Detect external Internet IP address changes from any machine, and update a DNS entry in a Google Cloud DNS Managed Zone with that new IP address.
Problem Statement
I moved from having a static IPv4 public IP address on my home Internet connection,
to having a dynamic IPv4 address. How was I going to be able to figure out the
IP address to SSH into if it could possibly change?
There must be a way to detect if has changed, and update my DNS records accordingly.
Run Locally
- Configure Application Default Credentials for your Google Cloud Project.
- Download the resulting JSON file to your local machine.
- Determine a DNS entry that will be updated in the managed zone.
- Run binary.
go run waldo.go --credentialsPath adc.json --managedZone $ZONEFROMCLOUDDNS --project $PROJECTNAME --recordName fqdn.to.keep.updated.tld
Run On Kubernetes
First, you need to create a secret containing your service account credentials.
kubectl create secret generic waldo-creds --from-file=waldo-creds.json
Edit waldo-deployment.yaml to contain your zone name, record name. etc.
Then create the deployment.
kubectl apply -f waldo-deployment.yaml
Command Line Flags
-credentialsPath string
Path to JSON credentials file for updating DNS.
-managedZone string
Zone name in Google Cloud DNS.
-project string
Project name within Google Cloud associated with Managed Zone.
-recordName string
DNS Host Resource Record to Update in Cloud DNS.
-recordType string
RR Datatype for the DNS record. (default "A")
-recordttl int
TTL (minutes) for the DNS record TTL (default 60)
-waitDuration duration
Interval in seconds to check public IP address. (default 5m0s)
Future plans when time permits.
- Dry run support for Record Adds and Deletes.
- Handle both IPv4 and IPv6.
- Notification Upon IP Change: Slack, Email, IRC, SMS
References Used in Development