Used to deploy a Jenkins X Role controller within a kubernetes cluster. The role controller is responsible for watching roles/rolebindings/environmentrolebindings and applying these across environments/namespaces.
Can be added within a Jenkins X dev environment by making the following changes:
- Add the chart into the environment requirements file.
- name: jx-role-controller
repository: https://storage.googleapis.com/chartmuseum.jenkins-x.io
version: 0.0.19
- Add the associating directory for any chart overrides within the
├── Chart.yaml
├── Makefile
├── ...
├── jx-role-controller
│ └── values.tmpl.yaml
├── ...
├── requirements.yaml
└── values.tmpl.yaml
Part of Jenkins X shared components.
For more information on configuring logging file, formats and levels see the Jenkins X logging component.