Index ¶
- type BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest
- type BatCreatePrefetchTaskResponse
- type BatCreatePrefetchTaskResult
- type BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest
- func (r BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetBackHttpType(backHttpType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetPlayDomain(playDomain string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetPublishDomain(publishDomain string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetSiteType(siteType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
- type BatchCreateLiveDomainResponse
- type BatchCreateLiveDomainResult
- type BatchCreateRequest
- func (r BatchCreateRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetAvgFileSize(avgFileSize int64)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetCdnType(cdnType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDailyBandWidth(dailyBandWidth int64)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetMaxFileSize(maxFileSize int64)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetMinFileSize(minFileSize int64)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetOssSource(ossSource string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetQuaility(quaility string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetSumFileSize(sumFileSize int64)
- func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetTempInstId(tempInstId int64)
- type BatchCreateResponse
- type BatchCreateResult
- type BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest
- type BatchDeleteDomainGroupResponse
- type BatchDeleteDomainGroupResult
- type BatchIpBlackListRequest
- func (r BatchIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetAction(action string)
- func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
- func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetForbidTime(forbidTime int64)
- func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetIpList(ipList []string)
- func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetOperateDomainRange(operateDomainRange string)
- type BatchIpBlackListResponse
- type BatchIpBlackListResult
- type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest
- type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResponse
- type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResult
- type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest
- type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResponse
- type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResult
- type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest(domain string) *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithAllParams(domain string, backSourceIpVersion *string) *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
- type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResponse
- type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResult
- type ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequest(domain string) *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequestWithAllParams(domain string, status *string, accessKey *string, secretKey *string, ...) *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
- func (r ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetAccessKey(accessKey string)
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetBucket(bucket string)
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain2(domain2 string)
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetSecretKey(secretKey string)
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetStatus(status string)
- func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetSuffix(suffix string)
- type ConfigBackSourceOssResponse
- type ConfigBackSourceOssResult
- type ConfigBackSourcePathRequest
- type ConfigBackSourcePathResponse
- type ConfigBackSourcePathResult
- type ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest
- type ConfigBackSourceRuleResponse
- type ConfigBackSourceRuleResult
- type ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequest(domain string) *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequestWithAllParams(domain string, status *string, rules []cdn.BackSourceRule) *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
- func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
- type ConfigBackSourceRulesResponse
- type ConfigBackSourceRulesResult
- type ConfigHttp2Request
- type ConfigHttp2Response
- type ConfigHttp2Result
- type ConfigServiceNoticeRequest
- func (r ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetId(id int64)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeCC(noticeCC string)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeContent(noticeContent string)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticePeriod(noticePeriod []string)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeStatus(noticeStatus string)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeTo(noticeTo string)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeType(noticeType string)
- func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeWay(noticeWay string)
- type ConfigServiceNoticeResponse
- type ConfigServiceNoticeResult
- type ConfigUrlRuleRequest
- type ConfigUrlRuleResponse
- type ConfigUrlRuleResult
- type CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequest(domain string) *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams(domain string, uri *string, detectPeriod *int, singleIpLimit *int, ...) *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func (r CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockTime(blockTime int)
- func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockType(blockType int)
- func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDetectPeriod(detectPeriod int)
- func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetSingleIpLimit(singleIpLimit int)
- func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetUri(uri string)
- type CreateCCProtectRuleResponse
- type CreateCCProtectRuleResult
- type CreateCacheRuleRequest
- func (r CreateCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType int)
- func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetContents(contents string)
- func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetTtl(ttl int64)
- func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetWeight(weight int)
- type CreateCacheRuleResponse
- type CreateCacheRuleResult
- type CreateDomainGroupRequest
- func (r CreateDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomainGroupName(domainGroupName string)
- func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
- func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetPrimaryDomain(primaryDomain string)
- func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetShareCache(shareCache string)
- type CreateDomainGroupResponse
- type CreateDomainGroupResult
- type CreateDomainRequest
- func (r CreateDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetAvgFileSize(avgFileSize int64)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetCdnType(cdnType string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDailyBandWidth(dailyBandWidth int64)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDomainCnameTag(domainCnameTag string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetMaxFileSize(maxFileSize int64)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetMinFileSize(minFileSize int64)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetOssSource(ossSource string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetQuaility(quaility string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetSumFileSize(sumFileSize int64)
- func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetTempInstId(tempInstId int64)
- type CreateDomainResponse
- type CreateDomainResult
- type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest() *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithAllParams(forbiddenType *string, forbiddenDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, ...) *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithoutParam() *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func (r CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetLinkOther(linkOther string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetReason(reason string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetToken(token string)
- type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResponse
- type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResult
- type CreateForbiddenInfoRequest
- func (r CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetLinkOther(linkOther string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetReason(reason string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
- func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetToken(token string)
- type CreateForbiddenInfoResponse
- type CreateForbiddenInfoResult
- type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
- func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest() *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
- func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequestWithAllParams(urlList []string, prefetchTime *int, action *string) *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
- func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequestWithoutParam() *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
- type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResponse
- type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResult
- type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
- func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
- func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequestWithAllParams(taskType *string, urlItems []cdn.UrlItem) *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
- func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequestWithoutParam() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
- type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackResponse
- type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackResult
- type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
- func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
- func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2RequestWithAllParams(taskType *string, urlItems []cdn.UrlItemV2) *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
- func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2RequestWithoutParam() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
- type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Response
- type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Result
- type CreateRefreshTaskRequest
- type CreateRefreshTaskResponse
- type CreateRefreshTaskResult
- type CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequest(domain string) *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, atOp *int, ...) *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func (r CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtOp(atOp int)
- func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtVal(atVal string)
- func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
- func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
- func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
- type CreateWafBlackRuleResponse
- type CreateWafBlackRuleResult
- type CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequest(domain string) *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, actions []string) *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func (r CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetActions(actions []string)
- func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
- func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
- func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
- type CreateWafWhiteRuleResponse
- type CreateWafWhiteRuleResult
- type DelDomainTempInstanceRequest
- type DelDomainTempInstanceResponse
- type DelDomainTempInstanceResult
- type DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest
- type DeleteCCProtectRuleResponse
- type DeleteCCProtectRuleResult
- type DeleteCacheRuleRequest
- type DeleteCacheRuleResponse
- type DeleteCacheRuleResult
- type DeleteDomainRequest
- type DeleteDomainResponse
- type DeleteDomainResult
- type DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest
- type DeleteExtraCacheTimeResponse
- type DeleteExtraCacheTimeResult
- type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest() *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithAllParams(forbiddenType *string, forbiddenDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, ...) *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
- func (r DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetToken(token string)
- type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResponse
- type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResult
- type DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest
- func (r DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
- func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetToken(token string)
- type DeleteForbiddenInfoResponse
- type DeleteForbiddenInfoResult
- type DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest
- type DeleteForbiddenStreamResponse
- type DeleteForbiddenStreamResult
- type DeleteHttpHeaderRequest
- func (r DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType(edgeType int)
- func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderName(headerName string)
- func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderType(headerType string)
- type DeleteHttpHeaderResponse
- type DeleteHttpHeaderResult
- type DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
- func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequest(domain string, ids string, ruleType string) *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
- func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ids string, ruleType string) *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
- func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
- type DeleteWafBlackRulesResponse
- type DeleteWafBlackRulesResult
- type DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
- func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest(domain string, ids string, ruleType string) *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
- func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ids string, ruleType string) *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
- func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
- type DeleteWafWhiteRulesResponse
- type DeleteWafWhiteRulesResult
- type DisableCCProtectRuleRequest
- type DisableCCProtectRuleResponse
- type DisableCCProtectRuleResult
- type DisableWafBlackRulesRequest
- type DisableWafBlackRulesResponse
- type DisableWafBlackRulesResult
- type DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest
- type DisableWafWhiteRulesResponse
- type DisableWafWhiteRulesResult
- type DomainTxtValidateRequest
- func (r DomainTxtValidateRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetHostRecord(hostRecord string)
- func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetTxt(txt string)
- func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetUrl(url string)
- func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetValidateType(validateType string)
- type DomainTxtValidateResponse
- type DomainTxtValidateResult
- type EnableCCProtectRuleRequest
- type EnableCCProtectRuleResponse
- type EnableCCProtectRuleResult
- type EnableWafBlackRulesRequest
- type EnableWafBlackRulesResponse
- type EnableWafBlackRulesResult
- type EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest
- type EnableWafWhiteRulesResponse
- type EnableWafWhiteRulesResult
- type ExecuteDomainCopyRequest
- type ExecuteDomainCopyResponse
- type ExecuteDomainCopyResult
- type GenerateDomainTxtRequest
- type GenerateDomainTxtResponse
- type GenerateDomainTxtResult
- type GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest
- type GetAllUpperNodeIpListResponse
- type GetAllUpperNodeIpListResult
- type GetDomainDetailRequest
- type GetDomainDetailResponse
- type GetDomainDetailResult
- type GetDomainListByFilterRequest
- func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequest() *GetDomainListByFilterRequest
- func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequestWithAllParams(keyWord *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, status *string, type_ *string, ...) *GetDomainListByFilterRequest
- func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequestWithoutParam() *GetDomainListByFilterRequest
- func (r GetDomainListByFilterRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetFilterBy(filterBy int)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetKeyWord(keyWord string)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetStatus(status string)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetTagFilters(tagFilters []cdn.TagFilter)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetType(type_ string)
- func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetWithThirdPartyStatus(withThirdPartyStatus bool)
- type GetDomainListByFilterResponse
- type GetDomainListByFilterResult
- type GetDomainListRequest
- func (r GetDomainListRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetKeyWord(keyWord string)
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetStatus(status string)
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetType(type_ string)
- func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetWithThirdPartyStatus(withThirdPartyStatus bool)
- type GetDomainListResponse
- type GetDomainListResult
- type GetSslCertDetailRequest
- type GetSslCertDetailResponse
- type GetSslCertDetailResult
- type GetSslCertListRequest
- type GetSslCertListResponse
- type GetSslCertListResult
- type ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
- func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequest() *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
- func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequestWithAllParams(tempId *int64, instId *int64, instName *string, instProInfoMap *interface{}) *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
- func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequestWithoutParam() *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
- func (r ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstId(instId int64)
- func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstName(instName string)
- func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstProInfoMap(instProInfoMap interface{})
- func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetTempId(tempId int64)
- type ModifyDomainTempInstResponse
- type ModifyDomainTempInstResult
- type OperateIpBlackListRequest
- type OperateIpBlackListResponse
- type OperateIpBlackListResult
- type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest(domain string) *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams(domain string, blackIpsEnable *string) *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResponse
- type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResult
- type OperatePurgeTaskRequest
- type OperatePurgeTaskResponse
- type OperatePurgeTaskResult
- type OperateShareCacheRequest
- type OperateShareCacheResponse
- type OperateShareCacheResult
- type PreviewCertificateRequest
- type PreviewCertificateResponse
- type PreviewCertificateResult
- type QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest
- type QueryAccesskeyConfigResponse
- type QueryAccesskeyConfigResult
- type QueryAreaIspListRequest
- type QueryAreaIspListResponse
- type QueryAreaIspListResult
- type QueryAreaIspListV2Request
- type QueryAreaIspListV2Response
- type QueryAreaIspListV2Result
- type QueryAttackTypeCountRequest
- type QueryAttackTypeCountResponse
- type QueryAttackTypeCountResult
- type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
- func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest(starttime string, stoptime string) *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
- func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequestWithAllParams(starttime string, stoptime string, clientid *string, page *int, size *int) *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
- func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequestWithoutParam() *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
- func (r QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetClientid(clientid string)
- func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetPage(page int)
- func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetSize(size int)
- func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetStarttime(starttime string)
- func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetStoptime(stoptime string)
- type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResponse
- type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResult
- type QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest
- type QueryBackSourceIpVersionResponse
- type QueryBackSourceIpVersionResult
- type QueryBackSourceOssRequest
- type QueryBackSourceOssResponse
- type QueryBackSourceOssResult
- type QueryBackSourcePathRequest
- type QueryBackSourcePathResponse
- type QueryBackSourcePathResult
- type QueryBackSourceRuleRequest
- type QueryBackSourceRuleResponse
- type QueryBackSourceRuleResult
- type QueryBackSourceRulesRequest
- type QueryBackSourceRulesResponse
- type QueryBackSourceRulesResult
- type QueryBandRequest
- func (r QueryBandRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryBandResponse
- type QueryBandResult
- type QueryBandWithAreaRequest
- func (r QueryBandWithAreaRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryBandWithAreaResponse
- type QueryBandWithAreaResult
- type QueryCCProtectRulesRequest
- func (r QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetId(id string)
- func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetPageIndex(pageIndex int)
- func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- type QueryCCProtectRulesResponse
- type QueryCCProtectRulesResult
- type QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest
- type QueryCCProtectSwitchResponse
- type QueryCCProtectSwitchResult
- type QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest
- type QueryCdnUserQuotaResponse
- type QueryCdnUserQuotaResult
- type QueryCustomErrorPageRequest
- type QueryCustomErrorPageResponse
- type QueryCustomErrorPageResult
- type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
- func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest() *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
- func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, dir *string) *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
- func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequestWithoutParam() *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
- func (r QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetDir(dir string)
- func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthResponse
- type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthResult
- type QueryDdosGraphRequest
- type QueryDdosGraphResponse
- type QueryDdosGraphResult
- type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest
- type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyResponse
- type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyResult
- type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest
- type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResponse
- type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResult
- type QueryDirBandwidthRequest
- func (r QueryDirBandwidthRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetDirs(dirs string)
- func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetRegions(regions string)
- func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryDirBandwidthResponse
- type QueryDirBandwidthResult
- type QueryDirStatsDataRequest
- func (r QueryDirStatsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetDirs(dirs string)
- func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryDirStatsDataResponse
- type QueryDirStatsDataResult
- type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest
- type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResponse
- type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResult
- type QueryDomainCnameTagRequest
- type QueryDomainCnameTagResponse
- type QueryDomainCnameTagResult
- type QueryDomainConfigRequest
- type QueryDomainConfigResponse
- type QueryDomainConfigResult
- type QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest
- type QueryDomainConfigStatusResponse
- type QueryDomainConfigStatusResult
- type QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest
- type QueryDomainGroupDetailResponse
- type QueryDomainGroupDetailResult
- type QueryDomainGroupListRequest
- func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequest() *QueryDomainGroupListRequest
- func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequestWithAllParams(shareCache *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, primaryDomain *string, ...) *QueryDomainGroupListRequest
- func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainGroupListRequest
- func (r QueryDomainGroupListRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetDomainGroupName(domainGroupName string)
- func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPrimaryDomain(primaryDomain string)
- func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetShareCache(shareCache string)
- type QueryDomainGroupListResponse
- type QueryDomainGroupListResult
- type QueryDomainLogRequest
- func (r QueryDomainLogRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetInterval(interval string)
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetLogType(logType string)
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryDomainLogResponse
- type QueryDomainLogResult
- type QueryDomainTempInstListRequest
- type QueryDomainTempInstListResponse
- type QueryDomainTempInstListResult
- type QueryDomainTempInstRequest
- type QueryDomainTempInstResponse
- type QueryDomainTempInstResult
- type QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest
- type QueryDomainTempProKeysResponse
- type QueryDomainTempProKeysResult
- type QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest
- func (r QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetInterval(interval string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetLogType(logType string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetPin(pin string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryDomainsLogForJdResponse
- type QueryDomainsLogForJdResult
- type QueryDomainsLogRequest
- func (r QueryDomainsLogRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetInterval(interval string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetLogType(logType string)
- func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryDomainsLogResponse
- type QueryDomainsLogResult
- type QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest
- type QueryDomainsNotInGroupResponse
- type QueryDomainsNotInGroupResult
- type QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest
- type QueryExtraCacheTimeResponse
- type QueryExtraCacheTimeResult
- type QueryFilterArgsRequest
- type QueryFilterArgsResponse
- type QueryFilterArgsResult
- type QueryFollowRedirectRequest
- type QueryFollowRedirectResponse
- type QueryFollowRedirectResult
- type QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest
- type QueryFollowSourceProtocolResponse
- type QueryFollowSourceProtocolResult
- type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
- func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest() *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
- func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequestWithAllParams(queryDomain *string, taskId *string, forbiddenUrl *string, pageNumber *int, ...) *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
- func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequestWithoutParam() *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
- func (r QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetQueryDomain(queryDomain string)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
- type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResponse
- type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResult
- type QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
- func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequest() *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
- func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequestWithAllParams(queryDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int) *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
- func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
- func (r QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetQueryDomain(queryDomain string)
- type QueryForbiddenInfoListResponse
- type QueryForbiddenInfoListResult
- type QueryGeoAreasRequest
- type QueryGeoAreasResponse
- type QueryGeoAreasResult
- type QueryHttp2Request
- type QueryHttp2Response
- type QueryHttp2Result
- type QueryHttpHeaderRequest
- type QueryHttpHeaderResponse
- type QueryHttpHeaderResult
- type QueryIpBlackListRequest
- type QueryIpBlackListResponse
- type QueryIpBlackListResult
- type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest
- type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResponse
- type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResult
- type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
- func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest(starttime string, stoptime string, pluginPin string) *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
- func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequestWithAllParams(starttime string, stoptime string, pluginPin string, clientid *string, ...) *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
- func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequestWithoutParam() *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
- func (r QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetClientid(clientid string)
- func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetPage(page int)
- func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetPluginPin(pluginPin string)
- func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetSize(size int)
- func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetStarttime(starttime string)
- func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetStoptime(stoptime string)
- type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResponse
- type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResult
- type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams(startTime *int64, endTime *int64, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, ...) *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
- func (r QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetCategory(category string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime int64)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetMacAddr(macAddr string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetPluginPin(pluginPin string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime int64)
- type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResponse
- type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResult
- type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
- func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
- func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequestWithAllParams(startTime *int64, endTime *int64, groupBy *string, fields *string, ...) *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
- func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequestWithoutParam() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
- func (r QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetCategory(category string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetEndTime(endTime int64)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetMacAddr(macAddr string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetPluginPin(pluginPin string)
- func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetStartTime(startTime int64)
- type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResponse
- type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResult
- type QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest
- type QueryLiveDomainAppsResponse
- type QueryLiveDomainAppsResult
- type QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest
- type QueryLiveDomainDetailResponse
- type QueryLiveDomainDetailResult
- type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
- func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest(domain string) *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
- func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequestWithAllParams(domain string) *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
- func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
- type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListResponse
- type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListResult
- type QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest
- type QueryLivePrefetchTaskResponse
- type QueryLivePrefetchTaskResult
- type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
- func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest() *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
- func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, appName *string, ...) *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
- func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
- func (r QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetCacheLevel(cacheLevel string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetReqMethod(reqMethod string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResponse
- type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResult
- type QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, appName *string, ...) *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
- func (r QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheLevel(cacheLevel string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetReqMethod(reqMethod string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
- func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- type QueryLiveStatisticsDataResponse
- type QueryLiveStatisticsDataResult
- type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest() *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, ...) *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func (r QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheLevel(cacheLevel string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetReqMethod(reqMethod string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
- func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResponse
- type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResult
- type QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, fields *string, ...) *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
- func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
- func (r QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryMixStatisticsDataResponse
- type QueryMixStatisticsDataResult
- type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
- func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest() *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
- func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, fields *string, ...) *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
- func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
- func (r QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResponse
- type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResult
- type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest() *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, fields *string, ...) *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
- func (r QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResponse
- type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResult
- type QueryMonitorRequest
- type QueryMonitorResponse
- type QueryMonitorResult
- type QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest
- type QueryNetProtectionRulesResponse
- type QueryNetProtectionRulesResult
- type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
- type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResponse
- type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult
- type QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest
- type QueryOnlineBillingTypeResponse
- type QueryOnlineBillingTypeResult
- type QueryOssBucketsRequest
- type QueryOssBucketsResponse
- type QueryOssBucketsResult
- type QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest
- type QueryPinCanIPTypeResponse
- type QueryPinCanIPTypeResult
- type QueryPrefetchTaskRequest
- func (r QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetFileId(fileId string)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion(region string)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetStatus(status int)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetTaskType(taskType int)
- func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrl(url string)
- type QueryPrefetchTaskResponse
- type QueryPrefetchTaskResult
- type QueryPurgeTaskRequest
- func (r QueryPurgeTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetFileId(fileId string)
- func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetStatus(status int)
- func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetUrl(url string)
- type QueryPurgeTaskResponse
- type QueryPurgeTaskResult
- type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
- func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest(domain string) *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
- func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequestWithAllParams(domain string, app *string, stream *string, limit *int) *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
- func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequestWithoutParam() *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
- func (r QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetApp(app string)
- func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetLimit(limit int)
- func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetStream(stream string)
- type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResponse
- type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResult
- type QueryRefreshLimitRequest
- type QueryRefreshLimitResponse
- type QueryRefreshLimitResult
- type QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest
- type QueryRefreshTaskByIdResponse
- type QueryRefreshTaskByIdResult
- type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest
- type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResponse
- type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResult
- type QueryRefreshTaskRequest
- func (r QueryRefreshTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetAccountType(accountType string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetKeyword(keyword string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetSubUsers(subUsers string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskStatus(taskStatus string)
- func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskType(taskType string)
- type QueryRefreshTaskResponse
- type QueryRefreshTaskResult
- type QueryServiceIpRequest
- type QueryServiceIpResponse
- type QueryServiceIpResult
- type QueryServiceNoticeRequest
- type QueryServiceNoticeResponse
- type QueryServiceNoticeResult
- type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, ...) *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
- func (r QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetAbroad(abroad bool)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetOrigin(origin bool)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResponse
- type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResult
- type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, ...) *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
- func (r QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetAbroad(abroad bool)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetOrigin(origin bool)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResponse
- type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResult
- type QueryStatisticsDataRequest
- func (r QueryStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetAbroad(abroad bool)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetOrigin(origin bool)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- type QueryStatisticsDataResponse
- type QueryStatisticsDataResult
- type QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest
- func (r QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetSize(size int)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetTopBy(topBy string)
- type QueryStatisticsTopIpResponse
- type QueryStatisticsTopIpResult
- type QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest() *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, ...) *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
- func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
- func (r QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetSize(size int)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
- func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetTopBy(topBy string)
- type QueryStatisticsTopUrlResponse
- type QueryStatisticsTopUrlResult
- type QueryStreamInfoRequest
- func (r QueryStreamInfoRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetPageNum(pageNum int)
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
- type QueryStreamInfoResponse
- type QueryStreamInfoResult
- type QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
- func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest() *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
- func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequestWithAllParams(domain *string, url *string, taskId *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int) *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
- func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequestWithoutParam() *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
- func (r QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
- func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetUrl(url string)
- type QueryUnForbiddenStatusResponse
- type QueryUnForbiddenStatusResult
- type QueryUrlRuleRequest
- type QueryUrlRuleResponse
- type QueryUrlRuleResult
- type QueryUserAgentRequest
- type QueryUserAgentResponse
- type QueryUserAgentResult
- type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
- type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResponse
- type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResult
- type QueryWafRegionsRequest
- type QueryWafRegionsResponse
- type QueryWafRegionsResult
- type QueryWafSwitchRequest
- type QueryWafSwitchResponse
- type QueryWafSwitchResult
- type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
- type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResponse
- type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult
- type QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest
- type QueryWebProtectSettingsResponse
- type QueryWebProtectSettingsResult
- type QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest
- type QueryWebProtectSwitchResponse
- type QueryWebProtectSwitchResult
- type QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
- func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequest(domain string, ruleType string) *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
- func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ruleType string, id *string, pageSize *int, pageIndex *int) *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
- func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
- func (r QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetId(id string)
- func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetPageIndex(pageIndex int)
- func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
- type QuerywafBlackRulesResponse
- type QuerywafBlackRulesResult
- type QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
- func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequest(domain string, ruleType string) *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
- func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ruleType string, id *string, pageSize *int, pageIndex *int) *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
- func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
- func (r QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetId(id string)
- func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetPageIndex(pageIndex int)
- func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
- type QuerywafWhiteRulesResponse
- type QuerywafWhiteRulesResult
- type SearchAttackLogRequest
- func (r SearchAttackLogRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetSortField(sortField string)
- func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetSortRule(sortRule string)
- func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type SearchAttackLogResponse
- type SearchAttackLogResult
- type SetAccelerateRegionRequest
- type SetAccelerateRegionResponse
- type SetAccelerateRegionResult
- type SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
- func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequest(domain string) *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
- func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequestWithAllParams(domain string, accesskeyType *int, accesskeyKey *string, accesskeyKeep *int) *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
- func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
- func (r SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyKeep(accesskeyKeep int)
- func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyKey(accesskeyKey string)
- func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyType(accesskeyType int)
- func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- type SetAccesskeyConfigResponse
- type SetAccesskeyConfigResult
- type SetAuthConfigRequest
- func (r SetAuthConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetAge(age int)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetAuthKey(authKey string)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetEnableUrlAuth(enableUrlAuth string)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetEncAlgorithm(encAlgorithm string)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetRule(rule string)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetTimeFormat(timeFormat string)
- func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetUriType(uriType string)
- type SetAuthConfigResponse
- type SetAuthConfigResult
- type SetCCProtectSwitchRequest
- type SetCCProtectSwitchResponse
- type SetCCProtectSwitchResult
- type SetCacheRulesRequest
- type SetCacheRulesResponse
- type SetCacheRulesResult
- type SetCustomErrorPageRequest
- type SetCustomErrorPageResponse
- type SetCustomErrorPageResult
- type SetDomainConfigRequest
- func (r SetDomainConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetHdrCtrl(hdrCtrl string)
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetJcdnTimeAnti(jcdnTimeAnti string)
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetJumpType(jumpType string)
- func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetToutiaoHeader(toutiaoHeader string)
- type SetDomainConfigResponse
- type SetDomainConfigResult
- type SetExtraCacheTimeRequest
- type SetExtraCacheTimeResponse
- type SetExtraCacheTimeResult
- type SetFilterArgsRequest
- type SetFilterArgsResponse
- type SetFilterArgsResult
- type SetFollowRedirectRequest
- type SetFollowRedirectResponse
- type SetFollowRedirectResult
- type SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest
- type SetFollowSourceProtocolResponse
- type SetFollowSourceProtocolResult
- type SetGzipRequest
- type SetGzipResponse
- type SetGzipResult
- type SetHttpHeaderRequest
- func (r SetHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType(edgeType int)
- func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderName(headerName string)
- func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderType(headerType string)
- func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderValue(headerValue string)
- type SetHttpHeaderResponse
- type SetHttpHeaderResult
- type SetHttpTypeRequest
- func (r SetHttpTypeRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertFrom(certFrom string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertName(certName string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertificate(certificate string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetJumpType(jumpType string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetRsaKey(rsaKey string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetSslCertId(sslCertId string)
- func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetSyncToSsl(syncToSsl bool)
- type SetHttpTypeResponse
- type SetHttpTypeResult
- type SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest
- type SetIgnoreQueryStringResponse
- type SetIgnoreQueryStringResult
- type SetIpBlackListRequest
- type SetIpBlackListResponse
- type SetIpBlackListResult
- type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest(domain string) *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequestWithAllParams(domain string, accesskeyType *int, accesskeyKey *string, authLifeTime *int) *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
- func (r SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAccesskeyKey(accesskeyKey string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAccesskeyType(accesskeyType int)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAuthLifeTime(authLifeTime int)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResponse
- type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResult
- type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest(domain string) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequestWithAllParams(domain string, sourceHost *string) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
- type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResponse
- type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResult
- type SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest(domain string) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequestWithAllParams(domain string, sourceType *string, backSourceType *string, ...) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
- func (r SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
- type SetLiveDomainBackSourceResponse
- type SetLiveDomainBackSourceResult
- type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest(domain string) *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams(domain string, ips []string, ipListType *string) *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
- type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResponse
- type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResult
- type SetLiveDomainReferRequest
- func (r SetLiveDomainReferRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetAllowNoReferHeader(allowNoReferHeader string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetAllowNullReferHeader(allowNullReferHeader string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetReferList(referList []string)
- func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetReferType(referType string)
- type SetLiveDomainReferResponse
- type SetLiveDomainReferResult
- type SetMonitorRequest
- type SetMonitorResponse
- type SetMonitorResult
- type SetNetProtectionRulesRequest
- func (r SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDatagramRangeMax(datagramRangeMax int64)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDatagramRangeMin(datagramRangeMin int64)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDstNewConnLimitEnable(dstNewConnLimitEnable string)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDstNewConnLimitValue(dstNewConnLimitValue int64)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetGeoBlack(geoBlack []string)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetIpBlack(ipBlack []string)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetIpWhite(ipWhite []string)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetSrcNewConnLimitEnable(srcNewConnLimitEnable string)
- func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetSrcNewConnLimitValue(srcNewConnLimitValue int64)
- type SetNetProtectionRulesResponse
- type SetNetProtectionRulesResult
- type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
- type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResponse
- type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult
- type SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest
- type SetOnlineBillingTypeResponse
- type SetOnlineBillingTypeResult
- type SetProtocolConvertRequest
- func (r SetProtocolConvertRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertFrom(certFrom string)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertName(certName string)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertificate(certificate string)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetProtocolConverts(protocolConverts []cdn.ProtocolConvert)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetRsaKey(rsaKey string)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetSslCertId(sslCertId string)
- func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetSyncToSsl(syncToSsl bool)
- type SetProtocolConvertResponse
- type SetProtocolConvertResult
- type SetRangeRequest
- type SetRangeResponse
- type SetRangeResult
- type SetReferRequest
- func (r SetReferRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetReferRequest) SetAllowNoReferHeader(allowNoReferHeader string)
- func (r *SetReferRequest) SetAllowNullReferHeader(allowNullReferHeader string)
- func (r *SetReferRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetReferRequest) SetReferList(referList []string)
- func (r *SetReferRequest) SetReferType(referType string)
- type SetReferResponse
- type SetReferResult
- type SetRefreshLimitRequest
- func (r SetRefreshLimitRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetDirCount(dirCount int64)
- func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetPrefetchCount(prefetchCount int64)
- func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetRefreshCount(refreshCount int64)
- func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetSubUsers(subUsers []string)
- type SetRefreshLimitResponse
- type SetRefreshLimitResult
- type SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
- func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequest(domain string) *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
- func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequestWithAllParams(domain string, enable *string, originRole *string, authType *string, ...) *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
- func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
- func (r SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetAuthType(authType string)
- func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetEnable(enable string)
- func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetOriginRole(originRole string)
- func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetOssAuthInfo(ossAuthInfo *cdn.OSSAuthInfo)
- func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetTosAuthInfo(tosAuthInfo *cdn.TOSAuthInfo)
- type SetSourceAuthConfigResponse
- type SetSourceAuthConfigResult
- type SetSourceRequest
- func (r SetSourceRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetOssSource(ossSource string)
- func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
- type SetSourceResponse
- type SetSourceResult
- type SetUserAgentConfigRequest
- type SetUserAgentConfigResponse
- type SetUserAgentConfigResult
- type SetVideoDraftRequest
- type SetVideoDraftResponse
- type SetVideoDraftResult
- type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
- type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResponse
- type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResult
- type SetWafSwitchRequest
- type SetWafSwitchResponse
- type SetWafSwitchResult
- type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
- type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResponse
- type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult
- type SetWebProtectSwitchRequest
- type SetWebProtectSwitchResponse
- type SetWebProtectSwitchResult
- type SpeedLimitRequest
- type SpeedLimitResponse
- type SpeedLimitResult
- type StartDomainRequest
- type StartDomainResponse
- type StartDomainResult
- type StopDomainRequest
- type StopDomainResponse
- type StopDomainResult
- type StopMonitorRequest
- type StopMonitorResponse
- type StopMonitorResult
- type StopPrefetchTaskRequest
- type StopPrefetchTaskResponse
- type StopPrefetchTaskResult
- type UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequest(domain string, id string) *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams(domain string, id string, uri *string, detectPeriod *int, singleIpLimit *int, ...) *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
- func (r UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockTime(blockTime int)
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockType(blockType int)
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDetectPeriod(detectPeriod int)
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetId(id string)
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetSingleIpLimit(singleIpLimit int)
- func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetUri(uri string)
- type UpdateCCProtectRuleResponse
- type UpdateCCProtectRuleResult
- type UpdateCacheRuleRequest
- func (r UpdateCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType int)
- func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetConfigId(configId int64)
- func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetContents(contents string)
- func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetTtl(ttl int64)
- func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetWeight(weight int)
- type UpdateCacheRuleResponse
- type UpdateCacheRuleResult
- type UpdateDomainGroupRequest
- func (r UpdateDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomainGroupName(domainGroupName string)
- func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
- func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetId(id int)
- func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetPrimaryDomain(primaryDomain string)
- func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetShareCache(shareCache string)
- type UpdateDomainGroupResponse
- type UpdateDomainGroupResult
- type UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest
- type UpdatePrefetchTaskResponse
- type UpdatePrefetchTaskResult
- type UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequest(domain string, id string) *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequestWithAllParams(domain string, id string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, ...) *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
- func (r UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtOp(atOp int)
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtVal(atVal string)
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetId(id string)
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
- func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
- type UpdateWafBlackRuleResponse
- type UpdateWafBlackRuleResult
- type UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest(domain string, id string) *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithAllParams(domain string, id string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, ...) *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
- func (r UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetActions(actions []string)
- func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetId(id string)
- func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
- func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
- func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
- type UpdateWafWhiteRuleResponse
- type UpdateWafWhiteRuleResult
- type UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
- func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest(domain string) *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
- func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequestWithAllParams(domain string, wafMode *string, wafLevel *int, redirection *string) *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
- func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
- func (r UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetRedirection(redirection string)
- func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetWafLevel(wafLevel int)
- func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetWafMode(wafMode string)
- type UpdateWebProtectSettingsResponse
- type UpdateWebProtectSettingsResult
- type UploadCertRequest
- type UploadCertResponse
- type UploadCertResult
- type WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
- func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequest() *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
- func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequestWithAllParams(startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, sortField *string, ...) *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
- func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequestWithoutParam() *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
- func (r WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) GetRegionId() string
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetSortField(sortField string)
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetSortRule(sortRule string)
- func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
- type WafQueryAttackDetailsResponse
- type WafQueryAttackDetailsResult
- type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest
- type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpResponse
- type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpResult
- type WafQueryPvRequest
- type WafQueryPvResponse
- type WafQueryPvResult
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* (Optional) */ Tasks []cdn.VodPrefetchTaskItem `json:"tasks"` }
func NewBatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewBatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest() *BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewBatCreatePrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewBatCreatePrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams( tasks []cdn.VodPrefetchTaskItem, ) *BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest
* param tasks: (Optional)
func NewBatCreatePrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewBatCreatePrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam() *BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetTasks ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *BatCreatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetTasks(tasks []cdn.VodPrefetchTaskItem)
param tasks: (Optional)
type BatCreatePrefetchTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type BatCreatePrefetchTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result BatCreatePrefetchTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type BatCreatePrefetchTaskResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type BatCreatePrefetchTaskResult struct { }
type BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 播放域名 (Optional) */ PlayDomain *string `json:"playDomain"` /* 创建推流域名时,必传推流域名 (Optional) */ PublishDomain *string `json:"publishDomain"` /* 回源类型只能是[ips,domain]中的一种 (Optional) */ SourceType *string `json:"sourceType"` /* (Optional) */ BackHttpType *string `json:"backHttpType"` /* 默认回源host (Optional) */ DefaultSourceHost *string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` /* 站点类型pull(拉流)push(推流) (Optional) */ SiteType *string `json:"siteType"` /* 回源类型,目前只能为rtmp (Optional) */ BackSourceType *string `json:"backSourceType"` /* (Optional) */ IpSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo `json:"ipSource"` /* (Optional) */ DomainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo `json:"domainSource"` /* 加速区域(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆 (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` }
func NewBatchCreateLiveDomainRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewBatchCreateLiveDomainRequest() *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewBatchCreateLiveDomainRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewBatchCreateLiveDomainRequestWithAllParams( playDomain *string, publishDomain *string, sourceType *string, backHttpType *string, defaultSourceHost *string, siteType *string, backSourceType *string, ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo, domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo, accelerateRegion *string, ) *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest
* param playDomain: 播放域名 (Optional) * param publishDomain: 创建推流域名时,必传推流域名 (Optional) * param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain]中的一种 (Optional) * param backHttpType: (Optional) * param defaultSourceHost: 默认回源host (Optional) * param siteType: 站点类型pull(拉流)push(推流) (Optional) * param backSourceType: 回源类型,目前只能为rtmp (Optional) * param ipSource: (Optional) * param domainSource: (Optional) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆 (Optional)
func NewBatchCreateLiveDomainRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewBatchCreateLiveDomainRequestWithoutParam() *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetBackHttpType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetBackHttpType(backHttpType string)
param backHttpType: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetBackSourceType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
param backSourceType: 回源类型,目前只能为rtmp(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
param defaultSourceHost: 默认回源host(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetDomainSource ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
param domainSource: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetIpSource ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
param ipSource: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetPlayDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetPlayDomain(playDomain string)
param playDomain: 播放域名(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetPublishDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetPublishDomain(publishDomain string)
param publishDomain: 创建推流域名时,必传推流域名(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetSiteType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetSiteType(siteType string)
param siteType: 站点类型pull(拉流)push(推流)(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetSourceType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateLiveDomainRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain]中的一种(Optional)
type BatchCreateLiveDomainResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type BatchCreateLiveDomainResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result BatchCreateLiveDomainResult `json:"result"` }
type BatchCreateLiveDomainResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type BatchCreateLiveDomainResult struct { }
type BatchCreateRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BatchCreateRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* (Optional) */ Domains []string `json:"domains"` /* 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种 (Optional) */ SourceType *string `json:"sourceType"` /* 点播域名的类型只能是[vod,download,web]中的一种 (Optional) */ CdnType *string `json:"cdnType"` /* 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http (Optional) */ BackSourceType *string `json:"backSourceType"` /* 日带宽(Mbps) (Optional) */ DailyBandWidth *int64 `json:"dailyBandWidth"` /* 服务质量,只能是[good,general]中的一种,默认为good (Optional) */ Quaility *string `json:"quaility"` /* (Optional) */ MaxFileSize *int64 `json:"maxFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ MinFileSize *int64 `json:"minFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ SumFileSize *int64 `json:"sumFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ AvgFileSize *int64 `json:"avgFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ DefaultSourceHost *string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` /* (Optional) */ HttpType *string `json:"httpType"` /* (Optional) */ IpSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo `json:"ipSource"` /* (Optional) */ DomainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo `json:"domainSource"` /* (Optional) */ OssSource *string `json:"ossSource"` /* 加速区域 (mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆 (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` /* (Optional) */ TempInstId *int64 `json:"tempInstId"` }
func NewBatchCreateRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewBatchCreateRequest() *BatchCreateRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewBatchCreateRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewBatchCreateRequestWithAllParams( domains []string, sourceType *string, cdnType *string, backSourceType *string, dailyBandWidth *int64, quaility *string, maxFileSize *int64, minFileSize *int64, sumFileSize *int64, avgFileSize *int64, defaultSourceHost *string, httpType *string, ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo, domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo, ossSource *string, accelerateRegion *string, tempInstId *int64, ) *BatchCreateRequest
* param domains: (Optional) * param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种 (Optional) * param cdnType: 点播域名的类型只能是[vod,download,web]中的一种 (Optional) * param backSourceType: 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http (Optional) * param dailyBandWidth: 日带宽(Mbps) (Optional) * param quaility: 服务质量,只能是[good,general]中的一种,默认为good (Optional) * param maxFileSize: (Optional) * param minFileSize: (Optional) * param sumFileSize: (Optional) * param avgFileSize: (Optional) * param defaultSourceHost: (Optional) * param httpType: (Optional) * param ipSource: (Optional) * param domainSource: (Optional) * param ossSource: (Optional) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域 (mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆 (Optional) * param tempInstId: (Optional)
func NewBatchCreateRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewBatchCreateRequestWithoutParam() *BatchCreateRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (BatchCreateRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r BatchCreateRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域 (mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetAvgFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetAvgFileSize(avgFileSize int64)
param avgFileSize: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetBackSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
param backSourceType: 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetCdnType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetCdnType(cdnType string)
param cdnType: 点播域名的类型只能是[vod,download,web]中的一种(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetDailyBandWidth ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDailyBandWidth(dailyBandWidth int64)
param dailyBandWidth: 日带宽(Mbps)(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
param defaultSourceHost: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetDomainSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
param domainSource: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetDomains ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
param domains: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetHttpType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
param httpType: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetIpSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
param ipSource: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetMaxFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetMaxFileSize(maxFileSize int64)
param maxFileSize: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetMinFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetMinFileSize(minFileSize int64)
param minFileSize: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetOssSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetOssSource(ossSource string)
param ossSource: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetQuaility ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetQuaility(quaility string)
param quaility: 服务质量,只能是[good,general]中的一种,默认为good(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种(Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetSumFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetSumFileSize(sumFileSize int64)
param sumFileSize: (Optional)
func (*BatchCreateRequest) SetTempInstId ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *BatchCreateRequest) SetTempInstId(tempInstId int64)
param tempInstId: (Optional)
type BatchCreateResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BatchCreateResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result BatchCreateResult `json:"result"` }
type BatchCreateResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BatchCreateResult struct { }
type BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* */ Ids []int64 `json:"ids"` }
func NewBatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewBatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest( ids []int64, ) *BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest
* param ids: (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewBatchDeleteDomainGroupRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewBatchDeleteDomainGroupRequestWithAllParams( ids []int64, ) *BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest
* param ids: (Required)
func NewBatchDeleteDomainGroupRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewBatchDeleteDomainGroupRequestWithoutParam() *BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *BatchDeleteDomainGroupRequest) SetIds(ids []int64)
param ids: (Required)
type BatchDeleteDomainGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BatchDeleteDomainGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result BatchDeleteDomainGroupResult `json:"result"` }
type BatchDeleteDomainGroupResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BatchDeleteDomainGroupResult struct { }
type BatchIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.58.0
type BatchIpBlackListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 可选值。表示域名操作范围,可指定为all代表操作该账号下全量域名,全量域名个数应<=单次可批量操作的域名个数(默认50) (Optional) */ OperateDomainRange *string `json:"operateDomainRange"` /* 可选值。待操作的域名列表,个数默认限制50个。注意operateDomainRange和domains至少指定一个参数。operateDomainRange为all时该参数不生效. (Optional) */ Domains []string `json:"domains"` /* ip列表。最多50个 (Optional) */ IpList []string `json:"ipList"` /* 封禁时长,单位分钟。默认1440 (Optional) */ ForbidTime *int64 `json:"forbidTime"` /* forbid or resume.代表封禁和解封。 (Optional) */ Action *string `json:"action"` }
func NewBatchIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.58.0
func NewBatchIpBlackListRequest() *BatchIpBlackListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewBatchIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.58.0
func NewBatchIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams( operateDomainRange *string, domains []string, ipList []string, forbidTime *int64, action *string, ) *BatchIpBlackListRequest
* param operateDomainRange: 可选值。表示域名操作范围,可指定为all代表操作该账号下全量域名,全量域名个数应<=单次可批量操作的域名个数(默认50) (Optional) * param domains: 可选值。待操作的域名列表,个数默认限制50个。注意operateDomainRange和domains至少指定一个参数。operateDomainRange为all时该参数不生效. (Optional) * param ipList: ip列表。最多50个 (Optional) * param forbidTime: 封禁时长,单位分钟。默认1440 (Optional) * param action: forbid or resume.代表封禁和解封。 (Optional)
func NewBatchIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.58.0
func NewBatchIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *BatchIpBlackListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (BatchIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r BatchIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetAction ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetAction(action string)
param action: forbid or resume.代表封禁和解封。(Optional)
func (*BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetDomains ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
param domains: 可选值。待操作的域名列表,个数默认限制50个。注意operateDomainRange和domains至少指定一个参数。operateDomainRange为all时该参数不生效.(Optional)
func (*BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetForbidTime ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetForbidTime(forbidTime int64)
param forbidTime: 封禁时长,单位分钟。默认1440(Optional)
func (*BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetIpList ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetIpList(ipList []string)
param ipList: ip列表。最多50个(Optional)
func (*BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetOperateDomainRange ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *BatchIpBlackListRequest) SetOperateDomainRange(operateDomainRange string)
param operateDomainRange: 可选值。表示域名操作范围,可指定为all代表操作该账号下全量域名,全量域名个数应<=单次可批量操作的域名个数(默认50)(Optional)
type BatchIpBlackListResponse ¶ added in v1.58.0
type BatchIpBlackListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result BatchIpBlackListResult `json:"result"` }
type BatchIpBlackListResult ¶ added in v1.58.0
type BatchIpBlackListResult struct { }
type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 状态码和过期时间,多个用英文分号分隔,如404:3;500:10;异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个,缓存时间(单位:秒) (Optional) */ Content *string `json:"content"` }
func NewBatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewBatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest( domain string, ) *BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewBatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewBatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams( domain string, content *string, ) *BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param content: 状态码和过期时间,多个用英文分号分隔,如404:3;500:10;异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个,缓存时间(单位:秒) (Optional)
func NewBatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewBatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam() *BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetContent ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetContent(content string)
param content: 状态码和过期时间,多个用英文分号分隔,如404:3;500:10;异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个,缓存时间(单位:秒)(Optional)
func (*BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *BatchSetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResult `json:"result"` }
type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type BatchSetExtraCacheTimeResult struct { }
type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* (Optional) */ Ips []string `json:"ips"` }
func NewCheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest() *CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequestWithAllParams( ips []string, ) *CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest
* param ips: (Optional)
func NewCheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequestWithoutParam() *CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest) SetIps ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudRequest) SetIps(ips []string)
param ips: (Optional)
type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResult `json:"result"` }
type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudResult struct {
IpList []cdn.CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloudItem `json:"ipList"`
type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest ¶ added in v1.63.0
type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 回源IP类型,取值ipv4/ipv6/ipv46。ipv4:回源IP为ipv4;ipv6:ipv6优先;ipv46:ipv4/ipv6负载均衡 (Optional) */ BackSourceIpVersion *string `json:"backSourceIpVersion"` }
func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest ¶ added in v1.63.0
func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest( domain string, ) *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.63.0
func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithAllParams( domain string, backSourceIpVersion *string, ) *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param backSourceIpVersion: 回源IP类型,取值ipv4/ipv6/ipv46。ipv4:回源IP为ipv4;ipv6:ipv6优先;ipv46:ipv4/ipv6负载均衡 (Optional)
func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.63.0
func NewConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.63.0
func (r ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest) SetBackSourceIpVersion ¶ added in v1.63.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest) SetBackSourceIpVersion(backSourceIpVersion string)
param backSourceIpVersion: 回源IP类型,取值ipv4/ipv6/ipv46。ipv4:回源IP为ipv4;ipv6:ipv6优先;ipv46:ipv4/ipv6负载均衡(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.63.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceIpVersionRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResponse ¶ added in v1.63.0
type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResult ¶ added in v1.63.0
type ConfigBackSourceIpVersionResult struct { }
type ConfigBackSourceOssRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type ConfigBackSourceOssRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* on/off,若为on则以下必传参数不可为空[accessKey,secretKey,bucket,domain2],若为off则以下参数均不能有值[accessKey,secretKey,bucket,suffix,domain2] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` /* status 为on时必填 (Optional) */ AccessKey *string `json:"accessKey"` /* status 为on时必填 (Optional) */ SecretKey *string `json:"secretKey"` /* oss桶名,status 为on时必填 (Optional) */ Bucket *string `json:"bucket"` /* oss后缀,status 为on时选填 (Optional) */ Suffix *string `json:"suffix"` /* status 为on时必填 (Optional) */ Domain2 *string `json:"domain2"` }
func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequest( domain string, ) *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, accessKey *string, secretKey *string, bucket *string, suffix *string, domain2 *string, ) *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: on/off,若为on则以下必传参数不可为空[accessKey,secretKey,bucket,domain2],若为off则以下参数均不能有值[accessKey,secretKey,bucket,suffix,domain2] (Optional) * param accessKey: status 为on时必填 (Optional) * param secretKey: status 为on时必填 (Optional) * param bucket: oss桶名,status 为on时必填 (Optional) * param suffix: oss后缀,status 为on时选填 (Optional) * param domain2: status 为on时必填 (Optional)
func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewConfigBackSourceOssRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetAccessKey ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetAccessKey(accessKey string)
param accessKey: status 为on时必填(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetBucket ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetBucket(bucket string)
param bucket: oss桶名,status 为on时必填(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain2 ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain2(domain2 string)
param domain2: status 为on时必填(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetSecretKey ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetSecretKey(secretKey string)
param secretKey: status 为on时必填(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: on/off,若为on则以下必传参数不可为空[accessKey,secretKey,bucket,domain2],若为off则以下参数均不能有值[accessKey,secretKey,bucket,suffix,domain2](Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetSuffix ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceOssRequest) SetSuffix(suffix string)
param suffix: oss后缀,status 为on时选填(Optional)
type ConfigBackSourceOssResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type ConfigBackSourceOssResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigBackSourceOssResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigBackSourceOssResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type ConfigBackSourceOssResult struct { }
type ConfigBackSourcePathRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigBackSourcePathRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Configs []cdn.ConfigBackSourcePathItems `json:"configs"` }
func NewConfigBackSourcePathRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigBackSourcePathRequest( domain string, ) *ConfigBackSourcePathRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigBackSourcePathRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigBackSourcePathRequestWithAllParams( domain string, configs []cdn.ConfigBackSourcePathItems, ) *ConfigBackSourcePathRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param configs: (Optional)
func NewConfigBackSourcePathRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigBackSourcePathRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourcePathRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigBackSourcePathRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r ConfigBackSourcePathRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigBackSourcePathRequest) SetConfigs ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourcePathRequest) SetConfigs(configs []cdn.ConfigBackSourcePathItems)
param configs: (Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourcePathRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourcePathRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type ConfigBackSourcePathResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigBackSourcePathResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigBackSourcePathResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigBackSourcePathResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigBackSourcePathResult struct { }
type ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 回源改写之前的正则表达式 (Optional) */ BeforeRegex *string `json:"beforeRegex"` /* 回源改写之后的正则表达式 (Optional) */ AfterRegex *string `json:"afterRegex"` }
func NewConfigBackSourceRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigBackSourceRuleRequest( domain string, ) *ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigBackSourceRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigBackSourceRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, beforeRegex *string, afterRegex *string, ) *ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param beforeRegex: 回源改写之前的正则表达式 (Optional) * param afterRegex: 回源改写之后的正则表达式 (Optional)
func NewConfigBackSourceRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigBackSourceRuleRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) SetAfterRegex ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) SetAfterRegex(afterRegex string)
param afterRegex: 回源改写之后的正则表达式(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) SetBeforeRegex ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) SetBeforeRegex(beforeRegex string)
param beforeRegex: 回源改写之前的正则表达式(Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type ConfigBackSourceRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigBackSourceRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigBackSourceRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigBackSourceRuleResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigBackSourceRuleResult struct { }
type ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* on/off,若为off则数组需为空,若为on则数组不可为空 (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` /* (Optional) */ Rules []cdn.BackSourceRule `json:"rules"` }
func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequest( domain string, ) *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, rules []cdn.BackSourceRule, ) *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: on/off,若为off则数组需为空,若为on则数组不可为空 (Optional) * param rules: (Optional)
func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewConfigBackSourceRulesRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) SetRules ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) SetRules(rules []cdn.BackSourceRule)
param rules: (Optional)
func (*ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *ConfigBackSourceRulesRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: on/off,若为off则数组需为空,若为on则数组不可为空(Optional)
type ConfigBackSourceRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type ConfigBackSourceRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigBackSourceRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigBackSourceRulesResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type ConfigBackSourceRulesResult struct { }
type ConfigHttp2Request ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigHttp2Request struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* HTTP2功能开关,取值on/off (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewConfigHttp2Request ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigHttp2Request( domain string, ) *ConfigHttp2Request
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigHttp2RequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigHttp2RequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *ConfigHttp2Request
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: HTTP2功能开关,取值on/off (Optional)
func NewConfigHttp2RequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigHttp2RequestWithoutParam() *ConfigHttp2Request
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigHttp2Request) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r ConfigHttp2Request) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigHttp2Request) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigHttp2Request) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*ConfigHttp2Request) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigHttp2Request) SetStatus(status string)
param status: HTTP2功能开关,取值on/off(Optional)
type ConfigHttp2Response ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigHttp2Response struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigHttp2Result `json:"result"` }
type ConfigHttp2Result ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigHttp2Result struct { }
type ConfigServiceNoticeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigServiceNoticeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* id 修改操作必传 (Optional) */ Id *int64 `json:"id"` /* 通知类型,取值[reportForm],reportForm:报表. (Optional) */ NoticeType *string `json:"noticeType"` /* 通知方式,取值[mail],mail:邮件. (Optional) */ NoticeWay *string `json:"noticeWay"` /* 通知接收人,多个用逗号隔开. (Optional) */ NoticeTo *string `json:"noticeTo"` /* 通知抄送人,多个用逗号隔开. (Optional) */ NoticeCC *string `json:"noticeCC"` /* 通知正文. (Optional) */ NoticeContent *string `json:"noticeContent"` /* 通知周期,取值[daily,weekly,monthly]. (Optional) */ NoticePeriod []string `json:"noticePeriod"` /* 通知状态,取值[init,start,stop] (Optional) */ NoticeStatus *string `json:"noticeStatus"` }
func NewConfigServiceNoticeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigServiceNoticeRequest() *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigServiceNoticeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigServiceNoticeRequestWithAllParams( id *int64, noticeType *string, noticeWay *string, noticeTo *string, noticeCC *string, noticeContent *string, noticePeriod []string, noticeStatus *string, ) *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest
* param id: id 修改操作必传 (Optional) * param noticeType: 通知类型,取值[reportForm],reportForm:报表. (Optional) * param noticeWay: 通知方式,取值[mail],mail:邮件. (Optional) * param noticeTo: 通知接收人,多个用逗号隔开. (Optional) * param noticeCC: 通知抄送人,多个用逗号隔开. (Optional) * param noticeContent: 通知正文. (Optional) * param noticePeriod: 通知周期,取值[daily,weekly,monthly]. (Optional) * param noticeStatus: 通知状态,取值[init,start,stop] (Optional)
func NewConfigServiceNoticeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigServiceNoticeRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetId(id int64)
param id: id 修改操作必传(Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeCC ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeCC(noticeCC string)
param noticeCC: 通知抄送人,多个用逗号隔开.(Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeContent ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeContent(noticeContent string)
param noticeContent: 通知正文.(Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticePeriod ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticePeriod(noticePeriod []string)
param noticePeriod: 通知周期,取值[daily,weekly,monthly].(Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeStatus ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeStatus(noticeStatus string)
param noticeStatus: 通知状态,取值[init,start,stop](Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeTo ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeTo(noticeTo string)
param noticeTo: 通知接收人,多个用逗号隔开.(Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeType(noticeType string)
param noticeType: 通知类型,取值[reportForm],reportForm:报表.(Optional)
func (*ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeWay ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeWay(noticeWay string)
param noticeWay: 通知方式,取值[mail],mail:邮件.(Optional)
type ConfigServiceNoticeResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigServiceNoticeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigServiceNoticeResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigServiceNoticeResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigServiceNoticeResult struct { }
type ConfigUrlRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigUrlRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* url改写之前的正则表达式 (Optional) */ BeforeRegex *string `json:"beforeRegex"` /* url改写之后的正则表达式 (Optional) */ AfterRegex *string `json:"afterRegex"` }
func NewConfigUrlRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigUrlRuleRequest( domain string, ) *ConfigUrlRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewConfigUrlRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigUrlRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, beforeRegex *string, afterRegex *string, ) *ConfigUrlRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param beforeRegex: url改写之前的正则表达式 (Optional) * param afterRegex: url改写之后的正则表达式 (Optional)
func NewConfigUrlRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewConfigUrlRuleRequestWithoutParam() *ConfigUrlRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ConfigUrlRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r ConfigUrlRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ConfigUrlRuleRequest) SetAfterRegex ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigUrlRuleRequest) SetAfterRegex(afterRegex string)
param afterRegex: url改写之后的正则表达式(Optional)
func (*ConfigUrlRuleRequest) SetBeforeRegex ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigUrlRuleRequest) SetBeforeRegex(beforeRegex string)
param beforeRegex: url改写之前的正则表达式(Optional)
func (*ConfigUrlRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ConfigUrlRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type ConfigUrlRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigUrlRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ConfigUrlRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type ConfigUrlRuleResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ConfigUrlRuleResult struct { }
type CreateCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateCCProtectRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* null (Optional) */ Uri *string `json:"uri"` /* null (Optional) */ DetectPeriod *int `json:"detectPeriod"` /* null (Optional) */ SingleIpLimit *int `json:"singleIpLimit"` /* null (Optional) */ BlockType *int `json:"blockType"` /* null (Optional) */ BlockTime *int `json:"blockTime"` }
func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequest( domain string, ) *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, uri *string, detectPeriod *int, singleIpLimit *int, blockType *int, blockTime *int, ) *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param uri: null (Optional) * param detectPeriod: null (Optional) * param singleIpLimit: null (Optional) * param blockType: null (Optional) * param blockTime: null (Optional)
func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockTime(blockTime int)
param blockTime: null(Optional)
func (*CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockType(blockType int)
param blockType: null(Optional)
func (*CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDetectPeriod ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDetectPeriod(detectPeriod int)
param detectPeriod: null(Optional)
func (*CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetSingleIpLimit ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetSingleIpLimit(singleIpLimit int)
param singleIpLimit: null(Optional)
func (*CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetUri ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetUri(uri string)
param uri: null(Optional)
type CreateCCProtectRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateCCProtectRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateCCProtectRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateCCProtectRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateCCProtectRuleResult struct { }
type CreateCacheRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateCacheRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 此条配置的权重值, 取值范围为1-10,1最大 (Optional) */ Weight *int `json:"weight"` /* 缓存时间,单位秒,中国境内加速域名最长可配置2年,中国境外/全球加速域名最长可配置1年 (Optional) */ Ttl *int64 `json:"ttl"` /* 规则内容。其他类型只能以/或者.开头,如/a/b或.jpg (Optional) */ Contents *string `json:"contents"` /* 缓存方式:0、不缓存,1自定义 (Optional) */ CacheType *int `json:"cacheType"` }
func NewCreateCacheRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateCacheRuleRequest( domain string, ) *CreateCacheRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateCacheRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateCacheRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, weight *int, ttl *int64, contents *string, cacheType *int, ) *CreateCacheRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param weight: 此条配置的权重值, 取值范围为1-10,1最大 (Optional) * param ttl: 缓存时间,单位秒,中国境内加速域名最长可配置2年,中国境外/全球加速域名最长可配置1年 (Optional) * param contents: 规则内容。其他类型只能以/或者.开头,如/a/b或.jpg (Optional) * param cacheType: 缓存方式:0、不缓存,1自定义 (Optional)
func NewCreateCacheRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateCacheRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateCacheRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r CreateCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType int)
param cacheType: 缓存方式:0、不缓存,1自定义(Optional)
func (*CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetContents ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetContents(contents string)
param contents: 规则内容。其他类型只能以/或者.开头,如/a/b或.jpg(Optional)
func (*CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetTtl ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetTtl(ttl int64)
param ttl: 缓存时间,单位秒,中国境内加速域名最长可配置2年,中国境外/全球加速域名最长可配置1年(Optional)
func (*CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetWeight ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateCacheRuleRequest) SetWeight(weight int)
param weight: 此条配置的权重值, 取值范围为1-10,1最大(Optional)
type CreateCacheRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateCacheRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateCacheRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateCacheRuleResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateCacheRuleResult struct {
ConfigId int64 `json:"configId"`
type CreateDomainGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateDomainGroupRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest ShareCache *string `json:"shareCache"` /* 主域名,开启共享缓存时必传 (Optional) */ PrimaryDomain *string `json:"primaryDomain"` /* 域名组名称 (Optional) */ DomainGroupName *string `json:"domainGroupName"` /* 域名组内域名包含主域名 (Optional) */ Domains []string `json:"domains"` }
func NewCreateDomainGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateDomainGroupRequest() *CreateDomainGroupRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateDomainGroupRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateDomainGroupRequestWithAllParams( shareCache *string, primaryDomain *string, domainGroupName *string, domains []string, ) *CreateDomainGroupRequest
* param shareCache: 是否共享内存,共享缓存仅对中国境内加速域名生效 (Optional) * param primaryDomain: 主域名,开启共享缓存时必传 (Optional) * param domainGroupName: 域名组名称 (Optional) * param domains: 域名组内域名包含主域名 (Optional)
func NewCreateDomainGroupRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateDomainGroupRequestWithoutParam() *CreateDomainGroupRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r CreateDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomainGroupName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomainGroupName(domainGroupName string)
param domainGroupName: 域名组名称(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomains ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
param domains: 域名组内域名包含主域名(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetPrimaryDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetPrimaryDomain(primaryDomain string)
param primaryDomain: 主域名,开启共享缓存时必传(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetShareCache ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainGroupRequest) SetShareCache(shareCache string)
param shareCache: 是否共享内存,共享缓存仅对中国境内加速域名生效(Optional)
type CreateDomainGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateDomainGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateDomainGroupResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateDomainGroupResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateDomainGroupResult struct { }
type CreateDomainRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateDomainRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种 (Optional) */ SourceType *string `json:"sourceType"` /* 点播域名的类型只能是[vod,download,web]中的一种 (Optional) */ CdnType *string `json:"cdnType"` /* 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http (Optional) */ BackSourceType *string `json:"backSourceType"` /* 日带宽(Mbps) (Optional) */ DailyBandWidth *int64 `json:"dailyBandWidth"` /* 服务质量,只能是[good,general]中的一种,默认为good (Optional) */ Quaility *string `json:"quaility"` /* (Optional) */ MaxFileSize *int64 `json:"maxFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ MinFileSize *int64 `json:"minFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ SumFileSize *int64 `json:"sumFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ AvgFileSize *int64 `json:"avgFileSize"` /* (Optional) */ DefaultSourceHost *string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` /* (Optional) */ HttpType *string `json:"httpType"` /* (Optional) */ IpSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo `json:"ipSource"` /* (Optional) */ DomainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo `json:"domainSource"` /* (Optional) */ OssSource *string `json:"ossSource"` /* 加速区域:(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆 (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` /* (Optional) */ TempInstId *int64 `json:"tempInstId"` /* cname标签,使用时通过queryDomainCnameTag接口获取 (Optional) */ DomainCnameTag *string `json:"domainCnameTag"` }
func NewCreateDomainRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateDomainRequest( domain string, ) *CreateDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateDomainRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateDomainRequestWithAllParams( domain string, sourceType *string, cdnType *string, backSourceType *string, dailyBandWidth *int64, quaility *string, maxFileSize *int64, minFileSize *int64, sumFileSize *int64, avgFileSize *int64, defaultSourceHost *string, httpType *string, ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo, domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo, ossSource *string, accelerateRegion *string, tempInstId *int64, domainCnameTag *string, ) *CreateDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种 (Optional) * param cdnType: 点播域名的类型只能是[vod,download,web]中的一种 (Optional) * param backSourceType: 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http (Optional) * param dailyBandWidth: 日带宽(Mbps) (Optional) * param quaility: 服务质量,只能是[good,general]中的一种,默认为good (Optional) * param maxFileSize: (Optional) * param minFileSize: (Optional) * param sumFileSize: (Optional) * param avgFileSize: (Optional) * param defaultSourceHost: (Optional) * param httpType: (Optional) * param ipSource: (Optional) * param domainSource: (Optional) * param ossSource: (Optional) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域:(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆 (Optional) * param tempInstId: (Optional) * param domainCnameTag: cname标签,使用时通过queryDomainCnameTag接口获取 (Optional)
func NewCreateDomainRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewCreateDomainRequestWithoutParam() *CreateDomainRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateDomainRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r CreateDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域:(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球)默认为中国大陆(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetAvgFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetAvgFileSize(avgFileSize int64)
param avgFileSize: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetBackSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
param backSourceType: 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetCdnType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetCdnType(cdnType string)
param cdnType: 点播域名的类型只能是[vod,download,web]中的一种(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetDailyBandWidth ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDailyBandWidth(dailyBandWidth int64)
param dailyBandWidth: 日带宽(Mbps)(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
param defaultSourceHost: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetDomainCnameTag ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDomainCnameTag(domainCnameTag string)
param domainCnameTag: cname标签,使用时通过queryDomainCnameTag接口获取(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetDomainSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
param domainSource: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetHttpType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
param httpType: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetIpSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
param ipSource: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetMaxFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetMaxFileSize(maxFileSize int64)
param maxFileSize: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetMinFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetMinFileSize(minFileSize int64)
param minFileSize: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetOssSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetOssSource(ossSource string)
param ossSource: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetQuaility ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetQuaility(quaility string)
param quaility: 服务质量,只能是[good,general]中的一种,默认为good(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种(Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetSumFileSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetSumFileSize(sumFileSize int64)
param sumFileSize: (Optional)
func (*CreateDomainRequest) SetTempInstId ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *CreateDomainRequest) SetTempInstId(tempInstId int64)
param tempInstId: (Optional)
type CreateDomainResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateDomainResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateDomainResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateDomainResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CreateDomainResult struct { }
type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 封禁类型,domain:域名封禁,url:url封禁 (Optional) */ ForbiddenType *string `json:"forbiddenType"` /* 封禁域名 (Optional) */ ForbiddenDomain *string `json:"forbiddenDomain"` /* 封禁url,多个以;隔开。单url最大字符长度1024,以/开头,内容中不包含逗号.forbiddenType为url时需传入 (Optional) */ ForbiddenUrl *string `json:"forbiddenUrl"` /* 封禁原因 (Optional) */ Reason *string `json:"reason"` /* y,n y表示是,n表示否,默认n。forbiddenType为domain时可传入,若为y表示封禁该域名后,不允许添加该域名的根域名以及根域名下的所有子域名 (Optional) */ LinkOther *string `json:"linkOther"` ShareCacheDomainFlag *string `json:"shareCacheDomainFlag"` /* forbiddenType为url时有效。用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional) */ Token *string `json:"token"` }
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest() *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithAllParams( forbiddenType *string, forbiddenDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, reason *string, linkOther *string, shareCacheDomainFlag *string, token *string, ) *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
* param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain:域名封禁,url:url封禁 (Optional) * param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名 (Optional) * param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开。单url最大字符长度1024,以/开头,内容中不包含逗号.forbiddenType为url时需传入 (Optional) * param reason: 封禁原因 (Optional) * param linkOther: y,n y表示是,n表示否,默认n。forbiddenType为domain时可传入,若为y表示封禁该域名后,不允许添加该域名的根域名以及根域名下的所有子域名 (Optional) * param shareCacheDomainFlag: forbiddenType为url时可传入。即当forbiddenDomain为域名组共享缓存主域名时,是否同步操作共享缓存从域名下的url,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0。 (Optional) * param token: forbiddenType为url时有效。用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional)
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithoutParam() *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenDomain ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenType ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain:域名封禁,url:url封禁(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开。单url最大字符长度1024,以/开头,内容中不包含逗号.forbiddenType为url时需传入(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetLinkOther ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetLinkOther(linkOther string)
param linkOther: y,n y表示是,n表示否,默认n。forbiddenType为domain时可传入,若为y表示封禁该域名后,不允许添加该域名的根域名以及根域名下的所有子域名(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetReason ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetReason(reason string)
param reason: 封禁原因(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
param shareCacheDomainFlag: forbiddenType为url时可传入。即当forbiddenDomain为域名组共享缓存主域名时,是否同步操作共享缓存从域名下的url,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0。(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetToken ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetToken(token string)
param token: forbiddenType为url时有效。用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~(Optional)
type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResponse ¶ added in v1.59.0
type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResult ¶ added in v1.59.0
type CreateForbiddenInfoCommonResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type CreateForbiddenInfoRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type CreateForbiddenInfoRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 封禁类型,domain 域名封禁,url url封禁 (Optional) */ ForbiddenType *string `json:"forbiddenType"` /* 封禁域名 (Optional) */ ForbiddenDomain *string `json:"forbiddenDomain"` /* 封禁url,多个以;隔开 (Optional) */ ForbiddenUrl *string `json:"forbiddenUrl"` /* 封禁原因 (Optional) */ Reason *string `json:"reason"` /* y,n y表示是,n表示否 (Optional) */ LinkOther *string `json:"linkOther"` ShareCacheDomainFlag *string `json:"shareCacheDomainFlag"` /* 用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional) */ Token *string `json:"token"` }
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoRequest() *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoRequestWithAllParams( forbiddenType *string, forbiddenDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, reason *string, linkOther *string, shareCacheDomainFlag *string, token *string, ) *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest
* param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain 域名封禁,url url封禁 (Optional) * param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名 (Optional) * param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开 (Optional) * param reason: 封禁原因 (Optional) * param linkOther: y,n y表示是,n表示否 (Optional) * param shareCacheDomainFlag: 是否同步操作共享缓存域名,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0 (Optional) * param token: 用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional)
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewCreateForbiddenInfoRequestWithoutParam() *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain 域名封禁,url url封禁(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetLinkOther ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetLinkOther(linkOther string)
param linkOther: y,n y表示是,n表示否(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetReason ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetReason(reason string)
param reason: 封禁原因(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
param shareCacheDomainFlag: 是否同步操作共享缓存域名,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0(Optional)
func (*CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetToken ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *CreateForbiddenInfoRequest) SetToken(token string)
param token: 用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~(Optional)
type CreateForbiddenInfoResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type CreateForbiddenInfoResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateForbiddenInfoResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateForbiddenInfoResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type CreateForbiddenInfoResult struct { }
type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 预热的URL (Optional) */ UrlList []string `json:"urlList"` /* 预热时长 (Optional) */ PrefetchTime *int `json:"prefetchTime"` /* 操作类型只能是[start,stop]中的一种 (Optional) */ Action *string `json:"action"` }
func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest() *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequestWithAllParams( urlList []string, prefetchTime *int, action *string, ) *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
* param urlList: 预热的URL (Optional) * param prefetchTime: 预热时长 (Optional) * param action: 操作类型只能是[start,stop]中的一种 (Optional)
func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewCreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequestWithoutParam() *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) SetAction ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) SetAction(action string)
param action: 操作类型只能是[start,stop]中的一种(Optional)
func (*CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) SetPrefetchTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) SetPrefetchTime(prefetchTime int)
param prefetchTime: 预热时长(Optional)
func (*CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) SetUrlList ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskRequest) SetUrlList(urlList []string)
param urlList: 预热的URL(Optional)
type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTaskResult struct { }
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热) (Optional) */ TaskType *string `json:"taskType"` /* (Optional) */ UrlItems []cdn.UrlItem `json:"urlItems"` }
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequestWithAllParams( taskType *string, urlItems []cdn.UrlItem, ) *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
* param taskType: 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热) (Optional) * param urlItems: (Optional)
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequestWithoutParam() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest) SetTaskType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest) SetTaskType(taskType string)
param taskType: 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热)(Optional)
func (*CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest) SetUrlItems ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackRequest) SetUrlItems(urlItems []cdn.UrlItem)
param urlItems: (Optional)
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热) (Optional) */ TaskType *string `json:"taskType"` /* (Optional) */ UrlItems []cdn.UrlItemV2 `json:"urlItems"` }
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2RequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2RequestWithAllParams( taskType *string, urlItems []cdn.UrlItemV2, ) *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
* param taskType: 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热) (Optional) * param urlItems: (Optional)
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2RequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2RequestWithoutParam() *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request) SetTaskType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request) SetTaskType(taskType string)
param taskType: 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热)(Optional)
func (*CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request) SetUrlItems ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Request) SetUrlItems(urlItems []cdn.UrlItemV2)
param urlItems: (Optional)
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Response ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Response struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Result `json:"result"` }
type CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2Result ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热),中国境外/全球加速域名暂不支持预热功能 (Optional) */ TaskType *string `json:"taskType"` /* (Optional) */ Urls []string `json:"urls"` }
func NewCreateRefreshTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskRequest() *CreateRefreshTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateRefreshTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskRequestWithAllParams( taskType *string, urls []string, ) *CreateRefreshTaskRequest
* param taskType: 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热),中国境外/全球加速域名暂不支持预热功能 (Optional) * param urls: (Optional)
func NewCreateRefreshTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateRefreshTaskRequestWithoutParam() *CreateRefreshTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateRefreshTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CreateRefreshTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskType(taskType string)
param taskType: 刷新预热类型,(url:url刷新,dir:目录刷新,prefetch:预热),中国境外/全球加速域名暂不支持预热功能(Optional)
func (*CreateRefreshTaskRequest) SetUrls ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateRefreshTaskRequest) SetUrls(urls []string)
param urls: (Optional)
type CreateRefreshTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateRefreshTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateRefreshTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateRefreshTaskResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafBlackRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafBlackRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 黑名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` /* 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) */ MatchOp *int `json:"matchOp"` /* 匹配值 (Optional) */ Val *string `json:"val"` /* 1:forbidden,493封禁并返回自定义页面 2:redirect,302跳转 3: verify@captcha 4: verify@jscookie (Optional) */ AtOp *int `json:"atOp"` /* action为1时为自定义页面名称,空值或缺省值default为默认页面,2时为跳转url,其他时无效 (Optional) */ AtVal *string `json:"atVal"` }
func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequest( domain string, ) *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, atOp *int, atVal *string, ) *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ruleType: 黑名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) * param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) * param val: 匹配值 (Optional) * param atOp: 1:forbidden,493封禁并返回自定义页面 2:redirect,302跳转 3: verify@captcha 4: verify@jscookie (Optional) * param atVal: action为1时为自定义页面名称,空值或缺省值default为默认页面,2时为跳转url,其他时无效 (Optional)
func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateWafBlackRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtOp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtOp(atOp int)
param atOp: 1:forbidden,493封禁并返回自定义页面 2:redirect,302跳转 3: verify@captcha 4: verify@jscookie(Optional)
func (*CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtVal ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtVal(atVal string)
param atVal: action为1时为自定义页面名称,空值或缺省值default为默认页面,2时为跳转url,其他时无效(Optional)
func (*CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetMatchOp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀(Optional)
func (*CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: 黑名单类型, uri ip geo(Optional)
func (*CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetVal ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
param val: 匹配值(Optional)
type CreateWafBlackRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafBlackRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateWafBlackRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateWafBlackRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafBlackRuleResult struct { }
type CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 白名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` /* 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) */ MatchOp *int `json:"matchOp"` /* 匹配值 (Optional) */ Val *string `json:"val"` /* 后续处理 "waf" "cc" "deny"自由组合,空表示跳过后续所有阶段 (Optional) */ Actions []string `json:"actions"` }
func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequest( domain string, ) *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, actions []string, ) *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ruleType: 白名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) * param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) * param val: 匹配值 (Optional) * param actions: 后续处理 "waf" "cc" "deny"自由组合,空表示跳过后续所有阶段 (Optional)
func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewCreateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithoutParam() *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetActions ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetActions(actions []string)
param actions: 后续处理 "waf" "cc" "deny"自由组合,空表示跳过后续所有阶段(Optional)
func (*CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetMatchOp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀(Optional)
func (*CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: 白名单类型, uri ip geo(Optional)
func (*CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetVal ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *CreateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
param val: 匹配值(Optional)
type CreateWafWhiteRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafWhiteRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result CreateWafWhiteRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type CreateWafWhiteRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type CreateWafWhiteRuleResult struct { }
type DelDomainTempInstanceRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DelDomainTempInstanceRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 模板实例id */ InstId int `json:"instId"` }
func NewDelDomainTempInstanceRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDelDomainTempInstanceRequest( instId int, ) *DelDomainTempInstanceRequest
* param instId: 模板实例id (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDelDomainTempInstanceRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDelDomainTempInstanceRequestWithAllParams( instId int, ) *DelDomainTempInstanceRequest
* param instId: 模板实例id (Required)
func NewDelDomainTempInstanceRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDelDomainTempInstanceRequestWithoutParam() *DelDomainTempInstanceRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DelDomainTempInstanceRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r DelDomainTempInstanceRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DelDomainTempInstanceRequest) SetInstId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DelDomainTempInstanceRequest) SetInstId(instId int)
param instId: 模板实例id(Required)
type DelDomainTempInstanceResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DelDomainTempInstanceResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DelDomainTempInstanceResult `json:"result"` }
type DelDomainTempInstanceResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DelDomainTempInstanceResult struct { }
type DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* */ Ids string `json:"ids"` }
func NewDeleteCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteCCProtectRuleRequest( domain string, ids string, ) *DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids string, ) *DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Required)
func NewDeleteCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteCCProtectRuleRequest) SetIds(ids string)
param ids: (Required)
type DeleteCCProtectRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteCCProtectRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteCCProtectRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteCCProtectRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteCCProtectRuleResult struct { }
type DeleteCacheRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DeleteCacheRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 缓存规则配置ID (Optional) */ ConfigId *int64 `json:"configId"` }
func NewDeleteCacheRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDeleteCacheRuleRequest( domain string, ) *DeleteCacheRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteCacheRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDeleteCacheRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, configId *int64, ) *DeleteCacheRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param configId: 缓存规则配置ID (Optional)
func NewDeleteCacheRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDeleteCacheRuleRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteCacheRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r DeleteCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteCacheRuleRequest) SetConfigId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *DeleteCacheRuleRequest) SetConfigId(configId int64)
param configId: 缓存规则配置ID(Optional)
func (*DeleteCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *DeleteCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type DeleteCacheRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DeleteCacheRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteCacheRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteCacheRuleResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DeleteCacheRuleResult struct { }
type DeleteDomainRequest ¶
type DeleteDomainRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewDeleteDomainRequest ¶
func NewDeleteDomainRequest( domain string, ) *DeleteDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteDomainRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewDeleteDomainRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *DeleteDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewDeleteDomainRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewDeleteDomainRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteDomainRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteDomainRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r DeleteDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteDomainRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *DeleteDomainRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type DeleteDomainResponse ¶
type DeleteDomainResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteDomainResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteDomainResult ¶
type DeleteDomainResult struct { }
type DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个 (Optional) */ HttpCode *string `json:"httpCode"` }
func NewDeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest( domain string, ) *DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDeleteExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams( domain string, httpCode *string, ) *DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param httpCode: 异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个 (Optional)
func NewDeleteExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDeleteExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetHttpCode ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetHttpCode(httpCode string)
param httpCode: 异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个(Optional)
type DeleteExtraCacheTimeResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DeleteExtraCacheTimeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteExtraCacheTimeResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteExtraCacheTimeResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DeleteExtraCacheTimeResult struct { }
type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 封禁类型,domain:域名封禁,url:url封禁 (Optional) */ ForbiddenType *string `json:"forbiddenType"` /* 封禁域名 (Optional) */ ForbiddenDomain *string `json:"forbiddenDomain"` /* 封禁url,多个以;隔开。单url最大字符长度1024,以/开头,内容中不包含逗号.forbiddenType为url时需传入 (Optional) */ ForbiddenUrl *string `json:"forbiddenUrl"` ShareCacheDomainFlag *string `json:"shareCacheDomainFlag"` /* forbiddenType为url时有效。用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional) */ Token *string `json:"token"` }
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest() *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithAllParams( forbiddenType *string, forbiddenDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, shareCacheDomainFlag *string, token *string, ) *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
* param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain:域名封禁,url:url封禁 (Optional) * param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名 (Optional) * param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开。单url最大字符长度1024,以/开头,内容中不包含逗号.forbiddenType为url时需传入 (Optional) * param shareCacheDomainFlag: forbiddenType为url时有效。即当forbiddenDomain为域名组共享缓存主域名时,是否同步操作共享缓存从域名下的url,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0。 (Optional) * param token: forbiddenType为url时有效。用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional)
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenDomain ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenType ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain:域名封禁,url:url封禁(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开。单url最大字符长度1024,以/开头,内容中不包含逗号.forbiddenType为url时需传入(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
param shareCacheDomainFlag: forbiddenType为url时有效。即当forbiddenDomain为域名组共享缓存主域名时,是否同步操作共享缓存从域名下的url,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0。(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetToken ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonRequest) SetToken(token string)
param token: forbiddenType为url时有效。用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~(Optional)
type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResponse ¶ added in v1.59.0
type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResult ¶ added in v1.59.0
type DeleteForbiddenInfoCommonResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 封禁类型,domain 域名封禁,url url封禁 (Optional) */ ForbiddenType *string `json:"forbiddenType"` /* 封禁域名 (Optional) */ ForbiddenDomain *string `json:"forbiddenDomain"` /* 封禁url,多个以;隔开 (Optional) */ ForbiddenUrl *string `json:"forbiddenUrl"` ShareCacheDomainFlag *string `json:"shareCacheDomainFlag"` /* 用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional) */ Token *string `json:"token"` }
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoRequest() *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoRequestWithAllParams( forbiddenType *string, forbiddenDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, shareCacheDomainFlag *string, token *string, ) *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest
* param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain 域名封禁,url url封禁 (Optional) * param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名 (Optional) * param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开 (Optional) * param shareCacheDomainFlag: 是否同步操作共享缓存域名,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0 (Optional) * param token: 用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~ (Optional)
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenInfoRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenDomain(forbiddenDomain string)
param forbiddenDomain: 封禁域名(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenType(forbiddenType string)
param forbiddenType: 封禁类型,domain 域名封禁,url url封禁(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,多个以;隔开(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetShareCacheDomainFlag(shareCacheDomainFlag string)
param shareCacheDomainFlag: 是否同步操作共享缓存域名,0:仅操作本域名,1:同步操作共享缓存域名,默认为0(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetToken ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenInfoRequest) SetToken(token string)
param token: 用于封禁前缀识别的URL,应为单个特殊字符,如:~(Optional)
type DeleteForbiddenInfoResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DeleteForbiddenInfoResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteForbiddenInfoResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteForbiddenInfoResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DeleteForbiddenInfoResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 要删除的禁播流 (Optional) */ DeleteStreams []cdn.DeleteStream `json:"deleteStreams"` }
func NewDeleteForbiddenStreamRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenStreamRequest( domain string, ) *DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteForbiddenStreamRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenStreamRequestWithAllParams( domain string, deleteStreams []cdn.DeleteStream, ) *DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param deleteStreams: 要删除的禁播流 (Optional)
func NewDeleteForbiddenStreamRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewDeleteForbiddenStreamRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest) SetDeleteStreams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest) SetDeleteStreams(deleteStreams []cdn.DeleteStream)
param deleteStreams: 要删除的禁播流(Optional)
func (*DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *DeleteForbiddenStreamRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type DeleteForbiddenStreamResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type DeleteForbiddenStreamResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteForbiddenStreamResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteForbiddenStreamResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type DeleteForbiddenStreamResult struct { }
type DeleteHttpHeaderRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DeleteHttpHeaderRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 0表示header在边缘生效,1表示header回源生效,2表示在边缘和回源都生效,该字段不传时默认header在边缘和回源都生效 (Optional) */ EdgeType *int `json:"edgeType"` /* header类型[resp,req] (Optional) */ HeaderType *string `json:"headerType"` /* header名 (Optional) */ HeaderName *string `json:"headerName"` }
func NewDeleteHttpHeaderRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDeleteHttpHeaderRequest( domain string, ) *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteHttpHeaderRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDeleteHttpHeaderRequestWithAllParams( domain string, edgeType *int, headerType *string, headerName *string, ) *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param edgeType: 0表示header在边缘生效,1表示header回源生效,2表示在边缘和回源都生效,该字段不传时默认header在边缘和回源都生效 (Optional) * param headerType: header类型[resp,req] (Optional) * param headerName: header名 (Optional)
func NewDeleteHttpHeaderRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewDeleteHttpHeaderRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType(edgeType int)
param edgeType: 0表示header在边缘生效,1表示header回源生效,2表示在边缘和回源都生效,该字段不传时默认header在边缘和回源都生效(Optional)
func (*DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderName(headerName string)
param headerName: header名(Optional)
func (*DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *DeleteHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderType(headerType string)
param headerType: header类型[resp,req](Optional)
type DeleteHttpHeaderResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DeleteHttpHeaderResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteHttpHeaderResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteHttpHeaderResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DeleteHttpHeaderResult struct { }
type DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* */ Ids string `json:"ids"` /* */ RuleType string `json:"ruleType"` }
func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequest( domain string, ids string, ruleType string, ) *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Required) * param ruleType: (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids string, ruleType string, ) *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Required) * param ruleType: (Required)
func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) SetIds(ids string)
param ids: (Required)
func (*DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteWafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: (Required)
type DeleteWafBlackRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteWafBlackRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteWafBlackRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteWafBlackRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteWafBlackRulesResult struct { }
type DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* */ Ids string `json:"ids"` /* */ RuleType string `json:"ruleType"` }
func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest( domain string, ids string, ruleType string, ) *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Required) * param ruleType: (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids string, ruleType string, ) *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Required) * param ruleType: (Required)
func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDeleteWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam() *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetIds(ids string)
param ids: (Required)
func (*DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DeleteWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: (Required)
type DeleteWafWhiteRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteWafWhiteRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DeleteWafWhiteRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type DeleteWafWhiteRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DeleteWafWhiteRulesResult struct { }
type DisableCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableCCProtectRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Ids []string `json:"ids"` }
func NewDisableCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableCCProtectRuleRequest( domain string, ) *DisableCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDisableCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids []string, ) *DisableCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Optional)
func NewDisableCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *DisableCCProtectRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DisableCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r DisableCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DisableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DisableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetIds(ids []string)
param ids: (Optional)
type DisableCCProtectRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableCCProtectRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DisableCCProtectRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type DisableCCProtectRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableCCProtectRuleResult struct { }
type DisableWafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableWafBlackRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Ids []string `json:"ids"` /* (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` }
func NewDisableWafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableWafBlackRulesRequest( domain string, ) *DisableWafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDisableWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids []string, ruleType *string, ) *DisableWafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Optional) * param ruleType: (Optional)
func NewDisableWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam() *DisableWafBlackRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetIds(ids []string)
param ids: (Optional)
func (*DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: (Optional)
type DisableWafBlackRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableWafBlackRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DisableWafBlackRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type DisableWafBlackRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableWafBlackRulesResult struct { }
type DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Ids []string `json:"ids"` /* (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` }
func NewDisableWafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableWafWhiteRulesRequest( domain string, ) *DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDisableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids []string, ruleType *string, ) *DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Optional) * param ruleType: (Optional)
func NewDisableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewDisableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam() *DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetIds(ids []string)
param ids: (Optional)
func (*DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *DisableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: (Optional)
type DisableWafWhiteRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableWafWhiteRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DisableWafWhiteRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type DisableWafWhiteRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type DisableWafWhiteRulesResult struct { }
type DomainTxtValidateRequest ¶ added in v1.60.0
type DomainTxtValidateRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 校验类型,dns or file (Optional) */ ValidateType *string `json:"validateType"` /* 主机记录,dns验证方式时必传.值为_cdnautover (Optional) */ HostRecord *string `json:"hostRecord"` /* 主机记录值 (Optional) */ Txt *string `json:"txt"` /* file验证方式时必传 (Optional) */ Url *string `json:"url"` }
func NewDomainTxtValidateRequest ¶ added in v1.60.0
func NewDomainTxtValidateRequest() *DomainTxtValidateRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewDomainTxtValidateRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.60.0
func NewDomainTxtValidateRequestWithAllParams( domain *string, validateType *string, hostRecord *string, txt *string, url *string, ) *DomainTxtValidateRequest
* param domain: 域名 (Optional) * param validateType: 校验类型,dns or file (Optional) * param hostRecord: 主机记录,dns验证方式时必传.值为_cdnautover (Optional) * param txt: 主机记录值 (Optional) * param url: file验证方式时必传 (Optional)
func NewDomainTxtValidateRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.60.0
func NewDomainTxtValidateRequestWithoutParam() *DomainTxtValidateRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (DomainTxtValidateRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r DomainTxtValidateRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 域名(Optional)
func (*DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetHostRecord ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetHostRecord(hostRecord string)
param hostRecord: 主机记录,dns验证方式时必传.值为_cdnautover(Optional)
func (*DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetTxt ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetTxt(txt string)
param txt: 主机记录值(Optional)
func (*DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetUrl ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetUrl(url string)
param url: file验证方式时必传(Optional)
func (*DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetValidateType ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *DomainTxtValidateRequest) SetValidateType(validateType string)
param validateType: 校验类型,dns or file(Optional)
type DomainTxtValidateResponse ¶ added in v1.60.0
type DomainTxtValidateResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result DomainTxtValidateResult `json:"result"` }
type DomainTxtValidateResult ¶ added in v1.60.0
type EnableCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableCCProtectRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Ids []string `json:"ids"` }
func NewEnableCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableCCProtectRuleRequest( domain string, ) *EnableCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewEnableCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids []string, ) *EnableCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Optional)
func NewEnableCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *EnableCCProtectRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (EnableCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r EnableCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*EnableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*EnableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableCCProtectRuleRequest) SetIds(ids []string)
param ids: (Optional)
type EnableCCProtectRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableCCProtectRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result EnableCCProtectRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type EnableCCProtectRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableCCProtectRuleResult struct { }
type EnableWafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableWafBlackRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Ids []string `json:"ids"` /* (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` }
func NewEnableWafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableWafBlackRulesRequest( domain string, ) *EnableWafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewEnableWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableWafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids []string, ruleType *string, ) *EnableWafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Optional) * param ruleType: (Optional)
func NewEnableWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableWafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam() *EnableWafBlackRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetIds(ids []string)
param ids: (Optional)
func (*EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableWafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: (Optional)
type EnableWafBlackRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableWafBlackRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result EnableWafBlackRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type EnableWafBlackRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableWafBlackRulesResult struct { }
type EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Ids []string `json:"ids"` /* (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` }
func NewEnableWafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableWafWhiteRulesRequest( domain string, ) *EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewEnableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ids []string, ruleType *string, ) *EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ids: (Optional) * param ruleType: (Optional)
func NewEnableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewEnableWafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam() *EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetIds(ids []string)
param ids: (Optional)
func (*EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *EnableWafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: (Optional)
type EnableWafWhiteRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableWafWhiteRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result EnableWafWhiteRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type EnableWafWhiteRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type EnableWafWhiteRulesResult struct { }
type ExecuteDomainCopyRequest ¶ added in v1.16.0
type ExecuteDomainCopyRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 源域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 待复制的域名列表,多个以","分隔,且不超过20个 (Optional) */ CopyDomains *string `json:"copyDomains"` /* 待复制的配置项名字,区分大小写.配置项的含义:originConfig:回源配置信息;refererConfig:referer防盗链;urlAuthConfig:URL鉴权;userAgentConfig:UA访问控制;ipBlackListConfig:IP黑名单;cacheConfig:缓存配置;schemeFollowOriConfig:协议跟随回源;oriFollowRedirectConfig:回源跟随302;filterParamsConfig:过滤参数;rangeConfig:range回源;videoDraftConfig:视频拖拽;httpsConfig:Https配置;httpHeaderConfig:HttpHeader设置;otherConfig:其他配置 (Optional) */ ConfigKeys *string `json:"configKeys"` }
func NewExecuteDomainCopyRequest ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewExecuteDomainCopyRequest() *ExecuteDomainCopyRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewExecuteDomainCopyRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewExecuteDomainCopyRequestWithAllParams( domain *string, copyDomains *string, configKeys *string, ) *ExecuteDomainCopyRequest
* param domain: 源域名 (Optional) * param copyDomains: 待复制的域名列表,多个以","分隔,且不超过20个 (Optional) * param configKeys: 待复制的配置项名字,区分大小写.配置项的含义:originConfig:回源配置信息;refererConfig:referer防盗链;urlAuthConfig:URL鉴权;userAgentConfig:UA访问控制;ipBlackListConfig:IP黑名单;cacheConfig:缓存配置;schemeFollowOriConfig:协议跟随回源;oriFollowRedirectConfig:回源跟随302;filterParamsConfig:过滤参数;rangeConfig:range回源;videoDraftConfig:视频拖拽;httpsConfig:Https配置;httpHeaderConfig:HttpHeader设置;otherConfig:其他配置 (Optional)
func NewExecuteDomainCopyRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewExecuteDomainCopyRequestWithoutParam() *ExecuteDomainCopyRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) SetConfigKeys ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) SetConfigKeys(configKeys string)
param configKeys: 待复制的配置项名字,区分大小写.配置项的含义:originConfig:回源配置信息;refererConfig:referer防盗链;urlAuthConfig:URL鉴权;userAgentConfig:UA访问控制;ipBlackListConfig:IP黑名单;cacheConfig:缓存配置;schemeFollowOriConfig:协议跟随回源;oriFollowRedirectConfig:回源跟随302;filterParamsConfig:过滤参数;rangeConfig:range回源;videoDraftConfig:视频拖拽;httpsConfig:Https配置;httpHeaderConfig:HttpHeader设置;otherConfig:其他配置(Optional)
func (*ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) SetCopyDomains ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) SetCopyDomains(copyDomains string)
param copyDomains: 待复制的域名列表,多个以","分隔,且不超过20个(Optional)
func (*ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *ExecuteDomainCopyRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 源域名(Optional)
type ExecuteDomainCopyResponse ¶ added in v1.16.0
type ExecuteDomainCopyResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ExecuteDomainCopyResult `json:"result"` }
type ExecuteDomainCopyResult ¶ added in v1.16.0
type ExecuteDomainCopyResult struct {
ErrorResult []cdn.ErrorEntity `json:"errorResult"`
type GenerateDomainTxtRequest ¶ added in v1.60.0
type GenerateDomainTxtRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` }
func NewGenerateDomainTxtRequest ¶ added in v1.60.0
func NewGenerateDomainTxtRequest() *GenerateDomainTxtRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGenerateDomainTxtRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.60.0
func NewGenerateDomainTxtRequestWithAllParams( domain *string, ) *GenerateDomainTxtRequest
* param domain: 域名 (Optional)
func NewGenerateDomainTxtRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.60.0
func NewGenerateDomainTxtRequestWithoutParam() *GenerateDomainTxtRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GenerateDomainTxtRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r GenerateDomainTxtRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*GenerateDomainTxtRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *GenerateDomainTxtRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 域名(Optional)
type GenerateDomainTxtResponse ¶ added in v1.60.0
type GenerateDomainTxtResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GenerateDomainTxtResult `json:"result"` }
type GenerateDomainTxtResult ¶ added in v1.60.0
type GenerateDomainTxtResult struct {
Txt string `json:"txt"`
type GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest struct {
func NewGetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest() *GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGetAllUpperNodeIpListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetAllUpperNodeIpListRequestWithAllParams() *GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest
func NewGetAllUpperNodeIpListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetAllUpperNodeIpListRequestWithoutParam() *GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r GetAllUpperNodeIpListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type GetAllUpperNodeIpListResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetAllUpperNodeIpListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GetAllUpperNodeIpListResult `json:"result"` }
type GetAllUpperNodeIpListResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetAllUpperNodeIpListResult struct {
IpList []string `json:"ipList"`
type GetDomainDetailRequest ¶
type GetDomainDetailRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewGetDomainDetailRequest ¶
func NewGetDomainDetailRequest( domain string, ) *GetDomainDetailRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGetDomainDetailRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewGetDomainDetailRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *GetDomainDetailRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewGetDomainDetailRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewGetDomainDetailRequestWithoutParam() *GetDomainDetailRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GetDomainDetailRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r GetDomainDetailRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*GetDomainDetailRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *GetDomainDetailRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type GetDomainDetailResponse ¶
type GetDomainDetailResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GetDomainDetailResult `json:"result"` }
type GetDomainDetailResult ¶
type GetDomainDetailResult struct { AllStatus string `json:"allStatus"` AllowNoReferHeader string `json:"allowNoReferHeader"` AllowNullReferHeader string `json:"allowNullReferHeader"` DailyBandWidth int `json:"dailyBandWidth"` ForbiddenType string `json:"forbiddenType"` MaxFileSize int64 `json:"maxFileSize"` MinFileSize int64 `json:"minFileSize"` SumFileSize int64 `json:"sumFileSize"` AvgFileSize int64 `json:"avgFileSize"` ReferList []string `json:"referList"` ReferType string `json:"referType"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Cname string `json:"cname"` ArchiveNo string `json:"archiveNo"` Type string `json:"type"` Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` Status string `json:"status"` AuditStatus string `json:"auditStatus"` Source cdn.BackSourceInfo `json:"source"` SourceType string `json:"sourceType"` DefaultSourceHost string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` BackSourceType string `json:"backSourceType"` HttpType string `json:"httpType"` Certificate string `json:"certificate"` RsaKey string `json:"rsaKey"` JumpType string `json:"jumpType"` CertFrom string `json:"certFrom"` SslCertId string `json:"sslCertId"` CertName string `json:"certName"` CertType string `json:"certType"` SslCertStartTime string `json:"sslCertStartTime"` SslCertEndTime string `json:"sslCertEndTime"` AccelerateRegion string `json:"accelerateRegion"` Txt string `json:"txt"` OverseaStatus int64 `json:"overseaStatus"` }
type GetDomainListByFilterRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type GetDomainListByFilterRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 根据关键字进行模糊匹配,域名或者回源信息 (Optional) */ KeyWord *string `json:"keyWord"` /* pageNumber,默认值为1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* pageSize,默认值为20,最大值为50 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 根据域名状态查询, 可选值[offline, online, configuring, auditing, audit_reject] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` /* 域名类型,(web:静态小文件,download:大文件加速,vod:视频加速,live:直播加速),不传查所有 (Optional) */ Type *string `json:"type"` /* 加速区域,(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球),不传为全球 (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` /* 筛选依据(0:根据域名筛选,1:根据回源信息筛选),默认按照域名进行筛选 (Optional) */ FilterBy *int `json:"filterBy"` /* 标签过滤条件 (Optional) */ TagFilters []cdn.TagFilter `json:"tagFilters"` /* 筛选依据(false不需要查询, true 需要查询海外状态)默认false (Optional) */ WithThirdPartyStatus *bool `json:"withThirdPartyStatus"` }
func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequest() *GetDomainListByFilterRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequestWithAllParams( keyWord *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, status *string, type_ *string, accelerateRegion *string, filterBy *int, tagFilters []cdn.TagFilter, withThirdPartyStatus *bool, ) *GetDomainListByFilterRequest
* param keyWord: 根据关键字进行模糊匹配,域名或者回源信息 (Optional) * param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值为1 (Optional) * param pageSize: pageSize,默认值为20,最大值为50 (Optional) * param status: 根据域名状态查询, 可选值[offline, online, configuring, auditing, audit_reject] (Optional) * param type_: 域名类型,(web:静态小文件,download:大文件加速,vod:视频加速,live:直播加速),不传查所有 (Optional) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球),不传为全球 (Optional) * param filterBy: 筛选依据(0:根据域名筛选,1:根据回源信息筛选),默认按照域名进行筛选 (Optional) * param tagFilters: 标签过滤条件 (Optional) * param withThirdPartyStatus: 筛选依据(false不需要查询, true 需要查询海外状态)默认false (Optional)
func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewGetDomainListByFilterRequestWithoutParam() *GetDomainListByFilterRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GetDomainListByFilterRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r GetDomainListByFilterRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球),不传为全球(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetFilterBy ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetFilterBy(filterBy int)
param filterBy: 筛选依据(0:根据域名筛选,1:根据回源信息筛选),默认按照域名进行筛选(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetKeyWord ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetKeyWord(keyWord string)
param keyWord: 根据关键字进行模糊匹配,域名或者回源信息(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值为1(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: pageSize,默认值为20,最大值为50(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 根据域名状态查询, 可选值[offline, online, configuring, auditing, audit_reject](Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetTagFilters ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetTagFilters(tagFilters []cdn.TagFilter)
param tagFilters: 标签过滤条件(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetType ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetType(type_ string)
param type_: 域名类型,(web:静态小文件,download:大文件加速,vod:视频加速,live:直播加速),不传查所有(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetWithThirdPartyStatus ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *GetDomainListByFilterRequest) SetWithThirdPartyStatus(withThirdPartyStatus bool)
param withThirdPartyStatus: 筛选依据(false不需要查询, true 需要查询海外状态)默认false(Optional)
type GetDomainListByFilterResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type GetDomainListByFilterResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GetDomainListByFilterResult `json:"result"` }
type GetDomainListByFilterResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type GetDomainListByFilterResult struct { TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` PageNumber int `json:"pageNumber"` Domains []cdn.ListDomainItemByFilter `json:"domains"` }
type GetDomainListRequest ¶
type GetDomainListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 根据关键字进行模糊匹配 (Optional) */ KeyWord *string `json:"keyWord"` /* pageNumber,默认值1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* pageSize,最大值50,默认值20 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 根据域名状态查询, 可选值[offline, online, configuring, auditing, audit_reject] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` /* 域名类型,(web:静态小文件,download:大文件加速,vod:视频加速,live:直播加速),不传查所有 (Optional) */ Type *string `json:"type"` /* 加速区域,(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球),不传为全球 (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` /* 筛选依据(false不需要查询, true 需要查询海外状态)默认false (Optional) */ WithThirdPartyStatus *bool `json:"withThirdPartyStatus"` }
func NewGetDomainListRequest ¶
func NewGetDomainListRequest() *GetDomainListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGetDomainListRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewGetDomainListRequestWithAllParams( keyWord *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, status *string, type_ *string, accelerateRegion *string, withThirdPartyStatus *bool, ) *GetDomainListRequest
* param keyWord: 根据关键字进行模糊匹配 (Optional) * param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值1 (Optional) * param pageSize: pageSize,最大值50,默认值20 (Optional) * param status: 根据域名状态查询, 可选值[offline, online, configuring, auditing, audit_reject] (Optional) * param type_: 域名类型,(web:静态小文件,download:大文件加速,vod:视频加速,live:直播加速),不传查所有 (Optional) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球),不传为全球 (Optional) * param withThirdPartyStatus: 筛选依据(false不需要查询, true 需要查询海外状态)默认false (Optional)
func NewGetDomainListRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewGetDomainListRequestWithoutParam() *GetDomainListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GetDomainListRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r GetDomainListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,(mainLand:中国大陆,nonMainLand:海外加港澳台,all:全球),不传为全球(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetKeyWord ¶
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetKeyWord(keyWord string)
param keyWord: 根据关键字进行模糊匹配(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetPageNumber ¶
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值1(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetPageSize ¶
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: pageSize,最大值50,默认值20(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetStatus ¶
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 根据域名状态查询, 可选值[offline, online, configuring, auditing, audit_reject](Optional)
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetType ¶
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetType(type_ string)
param type_: 域名类型,(web:静态小文件,download:大文件加速,vod:视频加速,live:直播加速),不传查所有(Optional)
func (*GetDomainListRequest) SetWithThirdPartyStatus ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (r *GetDomainListRequest) SetWithThirdPartyStatus(withThirdPartyStatus bool)
param withThirdPartyStatus: 筛选依据(false不需要查询, true 需要查询海外状态)默认false(Optional)
type GetDomainListResponse ¶
type GetDomainListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GetDomainListResult `json:"result"` }
type GetDomainListResult ¶
type GetDomainListResult struct { TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` PageNumber int `json:"pageNumber"` Domains []cdn.ListDomainItem `json:"domains"` }
type GetSslCertDetailRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetSslCertDetailRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 证书 Id */ SslCertId string `json:"sslCertId"` }
func NewGetSslCertDetailRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetSslCertDetailRequest( sslCertId string, ) *GetSslCertDetailRequest
* param sslCertId: 证书 Id (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGetSslCertDetailRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetSslCertDetailRequestWithAllParams( sslCertId string, ) *GetSslCertDetailRequest
* param sslCertId: 证书 Id (Required)
func NewGetSslCertDetailRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetSslCertDetailRequestWithoutParam() *GetSslCertDetailRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GetSslCertDetailRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r GetSslCertDetailRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*GetSslCertDetailRequest) SetSslCertId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *GetSslCertDetailRequest) SetSslCertId(sslCertId string)
param sslCertId: 证书 Id(Required)
type GetSslCertDetailResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetSslCertDetailResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GetSslCertDetailResult `json:"result"` }
type GetSslCertDetailResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetSslCertDetailResult struct { SslCertId string `json:"sslCertId"` CertName string `json:"certName"` CommonName string `json:"commonName"` CertType string `json:"certType"` SslCertStartTime string `json:"sslCertStartTime"` SslCertEndTime string `json:"sslCertEndTime"` Digest string `json:"digest"` RelatedDomains []string `json:"relatedDomains"` BindResources []string `json:"bindResources"` }
type GetSslCertListRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetSslCertListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 第几页,从1开始计数 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 每页显示的数目 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 域名,支持按照域名检索证书 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` }
func NewGetSslCertListRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetSslCertListRequest() *GetSslCertListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewGetSslCertListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetSslCertListRequestWithAllParams( pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, domain *string, ) *GetSslCertListRequest
* param pageNumber: 第几页,从1开始计数 (Optional) * param pageSize: 每页显示的数目 (Optional) * param domain: 域名,支持按照域名检索证书 (Optional)
func NewGetSslCertListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewGetSslCertListRequestWithoutParam() *GetSslCertListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (GetSslCertListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r GetSslCertListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*GetSslCertListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *GetSslCertListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 域名,支持按照域名检索证书(Optional)
func (*GetSslCertListRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *GetSslCertListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 第几页,从1开始计数(Optional)
func (*GetSslCertListRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *GetSslCertListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 每页显示的数目(Optional)
type GetSslCertListResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetSslCertListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result GetSslCertListResult `json:"result"` }
type GetSslCertListResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type GetSslCertListResult struct { CertList []cdn.SslCertModel `json:"certList"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
type ModifyDomainTempInstRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ModifyDomainTempInstRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 模板id,预留字段 (Optional) */ TempId *int64 `json:"tempId"` /* 模板实例id,修改时必传 (Optional) */ InstId *int64 `json:"instId"` /* 模板实例名称 (Optional) */ InstName *string `json:"instName"` /* 查询结果,类型为Map<String,Map<String,Object>> (Optional) */ InstProInfoMap *interface{} `json:"instProInfoMap"` }
func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequest() *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequestWithAllParams( tempId *int64, instId *int64, instName *string, instProInfoMap *interface{}, ) *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
* param tempId: 模板id,预留字段 (Optional) * param instId: 模板实例id,修改时必传 (Optional) * param instName: 模板实例名称 (Optional) * param instProInfoMap: 查询结果,类型为Map<String,Map<String,Object>> (Optional)
func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewModifyDomainTempInstRequestWithoutParam() *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstId(instId int64)
param instId: 模板实例id,修改时必传(Optional)
func (*ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstName ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstName(instName string)
param instName: 模板实例名称(Optional)
func (*ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstProInfoMap ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstProInfoMap(instProInfoMap interface{})
param instProInfoMap: 查询结果,类型为Map<String,Map<String,Object>>(Optional)
func (*ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetTempId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *ModifyDomainTempInstRequest) SetTempId(tempId int64)
param tempId: 模板id,预留字段(Optional)
type ModifyDomainTempInstResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ModifyDomainTempInstResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result ModifyDomainTempInstResult `json:"result"` }
type ModifyDomainTempInstResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type ModifyDomainTempInstResult struct { }
type OperateIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateIpBlackListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* ip黑名单状态取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewOperateIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateIpBlackListRequest( domain string, ) *OperateIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewOperateIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *OperateIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: ip黑名单状态取值[on,off] (Optional)
func NewOperateIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *OperateIpBlackListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (OperateIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r OperateIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*OperateIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *OperateIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*OperateIpBlackListRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *OperateIpBlackListRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: ip黑名单状态取值[on,off](Optional)
type OperateIpBlackListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateIpBlackListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result OperateIpBlackListResult `json:"result"` }
type OperateIpBlackListResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateIpBlackListResult struct { }
type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ BlackIpsEnable *string `json:"blackIpsEnable"` }
func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest( domain string, ) *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams( domain string, blackIpsEnable *string, ) *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param blackIpsEnable: (Optional)
func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetBlackIpsEnable ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetBlackIpsEnable(blackIpsEnable string)
param blackIpsEnable: (Optional)
func (*OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResult `json:"result"` }
type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateLiveDomainIpBlackListResult struct { }
type OperatePurgeTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type OperatePurgeTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 待刷新的url (Optional) */ Urls []string `json:"urls"` /* 操作类型:add代表创建刷新任务,stop代表停止刷新任务 (Optional) */ OptType *string `json:"optType"` }
func NewOperatePurgeTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewOperatePurgeTaskRequest() *OperatePurgeTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewOperatePurgeTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewOperatePurgeTaskRequestWithAllParams( urls []string, optType *string, ) *OperatePurgeTaskRequest
* param urls: 待刷新的url (Optional) * param optType: 操作类型:add代表创建刷新任务,stop代表停止刷新任务 (Optional)
func NewOperatePurgeTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewOperatePurgeTaskRequestWithoutParam() *OperatePurgeTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (OperatePurgeTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r OperatePurgeTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*OperatePurgeTaskRequest) SetOptType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *OperatePurgeTaskRequest) SetOptType(optType string)
param optType: 操作类型:add代表创建刷新任务,stop代表停止刷新任务(Optional)
func (*OperatePurgeTaskRequest) SetUrls ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *OperatePurgeTaskRequest) SetUrls(urls []string)
param urls: 待刷新的url(Optional)
type OperatePurgeTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type OperatePurgeTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result OperatePurgeTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type OperatePurgeTaskResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type OperatePurgeTaskResult struct { }
type OperateShareCacheRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateShareCacheRequest struct { string `json:"domain"` Status *string `json:"status"` }Domain
func NewOperateShareCacheRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateShareCacheRequest( domain string, ) *OperateShareCacheRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewOperateShareCacheRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateShareCacheRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *OperateShareCacheRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 共享缓存只能是off或者on (Optional)
func NewOperateShareCacheRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewOperateShareCacheRequestWithoutParam() *OperateShareCacheRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (OperateShareCacheRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r OperateShareCacheRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*OperateShareCacheRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *OperateShareCacheRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*OperateShareCacheRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *OperateShareCacheRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 共享缓存只能是off或者on(Optional)
type OperateShareCacheResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateShareCacheResponse struct {}
type OperateShareCacheResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type OperateShareCacheResult struct { }
type PreviewCertificateRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type PreviewCertificateRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ Content *string `json:"content"` }
func NewPreviewCertificateRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewPreviewCertificateRequest( domain string, ) *PreviewCertificateRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewPreviewCertificateRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewPreviewCertificateRequestWithAllParams( domain string, content *string, ) *PreviewCertificateRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param content: (Optional)
func NewPreviewCertificateRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewPreviewCertificateRequestWithoutParam() *PreviewCertificateRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (PreviewCertificateRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r PreviewCertificateRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*PreviewCertificateRequest) SetContent ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *PreviewCertificateRequest) SetContent(content string)
param content: (Optional)
func (*PreviewCertificateRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *PreviewCertificateRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type PreviewCertificateResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type PreviewCertificateResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result PreviewCertificateResult `json:"result"` }
type PreviewCertificateResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryAccesskeyConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryAccesskeyConfigRequest( domain string, ) *QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryAccesskeyConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryAccesskeyConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryAccesskeyConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryAccesskeyConfigRequestWithoutParam() *QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryAccesskeyConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryAccesskeyConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryAccesskeyConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryAccesskeyConfigResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryAreaIspListRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryAreaIspListRequest struct {
func NewQueryAreaIspListRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryAreaIspListRequest() *QueryAreaIspListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryAreaIspListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryAreaIspListRequestWithAllParams() *QueryAreaIspListRequest
func NewQueryAreaIspListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryAreaIspListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryAreaIspListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryAreaIspListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryAreaIspListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryAreaIspListResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryAreaIspListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryAreaIspListResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryAreaIspListResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryAreaIspListResult struct { MainLand []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"mainLand"` Overseas []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"overseas"` Isp []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"isp"` Gangaotai []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"gangaotai"` Oceanica []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"oceanica"` SouthAmerica []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"southAmerica"` NorthAmerica []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"northAmerica"` Asia []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"asia"` Europe []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"europe"` }
type QueryAreaIspListV2Request ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryAreaIspListV2Request struct {
func NewQueryAreaIspListV2Request ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryAreaIspListV2Request() *QueryAreaIspListV2Request
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryAreaIspListV2RequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryAreaIspListV2RequestWithAllParams() *QueryAreaIspListV2Request
func NewQueryAreaIspListV2RequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryAreaIspListV2RequestWithoutParam() *QueryAreaIspListV2Request
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryAreaIspListV2Request) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r QueryAreaIspListV2Request) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryAreaIspListV2Response ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryAreaIspListV2Response struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryAreaIspListV2Result `json:"result"` }
type QueryAreaIspListV2Result ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryAreaIspListV2Result struct { MainLand []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"mainLand"` Overseas []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"overseas"` Isp []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"isp"` Africa []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"africa"` Oceania []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"oceania"` SouthAmerica []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"southAmerica"` NorthAmerica []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"northAmerica"` Asia []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"asia"` Europe []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"europe"` MidEast []cdn.AreaIspItem `json:"midEast"` }
type QueryAttackTypeCountRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryAttackTypeCountRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` }
func NewQueryAttackTypeCountRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryAttackTypeCountRequest() *QueryAttackTypeCountRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryAttackTypeCountRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryAttackTypeCountRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, ) *QueryAttackTypeCountRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z (Optional)
func NewQueryAttackTypeCountRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryAttackTypeCountRequestWithoutParam() *QueryAttackTypeCountRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryAttackTypeCountRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryAttackTypeCountRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryAttackTypeCountRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryAttackTypeCountRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryAttackTypeCountRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryAttackTypeCountRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryAttackTypeCountResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryAttackTypeCountResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryAttackTypeCountResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryAttackTypeCountResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryAttackTypeCountResult struct {
AttackTypeCounts []cdn.AttackTypeCount `json:"attackTypeCounts"`
type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。 */ Starttime string `json:"starttime"` /* 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点 */ Stoptime string `json:"stoptime"` /* 按照设备ID查询设备带宽。 (Optional) */ Clientid *string `json:"clientid"` /* 用于支持分页查询,默认为1,表示第几页。 (Optional) */ Page *int `json:"page"` /* 用于支持分页查询,表示每页返回多少条数据,默认每页返回10条数据,size必须是10的整数倍,并且最大值是100。 (Optional) */ Size *int `json:"size"` }
func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest( starttime string, stoptime string, ) *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
* param starttime: 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。 (Required) * param stoptime: 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequestWithAllParams( starttime string, stoptime string, clientid *string, page *int, size *int, ) *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
* param starttime: 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。 (Required) * param stoptime: 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点 (Required) * param clientid: 按照设备ID查询设备带宽。 (Optional) * param page: 用于支持分页查询,默认为1,表示第几页。 (Optional) * param size: 用于支持分页查询,表示每页返回多少条数据,默认每页返回10条数据,size必须是10的整数倍,并且最大值是100。 (Optional)
func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequestWithoutParam() *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetClientid ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetClientid(clientid string)
param clientid: 按照设备ID查询设备带宽。(Optional)
func (*QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetPage ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetPage(page int)
param page: 用于支持分页查询,默认为1,表示第几页。(Optional)
func (*QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetSize ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetSize(size int)
param size: 用于支持分页查询,表示每页返回多少条数据,默认每页返回10条数据,size必须是10的整数倍,并且最大值是100。(Optional)
func (*QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetStarttime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetStarttime(starttime string)
param starttime: 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。(Required)
func (*QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetStoptime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnRequest) SetStoptime(stoptime string)
param stoptime: 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点(Required)
type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdnResult struct { Page cdn.Page `json:"page"` Data []cdn.QueryAvgBandwidthGroup `json:"data"` }
type QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest ¶ added in v1.63.0
type QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest ¶ added in v1.63.0
func NewQueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.63.0
func NewQueryBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.63.0
func NewQueryBackSourceIpVersionRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.63.0
func (r QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.63.0
func (r *QueryBackSourceIpVersionRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryBackSourceIpVersionResponse ¶ added in v1.63.0
type QueryBackSourceIpVersionResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBackSourceIpVersionResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBackSourceIpVersionResult ¶ added in v1.63.0
type QueryBackSourceIpVersionResult struct {
BackSourceIpVersion string `json:"backSourceIpVersion"`
type QueryBackSourceOssRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryBackSourceOssRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryBackSourceOssRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryBackSourceOssRequest( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceOssRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBackSourceOssRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryBackSourceOssRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceOssRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryBackSourceOssRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryBackSourceOssRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBackSourceOssRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBackSourceOssRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r QueryBackSourceOssRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryBackSourceOssRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryBackSourceOssResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryBackSourceOssResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBackSourceOssResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBackSourceOssResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryBackSourcePathRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryBackSourcePathRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryBackSourcePathRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryBackSourcePathRequest( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourcePathRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBackSourcePathRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryBackSourcePathRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourcePathRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryBackSourcePathRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryBackSourcePathRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBackSourcePathRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBackSourcePathRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryBackSourcePathRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBackSourcePathRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryBackSourcePathRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryBackSourcePathResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryBackSourcePathResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBackSourcePathResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBackSourcePathResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryBackSourcePathResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Configs []cdn.ConfigBackSourcePathItems `json:"configs"` }
type QueryBackSourceRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryBackSourceRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryBackSourceRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryBackSourceRuleRequest( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBackSourceRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryBackSourceRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryBackSourceRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryBackSourceRuleRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBackSourceRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBackSourceRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryBackSourceRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBackSourceRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryBackSourceRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryBackSourceRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryBackSourceRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBackSourceRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBackSourceRuleResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryBackSourceRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryBackSourceRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryBackSourceRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryBackSourceRulesRequest( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBackSourceRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryBackSourceRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryBackSourceRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryBackSourceRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryBackSourceRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBackSourceRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBackSourceRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r QueryBackSourceRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBackSourceRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryBackSourceRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryBackSourceRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryBackSourceRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBackSourceRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBackSourceRulesResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryBackSourceRulesResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Status string `json:"status"` Rules []cdn.BackSourceRule `json:"rules"` }
type QueryBandRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryBandRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 地域 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 运营商 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询周期 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` }
func NewQueryBandRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryBandRequest() *QueryBandRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBandRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryBandRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, ) *QueryBandRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param area: 地域 (Optional) * param isp: 运营商 (Optional) * param period: 查询周期 (Optional)
func NewQueryBandRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryBandRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBandRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBandRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryBandRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBandRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 地域(Optional)
func (*QueryBandRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryBandRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryBandRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 运营商(Optional)
func (*QueryBandRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 查询周期(Optional)
func (*QueryBandRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryBandResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryBandResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBandResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBandResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryBandResult struct {
ResultList []cdn.BandTrafficDataItem `json:"resultList"`
type QueryBandWithAreaRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryBandWithAreaRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 地域 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 运营商 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询周期 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` }
func NewQueryBandWithAreaRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryBandWithAreaRequest() *QueryBandWithAreaRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryBandWithAreaRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryBandWithAreaRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, ) *QueryBandWithAreaRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param area: 地域 (Optional) * param isp: 运营商 (Optional) * param period: 查询周期 (Optional)
func NewQueryBandWithAreaRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryBandWithAreaRequestWithoutParam() *QueryBandWithAreaRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryBandWithAreaRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryBandWithAreaRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 地域(Optional)
func (*QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 运营商(Optional)
func (*QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 查询周期(Optional)
func (*QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryBandWithAreaRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryBandWithAreaResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryBandWithAreaResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryBandWithAreaResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryBandWithAreaResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryBandWithAreaResult struct {
ResultList []cdn.BandTrafficWithAreaDataItem `json:"resultList"`
type QueryCCProtectRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryCCProtectRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* ruleId, defalut empty (Optional) */ Id *string `json:"id"` /* page size , default 0 to query all (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* page index , default 0 to query all (Optional) */ PageIndex *int `json:"pageIndex"` }
func NewQueryCCProtectRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryCCProtectRulesRequest( domain string, ) *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryCCProtectRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryCCProtectRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, id *string, pageSize *int, pageIndex *int, ) *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: ruleId, defalut empty (Optional) * param pageSize: page size , default 0 to query all (Optional) * param pageIndex: page index , default 0 to query all (Optional)
func NewQueryCCProtectRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryCCProtectRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetId(id string)
param id: ruleId, defalut empty(Optional)
func (*QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetPageIndex ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetPageIndex(pageIndex int)
param pageIndex: page index , default 0 to query all(Optional)
func (*QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryCCProtectRulesRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: page size , default 0 to query all(Optional)
type QueryCCProtectRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryCCProtectRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryCCProtectRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryCCProtectRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryCCProtectRulesResult struct {
Rules []cdn.WafCCProtectRuleModel `json:"rules"`
type QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryCCProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryCCProtectSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryCCProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryCCProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryCCProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryCCProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryCCProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryCCProtectSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryCCProtectSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryCCProtectSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryCCProtectSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryCCProtectSwitchResult struct {
SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"`
type QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest ¶ added in v1.39.0
type QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest struct {
func NewQueryCdnUserQuotaRequest ¶ added in v1.39.0
func NewQueryCdnUserQuotaRequest() *QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryCdnUserQuotaRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.39.0
func NewQueryCdnUserQuotaRequestWithAllParams() *QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest
func NewQueryCdnUserQuotaRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.39.0
func NewQueryCdnUserQuotaRequestWithoutParam() *QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.39.0
func (r QueryCdnUserQuotaRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryCdnUserQuotaResponse ¶ added in v1.39.0
type QueryCdnUserQuotaResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryCdnUserQuotaResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryCdnUserQuotaResult ¶ added in v1.39.0
type QueryCdnUserQuotaResult struct { DirAllCount int `json:"dirAllCount"` DirUsedCount int `json:"dirUsedCount"` DirRemainedCount int `json:"dirRemainedCount"` ForbiddenUrlRemainedCount int `json:"forbiddenUrlRemainedCount"` ForbiddenUrlUsedCount int `json:"forbiddenUrlUsedCount"` ForbiddenUrlAllCount int `json:"forbiddenUrlAllCount"` HasForbiddenDomainCount int `json:"hasForbiddenDomainCount"` PrefetchRemainedCount int `json:"prefetchRemainedCount"` PrefetchAllCount int `json:"prefetchAllCount"` PrefetchUsedCount int `json:"prefetchUsedCount"` RefreshAllCount int `json:"refreshAllCount"` RefreshRemainedCount int `json:"refreshRemainedCount"` RefreshUsedCount int `json:"refreshUsedCount"` TotalUserDomainQuota int `json:"totalUserDomainQuota"` UsedUserDomainQuota int `json:"usedUserDomainQuota"` RemainUserDomainQuota int `json:"remainUserDomainQuota"` }
type QueryCustomErrorPageRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryCustomErrorPageRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryCustomErrorPageRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryCustomErrorPageRequest( domain string, ) *QueryCustomErrorPageRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryCustomErrorPageRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryCustomErrorPageRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryCustomErrorPageRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryCustomErrorPageRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryCustomErrorPageRequestWithoutParam() *QueryCustomErrorPageRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryCustomErrorPageRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryCustomErrorPageRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryCustomErrorPageRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryCustomErrorPageRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryCustomErrorPageResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryCustomErrorPageResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryCustomErrorPageResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryCustomErrorPageResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryCustomErrorPageResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Enable string `json:"enable"` CustomErrorPageInfos []cdn.ErrorPageConfigs `json:"customErrorPageInfos"` }
type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2020-12-07T16:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2020-12-07T16:20:00Z,开始时间和结束时间跨度 不能超过4个小时 (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 需要过滤的目录,以正斜线(/)开头,不填表示查询所有目录。查询目录同时需要以正斜线(/)结尾。 如:/path1/path2/path3/ (Optional) */ Dir *string `json:"dir"` }
func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest() *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, dir *string, ) *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2020-12-07T16:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2020-12-07T16:20:00Z,开始时间和结束时间跨度 不能超过4个小时 (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询 (Optional) * param dir: 需要过滤的目录,以正斜线(/)开头,不填表示查询所有目录。查询目录同时需要以正斜线(/)结尾。 如:/path1/path2/path3/ (Optional)
func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequestWithoutParam() *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetDir ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetDir(dir string)
param dir: 需要过滤的目录,以正斜线(/)开头,不填表示查询所有目录。查询目录同时需要以正斜线(/)结尾。 如:/path1/path2/path3/(Optional)
func (*QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询(Optional)
func (*QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2020-12-07T16:20:00Z,开始时间和结束时间跨度 不能超过4个小时(Optional)
func (*QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2020-12-07T16:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthResponse ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryCustomizedDirBandWidthResult ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryDdosGraphRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDdosGraphRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` }
func NewQueryDdosGraphRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDdosGraphRequest() *QueryDdosGraphRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDdosGraphRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDdosGraphRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, ) *QueryDdosGraphRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z (Optional)
func NewQueryDdosGraphRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDdosGraphRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDdosGraphRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDdosGraphRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryDdosGraphRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDdosGraphRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDdosGraphRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryDdosGraphRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDdosGraphRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryDdosGraphResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDdosGraphResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDdosGraphResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDdosGraphResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDdosGraphResult struct { DataList []cdn.ProtectData `json:"dataList"` Unit []string `json:"unit"` }
type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest struct {
func NewQueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest() *QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequestWithAllParams() *QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest
func NewQueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKeyResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询dev的mac地址(如DCD87C047117) */ MacAddr string `json:"macAddr"` }
func NewQueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest( macAddr string, ) *QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest
* param macAddr: 查询dev的mac地址(如DCD87C047117) (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequestWithAllParams( macAddr string, ) *QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest
* param macAddr: 查询dev的mac地址(如DCD87C047117) (Required)
func NewQueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest) SetMacAddr ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnRequest) SetMacAddr(macAddr string)
param macAddr: 查询dev的mac地址(如DCD87C047117)(Required)
type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDeviceStatusForPCdnResult struct { MacAddress string `json:"macAddress"` ActiveConnNum int64 `json:"activeConnNum"` StartupTime string `json:"startupTime"` CacheFree string `json:"cacheFree"` DiskFree string `json:"diskFree"` CpuIdle float64 `json:"cpuIdle"` Port int `json:"port"` MemFreePercent float64 `json:"memFreePercent"` DevId string `json:"devId"` RemoteIp string `json:"remoteIp"` Region string `json:"region"` Isp string `json:"isp"` Report string `json:"report"` }
type QueryDirBandwidthRequest ¶ added in v1.16.0
type QueryDirBandwidthRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 需要过滤的目录 (Optional) */ Dirs *string `json:"dirs"` /* 需要过滤的地区 (Optional) */ Regions *string `json:"regions"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` }
func NewQueryDirBandwidthRequest ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewQueryDirBandwidthRequest() *QueryDirBandwidthRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDirBandwidthRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewQueryDirBandwidthRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, dirs *string, regions *string, cacheType *string, ) *QueryDirBandwidthRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询 (Optional) * param dirs: 需要过滤的目录 (Optional) * param regions: 需要过滤的地区 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional)
func NewQueryDirBandwidthRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewQueryDirBandwidthRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDirBandwidthRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDirBandwidthRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r QueryDirBandwidthRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetDirs ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetDirs(dirs string)
param dirs: 需要过滤的目录(Optional)
func (*QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询(Optional)
func (*QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetRegions ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetRegions(regions string)
param regions: 需要过滤的地区(Optional)
func (*QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *QueryDirBandwidthRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryDirBandwidthResponse ¶ added in v1.16.0
type QueryDirBandwidthResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDirBandwidthResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDirBandwidthResult ¶ added in v1.16.0
type QueryDirBandwidthResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Datas []cdn.DirBandwidthItem `json:"datas"` }
type QueryDirStatsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDirStatsDataRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 需要过滤的目录 (Optional) */ Dirs *string `json:"dirs"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` }
func NewQueryDirStatsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDirStatsDataRequest() *QueryDirStatsDataRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDirStatsDataRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDirStatsDataRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, dirs *string, cacheType *string, ) *QueryDirStatsDataRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询 (Optional) * param dirs: 需要过滤的目录 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional)
func NewQueryDirStatsDataRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDirStatsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDirStatsDataRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDirStatsDataRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryDirStatsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetDirs ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetDirs(dirs string)
param dirs: 需要过滤的目录(Optional)
func (*QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名,该接口仅支持单域名查询(Optional)
func (*QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDirStatsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryDirStatsDataResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDirStatsDataResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDirStatsDataResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDirStatsDataResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDirStatsDataResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Datas []cdn.DirStatsItem `json:"datas"` }
type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest ¶ added in v1.16.0
type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewQueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest( domain string, ) *QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewQueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.16.0
func NewQueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (r *QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResponse ¶ added in v1.16.0
type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResult ¶ added in v1.16.0
type QueryDomainAllConfigClassifyResult struct {
ConfigItems []cdn.ConfigItem `json:"configItems"`
type QueryDomainCnameTagRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryDomainCnameTagRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 域名类型,取值范围web,download,vod,dynamic,live */ DomainType string `json:"domainType"` }
func NewQueryDomainCnameTagRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryDomainCnameTagRequest( domainType string, ) *QueryDomainCnameTagRequest
* param domainType: 域名类型,取值范围web,download,vod,dynamic,live (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainCnameTagRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryDomainCnameTagRequestWithAllParams( domainType string, ) *QueryDomainCnameTagRequest
* param domainType: 域名类型,取值范围web,download,vod,dynamic,live (Required)
func NewQueryDomainCnameTagRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryDomainCnameTagRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainCnameTagRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainCnameTagRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r QueryDomainCnameTagRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainCnameTagRequest) SetDomainType ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryDomainCnameTagRequest) SetDomainType(domainType string)
param domainType: 域名类型,取值范围web,download,vod,dynamic,live(Required)
type QueryDomainCnameTagResponse ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryDomainCnameTagResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainCnameTagResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainCnameTagResult ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryDomainCnameTagResult struct {
CnameTags []string `json:"cnameTags"`
type QueryDomainConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryDomainConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainConfigRequest( domain string, ) *QueryDomainConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryDomainConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryDomainConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainConfigRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryDomainConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryDomainConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainConfigResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainConfigResult struct { IgnoreQueryString string `json:"ignoreQueryString"` Range string `json:"range"` HttpType string `json:"httpType"` HttpsCertificate string `json:"httpsCertificate"` HttpsRsaKey string `json:"httpsRsaKey"` HttpsJumpType string `json:"httpsJumpType"` VideoDraft string `json:"videoDraft"` GroupName string `json:"groupName"` JcdnTimeAnti string `json:"jcdnTimeAnti"` Gzip string `json:"gzip"` GzipTypes string `json:"gzipTypes"` CacheRules []cdn.CacheRule `json:"cacheRules"` }
type QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 任务ID */ TaskId string `json:"taskId"` }
func NewQueryDomainConfigStatusRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainConfigStatusRequest( taskId string, ) *QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest
* param taskId: 任务ID (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainConfigStatusRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainConfigStatusRequestWithAllParams( taskId string, ) *QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest
* param taskId: 任务ID (Required)
func NewQueryDomainConfigStatusRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainConfigStatusRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest) SetTaskId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainConfigStatusRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
param taskId: 任务ID(Required)
type QueryDomainConfigStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainConfigStatusResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainConfigStatusResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainConfigStatusResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainConfigStatusResult struct {
TaskStatus string `json:"taskStatus"`
type QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 域名组id */ Id int `json:"id"` }
func NewQueryDomainGroupDetailRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainGroupDetailRequest( id int, ) *QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest
* param id: 域名组id (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainGroupDetailRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainGroupDetailRequestWithAllParams( id int, ) *QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest
* param id: 域名组id (Required)
func NewQueryDomainGroupDetailRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainGroupDetailRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainGroupDetailRequest) SetId(id int)
param id: 域名组id(Required)
type QueryDomainGroupDetailResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainGroupDetailResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainGroupDetailResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainGroupDetailResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainGroupListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainGroupListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest ShareCache *string `json:"shareCache"` /* pageNumber (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* pageSize (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 根据主域名模糊查询 (Optional) */ PrimaryDomain *string `json:"primaryDomain"` /* 根据域名组模糊查询 (Optional) */ DomainGroupName *string `json:"domainGroupName"` }
func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequest() *QueryDomainGroupListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequestWithAllParams( shareCache *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, primaryDomain *string, domainGroupName *string, ) *QueryDomainGroupListRequest
* param shareCache: 根据是否共享内存筛选 (Optional) * param pageNumber: pageNumber (Optional) * param pageSize: pageSize (Optional) * param primaryDomain: 根据主域名模糊查询 (Optional) * param domainGroupName: 根据域名组模糊查询 (Optional)
func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainGroupListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainGroupListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainGroupListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryDomainGroupListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetDomainGroupName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetDomainGroupName(domainGroupName string)
param domainGroupName: 根据域名组模糊查询(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: pageNumber(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: pageSize(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPrimaryDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetPrimaryDomain(primaryDomain string)
param primaryDomain: 根据主域名模糊查询(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetShareCache ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryDomainGroupListRequest) SetShareCache(shareCache string)
param shareCache: 根据是否共享内存筛选(Optional)
type QueryDomainGroupListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainGroupListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainGroupListResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainGroupListResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainGroupListResult struct { TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` PageNumber int `json:"pageNumber"` DomainGroups []cdn.DomainGroupItem `json:"domainGroups"` }
type QueryDomainLogRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainLogRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。 (Optional) */ Interval *string `json:"interval"` /* 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。 (Optional) */ LogType *string `json:"logType"` /* 页面大小,默认值10 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 分页页数,默认值1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` }
func NewQueryDomainLogRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainLogRequest( domain string, ) *QueryDomainLogRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainLogRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainLogRequestWithAllParams( domain string, startTime *string, endTime *string, interval *string, logType *string, pageSize *int, pageNumber *int, ) *QueryDomainLogRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param interval: 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。 (Optional) * param logType: 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。 (Optional) * param pageSize: 页面大小,默认值10 (Optional) * param pageNumber: 分页页数,默认值1 (Optional)
func NewQueryDomainLogRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainLogRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainLogRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainLogRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryDomainLogRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetInterval ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetInterval(interval string)
param interval: 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetLogType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetLogType(logType string)
param logType: 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 分页页数,默认值1(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 页面大小,默认值10(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainLogRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainLogRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryDomainLogResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainLogResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainLogResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainLogResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainTempInstListRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempInstListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 根据关键字进行模糊匹配 (Optional) */ InstName *string `json:"instName"` /* pageNumber,默认值1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* pageSize,最大值50,默认值20 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewQueryDomainTempInstListRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempInstListRequest() *QueryDomainTempInstListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainTempInstListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempInstListRequestWithAllParams( instName *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, ) *QueryDomainTempInstListRequest
* param instName: 根据关键字进行模糊匹配 (Optional) * param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值1 (Optional) * param pageSize: pageSize,最大值50,默认值20 (Optional)
func NewQueryDomainTempInstListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempInstListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainTempInstListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) SetInstName ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) SetInstName(instName string)
param instName: 根据关键字进行模糊匹配(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值1(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDomainTempInstListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: pageSize,最大值50,默认值20(Optional)
type QueryDomainTempInstListResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempInstListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainTempInstListResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainTempInstListResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempInstListResult struct { TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` PageNumber int `json:"pageNumber"` InstList []cdn.ListDomainTempItem `json:"instList"` }
type QueryDomainTempInstRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempInstRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 模板实例id */ InstId int `json:"instId"` }
func NewQueryDomainTempInstRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempInstRequest( instId int, ) *QueryDomainTempInstRequest
* param instId: 模板实例id (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainTempInstRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempInstRequestWithAllParams( instId int, ) *QueryDomainTempInstRequest
* param instId: 模板实例id (Required)
func NewQueryDomainTempInstRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempInstRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainTempInstRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainTempInstRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryDomainTempInstRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryDomainTempInstRequest) SetInstId(instId int)
param instId: 模板实例id(Required)
type QueryDomainTempInstResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempInstResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainTempInstResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainTempInstResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest struct {
func NewQueryDomainTempProKeysRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempProKeysRequest() *QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainTempProKeysRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempProKeysRequestWithAllParams() *QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest
func NewQueryDomainTempProKeysRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryDomainTempProKeysRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryDomainTempProKeysRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryDomainTempProKeysResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempProKeysResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainTempProKeysResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainTempProKeysResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryDomainTempProKeysResult struct {
ProKeyMap interface{} `json:"proKeyMap"`
type QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* pin (Optional) */ Pin *string `json:"pin"` /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。 (Optional) */ Interval *string `json:"interval"` /* 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。 (Optional) */ LogType *string `json:"logType"` }
func NewQueryDomainsLogForJdRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryDomainsLogForJdRequest() *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainsLogForJdRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryDomainsLogForJdRequestWithAllParams( pin *string, startTime *string, endTime *string, interval *string, logType *string, ) *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest
* param pin: pin (Optional) * param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param interval: 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。 (Optional) * param logType: 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。 (Optional)
func NewQueryDomainsLogForJdRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryDomainsLogForJdRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetInterval ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetInterval(interval string)
param interval: 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetLogType ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetLogType(logType string)
param logType: 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetPin ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetPin(pin string)
param pin: pin(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogForJdRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryDomainsLogForJdResponse ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryDomainsLogForJdResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainsLogForJdResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainsLogForJdResult ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryDomainsLogForJdResult struct {
Logs []cdn.DomainsLog `json:"logs"`
type QueryDomainsLogRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainsLogRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* (Optional) */ Domains []string `json:"domains"` /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。 (Optional) */ Interval *string `json:"interval"` /* 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。 (Optional) */ LogType *string `json:"logType"` }
func NewQueryDomainsLogRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainsLogRequest() *QueryDomainsLogRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainsLogRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainsLogRequestWithAllParams( domains []string, startTime *string, endTime *string, interval *string, logType *string, ) *QueryDomainsLogRequest
* param domains: (Optional) * param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param interval: 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。 (Optional) * param logType: 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。 (Optional)
func NewQueryDomainsLogRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryDomainsLogRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainsLogRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainsLogRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryDomainsLogRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetDomains ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
param domains: (Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetInterval ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetInterval(interval string)
param interval: 时间间隔,取值(hour,day,fiveMin),不传默认小时。(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetLogType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetLogType(logType string)
param logType: 日志类型,取值(log,zip,gz),不传默认gz。(Optional)
func (*QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryDomainsLogRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryDomainsLogResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainsLogResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainsLogResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainsLogResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryDomainsLogResult struct {
Logs []cdn.DomainsLog `json:"logs"`
type QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest struct {
func NewQueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest() *QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryDomainsNotInGroupRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainsNotInGroupRequestWithAllParams() *QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest
func NewQueryDomainsNotInGroupRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryDomainsNotInGroupRequestWithoutParam() *QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryDomainsNotInGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryDomainsNotInGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainsNotInGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryDomainsNotInGroupResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryDomainsNotInGroupResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryDomainsNotInGroupResult struct {
Domains []string `json:"domains"`
type QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryExtraCacheTimeRequest( domain string, ) *QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam() *QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryExtraCacheTimeResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryExtraCacheTimeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryExtraCacheTimeResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryExtraCacheTimeResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryExtraCacheTimeResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` ExtraCacheTimes []cdn.ExtraCacheTime `json:"extraCacheTimes"` }
type QueryFilterArgsRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryFilterArgsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryFilterArgsRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryFilterArgsRequest( domain string, ) *QueryFilterArgsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryFilterArgsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryFilterArgsRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryFilterArgsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryFilterArgsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryFilterArgsRequestWithoutParam() *QueryFilterArgsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryFilterArgsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryFilterArgsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryFilterArgsRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryFilterArgsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryFilterArgsResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryFilterArgsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryFilterArgsResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryFilterArgsResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryFollowRedirectRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryFollowRedirectRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryFollowRedirectRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryFollowRedirectRequest( domain string, ) *QueryFollowRedirectRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryFollowRedirectRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryFollowRedirectRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryFollowRedirectRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryFollowRedirectRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryFollowRedirectRequestWithoutParam() *QueryFollowRedirectRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryFollowRedirectRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryFollowRedirectRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryFollowRedirectRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryFollowRedirectRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryFollowRedirectResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryFollowRedirectResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryFollowRedirectResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryFollowRedirectResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest( domain string, ) *QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithoutParam() *QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryFollowSourceProtocolRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryFollowSourceProtocolResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryFollowSourceProtocolResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryFollowSourceProtocolResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryFollowSourceProtocolResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 封禁域名.queryDomain和taskId至少传入一个 (Optional) */ QueryDomain *string `json:"queryDomain"` /* 任务id.queryDomain和taskId至少传入一个 (Optional) */ TaskId *string `json:"taskId"` /* 封禁url,精确查询 (Optional) */ ForbiddenUrl *string `json:"forbiddenUrl"` /* 页码数 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 每页size (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest() *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequestWithAllParams( queryDomain *string, taskId *string, forbiddenUrl *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, ) *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
* param queryDomain: 封禁域名.queryDomain和taskId至少传入一个 (Optional) * param taskId: 任务id.queryDomain和taskId至少传入一个 (Optional) * param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,精确查询 (Optional) * param pageNumber: 页码数 (Optional) * param pageSize: 每页size (Optional)
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.59.0
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequestWithoutParam() *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,精确查询(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 页码数(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 每页size(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetQueryDomain ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetQueryDomain(queryDomain string)
param queryDomain: 封禁域名.queryDomain和taskId至少传入一个(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetTaskId ¶ added in v1.59.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
param taskId: 任务id.queryDomain和taskId至少传入一个(Optional)
type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResponse ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResult ¶ added in v1.59.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListCommonResult struct { Total int `json:"total"` List []cdn.ForbiddenInfoCommon `json:"list"` }
type QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 封禁域名,模糊查询 (Optional) */ QueryDomain *string `json:"queryDomain"` /* 封禁url,精确查询 (Optional) */ ForbiddenUrl *string `json:"forbiddenUrl"` /* 页码数 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 每页size (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequest() *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequestWithAllParams( queryDomain *string, forbiddenUrl *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, ) *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
* param queryDomain: 封禁域名,模糊查询 (Optional) * param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,精确查询 (Optional) * param pageNumber: 页码数 (Optional) * param pageSize: 每页size (Optional)
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryForbiddenInfoListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetForbiddenUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetForbiddenUrl(forbiddenUrl string)
param forbiddenUrl: 封禁url,精确查询(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 页码数(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 每页size(Optional)
func (*QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetQueryDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryForbiddenInfoListRequest) SetQueryDomain(queryDomain string)
param queryDomain: 封禁域名,模糊查询(Optional)
type QueryForbiddenInfoListResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryForbiddenInfoListResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryForbiddenInfoListResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryForbiddenInfoListResult struct { Total int `json:"total"` List []cdn.ForbiddenInfo `json:"list"` }
type QueryGeoAreasRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryGeoAreasRequest struct {
func NewQueryGeoAreasRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryGeoAreasRequest() *QueryGeoAreasRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryGeoAreasRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryGeoAreasRequestWithAllParams() *QueryGeoAreasRequest
func NewQueryGeoAreasRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryGeoAreasRequestWithoutParam() *QueryGeoAreasRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryGeoAreasRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryGeoAreasRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryGeoAreasResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryGeoAreasResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryGeoAreasResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryGeoAreasResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryHttp2Request ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryHttp2Request struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryHttp2Request ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryHttp2Request( domain string, ) *QueryHttp2Request
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryHttp2RequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryHttp2RequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryHttp2Request
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryHttp2RequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryHttp2RequestWithoutParam() *QueryHttp2Request
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryHttp2Request) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryHttp2Request) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryHttp2Request) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryHttp2Request) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryHttp2Response ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryHttp2Response struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryHttp2Result `json:"result"` }
type QueryHttp2Result ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryHttpHeaderRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryHttpHeaderRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* header生效节点,0边缘,1回源,2两者都 (Optional) */ EdgeType *int `json:"edgeType"` }
func NewQueryHttpHeaderRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryHttpHeaderRequest( domain string, ) *QueryHttpHeaderRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryHttpHeaderRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryHttpHeaderRequestWithAllParams( domain string, edgeType *int, ) *QueryHttpHeaderRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param edgeType: header生效节点,0边缘,1回源,2两者都 (Optional)
func NewQueryHttpHeaderRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryHttpHeaderRequestWithoutParam() *QueryHttpHeaderRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QueryHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType(edgeType int)
param edgeType: header生效节点,0边缘,1回源,2两者都(Optional)
type QueryHttpHeaderResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryHttpHeaderResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryHttpHeaderResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryHttpHeaderResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryHttpHeaderResult struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Headers []cdn.QueryHttpHeaderResp `json:"headers"` }
type QueryIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryIpBlackListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryIpBlackListRequest( domain string, ) *QueryIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryIpBlackListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryIpBlackListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryIpBlackListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryIpBlackListResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryIpBlackListResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest( domain string, ) *QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequestWithoutParam() *QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryIpBlackSettingStatusRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryIpBlackSettingStatusResult struct {
SettingStatus bool `json:"settingStatus"`
type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。 */ Starttime string `json:"starttime"` /* 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点 */ Stoptime string `json:"stoptime"` /* 插件pin,多个用,隔开 */ PluginPin string `json:"pluginPin"` /* 按照设备ID查询设备带宽,即macaddr,多个用,隔开 (Optional) */ Clientid *string `json:"clientid"` /* 用于支持分页查询,默认为1,表示第几页。 (Optional) */ Page *int `json:"page"` /* 用于支持分页查询,表示每页返回多少条数据,默认每页返回10条数据,size必须是10的整数倍,并且最大值是100。 (Optional) */ Size *int `json:"size"` }
func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest( starttime string, stoptime string, pluginPin string, ) *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
* param starttime: 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。 (Required) * param stoptime: 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点 (Required) * param pluginPin: 插件pin,多个用,隔开 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequestWithAllParams( starttime string, stoptime string, pluginPin string, clientid *string, page *int, size *int, ) *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
* param starttime: 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。 (Required) * param stoptime: 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点 (Required) * param pluginPin: 插件pin,多个用,隔开 (Required) * param clientid: 按照设备ID查询设备带宽,即macaddr,多个用,隔开 (Optional) * param page: 用于支持分页查询,默认为1,表示第几页。 (Optional) * param size: 用于支持分页查询,表示每页返回多少条数据,默认每页返回10条数据,size必须是10的整数倍,并且最大值是100。 (Optional)
func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.48.0
func NewQueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequestWithoutParam() *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetClientid ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetClientid(clientid string)
param clientid: 按照设备ID查询设备带宽,即macaddr,多个用,隔开(Optional)
func (*QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetPage ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetPage(page int)
param page: 用于支持分页查询,默认为1,表示第几页。(Optional)
func (*QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetPluginPin ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetPluginPin(pluginPin string)
param pluginPin: 插件pin,多个用,隔开(Required)
func (*QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetSize ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetSize(size int)
param size: 用于支持分页查询,表示每页返回多少条数据,默认每页返回10条数据,size必须是10的整数倍,并且最大值是100。(Optional)
func (*QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetStarttime ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetStarttime(starttime string)
param starttime: 指定查询开始时间(格式:201906011000),返回数据包含该时间点。(Required)
func (*QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetStoptime ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthRequest) SetStoptime(stoptime string)
param stoptime: 指定查询结束时间(格式:201906011100),返回数据不包含该时间点(Required)
type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResponse ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResult ¶ added in v1.48.0
type QueryJBoxAvgBandwidthResult struct { Page cdn.Page `json:"page"` Data []cdn.QueryAvgBandwidthGroup `json:"data"` }
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,时间戳 (Optional) */ StartTime *int64 `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,时间戳 (Optional) */ EndTime *int64 `json:"endTime"` /* 查询的字段,取值范围(avgbandwidth,pv,flow)。多个用逗号分隔。默认为空,表示查询带宽流量 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询周期,当前取值范围:“oneMin,fiveMin”,分别表示1min,5min。默认为空,表示fiveMin (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 业务类型 (Optional) */ Category *string `json:"category"` /* 设备id (Optional) */ MacAddr *string `json:"macAddr"` /* 插件pin (Optional) */ PluginPin *string `json:"pluginPin"` }
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams( startTime *int64, endTime *int64, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, category *string, macAddr *string, pluginPin *string, ) *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,时间戳 (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,时间戳 (Optional) * param fields: 查询的字段,取值范围(avgbandwidth,pv,flow)。多个用逗号分隔。默认为空,表示查询带宽流量 (Optional) * param area: (Optional) * param isp: (Optional) * param period: 查询周期,当前取值范围:“oneMin,fiveMin”,分别表示1min,5min。默认为空,表示fiveMin (Optional) * param category: 业务类型 (Optional) * param macAddr: 设备id (Optional) * param pluginPin: 插件pin (Optional)
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: (Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetCategory ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetCategory(category string)
param category: 业务类型(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime int64)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,时间戳(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 查询的字段,取值范围(avgbandwidth,pv,flow)。多个用逗号分隔。默认为空,表示查询带宽流量(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: (Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetMacAddr ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetMacAddr(macAddr string)
param macAddr: 设备id(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 查询周期,当前取值范围:“oneMin,fiveMin”,分别表示1min,5min。默认为空,表示fiveMin(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetPluginPin ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetPluginPin(pluginPin string)
param pluginPin: 插件pin(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime int64)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,时间戳(Optional)
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,时间戳 (Optional) */ StartTime *int64 `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,时间戳 (Optional) */ EndTime *int64 `json:"endTime"` /* 取值范围:area,isp,pin ,mac_addr,category,多个用,隔开,多个维度的查询,必须要限制较短的时间间隔 (Optional) */ GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy"` /* 查询的字段,取值范围(avgbandwidth,pv,flow)。多个用逗号分隔。默认为空,表示查询带宽流量 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 区域 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 运营商 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询周期,当前取值范围:“oneMin,fiveMin”,分别表示1min,5min。默认为空,表示fiveMin (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 业务类型 (Optional) */ Category *string `json:"category"` /* 设备id (Optional) */ MacAddr *string `json:"macAddr"` /* 插件pin (Optional) */ PluginPin *string `json:"pluginPin"` }
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequestWithAllParams( startTime *int64, endTime *int64, groupBy *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, category *string, macAddr *string, pluginPin *string, ) *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,时间戳 (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,时间戳 (Optional) * param groupBy: 取值范围:area,isp,pin ,mac_addr,category,多个用,隔开,多个维度的查询,必须要限制较短的时间间隔 (Optional) * param fields: 查询的字段,取值范围(avgbandwidth,pv,flow)。多个用逗号分隔。默认为空,表示查询带宽流量 (Optional) * param area: 区域 (Optional) * param isp: 运营商 (Optional) * param period: 查询周期,当前取值范围:“oneMin,fiveMin”,分别表示1min,5min。默认为空,表示fiveMin (Optional) * param category: 业务类型 (Optional) * param macAddr: 设备id (Optional) * param pluginPin: 插件pin (Optional)
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequestWithoutParam() *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 区域(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetCategory ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetCategory(category string)
param category: 业务类型(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetEndTime(endTime int64)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,时间戳(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 查询的字段,取值范围(avgbandwidth,pv,flow)。多个用逗号分隔。默认为空,表示查询带宽流量(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetGroupBy ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
param groupBy: 取值范围:area,isp,pin ,mac_addr,category,多个用,隔开,多个维度的查询,必须要限制较短的时间间隔(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 运营商(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetMacAddr ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetMacAddr(macAddr string)
param macAddr: 设备id(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 查询周期,当前取值范围:“oneMin,fiveMin”,分别表示1min,5min。默认为空,表示fiveMin(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetPluginPin ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetPluginPin(pluginPin string)
param pluginPin: 插件pin(Optional)
func (*QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupRequest) SetStartTime(startTime int64)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,时间戳(Optional)
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroupResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryLiveDomainAppsRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainAppsRequest( domain string, ) *QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLiveDomainAppsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainAppsRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryLiveDomainAppsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainAppsRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveDomainAppsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryLiveDomainAppsResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveDomainAppsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLiveDomainAppsResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLiveDomainAppsResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryLiveDomainDetailRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainDetailRequest( domain string, ) *QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLiveDomainDetailRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainDetailRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryLiveDomainDetailRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainDetailRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryLiveDomainDetailRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryLiveDomainDetailResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryLiveDomainDetailResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLiveDomainDetailResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLiveDomainDetailResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryLiveDomainDetailResult struct { DomainType string `json:"domainType"` PlayDomain string `json:"playDomain"` PublishDomain string `json:"publishDomain"` OriginDomain string `json:"originDomain"` CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` Cname string `json:"cname"` SiteType string `json:"siteType"` Status string `json:"status"` Source cdn.BackSourceInfo `json:"source"` SourceType string `json:"sourceType"` BackSourceType string `json:"backSourceType"` VideoType string `json:"videoType"` AudioType string `json:"audioType"` Type string `json:"type"` DefaultSourceHost string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` ArchiveNo string `json:"archiveNo"` RtmpDomain string `json:"rtmpDomain"` RtmpCname string `json:"rtmpCname"` HdlDomain string `json:"hdlDomain"` HdlCname string `json:"hdlCname"` HlsDomain string `json:"hlsDomain"` HlsCname string `json:"hlsCname"` ForwardCustomVhost string `json:"forwardCustomVhost"` FlvUrls []string `json:"flvUrls"` HlsUrls []string `json:"hlsUrls"` RtmpUrls []string `json:"rtmpUrls"` ProtocolConverts []cdn.ProtocolConvert `json:"protocolConverts"` Certificate string `json:"certificate"` RsaKey string `json:"rsaKey"` AccesskeyType int `json:"accesskeyType"` AccesskeyKey string `json:"accesskeyKey"` PlayAuthLifeTime int `json:"playAuthLifeTime"` AuthLifeTime int `json:"authLifeTime"` ForwardAccessKeyType int `json:"forwardAccessKeyType"` ForwardPrivateKey string `json:"forwardPrivateKey"` OriginAccessKeyType int `json:"originAccessKeyType"` OriginPrivateKey string `json:"originPrivateKey"` AllowApps []string `json:"allowApps"` Ips []string `json:"ips"` BlackIpsEnable string `json:"blackIpsEnable"` ExternId string `json:"externId"` IgnoreQueryString string `json:"ignoreQueryString"` ReferType string `json:"referType"` ReferList []string `json:"referList"` AllowNoReferHeader string `json:"allowNoReferHeader"` AllowNullReferHeader string `json:"allowNullReferHeader"` PublishNormalTimeout string `json:"publishNormalTimeout"` NotifyCustomUrl string `json:"notifyCustomUrl"` NotifyCustomAuthKey string `json:"notifyCustomAuthKey"` CertFrom string `json:"certFrom"` SslCertId string `json:"sslCertId"` CertName string `json:"certName"` CertType string `json:"certType"` SslCertStartTime string `json:"sslCertStartTime"` SslCertEndTime string `json:"sslCertEndTime"` AccelerateRegion string `json:"accelerateRegion"` }
type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest( domain string, ) *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteListResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 预热的URL (Optional) */ UrlList []string `json:"urlList"` }
func NewQueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest() *QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLivePrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLivePrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams( urlList []string, ) *QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest
* param urlList: 预热的URL (Optional)
func NewQueryLivePrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLivePrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrlList ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLivePrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrlList(urlList []string)
param urlList: 预热的URL(Optional)
type QueryLivePrefetchTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLivePrefetchTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLivePrefetchTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLivePrefetchTaskResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLivePrefetchTaskResult struct {
Result []cdn.QueryLivePrefetchItem `json:"result"`
type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) */ AppName *string `json:"appName"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) */ StreamName *string `json:"streamName"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 分组依据,可选值:[appname,streamname],如果为空,则只按area/isp进行group。 (Optional) */ GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy"` /* 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 查询的流协议,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。 (Optional) */ Scheme *string `json:"scheme"` /* 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin") (Optional) */ ReqMethod *string `json:"reqMethod"` /* cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3] (Optional) */ CacheLevel *string `json:"cacheLevel"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` }
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest() *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, appName *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, streamName *string, period *string, groupBy *string, subDomain *string, scheme *string, reqMethod *string, cacheLevel *string, cacheType *string, ) *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param appName: 查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param streamName: 查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[appname,streamname],如果为空,则只按area/isp进行group。 (Optional) * param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param scheme: 查询的流协议,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。 (Optional) * param reqMethod: 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin") (Optional) * param cacheLevel: cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3] (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional)
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetAppName ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
param appName: 查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetCacheLevel ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetCacheLevel(cacheLevel string)
param cacheLevel: cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3](Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetGroupBy ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[appname,streamname],如果为空,则只按area/isp进行group。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetReqMethod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetReqMethod(reqMethod string)
param reqMethod: 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin")(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetScheme ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
param scheme: 查询的流协议,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetStreamName ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
param streamName: 查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetSubDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupByResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsWithAreaGroupDetail `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* app名,查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。注意,传如多个AppName时,表示查询这些AppName的和值,即“或”的关系。默认为空,表示查询所有App (Optional) */ AppName *string `json:"appName"` /* 流名,查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。注意,传如多个StreamName时,表示查询这些StreamName的和值,即“或”的关系。默认为空,表示查询所有Stream (Optional) */ StreamName *string `json:"streamName"` /* 子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin") (Optional) */ ReqMethod *string `json:"reqMethod"` /* 查询的流协议类型,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。 (Optional) */ Scheme *string `json:"scheme"` /* cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3] (Optional) */ CacheLevel *string `json:"cacheLevel"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` }
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, appName *string, streamName *string, subDomain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, reqMethod *string, scheme *string, cacheLevel *string, period *string, cacheType *string, ) *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param appName: app名,查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。注意,传如多个AppName时,表示查询这些AppName的和值,即“或”的关系。默认为空,表示查询所有App (Optional) * param streamName: 流名,查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。注意,传如多个StreamName时,表示查询这些StreamName的和值,即“或”的关系。默认为空,表示查询所有Stream (Optional) * param subDomain: 子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param reqMethod: 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin") (Optional) * param scheme: 查询的流协议类型,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。 (Optional) * param cacheLevel: cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3] (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional)
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetAppName ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
param appName: app名,查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。注意,传如多个AppName时,表示查询这些AppName的和值,即“或”的关系。默认为空,表示查询所有App(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheLevel ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheLevel(cacheLevel string)
param cacheLevel: cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3](Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetReqMethod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetReqMethod(reqMethod string)
param reqMethod: 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin")(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetScheme ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
param scheme: 查询的流协议类型,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetStreamName ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
param streamName: 流名,查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。注意,传如多个StreamName时,表示查询这些StreamName的和值,即“或”的关系。默认为空,表示查询所有Stream(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetSubDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveStatisticsDataRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
type QueryLiveStatisticsDataResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveStatisticsDataResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLiveStatisticsDataResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLiveStatisticsDataResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveStatisticsDataResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) */ AppName *string `json:"appName"` /* 查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) */ StreamName *string `json:"streamName"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询的流协议,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。 (Optional) */ Scheme *string `json:"scheme"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 分组依据,可选值:[appname,streamname,domain,area,isp,scheme] (Optional) */ GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy"` /* 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin") (Optional) */ ReqMethod *string `json:"reqMethod"` /* cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3] (Optional) */ CacheLevel *string `json:"cacheLevel"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` }
func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest() *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, appName *string, streamName *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, scheme *string, period *string, groupBy *string, reqMethod *string, cacheLevel *string, cacheType *string, ) *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param appName: 查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) * param streamName: 查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param scheme: 查询的流协议,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[appname,streamname,domain,area,isp,scheme] (Optional) * param reqMethod: 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin") (Optional) * param cacheLevel: cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3] (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional)
func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequestWithoutParam() *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetAppName ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
param appName: 查询的App名称,多个用逗号分隔。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheLevel ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheLevel(cacheLevel string)
param cacheLevel: cacheLevel,可选值:[L1,L2,L3](Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[appname,streamname,domain,area,isp,scheme](Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetReqMethod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetReqMethod(reqMethod string)
param reqMethod: 当前取值范围("GET,HEAD,forward,forward-hls,ingest,play,publish,detour-ingest,Forward-Origin")(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetScheme ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
param scheme: 查询的流协议,取值范围:"rtmp,hdl,hls",多个用逗号分隔,默认为空,表示查询所有协议。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStreamName ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
param streamName: 查询的流名称,多个用逗号分隔。(Optional)
func (*QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetSubDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryLiveTrafficGroupSumResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsGroupSumDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 查询协议,可选值:[http,https,all],传空默认返回全部协议汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Scheme *string `json:"scheme"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` /* 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional) */ IpType *string `json:"ipType"` }
func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, scheme *string, cacheType *string, ipType *string, ) *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param scheme: 查询协议,可选值:[http,https,all],传空默认返回全部协议汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) * param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional)
func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetIpType ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetScheme ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
param scheme: 查询协议,可选值:[http,https,all],传空默认返回全部协议汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryMixStatisticsDataResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixStatisticsDataResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryMixStatisticsDataResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryMixStatisticsDataResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixStatisticsDataResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` /* 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional) */ IpType *string `json:"ipType"` }
func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest() *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, cacheType *string, ipType *string, ) *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) * param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional)
func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetIpType ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaDataResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsWithAreaGroupDetail `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 分组依据,只能按域名[domain]分组 (Optional) */ GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` /* 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional) */ IpType *string `json:"ipType"` }
func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest() *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, period *string, groupBy *string, cacheType *string, ipType *string, ) *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param groupBy: 分组依据,只能按域名[domain]分组 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) * param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional)
func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetArea ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetFields ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
param groupBy: 分组依据,只能按域名[domain]分组(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIpType ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryMixTrafficGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryMixTrafficGroupSumResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsGroupSumDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryMonitorRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryMonitorRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryMonitorRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryMonitorRequest( domain string, ) *QueryMonitorRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryMonitorRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryMonitorRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryMonitorRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryMonitorRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryMonitorRequestWithoutParam() *QueryMonitorRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryMonitorRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryMonitorRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryMonitorRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryMonitorRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryMonitorResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryMonitorResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryMonitorResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryMonitorResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest struct {
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesRequest() *QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesRequestWithAllParams() *QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryNetProtectionRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryNetProtectionRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryNetProtectionRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryNetProtectionRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesResult struct { SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"` SrcNewConnLimitEnable string `json:"srcNewConnLimitEnable"` DstNewConnLimitEnable string `json:"dstNewConnLimitEnable"` DatagramRangeMin int64 `json:"datagramRangeMin"` DatagramRangeMax int64 `json:"datagramRangeMax"` SrcNewConnLimitValue int64 `json:"srcNewConnLimitValue"` DstNewConnLimitValue int64 `json:"dstNewConnLimitValue"` GeoBlack []cdn.GeoArea `json:"geoBlack"` IpBlack []string `json:"ipBlack"` IpWhite []string `json:"ipWhite"` }
type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest struct {
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest() *QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithAllParams() *QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult struct {
SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"`
type QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest struct {
func NewQueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest() *QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithAllParams() *QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest
func NewQueryOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithoutParam() *QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryOnlineBillingTypeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryOnlineBillingTypeResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryOnlineBillingTypeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryOnlineBillingTypeResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryOnlineBillingTypeResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryOssBucketsRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryOssBucketsRequest struct {
func NewQueryOssBucketsRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryOssBucketsRequest() *QueryOssBucketsRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryOssBucketsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryOssBucketsRequestWithAllParams() *QueryOssBucketsRequest
func NewQueryOssBucketsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryOssBucketsRequestWithoutParam() *QueryOssBucketsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryOssBucketsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryOssBucketsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryOssBucketsResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryOssBucketsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryOssBucketsResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryOssBucketsResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryOssBucketsResult struct { Total int `json:"total"` OssBuckets []interface{} `json:"ossBuckets"` }
type QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.58.0
type QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest struct {
func NewQueryPinCanIPTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.58.0
func NewQueryPinCanIPTypeRequest() *QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryPinCanIPTypeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.58.0
func NewQueryPinCanIPTypeRequestWithAllParams() *QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest
func NewQueryPinCanIPTypeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.58.0
func NewQueryPinCanIPTypeRequestWithoutParam() *QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r QueryPinCanIPTypeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
type QueryPinCanIPTypeResponse ¶ added in v1.58.0
type QueryPinCanIPTypeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryPinCanIPTypeResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryPinCanIPTypeResult ¶ added in v1.58.0
type QueryPinCanIPTypeResult struct {
CanIPType bool `json:"canIPType"`
type QueryPrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryPrefetchTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* url (Optional) */ Url *string `json:"url"` /* 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个 (Optional) */ Region *string `json:"region"` /* 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 查询状态 1:active维护预热中,2:表示purge中暂时停止预热 (Optional) */ Status *int `json:"status"` /* 同url,系统内部url对应id(url和file_id同时存在时以url为准) (Optional) */ FileId *string `json:"fileId"` /* 页码数,最小为1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 每页大小,默认10 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 1:代表控制台下发的预热任务2:代表热度计算下发的预热任务3:代表控制台、热度计算共同下发的任务 (Optional) */ TaskType *int `json:"taskType"` /* 域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryPrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryPrefetchTaskRequest() *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryPrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryPrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams( url *string, region *string, isp *string, status *int, fileId *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, taskType *int, domain *string, ) *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest
* param url: url (Optional) * param region: 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个 (Optional) * param isp: 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动 (Optional) * param status: 查询状态 1:active维护预热中,2:表示purge中暂时停止预热 (Optional) * param fileId: 同url,系统内部url对应id(url和file_id同时存在时以url为准) (Optional) * param pageNumber: 页码数,最小为1 (Optional) * param pageSize: 每页大小,默认10 (Optional) * param taskType: 1:代表控制台下发的预热任务2:代表热度计算下发的预热任务3:代表控制台、热度计算共同下发的任务 (Optional) * param domain: 域名 (Optional)
func NewQueryPrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryPrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam() *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 域名(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetFileId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetFileId(fileId string)
param fileId: 同url,系统内部url对应id(url和file_id同时存在时以url为准)(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 页码数,最小为1(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 每页大小,默认10(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion(region string)
param region: 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetStatus(status int)
param status: 查询状态 1:active维护预热中,2:表示purge中暂时停止预热(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetTaskType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetTaskType(taskType int)
param taskType: 1:代表控制台下发的预热任务2:代表热度计算下发的预热任务3:代表控制台、热度计算共同下发的任务(Optional)
func (*QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrl(url string)
param url: url(Optional)
type QueryPrefetchTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryPrefetchTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryPrefetchTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryPrefetchTaskResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryPurgeTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryPurgeTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* url (Optional) */ Url *string `json:"url"` /* 查询状态 1:进行中 2:已完成 (Optional) */ Status *int `json:"status"` /* 同url,系统内部url对应id(url和file_id同时存在时以url为准) (Optional) */ FileId *string `json:"fileId"` /* 页码数,最小为1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 每页大小,默认10 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryPurgeTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryPurgeTaskRequest() *QueryPurgeTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryPurgeTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryPurgeTaskRequestWithAllParams( url *string, status *int, fileId *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, domain *string, ) *QueryPurgeTaskRequest
* param url: url (Optional) * param status: 查询状态 1:进行中 2:已完成 (Optional) * param fileId: 同url,系统内部url对应id(url和file_id同时存在时以url为准) (Optional) * param pageNumber: 页码数,最小为1 (Optional) * param pageSize: 每页大小,默认10 (Optional) * param domain: 域名 (Optional)
func NewQueryPurgeTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryPurgeTaskRequestWithoutParam() *QueryPurgeTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryPurgeTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryPurgeTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 域名(Optional)
func (*QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetFileId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetFileId(fileId string)
param fileId: 同url,系统内部url对应id(url和file_id同时存在时以url为准)(Optional)
func (*QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 页码数,最小为1(Optional)
func (*QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 每页大小,默认10(Optional)
func (*QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetStatus(status int)
param status: 查询状态 1:进行中 2:已完成(Optional)
func (*QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryPurgeTaskRequest) SetUrl(url string)
param url: url(Optional)
type QueryPurgeTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryPurgeTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryPurgeTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryPurgeTaskResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* app名,传appName查询流名列表 (Optional) */ App *string `json:"app"` /* 流名模糊查询 (Optional) */ Stream *string `json:"stream"` /* 指定app/流名列表大小,默认50 (Optional) */ Limit *int `json:"limit"` }
func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest( domain string, ) *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequestWithAllParams( domain string, app *string, stream *string, limit *int, ) *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param app: app名,传appName查询流名列表 (Optional) * param stream: 流名模糊查询 (Optional) * param limit: 指定app/流名列表大小,默认50 (Optional)
func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewQueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequestWithoutParam() *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetApp ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetApp(app string)
param app: app名,传appName查询流名列表(Optional)
func (*QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetLimit ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetLimit(limit int)
param limit: 指定app/流名列表大小,默认50(Optional)
func (*QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetStream ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamRequest) SetStream(stream string)
param stream: 流名模糊查询(Optional)
type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type QueryPushDomainORAppOrStreamResult struct {
Streams []string `json:"streams"`
type QueryRefreshLimitRequest ¶ added in v1.45.0
type QueryRefreshLimitRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 子账号,传哪些子账号就查哪些的,不传或传空默认返回所有子账号的额度 (Optional) */ SubUsers []string `json:"subUsers"` /* 默认为1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 默认为10,最大100 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewQueryRefreshLimitRequest ¶ added in v1.45.0
func NewQueryRefreshLimitRequest() *QueryRefreshLimitRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryRefreshLimitRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.45.0
func NewQueryRefreshLimitRequestWithAllParams( subUsers []string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, ) *QueryRefreshLimitRequest
* param subUsers: 子账号,传哪些子账号就查哪些的,不传或传空默认返回所有子账号的额度 (Optional) * param pageNumber: 默认为1 (Optional) * param pageSize: 默认为10,最大100 (Optional)
func NewQueryRefreshLimitRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.45.0
func NewQueryRefreshLimitRequestWithoutParam() *QueryRefreshLimitRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryRefreshLimitRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r QueryRefreshLimitRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryRefreshLimitRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *QueryRefreshLimitRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 默认为1(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshLimitRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *QueryRefreshLimitRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 默认为10,最大100(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshLimitRequest) SetSubUsers ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *QueryRefreshLimitRequest) SetSubUsers(subUsers []string)
param subUsers: 子账号,传哪些子账号就查哪些的,不传或传空默认返回所有子账号的额度(Optional)
type QueryRefreshLimitResponse ¶ added in v1.45.0
type QueryRefreshLimitResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryRefreshLimitResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryRefreshLimitResult ¶ added in v1.45.0
type QueryRefreshLimitResult struct { User string `json:"user"` RefreshCount int64 `json:"refreshCount"` DirCount int64 `json:"dirCount"` PrefetchCount int64 `json:"prefetchCount"` PageNumber int `json:"pageNumber"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` Total int `json:"total"` SubUserQuota []cdn.SubUserRefreshLimit `json:"subUserQuota"` }
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 域名组id */ TaskId string `json:"taskId"` }
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest( taskId string, ) *QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest
* param taskId: 域名组id (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdRequestWithAllParams( taskId string, ) *QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest
* param taskId: 域名组id (Required)
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdRequestWithoutParam() *QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest) SetTaskId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskByIdRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
param taskId: 域名组id(Required)
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryRefreshTaskByIdResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdResult struct {
Task cdn.RefreshTask `json:"task"`
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询的任务taskIds列表,最多能查10条 (Optional) */ TaskIds []string `json:"taskIds"` /* url的模糊查询关键字 (Optional) */ Keyword *string `json:"keyword"` }
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest() *QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequestWithAllParams( taskIds []string, keyword *string, ) *QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest
* param taskIds: 查询的任务taskIds列表,最多能查10条 (Optional) * param keyword: url的模糊查询关键字 (Optional)
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequestWithoutParam() *QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest) SetKeyword ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest) SetKeyword(keyword string)
param keyword: url的模糊查询关键字(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest) SetTaskIds ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskByIdsRequest) SetTaskIds(taskIds []string)
param taskIds: 查询的任务taskIds列表,最多能查10条(Optional)
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskByIdsResult struct {
Tasks []cdn.RefreshTask `json:"tasks"`
type QueryRefreshTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* url或者目录的模糊查询关键字 (Optional) */ Keyword *string `json:"keyword"` /* 任务id (Optional) */ TaskId *string `json:"taskId"` /* null (Optional) */ TaskStatus *string `json:"taskStatus"` /* null (Optional) */ TaskType *string `json:"taskType"` /* 分页页数,默认值1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 分页页面大小,默认值50 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 查询的账号范围 (Optional) */ AccountType *string `json:"accountType"` /* 查询的子账号,多个用逗号隔开 (Optional) */ SubUsers *string `json:"subUsers"` }
func NewQueryRefreshTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskRequest() *QueryRefreshTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryRefreshTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, keyword *string, taskId *string, taskStatus *string, taskType *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, accountType *string, subUsers *string, ) *QueryRefreshTaskRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param keyword: url或者目录的模糊查询关键字 (Optional) * param taskId: 任务id (Optional) * param taskStatus: null (Optional) * param taskType: null (Optional) * param pageNumber: 分页页数,默认值1 (Optional) * param pageSize: 分页页面大小,默认值50 (Optional) * param accountType: 查询的账号范围 (Optional) * param subUsers: 查询的子账号,多个用逗号隔开 (Optional)
func NewQueryRefreshTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryRefreshTaskRequestWithoutParam() *QueryRefreshTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryRefreshTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryRefreshTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetAccountType ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetAccountType(accountType string)
param accountType: 查询的账号范围(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetKeyword ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetKeyword(keyword string)
param keyword: url或者目录的模糊查询关键字(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 分页页数,默认值1(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 分页页面大小,默认值50(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetSubUsers ¶ added in v1.48.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetSubUsers(subUsers string)
param subUsers: 查询的子账号,多个用逗号隔开(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
param taskId: 任务id(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskStatus(taskStatus string)
param taskStatus: null(Optional)
func (*QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryRefreshTaskRequest) SetTaskType(taskType string)
param taskType: null(Optional)
type QueryRefreshTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryRefreshTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryRefreshTaskResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryRefreshTaskResult struct { Total int `json:"total"` Tasks []cdn.RefreshTask `json:"tasks"` }
type QueryServiceIpRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryServiceIpRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* (Optional) */ DomainList []string `json:"domainList"` }
func NewQueryServiceIpRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryServiceIpRequest() *QueryServiceIpRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryServiceIpRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryServiceIpRequestWithAllParams( domainList []string, ) *QueryServiceIpRequest
* param domainList: (Optional)
func NewQueryServiceIpRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryServiceIpRequestWithoutParam() *QueryServiceIpRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryServiceIpRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryServiceIpRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryServiceIpRequest) SetDomainList ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryServiceIpRequest) SetDomainList(domainList []string)
param domainList: (Optional)
type QueryServiceIpResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryServiceIpResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryServiceIpResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryServiceIpResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryServiceIpResult struct {
DomainSchedResultItemList []cdn.DomainSchedResultItem `json:"domainSchedResultItemList"`
type QueryServiceNoticeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryServiceNoticeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 通知类型,取值[reportForm],reportForm:报表. (Optional) */ NoticeType *string `json:"noticeType"` /* 通知方式,取值[mail],mail:邮件. (Optional) */ NoticeWay *string `json:"noticeWay"` }
func NewQueryServiceNoticeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryServiceNoticeRequest() *QueryServiceNoticeRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryServiceNoticeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryServiceNoticeRequestWithAllParams( noticeType *string, noticeWay *string, ) *QueryServiceNoticeRequest
* param noticeType: 通知类型,取值[reportForm],reportForm:报表. (Optional) * param noticeWay: 通知方式,取值[mail],mail:邮件. (Optional)
func NewQueryServiceNoticeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryServiceNoticeRequestWithoutParam() *QueryServiceNoticeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryServiceNoticeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryServiceNoticeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeType(noticeType string)
param noticeType: 通知类型,取值[reportForm],reportForm:报表.(Optional)
func (*QueryServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeWay ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryServiceNoticeRequest) SetNoticeWay(noticeWay string)
param noticeWay: 通知方式,取值[mail],mail:邮件.(Optional)
type QueryServiceNoticeResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryServiceNoticeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryServiceNoticeResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryServiceNoticeResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryServiceNoticeResult struct {
Notices []cdn.ServiceNoticeItem `json:"notices"`
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略 (Optional) */ Origin *bool `json:"origin"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 分组依据,可选值:[terminal,sdtfrom],如果为空,则只按area/isp进行group (Optional) */ GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy"` /* 查询协议,可选值:[http,https,all],传空默认返回全部协议汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Scheme *string `json:"scheme"` /* true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据 (Optional) */ Abroad *bool `json:"abroad"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` /* 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional) */ IpType *string `json:"ipType"` }
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, origin *bool, period *string, groupBy *string, scheme *string, abroad *bool, cacheType *string, ipType *string, ) *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param origin: 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[terminal,sdtfrom],如果为空,则只按area/isp进行group (Optional) * param scheme: 查询协议,可选值:[http,https,all],传空默认返回全部协议汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param abroad: true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) * param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional)
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetAbroad ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetAbroad(abroad bool)
param abroad: true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetArea ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetEndTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetFields ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetGroupBy ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[terminal,sdtfrom],如果为空,则只按area/isp进行group(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetIpType ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetIsp ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetOrigin ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetOrigin(origin bool)
param origin: 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetPeriod ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetScheme ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetScheme(scheme string)
param scheme: 查询协议,可选值:[http,https,all],传空默认返回全部协议汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetStartTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetSubDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResponse ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResult ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupByAreaResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsWithAreaGroupDetail `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略。 (Optional) */ Origin *bool `json:"origin"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* 分组依据,可选值:[area,isp,domain,scheme] (Optional) */ GroupBy *string `json:"groupBy"` /* true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据 (Optional) */ Abroad *bool `json:"abroad"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` /* 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional) */ IpType *string `json:"ipType"` }
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, origin *bool, period *string, groupBy *string, abroad *bool, cacheType *string, ipType *string, ) *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param origin: 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略。 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[area,isp,domain,scheme] (Optional) * param abroad: true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) * param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional)
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetAbroad ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetAbroad(abroad bool)
param abroad: true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetArea ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetFields ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetGroupBy(groupBy string)
param groupBy: 分组依据,可选值:[area,isp,domain,scheme](Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetIpType ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetIsp ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetOrigin ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetOrigin(origin bool)
param origin: 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略。(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetSubDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResponse ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResult ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataGroupSumResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsGroupSumDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryStatisticsDataRequest ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 需要查询的字段 (Optional) */ Fields *string `json:"fields"` /* 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Area *string `json:"area"` /* 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略。 (Optional) */ Origin *bool `json:"origin"` /* 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) */ Period *string `json:"period"` /* true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据 (Optional) */ Abroad *bool `json:"abroad"` /* 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) */ CacheType *string `json:"cacheType"` /* 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional) */ IpType *string `json:"ipType"` }
func NewQueryStatisticsDataRequest ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataRequest() *QueryStatisticsDataRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, fields *string, area *string, isp *string, origin *bool, period *string, abroad *bool, cacheType *string, ipType *string, ) *QueryStatisticsDataRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param fields: 需要查询的字段 (Optional) * param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔 (Optional) * param origin: 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略。 (Optional) * param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据 (Optional) * param abroad: true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据 (Optional) * param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间 (Optional) * param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all (Optional)
func NewQueryStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsDataRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsDataRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r QueryStatisticsDataRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetAbroad ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetAbroad(abroad bool)
param abroad: true 代表查询境外数据,默认false查询境内数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetArea(area string)
param area: 查询的区域,如beijing,shanghai。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType string)
param cacheType: 查询节点层级,可选值:[all,edge,mid],默认查询all,edge边缘 mid中间(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetFields(fields string)
param fields: 需要查询的字段(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetIpType ¶ added in v1.58.0
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetIpType(ipType string)
param ipType: 查询IP类型,可选值:[,ipv4,ipv6],默认查询all(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 查询的运营商,cmcc,cnc,ct,表示移动、联通、电信。多个用逗号分隔(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetOrigin ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetOrigin(origin bool)
param origin: 是否查询回源统计信息。取值为true和false,默认为false。注意,如果查询回源信息,Fields的取值当前只支持oribandwidth,oripv,oricodestat三个,其余Fields忽略。(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetPeriod(period string)
param period: 时间粒度,可选值:[oneMin,fiveMin,followTime],followTime只会返回一个汇总后的数据(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetSubDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsDataRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
type QueryStatisticsDataResponse ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryStatisticsDataResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryStatisticsDataResult ¶
type QueryStatisticsDataResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` Statistics []cdn.StatisticsDataItem `json:"statistics"` }
type QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest ¶
type QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 待查询的子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 查询的topN的条数,取值范围:1-100,默认为20 (Optional) */ Size *int `json:"size"` /* 排序依据,当前可选:pv,flow, 分别表示按pv、按流量topN ip,默认为"pv" (Optional) */ TopBy *string `json:"topBy"` }
func NewQueryStatisticsTopIpRequest ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsTopIpRequest() *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryStatisticsTopIpRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsTopIpRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, size *int, topBy *string, ) *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param subDomain: 待查询的子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param size: 查询的topN的条数,取值范围:1-100,默认为20 (Optional) * param topBy: 排序依据,当前可选:pv,flow, 分别表示按pv、按流量topN ip,默认为"pv" (Optional)
func NewQueryStatisticsTopIpRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsTopIpRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetEndTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetSize ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetSize(size int)
param size: 查询的topN的条数,取值范围:1-100,默认为20(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetStartTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetSubDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 待查询的子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetTopBy ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopIpRequest) SetTopBy(topBy string)
param topBy: 排序依据,当前可选:pv,flow, 分别表示按pv、按流量topN ip,默认为"pv"(Optional)
type QueryStatisticsTopIpResponse ¶
type QueryStatisticsTopIpResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryStatisticsTopIpResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryStatisticsTopIpResult ¶
type QueryStatisticsTopIpResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` IpData []cdn.StatisticsTopIpData `json:"ipData"` }
type QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest ¶
type QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 待查询的子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) */ SubDomain *string `json:"subDomain"` /* 查询的topN的条数,取值范围:1-100,默认为20 (Optional) */ Size *int `json:"size"` /* 排序依据,当前可选:pv,flow,bandwidth, 分别表示按pv、按流量、按带宽topN url,默认为"pv" (Optional) */ TopBy *string `json:"topBy"` }
func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest() *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, subDomain *string, size *int, topBy *string, ) *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param subDomain: 待查询的子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可 (Optional) * param size: 查询的topN的条数,取值范围:1-100,默认为20 (Optional) * param topBy: 排序依据,当前可选:pv,flow,bandwidth, 分别表示按pv、按流量、按带宽topN url,默认为"pv" (Optional)
func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewQueryStatisticsTopUrlRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetEndTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetSize ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetSize(size int)
param size: 查询的topN的条数,取值范围:1-100,默认为20(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetStartTime ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetSubDomain ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetSubDomain(subDomain string)
param subDomain: 待查询的子域名,查询泛域名时,指定的子域名列表,多个用逗号分隔。非泛域名时,传入空即可(Optional)
func (*QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetTopBy ¶
func (r *QueryStatisticsTopUrlRequest) SetTopBy(topBy string)
param topBy: 排序依据,当前可选:pv,flow,bandwidth, 分别表示按pv、按流量、按带宽topN url,默认为"pv"(Optional)
type QueryStatisticsTopUrlResponse ¶
type QueryStatisticsTopUrlResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryStatisticsTopUrlResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryStatisticsTopUrlResult ¶
type QueryStatisticsTopUrlResult struct { StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` Domain string `json:"domain"` UrlData []cdn.StatisticsTopUrlData `json:"urlData"` }
type QueryStreamInfoRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryStreamInfoRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* app名 (Optional) */ AppName *string `json:"appName"` /* 流名 (Optional) */ StreamName *string `json:"streamName"` /* 页码,不传默认1 (Optional) */ PageNum *int `json:"pageNum"` /* 页size,不传默认100,最大值1000 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewQueryStreamInfoRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryStreamInfoRequest( domain string, ) *QueryStreamInfoRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryStreamInfoRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryStreamInfoRequestWithAllParams( domain string, startTime *string, endTime *string, appName *string, streamName *string, pageNum *int, pageSize *int, ) *QueryStreamInfoRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param appName: app名 (Optional) * param streamName: 流名 (Optional) * param pageNum: 页码,不传默认1 (Optional) * param pageSize: 页size,不传默认100,最大值1000 (Optional)
func NewQueryStreamInfoRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewQueryStreamInfoRequestWithoutParam() *QueryStreamInfoRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryStreamInfoRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r QueryStreamInfoRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetAppName ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetAppName(appName string)
param appName: app名(Optional)
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetPageNum ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetPageNum(pageNum int)
param pageNum: 页码,不传默认1(Optional)
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 页size,不传默认100,最大值1000(Optional)
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetStreamName ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *QueryStreamInfoRequest) SetStreamName(streamName string)
param streamName: 流名(Optional)
type QueryStreamInfoResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryStreamInfoResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryStreamInfoResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryStreamInfoResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type QueryStreamInfoResult struct { Total int `json:"total"` PageNum int `json:"pageNum"` PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` StreamInfoList []cdn.StatisticsLiveStreamInfo `json:"streamInfoList"` }
type QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 根据域名进行匹配 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 根据url进行匹配 (Optional) */ Url *string `json:"url"` /* 解封的任务id (Optional) */ TaskId *string `json:"taskId"` /* pageNumber,默认值1 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* pageSize,最大值50,默认值10 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest() *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequestWithAllParams( domain *string, url *string, taskId *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, ) *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
* param domain: 根据域名进行匹配 (Optional) * param url: 根据url进行匹配 (Optional) * param taskId: 解封的任务id (Optional) * param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值1 (Optional) * param pageSize: pageSize,最大值50,默认值10 (Optional)
func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryUnForbiddenStatusRequestWithoutParam() *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 根据域名进行匹配(Optional)
func (*QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: pageNumber,默认值1(Optional)
func (*QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: pageSize,最大值50,默认值10(Optional)
func (*QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetTaskId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetTaskId(taskId string)
param taskId: 解封的任务id(Optional)
func (*QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryUnForbiddenStatusRequest) SetUrl(url string)
param url: 根据url进行匹配(Optional)
type QueryUnForbiddenStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryUnForbiddenStatusResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryUnForbiddenStatusResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryUnForbiddenStatusResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryUnForbiddenStatusResult struct { Total int `json:"total"` Tasks []cdn.UnForbiddenTaskItem `json:"tasks"` }
type QueryUrlRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryUrlRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryUrlRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryUrlRuleRequest( domain string, ) *QueryUrlRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryUrlRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryUrlRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryUrlRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryUrlRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewQueryUrlRuleRequestWithoutParam() *QueryUrlRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryUrlRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r QueryUrlRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryUrlRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *QueryUrlRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryUrlRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryUrlRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryUrlRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryUrlRuleResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type QueryUserAgentRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryUserAgentRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryUserAgentRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryUserAgentRequest( domain string, ) *QueryUserAgentRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryUserAgentRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryUserAgentRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryUserAgentRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryUserAgentRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewQueryUserAgentRequestWithoutParam() *QueryUserAgentRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryUserAgentRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r QueryUserAgentRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryUserAgentRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *QueryUserAgentRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryUserAgentResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryUserAgentResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryUserAgentResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryUserAgentResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafBlackRuleSwitchResult struct {
SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"`
type QueryWafRegionsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafRegionsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* skipType, valid values [skip, deny] */ SkipType string `json:"skipType"` }
func NewQueryWafRegionsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafRegionsRequest( skipType string, ) *QueryWafRegionsRequest
* param skipType: skipType, valid values [skip, deny] (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryWafRegionsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafRegionsRequestWithAllParams( skipType string, ) *QueryWafRegionsRequest
* param skipType: skipType, valid values [skip, deny] (Required)
func NewQueryWafRegionsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafRegionsRequestWithoutParam() *QueryWafRegionsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryWafRegionsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryWafRegionsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryWafRegionsRequest) SetSkipType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryWafRegionsRequest) SetSkipType(skipType string)
param skipType: skipType, valid values [skip, deny](Required)
type QueryWafRegionsResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafRegionsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryWafRegionsResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryWafRegionsResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafRegionsResult struct { China []cdn.WafRegionsModel `json:"china"` Foreign []cdn.WafRegionsModel `json:"foreign"` }
type QueryWafSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryWafSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *QueryWafSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryWafSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryWafSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryWafSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *QueryWafSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryWafSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryWafSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryWafSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryWafSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryWafSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryWafSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryWafSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafSwitchResult struct {
SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"`
type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult struct {
SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"`
type QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryWebProtectSettingsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWebProtectSettingsRequest( domain string, ) *QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryWebProtectSettingsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWebProtectSettingsRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryWebProtectSettingsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWebProtectSettingsRequestWithoutParam() *QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryWebProtectSettingsResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWebProtectSettingsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryWebProtectSettingsResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryWebProtectSettingsResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewQueryWebProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWebProtectSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQueryWebProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWebProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewQueryWebProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQueryWebProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QueryWebProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type QueryWebProtectSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWebProtectSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QueryWebProtectSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type QueryWebProtectSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QueryWebProtectSwitchResult struct {
SwitchStatus string `json:"switchStatus"`
type QuerywafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QuerywafBlackRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri] */ RuleType string `json:"ruleType"` /* ruleId, defalut empty (Optional) */ Id *string `json:"id"` /* page size , default 0 to query all (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* page index , default 0 to query all (Optional) */ PageIndex *int `json:"pageIndex"` }
func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequest( domain string, ruleType string, ) *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ruleType: ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri] (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ruleType string, id *string, pageSize *int, pageIndex *int, ) *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ruleType: ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri] (Required) * param id: ruleId, defalut empty (Optional) * param pageSize: page size , default 0 to query all (Optional) * param pageIndex: page index , default 0 to query all (Optional)
func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQuerywafBlackRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetId(id string)
param id: ruleId, defalut empty(Optional)
func (*QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetPageIndex ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetPageIndex(pageIndex int)
param pageIndex: page index , default 0 to query all(Optional)
func (*QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: page size , default 0 to query all(Optional)
func (*QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafBlackRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri](Required)
type QuerywafBlackRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QuerywafBlackRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QuerywafBlackRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type QuerywafBlackRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QuerywafBlackRulesResult struct {
Rules []cdn.WafBlackRuleModel `json:"rules"`
type QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri] */ RuleType string `json:"ruleType"` /* ruleId, defalut empty (Optional) */ Id *string `json:"id"` /* page size , default 0 to query all (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* page index , default 0 to query all (Optional) */ PageIndex *int `json:"pageIndex"` }
func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequest( domain string, ruleType string, ) *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ruleType: ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri] (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ruleType string, id *string, pageSize *int, pageIndex *int, ) *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ruleType: ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri] (Required) * param id: ruleId, defalut empty (Optional) * param pageSize: page size , default 0 to query all (Optional) * param pageIndex: page index , default 0 to query all (Optional)
func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewQuerywafWhiteRulesRequestWithoutParam() *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetId(id string)
param id: ruleId, defalut empty(Optional)
func (*QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetPageIndex ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetPageIndex(pageIndex int)
param pageIndex: page index , default 0 to query all(Optional)
func (*QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: page size , default 0 to query all(Optional)
func (*QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *QuerywafWhiteRulesRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: ruleType, valid values [ip, geo, uri](Required)
type QuerywafWhiteRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QuerywafWhiteRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result QuerywafWhiteRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type QuerywafWhiteRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type QuerywafWhiteRulesResult struct {
Rules []cdn.WafWhiteRuleModel `json:"rules"`
type SearchAttackLogRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SearchAttackLogRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 页码 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 分页条数 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` /* 排序字段,默认传avgbandwidth (Optional) */ SortField *string `json:"sortField"` /* 排序规则,默认是降序排序,传值asc或者desc (Optional) */ SortRule *string `json:"sortRule"` }
func NewSearchAttackLogRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSearchAttackLogRequest() *SearchAttackLogRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSearchAttackLogRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSearchAttackLogRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, sortField *string, sortRule *string, ) *SearchAttackLogRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z (Optional) * param pageNumber: 页码 (Optional) * param pageSize: 分页条数 (Optional) * param sortField: 排序字段,默认传avgbandwidth (Optional) * param sortRule: 排序规则,默认是降序排序,传值asc或者desc (Optional)
func NewSearchAttackLogRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSearchAttackLogRequestWithoutParam() *SearchAttackLogRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SearchAttackLogRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SearchAttackLogRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SearchAttackLogRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T07:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*SearchAttackLogRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 页码(Optional)
func (*SearchAttackLogRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 分页条数(Optional)
func (*SearchAttackLogRequest) SetSortField ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetSortField(sortField string)
param sortField: 排序字段,默认传avgbandwidth(Optional)
func (*SearchAttackLogRequest) SetSortRule ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetSortRule(sortRule string)
param sortRule: 排序规则,默认是降序排序,传值asc或者desc(Optional)
func (*SearchAttackLogRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SearchAttackLogRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2019-08-16T06:00:00Z(Optional)
type SearchAttackLogResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SearchAttackLogResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SearchAttackLogResult `json:"result"` }
type SearchAttackLogResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SearchAttackLogResult struct { CurrentCount int `json:"currentCount"` DataList []cdn.AttackLogRecord `json:"dataList"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` TotalPage int `json:"totalPage"` }
type SetAccelerateRegionRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetAccelerateRegionRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 加速区域,取值[mainland,nonMainland,all] (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` }
func NewSetAccelerateRegionRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetAccelerateRegionRequest( domain string, ) *SetAccelerateRegionRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetAccelerateRegionRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetAccelerateRegionRequestWithAllParams( domain string, accelerateRegion *string, ) *SetAccelerateRegionRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,取值[mainland,nonMainland,all] (Optional)
func NewSetAccelerateRegionRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetAccelerateRegionRequestWithoutParam() *SetAccelerateRegionRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetAccelerateRegionRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r SetAccelerateRegionRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetAccelerateRegionRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetAccelerateRegionRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,取值[mainland,nonMainland,all](Optional)
func (*SetAccelerateRegionRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetAccelerateRegionRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type SetAccelerateRegionResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetAccelerateRegionResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetAccelerateRegionResult `json:"result"` }
type SetAccelerateRegionResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetAccelerateRegionResult struct { }
type SetAccesskeyConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetAccesskeyConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 鉴权类型,0表示无鉴权,1表示参数鉴权,2表示路径鉴权 (Optional) */ AccesskeyType *int `json:"accesskeyType"` /* 密码,长度为8到32 (Optional) */ AccesskeyKey *string `json:"accesskeyKey"` /* 是否是回源鉴权 0表示是 1表示否 (Optional) */ AccesskeyKeep *int `json:"accesskeyKeep"` }
func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequest( domain string, ) *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, accesskeyType *int, accesskeyKey *string, accesskeyKeep *int, ) *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param accesskeyType: 鉴权类型,0表示无鉴权,1表示参数鉴权,2表示路径鉴权 (Optional) * param accesskeyKey: 密码,长度为8到32 (Optional) * param accesskeyKeep: 是否是回源鉴权 0表示是 1表示否 (Optional)
func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetAccesskeyConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyKeep ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyKeep(accesskeyKeep int)
param accesskeyKeep: 是否是回源鉴权 0表示是 1表示否(Optional)
func (*SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyKey(accesskeyKey string)
param accesskeyKey: 密码,长度为8到32(Optional)
func (*SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetAccesskeyType(accesskeyType int)
param accesskeyType: 鉴权类型,0表示无鉴权,1表示参数鉴权,2表示路径鉴权(Optional)
func (*SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetAccesskeyConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type SetAccesskeyConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetAccesskeyConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetAccesskeyConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type SetAccesskeyConfigResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetAccesskeyConfigResult struct { }
type SetAuthConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.42.0
type SetAuthConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 是否开启鉴权[on,off] (Optional) */ EnableUrlAuth *string `json:"enableUrlAuth"` /* 鉴权key (Optional) */ AuthKey *string `json:"authKey"` /* 鉴权时间戳过期时间,默认为0 (Optional) */ Age *int `json:"age"` /* 鉴权参数加密算法,默认为md5且只支持md5 (Optional) */ EncAlgorithm *string `json:"encAlgorithm"` /* 时间戳格式[hex,dec] (Optional) */ TimeFormat *string `json:"timeFormat"` /* 加密算法版本[dash,dashv2,video],默认dashv2 (Optional) */ UriType *string `json:"uriType"` /* 鉴权key生成顺序 (Optional) */ Rule *string `json:"rule"` }
func NewSetAuthConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.42.0
func NewSetAuthConfigRequest( domain string, ) *SetAuthConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetAuthConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.42.0
func NewSetAuthConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, enableUrlAuth *string, authKey *string, age *int, encAlgorithm *string, timeFormat *string, uriType *string, rule *string, ) *SetAuthConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param enableUrlAuth: 是否开启鉴权[on,off] (Optional) * param authKey: 鉴权key (Optional) * param age: 鉴权时间戳过期时间,默认为0 (Optional) * param encAlgorithm: 鉴权参数加密算法,默认为md5且只支持md5 (Optional) * param timeFormat: 时间戳格式[hex,dec] (Optional) * param uriType: 加密算法版本[dash,dashv2,video],默认dashv2 (Optional) * param rule: 鉴权key生成顺序 (Optional)
func NewSetAuthConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.42.0
func NewSetAuthConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetAuthConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetAuthConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r SetAuthConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetAge ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetAge(age int)
param age: 鉴权时间戳过期时间,默认为0(Optional)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetAuthKey ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetAuthKey(authKey string)
param authKey: 鉴权key(Optional)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetEnableUrlAuth ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetEnableUrlAuth(enableUrlAuth string)
param enableUrlAuth: 是否开启鉴权[on,off](Optional)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetEncAlgorithm ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetEncAlgorithm(encAlgorithm string)
param encAlgorithm: 鉴权参数加密算法,默认为md5且只支持md5(Optional)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetRule ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetRule(rule string)
param rule: 鉴权key生成顺序(Optional)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetTimeFormat ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetTimeFormat(timeFormat string)
param timeFormat: 时间戳格式[hex,dec](Optional)
func (*SetAuthConfigRequest) SetUriType ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetAuthConfigRequest) SetUriType(uriType string)
param uriType: 加密算法版本[dash,dashv2,video],默认dashv2(Optional)
type SetAuthConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.42.0
type SetAuthConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetAuthConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type SetAuthConfigResult ¶ added in v1.42.0
type SetAuthConfigResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type SetCCProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetCCProtectSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional) */ SwitchStatus *string `json:"switchStatus"` }
func NewSetCCProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetCCProtectSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *SetCCProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetCCProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetCCProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, switchStatus *string, ) *SetCCProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional)
func NewSetCCProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetCCProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *SetCCProtectSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetCCProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetCCProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetCCProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetCCProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetCCProtectSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetCCProtectSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus(switchStatus string)
param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭(Optional)
type SetCCProtectSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetCCProtectSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetCCProtectSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type SetCCProtectSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetCCProtectSwitchResult struct { }
type SetCacheRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type SetCacheRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* (Optional) */ CacheRules []cdn.CacheRuleVo `json:"cacheRules"` }
func NewSetCacheRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewSetCacheRulesRequest( domain string, ) *SetCacheRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetCacheRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewSetCacheRulesRequestWithAllParams( domain string, cacheRules []cdn.CacheRuleVo, ) *SetCacheRulesRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param cacheRules: (Optional)
func NewSetCacheRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewSetCacheRulesRequestWithoutParam() *SetCacheRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetCacheRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r SetCacheRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetCacheRulesRequest) SetCacheRules ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *SetCacheRulesRequest) SetCacheRules(cacheRules []cdn.CacheRuleVo)
param cacheRules: (Optional)
func (*SetCacheRulesRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *SetCacheRulesRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type SetCacheRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type SetCacheRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetCacheRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type SetCacheRulesResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type SetCustomErrorPageRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetCustomErrorPageRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 自定义错误页面配置 (Optional) */ ErrorPageConfigs []cdn.ErrorPageConfigs `json:"errorPageConfigs"` }
func NewSetCustomErrorPageRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetCustomErrorPageRequest( domain string, ) *SetCustomErrorPageRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetCustomErrorPageRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetCustomErrorPageRequestWithAllParams( domain string, errorPageConfigs []cdn.ErrorPageConfigs, ) *SetCustomErrorPageRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param errorPageConfigs: 自定义错误页面配置 (Optional)
func NewSetCustomErrorPageRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetCustomErrorPageRequestWithoutParam() *SetCustomErrorPageRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetCustomErrorPageRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r SetCustomErrorPageRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetCustomErrorPageRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetCustomErrorPageRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetCustomErrorPageRequest) SetErrorPageConfigs ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetCustomErrorPageRequest) SetErrorPageConfigs(errorPageConfigs []cdn.ErrorPageConfigs)
param errorPageConfigs: 自定义错误页面配置(Optional)
type SetCustomErrorPageResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetCustomErrorPageResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetCustomErrorPageResult `json:"result"` }
type SetCustomErrorPageResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetCustomErrorPageResult struct { }
type SetDomainConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetDomainConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* http类型,只能为http或者https (Optional) */ HttpType *string `json:"httpType"` /* 回源类型 (Optional) */ BackSourceType *string `json:"backSourceType"` /* 有三种类型:default、http、https (Optional) */ JumpType *string `json:"jumpType"` /* dash鉴权相关配置 (Optional) */ JcdnTimeAnti *string `json:"jcdnTimeAnti"` /* 回源鉴权相关配置 (Optional) */ HdrCtrl *string `json:"hdrCtrl"` /* 头条header配置 (Optional) */ ToutiaoHeader *string `json:"toutiaoHeader"` }
func NewSetDomainConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetDomainConfigRequest( domain string, ) *SetDomainConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetDomainConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetDomainConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, httpType *string, backSourceType *string, jumpType *string, jcdnTimeAnti *string, hdrCtrl *string, toutiaoHeader *string, ) *SetDomainConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param httpType: http类型,只能为http或者https (Optional) * param backSourceType: 回源类型 (Optional) * param jumpType: 有三种类型:default、http、https (Optional) * param jcdnTimeAnti: dash鉴权相关配置 (Optional) * param hdrCtrl: 回源鉴权相关配置 (Optional) * param toutiaoHeader: 头条header配置 (Optional)
func NewSetDomainConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetDomainConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetDomainConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetDomainConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetDomainConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetBackSourceType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
param backSourceType: 回源类型(Optional)
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetHdrCtrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetHdrCtrl(hdrCtrl string)
param hdrCtrl: 回源鉴权相关配置(Optional)
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetHttpType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
param httpType: http类型,只能为http或者https(Optional)
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetJcdnTimeAnti ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetJcdnTimeAnti(jcdnTimeAnti string)
param jcdnTimeAnti: dash鉴权相关配置(Optional)
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetJumpType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetJumpType(jumpType string)
param jumpType: 有三种类型:default、http、https(Optional)
func (*SetDomainConfigRequest) SetToutiaoHeader ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetDomainConfigRequest) SetToutiaoHeader(toutiaoHeader string)
param toutiaoHeader: 头条header配置(Optional)
type SetDomainConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetDomainConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetDomainConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type SetDomainConfigResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetDomainConfigResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type SetExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetExtraCacheTimeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个 (Optional) */ HttpCode *string `json:"httpCode"` /* 缓存时间(单位:秒) (Optional) */ CacheTime *int64 `json:"cacheTime"` }
func NewSetExtraCacheTimeRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetExtraCacheTimeRequest( domain string, ) *SetExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithAllParams( domain string, httpCode *string, cacheTime *int64, ) *SetExtraCacheTimeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param httpCode: 异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个 (Optional) * param cacheTime: 缓存时间(单位:秒) (Optional)
func NewSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetExtraCacheTimeRequestWithoutParam() *SetExtraCacheTimeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetCacheTime ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetCacheTime(cacheTime int64)
param cacheTime: 缓存时间(单位:秒)(Optional)
func (*SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetHttpCode ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetExtraCacheTimeRequest) SetHttpCode(httpCode string)
param httpCode: 异常状态码 ["4xx","400", "401", "402", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409", "410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "5xx","500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505"]中的其中一个(Optional)
type SetExtraCacheTimeResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetExtraCacheTimeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetExtraCacheTimeResult `json:"result"` }
type SetExtraCacheTimeResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetExtraCacheTimeResult struct { }
type SetFilterArgsRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetFilterArgsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 保留参数,多个用;隔开 (Optional) */ RetainArgs *string `json:"retainArgs"` /* 忽略参数开关,取值:on or off (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewSetFilterArgsRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetFilterArgsRequest( domain string, ) *SetFilterArgsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetFilterArgsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetFilterArgsRequestWithAllParams( domain string, retainArgs *string, status *string, ) *SetFilterArgsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param retainArgs: 保留参数,多个用;隔开 (Optional) * param status: 忽略参数开关,取值:on or off (Optional)
func NewSetFilterArgsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetFilterArgsRequestWithoutParam() *SetFilterArgsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetFilterArgsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r SetFilterArgsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetFilterArgsRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetFilterArgsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetFilterArgsRequest) SetRetainArgs ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetFilterArgsRequest) SetRetainArgs(retainArgs string)
param retainArgs: 保留参数,多个用;隔开(Optional)
func (*SetFilterArgsRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetFilterArgsRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 忽略参数开关,取值:on or off(Optional)
type SetFilterArgsResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetFilterArgsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetFilterArgsResult `json:"result"` }
type SetFilterArgsResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetFilterArgsResult struct { }
type SetFollowRedirectRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetFollowRedirectRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewSetFollowRedirectRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetFollowRedirectRequest( domain string, ) *SetFollowRedirectRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetFollowRedirectRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetFollowRedirectRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *SetFollowRedirectRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 开关取值[on,off] (Optional)
func NewSetFollowRedirectRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetFollowRedirectRequestWithoutParam() *SetFollowRedirectRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetFollowRedirectRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r SetFollowRedirectRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetFollowRedirectRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *SetFollowRedirectRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetFollowRedirectRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *SetFollowRedirectRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 开关取值[on,off](Optional)
type SetFollowRedirectResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetFollowRedirectResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetFollowRedirectResult `json:"result"` }
type SetFollowRedirectResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetFollowRedirectResult struct { }
type SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewSetFollowSourceProtocolRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetFollowSourceProtocolRequest( domain string, ) *SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 开关取值[on,off] (Optional)
func NewSetFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetFollowSourceProtocolRequestWithoutParam() *SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *SetFollowSourceProtocolRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 开关取值[on,off](Optional)
type SetFollowSourceProtocolResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetFollowSourceProtocolResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetFollowSourceProtocolResult `json:"result"` }
type SetFollowSourceProtocolResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetFollowSourceProtocolResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type SetGzipRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetGzipRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` /* gzip类型,如application/x-javascript,application/xml (Optional) */ GzipTypes *string `json:"gzipTypes"` }
func NewSetGzipRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetGzipRequest( domain string, ) *SetGzipRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetGzipRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetGzipRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, gzipTypes *string, ) *SetGzipRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) * param gzipTypes: gzip类型,如application/x-javascript,application/xml (Optional)
func NewSetGzipRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSetGzipRequestWithoutParam() *SetGzipRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetGzipRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r SetGzipRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetGzipRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetGzipRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetGzipRequest) SetGzipTypes ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetGzipRequest) SetGzipTypes(gzipTypes string)
param gzipTypes: gzip类型,如application/x-javascript,application/xml(Optional)
func (*SetGzipRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetGzipRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 开关取值[on,off](Optional)
type SetGzipResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetGzipResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetGzipResult `json:"result"` }
type SetGzipResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SetGzipResult struct { }
type SetHttpHeaderRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetHttpHeaderRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 0表示header在边缘生效,1表示header回源生效,2表示在边缘和回源都生效,该字段不传时默认header在边缘和回源都生效 (Optional) */ EdgeType *int `json:"edgeType"` /* header类型[resp,req],resp:配置响应头,req:配置请求头 (Optional) */ HeaderType *string `json:"headerType"` /* header名,例如:Content-Disposition,可自定义,长度不能超过256个字符,不能包含中文字符,不能包含$和_,不支持设置如下头名:["Content-Length","Date","Host","Content-Encoding","If-Modified-Since","If-Range","Content-Type","Transfer-Encoding","Cache-Control","Last-Modified","Connection", "Content-Range","ETag","Age","Authentication-Info","Proxy-Authenticate","Retry-After","Set-Cookie","Vary","Content-Location","Meter","Allow","Error","X-Trace", "Proxy-Connection"] (Optional) */ HeaderName *string `json:"headerName"` /* header值,不能包含($,_,#),不能超过256个字符 (Optional) */ HeaderValue *string `json:"headerValue"` }
func NewSetHttpHeaderRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetHttpHeaderRequest( domain string, ) *SetHttpHeaderRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetHttpHeaderRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetHttpHeaderRequestWithAllParams( domain string, edgeType *int, headerType *string, headerName *string, headerValue *string, ) *SetHttpHeaderRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param edgeType: 0表示header在边缘生效,1表示header回源生效,2表示在边缘和回源都生效,该字段不传时默认header在边缘和回源都生效 (Optional) * param headerType: header类型[resp,req],resp:配置响应头,req:配置请求头 (Optional) * param headerName: header名,例如:Content-Disposition,可自定义,长度不能超过256个字符,不能包含中文字符,不能包含$和_,不支持设置如下头名:["Content-Length","Date","Host","Content-Encoding","If-Modified-Since","If-Range","Content-Type","Transfer-Encoding","Cache-Control","Last-Modified","Connection", "Content-Range","ETag","Age","Authentication-Info","Proxy-Authenticate","Retry-After","Set-Cookie","Vary","Content-Location","Meter","Allow","Error","X-Trace", "Proxy-Connection"] (Optional) * param headerValue: header值,不能包含($,_,#),不能超过256个字符 (Optional)
func NewSetHttpHeaderRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetHttpHeaderRequestWithoutParam() *SetHttpHeaderRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetHttpHeaderRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetEdgeType(edgeType int)
param edgeType: 0表示header在边缘生效,1表示header回源生效,2表示在边缘和回源都生效,该字段不传时默认header在边缘和回源都生效(Optional)
func (*SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderName(headerName string)
param headerName: header名,例如:Content-Disposition,可自定义,长度不能超过256个字符,不能包含中文字符,不能包含$和_,不支持设置如下头名:["Content-Length","Date","Host","Content-Encoding","If-Modified-Since","If-Range","Content-Type","Transfer-Encoding","Cache-Control","Last-Modified","Connection", "Content-Range","ETag","Age","Authentication-Info","Proxy-Authenticate","Retry-After","Set-Cookie","Vary","Content-Location","Meter","Allow","Error","X-Trace", "Proxy-Connection"](Optional)
func (*SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderType(headerType string)
param headerType: header类型[resp,req],resp:配置响应头,req:配置请求头(Optional)
func (*SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderValue ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpHeaderRequest) SetHeaderValue(headerValue string)
param headerValue: header值,不能包含($,_,#),不能超过256个字符(Optional)
type SetHttpHeaderResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetHttpHeaderResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetHttpHeaderResult `json:"result"` }
type SetHttpHeaderResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetHttpHeaderResult struct { }
type SetHttpTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetHttpTypeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* http类型,只能为http或者https,默认为http.当设为https时,需要调用“设置通讯协议”接口上传证书和私钥 (Optional) */ HttpType *string `json:"httpType"` /* 用户证书,当Type为https时必须设置 (Optional) */ Certificate *string `json:"certificate"` /* 证书私钥 (Optional) */ RsaKey *string `json:"rsaKey"` /* 有三种类型:default、http、https (Optional) */ JumpType *string `json:"jumpType"` /* 证书来源有两种类型:default,ssl (Optional) */ CertFrom *string `json:"certFrom"` /* ssl证书id (Optional) */ SslCertId *string `json:"sslCertId"` /* 是否同步到ssl,boolean值,取值true或者false (Optional) */ SyncToSsl *bool `json:"syncToSsl"` /* syncToSsl是true时,certName是必填项 (Optional) */ CertName *string `json:"certName"` }
func NewSetHttpTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetHttpTypeRequest( domain string, ) *SetHttpTypeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetHttpTypeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetHttpTypeRequestWithAllParams( domain string, httpType *string, certificate *string, rsaKey *string, jumpType *string, certFrom *string, sslCertId *string, syncToSsl *bool, certName *string, ) *SetHttpTypeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param httpType: http类型,只能为http或者https,默认为http.当设为https时,需要调用“设置通讯协议”接口上传证书和私钥 (Optional) * param certificate: 用户证书,当Type为https时必须设置 (Optional) * param rsaKey: 证书私钥 (Optional) * param jumpType: 有三种类型:default、http、https (Optional) * param certFrom: 证书来源有两种类型:default,ssl (Optional) * param sslCertId: ssl证书id (Optional) * param syncToSsl: 是否同步到ssl,boolean值,取值true或者false (Optional) * param certName: syncToSsl是true时,certName是必填项 (Optional)
func NewSetHttpTypeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetHttpTypeRequestWithoutParam() *SetHttpTypeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetHttpTypeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetHttpTypeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertFrom ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertFrom(certFrom string)
param certFrom: 证书来源有两种类型:default,ssl(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertName ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertName(certName string)
param certName: syncToSsl是true时,certName是必填项(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertificate ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetCertificate(certificate string)
param certificate: 用户证书,当Type为https时必须设置(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetHttpType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetHttpType(httpType string)
param httpType: http类型,只能为http或者https,默认为http.当设为https时,需要调用“设置通讯协议”接口上传证书和私钥(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetJumpType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetJumpType(jumpType string)
param jumpType: 有三种类型:default、http、https(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetRsaKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetRsaKey(rsaKey string)
param rsaKey: 证书私钥(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetSslCertId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetSslCertId(sslCertId string)
param sslCertId: ssl证书id(Optional)
func (*SetHttpTypeRequest) SetSyncToSsl ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetHttpTypeRequest) SetSyncToSsl(syncToSsl bool)
param syncToSsl: 是否同步到ssl,boolean值,取值true或者false(Optional)
type SetHttpTypeResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetHttpTypeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetHttpTypeResult `json:"result"` }
type SetHttpTypeResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetHttpTypeResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewSetIgnoreQueryStringRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetIgnoreQueryStringRequest( domain string, ) *SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetIgnoreQueryStringRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetIgnoreQueryStringRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 开关取值[on,off] (Optional)
func NewSetIgnoreQueryStringRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetIgnoreQueryStringRequestWithoutParam() *SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetIgnoreQueryStringRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 开关取值[on,off](Optional)
type SetIgnoreQueryStringResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetIgnoreQueryStringResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetIgnoreQueryStringResult `json:"result"` }
type SetIgnoreQueryStringResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetIgnoreQueryStringResult struct { }
type SetIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetIpBlackListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* ip名单,ips中url不能超过50条,中国境外/全球加速域名暂不支持传IP段 (Optional) */ Ips []string `json:"ips"` /* ip黑白名单类型,black:黑名单,white:白名单 (Optional) */ IpListType *string `json:"ipListType"` }
func NewSetIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetIpBlackListRequest( domain string, ) *SetIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ips []string, ipListType *string, ) *SetIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ips: ip名单,ips中url不能超过50条,中国境外/全球加速域名暂不支持传IP段 (Optional) * param ipListType: ip黑白名单类型,black:黑名单,white:白名单 (Optional)
func NewSetIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *SetIpBlackListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetIpBlackListRequest) SetIpListType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetIpBlackListRequest) SetIpListType(ipListType string)
param ipListType: ip黑白名单类型,black:黑名单,white:白名单(Optional)
func (*SetIpBlackListRequest) SetIps ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetIpBlackListRequest) SetIps(ips []string)
param ips: ip名单,ips中url不能超过50条,中国境外/全球加速域名暂不支持传IP段(Optional)
type SetIpBlackListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetIpBlackListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetIpBlackListResult `json:"result"` }
type SetIpBlackListResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetIpBlackListResult struct { }
type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* url鉴权开启1关闭0 (Optional) */ AccesskeyType *int `json:"accesskeyType"` /* url鉴权开启时必传 (Optional) */ AccesskeyKey *string `json:"accesskeyKey"` /* 开启时默认值为300s,关闭时为0 (Optional) */ AuthLifeTime *int `json:"authLifeTime"` }
func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest( domain string, ) *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequestWithAllParams( domain string, accesskeyType *int, accesskeyKey *string, authLifeTime *int, ) *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param accesskeyType: url鉴权开启1关闭0 (Optional) * param accesskeyKey: url鉴权开启时必传 (Optional) * param authLifeTime: 开启时默认值为300s,关闭时为0 (Optional)
func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAccesskeyKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAccesskeyKey(accesskeyKey string)
param accesskeyKey: url鉴权开启时必传(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAccesskeyType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAccesskeyType(accesskeyType int)
param accesskeyType: url鉴权开启1关闭0(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAuthLifeTime ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetAuthLifeTime(authLifeTime int)
param authLifeTime: 开启时默认值为300s,关闭时为0(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainAccessKeyRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResult `json:"result"` }
type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainAccessKeyResult struct { }
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 默认回源host (Optional) */ SourceHost *string `json:"sourceHost"` }
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest( domain string, ) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequestWithAllParams( domain string, sourceHost *string, ) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param sourceHost: 默认回源host (Optional)
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest) SetSourceHost ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostRequest) SetSourceHost(sourceHost string)
param sourceHost: 默认回源host(Optional)
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResult `json:"result"` }
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceHostResult struct { }
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 回源类型只能为[ips,domain]中的一种 (Optional) */ SourceType *string `json:"sourceType"` /* (Optional) */ BackSourceType *string `json:"backSourceType"` /* 默认回源host (Optional) */ DefaultSourceHost *string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` /* (Optional) */ DomainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo `json:"domainSource"` /* (Optional) */ IpSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo `json:"ipSource"` }
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest( domain string, ) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequestWithAllParams( domain string, sourceType *string, backSourceType *string, defaultSourceHost *string, domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo, ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo, ) *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param sourceType: 回源类型只能为[ips,domain]中的一种 (Optional) * param backSourceType: (Optional) * param defaultSourceHost: 默认回源host (Optional) * param domainSource: (Optional) * param ipSource: (Optional)
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainBackSourceRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetBackSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
param backSourceType: (Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
param defaultSourceHost: 默认回源host(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDomainSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
param domainSource: (Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetIpSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
param ipSource: (Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainBackSourceRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
param sourceType: 回源类型只能为[ips,domain]中的一种(Optional)
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetLiveDomainBackSourceResult `json:"result"` }
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainBackSourceResult struct { }
type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* ip名单,ips中url不能超过50条 (Optional) */ Ips []string `json:"ips"` /* ip黑白名单类型,black:黑名单,white:白名单 (Optional) */ IpListType *string `json:"ipListType"` }
func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest( domain string, ) *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ips []string, ipListType *string, ) *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param ips: ip名单,ips中url不能超过50条 (Optional) * param ipListType: ip黑白名单类型,black:黑名单,white:白名单 (Optional)
func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetIpListType ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetIpListType(ipListType string)
param ipListType: ip黑白名单类型,black:黑名单,white:白名单(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetIps ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainIpBlackListRequest) SetIps(ips []string)
param ips: ip名单,ips中url不能超过50条(Optional)
type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResult `json:"result"` }
type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainIpBlackListResult struct { }
type SetLiveDomainReferRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainReferRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* refer类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单)默认为block (Optional) */ ReferType *string `json:"referType"` /* 逗号隔开的域名列表,如果referList传空则为删除 (Optional) */ ReferList []string `json:"referList"` /* 是否允许空refer访问,默认为“on” (Optional) */ AllowNoReferHeader *string `json:"allowNoReferHeader"` /* 是否允许无ua访问,默认为“on” (Optional) */ AllowNullReferHeader *string `json:"allowNullReferHeader"` }
func NewSetLiveDomainReferRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainReferRequest( domain string, ) *SetLiveDomainReferRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetLiveDomainReferRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainReferRequestWithAllParams( domain string, referType *string, referList []string, allowNoReferHeader *string, allowNullReferHeader *string, ) *SetLiveDomainReferRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param referType: refer类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单)默认为block (Optional) * param referList: 逗号隔开的域名列表,如果referList传空则为删除 (Optional) * param allowNoReferHeader: 是否允许空refer访问,默认为“on” (Optional) * param allowNullReferHeader: 是否允许无ua访问,默认为“on” (Optional)
func NewSetLiveDomainReferRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetLiveDomainReferRequestWithoutParam() *SetLiveDomainReferRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetLiveDomainReferRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetLiveDomainReferRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetAllowNoReferHeader ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetAllowNoReferHeader(allowNoReferHeader string)
param allowNoReferHeader: 是否允许空refer访问,默认为“on”(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetAllowNullReferHeader ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetAllowNullReferHeader(allowNullReferHeader string)
param allowNullReferHeader: 是否允许无ua访问,默认为“on”(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetReferList ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetReferList(referList []string)
param referList: 逗号隔开的域名列表,如果referList传空则为删除(Optional)
func (*SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetReferType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetLiveDomainReferRequest) SetReferType(referType string)
param referType: refer类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单)默认为block(Optional)
type SetLiveDomainReferResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainReferResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetLiveDomainReferResult `json:"result"` }
type SetLiveDomainReferResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetLiveDomainReferResult struct { }
type SetMonitorRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetMonitorRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 探测周期,取值1和5,单位为分钟 (Optional) */ Cycle *int `json:"cycle"` /* 探测路径 (Optional) */ MonitorPath *string `json:"monitorPath"` /* http请求头 (Optional) */ HttpRequestHeader *interface{} `json:"httpRequestHeader"` }
func NewSetMonitorRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetMonitorRequest( domain string, ) *SetMonitorRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetMonitorRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetMonitorRequestWithAllParams( domain string, cycle *int, monitorPath *string, httpRequestHeader *interface{}, ) *SetMonitorRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param cycle: 探测周期,取值1和5,单位为分钟 (Optional) * param monitorPath: 探测路径 (Optional) * param httpRequestHeader: http请求头 (Optional)
func NewSetMonitorRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetMonitorRequestWithoutParam() *SetMonitorRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetMonitorRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetMonitorRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetMonitorRequest) SetCycle ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetMonitorRequest) SetCycle(cycle int)
param cycle: 探测周期,取值1和5,单位为分钟(Optional)
func (*SetMonitorRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetMonitorRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetMonitorRequest) SetHttpRequestHeader ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetMonitorRequest) SetHttpRequestHeader(httpRequestHeader interface{})
param httpRequestHeader: http请求头(Optional)
func (*SetMonitorRequest) SetMonitorPath ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetMonitorRequest) SetMonitorPath(monitorPath string)
param monitorPath: 探测路径(Optional)
type SetMonitorResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetMonitorResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetMonitorResult `json:"result"` }
type SetMonitorResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetMonitorResult struct {
MonitorId int64 `json:"monitorId"`
type SetNetProtectionRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetNetProtectionRulesRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 源新建连接限速,取值on,off,其中on开启,off关闭 (Optional) */ SrcNewConnLimitEnable *string `json:"srcNewConnLimitEnable"` /* 目的新建连接,取值on,off,其中on开启,off关闭 (Optional) */ DstNewConnLimitEnable *string `json:"dstNewConnLimitEnable"` /* 报文最小长度(包最小长度),取值:1-1500 (Optional) */ DatagramRangeMin *int64 `json:"datagramRangeMin"` /* 报文最大长度(包最大长度),取值:1-1500 (Optional) */ DatagramRangeMax *int64 `json:"datagramRangeMax"` /* 目的新建连接限速值,取值:0-4294967295 (Optional) */ DstNewConnLimitValue *int64 `json:"dstNewConnLimitValue"` /* 源新建连接限速值,取值:0-4294967295 (Optional) */ SrcNewConnLimitValue *int64 `json:"srcNewConnLimitValue"` /* 地域黑名单(GEO IP拦截) (Optional) */ GeoBlack []string `json:"geoBlack"` /* ip 黑名单 (Optional) */ IpBlack []string `json:"ipBlack"` /* ip 白名单 (Optional) */ IpWhite []string `json:"ipWhite"` }
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesRequest() *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesRequestWithAllParams( srcNewConnLimitEnable *string, dstNewConnLimitEnable *string, datagramRangeMin *int64, datagramRangeMax *int64, dstNewConnLimitValue *int64, srcNewConnLimitValue *int64, geoBlack []string, ipBlack []string, ipWhite []string, ) *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest
* param srcNewConnLimitEnable: 源新建连接限速,取值on,off,其中on开启,off关闭 (Optional) * param dstNewConnLimitEnable: 目的新建连接,取值on,off,其中on开启,off关闭 (Optional) * param datagramRangeMin: 报文最小长度(包最小长度),取值:1-1500 (Optional) * param datagramRangeMax: 报文最大长度(包最大长度),取值:1-1500 (Optional) * param dstNewConnLimitValue: 目的新建连接限速值,取值:0-4294967295 (Optional) * param srcNewConnLimitValue: 源新建连接限速值,取值:0-4294967295 (Optional) * param geoBlack: 地域黑名单(GEO IP拦截) (Optional) * param ipBlack: ip 黑名单 (Optional) * param ipWhite: ip 白名单 (Optional)
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesRequestWithoutParam() *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDatagramRangeMax ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDatagramRangeMax(datagramRangeMax int64)
param datagramRangeMax: 报文最大长度(包最大长度),取值:1-1500(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDatagramRangeMin ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDatagramRangeMin(datagramRangeMin int64)
param datagramRangeMin: 报文最小长度(包最小长度),取值:1-1500(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDstNewConnLimitEnable ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDstNewConnLimitEnable(dstNewConnLimitEnable string)
param dstNewConnLimitEnable: 目的新建连接,取值on,off,其中on开启,off关闭(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDstNewConnLimitValue ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetDstNewConnLimitValue(dstNewConnLimitValue int64)
param dstNewConnLimitValue: 目的新建连接限速值,取值:0-4294967295(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetGeoBlack ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetGeoBlack(geoBlack []string)
param geoBlack: 地域黑名单(GEO IP拦截)(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetIpBlack ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetIpBlack(ipBlack []string)
param ipBlack: ip 黑名单(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetIpWhite ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetIpWhite(ipWhite []string)
param ipWhite: ip 白名单(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetSrcNewConnLimitEnable ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetSrcNewConnLimitEnable(srcNewConnLimitEnable string)
param srcNewConnLimitEnable: 源新建连接限速,取值on,off,其中on开启,off关闭(Optional)
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetSrcNewConnLimitValue ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesRequest) SetSrcNewConnLimitValue(srcNewConnLimitValue int64)
param srcNewConnLimitValue: 源新建连接限速值,取值:0-4294967295(Optional)
type SetNetProtectionRulesResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetNetProtectionRulesResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetNetProtectionRulesResult `json:"result"` }
type SetNetProtectionRulesResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetNetProtectionRulesResult struct { }
type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* on,off (Optional) */ SwitchStatus *string `json:"switchStatus"` }
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest() *SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithAllParams( switchStatus *string, ) *SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
* param switchStatus: on,off (Optional)
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus(switchStatus string)
param switchStatus: on,off(Optional)
type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetNetProtectionRulesSwitchResult struct { }
type SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 计费方式,取值[0,1],0:日流量计费,1:日峰值带宽计费. (Optional) */ AllType *int `json:"allType"` }
func NewSetOnlineBillingTypeRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetOnlineBillingTypeRequest() *SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithAllParams( allType *int, ) *SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest
* param allType: 计费方式,取值[0,1],0:日流量计费,1:日峰值带宽计费. (Optional)
func NewSetOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSetOnlineBillingTypeRequestWithoutParam() *SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest) SetAllType ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (r *SetOnlineBillingTypeRequest) SetAllType(allType int)
param allType: 计费方式,取值[0,1],0:日流量计费,1:日峰值带宽计费.(Optional)
type SetOnlineBillingTypeResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetOnlineBillingTypeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetOnlineBillingTypeResult `json:"result"` }
type SetOnlineBillingTypeResult ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SetOnlineBillingTypeResult struct { }
type SetProtocolConvertRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetProtocolConvertRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* https证书,转https格式时必传 (Optional) */ Certificate *string `json:"certificate"` /* https私钥,转https格式时必传 (Optional) */ RsaKey *string `json:"rsaKey"` /* 证书来源有两种类型:default,ssl (Optional) */ CertFrom *string `json:"certFrom"` /* ssl证书id (Optional) */ SslCertId *string `json:"sslCertId"` /* 是否同步到ssl,boolean值,取值true或者false (Optional) */ SyncToSsl *bool `json:"syncToSsl"` /* syncToSsl是true时,certName是必填项 (Optional) */ CertName *string `json:"certName"` /* (Optional) */ ProtocolConverts []cdn.ProtocolConvert `json:"protocolConverts"` }
func NewSetProtocolConvertRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetProtocolConvertRequest( domain string, ) *SetProtocolConvertRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetProtocolConvertRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetProtocolConvertRequestWithAllParams( domain string, certificate *string, rsaKey *string, certFrom *string, sslCertId *string, syncToSsl *bool, certName *string, protocolConverts []cdn.ProtocolConvert, ) *SetProtocolConvertRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param certificate: https证书,转https格式时必传 (Optional) * param rsaKey: https私钥,转https格式时必传 (Optional) * param certFrom: 证书来源有两种类型:default,ssl (Optional) * param sslCertId: ssl证书id (Optional) * param syncToSsl: 是否同步到ssl,boolean值,取值true或者false (Optional) * param certName: syncToSsl是true时,certName是必填项 (Optional) * param protocolConverts: (Optional)
func NewSetProtocolConvertRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetProtocolConvertRequestWithoutParam() *SetProtocolConvertRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetProtocolConvertRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetProtocolConvertRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertFrom ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertFrom(certFrom string)
param certFrom: 证书来源有两种类型:default,ssl(Optional)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertName ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertName(certName string)
param certName: syncToSsl是true时,certName是必填项(Optional)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertificate ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetCertificate(certificate string)
param certificate: https证书,转https格式时必传(Optional)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetProtocolConverts ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetProtocolConverts(protocolConverts []cdn.ProtocolConvert)
param protocolConverts: (Optional)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetRsaKey ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetRsaKey(rsaKey string)
param rsaKey: https私钥,转https格式时必传(Optional)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetSslCertId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetSslCertId(sslCertId string)
param sslCertId: ssl证书id(Optional)
func (*SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetSyncToSsl ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetProtocolConvertRequest) SetSyncToSsl(syncToSsl bool)
param syncToSsl: 是否同步到ssl,boolean值,取值true或者false(Optional)
type SetProtocolConvertResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetProtocolConvertResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetProtocolConvertResult `json:"result"` }
type SetProtocolConvertResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetProtocolConvertResult struct { }
type SetRangeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetRangeRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewSetRangeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetRangeRequest( domain string, ) *SetRangeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetRangeRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetRangeRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *SetRangeRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 开关取值[on,off] (Optional)
func NewSetRangeRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetRangeRequestWithoutParam() *SetRangeRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetRangeRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetRangeRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetRangeRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetRangeRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetRangeRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetRangeRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 开关取值[on,off](Optional)
type SetRangeResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetRangeResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetRangeResult `json:"result"` }
type SetRangeResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetRangeResult struct { }
type SetReferRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetReferRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* refer类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单)默认为block (Optional) */ ReferType *string `json:"referType"` /* 逗号隔开的域名列表,如果referList传空则为删除,中国境内加速域名至多可配置400条,中国境外/全球加速域名至多可配置50条 (Optional) */ ReferList []string `json:"referList"` /* 是否允许空refer访问,默认为“on” (Optional) */ AllowNoReferHeader *string `json:"allowNoReferHeader"` /* 是否允许无ua访问,默认为“on” (Optional) */ AllowNullReferHeader *string `json:"allowNullReferHeader"` }
func NewSetReferRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetReferRequest( domain string, ) *SetReferRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetReferRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetReferRequestWithAllParams( domain string, referType *string, referList []string, allowNoReferHeader *string, allowNullReferHeader *string, ) *SetReferRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param referType: refer类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单)默认为block (Optional) * param referList: 逗号隔开的域名列表,如果referList传空则为删除,中国境内加速域名至多可配置400条,中国境外/全球加速域名至多可配置50条 (Optional) * param allowNoReferHeader: 是否允许空refer访问,默认为“on” (Optional) * param allowNullReferHeader: 是否允许无ua访问,默认为“on” (Optional)
func NewSetReferRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetReferRequestWithoutParam() *SetReferRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetReferRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetReferRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetReferRequest) SetAllowNoReferHeader ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetReferRequest) SetAllowNoReferHeader(allowNoReferHeader string)
param allowNoReferHeader: 是否允许空refer访问,默认为“on”(Optional)
func (*SetReferRequest) SetAllowNullReferHeader ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetReferRequest) SetAllowNullReferHeader(allowNullReferHeader string)
param allowNullReferHeader: 是否允许无ua访问,默认为“on”(Optional)
func (*SetReferRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetReferRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetReferRequest) SetReferList ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetReferRequest) SetReferList(referList []string)
param referList: 逗号隔开的域名列表,如果referList传空则为删除,中国境内加速域名至多可配置400条,中国境外/全球加速域名至多可配置50条(Optional)
func (*SetReferRequest) SetReferType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetReferRequest) SetReferType(referType string)
param referType: refer类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单)默认为block(Optional)
type SetReferResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetReferResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetReferResult `json:"result"` }
type SetReferResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetReferResult struct { }
type SetRefreshLimitRequest ¶ added in v1.45.0
type SetRefreshLimitRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 子账号,只有传值才会设置子账号,其余不传或传空是设置主账号 (Optional) */ SubUsers []string `json:"subUsers"` /* 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是2000;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新 (Optional) */ RefreshCount *int64 `json:"refreshCount"` /* 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是2000;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新 (Optional) */ PrefetchCount *int64 `json:"prefetchCount"` /* 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是50;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新 (Optional) */ DirCount *int64 `json:"dirCount"` }
func NewSetRefreshLimitRequest ¶ added in v1.45.0
func NewSetRefreshLimitRequest() *SetRefreshLimitRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetRefreshLimitRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.45.0
func NewSetRefreshLimitRequestWithAllParams( subUsers []string, refreshCount *int64, prefetchCount *int64, dirCount *int64, ) *SetRefreshLimitRequest
* param subUsers: 子账号,只有传值才会设置子账号,其余不传或传空是设置主账号 (Optional) * param refreshCount: 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是2000;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新 (Optional) * param prefetchCount: 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是2000;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新 (Optional) * param dirCount: 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是50;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新 (Optional)
func NewSetRefreshLimitRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.45.0
func NewSetRefreshLimitRequestWithoutParam() *SetRefreshLimitRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetRefreshLimitRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r SetRefreshLimitRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetDirCount ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetDirCount(dirCount int64)
param dirCount: 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是50;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新(Optional)
func (*SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetPrefetchCount ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetPrefetchCount(prefetchCount int64)
param prefetchCount: 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是2000;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新(Optional)
func (*SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetRefreshCount ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetRefreshCount(refreshCount int64)
param refreshCount: 刷新个数,如果是首次设置,不传默认是2000;已经设置,再次设置是更新,不传表示不进行更新(Optional)
func (*SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetSubUsers ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (r *SetRefreshLimitRequest) SetSubUsers(subUsers []string)
param subUsers: 子账号,只有传值才会设置子账号,其余不传或传空是设置主账号(Optional)
type SetRefreshLimitResponse ¶ added in v1.45.0
type SetRefreshLimitResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetRefreshLimitResult `json:"result"` }
type SetRefreshLimitResult ¶ added in v1.45.0
type SetRefreshLimitResult struct { }
type SetSourceAuthConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.42.0
type SetSourceAuthConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 是否开启鉴权[on,off] (Optional) */ Enable *string `json:"enable"` /* 回源为主/备[master,slave] (Optional) */ OriginRole *string `json:"originRole"` /* 鉴权类型[oss,aws,tos],aws暂不支持 (Optional) */ AuthType *string `json:"authType"` /* tos类型鉴权参数,authType为tos是不能为空 (Optional) */ TosAuthInfo *cdn.TOSAuthInfo `json:"tosAuthInfo"` /* oss类型鉴权参数,authType为oss是不能为空 (Optional) */ OssAuthInfo *cdn.OSSAuthInfo `json:"ossAuthInfo"` }
func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.42.0
func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequest( domain string, ) *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.42.0
func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, enable *string, originRole *string, authType *string, tosAuthInfo *cdn.TOSAuthInfo, ossAuthInfo *cdn.OSSAuthInfo, ) *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param enable: 是否开启鉴权[on,off] (Optional) * param originRole: 回源为主/备[master,slave] (Optional) * param authType: 鉴权类型[oss,aws,tos],aws暂不支持 (Optional) * param tosAuthInfo: tos类型鉴权参数,authType为tos是不能为空 (Optional) * param ossAuthInfo: oss类型鉴权参数,authType为oss是不能为空 (Optional)
func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.42.0
func NewSetSourceAuthConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetAuthType ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetAuthType(authType string)
param authType: 鉴权类型[oss,aws,tos],aws暂不支持(Optional)
func (*SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetEnable ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetEnable(enable string)
param enable: 是否开启鉴权[on,off](Optional)
func (*SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetOriginRole ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetOriginRole(originRole string)
param originRole: 回源为主/备[master,slave](Optional)
func (*SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetOssAuthInfo ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetOssAuthInfo(ossAuthInfo *cdn.OSSAuthInfo)
param ossAuthInfo: oss类型鉴权参数,authType为oss是不能为空(Optional)
func (*SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetTosAuthInfo ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (r *SetSourceAuthConfigRequest) SetTosAuthInfo(tosAuthInfo *cdn.TOSAuthInfo)
param tosAuthInfo: tos类型鉴权参数,authType为tos是不能为空(Optional)
type SetSourceAuthConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.42.0
type SetSourceAuthConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetSourceAuthConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type SetSourceAuthConfigResult ¶ added in v1.42.0
type SetSourceAuthConfigResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type SetSourceRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetSourceRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种 (Optional) */ SourceType *string `json:"sourceType"` /* 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http (Optional) */ BackSourceType *string `json:"backSourceType"` /* 加速区域,必须是[mainland,nonMainland,all]中的一种,分别代表大陆,海外+中国港澳台,全球 (Optional) */ AccelerateRegion *string `json:"accelerateRegion"` /* (Optional) */ IpSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo `json:"ipSource"` /* (Optional) */ DomainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo `json:"domainSource"` /* oss回源域名 (Optional) */ OssSource *string `json:"ossSource"` /* 默认回源host (Optional) */ DefaultSourceHost *string `json:"defaultSourceHost"` }
func NewSetSourceRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetSourceRequest( domain string, ) *SetSourceRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetSourceRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetSourceRequestWithAllParams( domain string, sourceType *string, backSourceType *string, accelerateRegion *string, ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo, domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo, ossSource *string, defaultSourceHost *string, ) *SetSourceRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种 (Optional) * param backSourceType: 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http (Optional) * param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,必须是[mainland,nonMainland,all]中的一种,分别代表大陆,海外+中国港澳台,全球 (Optional) * param ipSource: (Optional) * param domainSource: (Optional) * param ossSource: oss回源域名 (Optional) * param defaultSourceHost: 默认回源host (Optional)
func NewSetSourceRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetSourceRequestWithoutParam() *SetSourceRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetSourceRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetSourceRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetAccelerateRegion ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetAccelerateRegion(accelerateRegion string)
param accelerateRegion: 加速区域,必须是[mainland,nonMainland,all]中的一种,分别代表大陆,海外+中国港澳台,全球(Optional)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetBackSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetBackSourceType(backSourceType string)
param backSourceType: 回源方式,只能是[https,http]中的一种,默认http(Optional)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetDefaultSourceHost(defaultSourceHost string)
param defaultSourceHost: 默认回源host(Optional)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetDomainSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetDomainSource(domainSource []cdn.DomainSourceInfo)
param domainSource: (Optional)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetIpSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetIpSource(ipSource []cdn.IpSourceInfo)
param ipSource: (Optional)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetOssSource ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetOssSource(ossSource string)
param ossSource: oss回源域名(Optional)
func (*SetSourceRequest) SetSourceType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetSourceRequest) SetSourceType(sourceType string)
param sourceType: 回源类型只能是[ips,domain,oss]中的一种(Optional)
type SetSourceResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetSourceResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetSourceResult `json:"result"` }
type SetSourceResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetSourceResult struct {
TaskId string `json:"taskId"`
type SetUserAgentConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetUserAgentConfigRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* userAgent类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单),默认为block (Optional) */ UserAgentType *string `json:"userAgentType"` /* UA列表,如果userAgentList为空,则为全部删除 (Optional) */ UserAgentList []string `json:"userAgentList"` }
func NewSetUserAgentConfigRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetUserAgentConfigRequest( domain string, ) *SetUserAgentConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetUserAgentConfigRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetUserAgentConfigRequestWithAllParams( domain string, userAgentType *string, userAgentList []string, ) *SetUserAgentConfigRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param userAgentType: userAgent类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单),默认为block (Optional) * param userAgentList: UA列表,如果userAgentList为空,则为全部删除 (Optional)
func NewSetUserAgentConfigRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetUserAgentConfigRequestWithoutParam() *SetUserAgentConfigRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetUserAgentConfigRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetUserAgentConfigRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetUserAgentConfigRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetUserAgentConfigRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetUserAgentConfigRequest) SetUserAgentList ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetUserAgentConfigRequest) SetUserAgentList(userAgentList []string)
param userAgentList: UA列表,如果userAgentList为空,则为全部删除(Optional)
func (*SetUserAgentConfigRequest) SetUserAgentType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetUserAgentConfigRequest) SetUserAgentType(userAgentType string)
param userAgentType: userAgent类型,取值:block(黑名单),allow(白名单),默认为block(Optional)
type SetUserAgentConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetUserAgentConfigResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetUserAgentConfigResult `json:"result"` }
type SetUserAgentConfigResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetUserAgentConfigResult struct { }
type SetVideoDraftRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetVideoDraftRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关取值[on,off] (Optional) */ Status *string `json:"status"` }
func NewSetVideoDraftRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetVideoDraftRequest( domain string, ) *SetVideoDraftRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetVideoDraftRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetVideoDraftRequestWithAllParams( domain string, status *string, ) *SetVideoDraftRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param status: 开关取值[on,off] (Optional)
func NewSetVideoDraftRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewSetVideoDraftRequestWithoutParam() *SetVideoDraftRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetVideoDraftRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r SetVideoDraftRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetVideoDraftRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetVideoDraftRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetVideoDraftRequest) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *SetVideoDraftRequest) SetStatus(status string)
param status: 开关取值[on,off](Optional)
type SetVideoDraftResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetVideoDraftResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetVideoDraftResult `json:"result"` }
type SetVideoDraftResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SetVideoDraftResult struct { }
type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional) */ SwitchStatus *string `json:"switchStatus"` }
func NewSetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, switchStatus *string, ) *SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional)
func NewSetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWafBlackRuleSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus(switchStatus string)
param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭(Optional)
type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafBlackRuleSwitchResult struct { }
type SetWafSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional) */ SwitchStatus *string `json:"switchStatus"` }
func NewSetWafSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *SetWafSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetWafSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, switchStatus *string, ) *SetWafSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional)
func NewSetWafSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *SetWafSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetWafSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetWafSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetWafSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWafSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetWafSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWafSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus(switchStatus string)
param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭(Optional)
type SetWafSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetWafSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type SetWafSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafSwitchResult struct { }
type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional) */ SwitchStatus *string `json:"switchStatus"` }
func NewSetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, switchStatus *string, ) *SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional)
func NewSetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus(switchStatus string)
param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭(Optional)
type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWafWhiteRuleSwitchResult struct { }
type SetWebProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWebProtectSwitchRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional) */ SwitchStatus *string `json:"switchStatus"` }
func NewSetWebProtectSwitchRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWebProtectSwitchRequest( domain string, ) *SetWebProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSetWebProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWebProtectSwitchRequestWithAllParams( domain string, switchStatus *string, ) *SetWebProtectSwitchRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭 (Optional)
func NewSetWebProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewSetWebProtectSwitchRequestWithoutParam() *SetWebProtectSwitchRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SetWebProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r SetWebProtectSwitchRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SetWebProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWebProtectSwitchRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SetWebProtectSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *SetWebProtectSwitchRequest) SetSwitchStatus(switchStatus string)
param switchStatus: 开关状态, on:开启,off:关闭(Optional)
type SetWebProtectSwitchResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWebProtectSwitchResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SetWebProtectSwitchResult `json:"result"` }
type SetWebProtectSwitchResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type SetWebProtectSwitchResult struct { }
type SpeedLimitRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
type SpeedLimitRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 限速值,单位为KB/s,取值范围[1,20480] (Optional) */ LimitRate *int `json:"limitRate"` }
func NewSpeedLimitRequest ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewSpeedLimitRequest( domain string, ) *SpeedLimitRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewSpeedLimitRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewSpeedLimitRequestWithAllParams( domain string, limitRate *int, ) *SpeedLimitRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param limitRate: 限速值,单位为KB/s,取值范围[1,20480] (Optional)
func NewSpeedLimitRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.56.0
func NewSpeedLimitRequestWithoutParam() *SpeedLimitRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (SpeedLimitRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r SpeedLimitRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*SpeedLimitRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *SpeedLimitRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*SpeedLimitRequest) SetLimitRate ¶ added in v1.56.0
func (r *SpeedLimitRequest) SetLimitRate(limitRate int)
param limitRate: 限速值,单位为KB/s,取值范围[1,20480](Optional)
type SpeedLimitResponse ¶ added in v1.56.0
type SpeedLimitResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result SpeedLimitResult `json:"result"` }
type SpeedLimitResult ¶ added in v1.56.0
type SpeedLimitResult struct { }
type StartDomainRequest ¶
type StartDomainRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewStartDomainRequest ¶
func NewStartDomainRequest( domain string, ) *StartDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewStartDomainRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewStartDomainRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *StartDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewStartDomainRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewStartDomainRequestWithoutParam() *StartDomainRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (StartDomainRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r StartDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*StartDomainRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *StartDomainRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type StartDomainResponse ¶
type StartDomainResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result StartDomainResult `json:"result"` }
type StartDomainResult ¶
type StartDomainResult struct { }
type StopDomainRequest ¶
type StopDomainRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewStopDomainRequest ¶
func NewStopDomainRequest( domain string, ) *StopDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewStopDomainRequestWithAllParams ¶
func NewStopDomainRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *StopDomainRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewStopDomainRequestWithoutParam ¶
func NewStopDomainRequestWithoutParam() *StopDomainRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (StopDomainRequest) GetRegionId ¶
func (r StopDomainRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*StopDomainRequest) SetDomain ¶
func (r *StopDomainRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type StopDomainResponse ¶
type StopDomainResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result StopDomainResult `json:"result"` }
type StopDomainResult ¶
type StopDomainResult struct { }
type StopMonitorRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type StopMonitorRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` }
func NewStopMonitorRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewStopMonitorRequest( domain string, ) *StopMonitorRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewStopMonitorRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewStopMonitorRequestWithAllParams( domain string, ) *StopMonitorRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required)
func NewStopMonitorRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewStopMonitorRequestWithoutParam() *StopMonitorRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (StopMonitorRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r StopMonitorRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*StopMonitorRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *StopMonitorRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
type StopMonitorResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type StopMonitorResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result StopMonitorResult `json:"result"` }
type StopMonitorResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type StopMonitorResult struct { }
type StopPrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type StopPrefetchTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 待停止预热的url (Optional) */ Urls []string `json:"urls"` /* 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个 (Optional) */ Region *string `json:"region"` /* 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` }
func NewStopPrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewStopPrefetchTaskRequest() *StopPrefetchTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewStopPrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewStopPrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams( urls []string, region *string, isp *string, ) *StopPrefetchTaskRequest
* param urls: 待停止预热的url (Optional) * param region: 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个 (Optional) * param isp: 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动 (Optional)
func NewStopPrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewStopPrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam() *StopPrefetchTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (StopPrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r StopPrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*StopPrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *StopPrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动(Optional)
func (*StopPrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *StopPrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion(region string)
param region: 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个(Optional)
func (*StopPrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrls ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *StopPrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrls(urls []string)
param urls: 待停止预热的url(Optional)
type StopPrefetchTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type StopPrefetchTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result StopPrefetchTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type StopPrefetchTaskResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type StopPrefetchTaskResult struct { }
type UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 需要修改的规则ID */ Id string `json:"id"` /* null (Optional) */ Uri *string `json:"uri"` /* null (Optional) */ DetectPeriod *int `json:"detectPeriod"` /* null (Optional) */ SingleIpLimit *int `json:"singleIpLimit"` /* null (Optional) */ BlockType *int `json:"blockType"` /* null (Optional) */ BlockTime *int `json:"blockTime"` }
func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequest( domain string, id string, ) *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: 需要修改的规则ID (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, id string, uri *string, detectPeriod *int, singleIpLimit *int, blockType *int, blockTime *int, ) *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: 需要修改的规则ID (Required) * param uri: null (Optional) * param detectPeriod: null (Optional) * param singleIpLimit: null (Optional) * param blockType: null (Optional) * param blockTime: null (Optional)
func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateCCProtectRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockTime(blockTime int)
param blockTime: null(Optional)
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetBlockType(blockType int)
param blockType: null(Optional)
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDetectPeriod ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDetectPeriod(detectPeriod int)
param detectPeriod: null(Optional)
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetId(id string)
param id: 需要修改的规则ID(Required)
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetSingleIpLimit ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetSingleIpLimit(singleIpLimit int)
param singleIpLimit: null(Optional)
func (*UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetUri ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateCCProtectRuleRequest) SetUri(uri string)
param uri: null(Optional)
type UpdateCCProtectRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateCCProtectRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdateCCProtectRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdateCCProtectRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateCCProtectRuleResult struct { }
type UpdateCacheRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type UpdateCacheRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 此条配置的权重值, 取值范围为1-10,1最大 (Optional) */ Weight *int `json:"weight"` /* 缓存时间,单位秒,中国境内加速域名最长可配置2年,中国境外/全球加速域名最长可配置1年 (Optional) */ Ttl *int64 `json:"ttl"` /* 规则内容。其他类型只能以/或者.开头,如/a/b或.jpg (Optional) */ Contents *string `json:"contents"` /* 缓存方式:0、不缓存,1自定义 (Optional) */ CacheType *int `json:"cacheType"` /* 缓存规则配置ID (Optional) */ ConfigId *int64 `json:"configId"` }
func NewUpdateCacheRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewUpdateCacheRuleRequest( domain string, ) *UpdateCacheRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdateCacheRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewUpdateCacheRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, weight *int, ttl *int64, contents *string, cacheType *int, configId *int64, ) *UpdateCacheRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param weight: 此条配置的权重值, 取值范围为1-10,1最大 (Optional) * param ttl: 缓存时间,单位秒,中国境内加速域名最长可配置2年,中国境外/全球加速域名最长可配置1年 (Optional) * param contents: 规则内容。其他类型只能以/或者.开头,如/a/b或.jpg (Optional) * param cacheType: 缓存方式:0、不缓存,1自定义 (Optional) * param configId: 缓存规则配置ID (Optional)
func NewUpdateCacheRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewUpdateCacheRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateCacheRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdateCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r UpdateCacheRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetCacheType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetCacheType(cacheType int)
param cacheType: 缓存方式:0、不缓存,1自定义(Optional)
func (*UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetConfigId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetConfigId(configId int64)
param configId: 缓存规则配置ID(Optional)
func (*UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetContents ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetContents(contents string)
param contents: 规则内容。其他类型只能以/或者.开头,如/a/b或.jpg(Optional)
func (*UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetTtl ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetTtl(ttl int64)
param ttl: 缓存时间,单位秒,中国境内加速域名最长可配置2年,中国境外/全球加速域名最长可配置1年(Optional)
func (*UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetWeight ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateCacheRuleRequest) SetWeight(weight int)
param weight: 此条配置的权重值, 取值范围为1-10,1最大(Optional)
type UpdateCacheRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type UpdateCacheRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdateCacheRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdateCacheRuleResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type UpdateCacheRuleResult struct { }
type UpdateDomainGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type UpdateDomainGroupRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 域名组id */ Id int `json:"id"` /* 域名组内域名,包含主域名 (Optional) */ Domains []string `json:"domains"` /* 主域名,开启共享缓存时必传 (Optional) */ PrimaryDomain *string `json:"primaryDomain"` ShareCache *string `json:"shareCache"` /* (Optional) */ DomainGroupName *string `json:"domainGroupName"` }
func NewUpdateDomainGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewUpdateDomainGroupRequest( id int, ) *UpdateDomainGroupRequest
* param id: 域名组id (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdateDomainGroupRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewUpdateDomainGroupRequestWithAllParams( id int, domains []string, primaryDomain *string, shareCache *string, domainGroupName *string, ) *UpdateDomainGroupRequest
* param id: 域名组id (Required) * param domains: 域名组内域名,包含主域名 (Optional) * param primaryDomain: 主域名,开启共享缓存时必传 (Optional) * param shareCache: 是否共享内存,共享缓存仅对中国境内加速域名生效 (Optional) * param domainGroupName: (Optional)
func NewUpdateDomainGroupRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewUpdateDomainGroupRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateDomainGroupRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdateDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r UpdateDomainGroupRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomainGroupName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomainGroupName(domainGroupName string)
param domainGroupName: (Optional)
func (*UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomains ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetDomains(domains []string)
param domains: 域名组内域名,包含主域名(Optional)
func (*UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetId(id int)
param id: 域名组id(Required)
func (*UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetPrimaryDomain ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetPrimaryDomain(primaryDomain string)
param primaryDomain: 主域名,开启共享缓存时必传(Optional)
func (*UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetShareCache ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *UpdateDomainGroupRequest) SetShareCache(shareCache string)
param shareCache: 是否共享内存,共享缓存仅对中国境内加速域名生效(Optional)
type UpdateDomainGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type UpdateDomainGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdateDomainGroupResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdateDomainGroupResult ¶ added in v1.3.0
type UpdateDomainGroupResult struct { }
type UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
type UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* url (Optional) */ Url *string `json:"url"` /* 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个 (Optional) */ Region *string `json:"region"` /* 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动 (Optional) */ Isp *string `json:"isp"` /* 副本数,介于1-1000之间 (Optional) */ CopyNum *int `json:"copyNum"` }
func NewUpdatePrefetchTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewUpdatePrefetchTaskRequest() *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdatePrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewUpdatePrefetchTaskRequestWithAllParams( url *string, region *string, isp *string, copyNum *int, ) *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest
* param url: url (Optional) * param region: 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个 (Optional) * param isp: 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动 (Optional) * param copyNum: 副本数,介于1-1000之间 (Optional)
func NewUpdatePrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewUpdatePrefetchTaskRequestWithoutParam() *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetCopyNum ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetCopyNum(copyNum int)
param copyNum: 副本数,介于1-1000之间(Optional)
func (*UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetIsp(isp string)
param isp: 运营商[ct uni cm]中的一个,分别代表电信 联通 移动(Optional)
func (*UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetRegion(region string)
param region: 地区[huabei huadong dongbei huazhong huanan xinan xibei gangaotai]中的一个(Optional)
func (*UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrl ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (r *UpdatePrefetchTaskRequest) SetUrl(url string)
param url: url(Optional)
type UpdatePrefetchTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
type UpdatePrefetchTaskResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdatePrefetchTaskResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdatePrefetchTaskResult ¶ added in v1.38.0
type UpdatePrefetchTaskResult struct { }
type UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 需要修改的黑名单ID */ Id string `json:"id"` /* 黑名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` /* 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) */ MatchOp *int `json:"matchOp"` /* 匹配值 (Optional) */ Val *string `json:"val"` /* 1:forbidden,493封禁并返回自定义页面 2:redirect,302跳转 3: verify@captcha 4: verify@jscookie (Optional) */ AtOp *int `json:"atOp"` /* action为1时为自定义页面名称,空值或缺省值default为默认页面,2时为跳转url,其他时无效 (Optional) */ AtVal *string `json:"atVal"` }
func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequest( domain string, id string, ) *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: 需要修改的黑名单ID (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, id string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, atOp *int, atVal *string, ) *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: 需要修改的黑名单ID (Required) * param ruleType: 黑名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) * param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) * param val: 匹配值 (Optional) * param atOp: 1:forbidden,493封禁并返回自定义页面 2:redirect,302跳转 3: verify@captcha 4: verify@jscookie (Optional) * param atVal: action为1时为自定义页面名称,空值或缺省值default为默认页面,2时为跳转url,其他时无效 (Optional)
func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWafBlackRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtOp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtOp(atOp int)
param atOp: 1:forbidden,493封禁并返回自定义页面 2:redirect,302跳转 3: verify@captcha 4: verify@jscookie(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtVal ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetAtVal(atVal string)
param atVal: action为1时为自定义页面名称,空值或缺省值default为默认页面,2时为跳转url,其他时无效(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetId(id string)
param id: 需要修改的黑名单ID(Required)
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetMatchOp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: 黑名单类型, uri ip geo(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetVal ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafBlackRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
param val: 匹配值(Optional)
type UpdateWafBlackRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWafBlackRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdateWafBlackRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdateWafBlackRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWafBlackRuleResult struct { }
type UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 需要修改的白名单ID */ Id string `json:"id"` /* 白名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) */ RuleType *string `json:"ruleType"` /* 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) */ MatchOp *int `json:"matchOp"` /* 匹配值 (Optional) */ Val *string `json:"val"` /* 后续处理 "waf" "cc" "deny"自由组合,空表示跳过后续所有阶段 (Optional) */ Actions []string `json:"actions"` }
func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest( domain string, id string, ) *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: 需要修改的白名单ID (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithAllParams( domain string, id string, ruleType *string, matchOp *int, val *string, actions []string, ) *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param id: 需要修改的白名单ID (Required) * param ruleType: 白名单类型, uri ip geo (Optional) * param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀 (Optional) * param val: 匹配值 (Optional) * param actions: 后续处理 "waf" "cc" "deny"自由组合,空表示跳过后续所有阶段 (Optional)
func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWafWhiteRuleRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetActions ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetActions(actions []string)
param actions: 后续处理 "waf" "cc" "deny"自由组合,空表示跳过后续所有阶段(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetId(id string)
param id: 需要修改的白名单ID(Required)
func (*UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetMatchOp ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetMatchOp(matchOp int)
param matchOp: 匹配模式,uri类型有效,0=完全匹配 1=前缀匹配 2=包含 3=正则 4=大于 5=后缀(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetRuleType ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetRuleType(ruleType string)
param ruleType: 白名单类型, uri ip geo(Optional)
func (*UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetVal ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWafWhiteRuleRequest) SetVal(val string)
param val: 匹配值(Optional)
type UpdateWafWhiteRuleResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWafWhiteRuleResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdateWafWhiteRuleResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdateWafWhiteRuleResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWafWhiteRuleResult struct { }
type UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 用户域名 */ Domain string `json:"domain"` /* 0:拦截模式 (阻断forbidden 493跳到自定义页面) ,1-检测模式(观察notice) (Optional) */ WafMode *string `json:"wafMode"` /* 规则策略等级 0为宽松, 1为正常, 2为严格 (Optional) */ WafLevel *int `json:"wafLevel"` /* 拦截模式跳转的自定义页面名称, 缺省或default返回默认页面 (Optional) */ Redirection *string `json:"redirection"` }
func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest( domain string, ) *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequestWithAllParams( domain string, wafMode *string, wafLevel *int, redirection *string, ) *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
* param domain: 用户域名 (Required) * param wafMode: 0:拦截模式 (阻断forbidden 493跳到自定义页面) ,1-检测模式(观察notice) (Optional) * param wafLevel: 规则策略等级 0为宽松, 1为正常, 2为严格 (Optional) * param redirection: 拦截模式跳转的自定义页面名称, 缺省或default返回默认页面 (Optional)
func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUpdateWebProtectSettingsRequestWithoutParam() *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 用户域名(Required)
func (*UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetRedirection ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetRedirection(redirection string)
param redirection: 拦截模式跳转的自定义页面名称, 缺省或default返回默认页面(Optional)
func (*UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetWafLevel ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetWafLevel(wafLevel int)
param wafLevel: 规则策略等级 0为宽松, 1为正常, 2为严格(Optional)
func (*UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetWafMode ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UpdateWebProtectSettingsRequest) SetWafMode(wafMode string)
param wafMode: 0:拦截模式 (阻断forbidden 493跳到自定义页面) ,1-检测模式(观察notice)(Optional)
type UpdateWebProtectSettingsResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWebProtectSettingsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UpdateWebProtectSettingsResult `json:"result"` }
type UpdateWebProtectSettingsResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UpdateWebProtectSettingsResult struct { }
type UploadCertRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UploadCertRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 证书名称 */ CertName string `json:"certName"` /* 私钥 */ KeyFile string `json:"keyFile"` /* 证书 */ CertFile string `json:"certFile"` /* 证书别名 (Optional) */ AliasName *string `json:"aliasName"` }
func NewUploadCertRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUploadCertRequest( certName string, keyFile string, certFile string, ) *UploadCertRequest
* param certName: 证书名称 (Required) * param keyFile: 私钥 (Required) * param certFile: 证书 (Required) * * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewUploadCertRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUploadCertRequestWithAllParams( certName string, keyFile string, certFile string, aliasName *string, ) *UploadCertRequest
* param certName: 证书名称 (Required) * param keyFile: 私钥 (Required) * param certFile: 证书 (Required) * param aliasName: 证书别名 (Optional)
func NewUploadCertRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewUploadCertRequestWithoutParam() *UploadCertRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (UploadCertRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r UploadCertRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*UploadCertRequest) SetAliasName ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UploadCertRequest) SetAliasName(aliasName string)
param aliasName: 证书别名(Optional)
func (*UploadCertRequest) SetCertFile ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UploadCertRequest) SetCertFile(certFile string)
param certFile: 证书(Required)
func (*UploadCertRequest) SetCertName ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UploadCertRequest) SetCertName(certName string)
param certName: 证书名称(Required)
func (*UploadCertRequest) SetKeyFile ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *UploadCertRequest) SetKeyFile(keyFile string)
param keyFile: 私钥(Required)
type UploadCertResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type UploadCertResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result UploadCertResult `json:"result"` }
type UploadCertResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` /* 排序字段 (Optional) */ SortField *string `json:"sortField"` /* 排序规则:desc,asc (Optional) */ SortRule *string `json:"sortRule"` /* 页码,从1开始 (Optional) */ PageNumber *int `json:"pageNumber"` /* 页大小,默认20 (Optional) */ PageSize *int `json:"pageSize"` }
func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequest() *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, sortField *string, sortRule *string, pageNumber *int, pageSize *int, ) *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) * param sortField: 排序字段 (Optional) * param sortRule: 排序规则:desc,asc (Optional) * param pageNumber: 页码,从1开始 (Optional) * param pageSize: 页大小,默认20 (Optional)
func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryAttackDetailsRequestWithoutParam() *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetPageNumber ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetPageNumber(pageNumber int)
param pageNumber: 页码,从1开始(Optional)
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetPageSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
param pageSize: 页大小,默认20(Optional)
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetSortField ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetSortField(sortField string)
param sortField: 排序字段(Optional)
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetSortRule ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetSortRule(sortRule string)
param sortRule: 排序规则:desc,asc(Optional)
func (*WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryAttackDetailsRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type WafQueryAttackDetailsResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryAttackDetailsResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result WafQueryAttackDetailsResult `json:"result"` }
type WafQueryAttackDetailsResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryAttackDetailsResult struct { Total string `json:"total"` AttackDetails []cdn.AttackDetail `json:"attackDetails"` }
type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` }
func NewWafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest() *WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewWafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, ) *WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional)
func NewWafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequestWithoutParam() *WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpResult `json:"result"` }
type WafQueryPvForAreaAndIpResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryPvRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryPvRequest struct { core.JDCloudRequest /* 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ StartTime *string `json:"startTime"` /* 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) */ EndTime *string `json:"endTime"` /* 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional) */ Domain *string `json:"domain"` }
func NewWafQueryPvRequest ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryPvRequest() *WafQueryPvRequest
* * @Deprecated, not compatible when mandatory parameters changed
func NewWafQueryPvRequestWithAllParams ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryPvRequestWithAllParams( startTime *string, endTime *string, domain *string, ) *WafQueryPvRequest
* param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z (Optional) * param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名 (Optional)
func NewWafQueryPvRequestWithoutParam ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewWafQueryPvRequestWithoutParam() *WafQueryPvRequest
This constructor has better compatible ability when API parameters changed
func (WafQueryPvRequest) GetRegionId ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r WafQueryPvRequest) GetRegionId() string
GetRegionId returns path parameter 'regionId' if exist, otherwise return empty string
func (*WafQueryPvRequest) SetDomain ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryPvRequest) SetDomain(domain string)
param domain: 需要查询的域名, 必须为用户pin下有权限的域名(Optional)
func (*WafQueryPvRequest) SetEndTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryPvRequest) SetEndTime(endTime string)
param endTime: 查询截止时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
func (*WafQueryPvRequest) SetStartTime ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (r *WafQueryPvRequest) SetStartTime(startTime string)
param startTime: 查询起始时间,UTC时间,格式为:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z',示例:2018-10-21T10:00:00Z(Optional)
type WafQueryPvResponse ¶ added in v1.13.0
type WafQueryPvResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Error core.ErrorResponse `json:"error"` Result WafQueryPvResult `json:"result"` }
Source Files
- BatCreatePrefetchTask.go
- BatchCreate.go
- BatchCreateLiveDomain.go
- BatchDeleteDomainGroup.go
- BatchIpBlackList.go
- BatchSetExtraCacheTime.go
- CheckWhetherIpBelongToJCloud.go
- ConfigBackSourceIpVersion.go
- ConfigBackSourceOss.go
- ConfigBackSourcePath.go
- ConfigBackSourceRule.go
- ConfigBackSourceRules.go
- ConfigHttp2.go
- ConfigServiceNotice.go
- ConfigUrlRule.go
- CreateCCProtectRule.go
- CreateCacheRule.go
- CreateDomain.go
- CreateDomainGroup.go
- CreateForbiddenInfo.go
- CreateForbiddenInfoCommon.go
- CreateLiveDomainPrefecthTask.go
- CreateRefreshTask.go
- CreateRefreshTaskForCallback.go
- CreateRefreshTaskForCallbackV2.go
- CreateWafBlackRule.go
- CreateWafWhiteRule.go
- DelDomainTempInstance.go
- DeleteCCProtectRule.go
- DeleteCacheRule.go
- DeleteDomain.go
- DeleteExtraCacheTime.go
- DeleteForbiddenInfo.go
- DeleteForbiddenInfoCommon.go
- DeleteForbiddenStream.go
- DeleteHttpHeader.go
- DeleteWafBlackRules.go
- DeleteWafWhiteRules.go
- DisableCCProtectRule.go
- DisableWafBlackRules.go
- DisableWafWhiteRules.go
- DomainTxtValidate.go
- EnableCCProtectRule.go
- EnableWafBlackRules.go
- EnableWafWhiteRules.go
- ExecuteDomainCopy.go
- GenerateDomainTxt.go
- GetAllUpperNodeIpList.go
- GetDomainDetail.go
- GetDomainList.go
- GetDomainListByFilter.go
- GetSslCertDetail.go
- GetSslCertList.go
- ModifyDomainTempInst.go
- OperateIpBlackList.go
- OperateLiveDomainIpBlackList.go
- OperatePurgeTask.go
- OperateShareCache.go
- PreviewCertificate.go
- QueryAccesskeyConfig.go
- QueryAreaIspList.go
- QueryAreaIspListV2.go
- QueryAttackTypeCount.go
- QueryAvgBandwidthForPCdn.go
- QueryBackSourceIpVersion.go
- QueryBackSourceOss.go
- QueryBackSourcePath.go
- QueryBackSourceRule.go
- QueryBackSourceRules.go
- QueryBand.go
- QueryBandWithArea.go
- QueryCCProtectRules.go
- QueryCCProtectSwitch.go
- QueryCdnUserQuota.go
- QueryCustomErrorPage.go
- QueryCustomizedDirBandWidth.go
- QueryDdosGraph.go
- QueryDefaultHttpHeaderKey.go
- QueryDeviceStatusForPCdn.go
- QueryDirBandwidth.go
- QueryDirStatsData.go
- QueryDomainAllConfigClassify.go
- QueryDomainCnameTag.go
- QueryDomainConfig.go
- QueryDomainConfigStatus.go
- QueryDomainGroupDetail.go
- QueryDomainGroupList.go
- QueryDomainLog.go
- QueryDomainTempInst.go
- QueryDomainTempInstList.go
- QueryDomainTempProKeys.go
- QueryDomainsLog.go
- QueryDomainsLogForJd.go
- QueryDomainsNotInGroup.go
- QueryExtraCacheTime.go
- QueryFilterArgs.go
- QueryFollowRedirect.go
- QueryFollowSourceProtocol.go
- QueryForbiddenInfoList.go
- QueryForbiddenInfoListCommon.go
- QueryGeoAreas.go
- QueryHttp2.go
- QueryHttpHeader.go
- QueryIpBlackList.go
- QueryIpBlackSettingStatus.go
- QueryJBoxAvgBandwidth.go
- QueryJDBoxStatisticsData.go
- QueryJDBoxStatisticsDataWithGroup.go
- QueryLiveDomainApps.go
- QueryLiveDomainDetail.go
- QueryLiveDomainIpBlackWhiteList.go
- QueryLivePrefetchTask.go
- QueryLiveStatisticsAreaDataGroupBy.go
- QueryLiveStatisticsData.go
- QueryLiveTrafficGroupSum.go
- QueryMixStatisticsData.go
- QueryMixStatisticsWithAreaData.go
- QueryMixTrafficGroupSum.go
- QueryMonitor.go
- QueryNetProtectionRules.go
- QueryNetProtectionRulesSwitch.go
- QueryOnlineBillingType.go
- QueryOssBuckets.go
- QueryPinCanIPType.go
- QueryPrefetchTask.go
- QueryPurgeTask.go
- QueryPushDomainORAppOrStream.go
- QueryRefreshLimit.go
- QueryRefreshTask.go
- QueryRefreshTaskById.go
- QueryRefreshTaskByIds.go
- QueryServiceIp.go
- QueryServiceNotice.go
- QueryStatisticsData.go
- QueryStatisticsDataGroupByArea.go
- QueryStatisticsDataGroupSum.go
- QueryStatisticsTopIp.go
- QueryStatisticsTopUrl.go
- QueryStreamInfo.go
- QueryUnForbiddenStatus.go
- QueryUrlRule.go
- QueryUserAgent.go
- QueryWafBlackRuleSwitch.go
- QueryWafRegions.go
- QueryWafSwitch.go
- QueryWafWhiteRuleSwitch.go
- QueryWebProtectSettings.go
- QueryWebProtectSwitch.go
- QuerywafBlackRules.go
- QuerywafWhiteRules.go
- SearchAttackLog.go
- SetAccelerateRegion.go
- SetAccesskeyConfig.go
- SetAuthConfig.go
- SetCCProtectSwitch.go
- SetCacheRules.go
- SetCustomErrorPage.go
- SetDomainConfig.go
- SetExtraCacheTime.go
- SetFilterArgs.go
- SetFollowRedirect.go
- SetFollowSourceProtocol.go
- SetGzip.go
- SetHttpHeader.go
- SetHttpType.go
- SetIgnoreQueryString.go
- SetIpBlackList.go
- SetLiveDomainAccessKey.go
- SetLiveDomainBackSource.go
- SetLiveDomainBackSourceHost.go
- SetLiveDomainIpBlackList.go
- SetLiveDomainRefer.go
- SetMonitor.go
- SetNetProtectionRules.go
- SetNetProtectionRulesSwitch.go
- SetOnlineBillingType.go
- SetProtocolConvert.go
- SetRange.go
- SetRefer.go
- SetRefreshLimit.go
- SetSource.go
- SetSourceAuthConfig.go
- SetUserAgentConfig.go
- SetVideoDraft.go
- SetWafBlackRuleSwitch.go
- SetWafSwitch.go
- SetWafWhiteRuleSwitch.go
- SetWebProtectSwitch.go
- SpeedLimit.go
- StartDomain.go
- StopDomain.go
- StopMonitor.go
- StopPrefetchTask.go
- UpdateCCProtectRule.go
- UpdateCacheRule.go
- UpdateDomainGroup.go
- UpdatePrefetchTask.go
- UpdateWafBlackRule.go
- UpdateWafWhiteRule.go
- UpdateWebProtectSettings.go
- UploadCert.go
- WafQueryAttackDetails.go
- WafQueryPv.go
- WafQueryPvForAreaAndIp.go