NMapper Prototype
This application allows you to view NMap runs by IP Address and uploading new Runs. Note, this is in very early stages, and many shortcuts have been taken.
The server.exe
was built in Windows 10. Mileage may vary. You can run it VIA command-line:
This XML Parser only supports the XML in the code-base. There are many other NMap elements, but none are supported
I did not add support for a production build for the UI. You'll need to use the built in npm start
(read below)
The UI and API are separate services.
API: locahost:8000
UI: localhost:3000
Everything is hard-coded currently
The UI is very ugly and needs a lot of love.
File Uploader Notes
I chose XML over the other formats for various reasons:
- Go has native support for it
- Easier to tokenize and insert into a DB
- A well-known standard format for APIs
- I have the most familiarity with it over the others
I did not Marshal or Unmarshal XML to Structs. I do a pretty raw read to SQL queries to DB. This allows for a small memory footprint, more control, and was quick to implement.
I used a DB query builder to save time, but can easily be replaced. I implemented Gorm after the importer, so you'll see me grab the underlying DB connection from Gorm. Switching to Gorm would be a valid option down the road
Why I used Gorm
I was originally going raw SQL, but that was proving to eat up a lot of time and was tedious. ORMs aren't evil, but I usually am wary of them. They do, however, save a tremendous amount of time to get something going
Why the database is meh
Faster prototyping and not meant for production. I'm not happy with a lot of the column names, nor types (but it's SQLite). It got the job done quickly though
Simply navigate to /web
and run npm start
. This will host an HTTP server on localhost:3000
To Build
You'll need Go 1.13 and GCC in your %PATH. Simply install all the dependencies
go get ./...
Then run the server
go run cmd/server/server.go
You can also run the parser alone
go run cmd/server/parser.go
For the UI
npm install
For HTTP service
npm start
To build
npm build
Things to do
- Clean up code
- Make things consistent
- Make interfaces for returned data in UI. Right now it just uses
- Tests tests tests
- Implement Gorm in Parser?
- Actually have error handling in the endpoints. Right now it just returns ALL errors
- Prettier status codes and messages
- Prettify the UI. This needs a lot love
- Make production worthy
- Possibly have API server HTML? I prefer separation of services though
I hope this gives some insight in my capabilities. Unfortunately, I can't dedicate a lot of time to make it production worthy, nor do what I usually do. I can do prototypes, which requires shortcuts, but I prefer a solid foundation to build off of; this isn't a great example of that. Ideally, the UI wouldn't even live in the code-base.