MQTT broker latency measure tool
go install
A MQTT test tool to measure the broker's forwarding latency. Scenario: each topic has a subscriber and a publisher, the publisher publishes #count messages and the subscriber would measure the broker's forwarding latency by the timestamp inside each message's payload. Some other measurement include publish success ratio, publish bandwidth, forwarding success ratio would also be count.
go install
All dependencies are vendored with manul.
The tool supports multiple concurrent clients, configurable message size, etc:
> mqtt-bm-latency --help
Usage of ./mqtt-bm-latency:
-broker string
MQTT broker endpoint as scheme://host:port (default "tcp://localhost:1883")
-topic string
MQTT topic for outgoing messages (default "/test")
-username string
MQTT username (empty if auth disabled)
-password string
MQTT password (empty if auth disabled)
-pubqos int
QoS for published messages (default 1)
-subqos int
QoS for subscribed messages (default 1)
-size int
Size of the messages payload (bytes) (default 100)
-clients int
Number of clients pair to start (default 10)
-count int
Number of messages to send per pubclient (default 100)
-keepalive int
Keep alive period in seconds (default 60)
-format string
Benchmark results output format: text|json (default "text")
Suppress logs while running
Two output formats supported: human-readable plain text and JSON.
Example use and output:
> mqtt-bm-latency --broker tcp:// --count 10 --size 100 --clients 10 --subqos 1 --pubqos 2 --format text
=========== PUBLISHER 0 ===========
Publish Success Ratio: 100.000% (10/10)
Runtime (s): 0.035
Pub time min (ms): 1.590
Pub time max (ms): 6.813
Pub time mean (ms): 2.831
Pub time std (ms): 1.594
Pub Bandwidth (msg/sec): 286.345
=========== SUBSCRIBER 4 ===========
Forward Success Ratio: 100.000% (10/10)
Forward latency min (ms): 6.000
Forward latency max (ms): 27.000
Forward latency std (ms): 6.867
Mean forward latency (ms): 15.400
================= TOTAL PUBLISHER (10) =================
Total Publish Success Ratio: 100.000% (100/100)
Total Runtime (sec): 0.037
Average Runtime (sec): 0.031
Pub time min (ms): 1.265
Pub time max (ms): 6.813
Pub time mean mean (ms): 2.462
Pub time mean std (ms): 0.242
Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): 321.516
Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): 3215.158
================= TOTAL SUBSCRIBER (10) =================
Total Forward Success Ratio: 100.000% (100/100)
Forward latency min (ms): 2.000
Forward latency max (ms): 27.000
Forward latency mean std (ms): 4.507
Total Mean forward latency (ms): 10.360
Similarly, in JSON:
> mqtt-bm-latency --broker tcp:// --count 10 --size 100 --clients 10 --subqos 1 --pubqos 2 --format json --quiet
"publish runs": [{
"id": 9,
"pub_successes": 10,
"failures": 0,
"run_time": 0.036987145,
"pub_time_min": 0.8713970000000001,
"pub_time_max": 11.59584,
"pub_time_mean": 2.8900005999999996,
"pub_time_std": 3.0913799647375466,
"publish_per_sec": 270.3642035631569
}, ...
"subscribe runs": [{
"id": 9,
"actual_published": 10,
"received": 10,
"fwd_success_ratio": 1,
"fwd_time_min": 10,
"fwd_time_max": 36,
"fwd_time_mean": 20.8,
"fwd_time_std": 9.101892355133874
}, ...
"publish totals": {
"publish_success_ratio": 1,
"successes": 100,
"failures": 0,
"total_run_time": 0.039432823000000006,
"avg_run_time": 0.0363683729,
"pub_time_min": 0.8713970000000001,
"pub_time_max": 11.59584,
"pub_time_mean_avg": 2.5923666000000005,
"pub_time_mean_std": 0.2653321545301076,
"total_msgs_per_sec": 2752.9351662099743,
"avg_msgs_per_sec": 275.2935166209974
"receive totals": {
"fwd_success_ratio": 1,
"successes": 100,
"actual_total_published": 100,
"fwd_latency_min": 2,
"fwd_latency_max": 37,
"fwd_latency_mean_avg": 14.37,
"fwd_latency_mean_std": 4.129581630679366
There is no documentation for this package.