
v0.0.0-...-7988d0a Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 26, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	AtomRomHeaderSizeOffset    = 0x02
	AtomRomChecksumOffset      = 0x21
	AtomRomHeaderPointerOffset = 0x48


This section is empty.


func CalcChecksum

func CalcChecksum(bytes []byte) byte

func FixChecksum

func FixChecksum(bytes []byte)


type AtomAsicProfilingInfoV35

type AtomAsicProfilingInfoV35 struct {
	Header                AtomCommonTableHeader
	MaxVdd                uint32                  //Maximum voltage for all parts, in unit of 0.01mv
	MinVddc               uint32                  //Minimum voltage for all parts, in unit of 0.01mv
	LkgEuseIndex          uint16                  //Efuse Lkg_FT address ( BYTE address )
	LkgEfuseBitLSB        byte                    //Efuse Lkg_FT bit shift in 32bit DWORD
	LkgEfuseLength        byte                    //Efuse Lkg_FT length
	LkgEncodeLn_MaxDivMin uint32                  //value of ln(Max_Lkg_Ft/Min_Lkg_Ft ) in unit of 0.00001 ( unit=100000 )
	LkgEncodeMax          uint32                  //Maximum Lkg_Ft measured value ( or efuse decode value ), in unit of 0.00001 ( unit=100000 )
	LkgEncodeMin          uint32                  //Minimum Lkg_Ft measured value ( or efuse decode value ), in unit of 0.00001 ( unit=100000 )
	RoFuse                EFUSE_LINEAR_FUNC_PARAM //Efuse RO info: DWORD address, bit shift, length, max/min measure value. in unit of 1.
	EvvDefaultVddc        uint32                  //def="EVV_DEFAULT_VDDC" descr="return default VDDC(v) when Efuse not cut" unit="100000"/>
	EvvNoCalcVddc         uint32                  //def="EVV_NOCALC_VDDC" descr="return VDDC(v) when Calculation is bad" unit="100000"/>
	Speed_Model           uint32                  //def="EVV_SPEED_MODEL" descr="0 = Greek model, 1 = multivariate model" unit="1"/>
	SM_A0                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A0" descr="Leakage coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A1                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A1" descr="Leakage/SCLK coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="1000000"/>
	SM_A2                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A2" descr="Alpha( Greek Mode ) or VDDC/SCLK coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A3                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A3" descr="Beta( Greek Mode ) or SCLK coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A4                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A4" descr="VDDC^2/SCLK coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A5                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A5" descr="VDDC^2 coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A6                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A6" descr="Gamma( Greek Mode ) or VDDC coeff(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A7                 uint32                  //def="EVV_SM_A7" descr="Epsilon( Greek Mode ) or constant(Multivariant Mode)." unit="100000"/>
	SM_A0_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A0_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A0 is postive. =1: SM_A0 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A1_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A1_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A1 is postive. =1: SM_A1 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A2_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A2_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A2 is postive. =1: SM_A2 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A3_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A3_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A3 is postive. =1: SM_A3 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A4_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A4_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A4 is postive. =1: SM_A4 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A5_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A5_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A5 is postive. =1: SM_A5 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A6_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A6_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A6 is postive. =1: SM_A6 is negative" unit="1"/>
	SM_A7_sign            byte                    //def="EVV_SM_A7_SIGN" descr="=0 SM_A7 is postive. =1: SM_A7 is negative" unit="1"/>
	Margin_RO_a           uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_RO_A" descr="A Term to represent RO equation in Ax2+Bx+C, unit=1"
	Margin_RO_b           uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_RO_B" descr="B Term to represent RO equation in Ax2+Bx+C, unit=1"
	Margin_RO_c           uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_RO_C" descr="C Term to represent RO equation in Ax2+Bx+C, unit=1"
	Margin_fixed          uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_FIXED" descr="Fixed MHz to add to SCLK margin, unit=1" unit="1"/>
	Margin_Fmax_mean      uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_FMAX_MEAN" descr="Percentage to add for Fmas mean margin unit=10000" unit="10000"/>
	Margin_plat_mean      uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_PLAT_MEAN" descr="Percentage to add for platform mean margin unit=10000" unit="10000"/>
	Margin_Fmax_sigma     uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_FMAX_SIGMA" descr="Percentage to add for Fmax sigma margin unit=10000" unit="10000"/>
	Margin_plat_sigma     uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_PLAT_SIGMA" descr="Percentage to add for platform sigma margin unit=10000" unit="10000"/>
	Margin_DC_sigma       uint32                  //def="EVV_MARGIN_DC_SIGMA" descr="Regulator DC tolerance margin (mV) unit=100" unit="100"/>
	Reserved              [1]uint32

for Polaris10/Polaris11 speed EVV algorithm

type AtomAsicProfilingInfoV36

type AtomAsicProfilingInfoV36 struct {
	Header                AtomCommonTableHeader
	MaxVddc               uint32
	MinVddc               uint32
	LkgEuseIndex          uint16
	LkgEfuseBitLSB        byte
	LkgEfuseLength        byte
	LkgEncodeLn_MaxDivMin uint32
	LkgEncodeMax          uint32
	LkgEncodeMin          uint32
	RoFuse                EFUSE_LINEAR_FUNC_PARAM
	EvvDefaultVddc        uint32
	EvvNoCalcVddc         uint32
	Speed_Model           uint32
	SM_A0                 uint32
	SM_A1                 uint32
	SM_A2                 uint32
	SM_A3                 uint32
	SM_A4                 uint32
	SM_A5                 uint32
	SM_A6                 uint32
	SM_A7                 uint32
	SM_A0_sign            byte
	SM_A1_sign            byte
	SM_A2_sign            byte
	SM_A3_sign            byte
	SM_A4_sign            byte
	SM_A5_sign            byte
	SM_A6_sign            byte
	SM_A7_sign            byte
	Margin_RO_a           uint32
	Margin_RO_b           uint32
	Margin_RO_c           uint32
	Margin_fixed          uint32
	Margin_Fmax_mean      uint32
	Margin_plat_mean      uint32
	Margin_Fmax_sigma     uint32
	Margin_plat_sigma     uint32
	Margin_DC_sigma       uint32
	LoadLineSlop          uint32

	AVFS_meanNsigma_Acontant0       uint32
	AVFS_meanNsigma_Acontant1       uint32
	AVFS_meanNsigma_Acontant2       uint32
	AVFS_meanNsigma_DC_tol_sigma    uint16
	AVFS_meanNsigma_Platform_mean   uint16
	AVFS_meanNsigma_Platform_sigma  uint16
	GB_VDROOP_TABLE_CKSOFF_a0       uint32
	GB_VDROOP_TABLE_CKSOFF_a1       uint32
	GB_VDROOP_TABLE_CKSOFF_a2       uint32
	GB_VDROOP_TABLE_CKSON_a0        uint32
	GB_VDROOP_TABLE_CKSON_a1        uint32
	GB_VDROOP_TABLE_CKSON_a2        uint32
	MaxVoltage_0_25mv               uint16
	EnableGB_FUSE_TABLE_CKSOFF      byte
	EnableGB_FUSE_TABLE_CKSON       byte
	PSM_Age_ComFactor               uint16
	EnableApplyAVFS_CKS_OFF_Voltage byte
	Reserved                        byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

for Polars10/11 AVFS parameters

type AtomCommonTableHeader

type AtomCommonTableHeader struct {
	StructureSize        uint16
	TableFormatRevision  byte
	TableContentRevision byte

type AtomMasterCommandTable

type AtomMasterCommandTable struct {
	Header                          AtomCommonTableHeader
	ASICInit                        uint16
	GetDisplaySurfaceSize           uint16
	ASICRegistersInit               uint16
	VRAMBlockVenderDetection        uint16
	DIGxEncoderControl              uint16
	MemoryControllerInit            uint16
	EnableCRTCMemReq                uint16
	MemoryParamAdjt                 uint16
	DVOEncoderControl               uint16
	GPIOPinControl                  uint16
	SetEngineClock                  uint16
	SetMemoryClock                  uint16
	SetPixelClock                   uint16
	EnableDispPowerGating           uint16
	ResetMemoryDLL                  uint16
	ResetMemoryDevice               uint16
	MemoryPLLInit                   uint16
	AdjtDisplayPll                  uint16
	AdjtMemoryController            uint16
	EnableASICStaticPwrMgt          uint16
	SetUniphyInstance               uint16
	DACLoadDetection                uint16
	LVTMAEncoderControl             uint16
	HWMiscOperation                 uint16
	DAC1EncoderControl              uint16
	DAC2EncoderControl              uint16
	DVOOutputControl                uint16
	CV1OutputControl                uint16
	GetConditionalGoldenSetting     uint16
	TVEncoderControl                uint16
	PatchMCSetting                  uint16
	MCSEQControl                    uint16
	GfxHarvesting                   uint16
	EnableScaler                    uint16
	BlankCRTC                       uint16
	EnableCRTC                      uint16
	GetPixelClock                   uint16
	EnableVGARender                 uint16
	GetSCLKOverMCLKRatio            uint16
	SetCRTCTiming                   uint16
	SetCRTCOverScan                 uint16
	SetCRTCReplication              uint16
	SelectCRTCSource                uint16
	EnableGraphSurfaces             uint16
	UpdateCRTCDoubleBufferRegisters uint16
	LUTAutoFill                     uint16
	EnableHWIconCursor              uint16
	GetMemoryClock                  uint16
	GetEngineClock                  uint16
	SetCRTCingDTDTiming             uint16
	ExternalEncoderControl          uint16
	LVTMAOutputControl              uint16
	VRAMBlockDetectionByStrap       uint16
	MemoryCleanUp                   uint16
	ProcessI2cChannelTransaction    uint16
	WriteOneByteToHWAssistedI2C     uint16
	ReadHWAssistedI2CStat           uint16
	SpeedFanControl                 uint16
	PowerConnectorDetection         uint16
	MCSynchronization               uint16
	ComputeMemoryEnginePLL          uint16
	MemoryRefreshConversion         uint16
	VRAMGetCurrentInfoBlock         uint16
	DynamicMemorySettings           uint16
	MemoryTraining                  uint16
	EnableSpreadSpectrumOnPPLL      uint16
	TMDSAOutputControl              uint16
	SetVoltage                      uint16
	DAC1OutputControl               uint16
	DAC2OutputControl               uint16
	ComputeMemoryClockParam         uint16
	ClockSource                     uint16
	MemoryDeviceInit                uint16
	GetDispObjectInfo               uint16
	DIG1EncoderControl              uint16
	DIG2EncoderControl              uint16
	DIG1TransmitterControl          uint16
	DIG2TransmitterControl          uint16
	ProcessAuxChannelTransaction    uint16
	DPEncoderService                uint16
	GetVoltageInfo                  uint16

type AtomMasterDataTable

type AtomMasterDataTable struct {
	Header                   AtomCommonTableHeader
	UtilityPipeLine          uint16
	MultimediaCapabilityInfo uint16
	MultimediaConfigInfo     uint16
	StandardVESATiming       uint16
	FirmwareInfo             uint16
	PaletteData              uint16
	LCDInfo                  uint16
	DIGTransmitterInfo       uint16
	AnalogTVInfo             uint16
	SupportedDevicesInfo     uint16
	GPIOI2CInfo              uint16
	VRAMageByFirmware        uint16
	GPIOPinLUT               uint16
	VESAToInternalModeLUT    uint16
	ComponentVideoInfo       uint16
	PowerPlayInfo            uint16
	CompassionateData        uint16
	SaveRestoreInfo          uint16
	PPLLSSInfo               uint16
	OemInfo                  uint16
	XTMDSInfo                uint16
	MclkSSInfo               uint16
	ObjectHeader             uint16
	IndirectIOAccess         uint16
	MCInitParameter          uint16
	ASICVDDCInfo             uint16
	ASICInternalSSInfo       uint16
	TVVideoMode              uint16
	VRAMInfo                 uint16
	MemoryTrainingInfo       uint16
	IntegratedSystemInfo     uint16
	ASICProfilingInfo        uint16
	VoltageObjectInfo        uint16
	PowerSourceInfo          uint16

type AtomRomHeader

type AtomRomHeader struct {
	Header                    AtomCommonTableHeader
	FirmWareSignature         string `struct:"[4]byte"`
	BiosRuntimeSegmentAddress uint16
	ProtectedModeInfoOffset   uint16
	ConfigFilenameOffset      uint16
	CRCBlockOffset            uint16
	BIOSBootupMessageOffset   uint16
	Int10Offset               uint16
	PciBDevInitCode           uint16
	IoBaseAddress             uint16
	SubsystemVendorID         uint16
	SubsystemID               uint16
	PCIInfoOffset             uint16
	MasterCommandTableOffset  uint16
	MasterDataTableOffset     uint16
	ExtendedFunctionCode      byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomRomPCIInfo

type AtomRomPCIInfo struct {
	Signature string `struct:"[4]byte"`
	VendorID  uint16
	DeviceID  uint16

type AtomSClkEntry

type AtomSClkEntry struct {
	VddInd                 byte
	VddcOffset             uint16
	Sclk                   uint32
	EdcCurrent             uint16
	ReliabilityTemperature byte
	CKSVOffsetandDisable   byte
	SclkOffset             uint32

type AtomSClkTable

type AtomSClkTable struct {
	RevID      byte
	NumEntries byte `struct:"sizeof=Entries"`
	Entries    []AtomSClkEntry

type AtomVRAMInfoV21

type AtomVRAMInfoV21 struct {
	Header               AtomCommonTableHeader
	MemAdjustTblOffset   uint16 // offset of ATOM_INIT_REG_BLOCK structure for memory vendor specific MC adjust setting
	MemClkPatchTblOffset uint16 // offset of ATOM_INIT_REG_BLOCK structure for memory clock specific MC setting
	PerBytePresetOffset  uint16 // offset of ATOM_INIT_REG_BLOCK structure for Per Byte Offset Preset Settings

	NumOfVRAMModule      byte // indicate number of VRAM module
	MemoryClkPatchTblVer byte // version of memory AC timing register list
	VramModuleVer        byte // indicate ATOM_VRAM_MODUE version

	VramInfo []AtomVRAMModuleV7 // just for allocation, real number of blocks is in ucNumOfVRAMModule;
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomVRAMInfoV22

type AtomVRAMInfoV22 struct {
	Header                   AtomCommonTableHeader
	MemAdjustTblOffset       uint16
	MemClkPatchTblOffset     uint16
	McAdjustPerTileTblOffset uint16
	McPhyInitTableOffset     uint16
	DramDataRemapTblOffset   uint16

	NumOfVRAMModule      byte
	MemoryClkPatchTblVer byte
	VramModuleVer        byte
	McPhyTileNum         byte
	VramInfo             []AtomVRAMModuleV8
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomVRAMInfoV23

type AtomVRAMInfoV23 struct {
	Header                   AtomCommonTableHeader
	MemAdjustTblOffset       uint16
	MemClkPatchTblOffset     uint16
	McAdjustPerTileTblOffset uint16
	McPhyInitTableOffset     uint16
	DramDataRemapTblOffset   uint16
	TmrsSeqOffset            uint16 // offset of HBM tmrs
	PostUcodeInitOffset      uint16 // offset of atom_umc_init_reg_block structure for MC phy init after MC uCode complete umc init
	VramRsd2                 uint16
	NumOfVRAMModule          byte // indicate number of VRAM module

	McPhyTileNum byte
	VramInfo     []AtomVRAMModuleV9 // just for allocation, real number of blocks is in ucNumOfVRAMModule;
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomVRAMModuleV7

type AtomVRAMModuleV7 struct {

type AtomVRAMModuleV8

type AtomVRAMModuleV8 struct {
	ChannelMapCfg  uint32
	ModuleSize     uint16
	McRAMCfg       uint16
	EnableChannels uint16
	ExtMemoryID    byte
	MemoryType     byte
	ChannelNum     byte
	ChannelWidth   byte
	Density        byte
	BankCol        byte
	Misc           byte
	VREFI          byte

	MemorySize        uint16
	McTunningSetID    byte
	RowNum            byte
	EMRS2Value        uint16
	EMRS3Value        uint16
	MemoryVenderID    byte
	RefreshRateFactor byte
	FIFODepth         byte
	CDRBandwidth      byte
	ChannelMapCfg1    uint32
	BankMapCfg        uint32

	MemPNString string `struct:"[20]byte"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomVRAMModuleV9

type AtomVRAMModuleV9 struct {
	MemorySize     uint32 // Total memory size in unit of MB for CONFIG_MEMSIZE zeros
	EnableChannels uint32 // bit vector, each bit indicate specific channel enable or not
	MaxMemoryClock uint32 // max memory clock of this memory in unit of 10kHz, =0 means it is not defined

	MemoryVoltage     uint16 // mem_voltage
	ModuleSize        uint16 // Size of atom_vram_module_v9
	ExtMemoryID       byte   // Current memory module ID
	MemoryType        byte   // enum of atom_dgpu_vram_type
	ChannelNum        byte   // Number of mem. channels supported in this module
	ChannelWidth      byte   // CHANNEL_16BIT/CHANNEL_32BIT/CHANNEL_64BIT
	Density           byte   // _8Mx32, _16Mx32, _16Mx16, _32Mx16
	McTunningSetID    byte   // MC phy registers set per.
	VendorRevID       byte   // [7:4] Revision, [3:0] Vendor code
	RefreshRateFactor byte   // [1:0]=RefreshFactor (00=8ms, 01=16ms, 10=32ms,11=64ms)
	HBMVendorRevID    byte   // hbm_ven_rev_id

	MemPNString string `struct:"[20]byte"` // part number end with '0'.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomVRAMTimingEntry

type AtomVRAMTimingEntry struct {
	ClkRang uint32
	Latency [0x3]byte

type AtomVoltageEntry

type AtomVoltageEntry struct {
	Vdd    uint16
	CACLow uint16
	CACMid uint16
	CACHig uint16

type AtomVoltageInfo

type AtomVoltageInfo struct {
	Header        AtomCommonTableHeader
	VDDCBaseLevel uint16 //In number of 50mv unit

	NumOfVoltageEntries   byte
	BytesPerVoltageEntry  byte
	VoltageStep           byte //Indicating in how many mv increament is one step, 0.5mv unit
	DefaultVoltageEntry   byte
	VoltageControlI2cLine byte
	VoltageControlAddress byte
	VoltageControlOffset  byte
	VoltageEntries        []byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type AtomVoltageTable

type AtomVoltageTable struct {
	RevID      byte
	NumEntries byte `struct:"sizeof=Entries"`
	Entries    []AtomVoltageEntry


	EfuseIndex      uint16 // Efuse Index in DWORD address, for example Index 911, usEuseIndex=112
	EfuseBitLSB     byte   // Efuse bit LSB in DWORD address, for example Index 911, usEfuseBitLSB= 911-112*8=15
	EfuseLength     byte   // Efuse bits length,
	EfuseEncodeRang uint32 // Range = Max - Min, bit31 indicate the efuse is negative number
	EfuseMin        uint32 // Min


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