Modern self-hosted pastebin service written in Go.
Many Pastebin services exist but all are more complicated than they need to be.
That is why I decided to write a pastebin service in golang.
This was originally a fork from https://github.com/ewhal/Pastebin,
although the code has severely been modified and functionalities altered.
Supports mysql and sqlite3 database drivers.
Getting started
go get github.com/jf-guillou/pastengo
cd /path/to/install
go build github.com/jf-guillou/pastengo
go generate github.com/jf-guillou/pastengo
go get -u github.com/jf-guillou/pastengo
cd /path/to/install
go build github.com/jf-guillou/pastengo
go generate github.com/jf-guillou/pastengo
Go generate should create a copy of the configuration template.
You should edit config.json
before running pastengo.
Address : Base url used for redirections
Port : HTTP listen port
Length : Length of paste ID
DBType : "sqlite3" or "mysql" based on your preferences
DBName : Database sqlite filename or mysql name
DBUsername : Mysql database username (unused for sqlite)
DBPassword : Mysql database password (unused for sqlite)
Pastengo will automatically create the required SQL tables required.
Running the app is very simple, although we recommand using a process control system like Supervisord.
go generate fails
go generate relies on commands that may not be available on your system.
Doing this manually is pretty simple :
- copy folder
to /path/to/install/
- copy file
to /path/to/install/config.json
- Avoid configuration overwrite on update
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details