gorocksdb, a Go wrapper for RocksDB
You'll need to build RocksDB v5.5+ on your machine.
After that, you can install gorocksdb using the following command:
CGO_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/rocksdb/include" \
CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/rocksdb -lrocksdb -lstdc++ -lm -lz -lbz2 -lsnappy -llz4 -lzstd" \
go get
Please note that this package might upgrade the required RocksDB version at any moment. Vendoring is thus highly recommended if you require high stability.
The embedded CockroachDB RocksDB is no longer supported in gorocksdb.
Overview ¶
Package gorocksdb provides the ability to create and access RocksDB databases.
gorocksdb.OpenDb opens and creates databases.
bbto := gorocksdb.NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions() bbto.SetBlockCache(gorocksdb.NewLRUCache(3 << 30)) opts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultOptions() opts.SetBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto) opts.SetCreateIfMissing(true) db, err := gorocksdb.OpenDb(opts, "/path/to/db")
The DB struct returned by OpenDb provides DB.Get, DB.Put, DB.Merge and DB.Delete to modify and query the database.
ro := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions() wo := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions() // if ro and wo are not used again, be sure to Close them. err = db.Put(wo, []byte("foo"), []byte("bar")) ... value, err := db.Get(ro, []byte("foo")) defer value.Free() ... err = db.Delete(wo, []byte("foo"))
For bulk reads, use an Iterator. If you want to avoid disturbing your live traffic while doing the bulk read, be sure to call SetFillCache(false) on the ReadOptions you use when creating the Iterator.
ro := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions() ro.SetFillCache(false) it := db.NewIterator(ro) defer it.Close() it.Seek([]byte("foo")) for it = it; it.Valid(); it.Next() { key := it.Key() value := it.Value() fmt.Printf("Key: %v Value: %v\n", key.Data(), value.Data()) key.Free() value.Free() } if err := it.Err(); err != nil { ... }
Batched, atomic writes can be performed with a WriteBatch and DB.Write.
wb := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch() // defer wb.Close or use wb.Clear and reuse. wb.Delete([]byte("foo")) wb.Put([]byte("foo"), []byte("bar")) wb.Put([]byte("bar"), []byte("foo")) err := db.Write(wo, wb)
If your working dataset does not fit in memory, you'll want to add a bloom filter to your database. NewBloomFilter and BlockBasedTableOptions.SetFilterPolicy is what you want. NewBloomFilter is amount of bits in the filter to use per key in your database.
filter := gorocksdb.NewBloomFilter(10) bbto := gorocksdb.NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions() bbto.SetFilterPolicy(filter) opts.SetBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto) db, err := gorocksdb.OpenDb(opts, "/path/to/db")
If you're using a custom comparator in your code, be aware you may have to make your own filter policy object.
This documentation is not a complete discussion of RocksDB. Please read the RocksDB documentation <> for information on its operation. You'll find lots of goodies there.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func DestroyDb(name string, opts *Options) error
- func GetRocksdbVersionString() string
- func ListColumnFamilies(opts *Options, name string) ([]string, error)
- func OpenDbColumnFamilies(opts *Options, name string, cfNames []string, cfOpts []*Options) (*DB, []*ColumnFamilyHandle, error)
- func OpenDbForReadOnlyColumnFamilies(opts *Options, name string, cfNames []string, cfOpts []*Options, ...) (*DB, []*ColumnFamilyHandle, error)
- func RepairDb(name string, opts *Options) error
- type BackupEngine
- type BackupEngineInfo
- type BlockBasedTableOptions
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) Destroy()
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockCache(cache *Cache)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockCacheCompressed(cache *Cache)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockRestartInterval(blockRestartInterval int)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockSize(blockSize int)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockSizeDeviation(blockSizeDeviation int)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetFilterPolicy(fp FilterPolicy)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetNoBlockCache(value bool)
- func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetWholeKeyFiltering(value bool)
- type Cache
- type Checkpoint
- type ColumnFamilyHandle
- type CompactionAccessPattern
- type CompactionFilter
- type CompactionOptions
- type CompactionStyle
- type Comparator
- type CompressionOptions
- type CompressionType
- type DB
- func (db *DB) Close()
- func (db *DB) CompactRange(r Range)
- func (db *DB) CompactRangeCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, r Range)
- func (db *DB) CompactRangeWithOptions(opts *CompactionOptions, r Range)
- func (db *DB) CreateColumnFamily(opts *Options, name string) (*ColumnFamilyHandle, error)
- func (db *DB) Delete(opts *WriteOptions, key []byte) error
- func (db *DB) DeleteCF(opts *WriteOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte) error
- func (db *DB) DeleteFile(name string)
- func (db *DB) DeleteFileInRange(startKey, limitKey []byte) error
- func (db *DB) DisableFileDeletions() error
- func (db *DB) DropColumnFamily(c *ColumnFamilyHandle) error
- func (db *DB) EnableFileDeletions(force bool) error
- func (db *DB) Flush(opts *FlushOptions) error
- func (db *DB) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
- func (db *DB) GetApproximateSizes(ranges []Range) []uint64
- func (db *DB) GetApproximateSizesCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, ranges []Range) []uint64
- func (db *DB) GetBytes(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (db *DB) GetCF(opts *ReadOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
- func (db *DB) GetLiveFilesMetaData() []LiveFileMetadata
- func (db *DB) GetProperty(propName string) string
- func (db *DB) GetPropertyCF(propName string, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle) string
- func (db *DB) IngestExternalFile(filePaths []string, opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) error
- func (db *DB) IngestExternalFileCF(handle *ColumnFamilyHandle, filePaths []string, ...) error
- func (db *DB) Merge(opts *WriteOptions, key []byte, value []byte) error
- func (db *DB) MergeCF(opts *WriteOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte, value []byte) error
- func (db *DB) Name() string
- func (db *DB) NewCheckpoint() (*Checkpoint, error)
- func (db *DB) NewIterator(opts *ReadOptions) *Iterator
- func (db *DB) NewIteratorCF(opts *ReadOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle) *Iterator
- func (db *DB) NewSnapshot() *Snapshot
- func (db *DB) Put(opts *WriteOptions, key, value []byte) error
- func (db *DB) PutCF(opts *WriteOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key, value []byte) error
- func (db *DB) ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
- func (db *DB) UnsafeGetDB() unsafe.Pointer
- func (db *DB) VGetVal(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (Slice, error)
- func (db *DB) Write(opts *WriteOptions, batch *WriteBatch) error
- type Env
- type EnvOptions
- type FIFOCompactionOptions
- type FilterPolicy
- type FlushOptions
- type InfoLogLevel
- type IngestExternalFileOptions
- func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) Destroy()
- func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetAllowBlockingFlush(flag bool)
- func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetAllowGlobalSeqNo(flag bool)
- func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetMoveFiles(flag bool)
- func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetSnapshotConsistency(flag bool)
- type Iterator
- func (iter *Iterator) Close()
- func (iter *Iterator) Err() error
- func (iter *Iterator) IsValid() (bool, error)
- func (iter *Iterator) Key() *Slice
- func (iter *Iterator) Next()
- func (iter *Iterator) OKey() (Slice, bool)
- func (iter *Iterator) OValue() (Slice, bool)
- func (iter *Iterator) Prev()
- func (iter *Iterator) Seek(key []byte)
- func (iter *Iterator) SeekForPrev(key []byte)
- func (iter *Iterator) SeekToFirst()
- func (iter *Iterator) SeekToLast()
- func (iter *Iterator) Valid() bool
- func (iter *Iterator) ValidForPrefix(prefix []byte) bool
- func (iter *Iterator) Value() *Slice
- type LiveFileMetadata
- type MergeOperator
- type Options
- func (opts *Options) Destroy()
- func (opts *Options) EnablePipelinedWrite(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) EnableStatistics()
- func (opts *Options) IncreaseParallelism(total_threads int)
- func (opts *Options) OptimizeForPointLookup(block_cache_size_mb uint64)
- func (opts *Options) OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction(memtable_memory_budget uint64)
- func (opts *Options) OptimizeUniversalStyleCompaction(memtable_memory_budget uint64)
- func (opts *Options) PrepareForBulkLoad()
- func (opts *Options) SetAccessHintOnCompactionStart(value CompactionAccessPattern)
- func (opts *Options) SetAdviseRandomOnOpen(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetAllowConcurrentMemtableWrites(allow bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetAllowMmapReads(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetAllowMmapWrites(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetArenaBlockSize(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetBlockBasedTableFactory(value *BlockBasedTableOptions)
- func (opts *Options) SetBloomLocality(value uint32)
- func (opts *Options) SetBytesPerSync(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetCompactionFilter(value CompactionFilter)
- func (opts *Options) SetCompactionStyle(value CompactionStyle)
- func (opts *Options) SetComparator(value Comparator)
- func (opts *Options) SetCompression(value CompressionType)
- func (opts *Options) SetCompressionOptions(value *CompressionOptions)
- func (opts *Options) SetCompressionPerLevel(value []CompressionType)
- func (opts *Options) SetCreateIfMissing(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetCreateIfMissingColumnFamilies(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetDbLogDir(value string)
- func (opts *Options) SetDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetDisableAutoCompactions(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetEnv(value *Env)
- func (opts *Options) SetErrorIfExists(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetFIFOCompactionOptions(value *FIFOCompactionOptions)
- func (opts *Options) SetHardRateLimit(value float64)
- func (opts *Options) SetHashLinkListRep(bucketCount int)
- func (opts *Options) SetHashSkipListRep(bucketCount int, skiplistHeight, skiplistBranchingFactor int32)
- func (opts *Options) SetInfoLogLevel(value InfoLogLevel)
- func (opts *Options) SetInplaceUpdateNumLocks(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetInplaceUpdateSupport(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetIsFdCloseOnExec(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetKeepLogFileNum(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetLevel0StopWritesTrigger(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetLogFileTimeToRoll(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetManifestPreallocationSize(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxBackgroundCompactions(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxBackgroundFlushes(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxBytesForLevelBase(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(value float64)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional(value []int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxLogFileSize(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxManifestFileSize(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxMemCompactionLevel(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxOpenFiles(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxSequentialSkipInIterations(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxSubCompactions(value uint32)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxSuccessiveMerges(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMaxWriteBufferNumber(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMemtableInsertWithHintFixedLengthPrefixExtractor(length int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMemtableVectorRep()
- func (opts *Options) SetMergeOperator(value MergeOperator)
- func (opts *Options) SetMinLevelToCompress(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetNumLevels(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetParanoidChecks(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetPlainTableFactory(keyLen uint32, bloomBitsPerKey int, hashTableRatio float64, ...)
- func (opts *Options) SetPrefixExtractor(value SliceTransform)
- func (opts *Options) SetPurgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetRateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds(value uint)
- func (opts *Options) SetRateLimiter(rateLimiter *RateLimiter)
- func (opts *Options) SetSkipLogErrorOnRecovery(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetSoftRateLimit(value float64)
- func (opts *Options) SetStatsDumpPeriodSec(value uint)
- func (opts *Options) SetTableCacheNumshardbits(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetTableCacheRemoveScanCountLimit(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetTargetFileSizeBase(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetTargetFileSizeMultiplier(value int)
- func (opts *Options) SetUniversalCompactionOptions(value *UniversalCompactionOptions)
- func (opts *Options) SetUseAdaptiveMutex(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetUseDirectIOForFlushAndCompaction(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetUseDirectReads(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetUseFsync(value bool)
- func (opts *Options) SetWALTtlSeconds(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetWalDir(value string)
- func (opts *Options) SetWalSizeLimitMb(value uint64)
- func (opts *Options) SetWriteBufferSize(value int)
- type Range
- type RateLimiter
- type ReadOptions
- func (opts *ReadOptions) Destroy()
- func (opts *ReadOptions) IgnoreRangeDeletions(value bool)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetFillCache(value bool)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetIterateUpperBound(key []byte)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetPinData(value bool)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetReadTier(value ReadTier)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetSnapshot(snap *Snapshot)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetTailing(value bool)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetTotalOrderSeek(value bool)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) SetVerifyChecksums(value bool)
- func (opts *ReadOptions) UnsafeGetReadOptions() unsafe.Pointer
- type ReadTier
- type RestoreOptions
- type SSTFileWriter
- type Slice
- type SliceTransform
- type Snapshot
- type Transaction
- func (transaction *Transaction) Commit() error
- func (transaction *Transaction) Delete(key []byte) error
- func (transaction *Transaction) Destroy()
- func (transaction *Transaction) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
- func (transaction *Transaction) NewIterator(opts *ReadOptions) *Iterator
- func (transaction *Transaction) Put(key, value []byte) error
- func (transaction *Transaction) Rollback() error
- type TransactionDB
- func (transactionDB *TransactionDB) Close()
- func (db *TransactionDB) Delete(opts *WriteOptions, key []byte) error
- func (db *TransactionDB) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
- func (db *TransactionDB) NewCheckpoint() (*Checkpoint, error)
- func (db *TransactionDB) NewSnapshot() *Snapshot
- func (db *TransactionDB) Put(opts *WriteOptions, key, value []byte) error
- func (db *TransactionDB) ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
- func (db *TransactionDB) TransactionBegin(opts *WriteOptions, transactionOpts *TransactionOptions, ...) *Transaction
- type TransactionDBOptions
- func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) Destroy()
- func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetDefaultLockTimeout(default_lock_timeout int64)
- func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetMaxNumLocks(max_num_locks int64)
- func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetNumStripes(num_stripes uint64)
- func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetTransactionLockTimeout(txn_lock_timeout int64)
- type TransactionOptions
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) Destroy()
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetDeadlockDetect(value bool)
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetDeadlockDetectDepth(depth int64)
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetExpiration(expiration int64)
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetLockTimeout(lock_timeout int64)
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetMaxWriteBatchSize(size uint64)
- func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetSetSnapshot(value bool)
- type UniversalCompactionOptions
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) Destroy()
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetCompressionSizePercent(value int)
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMaxMergeWidth(value uint)
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMaxSizeAmplificationPercent(value uint)
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMinMergeWidth(value uint)
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetSizeRatio(value uint)
- func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetStopStyle(value UniversalCompactionStopStyle)
- type UniversalCompactionStopStyle
- type WriteBatch
- func (wb *WriteBatch) BatchedPut(...)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Clear()
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Count() int
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Data() []byte
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Delete(key []byte)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) DeleteCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) DeleteRange(startKey []byte, endKey []byte)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Destroy()
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Merge(key, value []byte)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) MergeCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key, value []byte)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) NewIterator() *WriteBatchIterator
- func (wb *WriteBatch) Put(key, value []byte)
- func (wb *WriteBatch) PutCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key, value []byte)
- type WriteBatchIterator
- type WriteBatchRecord
- type WriteBatchRecordType
- type WriteOptions
Constants ¶
const ( NoCompression = CompressionType(C.rocksdb_no_compression) SnappyCompression = CompressionType(C.rocksdb_snappy_compression) ZLibCompression = CompressionType(C.rocksdb_zlib_compression) Bz2Compression = CompressionType(C.rocksdb_bz2_compression) LZ4Compression = CompressionType(C.rocksdb_lz4_compression) LZ4HCCompression = CompressionType(C.rocksdb_lz4hc_compression) )
Compression types.
const ( LevelCompactionStyle = CompactionStyle(C.rocksdb_level_compaction) UniversalCompactionStyle = CompactionStyle(C.rocksdb_universal_compaction) FIFOCompactionStyle = CompactionStyle(C.rocksdb_fifo_compaction) )
Compaction styles.
const ( NoneCompactionAccessPattern = CompactionAccessPattern(0) NormalCompactionAccessPattern = CompactionAccessPattern(1) SequentialCompactionAccessPattern = CompactionAccessPattern(2) WillneedCompactionAccessPattern = CompactionAccessPattern(3) )
Access patterns for compaction.
const ( DebugInfoLogLevel = InfoLogLevel(0) InfoInfoLogLevel = InfoLogLevel(1) WarnInfoLogLevel = InfoLogLevel(2) ErrorInfoLogLevel = InfoLogLevel(3) FatalInfoLogLevel = InfoLogLevel(4) )
Log leves.
const ( CompactionStopStyleSimilarSize = UniversalCompactionStopStyle(C.rocksdb_similar_size_compaction_stop_style) CompactionStopStyleTotalSize = UniversalCompactionStopStyle(C.rocksdb_total_size_compaction_stop_style) )
Compaction stop style types.
const ( // ReadAllTier reads data in memtable, block cache, OS cache or storage. ReadAllTier = ReadTier(0) // BlockCacheTier reads data in memtable or block cache. BlockCacheTier = ReadTier(1) )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetRocksdbVersionString ¶
func GetRocksdbVersionString() string
func ListColumnFamilies ¶
ListColumnFamilies lists the names of the column families in the DB.
func OpenDbColumnFamilies ¶
func OpenDbColumnFamilies( opts *Options, name string, cfNames []string, cfOpts []*Options, ) (*DB, []*ColumnFamilyHandle, error)
OpenDbColumnFamilies opens a database with the specified column families.
func OpenDbForReadOnlyColumnFamilies ¶
func OpenDbForReadOnlyColumnFamilies( opts *Options, name string, cfNames []string, cfOpts []*Options, errorIfLogFileExist bool, ) (*DB, []*ColumnFamilyHandle, error)
OpenDbForReadOnlyColumnFamilies opens a database with the specified column families in read only mode.
Types ¶
type BackupEngine ¶
type BackupEngine struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BackupEngine is a reusable handle to a RocksDB Backup, created by OpenBackupEngine.
func OpenBackupEngine ¶
func OpenBackupEngine(opts *Options, path string) (*BackupEngine, error)
OpenBackupEngine opens a backup engine with specified options.
func (*BackupEngine) Close ¶
func (b *BackupEngine) Close()
Close close the backup engine and cleans up state The backups already taken remain on storage.
func (*BackupEngine) CreateNewBackup ¶
func (b *BackupEngine) CreateNewBackup(db *DB) error
CreateNewBackup takes a new backup from db.
func (*BackupEngine) GetInfo ¶
func (b *BackupEngine) GetInfo() *BackupEngineInfo
GetInfo gets an object that gives information about the backups that have already been taken
func (*BackupEngine) RestoreDBFromLatestBackup ¶
func (b *BackupEngine) RestoreDBFromLatestBackup(dbDir, walDir string, ro *RestoreOptions) error
RestoreDBFromLatestBackup restores the latest backup to dbDir. walDir is where the write ahead logs are restored to and usually the same as dbDir.
func (*BackupEngine) UnsafeGetBackupEngine ¶
func (b *BackupEngine) UnsafeGetBackupEngine() unsafe.Pointer
UnsafeGetBackupEngine returns the underlying c backup engine.
type BackupEngineInfo ¶
type BackupEngineInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BackupEngineInfo represents the information about the backups in a backup engine instance. Use this to get the state of the backup like number of backups and their ids and timestamps etc.
func (*BackupEngineInfo) Destroy ¶
func (b *BackupEngineInfo) Destroy()
Destroy destroys the backup engine info instance.
func (*BackupEngineInfo) GetBackupId ¶
func (b *BackupEngineInfo) GetBackupId(index int) int64
GetBackupId gets an id that uniquely identifies a backup regardless of its position.
func (*BackupEngineInfo) GetCount ¶
func (b *BackupEngineInfo) GetCount() int
GetCount gets the number backsup available.
func (*BackupEngineInfo) GetNumFiles ¶
func (b *BackupEngineInfo) GetNumFiles(index int) int32
GetNumFiles gets the number of files in the backup index.
func (*BackupEngineInfo) GetSize ¶
func (b *BackupEngineInfo) GetSize(index int) int64
GetSize get the size of the backup in bytes.
func (*BackupEngineInfo) GetTimestamp ¶
func (b *BackupEngineInfo) GetTimestamp(index int) int64
GetTimestamp gets the timestamp at which the backup index was taken.
type BlockBasedTableOptions ¶
type BlockBasedTableOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockBasedTableOptions represents block-based table options.
func NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions ¶
func NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions() *BlockBasedTableOptions
NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions creates a default BlockBasedTableOptions object.
func NewNativeBlockBasedTableOptions ¶
func NewNativeBlockBasedTableOptions(c *C.rocksdb_block_based_table_options_t) *BlockBasedTableOptions
NewNativeBlockBasedTableOptions creates a BlockBasedTableOptions object.
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the BlockBasedTableOptions object.
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockCache ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockCache(cache *Cache)
SetBlockCache sets the control over blocks (user data is stored in a set of blocks, and a block is the unit of reading from disk).
If set, use the specified cache for blocks. If nil, rocksdb will auoptsmatically create and use an 8MB internal cache. Default: nil
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockCacheCompressed ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockCacheCompressed(cache *Cache)
SetBlockCacheCompressed sets the cache for compressed blocks. If nil, rocksdb will not use a compressed block cache. Default: nil
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockRestartInterval ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockRestartInterval(blockRestartInterval int)
SetBlockRestartInterval sets the number of keys between restart points for delta encoding of keys. This parameter can be changed dynamically. Most clients should leave this parameter alone. Default: 16
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockSize ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockSize(blockSize int)
SetBlockSize sets the approximate size of user data packed per block. Note that the block size specified here corresponds opts uncompressed data. The actual size of the unit read from disk may be smaller if compression is enabled. This parameter can be changed dynamically. Default: 4K
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockSizeDeviation ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetBlockSizeDeviation(blockSizeDeviation int)
SetBlockSizeDeviation sets the block size deviation. This is used opts close a block before it reaches the configured 'block_size'. If the percentage of free space in the current block is less than this specified number and adding a new record opts the block will exceed the configured block size, then this block will be closed and the new record will be written opts the next block. Default: 10
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetFilterPolicy ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetFilterPolicy(fp FilterPolicy)
SetFilterPolicy sets the filter policy opts reduce disk reads. Many applications will benefit from passing the result of NewBloomFilterPolicy() here. Default: nil
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetNoBlockCache ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetNoBlockCache(value bool)
SetNoBlockCache specify whether block cache should be used or not. Default: false
func (*BlockBasedTableOptions) SetWholeKeyFiltering ¶
func (opts *BlockBasedTableOptions) SetWholeKeyFiltering(value bool)
SetWholeKeyFiltering specify if whole keys in the filter (not just prefixes) should be placed. This must generally be true for gets opts be efficient. Default: true
type Cache ¶
type Cache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cache is a cache used to store data read from data in memory.
func NewLRUCache ¶
NewLRUCache creates a new LRU Cache object with the capacity given.
func NewNativeCache ¶
func NewNativeCache(c *C.rocksdb_cache_t) *Cache
NewNativeCache creates a Cache object.
func (*Cache) GetPinnedUsage ¶
GetPinnedUsage returns the Cache pinned memory usage.
type Checkpoint ¶
type Checkpoint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Checkpoint provides Checkpoint functionality. Checkpoints provide persistent snapshots of RocksDB databases.
func NewNativeCheckpoint ¶
func NewNativeCheckpoint(c *C.rocksdb_checkpoint_t) *Checkpoint
NewNativeCheckpoint creates a new checkpoint.
func (*Checkpoint) CreateCheckpoint ¶
func (checkpoint *Checkpoint) CreateCheckpoint(checkpoint_dir string, log_size_for_flush uint64) error
CreateCheckpoint builds an openable snapshot of RocksDB on the same disk, which accepts an output directory on the same disk, and under the directory (1) hard-linked SST files pointing to existing live SST files SST files will be copied if output directory is on a different filesystem (2) a copied manifest files and other files The directory should not already exist and will be created by this API. The directory will be an absolute path log_size_for_flush: if the total log file size is equal or larger than this value, then a flush is triggered for all the column families. The default value is 0, which means flush is always triggered. If you move away from the default, the checkpoint may not contain up-to-date data if WAL writing is not always enabled. Flush will always trigger if it is 2PC.
func (*Checkpoint) Destroy ¶
func (checkpoint *Checkpoint) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the Checkpoint object.
type ColumnFamilyHandle ¶
type ColumnFamilyHandle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ColumnFamilyHandle represents a handle to a ColumnFamily.
func NewNativeColumnFamilyHandle ¶
func NewNativeColumnFamilyHandle(c *C.rocksdb_column_family_handle_t) *ColumnFamilyHandle
NewNativeColumnFamilyHandle creates a ColumnFamilyHandle object.
func (*ColumnFamilyHandle) Destroy ¶
func (h *ColumnFamilyHandle) Destroy()
Destroy calls the destructor of the underlying column family handle.
func (*ColumnFamilyHandle) UnsafeGetCFHandler ¶
func (h *ColumnFamilyHandle) UnsafeGetCFHandler() unsafe.Pointer
UnsafeGetCFHandler returns the underlying c column family handle.
type CompactionAccessPattern ¶
type CompactionAccessPattern uint
CompactionAccessPattern specifies the access patern in compaction.
type CompactionFilter ¶
type CompactionFilter interface { // If the Filter function returns false, it indicates // that the kv should be preserved, while a return value of true // indicates that this key-value should be removed from the // output of the compaction. The application can inspect // the existing value of the key and make decision based on it. // // When the value is to be preserved, the application has the option // to modify the existing value and pass it back through a new value. // To retain the previous value, simply return nil // // If multithreaded compaction is being used *and* a single CompactionFilter // instance was supplied via SetCompactionFilter, this the Filter function may be // called from different threads concurrently. The application must ensure // that the call is thread-safe. Filter(level int, key, val []byte) (remove bool, newVal []byte) // The name of the compaction filter, for logging Name() string }
A CompactionFilter can be used to filter keys during compaction time.
type CompactionOptions ¶
type CompactionOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCompactionOptions ¶
func NewCompactionOptions() *CompactionOptions
func (*CompactionOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *CompactionOptions) Destroy()
func (*CompactionOptions) SetChangeLevel ¶
func (opts *CompactionOptions) SetChangeLevel(value bool)
func (*CompactionOptions) SetExclusiveManualCompaction ¶
func (opts *CompactionOptions) SetExclusiveManualCompaction(value bool)
func (*CompactionOptions) SetForceBottommostLevelCompaction ¶
func (opts *CompactionOptions) SetForceBottommostLevelCompaction()
func (*CompactionOptions) SetTargetLevel ¶
func (opts *CompactionOptions) SetTargetLevel(value int)
type Comparator ¶
type Comparator interface { // Three-way comparison. Returns value: // < 0 iff "a" < "b", // == 0 iff "a" == "b", // > 0 iff "a" > "b" Compare(a, b []byte) int // The name of the comparator. Name() string }
A Comparator object provides a total order across slices that are used as keys in an sstable or a database.
func NewNativeCompactionFilter ¶
func NewNativeCompactionFilter(c *C.rocksdb_comparator_t) Comparator
NewNativeCompactionFilter creates a CompactionFilter object.
func NewNativeComparator ¶
func NewNativeComparator(c *C.rocksdb_comparator_t) Comparator
NewNativeComparator creates a Comparator object.
type CompressionOptions ¶
CompressionOptions represents options for different compression algorithms like Zlib.
func NewCompressionOptions ¶
func NewCompressionOptions(windowBits, level, strategy, maxDictBytes int) *CompressionOptions
NewCompressionOptions creates a CompressionOptions object.
func NewDefaultCompressionOptions ¶
func NewDefaultCompressionOptions() *CompressionOptions
NewDefaultCompressionOptions creates a default CompressionOptions object.
type CompressionType ¶
type CompressionType uint
CompressionType specifies the block compression. DB contents are stored in a set of blocks, each of which holds a sequence of key,value pairs. Each block may be compressed before being stored in a file. The following enum describes which compression method (if any) is used to compress a block.
type DB ¶
type DB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DB is a reusable handle to a RocksDB database on disk, created by Open.
func OpenDbForReadOnly ¶
OpenDbForReadOnly opens a database with the specified options for readonly usage.
func (*DB) CompactRange ¶
CompactRange runs a manual compaction on the Range of keys given. This is not likely to be needed for typical usage.
func (*DB) CompactRangeCF ¶
func (db *DB) CompactRangeCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, r Range)
CompactRangeCF runs a manual compaction on the Range of keys given on the given column family. This is not likely to be needed for typical usage.
func (*DB) CompactRangeWithOptions ¶
func (db *DB) CompactRangeWithOptions(opts *CompactionOptions, r Range)
CompactRangeWithOptions runs a manual compaction with specified compaction options on the Range of keys given.
func (*DB) CreateColumnFamily ¶
func (db *DB) CreateColumnFamily(opts *Options, name string) (*ColumnFamilyHandle, error)
CreateColumnFamily create a new column family.
func (*DB) Delete ¶
func (db *DB) Delete(opts *WriteOptions, key []byte) error
Delete removes the data associated with the key from the database.
func (*DB) DeleteCF ¶
func (db *DB) DeleteCF(opts *WriteOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte) error
DeleteCF removes the data associated with the key from the database and column family.
func (*DB) DeleteFile ¶
DeleteFile deletes the file name from the db directory and update the internal state to reflect that. Supports deletion of sst and log files only. 'name' must be path relative to the db directory. eg. 000001.sst, /archive/000003.log.
func (*DB) DeleteFileInRange ¶
DeleteFileRange deletes files in the specified range.
func (*DB) DisableFileDeletions ¶
DisableFileDeletions disables file deletions and should be used when backup the database.
func (*DB) DropColumnFamily ¶
func (db *DB) DropColumnFamily(c *ColumnFamilyHandle) error
DropColumnFamily drops a column family.
func (*DB) EnableFileDeletions ¶
EnableFileDeletions enables file deletions for the database.
func (*DB) Flush ¶
func (db *DB) Flush(opts *FlushOptions) error
Flush triggers a manuel flush for the database.
func (*DB) Get ¶
func (db *DB) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
Get returns the data associated with the key from the database.
func (*DB) GetApproximateSizes ¶
GetApproximateSizes returns the approximate number of bytes of file system space used by one or more key ranges.
The keys counted will begin at Range.Start and end on the key before Range.Limit.
func (*DB) GetApproximateSizesCF ¶
func (db *DB) GetApproximateSizesCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, ranges []Range) []uint64
GetApproximateSizesCF returns the approximate number of bytes of file system space used by one or more key ranges in the column family.
The keys counted will begin at Range.Start and end on the key before Range.Limit.
func (*DB) GetBytes ¶
func (db *DB) GetBytes(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
GetBytes is like Get but returns a copy of the data.
func (*DB) GetCF ¶
func (db *DB) GetCF(opts *ReadOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
GetCF returns the data associated with the key from the database and column family.
func (*DB) GetLiveFilesMetaData ¶
func (db *DB) GetLiveFilesMetaData() []LiveFileMetadata
GetLiveFilesMetaData returns a list of all table files with their level, start key and end key.
func (*DB) GetProperty ¶
GetProperty returns the value of a database property.
func (*DB) GetPropertyCF ¶
func (db *DB) GetPropertyCF(propName string, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle) string
GetPropertyCF returns the value of a database property.
func (*DB) IngestExternalFile ¶
func (db *DB) IngestExternalFile(filePaths []string, opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) error
IngestExternalFile loads a list of external SST files.
func (*DB) IngestExternalFileCF ¶
func (db *DB) IngestExternalFileCF(handle *ColumnFamilyHandle, filePaths []string, opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) error
IngestExternalFileCF loads a list of external SST files for a column family.
func (*DB) Merge ¶
func (db *DB) Merge(opts *WriteOptions, key []byte, value []byte) error
Merge merges the data associated with the key with the actual data in the database.
func (*DB) MergeCF ¶
func (db *DB) MergeCF(opts *WriteOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte, value []byte) error
MergeCF merges the data associated with the key with the actual data in the database and column family.
func (*DB) NewCheckpoint ¶
func (db *DB) NewCheckpoint() (*Checkpoint, error)
NewCheckpoint creates a new Checkpoint for this db.
func (*DB) NewIterator ¶
func (db *DB) NewIterator(opts *ReadOptions) *Iterator
NewIterator returns an Iterator over the the database that uses the ReadOptions given.
func (*DB) NewIteratorCF ¶
func (db *DB) NewIteratorCF(opts *ReadOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle) *Iterator
NewIteratorCF returns an Iterator over the the database and column family that uses the ReadOptions given.
func (*DB) NewSnapshot ¶
NewSnapshot creates a new snapshot of the database.
func (*DB) Put ¶
func (db *DB) Put(opts *WriteOptions, key, value []byte) error
Put writes data associated with a key to the database.
func (*DB) PutCF ¶
func (db *DB) PutCF(opts *WriteOptions, cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key, value []byte) error
PutCF writes data associated with a key to the database and column family.
func (*DB) ReleaseSnapshot ¶
ReleaseSnapshot releases the snapshot and its resources.
func (*DB) UnsafeGetDB ¶
UnsafeGetDB returns the underlying c rocksdb instance.
func (*DB) Write ¶
func (db *DB) Write(opts *WriteOptions, batch *WriteBatch) error
Write writes a WriteBatch to the database
type Env ¶
type Env struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Env is a system call environment used by a database.
func NewNativeEnv ¶
func NewNativeEnv(c *C.rocksdb_env_t) *Env
NewNativeEnv creates a Environment object.
func (*Env) SetBackgroundThreads ¶
SetBackgroundThreads sets the number of background worker threads of a specific thread pool for this environment. 'LOW' is the default pool. Default: 1
func (*Env) SetHighPriorityBackgroundThreads ¶
SetHighPriorityBackgroundThreads sets the size of the high priority thread pool that can be used to prevent compactions from stalling memtable flushes.
type EnvOptions ¶
type EnvOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EnvOptions represents options for env.
func NewDefaultEnvOptions ¶
func NewDefaultEnvOptions() *EnvOptions
NewDefaultEnvOptions creates a default EnvOptions object.
func NewNativeEnvOptions ¶
func NewNativeEnvOptions(c *C.rocksdb_envoptions_t) *EnvOptions
NewNativeEnvOptions creates a EnvOptions object.
func (*EnvOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *EnvOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the EnvOptions object.
type FIFOCompactionOptions ¶
type FIFOCompactionOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FIFOCompactionOptions represent all of the available options for FIFO compaction.
func NewDefaultFIFOCompactionOptions ¶
func NewDefaultFIFOCompactionOptions() *FIFOCompactionOptions
NewDefaultFIFOCompactionOptions creates a default FIFOCompactionOptions object.
func NewNativeFIFOCompactionOptions ¶
func NewNativeFIFOCompactionOptions(c *C.rocksdb_fifo_compaction_options_t) *FIFOCompactionOptions
NewNativeFIFOCompactionOptions creates a native FIFOCompactionOptions object.
func (*FIFOCompactionOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *FIFOCompactionOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the FIFOCompactionOptions object.
func (*FIFOCompactionOptions) SetMaxTableFilesSize ¶
func (opts *FIFOCompactionOptions) SetMaxTableFilesSize(value uint64)
SetMaxTableFilesSize sets the max table file size. Once the total sum of table files reaches this, we will delete the oldest table file Default: 1GB
type FilterPolicy ¶
type FilterPolicy interface { // keys contains a list of keys (potentially with duplicates) // that are ordered according to the user supplied comparator. CreateFilter(keys [][]byte) []byte // "filter" contains the data appended by a preceding call to // CreateFilter(). This method must return true if // the key was in the list of keys passed to CreateFilter(). // This method may return true or false if the key was not on the // list, but it should aim to return false with a high probability. KeyMayMatch(key []byte, filter []byte) bool // Return the name of this policy. Name() string }
FilterPolicy is a factory type that allows the RocksDB database to create a filter, such as a bloom filter, which will used to reduce reads.
func NewBloomFilter ¶
func NewBloomFilter(bitsPerKey int) FilterPolicy
NewBloomFilter returns a new filter policy that uses a bloom filter with approximately the specified number of bits per key. A good value for bits_per_key is 10, which yields a filter with ~1% false positive rate.
Note: if you are using a custom comparator that ignores some parts of the keys being compared, you must not use NewBloomFilterPolicy() and must provide your own FilterPolicy that also ignores the corresponding parts of the keys. For example, if the comparator ignores trailing spaces, it would be incorrect to use a FilterPolicy (like NewBloomFilterPolicy) that does not ignore trailing spaces in keys.
func NewNativeFilterPolicy ¶
func NewNativeFilterPolicy(c *C.rocksdb_filterpolicy_t) FilterPolicy
NewNativeFilterPolicy creates a FilterPolicy object.
type FlushOptions ¶
type FlushOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlushOptions represent all of the available options when manual flushing the database.
func NewDefaultFlushOptions ¶
func NewDefaultFlushOptions() *FlushOptions
NewDefaultFlushOptions creates a default FlushOptions object.
func NewNativeFlushOptions ¶
func NewNativeFlushOptions(c *C.rocksdb_flushoptions_t) *FlushOptions
NewNativeFlushOptions creates a FlushOptions object.
func (*FlushOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *FlushOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the FlushOptions object.
func (*FlushOptions) SetWait ¶
func (opts *FlushOptions) SetWait(value bool)
SetWait specify if the flush will wait until the flush is done. Default: true
type IngestExternalFileOptions ¶
type IngestExternalFileOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IngestExternalFileOptions represents available options when ingesting external files.
func NewDefaultIngestExternalFileOptions ¶
func NewDefaultIngestExternalFileOptions() *IngestExternalFileOptions
NewDefaultIngestExternalFileOptions creates a default IngestExternalFileOptions object.
func NewNativeIngestExternalFileOptions ¶
func NewNativeIngestExternalFileOptions(c *C.rocksdb_ingestexternalfileoptions_t) *IngestExternalFileOptions
NewNativeIngestExternalFileOptions creates a IngestExternalFileOptions object.
func (*IngestExternalFileOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the IngestExternalFileOptions object.
func (*IngestExternalFileOptions) SetAllowBlockingFlush ¶
func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetAllowBlockingFlush(flag bool)
SetAllowBlockingFlush sets allow_blocking_flush. If set to false and the file key range overlaps with the memtable key range (memtable flush required), IngestExternalFile will fail. Default to true.
func (*IngestExternalFileOptions) SetAllowGlobalSeqNo ¶
func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetAllowGlobalSeqNo(flag bool)
SetAllowGlobalSeqNo sets allow_global_seqno. If set to false,IngestExternalFile() will fail if the file key range overlaps with existing keys or tombstones in the DB. Default true.
func (*IngestExternalFileOptions) SetMoveFiles ¶
func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetMoveFiles(flag bool)
SetMoveFiles specifies if it should move the files instead of copying them. Default to false.
func (*IngestExternalFileOptions) SetSnapshotConsistency ¶
func (opts *IngestExternalFileOptions) SetSnapshotConsistency(flag bool)
SetSnapshotConsistency if specifies the consistency. If set to false, an ingested file key could appear in existing snapshots that were created before the file was ingested. Default to true.
type Iterator ¶
type Iterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Iterator provides a way to seek to specific keys and iterate through the keyspace from that point, as well as access the values of those keys.
For example:
it := db.NewIterator(readOpts) defer it.Close() it.Seek([]byte("foo")) for ; it.Valid(); it.Next() { fmt.Printf("Key: %v Value: %v\n", it.Key().Data(), it.Value().Data()) } if err := it.Err(); err != nil { return err }
func NewNativeIterator ¶
NewNativeIterator creates a Iterator object.
func (*Iterator) Err ¶
Err returns nil if no errors happened during iteration, or the actual error otherwise.
func (*Iterator) Next ¶
func (iter *Iterator) Next()
Next moves the iterator to the next sequential key in the database.
func (*Iterator) Prev ¶
func (iter *Iterator) Prev()
Prev moves the iterator to the previous sequential key in the database.
func (*Iterator) SeekForPrev ¶
SeekForPrev moves the iterator to the last key that less than or equal to the target key, in contrast with Seek.
func (*Iterator) SeekToFirst ¶
func (iter *Iterator) SeekToFirst()
SeekToFirst moves the iterator to the first key in the database.
func (*Iterator) SeekToLast ¶
func (iter *Iterator) SeekToLast()
SeekToLast moves the iterator to the last key in the database.
func (*Iterator) Valid ¶
Valid returns false only when an Iterator has iterated past either the first or the last key in the database.
func (*Iterator) ValidForPrefix ¶
ValidForPrefix returns false only when an Iterator has iterated past the first or the last key in the database or the specified prefix.
type LiveFileMetadata ¶
type LiveFileMetadata struct { Name string Level int Size int64 SmallestKey []byte LargestKey []byte }
LiveFileMetadata is a metadata which is associated with each SST file.
type MergeOperator ¶
type MergeOperator interface { // Gives the client a way to express the read -> modify -> write semantics // key: The key that's associated with this merge operation. // Client could multiplex the merge operator based on it // if the key space is partitioned and different subspaces // refer to different types of data which have different // merge operation semantics. // existingValue: null indicates that the key does not exist before this op. // operands: the sequence of merge operations to apply, front() first. // // Return true on success. // // All values passed in will be client-specific values. So if this method // returns false, it is because client specified bad data or there was // internal corruption. This will be treated as an error by the library. FullMerge(key, existingValue []byte, operands [][]byte) ([]byte, bool) // This function performs merge(left_op, right_op) // when both the operands are themselves merge operation types // that you would have passed to a db.Merge() call in the same order // (i.e.: db.Merge(key,left_op), followed by db.Merge(key,right_op)). // // PartialMerge should combine them into a single merge operation. // The return value should be constructed such that a call to // db.Merge(key, new_value) would yield the same result as a call // to db.Merge(key, left_op) followed by db.Merge(key, right_op). // // If it is impossible or infeasible to combine the two operations, return false. // The library will internally keep track of the operations, and apply them in the // correct order once a base-value (a Put/Delete/End-of-Database) is seen. PartialMerge(key, leftOperand, rightOperand []byte) ([]byte, bool) // The name of the MergeOperator. Name() string }
A MergeOperator specifies the SEMANTICS of a merge, which only client knows. It could be numeric addition, list append, string concatenation, edit data structure, ... , anything. The library, on the other hand, is concerned with the exercise of this interface, at the right time (during get, iteration, compaction...)
Please read the RocksDB documentation <> for more details and example implementations.
func NewNativeMergeOperator ¶
func NewNativeMergeOperator(c *C.rocksdb_mergeoperator_t) MergeOperator
NewNativeMergeOperator creates a MergeOperator object.
type Options ¶
type Options struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Options represent all of the available options when opening a database with Open.
func NewDefaultOptions ¶
func NewDefaultOptions() *Options
NewDefaultOptions creates the default Options.
func NewNativeOptions ¶
func NewNativeOptions(c *C.rocksdb_options_t) *Options
NewNativeOptions creates a Options object.
func (*Options) EnablePipelinedWrite ¶
func (*Options) EnableStatistics ¶
func (opts *Options) EnableStatistics()
EnableStatistics enable statistics.
func (*Options) IncreaseParallelism ¶
IncreaseParallelism sets the parallelism.
By default, RocksDB uses only one background thread for flush and compaction. Calling this function will set it up such that total of `total_threads` is used. Good value for `total_threads` is the number of cores. You almost definitely want to call this function if your system is bottlenecked by RocksDB.
func (*Options) OptimizeForPointLookup ¶
OptimizeForPointLookup optimize the DB for point lookups.
Use this if you don't need to keep the data sorted, i.e. you'll never use an iterator, only Put() and Get() API calls
If you use this with rocksdb >= 5.0.2, you must call `SetAllowConcurrentMemtableWrites(false)` to avoid an assertion error immediately on opening the db.
func (*Options) OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction ¶
OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction optimize the DB for leveld compaction.
Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might observe write stalls under some conditions. As a starting point for tuning RocksDB options, use the following two functions: * OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction -- optimizes level style compaction * OptimizeUniversalStyleCompaction -- optimizes universal style compaction Universal style compaction is focused on reducing Write Amplification Factor for big data sets, but increases Space Amplification. You can learn more about the different styles here: Make sure to also call IncreaseParallelism(), which will provide the biggest performance gains. Note: we might use more memory than memtable_memory_budget during high write rate period
func (*Options) OptimizeUniversalStyleCompaction ¶
OptimizeUniversalStyleCompaction optimize the DB for universal compaction. See note on OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction.
func (*Options) PrepareForBulkLoad ¶
func (opts *Options) PrepareForBulkLoad()
PrepareForBulkLoad prepare the DB for bulk loading.
All data will be in level 0 without any automatic compaction. It's recommended to manually call CompactRange(NULL, NULL) before reading from the database, because otherwise the read can be very slow.
func (*Options) SetAccessHintOnCompactionStart ¶
func (opts *Options) SetAccessHintOnCompactionStart(value CompactionAccessPattern)
SetAccessHintOnCompactionStart specifies the file access pattern once a compaction is started.
It will be applied to all input files of a compaction. Default: NormalCompactionAccessPattern
func (*Options) SetAdviseRandomOnOpen ¶
SetAdviseRandomOnOpen specifies whether we will hint the underlying file system that the file access pattern is random, when a sst file is opened. Default: true
func (*Options) SetAllowConcurrentMemtableWrites ¶
Set whether to allow concurrent memtable writes. Conccurent writes are not supported by all memtable factories (currently only SkipList memtables). As of rocksdb 5.0.2 you must call `SetAllowConcurrentMemtableWrites(false)` if you use `OptimizeForPointLookup`.
func (*Options) SetAllowMmapReads ¶
SetAllowMmapReads enable/disable mmap reads for reading sst tables. Default: false
func (*Options) SetAllowMmapWrites ¶
SetAllowMmapWrites enable/disable mmap writes for writing sst tables. Default: true
func (*Options) SetArenaBlockSize ¶
SetArenaBlockSize sets the size of one block in arena memory allocation.
If <= 0, a proper value is automatically calculated (usually 1/10 of writer_buffer_size). Default: 0
func (*Options) SetBlockBasedTableFactory ¶
func (opts *Options) SetBlockBasedTableFactory(value *BlockBasedTableOptions)
SetBlockBasedTableFactory sets the block based table factory.
func (*Options) SetBloomLocality ¶
SetBloomLocality sets the bloom locality.
Control locality of bloom filter probes to improve cache miss rate. This option only applies to memtable prefix bloom and plaintable prefix bloom. It essentially limits the max number of cache lines each bloom filter check can touch. This optimization is turned off when set to 0. The number should never be greater than number of probes. This option can boost performance for in-memory workload but should use with care since it can cause higher false positive rate. Default: 0
func (*Options) SetBytesPerSync ¶
SetBytesPerSync sets the bytes per sync.
Allows OS to incrementally sync files to disk while they are being written, asynchronously, in the background. Issue one request for every bytes_per_sync written. Default: 0 (disabled)
func (*Options) SetCompactionFilter ¶
func (opts *Options) SetCompactionFilter(value CompactionFilter)
SetCompactionFilter sets the specified compaction filter which will be applied on compactions. Default: nil
func (*Options) SetCompactionStyle ¶
func (opts *Options) SetCompactionStyle(value CompactionStyle)
SetCompactionStyle sets the compaction style. Default: LevelCompactionStyle
func (*Options) SetComparator ¶
func (opts *Options) SetComparator(value Comparator)
SetComparator sets the comparator which define the order of keys in the table. Default: a comparator that uses lexicographic byte-wise ordering
func (*Options) SetCompression ¶
func (opts *Options) SetCompression(value CompressionType)
SetCompression sets the compression algorithm. Default: SnappyCompression, which gives lightweight but fast compression.
func (*Options) SetCompressionOptions ¶
func (opts *Options) SetCompressionOptions(value *CompressionOptions)
SetCompressionOptions sets different options for compression algorithms. Default: nil
func (*Options) SetCompressionPerLevel ¶
func (opts *Options) SetCompressionPerLevel(value []CompressionType)
SetCompressionPerLevel sets different compression algorithm per level.
Different levels can have different compression policies. There are cases where most lower levels would like to quick compression algorithm while the higher levels (which have more data) use compression algorithms that have better compression but could be slower. This array should have an entry for each level of the database. This array overrides the value specified in the previous field 'compression'.
func (*Options) SetCreateIfMissing ¶
SetCreateIfMissing specifies whether the database should be created if it is missing. Default: false
func (*Options) SetCreateIfMissingColumnFamilies ¶
SetCreateIfMissingColumnFamilies specifies whether the column families should be created if they are missing.
func (*Options) SetDbLogDir ¶
SetDbLogDir specifies the absolute info LOG dir.
If it is empty, the log files will be in the same dir as data. If it is non empty, the log files will be in the specified dir, and the db data dir's absolute path will be used as the log file name's prefix. Default: empty
func (*Options) SetDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros ¶
SetDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros sets the periodicity when obsolete files get deleted.
The files that get out of scope by compaction process will still get automatically delete on every compaction, regardless of this setting. Default: 6 hours
func (*Options) SetDisableAutoCompactions ¶
SetDisableAutoCompactions enable/disable automatic compactions.
Manual compactions can still be issued on this database. Default: false
func (*Options) SetEnv ¶
SetEnv sets the specified object to interact with the environment, e.g. to read/write files, schedule background work, etc. Default: DefaultEnv
func (*Options) SetErrorIfExists ¶
SetErrorIfExists specifies whether an error should be raised if the database already exists. Default: false
func (*Options) SetFIFOCompactionOptions ¶
func (opts *Options) SetFIFOCompactionOptions(value *FIFOCompactionOptions)
SetFIFOCompactionOptions sets the options for FIFO compaction style. Default: nil
func (*Options) SetHardRateLimit ¶
SetHardRateLimit sets the hard rate limit.
Puts are delayed 1ms at a time when any level has a compaction score that exceeds hard_rate_limit. This is ignored when <= 1.0. Default: 0.0 (disabled)
func (*Options) SetHashLinkListRep ¶
SetHashLinkListRep sets a hashed linked list as MemTableRep.
It contains a fixed array of buckets, each pointing to a sorted single linked list (null if the bucket is empty).
bucketCount: number of fixed array buckets
func (*Options) SetHashSkipListRep ¶
func (opts *Options) SetHashSkipListRep(bucketCount int, skiplistHeight, skiplistBranchingFactor int32)
SetHashSkipListRep sets a hash skip list as MemTableRep.
It contains a fixed array of buckets, each pointing to a skiplist (null if the bucket is empty).
bucketCount: number of fixed array buckets skiplistHeight: the max height of the skiplist skiplistBranchingFactor: probabilistic size ratio between adjacent
link lists in the skiplist
func (*Options) SetInfoLogLevel ¶
func (opts *Options) SetInfoLogLevel(value InfoLogLevel)
SetInfoLogLevel sets the info log level. Default: InfoInfoLogLevel
func (*Options) SetInplaceUpdateNumLocks ¶
SetInplaceUpdateNumLocks sets the number of locks used for inplace update. Default: 10000, if inplace_update_support = true, else 0.
func (*Options) SetInplaceUpdateSupport ¶
SetInplaceUpdateSupport enable/disable thread-safe inplace updates.
Requires updates if * key exists in current memtable * new sizeof(new_value) <= sizeof(old_value) * old_value for that key is a put i.e. kTypeValue Default: false.
func (*Options) SetIsFdCloseOnExec ¶
SetIsFdCloseOnExec enable/dsiable child process inherit open files. Default: true
func (*Options) SetKeepLogFileNum ¶
SetKeepLogFileNum sets the maximal info log files to be kept. Default: 1000
func (*Options) SetLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger ¶
SetLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger sets the number of files to trigger level-0 compaction.
A value <0 means that level-0 compaction will not be triggered by number of files at all. Default: 4
func (*Options) SetLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger ¶
SetLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger sets the soft limit on number of level-0 files.
We start slowing down writes at this point. A value <0 means that no writing slow down will be triggered by number of files in level-0. Default: 8
func (*Options) SetLevel0StopWritesTrigger ¶
SetLevel0StopWritesTrigger sets the maximum number of level-0 files. We stop writes at this point. Default: 12
func (*Options) SetLogFileTimeToRoll ¶
SetLogFileTimeToRoll sets the time for the info log file to roll (in seconds).
If specified with non-zero value, log file will be rolled if it has been active longer than `log_file_time_to_roll`. Default: 0 (disabled)
func (*Options) SetManifestPreallocationSize ¶
SetManifestPreallocationSize sets the number of bytes to preallocate (via fallocate) the manifest files.
Default is 4mb, which is reasonable to reduce random IO as well as prevent overallocation for mounts that preallocate large amounts of data (such as xfs's allocsize option). Default: 4mb
func (*Options) SetMaxBackgroundCompactions ¶
SetMaxBackgroundCompactions sets the maximum number of concurrent background jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool Default: 1
func (*Options) SetMaxBackgroundFlushes ¶
SetMaxBackgroundFlushes sets the maximum number of concurrent background memtable flush jobs, submitted to the HIGH priority thread pool.
By default, all background jobs (major compaction and memtable flush) go to the LOW priority pool. If this option is set to a positive number, memtable flush jobs will be submitted to the HIGH priority pool. It is important when the same Env is shared by multiple db instances. Without a separate pool, long running major compaction jobs could potentially block memtable flush jobs of other db instances, leading to unnecessary Put stalls. Default: 0
func (*Options) SetMaxBytesForLevelBase ¶
SetMaxBytesForLevelBase sets the maximum total data size for a level.
It is the max total for level-1. Maximum number of bytes for level L can be calculated as (max_bytes_for_level_base) * (max_bytes_for_level_multiplier ^ (L-1))
For example, if max_bytes_for_level_base is 20MB, and if max_bytes_for_level_multiplier is 10, total data size for level-1 will be 20MB, total file size for level-2 will be 200MB, and total file size for level-3 will be 2GB. Default: 10MB
func (*Options) SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier ¶
SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier sets the max Bytes for level multiplier. Default: 10
func (*Options) SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional ¶
SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional sets different max-size multipliers for different levels.
These are multiplied by max_bytes_for_level_multiplier to arrive at the max-size of each level. Default: 1 for each level
func (*Options) SetMaxLogFileSize ¶
SetMaxLogFileSize sets the maximal size of the info log file.
If the log file is larger than `max_log_file_size`, a new info log file will be created. If max_log_file_size == 0, all logs will be written to one log file. Default: 0
func (*Options) SetMaxManifestFileSize ¶
SetMaxManifestFileSize sets the maximal manifest file size until is rolled over. The older manifest file be deleted. Default: MAX_INT so that roll-over does not take place.
func (*Options) SetMaxMemCompactionLevel ¶
SetMaxMemCompactionLevel sets the maximum level to which a new compacted memtable is pushed if it does not create overlap.
We try to push to level 2 to avoid the relatively expensive level 0=>1 compactions and to avoid some expensive manifest file operations. We do not push all the way to the largest level since that can generate a lot of wasted disk space if the same key space is being repeatedly overwritten. Default: 2
func (*Options) SetMaxOpenFiles ¶
SetMaxOpenFiles sets the number of open files that can be used by the DB.
You may need to increase this if your database has a large working set (budget one open file per 2MB of working set). Default: 1000
func (*Options) SetMaxSequentialSkipInIterations ¶
SetMaxSequentialSkipInIterations specifies whether an iteration->Next() sequentially skips over keys with the same user-key or not.
This number specifies the number of keys (with the same userkey) that will be sequentially skipped before a reseek is issued. Default: 8
func (*Options) SetMaxSubCompactions ¶
func (*Options) SetMaxSuccessiveMerges ¶
SetMaxSuccessiveMerges sets the maximum number of successive merge operations on a key in the memtable.
When a merge operation is added to the memtable and the maximum number of successive merges is reached, the value of the key will be calculated and inserted into the memtable instead of the merge operation. This will ensure that there are never more than max_successive_merges merge operations in the memtable. Default: 0 (disabled)
func (*Options) SetMaxWriteBufferNumber ¶
SetMaxWriteBufferNumber sets the maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory.
The default is 2, so that when 1 write buffer is being flushed to storage, new writes can continue to the other write buffer. Default: 2
func (*Options) SetMemtableInsertWithHintFixedLengthPrefixExtractor ¶
func (*Options) SetMemtableVectorRep ¶
func (opts *Options) SetMemtableVectorRep()
SetMemtableVectorRep sets a MemTableRep which is backed by a vector.
On iteration, the vector is sorted. This is useful for workloads where iteration is very rare and writes are generally not issued after reads begin.
func (*Options) SetMergeOperator ¶
func (opts *Options) SetMergeOperator(value MergeOperator)
SetMergeOperator sets the merge operator which will be called if a merge operations are used. Default: nil
func (*Options) SetMinLevelToCompress ¶
SetMinLevelToCompress sets the start level to use compression.
func (*Options) SetMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge ¶
SetMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge sets the minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together before writing to storage.
If set to 1, then all write buffers are flushed to L0 as individual files and this increases read amplification because a get request has to check in all of these files. Also, an in-memory merge may result in writing lesser data to storage if there are duplicate records in each of these individual write buffers. Default: 1
func (*Options) SetNumLevels ¶
SetNumLevels sets the number of levels for this database. Default: 7
func (*Options) SetParanoidChecks ¶
SetParanoidChecks enable/disable paranoid checks.
If true, the implementation will do aggressive checking of the data it is processing and will stop early if it detects any errors. This may have unforeseen ramifications: for example, a corruption of one DB entry may cause a large number of entries to become unreadable or for the entire DB to become unopenable. If any of the writes to the database fails (Put, Delete, Merge, Write), the database will switch to read-only mode and fail all other Write operations. Default: false
func (*Options) SetPlainTableFactory ¶
func (opts *Options) SetPlainTableFactory(keyLen uint32, bloomBitsPerKey int, hashTableRatio float64, indexSparseness int)
SetPlainTableFactory sets a plain table factory with prefix-only seek.
For this factory, you need to set prefix_extractor properly to make it work. Look-up will starts with prefix hash lookup for key prefix. Inside the hash bucket found, a binary search is executed for hash conflicts. Finally, a linear search is used.
keyLen: plain table has optimization for fix-sized keys,
which can be specified via keyLen.
bloomBitsPerKey: the number of bits used for bloom filer per prefix. You
may disable it by passing a zero.
hashTableRatio: the desired utilization of the hash table used for prefix
hashing. hashTableRatio = number of prefixes / #buckets in the hash table
indexSparseness: inside each prefix, need to build one index record for how
many keys for binary search inside each hash bucket.
func (*Options) SetPrefixExtractor ¶
func (opts *Options) SetPrefixExtractor(value SliceTransform)
SetPrefixExtractor sets the prefic extractor.
If set, use the specified function to determine the prefixes for keys. These prefixes will be placed in the filter. Depending on the workload, this can reduce the number of read-IOP cost for scans when a prefix is passed via ReadOptions to db.NewIterator(). Default: nil
func (*Options) SetPurgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush ¶
SetPurgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush enable/disable purging of duplicate/deleted keys when a memtable is flushed to storage. Default: true
func (*Options) SetRateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds ¶
SetRateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds sets the max time a put will be stalled when hard_rate_limit is enforced. If 0, then there is no limit. Default: 1000
func (*Options) SetRateLimiter ¶
func (opts *Options) SetRateLimiter(rateLimiter *RateLimiter)
SetRateLimiter sets the rate limiter of the options. Use to control write rate of flush and compaction. Flush has higher priority than compaction. Rate limiting is disabled if nullptr. If rate limiter is enabled, bytes_per_sync is set to 1MB by default. Default: nullptr
func (*Options) SetSkipLogErrorOnRecovery ¶
SetSkipLogErrorOnRecovery enable/disable skipping of log corruption error on recovery (If client is ok with losing most recent changes) Default: false
func (*Options) SetSoftRateLimit ¶
SetSoftRateLimit sets the soft rate limit.
Puts are delayed 0-1 ms when any level has a compaction score that exceeds soft_rate_limit. This is ignored when == 0.0. CONSTRAINT: soft_rate_limit <= hard_rate_limit. If this constraint does not hold, RocksDB will set soft_rate_limit = hard_rate_limit Default: 0.0 (disabled)
func (*Options) SetStatsDumpPeriodSec ¶
SetStatsDumpPeriodSec sets the stats dump period in seconds.
If not zero, dump stats to LOG every stats_dump_period_sec Default: 3600 (1 hour)
func (*Options) SetTableCacheNumshardbits ¶
SetTableCacheNumshardbits sets the number of shards used for table cache. Default: 4
func (*Options) SetTableCacheRemoveScanCountLimit ¶
SetTableCacheRemoveScanCountLimit sets the count limit during a scan.
During data eviction of table's LRU cache, it would be inefficient to strictly follow LRU because this piece of memory will not really be released unless its refcount falls to zero. Instead, make two passes: the first pass will release items with refcount = 1, and if not enough space releases after scanning the number of elements specified by this parameter, we will remove items in LRU order. Default: 16
func (*Options) SetTargetFileSizeBase ¶
SetTargetFileSizeBase sets the target file size for compaction.
Target file size is per-file size for level-1. Target file size for level L can be calculated by target_file_size_base * (target_file_size_multiplier ^ (L-1))
For example, if target_file_size_base is 2MB and target_file_size_multiplier is 10, then each file on level-1 will be 2MB, and each file on level 2 will be 20MB, and each file on level-3 will be 200MB. Default: 2MB
func (*Options) SetTargetFileSizeMultiplier ¶
SetTargetFileSizeMultiplier sets the target file size multiplier for compaction. Default: 1
func (*Options) SetUniversalCompactionOptions ¶
func (opts *Options) SetUniversalCompactionOptions(value *UniversalCompactionOptions)
SetUniversalCompactionOptions sets the options needed to support Universal Style compactions. Default: nil
func (*Options) SetUseAdaptiveMutex ¶
SetUseAdaptiveMutex enable/disable adaptive mutex, which spins in the user space before resorting to kernel.
This could reduce context switch when the mutex is not heavily contended. However, if the mutex is hot, we could end up wasting spin time. Default: false
func (*Options) SetUseDirectIOForFlushAndCompaction ¶
SetUseDirectIOForFlushAndCompaction enable/disable direct I/O mode (O_DIRECT) for both reads and writes in background flush and compactions When true, new_table_reader_for_compaction_inputs is forced to true. Default: false
func (*Options) SetUseDirectReads ¶
SetUseDirectReads enable/disable direct I/O mode (O_DIRECT) for reads Default: false
func (*Options) SetUseFsync ¶
SetUseFsync enable/disable fsync.
If true, then every store to stable storage will issue a fsync. If false, then every store to stable storage will issue a fdatasync. This parameter should be set to true while storing data to filesystem like ext3 that can lose files after a reboot. Default: false
func (*Options) SetWALTtlSeconds ¶
SetWALTtlSeconds sets the WAL ttl in seconds.
The following two options affect how archived logs will be deleted.
- If both set to 0, logs will be deleted asap and will not get into the archive.
- If wal_ttl_seconds is 0 and wal_size_limit_mb is not 0, WAL files will be checked every 10 min and if total size is greater then wal_size_limit_mb, they will be deleted starting with the earliest until size_limit is met. All empty files will be deleted.
- If wal_ttl_seconds is not 0 and wall_size_limit_mb is 0, then WAL files will be checked every wal_ttl_seconds / 2 and those that are older than wal_ttl_seconds will be deleted.
- If both are not 0, WAL files will be checked every 10 min and both checks will be performed with ttl being first.
Default: 0
func (*Options) SetWalDir ¶
SetWalDir specifies the absolute dir path for write-ahead logs (WAL).
If it is empty, the log files will be in the same dir as data. If it is non empty, the log files will be in the specified dir, When destroying the db, all log files and the dir itopts is deleted. Default: empty
func (*Options) SetWalSizeLimitMb ¶
SetWalSizeLimitMb sets the WAL size limit in MB.
If total size of WAL files is greater then wal_size_limit_mb, they will be deleted starting with the earliest until size_limit is met Default: 0
func (*Options) SetWriteBufferSize ¶
SetWriteBufferSize sets the amount of data to build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log on disk) before converting to a sorted on-disk file.
Larger values increase performance, especially during bulk loads. Up to max_write_buffer_number write buffers may be held in memory at the same time, so you may wish to adjust this parameter to control memory usage. Also, a larger write buffer will result in a longer recovery time the next time the database is opened. Default: 4MB
type Range ¶
Range is a range of keys in the database. GetApproximateSizes calls with it begin at the key Start and end right before the key Limit.
type RateLimiter ¶
type RateLimiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RateLimiter, is used to control write rate of flush and compaction.
func NewNativeRateLimiter ¶
func NewNativeRateLimiter(c *C.rocksdb_ratelimiter_t) *RateLimiter
NewNativeRateLimiter creates a native RateLimiter object.
func NewRateLimiter ¶
func NewRateLimiter(rate_bytes_per_sec, refill_period_us int64, fairness int32) *RateLimiter
NewDefaultRateLimiter creates a default RateLimiter object.
func (*RateLimiter) Destroy ¶
func (self *RateLimiter) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the RateLimiter object.
type ReadOptions ¶
type ReadOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReadOptions represent all of the available options when reading from a database.
func NewDefaultReadOptions ¶
func NewDefaultReadOptions() *ReadOptions
NewDefaultReadOptions creates a default ReadOptions object.
func NewNativeReadOptions ¶
func NewNativeReadOptions(c *C.rocksdb_readoptions_t) *ReadOptions
NewNativeReadOptions creates a ReadOptions object.
func (*ReadOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the ReadOptions object.
func (*ReadOptions) IgnoreRangeDeletions ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) IgnoreRangeDeletions(value bool)
func (*ReadOptions) SetFillCache ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetFillCache(value bool)
SetFillCache specify whether the "data block"/"index block"/"filter block" read for this iteration should be cached in memory? Callers may wish to set this field to false for bulk scans. Default: true
func (*ReadOptions) SetIterateUpperBound ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetIterateUpperBound(key []byte)
SetIterateUpperBound specifies "iterate_upper_bound", which defines the extent upto which the forward iterator can returns entries. Once the bound is reached, Valid() will be false. "iterate_upper_bound" is exclusive ie the bound value is not a valid entry. If iterator_extractor is not null, the Seek target and iterator_upper_bound need to have the same prefix. This is because ordering is not guaranteed outside of prefix domain. There is no lower bound on the iterator. If needed, that can be easily implemented. Default: nullptr
func (*ReadOptions) SetPinData ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetPinData(value bool)
SetPinData specifies the value of "pin_data". If true, it keeps the blocks loaded by the iterator pinned in memory as long as the iterator is not deleted, If used when reading from tables created with BlockBasedTableOptions::use_delta_encoding = false, Iterator's property "" is guaranteed to return 1. Default: false
func (*ReadOptions) SetReadTier ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetReadTier(value ReadTier)
SetReadTier specify if this read request should process data that ALREADY resides on a particular cache. If the required data is not found at the specified cache, then Status::Incomplete is returned. Default: ReadAllTier
func (*ReadOptions) SetSnapshot ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetSnapshot(snap *Snapshot)
SetSnapshot sets the snapshot which should be used for the read. The snapshot must belong to the DB that is being read and must not have been released. Default: nil
func (*ReadOptions) SetTailing ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetTailing(value bool)
SetTailing specify if to create a tailing iterator. A special iterator that has a view of the complete database (i.e. it can also be used to read newly added data) and is optimized for sequential reads. It will return records that were inserted into the database after the creation of the iterator. Default: false
func (*ReadOptions) SetTotalOrderSeek ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetTotalOrderSeek(value bool)
func (*ReadOptions) SetVerifyChecksums ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) SetVerifyChecksums(value bool)
SetVerifyChecksums speciy if all data read from underlying storage will be verified against corresponding checksums. Default: false
func (*ReadOptions) UnsafeGetReadOptions ¶
func (opts *ReadOptions) UnsafeGetReadOptions() unsafe.Pointer
UnsafeGetReadOptions returns the underlying c read options object.
type ReadTier ¶
type ReadTier uint
ReadTier controls fetching of data during a read request. An application can issue a read request (via Get/Iterators) and specify if that read should process data that ALREADY resides on a specified cache level. For example, if an application specifies BlockCacheTier then the Get call will process data that is already processed in the memtable or the block cache. It will not page in data from the OS cache or data that resides in storage.
type RestoreOptions ¶
type RestoreOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RestoreOptions captures the options to be used during restoration of a backup.
func NewRestoreOptions ¶
func NewRestoreOptions() *RestoreOptions
NewRestoreOptions creates a RestoreOptions instance.
func (*RestoreOptions) Destroy ¶
func (ro *RestoreOptions) Destroy()
Destroy destroys this RestoreOptions instance.
func (*RestoreOptions) SetKeepLogFiles ¶
func (ro *RestoreOptions) SetKeepLogFiles(v int)
SetKeepLogFiles is used to set or unset the keep_log_files option If true, restore won't overwrite the existing log files in wal_dir. It will also move all log files from archive directory to wal_dir. By default, this is false.
type SSTFileWriter ¶
type SSTFileWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SSTFileWriter is used to create sst files that can be added to database later. All keys in files generated by SstFileWriter will have sequence number = 0.
func NewSSTFileWriter ¶
func NewSSTFileWriter(opts *EnvOptions, dbOpts *Options) *SSTFileWriter
NewSSTFileWriter creates an SSTFileWriter object.
func (*SSTFileWriter) Add ¶
func (w *SSTFileWriter) Add(key, value []byte) error
Add adds key, value to currently opened file. REQUIRES: key is after any previously added key according to comparator.
func (*SSTFileWriter) Destroy ¶
func (w *SSTFileWriter) Destroy()
Destroy destroys the SSTFileWriter object.
func (*SSTFileWriter) Finish ¶
func (w *SSTFileWriter) Finish() error
Finish finishes writing to sst file and close file.
func (*SSTFileWriter) Open ¶
func (w *SSTFileWriter) Open(path string) error
Open prepares SstFileWriter to write into file located at "path".
type Slice ¶
type Slice struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Slice is used as a wrapper for non-copy values
func StringToSlice ¶
StringToSlice is similar to NewSlice, but can be called with a Go string type. This exists to make testing integration with Gorocksdb easier.
type SliceTransform ¶
type SliceTransform interface { // Transform a src in domain to a dst in the range. Transform(src []byte) []byte // Determine whether this is a valid src upon the function applies. InDomain(src []byte) bool // Determine whether dst=Transform(src) for some src. InRange(src []byte) bool // Return the name of this transformation. Name() string }
A SliceTransform can be used as a prefix extractor.
func NewFixedPrefixTransform ¶
func NewFixedPrefixTransform(prefixLen int) SliceTransform
NewFixedPrefixTransform creates a new fixed prefix transform.
func NewNativeSliceTransform ¶
func NewNativeSliceTransform(c *C.rocksdb_slicetransform_t) SliceTransform
NewNativeSliceTransform creates a SliceTransform object.
type Snapshot ¶
type Snapshot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Snapshot provides a consistent view of read operations in a DB.
func NewNativeSnapshot ¶
func NewNativeSnapshot(c *C.rocksdb_snapshot_t) *Snapshot
NewNativeSnapshot creates a Snapshot object.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Transaction is used with TransactionDB for transaction support.
func NewNativeTransaction ¶
func NewNativeTransaction(c *C.rocksdb_transaction_t) *Transaction
NewNativeTransaction creates a Transaction object.
func (*Transaction) Commit ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) Commit() error
Commit commits the transaction to the database.
func (*Transaction) Delete ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) Delete(key []byte) error
Delete removes the data associated with the key from the transaction.
func (*Transaction) Destroy ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the transaction object.
func (*Transaction) Get ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
Get returns the data associated with the key from the database given this transaction.
func (*Transaction) NewIterator ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) NewIterator(opts *ReadOptions) *Iterator
NewIterator returns an Iterator over the database that uses the ReadOptions given.
func (*Transaction) Put ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) Put(key, value []byte) error
Put writes data associated with a key to the transaction.
func (*Transaction) Rollback ¶
func (transaction *Transaction) Rollback() error
Rollback performs a rollback on the transaction.
type TransactionDB ¶
type TransactionDB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionDB is a reusable handle to a RocksDB transactional database on disk, created by OpenTransactionDb.
func OpenTransactionDb ¶
func OpenTransactionDb( opts *Options, transactionDBOpts *TransactionDBOptions, name string, ) (*TransactionDB, error)
OpenTransactionDb opens a database with the specified options.
func (*TransactionDB) Close ¶
func (transactionDB *TransactionDB) Close()
Close closes the database.
func (*TransactionDB) Delete ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) Delete(opts *WriteOptions, key []byte) error
Delete removes the data associated with the key from the database.
func (*TransactionDB) Get ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error)
Get returns the data associated with the key from the database.
func (*TransactionDB) NewCheckpoint ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) NewCheckpoint() (*Checkpoint, error)
NewCheckpoint creates a new Checkpoint for this db.
func (*TransactionDB) NewSnapshot ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) NewSnapshot() *Snapshot
NewSnapshot creates a new snapshot of the database.
func (*TransactionDB) Put ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) Put(opts *WriteOptions, key, value []byte) error
Put writes data associated with a key to the database.
func (*TransactionDB) ReleaseSnapshot ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
ReleaseSnapshot releases the snapshot and its resources.
func (*TransactionDB) TransactionBegin ¶
func (db *TransactionDB) TransactionBegin( opts *WriteOptions, transactionOpts *TransactionOptions, oldTransaction *Transaction, ) *Transaction
TransactionBegin begins a new transaction with the WriteOptions and TransactionOptions given.
type TransactionDBOptions ¶
type TransactionDBOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionDBOptions represent all of the available options when opening a transactional database with OpenTransactionDb.
func NewDefaultTransactionDBOptions ¶
func NewDefaultTransactionDBOptions() *TransactionDBOptions
NewDefaultTransactionDBOptions creates a default TransactionDBOptions object.
func NewNativeTransactionDBOptions ¶
func NewNativeTransactionDBOptions(c *C.rocksdb_transactiondb_options_t) *TransactionDBOptions
NewDefaultTransactionDBOptions creates a TransactionDBOptions object.
func (*TransactionDBOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the TransactionDBOptions object.
func (*TransactionDBOptions) SetDefaultLockTimeout ¶
func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetDefaultLockTimeout(default_lock_timeout int64)
SetDefaultLockTimeout if posititve, specifies the wait timeout in milliseconds when writing a key OUTSIDE of a transaction (ie by calling DB::Put(),Merge(),Delete(),Write() directly). If 0, no waiting is done if a lock cannot instantly be acquired. If negative, there is no timeout and will block indefinitely when acquiring a lock.
Not using a timeout can lead to deadlocks. Currently, there is no deadlock-detection to recover from a deadlock. While DB writes cannot deadlock with other DB writes, they can deadlock with a transaction. A negative timeout should only be used if all transactions have a small expiration set.
func (*TransactionDBOptions) SetMaxNumLocks ¶
func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetMaxNumLocks(max_num_locks int64)
SetMaxNumLocks sets the maximum number of keys that can be locked at the same time per column family. If the number of locked keys is greater than max_num_locks, transaction writes (or GetForUpdate) will return an error. If this value is not positive, no limit will be enforced.
func (*TransactionDBOptions) SetNumStripes ¶
func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetNumStripes(num_stripes uint64)
SetNumStripes sets the concurrency level. Increasing this value will increase the concurrency by dividing the lock table (per column family) into more sub-tables, each with their own separate mutex.
func (*TransactionDBOptions) SetTransactionLockTimeout ¶
func (opts *TransactionDBOptions) SetTransactionLockTimeout(txn_lock_timeout int64)
SetTransactionLockTimeout if positive, specifies the default wait timeout in milliseconds when a transaction attempts to lock a key if not specified by TransactionOptions::lock_timeout.
If 0, no waiting is done if a lock cannot instantly be acquired. If negative, there is no timeout. Not using a timeout is not recommended as it can lead to deadlocks. Currently, there is no deadlock-detection to recover from a deadlock.
type TransactionOptions ¶
type TransactionOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionOptions represent all of the available options options for a transaction on the database.
func NewDefaultTransactionOptions ¶
func NewDefaultTransactionOptions() *TransactionOptions
NewDefaultTransactionOptions creates a default TransactionOptions object.
func NewNativeTransactionOptions ¶
func NewNativeTransactionOptions(c *C.rocksdb_transaction_options_t) *TransactionOptions
NewNativeTransactionOptions creates a TransactionOptions object.
func (*TransactionOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the TransactionOptions object.
func (*TransactionOptions) SetDeadlockDetect ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetDeadlockDetect(value bool)
SetDeadlockDetect to true means that before acquiring locks, this transaction will check if doing so will cause a deadlock. If so, it will return with Status::Busy. The user should retry their transaction.
func (*TransactionOptions) SetDeadlockDetectDepth ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetDeadlockDetectDepth(depth int64)
SetDeadlockDetectDepth sets the number of traversals to make during deadlock detection.
func (*TransactionOptions) SetExpiration ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetExpiration(expiration int64)
SetExpiration sets the Expiration duration in milliseconds. If non-negative, transactions that last longer than this many milliseconds will fail to commit. If not set, a forgotten transaction that is never committed, rolled back, or deleted will never relinquish any locks it holds. This could prevent keys from being written by other writers.
func (*TransactionOptions) SetLockTimeout ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetLockTimeout(lock_timeout int64)
SetLockTimeout positive, specifies the wait timeout in milliseconds when a transaction attempts to lock a key. If 0, no waiting is done if a lock cannot instantly be acquired. If negative, TransactionDBOptions::transaction_lock_timeout will be used
func (*TransactionOptions) SetMaxWriteBatchSize ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetMaxWriteBatchSize(size uint64)
SetMaxWriteBatchSize sets the maximum number of bytes used for the write batch. 0 means no limit.
func (*TransactionOptions) SetSetSnapshot ¶
func (opts *TransactionOptions) SetSetSnapshot(value bool)
SetSetSnapshot to true is the same as calling Transaction::SetSnapshot().
type UniversalCompactionOptions ¶
type UniversalCompactionOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UniversalCompactionOptions represent all of the available options for universal compaction.
func NewDefaultUniversalCompactionOptions ¶
func NewDefaultUniversalCompactionOptions() *UniversalCompactionOptions
NewDefaultUniversalCompactionOptions creates a default UniversalCompactionOptions object.
func NewNativeUniversalCompactionOptions ¶
func NewNativeUniversalCompactionOptions(c *C.rocksdb_universal_compaction_options_t) *UniversalCompactionOptions
NewNativeUniversalCompactionOptions creates a UniversalCompactionOptions object.
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the UniversalCompactionOptions object.
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) SetCompressionSizePercent ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetCompressionSizePercent(value int)
SetCompressionSizePercent sets the percentage of compression size.
If this option is set to be -1, all the output files will follow compression type specified.
If this option is not negative, we will try to make sure compressed size is just above this value. In normal cases, at least this percentage of data will be compressed. When we are compacting to a new file, here is the criteria whether it needs to be compressed: assuming here are the list of files sorted by generation time:
A1...An B1...Bm C1...Ct
where A1 is the newest and Ct is the oldest, and we are going to compact B1...Bm, we calculate the total size of all the files as total_size, as well as the total size of C1...Ct as total_C, the compaction output file will be compressed iff
total_C / total_size < this percentage
Default: -1
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMaxMergeWidth ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMaxMergeWidth(value uint)
SetMaxMergeWidth sets the maximum number of files in a single compaction run. Default: UINT_MAX
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMaxSizeAmplificationPercent ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMaxSizeAmplificationPercent(value uint)
SetMaxSizeAmplificationPercent sets the size amplification. It is defined as the amount (in percentage) of additional storage needed to store a single byte of data in the database. For example, a size amplification of 2% means that a database that contains 100 bytes of user-data may occupy upto 102 bytes of physical storage. By this definition, a fully compacted database has a size amplification of 0%. Rocksdb uses the following heuristic to calculate size amplification: it assumes that all files excluding the earliest file contribute to the size amplification. Default: 200, which means that a 100 byte database could require upto 300 bytes of storage.
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMinMergeWidth ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetMinMergeWidth(value uint)
SetMinMergeWidth sets the minimum number of files in a single compaction run. Default: 2
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) SetSizeRatio ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetSizeRatio(value uint)
SetSizeRatio sets the percentage flexibilty while comparing file size. If the candidate file(s) size is 1% smaller than the next file's size, then include next file into this candidate set. Default: 1
func (*UniversalCompactionOptions) SetStopStyle ¶
func (opts *UniversalCompactionOptions) SetStopStyle(value UniversalCompactionStopStyle)
SetStopStyle sets the algorithm used to stop picking files into a single compaction run. Default: CompactionStopStyleTotalSize
type UniversalCompactionStopStyle ¶
type UniversalCompactionStopStyle uint
UniversalCompactionStopStyle describes a algorithm used to make a compaction request stop picking new files into a single compaction run.
type WriteBatch ¶
type WriteBatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WriteBatch is a batching of Puts, Merges and Deletes.
func NewNativeWriteBatch ¶
func NewNativeWriteBatch(c *C.rocksdb_writebatch_t) *WriteBatch
NewNativeWriteBatch create a WriteBatch object.
func WriteBatchFrom ¶
func WriteBatchFrom(data []byte) *WriteBatch
WriteBatchFrom creates a write batch from a serialized WriteBatch.
func (*WriteBatch) BatchedPut ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) BatchedPut(key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3, key4, value4, key5, value5, key6, value6, key7, value7, key8, value8 []byte)
func (*WriteBatch) Clear ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) Clear()
Clear removes all the enqueued Put and Deletes.
func (*WriteBatch) Count ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) Count() int
Count returns the number of updates in the batch.
func (*WriteBatch) Data ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) Data() []byte
Data returns the serialized version of this batch.
func (*WriteBatch) Delete ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) Delete(key []byte)
Delete queues a deletion of the data at key.
func (*WriteBatch) DeleteCF ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) DeleteCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key []byte)
DeleteCF queues a deletion of the data at key in a column family.
func (*WriteBatch) DeleteRange ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) DeleteRange(startKey []byte, endKey []byte)
DeleteRange queues a deletion of the specified key range.
func (*WriteBatch) Destroy ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the WriteBatch object.
func (*WriteBatch) Merge ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) Merge(key, value []byte)
Merge queues a merge of "value" with the existing value of "key".
func (*WriteBatch) MergeCF ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) MergeCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key, value []byte)
MergeCF queues a merge of "value" with the existing value of "key" in a column family.
func (*WriteBatch) NewIterator ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) NewIterator() *WriteBatchIterator
NewIterator returns a iterator to iterate over the records in the batch.
func (*WriteBatch) PutCF ¶
func (wb *WriteBatch) PutCF(cf *ColumnFamilyHandle, key, value []byte)
PutCF queues a key-value pair in a column family.
type WriteBatchIterator ¶
type WriteBatchIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WriteBatchIterator represents a iterator to iterator over records.
func (*WriteBatchIterator) Error ¶
func (iter *WriteBatchIterator) Error() error
Error returns the error if the iteration is failed.
func (*WriteBatchIterator) Next ¶
func (iter *WriteBatchIterator) Next() bool
Next returns the next record. Returns false if no further record exists.
func (*WriteBatchIterator) Record ¶
func (iter *WriteBatchIterator) Record() *WriteBatchRecord
Record returns the current record.
type WriteBatchRecord ¶
type WriteBatchRecord struct { Key []byte Value []byte Type WriteBatchRecordType }
WriteBatchRecord represents a record inside a WriteBatch.
type WriteBatchRecordType ¶
type WriteBatchRecordType byte
WriteBatchRecordType describes the type of a batch record.
const ( WriteBatchRecordTypeDeletion WriteBatchRecordType = 0x0 WriteBatchRecordTypeValue WriteBatchRecordType = 0x1 WriteBatchRecordTypeMerge WriteBatchRecordType = 0x2 WriteBatchRecordTypeLogData WriteBatchRecordType = 0x3 )
Types of batch records.
type WriteOptions ¶
type WriteOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WriteOptions represent all of the available options when writing to a database.
func NewDefaultWriteOptions ¶
func NewDefaultWriteOptions() *WriteOptions
NewDefaultWriteOptions creates a default WriteOptions object.
func NewNativeWriteOptions ¶
func NewNativeWriteOptions(c *C.rocksdb_writeoptions_t) *WriteOptions
NewNativeWriteOptions creates a WriteOptions object.
func (*WriteOptions) Destroy ¶
func (opts *WriteOptions) Destroy()
Destroy deallocates the WriteOptions object.
func (*WriteOptions) DisableWAL ¶
func (opts *WriteOptions) DisableWAL(value bool)
DisableWAL sets whether WAL should be active or not. If true, writes will not first go to the write ahead log, and the write may got lost after a crash. Default: false
func (*WriteOptions) SetSync ¶
func (opts *WriteOptions) SetSync(value bool)
SetSync sets the sync mode. If true, the write will be flushed from the operating system buffer cache before the write is considered complete. If this flag is true, writes will be slower. Default: false
Source Files
- backup.go
- cache.go
- cf_handle.go
- checkpoint.go
- compaction_filter.go
- comparator.go
- db.go
- doc.go
- dynflag.go
- env.go
- filter_policy.go
- iterator.go
- merge_operator.go
- options.go
- options_block_based_table.go
- options_compaction.go
- options_compression.go
- options_env.go
- options_flush.go
- options_ingest.go
- options_read.go
- options_transaction.go
- options_transactiondb.go
- options_write.go
- optionsnoop.go
- ratelimiter.go
- slice.go
- slice_transform.go
- snapshot.go
- sst_file_writer.go
- transaction.go
- transactiondb.go
- util.go
- write_batch.go