#Golang Caching Package
The package providers a scalable caching component.
The container represents an adapter for caching manager/service.
###Available Containers
Concurrent Container: wrapping a container for concurrent access.
Multi-Level Container: wrapping the containers into a single container.
Memory Containers: local memory containers (not safe for concurrent access).
FIFO Container: replacement algorithm using FIFO (first in first out).
LFU Container: replacement algorithm using LFU (least frequently used).
LRU Container: replacement algorithm using LRU (least recently used).
MRU Container: replacement algorithm using MRU (most recently used).
ARC Container: replacement algorithm using ARC (adaptive/adjustable replacement cache).
Memcache Container: the adapter for memcached.
The dependency represents an expiration policy.
###Available Dependencies
- File Dependency: it's very useful for caching configuration file.
###Example: File Configuration Caching
import (
_ "github.com/landjur/go-caching/container/memory/arc"
_ "github.com/landjur/go-caching/dependency/file"
container := memory.ARC.New(1000) // local memory container (ARC), capacity: 1000 (NOTE: not safe for concurrent access)
cache := caching.New(container)
cache.Set("key", "value") // memory container always returns nil error
cache.Set("configuration-key", "settings", file.New(path)) // dependency by configuration file
###Example: Multi-Level Caching
import (
_ "github.com/landjur/go-caching/container/memory/arc"
level1 := concurrent.New(memory.ARC.New(1000)) // local memory container (ARC), capacity: 1000, safe for concurrent access
level2 := memcache.New("")
container := multilevel.New(level1, level2) // local memory as level 1, memcached as level 2
cache := caching.New(container)
err := cache.Set("key", "value") // memcached may return error
if err != nil {
// handle error
Copyright 2014 Landjur, Inc. Code released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.