A go based implementation of jasonsnider.com, for the sake of learning Go.
Getting stated
Local Development
Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:jasonsnider/com.jasonsnider.go.git
cd com.jasonsnider.go
Start the containers in the required environmnet production|development
docker compose --profile development up -d
docker compose --profile production up -d
Stop the containers
docker compose --profile development down --remove-orphans
docker compose --profile production down --remove-orphans
Start the server
go run server.go -mode=server
Hash a password
go run server.go -mode=hash -password="<password>"
Compare plain-text to a hash
go run server.go -mode=check -password="<password>" -hashvalue="<hash>"
Production Launch
Login into the host machine and clone the project
cd com.jasonsnider.go
cp .env.dist .env
vim .env
Load the SSL certs into the private directory.
docker compose --profile production up -d
Test the DB connection
Load the default data.
private directory
- private
- ssl
- fullchain.pem
- privkey.pem