WhatsApp Backup
This repository provides a backup solution for WhatsApp messages using a Go-based API server. The application is designed to handle various configurations, rate limiting, and email notifications.
- API server for managing WhatsApp backups
- Configurable database connections
- Rate limiting to control API request rates
- SMTP settings for email notifications
- Embedding settings for text processing
- Cron job support for scheduled tasks
To install and run the API server, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/jempe/whatsapp_backup.git
cd whatsapp_backup
Configure the environment variables (e.g., database connection, SMTP settings).
Build and run the application:
go build -o whatsapp_backup cmd/api/main.go
The application can be configured using command-line flags. The following are the available flags:
: Environment (development|staging|production)
: API server port
: PostgreSQL DSN
: PostgreSQL max open connections
: PostgreSQL max idle connections
: PostgreSQL max connection idle time
: Enable rate limiter
: Rate limiter maximum requests per second
: Rate limiter maximum burst
: SMTP host
: SMTP port
: SMTP username
: SMTP password
: SMTP sender
: Embeddings per batch
: Max tokens per document
: Sentence Transformers Server URL
: Default embeddings provider (google|openai|sentence-transformers)
: Run cron job
: Base URL for the site
: Display version and exit
To start the API server, use the following command:
./whatsapp_backup --env=production --port=8001
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.