Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddAnalyticsGeneralEvent(gitInfoContext *services.XscGitInfoContext, ...) *xsc.AnalyticsMetricsService
- func AlertSecretsExposed(secretsDetails *SecretsEmailDetails) (err error)
- func AssertSanitizedEnv(t *testing.T)
- func BuildServerConfigFile(server *config.ServerDetails) (previousJFrogHomeDir, currentJFrogHomeDir string, err error)
- func ChangeToTempDirWithCallback(t *testing.T) (string, func() error)
- func Chdir(dir string) (cbk func() error, err error)
- func ConvertSarifPathsToRelative(issues *IssuesCollection, workingDirs ...string)
- func CopyTestdataProjectsToTemp(t *testing.T, testDir string) (tmpDir string, restoreFunc func())
- func CreateDotGitWithCommit(t *testing.T, wd, port string, repositoriesPath ...string)
- func CreateTempJfrogHomeWithCallback(t *testing.T) (string, func())
- func CreateXscMockServerForConfigProfile(t *testing.T) (mockServer *httptest.Server, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails)
- func DeleteExistingPullRequestComments(repository *Repository, client vcsclient.VcsClient) error
- func DeleteExistingPullRequestReviewComments(repo *Repository, pullRequestID int, client vcsclient.VcsClient) (err error)
- func DeletePullRequestComments(repo *Repository, client vcsclient.VcsClient, pullRequestID int) (err error)
- func DownloadRepoToTempDir(client vcsclient.VcsClient, repoOwner, repoName, branch string) (wd string, cleanup func() error, err error)
- func ExtractVulnerabilitiesDetailsToRows(vulnDetails []*VulnerabilityDetails) []formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow
- func GenerateFixPullRequestDetails(vulnerabilities []formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow, ...) (description string, extraComments []string)
- func GenerateFrogbotSarifReport(extendedResults *xrayutils.Results, isMultipleRoots bool, ...) (string, error)
- func GetFullBranchName(branchName string) plumbing.ReferenceName
- func GetFullPathWorkingDirs(workingDirs []string, baseWd string) []string
- func GetRelativeWd(fullPathWd, baseWd string) string
- func GetSortedPullRequestComments(client vcsclient.VcsClient, repoOwner, repoName string, prID int) ([]vcsclient.CommentInfo, error)
- func GetVulnerabiltiesUniqueID(vulnerability formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow) string
- func HandlePullRequestCommentsAfterScan(issues *IssuesCollection, repo *Repository, client vcsclient.VcsClient, ...) (err error)
- func IsDirectDependency(impactPath [][]formats.ComponentRow) (bool, error)
- func IsFrogbotRescanComment(comment string) bool
- func Md5Hash(values ...string) (string, error)
- func ReadConfigFromFileSystem(configRelativePath string) (configFileContent []byte, err error)
- func ReportUsageOnCommand(commandName string, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, ...) func()
- func SanitizeEnv() error
- func SetEnvAndAssert(t *testing.T, env map[string]string)
- func SetEnvsAndAssertWithCallback(t *testing.T, envs map[string]string) func()
- func UploadSarifResultsToGithubSecurityTab(scanResults *xrayutils.Results, repo *Repository, branch string, ...) error
- func ValidateSingleRepoConfiguration(configAggregator *RepoAggregator) error
- func VerifyEnv(t *testing.T) (server config.ServerDetails, restoreFunc func())
- func VulnerabilityDetailsToMD5Hash(vulnerabilities ...formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow) (string, error)
- type CustomTemplates
- type EmailDetails
- type ErrMissingConfig
- type ErrMissingEnv
- type ErrNothingToCommit
- type ErrUnsupportedFix
- type FrogbotDetails
- type Git
- type GitManager
- func (gm *GitManager) AddAllAndCommit(commitMessage string) error
- func (gm *GitManager) BranchExistsInRemote(branchName string) (bool, error)
- func (gm *GitManager) Checkout(branchName string) error
- func (gm *GitManager) Clone(destinationPath, branchName string) error
- func (gm *GitManager) CreateBranchAndCheckout(branchName string, keepLocalChanges bool) error
- func (gm *GitManager) GenerateAggregatedCommitMessage(tech []techutils.Technology) string
- func (gm *GitManager) GenerateAggregatedFixBranchName(baseBranch string, tech []techutils.Technology) (fixBranchName string)
- func (gm *GitManager) GenerateAggregatedPullRequestTitle(tech []techutils.Technology) string
- func (gm *GitManager) GenerateCommitMessage(impactedPackage string, fixVersion string) string
- func (gm *GitManager) GenerateFixBranchName(branch string, impactedPackage string, fixVersion string) (string, error)
- func (gm *GitManager) GeneratePullRequestTitle(impactedPackage string, version string) string
- func (gm *GitManager) IsClean() (bool, error)
- func (gm *GitManager) Push(force bool, branchName string) error
- func (gm *GitManager) RemoveRemoteBranch(branchName string) error
- func (gm *GitManager) SetAuth(username, token string) *GitManager
- func (gm *GitManager) SetDryRun(dryRun bool, dryRunRepoPath string) *GitManager
- func (gm *GitManager) SetEmailAuthor(emailAuthor string) *GitManager
- func (gm *GitManager) SetGitParams(gitParams *Git) (*GitManager, error)
- func (gm *GitManager) SetLocalRepository() (*GitManager, error)
- func (gm *GitManager) SetRemoteGitUrl(remoteHttpsGitUrl string) (*GitManager, error)
- type IssuesCollection
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) Append(issues *IssuesCollection)
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) CountIssuesCollectionFindings() int
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) IacExists() bool
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) IssuesExists() bool
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) LicensesExists() bool
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) SastExists() bool
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) SecretsExists() bool
- func (ic *IssuesCollection) VulnerabilitiesExists() bool
- type JFrogPlatform
- type Params
- type Project
- type RepoAggregator
- type Repository
- type ReviewComment
- type ReviewCommentType
- type Scan
- type ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) BaseBranch() string
- func (sc *ScanDetails) Client() vcsclient.VcsClient
- func (sc *ScanDetails) CreateCommonGraphScanParams() *scangraph.CommonGraphScanParams
- func (sc *ScanDetails) FailOnInstallationErrors() bool
- func (sc *ScanDetails) FixableOnly() bool
- func (sc *ScanDetails) MinSeverityFilter() severityutils.Severity
- func (sc *ScanDetails) RunInstallAndAudit(workDirs ...string) (auditResults *xrayutils.Results, err error)
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetBaseBranch(branch string) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetConfigProfile(configProfile *clientservices.ConfigProfile) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetFailOnInstallationErrors(toFail bool) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetFixableOnly(fixable bool) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetMinSeverity(minSeverity string) (*ScanDetails, error)
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetProject(project *Project) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetRepoName(repoName string) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetRepoOwner(owner string) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetXrayGraphScanParams(watches []string, jfrogProjectKey string, includeLicenses bool) *ScanDetails
- func (sc *ScanDetails) SetXscGitInfoContext(scannedBranch, gitProject string, client vcsclient.VcsClient) *ScanDetails
- type SecretsEmailDetails
- type UnsupportedErrorType
- type UrlAccessChecker
- type VulnerabilityDetails
Constants ¶
const ( // VCS providers params GitHub vcsProvider = "github" GitLab vcsProvider = "gitlab" BitbucketServer vcsProvider = "bitbucketServer" AzureRepos vcsProvider = "azureRepos" // JFrog platform environment variables JFrogUserEnv = "JF_USER" JFrogUrlEnv = "JF_URL" JFrogPasswordEnv = "JF_PASSWORD" JFrogTokenEnv = "JF_ACCESS_TOKEN" JfrogConfigProfileEnv = "JF_CONFIG_PROFILE" // Git environment variables GitProvider = "JF_GIT_PROVIDER" GitRepoOwnerEnv = "JF_GIT_OWNER" GitRepoEnv = "JF_GIT_REPO" GitProjectEnv = "JF_GIT_PROJECT" GitUsernameEnv = "JF_GIT_USERNAME" // Git naming template environment variables BranchNameTemplateEnv = "JF_BRANCH_NAME_TEMPLATE" CommitMessageTemplateEnv = "JF_COMMIT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE" PullRequestTitleTemplateEnv = "JF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE_TEMPLATE" PullRequestCommentTitleEnv = "JF_PR_COMMENT_TITLE" // Repository environment variables - Ignored if the frogbot-config.yml file is used InstallCommandEnv = "JF_INSTALL_DEPS_CMD" RequirementsFileEnv = "JF_REQUIREMENTS_FILE" WorkingDirectoryEnv = "JF_WORKING_DIR" PathExclusionsEnv = "JF_PATH_EXCLUSIONS" IncludeAllVulnerabilitiesEnv = "JF_INCLUDE_ALL_VULNERABILITIES" AvoidPreviousPrCommentsDeletionEnv = "JF_AVOID_PREVIOUS_PR_COMMENTS_DELETION" FailOnSecurityIssuesEnv = "JF_FAIL" UseWrapperEnv = "JF_USE_WRAPPER" DepsRepoEnv = "JF_DEPS_REPO" MinSeverityEnv = "JF_MIN_SEVERITY" FixableOnlyEnv = "JF_FIXABLE_ONLY" DetectionOnlyEnv = "JF_SKIP_AUTOFIX" AllowedLicensesEnv = "JF_ALLOWED_LICENSES" WatchesDelimiter = "," // Email related environment variables //#nosec G101 -- False positive - no hardcoded credentials. SmtpPasswordEnv = "JF_SMTP_PASSWORD" SmtpUserEnv = "JF_SMTP_USER" SmtpServerEnv = "JF_SMTP_SERVER" EmailReceiversEnv = "JF_EMAIL_RECEIVERS" //#nosec G101 -- False positive - no hardcoded credentials. GitTokenEnv = "JF_GIT_TOKEN" GitBaseBranchEnv = "JF_GIT_BASE_BRANCH" GitPullRequestIDEnv = "JF_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID" GitApiEndpointEnv = "JF_GIT_API_ENDPOINT" GitAggregateFixesEnv = "JF_GIT_AGGREGATE_FIXES" GitEmailAuthorEnv = "JF_GIT_EMAIL_AUTHOR" // The 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' environment variable exists when the CI is GitHub Actions GitHubActionsEnv = "GITHUB_ACTIONS" // Placeholders for templates PackagePlaceHolder = "{IMPACTED_PACKAGE}" FixVersionPlaceHolder = "{FIX_VERSION}" BranchHashPlaceHolder = "{BRANCH_NAME_HASH}" // General flags AvoidExtraMessages = "JF_AVOID_EXTRA_MESSAGES" // Default naming templates BranchNameTemplate = "frogbot-" + PackagePlaceHolder + "-" + BranchHashPlaceHolder AggregatedBranchNameTemplate = "frogbot-update-" + BranchHashPlaceHolder + "-dependencies" CommitMessageTemplate = "Upgrade " + PackagePlaceHolder + " to " + FixVersionPlaceHolder PullRequestTitleTemplate = outputwriter.FrogbotTitlePrefix + " Update version of " + PackagePlaceHolder + " to " + FixVersionPlaceHolder AggregatePullRequestTitleDefaultTemplate = outputwriter.FrogbotTitlePrefix + " Update %s dependencies" )
const ( ValidConfigProfile = "default-profile" InvalidPathConfigProfile = "invalid-path-from-root-profile" InvalidModulesConfigProfile = "invalid-modules-profile" )
const ( ScanPullRequest = "scan-pull-request" ScanAllPullRequests = "scan-all-pull-requests" ScanRepository = "scan-repository" ScanMultipleRepositories = "scan-multiple-repositories" RootDir = "." JfrogHomeDirEnv = "JFROG_CLI_HOME_DIR" )
const (
FrogbotConfigFile = "frogbot-config.yml"
Variables ¶
var ( TrueVal = true FrogbotVersion = "0.0.0" )
var BuildToolsDependenciesMap = map[techutils.Technology][]string{ techutils.Go: {""}, techutils.Pip: {"pip", "setuptools", "wheel"}, }
Functions ¶
func AddAnalyticsGeneralEvent ¶ added in v2.20.1
func AddAnalyticsGeneralEvent(gitInfoContext *services.XscGitInfoContext, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, scanType string) *xsc.AnalyticsMetricsService
func AlertSecretsExposed ¶
func AlertSecretsExposed(secretsDetails *SecretsEmailDetails) (err error)
func AssertSanitizedEnv ¶
Make sure the environment variables does not contain any Frogbot variables
func BuildServerConfigFile ¶
func BuildServerConfigFile(server *config.ServerDetails) (previousJFrogHomeDir, currentJFrogHomeDir string, err error)
func ConvertSarifPathsToRelative ¶
func ConvertSarifPathsToRelative(issues *IssuesCollection, workingDirs ...string)
func CopyTestdataProjectsToTemp ¶
Create a temporary directory and copy the content of "testdata/testDir" into it
func CreateDotGitWithCommit ¶
func CreateTempJfrogHomeWithCallback ¶ added in v2.21.1
func CreateXscMockServerForConfigProfile ¶ added in v2.21.9
func DeleteExistingPullRequestComments ¶
func DeleteExistingPullRequestComments(repository *Repository, client vcsclient.VcsClient) error
Delete existing pull request regular comments (Summary, Fallback review comments)
func DeleteExistingPullRequestReviewComments ¶
func DeleteExistingPullRequestReviewComments(repo *Repository, pullRequestID int, client vcsclient.VcsClient) (err error)
Delete existing pull request review comments (Applicable, Sast, Iac)
func DeletePullRequestComments ¶ added in v2.20.0
func DeletePullRequestComments(repo *Repository, client vcsclient.VcsClient, pullRequestID int) (err error)
func DownloadRepoToTempDir ¶
func ExtractVulnerabilitiesDetailsToRows ¶
func ExtractVulnerabilitiesDetailsToRows(vulnDetails []*VulnerabilityDetails) []formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow
func GenerateFixPullRequestDetails ¶
func GenerateFixPullRequestDetails(vulnerabilities []formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow, writer outputwriter.OutputWriter) (description string, extraComments []string)
func GetFullBranchName ¶
func GetFullBranchName(branchName string) plumbing.ReferenceName
GetFullBranchName returns the full branch name (for example: refs/heads/master) The input branchName can be a short name (master) or a full name (refs/heads/master)
func GetFullPathWorkingDirs ¶
func GetRelativeWd ¶
GetRelativeWd receive a base working directory along with a full path containing the base working directory, and the relative part is returned without the base prefix.
func GetVulnerabiltiesUniqueID ¶
func GetVulnerabiltiesUniqueID(vulnerability formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow) string
func HandlePullRequestCommentsAfterScan ¶
func HandlePullRequestCommentsAfterScan(issues *IssuesCollection, repo *Repository, client vcsclient.VcsClient, pullRequestID int) (err error)
func IsDirectDependency ¶
func IsDirectDependency(impactPath [][]formats.ComponentRow) (bool, error)
The impact graph of direct dependencies consists of only two elements.
func IsFrogbotRescanComment ¶
func ReadConfigFromFileSystem ¶
ReadConfigFromFileSystem looks for .frogbot/frogbot-config.yml from the given path and return its content. The path is relative and starts from the root of the project. If the config file is not found in the relative path, it will search in parent dirs.
func ReportUsageOnCommand ¶
func ReportUsageOnCommand(commandName string, serverDetails *config.ServerDetails, repositories RepoAggregator) func()
func SanitizeEnv ¶
func SanitizeEnv() error
func SetEnvAndAssert ¶
Receive an environment variables key-values map, set and assert the environment variables. Return a callback that sets the previous values.
func SetEnvsAndAssertWithCallback ¶
This function takes a map of environment variables and sets them, and returns a callback to UNSET them all
func ValidateSingleRepoConfiguration ¶
func ValidateSingleRepoConfiguration(configAggregator *RepoAggregator) error
func VerifyEnv ¶
func VerifyEnv(t *testing.T) (server config.ServerDetails, restoreFunc func())
Check connection details with JFrog instance. Return a callback method that restores the credentials after the test is done.
func VulnerabilityDetailsToMD5Hash ¶
func VulnerabilityDetailsToMD5Hash(vulnerabilities ...formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow) (string, error)
Generates MD5Hash from a VulnerabilityOrViolationRow The map can be returned in different order from Xray, so we need to sort the strings before hashing.
Types ¶
type CustomTemplates ¶
type CustomTemplates struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type EmailDetails ¶
type ErrMissingConfig ¶
type ErrMissingConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ErrMissingConfig) Error ¶
func (e *ErrMissingConfig) Error() string
type ErrMissingEnv ¶
type ErrMissingEnv struct {
VariableName string
func (*ErrMissingEnv) Error ¶
func (e *ErrMissingEnv) Error() string
func (*ErrMissingEnv) IsMissingEnvErr ¶
func (e *ErrMissingEnv) IsMissingEnvErr(err error) bool
IsMissingEnvErr returns true if err is a type of ErrMissingEnv, otherwise false
type ErrNothingToCommit ¶ added in v2.19.10
type ErrNothingToCommit struct {
PackageName string
func (*ErrNothingToCommit) Error ¶ added in v2.19.10
func (err *ErrNothingToCommit) Error() string
type ErrUnsupportedFix ¶
type ErrUnsupportedFix struct { PackageName string FixedVersion string ErrorType UnsupportedErrorType }
func (*ErrUnsupportedFix) Error ¶
func (err *ErrUnsupportedFix) Error() string
Custom error for unsupported fixes Currently we hold two unsupported reasons, indirect and build tools dependencies.
type FrogbotDetails ¶
type FrogbotDetails struct { Repositories RepoAggregator ServerDetails *coreconfig.ServerDetails GitClient vcsclient.VcsClient ReleasesRepo string }
func GetFrogbotDetails ¶
func GetFrogbotDetails(commandName string) (frogbotDetails *FrogbotDetails, err error)
type Git ¶
type Git struct { GitProvider vcsutils.VcsProvider vcsclient.VcsInfo RepoOwner string RepoName string `yaml:"repoName,omitempty"` Branches []string `yaml:"branches,omitempty"` BranchNameTemplate string `yaml:"branchNameTemplate,omitempty"` CommitMessageTemplate string `yaml:"commitMessageTemplate,omitempty"` PullRequestTitleTemplate string `yaml:"pullRequestTitleTemplate,omitempty"` PullRequestCommentTitle string `yaml:"pullRequestCommentTitle,omitempty"` AvoidExtraMessages bool `yaml:"avoidExtraMessages,omitempty"` EmailAuthor string `yaml:"emailAuthor,omitempty"` AggregateFixes bool `yaml:"aggregateFixes,omitempty"` PullRequestDetails vcsclient.PullRequestInfo RepositoryCloneUrl string }
type GitManager ¶
type GitManager struct { // When dryRun is enabled, skipClone allows skipping the cloning of a repository for testing purposes SkipClone bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGitManager ¶
func NewGitManager() *GitManager
func (*GitManager) AddAllAndCommit ¶
func (gm *GitManager) AddAllAndCommit(commitMessage string) error
func (*GitManager) BranchExistsInRemote ¶
func (gm *GitManager) BranchExistsInRemote(branchName string) (bool, error)
func (*GitManager) Checkout ¶
func (gm *GitManager) Checkout(branchName string) error
func (*GitManager) Clone ¶
func (gm *GitManager) Clone(destinationPath, branchName string) error
func (*GitManager) CreateBranchAndCheckout ¶
func (gm *GitManager) CreateBranchAndCheckout(branchName string, keepLocalChanges bool) error
Creates a new branch and switches to it. If keepLocalChanges is set to true, all changes made on the current branch before switching to the new one will be transferred to the new branch.
func (*GitManager) GenerateAggregatedCommitMessage ¶
func (gm *GitManager) GenerateAggregatedCommitMessage(tech []techutils.Technology) string
func (*GitManager) GenerateAggregatedFixBranchName ¶
func (gm *GitManager) GenerateAggregatedFixBranchName(baseBranch string, tech []techutils.Technology) (fixBranchName string)
GenerateAggregatedFixBranchName Generating a consistent branch name to enable branch updates and to ensure that there is only one Frogbot aggregate pull request from each base branch scanned.
func (*GitManager) GenerateAggregatedPullRequestTitle ¶
func (gm *GitManager) GenerateAggregatedPullRequestTitle(tech []techutils.Technology) string
func (*GitManager) GenerateCommitMessage ¶
func (gm *GitManager) GenerateCommitMessage(impactedPackage string, fixVersion string) string
func (*GitManager) GenerateFixBranchName ¶
func (*GitManager) GeneratePullRequestTitle ¶
func (gm *GitManager) GeneratePullRequestTitle(impactedPackage string, version string) string
func (*GitManager) IsClean ¶
func (gm *GitManager) IsClean() (bool, error)
IsClean returns true if all the files are in Unmodified status.
func (*GitManager) RemoveRemoteBranch ¶
func (gm *GitManager) RemoveRemoteBranch(branchName string) error
func (*GitManager) SetAuth ¶
func (gm *GitManager) SetAuth(username, token string) *GitManager
func (*GitManager) SetDryRun ¶
func (gm *GitManager) SetDryRun(dryRun bool, dryRunRepoPath string) *GitManager
func (*GitManager) SetEmailAuthor ¶
func (gm *GitManager) SetEmailAuthor(emailAuthor string) *GitManager
func (*GitManager) SetGitParams ¶
func (gm *GitManager) SetGitParams(gitParams *Git) (*GitManager, error)
func (*GitManager) SetLocalRepository ¶
func (gm *GitManager) SetLocalRepository() (*GitManager, error)
func (*GitManager) SetRemoteGitUrl ¶
func (gm *GitManager) SetRemoteGitUrl(remoteHttpsGitUrl string) (*GitManager, error)
type IssuesCollection ¶
type IssuesCollection struct { Vulnerabilities []formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow Iacs []formats.SourceCodeRow Secrets []formats.SourceCodeRow Sast []formats.SourceCodeRow Licenses []formats.LicenseRow }
func (*IssuesCollection) Append ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) Append(issues *IssuesCollection)
func (*IssuesCollection) CountIssuesCollectionFindings ¶ added in v2.20.1
func (ic *IssuesCollection) CountIssuesCollectionFindings() int
func (*IssuesCollection) IacExists ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) IacExists() bool
func (*IssuesCollection) IssuesExists ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) IssuesExists() bool
func (*IssuesCollection) LicensesExists ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) LicensesExists() bool
func (*IssuesCollection) SastExists ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) SastExists() bool
func (*IssuesCollection) SecretsExists ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) SecretsExists() bool
func (*IssuesCollection) VulnerabilitiesExists ¶
func (ic *IssuesCollection) VulnerabilitiesExists() bool
type JFrogPlatform ¶
type Params ¶
type Params struct { Scan `yaml:"scan,omitempty"` Git `yaml:"git,omitempty"` JFrogPlatform `yaml:"jfrogPlatform,omitempty"` }
type Project ¶
type Project struct { InstallCommand string `yaml:"installCommand,omitempty"` PipRequirementsFile string `yaml:"pipRequirementsFile,omitempty"` WorkingDirs []string `yaml:"workingDirs,omitempty"` PathExclusions []string `yaml:"pathExclusions,omitempty"` UseWrapper *bool `yaml:"useWrapper,omitempty"` DepsRepo string `yaml:"repository,omitempty"` InstallCommandName string InstallCommandArgs []string IsRecursiveScan bool }
func (*Project) GetTechFromInstallCmdIfExists ¶ added in v2.21.11
type RepoAggregator ¶
type RepoAggregator []Repository
func BuildRepoAggregator ¶
func BuildRepoAggregator(gitClient vcsclient.VcsClient, configFileContent []byte, gitParamsFromEnv *Git, server *coreconfig.ServerDetails, commandName string) (resultAggregator RepoAggregator, err error)
BuildRepoAggregator receives the content of a frogbot-config.yml file, along with the Git (built from environment variables) and ServerDetails parameters. Returns a RepoAggregator instance with all the defaults and necessary fields.
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { Params `yaml:"params,omitempty"` OutputWriter outputwriter.OutputWriter Server coreconfig.ServerDetails }
type ReviewComment ¶
type ReviewComment struct { Location formats.Location Type ReviewCommentType CommentInfo vcsclient.PullRequestComment }
type ReviewCommentType ¶
type ReviewCommentType string
const ( ApplicableComment ReviewCommentType = "Applicable" IacComment ReviewCommentType = "Iac" SastComment ReviewCommentType = "Sast" RescanRequestComment = "rescan" )
type Scan ¶
type Scan struct { IncludeAllVulnerabilities bool `yaml:"includeAllVulnerabilities,omitempty"` FixableOnly bool `yaml:"fixableOnly,omitempty"` DetectionOnly bool `yaml:"skipAutoFix,omitempty"` FailOnSecurityIssues *bool `yaml:"failOnSecurityIssues,omitempty"` AvoidPreviousPrCommentsDeletion bool `yaml:"avoidPreviousPrCommentsDeletion,omitempty"` MinSeverity string `yaml:"minSeverity,omitempty"` AllowedLicenses []string `yaml:"allowedLicenses,omitempty"` Projects []Project `yaml:"projects,omitempty"` EmailDetails `yaml:",inline"` ConfigProfile *services.ConfigProfile }
func (*Scan) SetEmailDetails ¶
type ScanDetails ¶
type ScanDetails struct { *Project *Git *services.XrayGraphScanParams *config.ServerDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScanDetails ¶
func NewScanDetails(client vcsclient.VcsClient, server *config.ServerDetails, git *Git) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) BaseBranch ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) BaseBranch() string
func (*ScanDetails) Client ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) Client() vcsclient.VcsClient
func (*ScanDetails) CreateCommonGraphScanParams ¶ added in v2.21.1
func (sc *ScanDetails) CreateCommonGraphScanParams() *scangraph.CommonGraphScanParams
func (*ScanDetails) FailOnInstallationErrors ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) FailOnInstallationErrors() bool
func (*ScanDetails) FixableOnly ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) FixableOnly() bool
func (*ScanDetails) MinSeverityFilter ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) MinSeverityFilter() severityutils.Severity
func (*ScanDetails) RunInstallAndAudit ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) RunInstallAndAudit(workDirs ...string) (auditResults *xrayutils.Results, err error)
func (*ScanDetails) SetBaseBranch ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetBaseBranch(branch string) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetConfigProfile ¶ added in v2.21.9
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetConfigProfile(configProfile *clientservices.ConfigProfile) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetFailOnInstallationErrors ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetFailOnInstallationErrors(toFail bool) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetFixableOnly ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetFixableOnly(fixable bool) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetMinSeverity ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetMinSeverity(minSeverity string) (*ScanDetails, error)
func (*ScanDetails) SetProject ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetProject(project *Project) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetRepoName ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetRepoName(repoName string) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetRepoOwner ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetRepoOwner(owner string) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetXrayGraphScanParams ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetXrayGraphScanParams(watches []string, jfrogProjectKey string, includeLicenses bool) *ScanDetails
func (*ScanDetails) SetXscGitInfoContext ¶
func (sc *ScanDetails) SetXscGitInfoContext(scannedBranch, gitProject string, client vcsclient.VcsClient) *ScanDetails
type SecretsEmailDetails ¶
type SecretsEmailDetails struct { EmailDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSecretsEmailDetails ¶
func NewSecretsEmailDetails(gitClient vcsclient.VcsClient, repoConfig *Repository, secrets []formats.SourceCodeRow) *SecretsEmailDetails
type UnsupportedErrorType ¶
type UnsupportedErrorType string
const ( IndirectDependencyFixNotSupported UnsupportedErrorType = "IndirectDependencyFixNotSupported" BuildToolsDependencyFixNotSupported UnsupportedErrorType = "BuildToolsDependencyFixNotSupported" UnsupportedForFixVulnerableVersion UnsupportedErrorType = "UnsupportedForFixVulnerableVersion" )
type UrlAccessChecker ¶
type UrlAccessChecker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CheckConnection ¶
func CheckConnection(url string) *UrlAccessChecker
CheckConnection checks if the url is accessible in a separate goroutine not to block the main thread
func MockHasConnection ¶
func MockHasConnection() *UrlAccessChecker
func (*UrlAccessChecker) IsConnected ¶
func (ic *UrlAccessChecker) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected checks if the URL is accessible, waits for the connection check goroutine to finish
type VulnerabilityDetails ¶
type VulnerabilityDetails struct { formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow // Suggested fix version SuggestedFixedVersion string // States whether the dependency is direct or transitive IsDirectDependency bool // Cves as a list of string Cves []string }
VulnerabilityDetails serves as a container for essential information regarding a vulnerability that is going to be addressed and resolved
func NewVulnerabilityDetails ¶
func NewVulnerabilityDetails(vulnerability formats.VulnerabilityOrViolationRow, fixVersion string) *VulnerabilityDetails
func (*VulnerabilityDetails) SetCves ¶
func (vd *VulnerabilityDetails) SetCves(cves []formats.CveRow)
func (*VulnerabilityDetails) SetIsDirectDependency ¶
func (vd *VulnerabilityDetails) SetIsDirectDependency(isDirectDependency bool)
func (*VulnerabilityDetails) UpdateFixVersionIfMax ¶
func (vd *VulnerabilityDetails) UpdateFixVersionIfMax(fixVersion string)