
v0.0.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 14, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ATA_OP_DSM                      = OpCode(0x06) // Data Set Management (TRIM)
	ATA_OP_READ_PIO                 = OpCode(0x20)
	ATA_OP_READ_PIO_ONCE            = OpCode(0x21)
	ATA_OP_READ_LONG                = OpCode(0x22)
	ATA_OP_READ_LONG_ONCE           = OpCode(0x23)
	ATA_OP_READ_PIO_EXT             = OpCode(0x24)
	ATA_OP_READ_DMA_EXT             = OpCode(0x25)
	ATA_OP_READ_LOG_EXT             = OpCode(0x2f)
	ATA_OP_READ_FPDMA               = OpCode(0x60) // NCQ
	ATA_OP_WRITE_PIO                = OpCode(0x30)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_LONG               = OpCode(0x32)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_LONG_ONCE          = OpCode(0x33)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_PIO_EXT            = OpCode(0x34)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_DMA_EXT            = OpCode(0x35)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_FPDMA              = OpCode(0x61) // NCQ
	ATA_OP_READ_VERIFY              = OpCode(0x40)
	ATA_OP_READ_VERIFY_ONCE         = OpCode(0x41)
	ATA_OP_READ_VERIFY_EXT          = OpCode(0x42)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_UNC_EXT            = OpCode(0x45) // lba48, no data, uses feat reg
	ATA_OP_FORMAT_TRACK             = OpCode(0x50)
	ATA_OP_TRUSTED_RECV             = OpCode(0x5c)
	ATA_OP_TRUSTED_RECV_DMA         = OpCode(0x5d)
	ATA_OP_TRUSTED_SEND             = OpCode(0x5e)
	ATA_OP_TRUSTED_SEND_DMA         = OpCode(0x5f)
	ATA_OP_STANDBYNOW2              = OpCode(0x94)
	ATA_OP_CHECKPOWERMODE2          = OpCode(0x98)
	ATA_OP_SLEEPNOW2                = OpCode(0x99)
	ATA_OP_PIDENTIFY                = OpCode(0xa1)
	ATA_OP_READ_NATIVE_MAX          = OpCode(0xf8)
	ATA_OP_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT      = OpCode(0x27)
	ATA_OP_GET_NATIVE_MAX_EXT       = OpCode(0x78)
	ATA_OP_SMART                    = OpCode(0xb0)
	ATA_OP_DCO                      = OpCode(0xb1)
	ATA_OP_SANITIZE                 = OpCode(0xb4)
	ATA_OP_ERASE_SECTORS            = OpCode(0xc0)
	ATA_OP_READ_DMA                 = OpCode(0xc8)
	ATA_OP_WRITE_DMA                = OpCode(0xca)
	ATA_OP_DOORLOCK                 = OpCode(0xde)
	ATA_OP_DOORUNLOCK               = OpCode(0xdf)
	ATA_OP_STANDBYNOW1              = OpCode(0xe0)
	ATA_OP_IDLEIMMEDIATE            = OpCode(0xe1)
	ATA_OP_SETIDLE                  = OpCode(0xe3)
	ATA_OP_SET_MAX                  = OpCode(0xf9)
	ATA_OP_SET_MAX_EXT              = OpCode(0x37)
	ATA_OP_SET_MULTIPLE             = OpCode(0xc6)
	ATA_OP_CHECKPOWERMODE1          = OpCode(0xe5)
	ATA_OP_SLEEPNOW1                = OpCode(0xe6)
	ATA_OP_FLUSHCACHE               = OpCode(0xe7)
	ATA_OP_FLUSHCACHE_EXT           = OpCode(0xea)
	ATA_OP_IDENTIFY                 = OpCode(0xec)
	ATA_OP_SETFEATURES              = OpCode(0xef)
	ATA_OP_SECURITY_SET_PASS        = OpCode(0xf1)
	ATA_OP_SECURITY_UNLOCK          = OpCode(0xf2)
	ATA_OP_SECURITY_DISABLE         = OpCode(0xf6)
	ATA_OP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_0x80     = OpCode(0x80)
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const (
	ATA_USING_LBA = (1 << 6)
	ATA_STAT_DRQ  = (1 << 3)
	ATA_STAT_ERR  = (1 << 0)

* Some useful ATA register bits

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const (
	RW_READ     = 0
	RW_WRITE    = 1
	LBA28_OK    = 0
	LBA48_FORCE = 1

* Useful parameters for initHdioTaskfile():

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const (
	SMART_FEAT_READ_LOG                  = 0xd5
	SMART_FEAT_WRITE_LOG                 = 0xd6
	SMART_FEAT_RETURN_STATUS             = 0xda


  • Working Draft ATA Command Set - 4 (ACS-4)
  • 7.44 SMART Table 133 - FEATURE field values *
  • SFF-8035R2
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const (
	SMART_LBA_LOW  = 0x4f
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const (
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const (
	SANITIZE_STATUS_EXT          uint16 = 0x0000
	SANITIZE_BLOCK_ERASE_EXT     uint16 = 0x0012
	SANITIZE_OVERWRITE_EXT       uint16 = 0x0014
	SANITIZE_FREEZE_LOCK_EXT     uint16 = 0x0020

* Sanitize Device FEATURE field values

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const (
	SANITIZE_FREEZE_LOCK_KEY     uint32 = 0x46724C6B /* "FrLk" */
	SANITIZE_ANTIFREEZE_LOCK_KEY uint32 = 0x416E7469 /* "Anti" */
	SANITIZE_CRYPTO_SCRAMBLE_KEY uint32 = 0x43727970 /* "Cryp" */
	SANITIZE_BLOCK_ERASE_KEY     uint32 = 0x426B4572 /* "BkEr" */
	SANITIZE_OVERWRITE_KEY       uint32 = 0x00004F57 /* "OW"   */

* Sanitize commands keys

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const (

* Sanitize outputs flags

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const (


This section is empty.


func FixAtaStringOrder

func FixAtaStringOrder(data []byte, trimRight bool) []byte

func IsDma

func IsDma(op OpCode) bool

func IsNeedsLba48

func IsNeedsLba48(op OpCode, lba uint64, nsect uint) bool

func TfInit

func TfInit(tf Tf, op OpCode, lba uint64, nsect uint)


type IdentityAdditionalSupported

type IdentityAdditionalSupported struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityBlockAlignment

type IdentityBlockAlignment struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityCapabilities

type IdentityCapabilities struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`
	B uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityCfgPowerMode1

type IdentityCfgPowerMode1 struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityCommandSetActive

type IdentityCommandSetActive struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`
	B uint16 `struc:"uint16"`
	C uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

func (*IdentityCommandSetActive) GetSmartCommands

func (p *IdentityCommandSetActive) GetSmartCommands() bool

type IdentityCommandSetActiveExt

type IdentityCommandSetActiveExt struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityCommandSetSupport

type IdentityCommandSetSupport struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`
	B uint16 `struc:"uint16"`
	C uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

func (*IdentityCommandSetSupport) GetSmartCommands

func (p *IdentityCommandSetSupport) GetSmartCommands() bool

type IdentityCommandSetSupportExt

type IdentityCommandSetSupportExt struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityCommandSupportActiveExt

type IdentityCommandSupportActiveExt struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityDataSetManagementFeature

type IdentityDataSetManagementFeature struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

func (*IdentityDataSetManagementFeature) GetTrim

type IdentityDeviceData

type IdentityDeviceData struct {
	GeneralConfiguration  IdentityGeneralConfiguration
	NumCylinders          uint16    `struc:"uint16"` // word 1 obsolete
	SpecificConfiguration uint16    `struc:"uint16"` // word 2
	NumHeads              uint16    `struc:"uint16"` // word 3 obsolete
	Retired1              [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"`
	NumSectorsPerTrack    uint16    `struc:"uint16"` // word 6 obsolete
	VendorUnique1         [3]uint16 `struc:"[3]uint16"`
	SerialNumber          [20]uint8 `struc:"[20]uint8"` // word 10-19
	Retired2              [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"`
	Obsolete1             uint16    `struc:"uint16"`
	FirmwareRevision      [8]uint8  `struc:"[8]uint8"`  // word 23-26
	ModelNumber           [40]uint8 `struc:"[40]uint8"` // word 27-46
	MaximumBlockTransfer  uint8     `struc:"uint8"`     // word 47. 01h-10h = Maximum number of sectors that shall be transferred per interrupt on READ/WRITE MULTIPLE commands
	VendorUnique2         uint8     `struc:"uint8"`

	TrustComputing IdentityTrustedComputing // word 48

	Capabilities IdentityCapabilities // word 49-50

	ObsoleteWords51 [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"`

	Word53 IdentityWord53

	NumberOfCurrentCylinders uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 54 obsolete
	NumberOfCurrentHeads     uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 55 obsolete
	CurrentSectorsPerTrack   uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 56 obsolete
	CurrentSectorCapacity    uint32 `struc:"uint32"` // word 57 word 58 obsolete

	Word59 IdentityWord59

	UserAddressableSectors uint32 `struc:"uint32"` // word 60-61 for 28-bit commands

	ObsoleteWord62 uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

	MultiWordDmaSupport uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // word 63
	MultiWordDmaActive  uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

	AdvancedPioModes uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // word 64. bit 0:1 - PIO mode supported
	ReservedByte64   uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

	MinimumMwxferCycleTime     uint16                      `struc:"uint16"` // word 65
	RecommendedMwxferCycleTime uint16                      `struc:"uint16"` // word 66
	MinimumPioCycleTime        uint16                      `struc:"uint16"` // word 67
	MinimumPioCycleTimeIordy   uint16                      `struc:"uint16"` // word 68
	AdditionalSupported        IdentityAdditionalSupported // word 69

	ReservedWords70 [5]uint16 `struc:"[5]uint16"` // word 70 - reserved

	Word75 IdentityWord75

	SerialAtaCapabilities IdentitySerialAtaCapabilities

	// Word 78
	SerialAtaFeaturesSupported IdentitySerialAtaFeaturesSupported

	// Word 79
	SerialAtaFeaturesEnabled IdentitySerialAtaFeaturesEnabled
	MajorRevision            uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 80. bit 5 - supports ATA5; bit 6 - supports ATA6; bit 7 - supports ATA7; bit 8 - supports ATA8-ACS; bit 9 - supports ACS-2;
	MinorRevision            uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 81. T13 minior version number

	CommandSetSupport IdentityCommandSetSupport
	CommandSetActive  IdentityCommandSetActive

	UltraDmaSupport uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // word 88. bit 0 - UDMA mode 0 is supported ... bit 6 - UDMA mode 6 and below are supported
	UltraDmaActive  uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // word 88. bit 8 - UDMA mode 0 is selected ... bit 14 - UDMA mode 6 is selected

	NormalSecurityEraseUnit IdentityNormalSecurityEraseUnit // word 89

	EnhancedSecurityEraseUnit IdentityEnhancedSecurityEraseUnit // word 90

	CurrentApmLevel uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // word 91
	ReservedWord91  uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

	MasterPasswordId uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 92. Master Password Identifier

	HardwareResetResult uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 93

	CurrentAcousticValue     uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // word 94. obsolete
	RecommendedAcousticValue uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

	StreamMinRequestSize         uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 95
	StreamingTransferTimeDma     uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 96
	StreamingAccessLatencyDmaPio uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 97
	StreamingPerfGranularity     uint32 `struc:"uint32"` // word 98 99

	Max48bitLba [2]uint32 `struc:"[2]uint32"` // word 100-103

	StreamingTransferTime uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 104. Streaming Transfer Time - PIO

	DsmCap uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // word 105

	PhysicalLogicalSectorSize IdentityPhysicalLogicalSectorSize // word 106

	InterSeekDelay                uint16    `struc:"uint16"`    //word 107.     Inter-seek delay for ISO 7779 standard acoustic testing
	WorldWideName                 [4]uint16 `struc:"[4]uint16"` //words 108-111
	ReservedForWorldWideName128   [4]uint16 `struc:"[4]uint16"` //words 112-115
	ReservedForTlcTechnicalReport uint16    `struc:"uint16"`    //word 116
	WordsPerLogicalSector         [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"` //words 117-118 Logical sector size (DWord)

	CommandSetSupportExt IdentityCommandSetSupportExt //word 119
	CommandSetActiveExt  IdentityCommandSetActiveExt  //word 120

	ReservedForExpandedSupportandActive [6]uint16 `struc:"[6]uint16"`

	Word127 IdentityWord127

	SecurityStatus IdentitySecurityStatus

	ReservedWord129 [31]uint16 `struc:"[31]uint16"` //word 129...159. Vendor specific

	CfaPowerMode1         IdentityCfgPowerMode1
	ReservedForCfaWord161 [7]uint16 `struc:"[7]uint16"` //Words 161-167

	Word168                  IdentityWord168 //Word 168
	DataSetManagementFeature IdentityDataSetManagementFeature

	AdditionalProductID [4]uint16 `struc:"[4]uint16"` //Words 170-173

	ReservedForCfaWord174 [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"` //Words 174-175

	CurrentMediaSerialNumber [30]uint16 `struc:"[30]uint16"` //Words 176-205

	SctCommandTransport IdentitySctSommandTransport //Words 206
	ReservedWord207     [2]uint16                   `struc:"[2]uint16"` //Words 207-208

	BlockAlignment IdentityBlockAlignment //Word 209

	WriteReadVerifySectorCountMode3Only [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"` //Words 210-211
	WriteReadVerifySectorCountMode2Only [2]uint16 `struc:"[2]uint16"` //Words 212-213

	NvCacheCapabilities IdentityNvCacheCapabilities //Word 214. obsolete
	NvCacheSizeLSW      uint16                      `struc:"uint16"` //Word 215. obsolete
	NvCacheSizeMSW      uint16                      `struc:"uint16"` //Word 216. obsolete

	NominalMediaRotationRate uint16 `struc:"uint16"` //Word 217; value 0001h means non-rotating media.

	ReservedWord218 uint16 `struc:"uint16"` //Word 218

	NvCacheOptions IdentityNvCacheOptions //Word 219. obsolete

	WriteReadVerifySectorCountMode uint8 `struc:"uint8"` //Word 220. Write-Read-Verify feature set current mode
	ReservedWord220                uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

	ReservedWord221 uint16 `struc:"uint16"` //Word 221

	TransportMajorVersion IdentityTransportMajorVersion //Word 222 Transport major version number
	TransportMinorVersion uint16                        `struc:"uint16"` // Word 223

	ReservedWord224 [6]uint16 `struc:"[6]uint16"` // Word 224...229

	ExtendedNumberOfUserAddressableSectors [2]uint32 `struc:"[2]uint32"` // Words 230...233 Extended Number of User Addressable Sectors

	MinBlocksPerDownloadMicrocodeMode03 uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // Word 234 Minimum number of 512-byte data blocks per Download Microcode mode 03h operation
	MaxBlocksPerDownloadMicrocodeMode03 uint16 `struc:"uint16"` // Word 235 Maximum number of 512-byte data blocks per Download Microcode mode 03h operation

	ReservedWord236 [19]uint16 `struc:"[19]uint16"` // Word 236...254

	Signature uint8 `struc:"uint8"` //Word 255
	CheckSum  uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

type IdentityEnhancedSecurityEraseUnit

type IdentityEnhancedSecurityEraseUnit struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityGeneralConfiguration

type IdentityGeneralConfiguration struct {
	//    uint16T reserved1 : 1;
	//    uint16T retired3 : 1;
	//    uint16T responseIncomplete : 1;
	//    uint16T retired2 : 3;
	//    uint16T fixedDevice : 1;   // obsolete
	//    uint16T removableMedia : 1;// obsolete
	//    uint16T retired1 : 7;
	//    uint16T deviceType : 1;
	A uint8 `struc:"uint8"`
	B uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

type IdentityNormalSecurityEraseUnit

type IdentityNormalSecurityEraseUnit struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityNvCacheCapabilities

type IdentityNvCacheCapabilities struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityNvCacheOptions

type IdentityNvCacheOptions struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityPhysicalLogicalSectorSize

type IdentityPhysicalLogicalSectorSize struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentitySctSommandTransport

type IdentitySctSommandTransport struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentitySecurityStatus

type IdentitySecurityStatus struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentitySerialAtaCapabilities

type IdentitySerialAtaCapabilities struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`
	B uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentitySerialAtaFeaturesEnabled

type IdentitySerialAtaFeaturesEnabled struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentitySerialAtaFeaturesSupported

type IdentitySerialAtaFeaturesSupported struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityTransportMajorVersion

type IdentityTransportMajorVersion struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityTrustedComputing

type IdentityTrustedComputing struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityWord127

type IdentityWord127 struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityWord168

type IdentityWord168 struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type IdentityWord53

type IdentityWord53 struct {
	A                          uint8 `struc:"uint8"`
	FreeFallControlSensitivity uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

type IdentityWord59

type IdentityWord59 struct {
	CurrentMultiSectorSetting uint8 `struc:"uint8"`
	B                         uint8 `struc:"uint8"`

type IdentityWord75

type IdentityWord75 struct {
	A uint16 `struc:"uint16"`

type LbaRegs

type LbaRegs struct {
	Feat  uint8 `struc:"uint8"`
	Nsect uint8 `struc:"uint8"`
	Lbal  uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // 16bit able with hob
	Lbam  uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // 16bit able with hob
	Lbah  uint8 `struc:"uint8"` // 16bit able with hob

* Definitions and structures for use with SGIO + ATA16:

type OpCode

type OpCode uint8

type SmartAttribute

type SmartAttribute struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


type SmartAttributeThreshold

type SmartAttributeThreshold struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type SmartAttributeThresholds

type SmartAttributeThresholds struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


  • ATA8-ACS
  • Table 49 — Device SMART data structure *
  • SFF-8035R2 Table 3

type SmartAttributeValues

type SmartAttributeValues struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


  • ATA8-ACS
  • Table 49 — Device SMART data structure *
  • SFF-8035R2

type Tf

type Tf struct {
	Dev     uint8  `struc:"uint8"`
	Command OpCode `struc:"uint8"`
	Error   uint8  `struc:"uint8"`
	Status  uint8  `struc:"uint8"`
	IsLba48 uint8  `struc:"uint8"`
	Lob     LbaRegs
	Hob     LbaRegs

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