

func XscServer added in v1.5.0

func XscServer(t *testing.T, xscVersion string) (*httptest.Server, *config.ServerDetails)


type AuditBasicParams

type AuditBasicParams struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AuditBasicParams) AppendDependenciesForApplicabilityScan

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) AppendDependenciesForApplicabilityScan(directDependencies []string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) Args

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) Args() []string

func (*AuditBasicParams) DepsRepo

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) DepsRepo() string

func (*AuditBasicParams) DirectDependencies

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) DirectDependencies() *[]string

func (*AuditBasicParams) ExcludeTestDependencies

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) ExcludeTestDependencies() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) Exclusions added in v1.0.4

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) Exclusions() []string

func (*AuditBasicParams) IgnoreConfigFile

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) IgnoreConfigFile() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) InsecureTls

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) InsecureTls() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) InstallCommandArgs

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) InstallCommandArgs() []string

func (*AuditBasicParams) InstallCommandName

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) InstallCommandName() string

func (*AuditBasicParams) IsCurationCmd added in v1.0.2

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) IsCurationCmd() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) IsMavenDepTreeInstalled

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) IsMavenDepTreeInstalled() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) IsRecursiveScan added in v1.0.4

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) IsRecursiveScan() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) OutputFormat

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) OutputFormat() format.OutputFormat

func (*AuditBasicParams) PipRequirementsFile

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) PipRequirementsFile() string

func (*AuditBasicParams) Progress

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) Progress() ioUtils.ProgressMgr

func (*AuditBasicParams) ScansToPerform added in v1.4.0

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) ScansToPerform() []SubScanType

func (*AuditBasicParams) ServerDetails

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) ServerDetails() (*config.ServerDetails, error)

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetConanProfile added in v1.6.5

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetConanProfile(file string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetDepsRepo

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetDepsRepo(depsRepo string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetExcludeTestDependencies

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetExcludeTestDependencies(excludeTestDependencies bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetExclusions added in v1.0.4

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetExclusions(exclusions []string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetIgnoreConfigFile

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetIgnoreConfigFile(ignoreConfigFile bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetInsecureTls

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetInsecureTls(insecureTls bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetInstallCommandArgs

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetInstallCommandArgs(installCommandArgs []string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetInstallCommandName

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetInstallCommandName(installCommandName string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetIsCurationCmd added in v1.0.2

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetIsCurationCmd(isCurationCmd bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetIsMavenDepTreeInstalled

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetIsMavenDepTreeInstalled(isMavenDepTreeInstalled bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetIsRecursiveScan added in v1.0.4

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetIsRecursiveScan(isRecursiveScan bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetNpmScope

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetNpmScope(depType string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetOutputFormat

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetOutputFormat(format format.OutputFormat) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetPipRequirementsFile

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetPipRequirementsFile(requirementsFile string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetProgress

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetProgress(progress ioUtils.ProgressMgr)

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetScansToPerform added in v1.4.0

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetScansToPerform(scansToPerform []SubScanType) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetServerDetails

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetServerDetails(serverDetails *config.ServerDetails) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetTechnologies

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetTechnologies(technologies []string) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetUseJas added in v1.4.0

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetUseJas(useJas bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) SetUseWrapper

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) SetUseWrapper(useWrapper bool) *AuditBasicParams

func (*AuditBasicParams) Technologies

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) Technologies() []string

func (*AuditBasicParams) UseJas added in v1.4.0

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) UseJas() bool

func (*AuditBasicParams) UseWrapper

func (abp *AuditBasicParams) UseWrapper() bool

type AuditNpmParams

type AuditNpmParams struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AuditNpmParams) NpmIgnoreNodeModules

func (anp AuditNpmParams) NpmIgnoreNodeModules() bool

func (AuditNpmParams) NpmOverwritePackageLock

func (anp AuditNpmParams) NpmOverwritePackageLock() bool

func (AuditNpmParams) SetNpmIgnoreNodeModules

func (anp AuditNpmParams) SetNpmIgnoreNodeModules(ignoreNpmNodeModules bool) AuditNpmParams

func (AuditNpmParams) SetNpmOverwritePackageLock

func (anp AuditNpmParams) SetNpmOverwritePackageLock(overwritePackageLock bool) AuditNpmParams

type AuditParams

type AuditParams interface {
	DirectDependencies() *[]string
	AppendDependenciesForApplicabilityScan(directDependencies []string) *AuditBasicParams
	ServerDetails() (*config.ServerDetails, error)
	SetServerDetails(serverDetails *config.ServerDetails) *AuditBasicParams
	PipRequirementsFile() string
	SetPipRequirementsFile(requirementsFile string) *AuditBasicParams
	ExcludeTestDependencies() bool
	SetExcludeTestDependencies(excludeTestDependencies bool) *AuditBasicParams
	UseWrapper() bool
	SetUseWrapper(useWrapper bool) *AuditBasicParams
	InsecureTls() bool
	SetInsecureTls(insecureTls bool) *AuditBasicParams
	Technologies() []string
	SetTechnologies(technologies []string) *AuditBasicParams
	Progress() ioUtils.ProgressMgr
	SetProgress(progress ioUtils.ProgressMgr)
	Args() []string
	InstallCommandName() string
	InstallCommandArgs() []string
	SetNpmScope(depType string) *AuditBasicParams
	OutputFormat() format.OutputFormat
	DepsRepo() string
	SetDepsRepo(depsRepo string) *AuditBasicParams
	IgnoreConfigFile() bool
	SetIgnoreConfigFile(ignoreConfigFile bool) *AuditBasicParams
	IsMavenDepTreeInstalled() bool
	SetIsMavenDepTreeInstalled(isMavenDepTreeInstalled bool) *AuditBasicParams
	IsCurationCmd() bool
	SetIsCurationCmd(bool) *AuditBasicParams
	SetExclusions(exclusions []string) *AuditBasicParams
	Exclusions() []string
	SetIsRecursiveScan(isRecursiveScan bool) *AuditBasicParams
	IsRecursiveScan() bool

type CommandType added in v1.8.0

type CommandType string
const (
	SourceCode  CommandType = "source_code"
	Binary      CommandType = "binary"
	DockerImage CommandType = "docker_image"
	Build       CommandType = "build"
	Curation    CommandType = "curation"
	SBOM        CommandType = "SBOM"

func (CommandType) IsTargetBinary added in v1.8.0

func (s CommandType) IsTargetBinary() bool

type DynamicMarkdownGenerator added in v1.7.2

type DynamicMarkdownGenerator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DynamicMarkdownGenerator) GetViolations added in v1.7.2

func (mg DynamicMarkdownGenerator) GetViolations() (content string)

func (DynamicMarkdownGenerator) GetVulnerabilities added in v1.7.2

func (mg DynamicMarkdownGenerator) GetVulnerabilities() (content string)

type EmptyMarkdownGenerator added in v1.7.2

type EmptyMarkdownGenerator struct{}

func (EmptyMarkdownGenerator) GetViolations added in v1.7.2

func (g EmptyMarkdownGenerator) GetViolations() (content string)

func (EmptyMarkdownGenerator) GetVulnerabilities added in v1.7.2

func (g EmptyMarkdownGenerator) GetVulnerabilities() (content string)

type ExtendedScanResults

type ExtendedScanResults struct {
	ApplicabilityScanResults []*sarif.Run
	SecretsScanResults       []*sarif.Run
	IacScanResults           []*sarif.Run
	SastScanResults          []*sarif.Run
	EntitledForJas           bool
	SecretValidation         bool

func (*ExtendedScanResults) GetResultsForTarget added in v1.2.0

func (e *ExtendedScanResults) GetResultsForTarget(target string) (result *ExtendedScanResults)

func (*ExtendedScanResults) IsIssuesFound

func (e *ExtendedScanResults) IsIssuesFound() bool

type HtmlTag added in v1.7.2

type HtmlTag string

func (HtmlTag) Format added in v1.7.2

func (c HtmlTag) Format(args ...any) string

func (HtmlTag) FormatInt added in v1.7.2

func (c HtmlTag) FormatInt(value int) string

type ResultSummaryArgs added in v1.7.2

type ResultSummaryArgs struct {
	BaseJfrogUrl string `json:"base_jfrog_url,omitempty"`
	// Args to id the result
	DockerImage  string   `json:"docker_image,omitempty"`
	BuildName    string   `json:"build_name,omitempty"`
	BuildNumbers []string `json:"build_numbers,omitempty"`

func (ResultSummaryArgs) GetUrl added in v1.7.2

func (rsa ResultSummaryArgs) GetUrl(index commandsummary.Index, scanIds ...string) string

func (ResultSummaryArgs) ToArgs added in v1.7.2

func (rsa ResultSummaryArgs) ToArgs(index commandsummary.Index) (args []string)

type Results

type Results struct {
	ResultType  CommandType
	ScaResults  []*ScaScanResult
	XrayVersion string
	ScansErr    error

	ExtendedScanResults *ExtendedScanResults

	MultiScanId string

func NewAuditResults

func NewAuditResults(resultType CommandType) *Results

func (*Results) CountScanResultsFindings added in v1.1.0

func (r *Results) CountScanResultsFindings(includeVulnerabilities, includeViolations bool) (total int)

Counts the total number of unique findings in the provided results. A unique SCA finding is identified by a unique pair of vulnerability's/violation's issueId and component id or by a result returned from one of JAS scans.

func (*Results) GetScaScannedTechnologies

func (r *Results) GetScaScannedTechnologies() []techutils.Technology

func (*Results) GetScaScansXrayResults

func (r *Results) GetScaScansXrayResults() (results []services.ScanResponse)

func (*Results) IsIssuesFound

func (r *Results) IsIssuesFound() bool

func (*Results) IsMultipleProject

func (r *Results) IsMultipleProject() bool

func (*Results) IsScaIssuesFound

func (r *Results) IsScaIssuesFound() bool

type ResultsWriter

type ResultsWriter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewResultsWriter

func NewResultsWriter(scanResults *Results) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) PrintScanResults

func (rw *ResultsWriter) PrintScanResults() error

PrintScanResults prints the scan results in the specified format. Note that errors are printed only with SimpleJson format.

func (*ResultsWriter) SetExtraMessages

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetExtraMessages(messages []string) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetHasViolationContext added in v1.8.0

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetHasViolationContext(hasViolationContext bool) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetIncludeLicenses

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetIncludeLicenses(licenses bool) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetIncludeVulnerabilities

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetIncludeVulnerabilities(includeVulnerabilities bool) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetIsMultipleRootProject

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetIsMultipleRootProject(isMultipleRootProject bool) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetOutputFormat

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetOutputFormat(f format.OutputFormat) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetPrintExtendedTable

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetPrintExtendedTable(extendedTable bool) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetSimpleJsonError

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetSimpleJsonError(jsonErrors []formats.SimpleJsonError) *ResultsWriter

func (*ResultsWriter) SetSubScansPreformed added in v1.4.0

func (rw *ResultsWriter) SetSubScansPreformed(subScansPreformed []SubScanType) *ResultsWriter

type ScaScanResult

type ScaScanResult struct {
	// Could be working directory (audit), file path (binary scan) or build name+number (build scan)
	Target                string                  `json:"Target"`
	Name                  string                  `json:"Name,omitempty"`
	Technology            techutils.Technology    `json:"Technology,omitempty"`
	XrayResults           []services.ScanResponse `json:"XrayResults,omitempty"`
	Descriptors           []string                `json:"Descriptors,omitempty"`
	IsMultipleRootProject *bool                   `json:"IsMultipleRootProject,omitempty"`

func (ScaScanResult) HasInformation

func (s ScaScanResult) HasInformation() bool

type ScanCommandResultSummary added in v1.7.2

type ScanCommandResultSummary struct {
	ResultType CommandType            `json:"resultType"`
	Args       *ResultSummaryArgs     `json:"args,omitempty"`
	Summary    formats.ResultsSummary `json:"summary"`

func NewAuditScanSummary added in v1.7.2

func NewAuditScanSummary(cmdResults *Results, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, vulnerabilitiesRequested, violationsRequested bool) (summary ScanCommandResultSummary)

func NewBinaryScanSummary added in v1.7.2

func NewBinaryScanSummary(cmdResults *Results, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, vulnerabilitiesRequested, violationsRequested bool) (summary ScanCommandResultSummary)

func NewBuildScanSummary added in v1.7.2

func NewBuildScanSummary(cmdResults *Results, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, vulnerabilitiesRequested bool, buildName, buildNumber string) (summary ScanCommandResultSummary)

func NewCurationSummary added in v1.7.2

func NewCurationSummary(cmdResult formats.ResultsSummary) (summary ScanCommandResultSummary)

func NewDockerScanSummary added in v1.7.2

func NewDockerScanSummary(cmdResults *Results, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, vulnerabilitiesRequested, violationsRequested bool, dockerImage string) (summary ScanCommandResultSummary)

type SecurityJobSummary added in v1.7.2

type SecurityJobSummary struct{}

func (*SecurityJobSummary) BinaryScan added in v1.7.2

func (js *SecurityJobSummary) BinaryScan(filePaths []string) (generator DynamicMarkdownGenerator, err error)

func (*SecurityJobSummary) BuildScan added in v1.7.2

func (js *SecurityJobSummary) BuildScan(filePaths []string) (generator DynamicMarkdownGenerator, err error)

func (*SecurityJobSummary) DockerScan added in v1.7.2

func (js *SecurityJobSummary) DockerScan(filePaths []string) (generator DynamicMarkdownGenerator, err error)

func (*SecurityJobSummary) GenerateMarkdownFromFiles added in v1.7.2

func (js *SecurityJobSummary) GenerateMarkdownFromFiles(dataFilePaths []string) (markdown string, err error)

Generate the Security section (Curation)

func (*SecurityJobSummary) GetNonScannedResult added in v1.7.2

func (js *SecurityJobSummary) GetNonScannedResult() (generator EmptyMarkdownGenerator)

type SecurityParallelRunner added in v1.4.0

type SecurityParallelRunner struct {
	Runner        parallel.Runner
	ErrorsQueue   chan error
	ResultsMu     sync.Mutex
	ScaScansWg    sync.WaitGroup // Verify that the sca scan routines are done before running contextual scan
	JasScannersWg sync.WaitGroup // Verify that all scanners routines are done before cleaning temp dir
	JasWg         sync.WaitGroup // Verify that downloading analyzer manager and running all scanners are done
	ErrWg         sync.WaitGroup // Verify that all errors are handled before finishing the audit func

func CreateSecurityParallelRunner added in v1.4.0

func CreateSecurityParallelRunner(numOfParallelScans int) *SecurityParallelRunner

func NewSecurityParallelRunner added in v1.4.0

func NewSecurityParallelRunner(numOfParallelScans int) SecurityParallelRunner

func (*SecurityParallelRunner) AddErrorToChan added in v1.4.0

func (spr *SecurityParallelRunner) AddErrorToChan(err error)

type SeverityDisplayStatus added in v1.8.0

type SeverityDisplayStatus string

func (SeverityDisplayStatus) Format added in v1.8.0

func (s SeverityDisplayStatus) Format(count int) string

type SubScanType added in v1.4.0

type SubScanType string

func GetAllSupportedScans added in v1.4.0

func GetAllSupportedScans() []SubScanType

func (SubScanType) String added in v1.4.0

func (s SubScanType) String() string

type ViolationIssueType added in v1.7.2

type ViolationIssueType string

func (ViolationIssueType) String added in v1.7.2

func (v ViolationIssueType) String() string


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