vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws is a vault plugin to dynamically create roles and policies based on the identity of the EC2 instance requesting a vault token.
It is implemented as a fork of vault's awsauth backend, with a templating system added.
To build:
$ dep ensure
$ go build
To run:
Add plugin_directory = "/etc/vault/plugins"
to vault config.
Copy binary into plugin directory:
$ mkdir -p /etc/vault/plugins/
$ cp vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws /etc/vault/plugins/vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws
Calculate hash of plugin:
$ export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 "/etc/vault/plugins/vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws" | cut -d' ' -f1)
Register it with vault:
$ vault write sys/plugins/catalog/vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws sha_256="${SHA256}" command="vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws"
Enable it as an auth method:
$ vault auth enable -path="tarmak" -plugin-name="vault-plugin-auth-templated-aws" plugin
Check it appears in auth list:
$ vault auth list
Disable it with:
$ vault auth disable tarmak
Set the vault token and address to use for writing new policies:
vault write auth/tarmak/config/vault token=7459a4df-1e18-6b08-5c0a-f0106badc284 address=
Optionally set the aws credentials for talking to the ec2 api:
vault write auth/tarmak/config/client secret_key=something access_key=something_else
Create role:
vault write auth/tarmak/role/vault-test bound_iam_role_arn=arn:aws:iam::228615251467:role/tarmak-vault base_path="/"
Create some templates (see the section below for more information):
vault write auth/tarmak/template/vault-test/test-policy template='path "secret/*" { capabilities = ["create"] } path "secret/foo" { capabilities = ["read"] }' type=policy path="sys/policy"
vault write auth/tarmak/template/vault-test/test-pki template='{"allowed_domains": ["{{ .FQDN }}"], "allow_subdomains": true}' type=generic path="pki/roles"
Get a token:
vault write auth/tarmak/login pkcs7="$(curl -s" role=vault-test
Templates are processed using go's templating langauge, with the following variables supported:
{{ .InstanceHash }}
: the ID of the requesting instance (e.g i-0f7ebb331c89ed78c
{{ .FQDN }}
: the private DNS name of the requesting instance (e.g.
{{ .InternalIPv4 }}
: the private IP address of the requesting instance
{{ .BasePath }}
: the base_path
set on the role used
{{ .OutputPath }}
: the path
set on the template
{{ .TemplateName }}
: the name of the template
These templates will be rendered to {{.BasePath}}/{{.OutputPath}}/{{.TemplateName}}-{{.InstanceHash}}
in vault.
Templates with type=policy
are parsed and processed in HCL. See this page for details.
Templates with type=generic
are specified in JSON format, and are processed as generic vault secrets.
Although being intended to configure PKI roles, they could be used for other purposes.